1 n -. !.:t. J S. .THOUJS Editor, tail PrBirfrfir::; ..v - : Trr. : .r V ,a- , . -'Y's --y-. - r: - .-,-.. ..Til XJ COUITTT, Til,:: ' - 3--, - . - ... -- ' . J. ..... .... Jl ; " - - "tel. -.-i --c - .c ... . - . . " . i HI a. trip CHURCH DtRECrORT , V. J1 Sunday Sohool at -io A." Ill . r Qo. 8. Baxsb, Bopt. . Preaching at 1 A. H:,' and 70 P it Tery Sunday. - -.- fc Prayer meeting Wednesday BjgbtM T W 8. Uiassr. Pastor B1PTIST. ' f 8onday School at W80 A. M. ' Thos. B. Wodbk, 8npt . PreachinK at 11 A.JL, and 7:30 IILT wery Sanday. - - - - rrayer meeting Thursday nigfct. : H. H. ALisHBU&KSk Pastor Sunday School at 5-0. 1 5 ' o-.jBrop9i:ava" B;.'o a 5 SI Tt;T 51 in detvtee oirniair and nlsbt . K rt t Wrf, t. rw7- .T". w-wT rw,,r3W tmgntatn Snndaya. , -J.V ; A" wri "" '. R Teniae Prmvar. Rrld- &TUtuwl 'A-J V'-'." . " TT " t.puy ua u stsi4oiwt Cv3 W1 :t VI V-lind cbaplain prayed the Servieoe 4ib bandar in each month---1 T" was called ta aacertaia ii a' morninit ana nignt. p! ta "TBrtC-etAW ITt i..-t ct tl e4Cff ?y. nr lC-ri r. x It C ftnM fU!A. U p - W Buy aj iiMlm:"; euw ta taae Ut.'. tl to n al It w ta Tit , : .. ; . ' Tb latMt rSf Ci tirt Ml ttt Wnc Ctrrv, tiaara. effmtrv 4 4f ati. U tro4 Barttyt COm far jr (P t tm luf IV a K4-r. r a-s. tbat-fhe pop of t .UnMJ Statw ( ator Jawpn mow rmar not InfreqoenOy take tbelbtt Ifi tbr I tb rotabla rrvvW tut W. wJ teeth. end nm aay.iHb th poUtkaJ prvtaVt t tx aa1 t f,v I ... . j I M t I J:n'i2fir;:(ne;:ri:;X rxrsm u rixit. old .' veiv 7 -"vuiwiijreM oegu. us I muiac wiu mir lilalwi y dlceara I CUr .. LODOSS. , Loaiaboyg LedgarKevAlS' albta - , t ' 4 1 ' ! . .1 ? f : : 1 1 . t g f f r. meets 1st an4.W;,.Taafldftyl''Cr TAT. Jrbin hfiariona. .- Con- J IBbHpetbnlMt-brr aad fatot in each month. - " -4 0tenctwr; 4rdf?jdariarid ftaVmala ' f tWjlU Ba JrotbsaionOl oardav OecasionallT tBhihW. r. W-mW -TtLT IV- " l"r:.m TrrJT'Trr F -rJ . ' - -4!w' 1 -v'.zixs.f "n a ;.:.t. ti -r-i1 .. . .t kl. ft. 1 I . t.. .fi . aii ..... . . ... . - rR PBEDEBICK K. COOK, . . ;L g bnkd twoytan hT.M ahi. fr In baltf l AWrlt, IlmV a4 Oi 11 a Tv. y . ,7 ,1 t W W i4 ... r . . , , . 1 il nil I . PHT8ICIAN AND 8UEQE0N, . . If was not o moclf time for memory behaTior, Tbef may ft anyway, nla t2w OtJo dtkcatko U m uum) U t3fa1! A . nWU ami aAdl .Ut.t i tirp'i lt ft Iltl-C W Looiaborg, n. 0. ' . tears reflCtI6 eonaVfaya.laa4ty aT.Ut ti-4 ti . 2!T2J; J! 1 atw-l D UKH. FLEMING,. ; . iRwiyoody l?v 'BWTfKW 1 "T tnat-tWy.wni iit wW lit aWi U 4. t3 W! f ;t5a .6 IOl till rwi Vr? tt ..-,,, - sonal 'fTlenaa-joSedand-ciahei the fee oppoeltio t Bep-bttcaa ida and wrt T Taft m a cf wtta vkkk .TlV V1TT . - "4t Wm? I . CT 1 . LomaBURO. . - k. a . faj V toe akin of his, teeth. Not a opjhly oiranlaed. for fatnr coetaata t fore hint otcaly I ditUatXf ciailak tW tav al LAt ra. ' " ff 3t I , . J-B. J. K MALOITS, f &A.CTICIHa PHYSICIAN A2TD BUKQBO: jaioe oyer Arcocke Hraj; Company. ' Bu L BP?1?, .orator jabi8oient, If notLob-1 aeanently cofiajderfk r-WMctev JPeruaps --Uncle Joe Cannon'a I all its baa 4 D R. J. J, MANN. PHYSICIAN and BURGEON, LOCI8BCRQ, H. 0. o slice over Aycocke Drug Co?a drug tort! tag plans to remain In public life al- caption, pnbllahed the foOvwing most every one at; any rate. Among 1 flerrnl editorial: iv j mng to return to pablic Bfe. Few men 1. wont, ttv Kn. tm Watn. o . r.nr I relish hir.ir hnwltvl onf nrrm hat. I wold aot cha SIMM vita Adrw , thongh it would unqnestlonably be to "lL" ijoumuurg, a. v. benefit of many to relinquish pub- old alona. Vlmtth ta tk araUfletie. Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt 1 Ue Ilie forever, for its a rewards are I " Pvuaoiar mm er aaMtio which jo. a unit store, on nasa aueec jB. R. T. TABBO&uUaii, PHYSICIAN AlfD BTTKQBOIf. omoe and Boor ' Me. ball' w&t ealia anairer4 from T, r taeno. phone 7. '.shone SB. jncaen-a ed their renntntiona dnHncr. th Mmi I alu nf kii. wwAM 4ti - - n I atm n hm nu tw. Hm- .k.. i t 7 paign. Thars-'onepf "the pecniiar I PubllcancMTleaa."not tiraar recUeaa. 1 A 'r with Taft acttTty ta Cbe.tai. 1 eiirts at a txt? ' sen-Tor grania, coaw i x vcm, swrfncm mw , rw i t im vmt wwr ;ctex ait i.m - . - - w I nnrnlrwM aiMM U . n iM. . .... 1 - - canvass of the country- added to. his I Democrats s ahould 'aot take. .heart. icuiauuu, n was every wnere. Dili-1 dockm on utit armor ana win new I owfw, wwci awacisv.ii I a vim rsoix. tx mal ed,as the star attraction. Stl,U tbeact victoriea. ... I at fnrtiiermore aald that U tna- f 1 i. tw-1-.t2.w u J rt- sDeei!h,tn .th .eam'pjjiatctcd l r'ftMl -fmw jw- - Caa.afe that Pkfc ht't U iSa(t , 'rW jV'aV m&. widespread or permanent attention. I Toward the end ef the campaign the I Blor. nemctt r-tctM teienwr I wnii tara t ri aaj M&aUi H toUtji coarse every; man elected is lay-1 waanington rost, coder the abort I V w bt eotroj m tM su I-Vf-u- .,1..- patrofuga la aactaaad and af aorh I r. , ! i " "r- fadaral patronage as inctt ay Va eU " J ti-M U anwrU , tw4 ta cabbage, tfe a bttfl errl a I tl prb tttimuAmm aCL lot sV1 k arancLa. . wim. i-vaa.. jfx. am l. taa ate TrwrUa U Taaataaia, 1 8C W4 ac4 fee . tftam mft3 There are aynptecM of a rtval af to li Zaaocmat A tin tfUa the Wtter SvantvBrwm)w KUaa tU TUaVOka rm t tie KcnX effect tharCvana ta aboat to raSSA Iaernt at Ue the cenculahlp to Loodae. the a-t t -tag tJU eitvavat i it "JUJL, j eratiTe ace. wttkia ta ptWTa ,v . ' i a vnV gift, for a Cahiaet portfetta, wUch hi ' tntarrrrtrd aa toahyi 4al a e. f tkMX ytTt iVwa tU A- m&im Beprearetaavt Kaltar P. Uroweiaw ta Uci treeAi t law J.Hg4 lUl. IK M tau ara UJUJa .WA a3 a L. the victors amTtbe vanquished. - tby gtx it. Thy ar araaKDr awHaa On the whole, the note of despair to their atandartf. But Toaa Watm eaaa amoufcT the losers, which mm wonld tot onmT ttoa ktod x ponr expect, was notable by its absence. Sensible men that they are, they rec ognize the fact that there are many other waya of achieving pleasure than BrtervWg-rncongress. H. ALLBED.. : . ... ATTOKNBY AT LAW, : Will ptaettM In aU the Oourta. f ousaviile, N. tt . . - ' - oace ta it,' auuMamwma vv-.r. v;;?.'.-.;.; attoahxyTatijlw ; ' . ' Lodssne-nj4i--5v.. s t praetlM In all Um Coarla of na State omoa n Court Hooaa. 'taipkm';- -What wUl they do with itr is the question which forced itself, into the miiid:yeryeii VVttatTiiaVliru neunr ol we repuuua eaa-uierazoret a turn my ttxas that foaa wttk It. Ha tor an tba aoilara ta tba wortd it be poaaeaakm thereof raqutraJ ' Maa to keep vlt a ad hirk ta pfateaa Malta rta the aint f man. Ha baa an um ha naada Ja Mteato waiato Tn ex a band-me-aowm auit aoc a yaax. a wooJ.aaJw-a-.elMJieeraCahoae o4 aatr a dotea -epan, beck.afclxa g Aa atoatyMasat eaat brand make op Uta nm el him mtcm aitiaa. He eoae mot aavr'tb ainUomatra hla fina raiinant. hi aatotMobUa, hia rkt aafl aiatowafa aa aaiya-.Wbal J'llt4ea tl TiAa&: yWw in. tbe'Velfarfe.of Jhe human race, be-l rm. ta wxortety ad that is what aa caro'thetw4 T na n vppi W4 lof. ,ii M. W. BODDIE, ATTOENEX-AT LAW, LociSBUxe, N.C Office at ore. to as4 encerw here made as to what the fie- J nima m ea the tocroaa af u. Um nnhltmn, Cwllf 1n wHh th(p I to chaariac tbooaaada. a ad aw ad wiminyjcHory3so f erwbeimjng as S&ZSoi to be startling. Tfier 1uiveenprmous I npoa his Ushtaat word.- Hla caaiiag and nnbealtBy hiajodtsesnhouseiand I awtasa are aaattaf o ate i!.iTk Wvi I Intawat to tba BaaraMLpara. X tT"' "r I hayday ef than story the BaaiaM twtn.. the aunreme courC In TactTaftar the I tu.i .w. - .- retirement- of ChleO Jnatiee - Fuller. I toaaaton tiaa darar ware aa aakhi to over Boddie, BofabttOt Co.'a drag j which is ;Mmlnefit,. at?ne"Isbew old J hj. ?f.,rr ,. . . i icwc HAYWOfin RUFFIN. I two. on ready cult neererthrew Cvaae ta4 hat Ws . 5n V4 pnUkan boaa e( Taaoaaate eiacatoc I tiy aaa4 to etn t Ajt , w W l?.rrto,S!ts a h.ttt weM eegaXI aad werrcdv l4 Uajla. bacer the rabtato anwl lanilc reHa batwtst Eve at Teaaaa I TV SeW t&rtr Cm t-t tiiaga latatfaee aaneh U auto a4 fS- , . - . aralaffatra. Bit tnW H VMUarbt. d ti etaOkUra totoa ctoaer t the praaUaettet ear tkaji enCecg at faVAA, a4 tU BrewvJew. la aatkr story. If ICvmte y,-,- u Afi-i, 4 Lail a a te la to the rabtaeC the fr wta ta to t - . - -r. r i aa4 ta Tnnrun 1 gru; uaa we avja aagaaaaai IVTV 'PX A4 a-nf-Ma fcaMa4 a Jrsid kj9pj,a asatij, ae pal vaa4 toa ig mt litw al tinaa flav V rnrt t Jit V urmx't j 4 tie ayt g 5a4 al ywP4)tcuM4, "1 1 (Tf Sud 4 ! ,, f.M 1 1 fxAa, V, to is CU Hmm tevfc 1 fr- jf i2 to'' TWHj a -:m fWJn!m e O AmpAtrMita t9 e lAr taa Ik-v M at3 a3r t a-Ua W 2 aI 1) -a )rU ad4 atiaati5 e aa n A tiU ml naia 1 an Wraaf", Tet l-l'it eW ! 1 r tytyaw. llMr a) a. mm m m -tr .1 to 1 Pi 1 nsaiewfl 1 ' e aititot. a ti,,., I . " ;THEaUEoFECOIiOIuY i I hmjtP sfrm TVattt Ch4 W- (Varw IrW adk Su (.taste W trtala to I aahlagta aTTORNBY-AT-LAW, aoeiaauae. s. oV Itnalt Courta. Oisea la Cooper and CUfton BatMlf. A.JW m wiii u. omj 1 rmm run ST miiia mwm Democrats otft of a poaaiWe nine I hajfjawe V .-re faced patutadaa the w&mi snd. S.ntSliUatS T? A tjrt WMWty.of the. dr- M handa. Aad.-toy mt Jaya. the pa 'district indgesx Conaeqnent-I para tan ha that mm is dears mmnm aa they have thlngrabsolutely In tbelr omm oa ery uy ,WHa nandsv I aiW the majoritlea In I 7r TT- nmttwra 1. a) Bdlniniiur mnntirai mlao is' tk Bniliaata I Own flan, ana ui taa uiuiea swaa Maws uw jouse ana aenaie, are enormous ana 1 -rlcttnt. o( al . I . . - . k. V . I . 1 . ,n 11111 . . . w . nnneaitHTw ana mat wiu ne recosnuea 1 emmy unn - On dn that Ho. Jala C win resign hia teat ta th awaato ef tJarttd: Btatoa aeJ4 Otitne U..l-rnatre t etortaet to atcraad , roare; Cwtoa. Beeab Cwjt Tri4ttnar a fottj vewaa is anuc uaeaaxbaawcta Csrf tf Oeawral tosjats f. 5tr was aUrtod eat wane eg ta al bk t3( " tJUw '44rfaA VTali"4r5w - Vf aaj-ti' raj4 troaa ajj" Ual r totll&tfaa laj. sl Wl We tte asawns t2us U U Ua s frt.'.ta, A&jt a.r Oh JJIHOS. B. WTXlDKB, - AtTOBirnY-AT-tAW, rraW.firai -ntTX.B to, VfAV, ..we - cammty 'fW1 ai na a pcu ac tevs'ai- trf 4 .laaklac wtoa W tatoad to rar eagktaVefrt fUerU a- ir - ..V""-Sl'"!-topeaaaai . a Iatoa to f Sja.r. I. 4 ! earns aintt4 er vt , aa4mM -0a wrw l.itatMniwW' i:a I ttj, fa fto.afH aMS -t'f tort tit ft wir. T- e4l fWa.W t nf t ttv W Sjma tViiwW JiO, T C.tirr,T A.4 ft A. K c f. & T, h. tatV t- V;, aooiaasae, a. e. Oiaaa on Mala tract, ever torai e; oeofaf s Fa eJi SPBDILL. ATTOaHBY-AT-LAW, : LOSIBBVaO.X. C. Win attend the eoortaof Franklin, Vanet irmuvUla. Warren and Wake eonnaea,, alao Jtia Sapreiae Court of fTorth Caroilaa. rrompt attention given to eouecttona. Ot&oe ova fcerton'a Store. -. t iatWatotT" "Tl """"" , . . tlf tne'heaWiTrstateof alfsifsl Ld 'Dra air. . Ha Ba to ,t.l Maaaatneta, sad - I ""7 - f cr . BarHa are avenlx tiaUnctdJ .QolcondacaCkto .,,! a. .Vt to a. I atoC Sror n tt rea-'gn. I fMaai 4 asiWifT tiU Sm.5 maJorltieTpnt boUj jjaytiet on -T w 4J - 4 taton, ft eKU their good behavler. In ,n. landslide u It copcarrabie thai ear On a Already tae Kaaas BvlCk ave jt;"; j- .VL. such as tMs'manynvn are unexpected- Utl or aay ether a wa avae aaU aa get tp a peat etorttoe rr. It ta tsat sxssxtffinm ... aa) , m ly elected to tbeTbooae of represents- Wauoa ta teeayt Itot tag the redlatrtcCag ef the auto fj frtjcmiisg C 4helrnties f-sV-a f It looks as thongh Preaideat & L1,!T S-iial v V"iitt ' U the oartrs c the conntrVn good name m k fi k tu t t-A. rtpweeeuare at tarrt to twmtmm e aasijea ve 7t-f. . .l M tbey;?bonM bt,nt.ttex;can vote. tUM to g ,piete reallaatioe ef Ahra-1 fVTJ ffiJaaS .MC 1 i t 6i--A s ietr-4ttf'tffr rotea sometimes lead to reck-1 v v ,-r,Ctlk .- A7'i!L . i.Vt,1 W DarTlt eft34 gV I . ... . ...... , . I into to cliBsone wMcK knowing m wa.hiat t that h to atn I Ptoeet tatotot are 1 1 fl&XLOWt Hat ar tr 2a aii. txtdxnr uro lux JI U a.Wt. aMtoiias t aw at art f&a e.a-Battfj-4-to an M yMsnt ft i aAnri r swt Wtor jt)iiit eff C atnetofl taMa ntCk ke i ;V trwa Utl 1. Ta, U Vt A Xi4MroA e e ltW ea.l ft Vn ,4r,4 ''-U.ua m,ig W f.af irj 4a iii ia f 4 rjt.t, fntt . )n $ aneaafXMMt, ti1 a. I.u, 1 Htoi '. tU f .! U UwKfai ... . e-tiM a Ca n.ia 3 t kwav t Ja -a,, l&ar.M'taaaa, vart." " I mivt tuft ia A a!; a.1 eeV, l.to-treg etoai aL t a-C f,naal., A Uatol ibC ea4.to e4 - t gantouH l ! e.nir',.f aMttitto e tw m ' yim 'tan 'aa Hrw t- tr T. W.lCBJBTT, ITTOBJm AJTD OOCSSBLLDB AX UIW. yt Prompt and painataking attantfoa given to 1 iat . the- Bepnblieans iwtoWW the'eouritor ' wttf not: be-1 ntm?rt eiwlearor la. hrntohhtlng ilere-tntttheflroee at Hhe'taSt election taWan,-. 'cJaimi-. amoas Kaw Tork gives them carte blanche to do a-hey Bebnblkaiialh sncji a Vray as o pWae. ..nnc Knowing- uibiluxty m : avt. aMM..nja c t Ai yur4 ategj uutA asj ej New Torl-TfapoblJcaa good fat office, which he cannot da. Black wants Depews aenAtortal togs. i i 1 or nS n'eedikMlneill conclude XouM fTVf very may ao aa wej i If ?he former arejnj jscendem I aIKi Depew wants to keep flLIIe thtokn ATTOBjnnr at-ia.w o aoirunrase jl " ta all aoarts. Office on TV n ww prwww. ut aawy . . .4 1 rlrt Laaa ttotr tot- Waara th awaa. 1 MTSViewvi vi-- rr toart2A I V-V1 3sa t-.',-4. .Tr-." - , ; -la-- : . - .... - - Ta UttJktitrt 1 iiar ma tr tt to .r U - .V have ft . to th aatt new agsaittag ig-ix tut rtrttmytA -?. the aaledt ef UapehUran tfstvr i . -..-. - XfeOLjre ftfinVl tt.Urt.lt, t4 U I HaiW lUt ta ?e rii NA art afraid at ta hart tt. Ttoy are te- I iu-oa U a, a.-f s. aaJ ts brae aa. I . - . ..." ' I J ..... W tl . . . . 4.' ' Mtea tta t f I )w - T ' a tt rsvWioeXa lato l tl Orraa til V a rta !p wtr9 Itorv If I TTa tirl,. U - r ' dow-awird ttay are I ' - - . - " li..M mm HM I T Vlff-W.ll tl . ' - . . .1 . . . . . I .11. M 1 1 . . . P.. m. . W . .1 . w ' . , " . . " ...Vi.. hi.iivitiii nmMM MmamTaa. rrtac r-ArrarrMi m BAei. - " . - the democratic Waterloo of .1840; ;ht led for tne cabtoet, end .they donht.tf I lttJ t would hare beenr considered nt ror a i the presiaent oeairee rwe rrw loraers .-Tim. Hon. Bobt. w. wuaaton. mob. v. .M!,S2 r,LwJ:a;n twin t-cd.ru err at. puaoA. - vrttg- itseu a-w wax. ti,Lrr.n,-sf V-ft7 T .JZ! I they do mtat tt . x, I - . Tf In 1831 wnen naran- nji outw m pesaia, oui, u wi. iviuunr uw I r " XL) l! (IDlJa " Boddie, Bobbin 5 "Go Draiiisls. LcslstlTX " i aai'rsast UtiX " vtj ? fX- t, Fc4.ui era S-ncfft tSt tti;c. nf 5-fJft r. ' .... . . a -.-w Irrxn tI Jk V - HEADQUARTERS ! ft, a a a P atreau y-T a YAKBOROTJOH,av S.T10KMEY AT LAW, urnsBTma.aT.o. . v strait wailtctvand padded cell. If I In bis official -famny. n6twIttilii31nA 1S Immeilglely if te the ejection ef 1840 1 the fact that he haa Grovar CJTUnra "t'.n. rtanwwrat had intimated that the I examole before him as toUew Yorkers : t ' an viigsywould 'lose:inil844-he would I and that be baa tvtlawkeyt autee h.v. hoan nronounced a fooL; In 1852, r-men In his cabinet iew:'CoMeqocntP when Franklin; Pierce carried every i the newspaper pcmcrinaat-ra o aovitw-r. itorlQw 111 1872 it looked ts -though the Demo- that another hew Tork Republican big crate were, .permanently done for, yet wig. General Horace" Perttr, would lit-1874 they-elected an evervrhelmlng lose t ob which it very much te ht majority of "the house repreaenU- liking. . So they are atni up ta the air. iZL - Z.-rfr,. moat of the northern In the meantime they aeem jte forget statek and in'.1876 elected Samuel :j. that one Oorernor Benjamin B. Odalt : Aenttor u aiaaa ox jsuiua : -r-- -t . - - aImuJ rtAo&Mit San,uer 4.rtintie ilnntiea and Tiwa. AxcA-1 m the electoral college ana dj i ,ua 1 T ".T. V7 v. V F. flOUCK, UONXBACTO& Axn BDlLDEB, IXJDIsBtTBO. H.ol ' Trading iaioilaa. taatorat DaaUna SaDtnlttea There ts an twfat raBt, stoat to the . effert that Oowreoc Altwvt - K. Catnmlna-U ef "tt tow VW- becotse attorney gatoral V rreCJ-re: Boceereirs rtorgaatsad rWni.., tTkif woe Id these etalneet lenrt sfsad pet tara.' Hrpbora. TJsa. Ocafas. nltra sfth etal,totwal roovtfctart! a Ue Chkare eaavtt.tkw itoy lave fcaea liaaxlflg God rrrrstiifjr taet sraor .TMnaira sad hit 'It a Mra I were both d for. aad Uy wSI m I retlah their rtsvrmtlo yrvartSeiwto far ttraager thtoga.he m;?mX. . HOTELS. m; " v ( . n... -. -Ill V... tef . "mniion majority of the popular m " u ToteT Fiom that rest J"1. 1 iZZ-lSZIZZl .7.- , 5. .fr .-rfT - f ' ' I a-aaaatBBBBTaBBBBBBTaTgB tU f?St U r--to M toJ Wj Tf ' j-aa4JV vtvi sry w ' aU?aJ . lnJr:T . ti JWwteJ ( 3 f-'f tUjvea, as4 fc U r racval el af) H ' ir-t te aC . Ht aayt at tlW ta ; . - . ; " ' Ua'-i lli eswi4 1 m f7-.Vl luft ejsiw slti axt5 eTVt. p-t itwO rwt tUi ai toe U tl f. ai-Ct toJa4 to- to awr"a til KlilATOA U0X1- NoMore8afferQ&. feewx"l"of C&da?feH- ffkANKLINTON I UULXtli tJt - tthted with indigestion ;:w r .v 'L : , ' vr, T NO "wt a bottie of kXi; Dyspepl C4 -"DeWltt's U the bnly gennine Witch J ty !V.dftsehoWufckIy" Jt will cure -you. gaxel SalveM writes J. L. TocKtr, of " Jtliaa TO want a tUmmmzt pwtirai- try Chaastortala'a Stah a4 Uw Table uu They ar aa j to ti a4 t- ace no aairtee. mrusf r Aar e ah: t "eel For aato fty Arfe urood aeeomodation I ibila ood Livi..f . Attached" It - HL. W rtT:r5 ''Sccf Ir,r!t;n tmr'.i VO4i TTT ' mi t , tf-., frtt ia gr;rt r-w Irvtl U At .i r-t v9 ti tv-.i tf .r-ir tlf !,t 3 .-m ttcti , Ivv d S --M w. 1 l. aV toael a) ewfii,. a f . "-a. I i.Ja..aa -i ""ia,. .. i r I . ' t e a. 5. iwlH. Ca U. IxaHtUa. 4 a e f a', ma- a.f o.t V .tt aa w a 4 U J 4 a '4 t Hi'it tot at, ji V . tuawr a,t; I 4 f i ? .t ... r j ) A - .,.,,. a. a $t at -aa i tUw. e A jtaaj aw4 - 4 T a la.J .J? iimI ti flkk -1 f. HM.m.t 4 . at A !rt ti Lr, rat Jbt er?e : t:iiix. wki.'a ti rjwrr ii r-7"vV?v tart if U itr 4 k d ft ra e tttotaja4te-i w-Li U j J rt;-sri r s 3 V -; j ra.-wati.-y a0:. tv iv pa V4 el J-Ua la..;i!iM WUl ! VLASSENBOKG HOTELS ii i Dyspepsia Cure was irecommeftded ate.nie.' Hra. Earanrl Gar, of ! .rwlHana withJiopea' of 'getfinr 1 aore Dnjnynk-t lo tmelee, years that i . vf irvtnl TrarnsiaCure.ia I that the doctors could not car. I waa I gUUlU wrt a - , w - I .. - i toe oniy wj - , , ' l i , v..v v.:. . . uv ..-.r-s - t-in t.r rlENDEHSOHv U. O. ? i?!1-? Cr; 3fth .Indication br It U a wondertulwUet DeVlttt 5Titch aUgS fur I. ii to.t tuaAjbi oaa vw' ft lot of tifflt wxi-lzz i yt wfssw ; . Kothrrt 1- Carr!?l 1 4 s7- . I rar.'i... 7 rj. cl U h'a!ih oi rf vtm to 4 a l v C v lisa-r. ti r--1 '.:uvt e-Tr,... .f -r fi.'.. t ; : a i j Va ..4 .t 7 i')in. t"iiita t 4 at rfM '44 ).. )... h i-ftl. !. t Ul j He it tt in t ii ,..ii i I t l-iC atait . ai. - ) at- 'iv aiiir . 5 to r w w 1 t a r !- V--aa V- iArtistic Job I iiliL.. "f a. ?t -f I I f P f re e t w a c : i t- OOCMI t 'it: y; T I 4

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