;.;.A;:" ;:Ar -' 1 , .... - i J. u "i. " """" " i - V;. " - ' -. - . . ..... . I - . . I - . . F ' . - ... CHURCH --. XXTH0DI8C DIRECTOR .... . , ... ,--), . .,. . Sandaj School at 90 A.' Ifc " -J '' " Qo. S. Baxsk, Sapt PnMbing t 11 A . tt., utd 7 0 P. M. fery Sunday. . - v Prarwr tinetjtlng Wsdseeday night. ?; L. S, lllAaan. Paator BAPTIST. . 1 Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. ' - . JDhos. B. Wmas, Snpt. PwaottinK &t 11 A.MU, and 750 PJt; nery Sunday. Prayef mating ThnrBd3rnight.i H. H. MasHfiusHn Fastor."i: - WT800PAL, Siuda? oho-n a U:30 , ' 'WMti. Roma. Saptl-,, -tfrviow,' uiruion aal oitcht r on tit, 8rd and 4th dandaya. - , oni. Grayer, Priday" afternoon " dv. Jons Lo5boh, Rector. PE&1BITKKIAS. " , T "T .s--. v . . 4 n ttaudak umch month " ;Pator.'J 03 ? 4W 788f83 ;83 88,: 88 -83 888888 83 88 88i LOmSBUKG, K..0, FRIDAY, .1 IXEURER, Z DM. i 83 83 orT. A- -4-4 1--' " " ' 5 WM U - XMmJ. ujjouk Ud.1N 413, A F. d Ola tptcttd VtaHjMtrtaa. n via eroctflS lor ata of (ftra. rr t haa ba tlar la fcu ftt cC ' taatotDoTTi'XTiir'.tUa. II la ptUfnX. It 1a n c&nt:Ury that or Ttrto dctKK&iMU Tbat taia cT4 ! cua akl.M bntcbwa. hrcaaa af f cctioaJ apn aboat azaallfr ode and vy rcxa i what aooiedr n tVooMivl csS itny aid ta a teWtrua aboot U taadard la oo al th ta v&'ii ipeciaL,WaahlnKtiin-TM' vv:: .- 'i trecedotd- Mn a m.iu.' i nr s ., v .. . l rTTliiq,inora ond teaTda over-twi chairman otth netmblkan atat mm.1 ancholr rat TdmJiv afte i tnl j J -country the proudgE he ta a? t-r mltte while atlil governor, Thar waa j Monday ta Nratatxr. iwh, eJ4 t- Hin Amei4cajn.aadthBnora -L outcry at the Indewocy of tha I ncm2ted, 0arat OekrU woC-S t at HangTuna Qe ia touching-the r-rcaPer: l which BeomlB .paid pra-1 cartataf a rt-Uctioo ta tfc ra ta 1 wy uinucn attention aaa CnD feath. I KM tot&orrow. WaAoarUM wocUl ere4-nck ptya 9 , gentm AprU ahow I t7 t boma If U eoV3 Va draa rtr. -t-xnen na bad one otIa teyal Tbay cool! ao b chaUMd at toss If, ivuauiM, aigfum.' aottiaateaixor gov. rocy.aaa a cnaara ta n ii rrH rnor.-ao that ha .would,-haTa no rtral fcta UT that 6n dJTa fantYttea. In JfcJs ow ; Wnlwlct Taaai thlara Bat "what wrtt ta wm. ntrf au eonatltnte the lutudwrltlng en tfc wall Jtarn mbi oUcarr UImmctI tctpt for.Thomaa CoUiar jnatt" Ichatod a win rmttla a mad ta tWatuX la IsKerihedabaT hU political feabtta chair to bt td a(U) moo UnJi tlon Inlattera M larra that ha wba 4 by aa.brara, aa boat. aa rm a rana ttayreaa, Xroe, Jb aad OJli patriot Jc a maa aa Cad n ta4 Bn-aa !! blisj bet whaa da tortile ctrr tnaa tvxrt frrrw ara xor loaiz iia u not u art Lixiar occur rjr nirtt -t t petulty of th reonbller- Jnut ,. fectlo4- Itm e lectori tore dawn 4 ,uorTa ana,Teaiie most of . tha white people of the- empire atate'of the abirth are Democrata. thT iaars xapiejr tumaelf in the face of the worst ;trotmclng the JeinocrattrnaTe: icelyed la thirty-two year. Afinbre. ttoroIghrJr.typlcaAmT Atlanta does not exist on the ix,MtmI iTneada.i-OML' timasotithera coarteey la'biendl a-sL3I.Wlth'l!pto flate."po!riis--'"r'fX't' a.uauA wcii iui- ui, ijjtxariAJ prosperity c;:::e3a:;d f a ey e: m g : H s - - .t ujr- tAa-- f pr-rJ 4 ja m fca i--wiLiiii, a j t rww Tr cum . ' fLLH OH AST - DDKS WTlOJt.) In: 54 tr the Sort Cfcyi fcCar. 5.44V 01(1 VClVCl i twr,) atUMt'MMi iA ai a LiU, it k aiU. TL tOe f wa iurlxtaM J a tuns CS lata yi.fc. hl J v fan aa nok V;m y m ummy- ' . v Ci pTaa Mf fy mm a&nib V . - etc rs ss I louisbvs Ltrwwa aa iVa I i w 1 1 b f c ft ii "iwiiiiirJlfc8fcwrf3S,:1Mfi(-k .waB iwwwlHiNHL iiimr'lw jrirlT llll HlliilWllliJIIII ..jgip. n JJK. FiiliUEKietrK. COOK, KdYKlAW AND SURGEON, Lutsbarg, S. C tL fiemiiur. Hoars: of the wmtbJajnd,Kff uwn north of 4 r J i Mason aijdDlxonrMne nai more anaii r ,' . . eat Georglails "not only ' tf Mfe to aay: that .fee will set I . ' W - 1 w oe-erata a aa aiia atata U I wxU are daa a it ' Ol.S J 10 run.aoa go. great agricultural commonwealth, but la rapidly -forging to- the front in the mannfactnrlng lndastriea.... - . ; it is a delight to visit In Augusta, aa , .u lo U jj , i i. m. to 0 d. -a. SdocIaI I Old time SOQthern CitT. whoA naf-niM. K d.UK H. FLiEillNG, . uULlaiJOiiO. . s. c '-e i." no aroen ft larboro Uo.'i R. J. R. M-4.LOSK, 1 1 :uw fUlfSlCIAJS AJTD SDftGTSOH. LOOUIBUBa, X. 0 jvit Ay ooo&a rrog Company. P H I S I' !1A S ' and SURGEON, LjoiaBOtto. k. o. tlc: ove,- vycixjice Drag Uo.'e drug store I . - '. nuKr. Visa fSYtUCIAN AiffD SD&OEON. Louisburg, N. C. mce tu the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt A a Urate suire. on NiUth street. n. K. I'A&BOH DQ11, A PHttilCIAJi AND 8TJBQBON, 'LouiwBUBe, H. C. uinoa 2nd Boor Meat, building, phone 89. iui oaUa anawr-i from T. W. Bickett's vataouee. pbone 7. bginnlng to be realized and ntlUzed, Insuring ber growth at. and where the glad hand to the stranger Within her gates but it was not her material progress, not her splendid water power, not the evi dence of her cemmerclarpT6gress,'that most attracted, my attention, but the historical associationa within a com er. It la safe to aav that ha milt ivoa be the laatA Ha can find aaaar Ulaatxi- ! oua axemplaxv- fo did not. Jaachlm. erstwhile king of . Kablea. daaart tha : alghtyCoralcaa. wboJth4 JirtadJbioi rrom the lowly estate of a stable boy to a tnrone and go otw to tha afflaafl had BUad that rr.t ..t-. Governor Odel hass no reverance for several years ago and waaW ao Ahra A4awa" For the next two years want to be rtrrarw-Alra Adassac Be ytl-4i ia aaJ sr V tet4 U lije La. 'UKarbU . rapid rate, heBIbllnJunctlTaaaaembern I of It. bet ma a propoeea lad God Ua- I tlj; 0- l .a r d to extended . 'W g '"r tHrrmaf feabadr. Vr ifi rataa. hn I for In a polltloat sense Tlatt ereatad I hla ct-iMftM .t. I - i ' ' . the nxata of tha paop) of tie Casta- I , - k - . . nial BUta nam tWy aoade ka iWr r riBr:A U-aaa if aoul ire Bunaa reaorataxr political sense Tlatt created him, and he horns Piatt off. Tbe bdcX- wbeat breakfast will go into Bistort aa a most .pathetic lnddaatT , Xt waa the last gleam of the eettlng aon, the- but flicker .of the expiring candle. paratively short distance. That-Por tionof eorgialwas v the stamping I Miaaoorfa Qrarul.014 Maa. ground or Alexander ti. stepnens, Bob Toombs,- Howell :Cob, Henry. JQrady, Hershell V. Johnson, William H. Craw ford and a host of worthies. Close by' were born John CJ.:fCalnouni McDuffie, General Joe Wheeler and General . James Longstreet, There Is a historic dispute as to whether the last meeting of the Confederate cabinet was held at Abbeville, S. C, or it Washington, Ga. r towns close together: At -Thomson, Ga.. close to Augusta, 1s the habitat of Thomas E. Watson, and only a few miles distant In South Carolina is that of Senator Benjamin R. Tillman... Wat son ought to quit writing books about France and other foreign countries and wrfte one about Georgia and Georgia statesmen. No man could desire a no bler or a richer theme. U. ALLRED. ATTORBBY AT LAW, Viu irtotise iq il the Coorts. f oongsTUM, H. C. Offiee la .TTOHjrrrtT LAW LOClSBURa. 'Vm twaoucataau the Coarta of UteBtata Office nOoort flonaa. W. BUDDIE v ATTO RNET-AT-LA W, Loctibbubq, N. C. Office OTr Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'a dras tore. VV m. HAYWOOD BLFFIN, ATTOBJIBT-AT-LAW, ' MMnsauaa, a. o. ;A c a ui pneuce iaall the Coarta oiFranklia ud adjoining counties also la the ' 8aprBM oan, and iu ttaa United States Ptstriot aad ireuil Coarta. :. omoe in Ooopar aad Clifton Bafldug. : i' r IHOS. B. WILBBK, , ATTOBL5BT-AT-LAW, , ,5 ueisBtrBa.s. o. -y',. A oaee on Main street, era Jones OoopaTa tor. , :t- ATTORSBT-AT-LAW, LOOI8Bt7BO, a. C. WUl attend the courts of Franklin, Tanea trmctllH. Warren and WUt eoantlsa. an tie Supreme Court, of North, Carolina. 1 Prompt attention given to eollectlona. . , Otaee over Baerton'a Btore.; - t ' ; 1. vTTOaifBT AJTO COUN8BLLOB AT LAW. LouwBoaa a, a. :..r a: jA tTompt and painstaking attention given to err matter intrusted to nia nanna. Buckwheat In Politics. King Solomon, who has been fa mous for some thousands of years by reason of the marvelous - headpiece which, be carried, around on his royal shoulders., once saldT "There is nothing new under the sun,'' a saying which has passed current with millions of inen from that day tdtMa,' hut if the wise son of David had returned to Aarth m Nov. 15 and haxTspento, few minutes in Owego. N. he certainly would hove revised his opinion, for on the morning of that day dies memo rabilia he-would have witnessed the pulling off of a political function un heard .of tUf then a : political buck wheat breakfast! It' was given '"by Hon. Thomas CqlHer Elatt senior Tinl ed States senator and' e-easy - boss, to 'certain of ; his' faithful 'retainers, chief among whom was the gay and festive junior senator, Chauncey afifen en Depew. lNow, apolitical : pie is the staple article, of rdlet among New York Republicans! ' Pie has 'held them"1 to gether for half; century.. The, cohe sive power of ple has enabled them to win many victories. TChe' hope of pie has caused them to pull themselves out of many a disaster. Triumphant, pie in esse has been their eonsolatfonl De feated, pie in posse has been , their In spiration. Awakethey have eaten pie. Asleep, they have dreamed or phi But buckwheat In politics la surely sotae- thlng new under the sun. Tbefactlhat Senator - PUtt regaled ' hla henchmen with a paltrySbuck wheat breakfast In stead of theregulatk)ple is a confes siorT that he is out of the latter arti cle. ;-. . . -: -'V. Old Bfother Hubbard went to the cup board '.-"' To get her poor doggy a bone, But when she got there the cupboard was Z And . so the poor doggy 'got Dose. ; - .- : Bsame ; waf -th Mr.'Platt nand pie. He! no loncer .runs the pie counter. Thali fsk.now done by one Benjamin B, ddell, governor,' chairman of the state RcmublicanAeommlttee. new boss, a Every general election has Its trage dies. The last one m full of then( put of all the defeat of Iflaaourra grand old man, , her well beloved ehleftala. General Francis Marlon Cock rail, for re-election to the senate of tha TJnltad States for a sixth tana Is the saddest and clearly demonstrates the Inade quate rewards of political Ufa. Here Is a man -venerated by all hla people, his name known and : honored as a household word in every heme betwixt .the two oceans, turned out la hla old age from a poattton which be has adorned for thirty years, supplanted by some obscure politician wboae nam does not mattersome Republican Tern, Dick or Hayry. Missouri waa the trst state to keep a senator at Washington for thirty consecutive years. Thomas Hart Benton held her commission for that length of time, or for "six full Bo- man lustrums, aa he pompously pot It He -was one of the greatest aaea of his era, an era exceptionally rich In great men.; He would have made one of the best presidents the coon try ever had. but that waa not to be. He held the belt for length ofsenatorial aerr-. ice until March e, X89T, when Jwtia A. Morrill of Vermont began hla sixth fall terahtQd"bJa thirty -nrnt year la the senate. He served, thirty-two year and died. XsrlSSl Colonel- Benton went to his political death, by reason of the bitter I factional ftght' among Missouri Democrats on" the slavery Question. Hla long, toeing flguTto regain hla su premacy is one. of the moat remarkable episodes la American history. Colonel Benton was not only a man of com manding talents, hot' also of vehement passions, a moat ferocious fighter, a rancorous and implacable foe. The Democratic faction opposed to hla ta Missouri to get trtd of htas. their alads aad hearts fcarae& tear- urety ta Alva Adeese, who tad be tried la the highest exactaUre poatua they had to bestow aad whoa tVry anew eonld be trusted to iCactarge Ua ansa lateiugentxy, waniwei?; aad patriotically. Tbovah not daalrtag CU offlce, spleodld ciUseti that be bvhatiijd- ed to the wtahee of hla fcCow dtSsaaat, ! accepted tberaotnteetto and tad the friends ef jaatkw and of Klxrty to tory. Ne man la America haa a eaore diacnlt poaltlon than baa thai iaUat, I tafrxa. nisaia rf L4 VAjl Cflaa. CceaanU oi st C awj Tt c! a e isiui iui tn4 Ve frrvwuk, 4. arm, . It is a e-atjkmUo dJaiaaniA aMursj tlai Ii k trataKaei trwe v cae t soC. TW 'eesndUiir e3s. wyx x LU trruamlsaka at atxa knoa ia lU iaWcZe'WcCiV i s 09Be4'JU st aA foaia k sj4 eo4at.'A!A m but U liuckaeaa, la txaval tatuuotUs immm his trwlUU capable, raeofota, cWr baedM, cWa handed govtraot of CWor4. fa. body's relgo of terror I 4t be thought of withoat a ahaddar: tie kaa rsdoead- the" affaire of Che state t Chaoa. and It wta be a tracked jqq labor of Gorarhee Adaae to. raarsre order ta the aupraoacr f the law. ta his arduous andertaklag 0 rd rto tens of the repohAc wtfl wtah htaa a hearty godspeed. If be ecd, taey wul say, "Come Bp b'gberr Taeaay Has Ue bead Oat waawa crown." Ditto the head at the 2adua BeptbScaa whod " the state awrhla baa slated to steo tntd Mr. Tka rrWr dm: TslrUaxJ seojitorUl ihcee aa wit. Hon. JsaMe A. Heaaeaway, rrp- vlZle dlatrtct aad chatmaa ef Ue gtaet I T djmm ' ?7 rtnf coaamlttae ea approptJaOoaa, UmU- lever laJaerWM, tbe la a Us stateemea noc sUtad Tty cacStsat Ibff jva, jat aa ay W ta succeed ralrbeaks are Iftar Hns-, ' . . war with blood la br Utk w.aiW,a-aai BtVcal aaarder ta their bearta. Creah I Im graai iaaopei4 cT Um W. paclcer ne ec the Craaipacltar ta- j bepeg fc tr an ill i protector of BJU Taykc; Owtatreet aad I f4 a aameleaa multtr&mtooaire are boV I a&Arriapa Urtnw aaA&ii aJwnMj foot after the ratrbaska tucrwSeaw tl raairUacV as WwO. mJm aW & ta aha a & - M B tarchargea. It la too bad Ost aoe 7 good Detaocrat caat beat taeta an. i ease, aa taaa'Eriaal aa4 VaTr sr fxert ovarcrawdjBsr. arMeaa2f La slack Whaa TTTm -J. tT- kttwwt rhahK I. . w V ' i . tnaa af the BepubUcaa coagraeakaaai n caeawa ea eeoaaaafa. aa 4 I va cUaas. ttwlkMuaUig 43 aaaua. ITailisfBHe Cania la graass a ewnaAs fwwar a tie aoroade ai daieaj Uanta. ttUafettrvWa all U i 4 hated him worse.thaa. they eaapalga cotamltte. thlaka of hat p)a- I afeaeati; &MSla4 or Imfref did the devil, and ta the leglalstare which defeated him there was a large Democratic majority, but such was the Insane animosity which he engendered that enough of hla Democratic eaetsiea voted wtth the Whigs to elect a Whig senator, Henry. 8. Geyer. - la General Cockreira case the'ctraiaiatancea are different He Js closing hje thirtieth year of senatorial service without aa enemy In the.wortd. In fact bla popa Iariy. always great? hia "trown with bla aerrkev.. IndvMuaily,ba.WM;aJ great a favorite with Missouri Repub licans aa , with!. Miaso; 4". Deinocxata, Had the people voted direct fee aeaa- ranxy ok ever uwxi in uw aan or ais 1 food; oUter daeaaa ea a a Benin f plaramy of teae thaa 900 ta 1904 he , , ... moat he ta a frame of mtad ta rt- I -,"r-"T" " vr clatnv -SmaO favors thaakfaCy re-1 teef, lot axA-afi; oVartt, wtrry, cetvedr He anaj cocaole hlffisetf wtth daaliae, . It Is a tiklm a the old saw that -a miss ta sa good as I .. j l. - . CirtUre el raaayaaaa. Tha talsV Bjlaaerat it eAaW elrtfca. " A ibaat thrW(riLa ti iW'-hV Bec4oiuS4bodUfaraJaie4l'lXa fttrpa taiaa bwhla tLa k swaacJha4 deicrahe4 tm as perfect aWt-sVpail aaafle." There la talk of aapedaj ecaaloa of ' engreea fa the sprtng ta in we the tar iff. . What has become of tha ataad pattera that such thmga ahoaJd eocae to paaa? .What will the Anierkaa Xcooomlat aay now, poor thtagl Aa . cording to Ha sordid phlloaophy before the election. It waa lesa . majesty at -. t . . 4 t . - , r T-nt w 'Um t c aum. I t- 4; 1.4. k v? iMi t-t er lade a eea-ius mr eaOLa y sa4 mem 'tm t ft sand, '' Hh iU; U tg tm fa 3uuw.uf siscTfla-e Zm4Z, ft' WfM aa Ii arwvlf l Cu" uunv stHMal l ftreVmc (una UawnuMa Ha aMsvwa4i el & eAsxMfta wut U lunal aa ls'4 O i-hiii.4 ta t&mm mmpmumZj $U si sxi a aa! d simta. i WaunAl r'd t .V CU aaZraX Ue lAvnU e,e-re m 1 M SMeWa a4 f. miemtmm ti atf tjva Ve eaaaas4 ea a trtfut mm i t to?. U sAmhAI We Uutl wrf f-4 w aa ya.fi ta MiUe layn ansa axadwfW tt4 Ure VarswsL tie Au4l v4 Ixe) Id liiwnftiis, mS lw ir W Lafia4 aa U r e W. ? fa H ea, i y tfwaaa? N aftuHul Va te.l w alUe ag atjn3.it ig e Kl at awaa ed lane, lad fcur avf Ua (aus, a Iwal Im lutmtWA4 3V leastd f Isat aaataai , ?a tKlmuutf adaHtAi a W 1 n4 ftK 0 r eu aa a, li-is I; CW t4U f l.a ne a ta s.ta S4auav hi la l!msM& j fWiMjS w Jti.j aMi OTiau? trraa s&m4 wwaSa Ws awastiadg S aSa rwe f trsv. TVs U-WtuAsaa )Saut4 Auvt la laa -vw Pt tffiuLmK lissMta. la isa4tBaW tima fiW- aWwl I t-3 aai!s :. . . t! Vt-Ts) cf t& j' ? fttr.t ., t-t -avrrtr avg - rm:r";jr-At ruiX it e-iu rutA - pacs 'Oft Ittfft Ttncv" gM 4M a aa.a k twiiinf Mi awAMe . ' e' ae eitt,-g ttinM; " " bj gTHBVHLUEoFECOKOUY ooUeg, Hob. B. W. Tlmberlaka. uwc 9rer sieat at jo.-b bmttw w. ''5 i 5.'!r ! street. TABBOBonaa, a.. j; ATioBiJirr atiIaw, P. HODCK, ' CONTRACTOR Aan BUILDER, LO0I8BUB9, SH.C.' Islature to elect a aenaor be would hare swept the state from low to" Ar kansas and from the lllssasippl fc the mouth or tne.ragmg ik.aw. cae a cj clone,; --. .- ; . , - Among Missouri Democrata It "had become a sort of mania, to have him exceed Colonel Benton's record by electinar him to the full sixth term, fer H'rT.Tr i. . . . I BlnronaTv..rjut which 'be. faOea to ret There are many capable and. ambition Missouri Democrata, men anxious and fit to-sit in the senate, but sot ana af them -dared X hint that he would like to Uckla tOkl rrani Cockren,".aa the good: gray general, la-, affection taly called.? It -would bava njeaat.tnr po- Uttdaldeath to the Denlocrat-whe'trled'' It,- It la not the languag of flattery. bnljrtfrtli.an(l soberness, ta aay that thousand r of - allssourl Bepohllcaaa prefer General Cockretl to any Repub lican as senator, - for - he baa ' been ai f althtol, a public servant aa any state ever sent to Washington, a Conxeaer. ate soMler himself, be baa been the beat friend the. Union veterans of. MWeoart 1 ever bad. If they bad understood bis peril, enough "of them . and '.ta spare WonkX nave votea tor Aemocraocioviv bers of the. leglalatnretto have made the legislature Democratic oa 1 erf at bal lot to': have Inenred .bla Ira-election. Had be sent 20.0OA letters ec eves lOw- 000 to Union Republican soldiers whom he has served so well, asking theta ta vote, for Democratic representative be cause L they , would . vote tor him, 'he would have secured bis sixth Una, It waa the wretched indirect way of elect- hing United SUtra senator that dafaaV tor instead of Ar members of tha kg-1 least if hot high: treason, to UXk aboat J cisacy td lan2 fT'V fva Sfot withbHt presldehtfal aspirations. lifminChM JnstloetUienhenLHoB. John .1 Th..ntter emntiness Of Die of the Piatt a. i-lT a.nl U7inn Vaanmtahai HamhT i MrUAA rtraalrfoat hv fha fttapni Of botA waasa miiuu aa sniama a laawsaat wyis im y ucq, uivuavawn "sF. - -t , ( Hoskm, Chaa. JB. Tartor, Pres. Wake tor-1 nnveraor Odelt and Governor - Elect Hlgglna. They : sent their -Excuse and regrets. They Jwere detalnea .ny-'om- dal'ddtlas of importance. rvvnat-tnoso t ImDortant duties ,were ; thej .were . per hans'too merclfnl. to mention, for they. rere no doubt then engaged in cutung- BBiaBTairtfcaaV . nA V LahaBBBt . lKafarr aValVaa d, u. - KowirlcanT tTg '.f doS l ot C that tdentkaJ thing. It surety canao KaUbSa Ui U be that what la a ertaa ta. Detaocnuf dd TM W Msraiw I a a Tirroa in i Bepuwwaa. , m xcoo- - a2z are c&or aeaoaf Oi-w nntar n it tAflft Mrs i,ii, i i consistency to dladpUaa severely tv. TbVfcaprvT4 fvaml tl arBepublkaa that darea ta prate of Ipoofri rtealuaf man tb4 airaea ta tarux revnuoo. uormiuiimtic i.w1OiuaaiWLibtiii of Maaaachaaetta bat cad the acaVa. I U Uxftf eCT to fan from the eye of the stand pat. cart 7, as dod a k-aau3 ATTOKmT AT-IAW, uviaainM.a.e. A--- uaJ au soartaT Oflee on KaU I Qp the New York political pie. of which i f Senator; Piatt wpiget" none .juut .m which the genial: and brilliant unaun cey.MttcheB-Depew wllffall to get hi aenatorial STlc&AtTouth wtU be ervdt ift-'S'-ier'-ac. pugiUsta.- ;It timarjaMkJf.4Lvttia,ir OfBoe in Opera House bunding, &)Brtstr youth n his side. He. Is ambitious as an bnunu, tntrnatad -to"hlai Irjieanicile' woald.bave Ibeen: ta-the ill reoaive prompt ajideareral atteatloa. f nrcsidential rnnnlng thl year had not; the bullet of ,toigoa. ma. n iuauu McKlnley.Iow and ahot Colonel, aneo dore Roosevelt1 into his;hlgh position: Odell had. sense, epough to see the alt uation as'it waa-and, to bide hla- time, hut he tik good ;re "to prepare for thelluturej proprietorship o the New I VArn- r ennblican- machine. He wouM 8opUe Arustle ilantlee and Tiles. Aroa f .v7(t 1n no. h.QtJs ava-b!s own,. for tar.u ueaigna suonuiivaa ' tm! -JTboee two redoabtaUe ataad rUra General Chark ITeury Groevaaor af Ohio and Colonel WlUiaca TeUr np burn of Iowa ahooHtu oat sa tajra ttoo Sfalnir those Reahlaraa who ire chattertof. ' about tariff - r vti.toa. f e doe not the lattar regard the tariff the foo&t of every bl:o. s4 41 M tha former declare that the tLepsaacea tlctoryla Ohio la 1P01 bmsX that (here was no more daeger of tariff Uahertsg than there was of aaea&ag tha Tra Oommsndaieatat ' : . m s. t " Hr saaaasa Rrpublkasta(asetiwh tava itd coretoaa eye oa tba 'BepaMkaa raaJL deatlal aoalnatioQ fcrJICi iT4 x ba laUed to :p by rrit ftomm wit's dadaratVoa Ut bewt3 arte gala be a raadSdsta, TtT aioaVI r aoaaabrr that -prccoUc. Hie f5e rTMlsv are BMde ta be braaam" oow. vr 5 an. e ts m4 sfsaa4 e- rasMss v .; Ta t. y e an wan,.'.. f t oar l;a.U't t aaMn.m. iad a. " " win iU aa d.e Citj a JC swi'Ve he t a.w H Ox haa ? tW. atCM-.taaaa, tMr 4 af ftMjMt AV. Mat mm. m wr- CHn aalT. v- t.f Ts. AS.,li i'e WC.MS tiA 'Ml'r Us ee a) jCa axasa's witatdi a Ax 1 Wum m TXmwmKmt M lt 4MMM, ' li 1 f .! j t 5. eV 'a-fc HOTELS, wen he" know the treacnery - or - ew York BepubUcans. v. So be did tne.nn- dartko ti C da4'Jn-e ta - 1 - . . ... . aiie, Tl U wt c caf litr- guMrt a4 eCi w r wa PjTe a w rare mm w aa jaag Sut:j UtLaeaaAl txas lirowa aJ b a ialarenids f&4 tA t2 efatssa rfl twa !U etvl ttiS "dJB!Ti4- U IS Lf f rsa ti tWrV II Is that t!u S5W4 iV 43 i or 5 tire tJS ka traJj iw I b.9f ls IU a4 J t fcv4 j-tsa.tUrlaras C aUl I e ti y-siaoa si . 'a" a tvjcftJsmm at A . tAi4y dnlrcjrvl Zc ya-Zi . ' StftsjT.hea -P " wv-U : wr5; U,J x4 itt wttl df-uA; , Tbc tot Ur- tzr.Zitcr U Sttt Ilftitn. - Svt f fa 1 i tSA t'St it i TTf 1-41 Boddie, Bobbilt, 5 Co. brftisLs. Loaisbiri, Iv. C. ; TKfr 'Cat iJ tTTit f:M::u!T i K4d it Irsu vsriL Am t J I 4 J T a. HEADQUARTERS STILL! dficxtrc - Jbv -... i v-a' . fcf,i, . . e a'? 1 V' 1 Wirt jnCaV S yzxznsj ir ,-, j 4 4 4 4 fis twit 1 4 a T-- . V" y , aa aaHS a iiirt a - 1- 1 . fant v Jl it Na .;.a IT e a-tM VfTAiAft". ;i t ti f-ri-i-tt-r litrn vena ri. rtirjS 1 . crrf w--4 ;i-f?j .. J h 4 i fvfv.j j cc. a ; w. feaa fc C frtUmnt J -af eaa. H tTP J Vv Va'g ru"vi V iit I Jr-rs I frv-tVi a, 5 l tuift-t-i-Umb? f la taMt - J .mm4 tu it t.r. ? . 1 I FiuNadurroK;;io4 ood aeeomodatlon for tha traveling Beware, of Con a barf elts oblle. Good IdWr Attached ' A Nollora8offrfnT wi inVlArl vffS ' tn)rtHAn get a bottle of Kodol 1 Dyspepsia. Cure 1--e Witt's U .th only gvaolna Wltcb J " Ind see how quickly it wiU cure you. t YLuit Saivet1 write J. U Taekar, ef.'Lj Geo. A.- xnomson, tu opencoxr- -. un.M Kail ifnMTuit fnr IwmilV TMH, My case-1 was almost . hopeless. , Kodol Dys'pepsia-Cure-was recommended -and I nsedafew bottles 'of it and "ft '-Is the nnlv thins that has relieved ma.' Would vr?ia yoej aat a jUmU MASSNB0iiG,rflOTELyai physicians -with bopea of petting some re net, out jwxioi iyBuciu.-. lU oniffnmodY that has done roe any eood, and I heartily recommend It- Ev- ery person auuT-nug , dyspepsia should use it,'. Sold by a? AAtiMamlctxJrcr JEarop aENDEHSOII. XT.' O. Oood aoeontmodaaoas. (iood tare 'ft Centre, Ala, I bava aaed t la my 1W- ry foe pflea,mU and bnraa lor yea aad it la aa tnvalaable "boasehold rrmedy, and should always be kapi oa band toe immediate nae. Mrs. Seataal Gag, of North Bush, X. uji: "I bad a tTvr sore on taj aakte for twalea ytan Cat that the doctor could no ear. I waa persuaded to tfj Darntfa Wiwh'lUsal a; . I-.- " I- UT (i V il ; -1? ! I V t Th jTrt wLo drM h aiJ ra- tJLl! ; Metier ta irfsl f ah r.Vet 7f ft Salve, Whh?h h Cototleti-Ty-rara ft.M?2 rirX?-..-? tn ta bw..-.'- ItlaawoaderfalreUetLDaWlU'aWiUh Musnia CocrS Ce U ii r-timtr. .ltT.,.1 Civ. wtAAll,U,i uir tT, Wi . . I '. 11.4 R. . It It. a rj i w rr v'-edt, t- .) I t4 r'.;4 a m i ! .... . . i jiue C v U't?t H w a Ca ttia J 2 w. ' 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 jV-r v. "; ; 1. t.;t4 awi aW 1 ww r e r m .1 I 1. ti L. - J, a C a-'1" 4 SHfAArtlSilG JOJ i a V 1.- 4 i - 4 a . a w ua ac. In b t-e i? a-- T aP V a f " ! c - V I Til Baa ' it andesteattve servaatr cokce Drug Co, :'.ji ;.Ialdb7AyeklrtCe. - ' !.. X .i - C. CA:

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