-.3 - O . " . - .... vol xxm ' . o Sunday School at 9:30 A. If. Gao. & Baku, Rapt. Preaching at 11 A. bL, and 7 S3 P. K. -.very Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday alghV -Ik 8, Ma&sst. Pastor.. BAPTIST." t 8 unday School at 9 :80 A3L i Preaching at 11'A.M.., and rrerv Sunday. - Prayer mating Thursday night.- -H. H. MaaHBUsiri. Pastor. AYISOOPAI, Sunday School at 9:30. 'Wit ti. .Rorns. Sapi. ciorvioea, morning ..and might ,o lit. 3rd and 4th Bandars. Uvnning Prayer, Fritay afternoon; Bay. John IjohdojTj Ksstor. PRBSBTTKBUa.: V Service 4th unday in eeeh mouth- s morning and night. .: - r; - ,' - . Paetor . L0DGX8." - Loaisbnrg Lodge, No. 413 : A. eV ft A. M., meets 1st and -3rd Tuesday iighu in each month. ' x lxo tfe8onal oajdsi. JJ K . FREDERICK K, COOK,' J JJg PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LoaUburg, NC. ce witn Or, ATH. Fleming. Hoars: M t, m. to 18 n.. 5 p. m, to S p. m. 8peil hours by appointment, jjK ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOD18BORO, . - N. C. tlce Dver 1 o r. The Qreen t Yarboro Oo,' I R. J. K MALONB, ..TICINQ PHT8IGIAN AND SUBQBOH. LocisBuae. tt. 0. oTer Ayoocke Orng Company. Jjlt. J, J, MANN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, LOUISBUBO, n. 0. i) fi'-e over Aycocke Drag Uo.'a drug store J 8. P. BURT, t A. TICINQ PHYSICIAN AJTD SUBaBON. Louisbarg, N. C. Ofllce ia the rear ot Boddie, Bobbitt A o.'h Dran Store, on Nash street. ' ' 1) H- B. T. TARBOKunOH, PHT8ICIAN AND StTBQBOir. LomRsnxa, N. C. ' un 8nd floor Neal bolldlag, pkone tgat eslla .answer) from T. W. BlckS residence, phone 74. . . aBT L. H. ALLRED. ATTORNET AT LAW, WU1 practice in ail the Coorta. toongsTUle, H. C O&ea to J M. MArtHBNBHRJ, ATTORNIT AT LAW Lovraauae, vm practice in ail the Coorta of the stale Office n Co art House. ' yM. W. BODDIE, ATTORNET-AT LAW, Louisbueo, N. C. , Office over Boddie, Bobbitt tore. HA I WUUU rtLJJ X LW, ATTORNar-AT-LAW, - booisBOM, a. a. - J wm practice In aU the Coorta of Fvankna aid adjoining coon ties, also la the Bapeeaao ourt, and in the Unlte4 Btatea IMatrteC and IrruU Coorta. omoe in uooper and Clifton Batttttag. ; Y H08. B. WTLSbA . V ATTORNar-AT-LAW, Louutauae, x. o. o ace on Main street, oyer Jones fc Ouuysi's tora. - ' F. S. SPRUILL. ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, LonaBUBo.a. C . Will attend the courts Of Vance, JranvlUrt. Wuran and. Waka coont Hapretae Court of Norths CareQaa, 'rompt attention given to eoUeettona, j -1 office over Kjrefton's Store. J W. BICKBTT, " ' ; VTTORN1T AND COUBSkXLOS AT LAW. LotrasBtrae a, ' '. Prompt and painstaking attention given to ueiera to unlet jnsuoeBnepBBra, nnnK Manning, Hon. Bobt W. Winston, Boa. Butaa. Praa. Pint- Matlonai BaaS tA ton, Olena fe aUnly, Winston, reoylas f Monroe, Chaa. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake at Collage, Hon. X. WTtmberlake. . , ufflee over Neal ft Ca'a Store. .. w. ht. PARSON, ATTOBmr AWAW, bovnnnne, iZ$g-i rraetteas in all eosirta. Omoe on Mala street. , - -V yy H T ARBOBOTJQH, JB. ; 7 , ATI ORNET AT LA. LOUIHBTJRa. m. a omoe in Opera House bunding. Court street All Iniral hnsmeaa fntrasteof to hia ill receive prompt and carefal attention. y F. HODCK, CONTRACTOR Airo BTJILDEB, LOUIflBrmOt..HV:.JJ?;f?i:,t Trading agent tor eu Mods of aaiiaiBg mat f or an amas ox iwum Hai-pUea. ArftsUe Manttea and XUea.,Opraa itaral DesUnaBahnUtted :- Good aeeomodation for tba. travellag abllo. Good UverT Attaaba MASSENBUEG HOTEL":;' J P MaAaenburs FMpr tiEIaJJ nu 1 cut, ., Oood acoonunodaUoai. Good farat re -m'eitet "e?.fl o-. vf .ZL .Mn J. " stea of, fonderin tut tair; heaeft dots aot srprsr t hats ba say i TfKWs flrrttoaugoral Thomas Jet- tor;7 T- tional fight whaurw oa hU '1 S dclarea;oD oi he tenets. f-Ki . ' 1 Ctovctead'a 'tsM U was sUsrty s aeiHiescnce 4n th; decision i V v Tiasv mniADm sa wa a . inZ. ' MWV,w.T-Ilvawn naTesa npou thsj hench t J Monng caU. Tnls was CMUTy c UDUestrm-,hkAvthsr is no Ippesa t tlSTiprnjoort of tharnlt T.t VouatratMT th- fart tfca it JSStSKSSiS1 'Pf111- UnSodjwrXa . Uw grf .cn aJd I lsaialmliraeoti hava-aat mnHh mfM I the, Prwnf writing paorah Ut, fctaUjprw'iotts f aod jert U harsn t anything slse thy can d axvi ot msllr; eottrt. Sararal of tnami ceor tcamesjUtdftciBtottiBi lh i?08- tT?111?"0 J pueu uinwuieiawM wataga ruwiwjB(.Hi paHU'i tnat . Ukt 1 ffhojimwai.fnow ratdinf .tntnrti for. bat tt rememteraa jrad that.in 1876 Samnel J. Til- jBIete4,raenf,by.d ijoritjr 1 tba electoral college tn majority Minora than a den ;fwaa aome majority and by .a majority ,f,rnore than a I Hww i 1 wuiioB oir e popBigr tows,- I Unhappy Boakayaa; . A t appear that there ia happiness enough ovec jthe.recept Viejoryi to gOtaandJrtkranhv od Ardfntdealrad to siuvnir cue neoiiBuciB miMnin. atr i- Admiral chley saJ4,nf the.gloryjof; hiaJ .40 J31 .Spraguew waa as arabi grcataea flghf, hutinfferthejess dl"aoa for Ji&eln that regard aa ba;Waa notwithstanding Jthera r two! Ttn4. Tf himself. -h thought. rin or yestatesmen wSfire' in an ugly I fYm or mimi rniittaHn9 MvanM I ntterly obUTioua of the eopiouaetreams of bliss now exhilarating the masses,! Uie G.b: P. ThesT unappent are no lem txrsnn.irM th.n OAvarrtnr Myron T. Herrjel, awf United States . . T " I Senator Joseph Benson Foraker. They hare blood in their eyes and political murder in their hearts. Both 'want to be president in the sweet by and by. All Ohio statesmen of all parties In dulge and luxuriate in that gorgeoua dream. Bat Herrtck, in order to haye even a ghoat of a show to reach the .White House, must bo re-elected governor, a thing which Joseph Benson does not propose shall happen not if he can prevent it, and he thinks he can. Con sequently he has set op Lieutenant Governor Harding aa a rival to Gov ernor. Herrtck, a performance which the latter naturally and bitterly re BentAT His followers," or more properly speaking, hia, retainers, in Xhio, eape. .ciaHy.:ln, :bia home Jdty . of . Cleveland, are so incensed by the senator's oppo sition to their .chief that just before -thavcampalgn.,loaed wheaEoraker dertook td-opeak at a great open air meeting in Cevelar they put him down and -out y ahontlng",- yelling, blowing horns and. other unseemly ca pers, to the utter.jJiagust of Foraker ir-sr,; r: r" rif ter wan war jtd i.th death, v between them. Uore poarer to their.armsli'.in the meautimooaCharasip ior United Statea ,;aena4or.aiKr njor general of the Bqckeye JiatJopaL guard, naay Uneq np.again.sx nia wieagne u i . , atoriafctpga tbat ho nnd Herrtck .M hi b r-aidnerr ten teeo. of. Uncle: Hark'S, poliiical eatAtfc No doobt hela jealoua ofjqrakar and would not only like ta keep JjUm out'of jthe? -presidency, bn'tywould also be de lighted to supplant him in the senate with gulej;inspictV)noiman. xttOs not among the probabilitiea, howjre,4iat Hon. jSrUliam, fl,!Taft, aacretarjjOf war, 'fjwtprgoitoXjC4i.Jj JtboPhll- ippnes,-, will alt Ml. Xj and see. an inconspicuous" person go to the senate from Ohio, vice Foraker. and he "la not Interested la keeping 4, foraker In the limelizht, aa it la generally underatood that he has preslden.'apiratlona of hia own. : - !. ir f. , - The. chances aretherefora thartho Herrick-Dick gang will be compelled to make Taft the, beneHciary of ;thair war-ron draker 'and that Ztitt 1 will gladly; accept ithelr- auccor. unless,' la-, deedj it turns out that Presldeat Booee relt intends to appoint ,Taft chief; Jus tice of theUnited Stotes: upon, the re-, tirement ,pf , Melville, :W. ullerwhd has served -long enough and ia ,old enough to retire on f gjl pay Of all the BepubJtea; Geer i; Taft 'seems to 7,1- Ihtanfhln alb pears to be greased for nun. lie was a jeaerai circuit juu6. vww. . nice, comrorx- Wfc-onoraWelifeceiInennew;Wr.vji They. hlntetaaet,they aa - drafteditoto-the Philippine; governor, -a-AA a aa, gM .aA Ma.A' ataW I "to.tne orienr rtow.no. Wjcra war wi TOf icnBy 3uauiy,r la not past his prime. He ia ambitious, as who Is not? Altogether nla chancea of e'da"sittinaT in the White House ere aa cood aa any BepubUcan'a in the aelf as well to hia Panama mission as tlgo gretly for arerybody-knows that necUd in'Asiane vpu uKnaw"" . (.' WrrtiMlfllDOWl that the Ventutal Ifi t whicJi he la now embark- ad on .the isthmua is a mauer .oi mwat AmMmA Tt win broof noalttre Of tno u;i..v -f M bt ""? omerito re&rd-ua .with auspicioii ln .-r2:T-; i-"- 9f'T---".i f--V t &uuwjiy yvrr,r vnn a.tL- tkur., atomacn,. oeicuing, g on stomach and all disorders , that are onreableraW instantly ;ll Stomrale I i. n i. j J.. .ti nn!tKl nrXl7 a tAo rnVirr kW?1?.!? lTERtZSX t'J.fWiJf!aj;.uwj" ,. ", " - I JOOBOOO, ISO LWSHmiM cuouin IW I ftT-i. . tV- ;- (Talatmiinnf IUmu. i flu W4lnn hi 7l . .. - I tHXSA a4 bftO SCWa I surbcaMCHle ho waa a ehiht tJalnrtiUr b WaaiT' iini varrrimii uvuuibi s- aw . a araax afwca - a w va - aaaaa i waaw -w -w w aw w amaaawauaa, rrw aeewtioTTnw en sr aa aaw w , inaa - - I mandlnianaiiis maiiners grac He J iabout the bosh that the patient 14 sfrlrf tklhmr had been aa tomato of t I - niin&t ha nnciinM ins cmei I i- jut oi uir c I 4.HMuittw nf tho United States.. Clear-1 Tout ox-inoiout-st m oam sou wow , rr rirefJUnM'lWTt been cast LXonajwittt a.Tasuyon repmaf wad. tOiii.ii-.i:tii.i'-s Tf h. anntifta him. I ,tDi.lTuiiiJiHj IS. UOUi AI liiiaia Umi I .v a,,..- - r in. pjenaaiifc jnw - " . . u ---r-, -t-; . . r" , , . I um wwhuk v a by WommendinS K i . w". T fXww 1,. ,T-r A rartaln com for biUious. I a bottle ol Chaxnborlain'a Coorh lmf-1 D7fTr J, .w?itf. - 'rtiaHon. ete. i Small Mlreasy dy and thlathey did and brcucht .boot ye. rs pi ex. . .JL"lAi i'J. ts toVa aaie to act. old WATCoeke J a-nkk relief end cum! the baby." ThU Democrats Undiunartd r 3T DeTaathWjRepub -? v Ueana Jnhnppy-Judf 4 t Presidential rTlmbrV- Doctor Disagree . Jr ' ITirsti andfteat -miar rst ina and I a. a . rvIrntJr:'iJatrsd-;to; bscMna-c-1 yPf ths VThit Bmma .t'tor ".'.yun; pi ffsfl rftf f ",auj?reffla,frt of tTnlted Stataa. 'waa for years a otad for in national .nominating con- TlM,bt.h cOdi nTf;aair a f?Ina,nt. caOdinTfaaaeia I w. -oaiinon aruanai wa-goanwc ar'Wuov senator I ot tho TJnitad. fiUtea. aacraUrr of the I treasury and' chief Jostles of th f ad-1 l;conitnartdinr prssenca; a statesman of o.uui. u iiunnn hi ram. thst Prdrt'lJncola Appoint, ea nun to tM ctuef luaaceohlD In or. der t'helvo hlni.aa aptWeatJol cant ?ld1.t01iet 001 WB w' I lW4.6we ttstJ toayi b,' oho surprvMu eenaror unaxiaa jroia- War 'whrt liwt -ha 1it w-t... -. I in arranging the appointment, by shah. lag her Index Anger under his digninsd proboscis snd soundly berating for his. part in the transaction. iCr. Chase did not relinquish hia presiden tial amDiaon in nia capacity aa chief juatice, bnt sought 'th: chief " bis gls tracy of the republic till fho day of his death: He went to hie graro bltterty dis appointed. Da rid DaYla ef IlUnoIl, Lin coln's bosom friend, resigned a aeat upon the supremo bench to accept a United States senatorahip, hoping thereby to reach the executtre manaion, on which his heart snd hopes had loot been set. He, too, failed to realise the dream of his life. Stephen J. Field was a mem ber -of tbo isnpromo -eourt-Jongor,than any other man. For at least a score of years he aonght Xf presidenrr, only w Judge' Alton" B. -Parxer 1a the only judge in. actual serrico eter nesnnatad liya? great party for- the presidency, I and, aa all the world knowa, ho did not : succeed in breaking the hoodoo which aiTaWhsl1aBl tt Ka traAlsV TarJmfafal of trah JudldarijraidtisJcsnlVdatea. U 1 w piw fTea comet, Stephen tngUa-Jodga, a. .-W.rirVr Vaiii-ws. th- rv judge ever nominated by a great party ! for the presidency, and bo went down to defeat It la hardly probable that jodgT ParkerV defeat wili kill the aspirations of all other judges for the aav" wioar aw un 'JIif Tentions for some' time ta come from ' nominating an occupana ofttsabench. That judiciaj . dnties unlit a man to discharge executive duties. If he pos sesses the executive faculty, la a thing Incredible, but somehow the people are not enamored ef .the idea of making a president out of a lodge, and rag popuU, vox DeL ' Contradletery "When octoraisagTsar aaoet- ami-' aent political pbyaiciana what ara the real oi us poor murxmia mmi 1 i-rr. n u liam vSU JgftL ;ecretAry. fwax, ia "a g - gv, - - m Jtolrl xum uawKu cuaa vi biii "j Tsftiiackawsrteglto4ioua, of the topnotcher. in the Republican Colkga contemi4Ate4 raqtffat H copftraa UVtj coniraatciB cae iaie prwow im man ta a that other .eminent ,Bepabncea heaier. Dr. Leslie U.- Shaw, Jato governor of itawa. now aaeretarr of the treasury. and of that superemlnent BepubUcan physician. Dr. John'ILty. They undea- took to make people belleva, and, aad to relAta,fppearito ata suoceeded only, toor well, ta their -uoderUktatvt that It really coeta less ta ttva now than , ;uaia pfionuv V-Bvy yi vm v u i ' veL iavi rna KannrutMnai oi rnas inra !JM it v -A1 W. aW a aaf a -i w j'erted-rthst:all ataUmtat ag te: the I . a. w. saw a J a -aW Brpuoucaaa ot AtiaseactA. ap- npNewMnaui t wwkt TVln jxney.naa uwr say oaioro w awcuvu, I jand prescribes nvore "raoncy aa a retae- I jdy- See? ?-lc I ;'K .""L."' A Peefitiai peeeibutty Democratic wreck and I i tMong,ia,ma. .-- - 7". I I by "20.000 lnOtjrltEtandlng!ieftCtl I bT-OOO - "ffJ - jthat Colonel Braevelt carried the phivb ;dj,; - -'. I ajougiasjnay pox ourensvuauiy mwi taous."- Tbat OovernoiuDouglaa tnust I iMm,Airmj, mTnnnr tha ffraaldantlst I r" r"- . " poaslbnitiea ; la specially'1 true ; when Ghamberlalns Stomach and liver tab lets are becoming a favorite for stomach 1 AcrcockaDrneCo. i i - . . - - - 5 i; T- If . - .V - ; , .r ; Vf tXwgb Medy- v - ItrVArthnr Cbar wrlUag rfroa 1. I . . t i .- r - - 0000 .- - -. "Sr-BikHn- aves" and rosy cheeks i awwaaa.Ma iu uifta a -I rti sa w u rTittssi n sbn a am m -iner rraraas awn ttt' antral i ft Is conaiderd that vhat !td htfflr was nis poaittoo on toe labor and tar.I QneaUona." - Qrorcr ClrrUa4 aaus log majority, ta 1SS2 tor gorarsor of New Tarfc. made kUa innubty tba Dvmocratlc presidentUl not& . ia JS84 and was the ena of his lrtra. Whyahoold not th axoaatng tnajrty t Gorer&or' Douglas bring tba aaxa -thcireuoiatncaof tha tws Ui ' Douglas majority tr tsora Yrtaafl' than tha CleTeU&d majority, tor ia tb latter caaa deraUturs majority waa An solely to tht tact that th CUtca. or "raaUMracad; BrobUcaaa katrd th ftapabUcaa eandkUta, Jodg ro gar, whtts In tha DoogUs Ur him his jhoonjial Tictorr lai ftoi & - . . naJotit f or gortrnor Sra rrw ooo hM HM at. m. w prMldint to .Tart sUt um srilttta art U0OCX U tha r4 cf traor Dsoglas i maWttr was Uwl o priadpteA wGch tr tadtrteg. Tnr nt on makt hlai a graal national tg tobt mkooad wiU In ttaratiB, mtfc pwsi om way MUliAilUC I Tietory )a 1908. Talk ahot fctVM I surprise! Thar was nothing ala that happaiMd thia year aaltTth Door laa snrprte. IUa poaltioa an UVor gad the UrUT Is a3 th mora raoaxtabis the UrUT Is'att th mora ft OAtable I when It Is retnBbrr4 thai be is oa of the Umt m.nsf. (B UnA inti,(.jr a rLnMMw,mM.. L. Douataa of th old Ra ffft. CrvmpoehaHe!. No dooht CoogTiasriiaa Oraaparksr of Indiana feela happy aa a dsn at high tide. TVs BepobUcaa.lnAjeU7 to tba next congrtee to both bono wUl bo ao Urge that h wW bo ahW to get hlsbUl ratting down soother representation ta the houao throogh, tf the BepobOcaaa ever Intend ta do eoesv a preposterous thing. The foUawtng editorial In the New York rre otto of the meet rabid ef RepuUkaa gana. Indicates c Warty that aa effort will bo made to paaa Cmmpatttr'a U3: 11 was aaM ar ruawsat momu a few aya aao tsi a mtmt gt hhi asaa a quar L- Thmt prosBlss to tke aatloo ana ataOy wai be crrto4 s-at, as4 K v atrUM Ut Tuteaa aa4 Um Varaajsmao C Um mmt with torrtfle fort -V Now taat Ute smim han'VMt UrUtj for tvr yeara. tt fret saora. rsniimt are etrmla4 9om laarMattoa aka wai I m.. Kaia . a. .1. ajMMMlt 1.4 Ik. M 1 1 A Lr, - - waits asaa ia niiu mt im which will provtoa t&sii u aswtlMra aiaftranehlss U clwi vwvar &T ay oo ao ooJy wtth the loas C rwtftj ta conoia e4 Dm aasvnsena asatvrtkeo of tfeetr votes ta taa atectorsi raOse Tsere U ts be a cmplsta feoi!-sMM4 af ponucsu coadtuoea. R luoeo. mpiwifinm ta rortko epate aeatao wt3 W At aa Ia tm m aia 'an tiaatyWfrKator UiuatiVrrM nta an ls nwpTOBi wr iwat c owta Oarotlaa. wul aet aJrs tba $ arpsaa Of tba- saaA on boramcar-hai Swsftf . ttoo of tka f aalmt tMm takM feiant not aRtd oo tba ovaatta wbaOaar (be aoai vota ta Laa aowUt. Vrt ty ar taiUd eai tba puaatloo that U tba 1- ."T to w mi. tb.r ua hIUaUif isMlf UabaasrntH bsamr ! ? wonaatr-a. wbtM ta.? fcaaet be saUafleO wttb a rapraaMUttao a tba white vote ta coearri aaA ta tba electoral coUatra. Taia A what they are to rectrra freaa the neat eooaraas, and It Is ao vtoUOoa of ooanoanea to amy isai eaarry rrarv aortb- mra vuwuw a.us swosa at rapresaota- Ono roault of the election which haa am DmikwI Is IK. tnm s not.bearnentioor4 in any paper at that 'Colonel Boooevetra doable vic tory In securing the Mxatnarjoo and the office breaks the hoodoo wbkn has hitherto rested upon vice president who hare reached the White House by reason of tho death of their chief. Tyler, - JUImore lehneoa and Anhar all failexz ef even a oomlnation, ta aay nothing of tho election. Hereafter tie vice presidency wiU bo eaore eagwty aoerht irr atateunta. hotla rraat am an. !foc thrr will jaow.argoo that FWBVBr 0TO Q0 P10 .. that Hon, TWa L If it- I Qftormla, to New Torn. Bftrabonai trTTfT' "T. V'..;yaocV I VirJT:.: 7,7:. "JV " Thi labor anions appear to have got JJ'tLS? ,!!bTJf earn mea Vrer elected to the) gteooe ahlp ataca govaraora wtra tM tetect ta. tsj n ipso aixit no ropoooea tt ilrkt ttt ttta trHI ar tiaKaaa tTim- a&J .j by ta the OtUenxo! i tale i ruthleaaty deported aaev froca tbatr t-QMIIUmrWlrVV - SaaaJ MVT UUaf t-baaaea, thetr-wtvoa aad - tbtr uue l a. a. a a a a . a . Om a 1 n. a mi. tin nasiiiTs Aiaar na 1 I iraommlous dafaat' ' 1 " sV a.- , .r, - I pear to hare beau h6ut witn thetr awa pfttard, They aadertook to boat Ur. poornouao. - The voters taveaCgated tho aaateT-ond found tba Ule ta be true, . WhAf a mora, they found that while his father waa ao boused Ut. Johnson, then a mere tad, bad aepport- fcard labor and Croat tioQ. bad ruea to be great party for tvv i aor of a groat ttata. They so greatly l blur gwetaor notwUbstaodlug the fact aamiraa nis piucx. w uy eworu a,,-., m- nAwtrKafan!r.a tSa ar that Colonel Roosevelt carried tt stats ty an overwoetuiiog majority. . - - FSOIC SOUTH ATSICA. ; - ... BW .TTay orClhg ,mamberUi4 .iauiwiuiavuaiuiwiiaiBivia jwiwi- . - . edy Is a core suitable for old and yoog re - 1 1 pen yon the folkmipr: A neirU ot PliU UliTY TliECCTtU rin Q2ZXTZ2 inun . cciits MtUr Kr. S. B. Dirt p tort, -. SoaUini - . ' ' AOaait Caiuifa, Cat t,ttt, , f-'i-nj fL; 5 -xat lUlaV, s.i ttr jkig tim iU tsJs i Cttoa s ocva ! CW raawasaa ci Mf. law , m tnimi m ItriUm, , . . PwlL twr tt a w " iUtA Caor Afrknlf W- Mf D.r 8r . Yasi Eak "a -a "J V -iia " UAX aU feat ptidact cf Ctm cta.- tl f 7 ffdaet d Ctm actk. r-ea wkloc4 atjias tie aaatago) mls wbalaa ataporUat start ' lio otaV pie TO ta lhe Sauaaiat , aal lm4mCnml tialoirj ct lU wtvil; aaJ lU al fcoUa tlm freStetLxi eg" tl bf Barfj' 0 p-r ewcl 4 tSa ewUl com k ccr fr 4 o ajsJce tie saoo fwriWi agrirartarai olf r4 the worU. - - tty fmnUfif tal tare by gvaratanui anssoaMaj aa4 fju4 by ftintt eoe4 ai - pnea, trWl t Ui tag U romt4kjB ami suaa Bai ibo agjphtu tbrV" vtl erM rery L;iLa, a! w, aryj fibs) evrr bcreatabf dofaavbt o aWa OLC00 bal a Tver isr a kxree ,1a iho woail'a tioav tba arvril srsag oWwi woanrj. ; If w koot e dU bjkI uri' ai l& erp wasalj wiSoag thai 1 ; " . ' 1 : Laro rJ LLA wa aaU a U&f m I P bMatti jr tno gCMO Iraa tihoi ikTeai traaavcro. TtW fear a I eax bacf?! 1 lU swi, aAI I aaZe aVdCtlk aa4 SvUk wuh aR tiW I 1 f - - a. . . t . I Ut-Vl 000 nna tUt . a i Thia at ocfaeanlh as r r. . - , . f-w I tV, JaiTrarv of the) 1 ' I haTm. I " , , , . I SiX tndred SXkl tiXJ Af ... a. te rrary ""' " w w - - II araa eacju to bj al pay far hall tiba con ,trof c4 twe) afid on4-forth " UIjoo: Whaii ' jrwera La . tho L niSa4 Stab. The) eora crop m tbo orJj ooo thev(rai czt tiult Italia tavelaaliWfMSga crop . lowala tbo fraaeM I taf stata la tU tU, fatal I ooavotevaaU. l C M - tors , nrf I .J1L - - lia I PoPv CelPa I (or I lO.OdUCO. etac-tr to rr fai Iowa. -.;' temlj emarbgw oa) be tWl IttuUckolbawo UvoU-aWraa: I aa io4arfcx CtT- Mrjwtaai j&boracw f;,). AUwl tCayttil i t, .1 ,. , a-,-, u I r IeJaf trw. . Oacw Itoa) 4 . " . j.ij , . j rpcx ow tral4,tl W as l - a A mm ' i J ' . . . . I aa j ww paw-? laoch. aJraaUjav whr asw a'aa&aSag 'faasaCa I mir-co ttavtU Are aitiAcLag i Ca to icrea Kag le-e rreai 4X peat tihraw reaxa, hal , 1 a) at latwa faoa.ol 4 traeoiiia Itlrvb whicb k rH f fa.rc4 U rrarj - a Tnroa.gH (ia paralta hi tla Uf tan4brxUrvaaav k V aai- nt! Cut tU aoalSl pajl Hp CiO A raw toward tl pitarewzJ panaba bCL ; Thia asa e 4xmpi a email focika) traairre4 to twwO ar& aulea ba4 tba eountaXa4a 4ia- trkta hi the atxrth, aa-l to?p t them- G?rr:Va pforortisa tf Ca payment U aa iyOC.&OO. a-ttol to pAlf br 1UU1 aet pl eeT y?. If it ware roil by Co aUto a a V . rct u tt wouil rroiaU r tt W a j-ji tikorab frt oa sa aOc'uUj Cat waj 'wt M tw,ra cf It, al U wI3 onica b !aJL,an( pertjja v. a-i a a - tie chi-Jraa re!Ai. Tba d a ' la rnutl ra tt i a . m. a a lava cj-' rl tlo r-pcju'.v tt Jail tjrtt I.! ; f-t; i 3eoa trios t 1 trs 1V4. ' CWsuia Ma . 1 1 4 , i - racut.r anl 4 A;tx mt t- t i " l-cur W U avarU smt i U2a 4 atoa' a t"t aitir i ai r' ri si WW 004 ' g erw kl ary. his swtqtarw brvaxtv hi to ata t ai .5oaBar2 yav ' P7Sm 3tta CSf arOsr ' wa wt;4 IsO iSL fetrtrtNwtil ttfanrt f sV fgia 4 Via raUa) la m.4 a. pjrtml fa lU y si.g I to p; TU ICr 4 aj llo Ma a aaaM eMejt f T7ana4 frm ho VJaat at lra Cw easast fri : " - nsvsaBaawaiBBW . TWayrA' We -ajaca-4 IUI r-rt- laa? fVoi aand aAoar aT ag ' Tas TWattaba4 tHia tDs e4tf HI arw-. Oair aJaaai fWU o ia Saraio a3ata af 4 Vfta taMa4boat4as4 au, a VU ljjMwa aa .a mi a S-t ft lav tf wm la ! rfMiav ' a4 VU m iiawr adSoaa IV ao4 oWl jun4 ClUdaWeaaai a4 Inwt Tve braes sa.iM. tww eaasoi ao7y aaaea aj at 3 abataaf a 014 asav Tr o aa 1 sua aa -aw ra aM Amw a4g la, f 1 t , o- . TVa atatre vj f h?rt -tstfti bChe A aiwinj U oaaX Uas i to U si yjaav "t Kf t O be a ataa aa an ma ia, Tsa-. -wai - - a., ia a aal f nvttat tWaroasg brVal Ubaw K.aVlrUaa4L lOSS-OfefldBii' VTvta 5oa czn'i til tmX Csji tBx Setoff 'ajTcHi: Vilvcn 'j-ca ct teii vtoTcd Id yea rr ul uia.-xctTi crrxixa .u tHrtj; net cr-Y ht--5ctif j Errbim trcruits tScrtl bcrtv C ch, tlooi - irki for- enVsI 7 f Cf CC4V vjIcTCXftj" fee cc rrrcTr". ti'cj EmuHm b a lich trtcr. fctiHw fool tulrxi ; ITV l a- wiav eaj safw w w aae tan g a eaop H"t w-3 aw " a t ve asr Jraa bi t-e bTO ef 4 tmmmt V t aw w"i"tat ;aT f jaaawMS -a WyK. - . 5C0TT tm r0'aC3 rU-HUo fiat I -fe aaat ft wt MAIL ORDERG ArfUi . LeU tiW fVlU aT f I aa a a. a O- iau-tA w !' . 1 ' f ' - m fPa ... ... - r4 a aa . mrtA a J a w r;-a.t If old - - velvet V-' etc . 4h as . at eaiaila8 av uas"' "li.i'ltrt tf'lts ;rtca. ft rmr nU ' ravfVl Te:l t trtit rut!a - prtsUf tt nicra J.r THE VALUE 1 an. Q i "On Ctfrf Tcirjt l ' eatettM! IjO laa aTr a T. tMMf etbrf- aa Va 'OMtnMa f "3a prac-irTf to. tr 4 oa,w fmm V" 4aUav ).4 eo ( Vabf r aaaeua aajr Um 4aMMp(p aa4 CLa rUjna Jlo 4m.V1 a 61 tt da la CU tuaja Ua o4 thni tttCW'.iMav rrW f i, a as a a4 eA8atra OuP Sf I - a gV Ww 1 fp, 0t f.WWJi, Oabvi1 O-AwO SaS Tew at IWC AWftfct. 1.0 eA aw OtyflUaj aiUa V, f swonr Vakwt aia )ria, )Cf mC eiaux.E. y ) " If a . 4waw4 lovaiMi af ai.g tfjeirAiNk, C -w Boddie;; Bobbitt Sc .Co - - . m - Draisls; ioalstari H. C. r a. HEADQUARTERS it Wr lU t? t -a 'a.h a wsi if 5 fa 7 "1 f-4 o a ava-j eC t la Hl4 T- fw ta ; 4 it;".sj 1 t.t7l4tVJii'lal. a t4rf 4baa2aib4J f f f ai s4 aeek laar sav-a S ' a, . ' . . . . ' 4 , ' a. 1 r t . m 7-ri-a t '4 ''f wl'.i'fTWMltlC 1 f at, ( ., U4 4 4 i 4 J1 l4l-esj I-i" t a e fa? j 1 rt.M a Ti r; i-e t i T ... a t."M 4 i a " . '4 4 LwAAAv! I iVey Ariisiic . Job- PnntinT j ' J JL lx f tr. I'M j--1,s .rrt: Lc.rcL . ft a a inrrrrr IT tit a" 'hHk--, of EC0I0IiIY to I" " -a Xe ami rbr. lair e m. 7 if aJ lit-f a. Of i raVeu ' la-S V mm fa. 'iuajVt if ,afU 4f aat ! fa.f is I fta4 ta Uai( 1 f ass . . . . . . . a W tntftf M VMtllf e ga a e ttateaxy a.f Ow wafMit T.!.a.. " a w f eo firwewrir '&n-e tt at-1 a.' w - a 1 r 4r- a C.rtaT3U "7 v - ",; -rr.aedrlitcr.byAj.eeka Drag Co. lite aadatUative samxir .'.it1.' ' ". ''' " '- . '

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