" Ly.i . J"l- 1-7 I . . "T. --"':V.r: -------:: '' J A, 7H0UAS Editor ... Prwl:.:r. i;; P-tf . boh - uiaEoroRir CONDENSED" STORIES.1 f A QUAI?iT 0LO T1S4ER. ALL" OVER T1IE tlC'JSL 3" W lU ft.'J - - ' - - - ' r "-. ' - - - - -; Will IYVV 1- --. ,. . - J" i ' . . ; - i . r- ' - - - - j- '!!"'. i J - . :-7Ay'waajnwiutnUcoa.7 vta uaxcu, whom he dUliked. j t. 0i s ae , a ibex w na xaiswi with a mn L .-u. j t;;nad ; sea ia mou ride of wranaaj. - ' 7 ;? ' 'n wiB.: f mi 5 Jlta.' yr$i& ha t;u not nde dora tl4 tUri, bat X.; j ;- ' , mac U. .Ecma. da TSrf o ouui ia each noatb3' LOOQK&. ..Loaiwur-- bodK.:JSa. 413."-A.5 P. ArM.,1 autu txl "3rd Itwsdy lro tbMHio ual Otirctw yt. fllfaUiaKlGK (C. COOK, PtlfSltlAiSi AND-8CKGE0N, i LOulaborg, S. C a m Ua ir, .. ti. Jftaiaing. Hoars: 10 a, n. to U oi . . in. to y.. m. Mckki' -r h 1 0KNXI8T. . IrUUldliUlfcJ, . N. C. " jo;ortr Caa atuea Tarboro k's ion. ! , Jl j, Mann, . ; PHii Sl :i A d and BUBQEON, I WtfUBUBO, n. 0. - "V-f OXtse ofne Vfcuc. Ong Oo.'sd ruga tore 5 HA riO PttTSICIAXI AKD SDSOXOV , Louisborg, N. C. " vJtBow 14 tb rvar of " Buddie, Bobbitt A u. a iruii oture. oa Huatt aoreet. . ilk iC f, lA180ttVlatt, - I '-" ' F-V(UC1AA AJID BDBOROH. I LMFtKBTJBa. fi. C. ooud saa aoor 3ie. baiUUiur. bboim 89- tat eatta aaawra trom T. . Blckett'a r lbLD.v U&ymmmtmtUimm - rty Will practice xu 441 -tn Uoarta. Oflwa IB 5 4 ax af la Sr. -u u orant ut ta(Kat4i f' A tTCJEY-AT-tlw, rv -4. ; LuoibbVbb. N C. V, Offleevr Boddi.- Bobbitt A C.'a'dmg . . . v , ". is- : t v woiAwoi. at 0. " Ami ltd adjoti iroult (Jbarto. jOBloe liiouupar and OlUtoo BBildtaav 41 flute , 4TT0aaKT.AT.uAW, : ; ioi8ttTM,B., - Om on atatfi axreou ' Jonaa A Oooparg -tore. ' j . -'-- - .f4 ATTOaI-AT-LAW, ijniunun av at ' uwtfiBB "rompt attoaraeri gtaa toaolieoUa&a. J-ji 1 yuoe oer Mur urn a ctliure. . ltd ,.'t- .'i'.i .: xrrb asSiine c!" bM. 'fW.DBtlSV a HI fa .warTuraaa a i, aaa eh . - "R fit vraduce in aU tu Ooarta "of VraJikUii nam couutt , atart la ta thtprpma a Uuitatr (Stale ' DtatrbA aad ,f rrompa afcttnailrtnVVft-BtloB cfVta to v . rarrmmtter intraatMd tn his nai-. jiara, rnj jjintMtja sdBUuaa jAllliinff Unn iJai.F Uf tlflrtA. Ca . .n aoa, ri.Jv. Mational aaAJfrW4. AXTOKHXt AT-A.' . aoaiaavaa, aL "- ltY zj:M w.HfJvjvfsiiU tone will I 1 .rVA : t: : - NTt h c.nt ir- . pia.upttr tlouae.ottlldlng, Court atit . . .Kru,:ui feyeuuj.iWK occasion fesc!ii(L,. iW.l:lriuiaTt? S?fthath1y naeafcr that xu reouro pKBtr waVArat w)atfl.i ' v , , UQlBOHa. ar C. " Traduift aaot for ail kitrda r t SapUea, ArUad jtotie-and t...tt taatw.1 OeeliruaSaoattteif ho re uo a " - . it i vot4.avataioasioB fot it ' trsvaliar siissKiiBiJKG: hotel: ftwftB 177 , P tttMaMnDiirfg r ; Propr Oaoa - aoovOftueiAuktlvaaidafd.' . J "it aadatieaaTe aarraatr . rateFrance om-Airics, r haw tjyii cuHjt -4midr vmlKini ilui-imjtfSkinio'ttttrliT 4 fmd.4(j. th boj "Tint ica."- - --v -- - -ji -' . : t ' r - Eeferrffitf to ink alml&m'M vk Ltfie police ? force. MoxU or -u d f Drnn v mw f a "li, BHOW TOU KT BTATL". charge of the. welfare of tie "nord aeit," where" so many of hia ellow countrymen lire. - ; . g Qt POg had occaaicm-to IjS? mfm station; ting the nttmberi The an- "Put in a ten ceinfiece." "Doifea yoke, aid id? I nut toe no TOdLiif I'm on de bolice 1 ; Oh, OTeplw don'd know jwftJ? Fjaf FW f T.T,1rt- mv - - Si v K k. 4 E&QnsVTeVi said Senator 10 a va 08treDort- hft4i9CUfl! ! present tend-i encv of trusts rauroaa comDi- tiosVVeWted ttfffufgHowe of -Wisconsin, who . wMfterVard D08tniAttei4toal1f IhWcoursa ot&ikt(kStf&itYim law-J tion is the life of traded ASWn as he utter edihe-jxoTds Judge Howe straightened li&iiselfand held out his hand for-the jraey to desist talking for a moment. "It is noth ins of'the'idfidWsmhereDT decide that competitioivjs not the ii?AdeiAiidoiiued Sen- the4awbookAMtt r $-.vv--i- -;?Mr? iElkinagrew tltc Judge" noare iietMn4gHlia1f toirestrain' d4Kmetkkm?kfdisAstoliAi i f ytoft)? 8a Hensonywho' was recentlycalTed f rom Chicago to -c -a Text For b 10 stores. Brooklyn, -was "met . by aa friend ini StOTCS ed for Tsome'tinrT'eplied, can' best answer ur' question with the' words of tne text Job xit, lAll rt Inall - wi t&r'Mh,t oenrouMewitiVitoe r foreign-, counhies 1 over J the Monroe J..nA !, VjJ. .1.4 - 4V J IrrF ' Vnt' wnirlc) endeavor tn "titv serre peaeec r -j - - .iXayr?-'VrcS3lajnied the f president, f Io'U:4hixikI'mNgoing to hdve a wi. L'!ffJ!m;oopedJup here in the Wbttonae; Well, 1 guess noLZ J f ? J : ra 8uffertusr .4. T .' -C" T - yea ai trembled :wi(h . Indigeetion ' T f - get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia .Cars and sae how quickly, it will-' care you. weo; 4u nomson, 01 spencer- iasats: "flareliad djsp6pla"Ior twehtr' Years. Mj ise-VaJalBfttsr h6eless.t fcodol Ojia.Cm vaSSoiameBded'and X S4 tP,w bpttjejif itan - i ia tbe 4f nfv fKitiT fhof nai rATiadf) ma ri14 M Villi vupj i ve-w ana a v. 4 4 v 1 u ,iuv .. ituiu TnotwthioatltfAVaMoctored 'wita local physicians 'with hopes J 1 "getting some relief, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only remedy that has done me . any good,. and! healy reccanmend it-i-Er- erj tei5iln snfang witl indigestion dyspepsia should nse it.: Sola by J or Ay- mkh arax wo ?."iiood day, doctor I What are joa J LDTCeufcn, who tMWe Be&)U 1 ' . Ay i fc 1 l drank .xaj jigrl I .luwi iVbecinia took wou to suit ; IroniS any Doinis ofview. Tn tK flftt llacej i thfere "Jrlflj. I rio- Tiiore toll Mended Indians born,, aa men adlrjnieni jpuiidikii ttoo are J3&3frwiTm& Kitten whit per sons or Lndiat whose blood is large ly mixed jit!- that ofthe -white. Moifer, tLese pue Woedicliil dfmt.lnlty.finfirisrEn sxunsfrom the salt of. lands to the gftTOttIiW'yaluabltf rer- tn property, fto that many of ttceia oxvd iirore'-tiitorB tliulPeael ill oa Ztdid&i of xne rjBontiurest.that the enrions little Indian babies axe to be found. There are mow among the-twenty tribes 'only 8,000 full-blooded In dian children. vIn these saxae tribes there are more than 20,000 children through whose veins courses a strain of white bloody They are "healthy, faf youngsters1: and, . despite their rough iisage, grow op to be strong men And women. Cosmopolitan. . The Giddy Young Thfngl -; Afrs. Gaberf s eighUeth birthday, which - war celebrated recentlf at 6t?lVca9Hrith-weHnr 4ress- ing rooniAnd a serenade bythe or- t&estnzm&tvh&ifkvi&ik SjnSaSL atSTafter thee? 1. zormance, occurrea last Deiore an . ... 4- LLuss-liieh-rBece38iU lAdtia-short rest. -When she returned to the caat at tire Lyceum theater in New Ydrk,- one reason aitA anflhr.rij ai? LAiteJ as U trDaM UbirBdia DOSluon. In that ntrrlnt mr a hexAjthat has retained its mellow ness ithrough these many years, she denied in turn each one of he ctusea ascribed. Til tell you what It was.' she said nnallT and with a twinkle in ker eye, "I had' too much birth-4 dayi--LeAlie,sJ7eekly..i, . PrtQArtJofTa tSa Cxir. Llf. No tuhiEst: will eter ctt a thane at thiriaai of BaWWUh araxor, at least inthAsruise of .a. barter. The autocrat hashis beard care f nil t frrmm exA Tin ntV am'a.iwi V"T.J " Vi, ftIA 4ft44V 44V4ft this is treated as responsible and important function, and of the four .aMteiMef 61 the Wurty sj they czar when -hia- nap.tY in -rmrW th pbArVfcareV Nottha anydubt xs.jeit as to the fidelity ox the ton serial artist. The familr of the QuelaboTski hare been barbers to th' Imperial jtouse?;,! t EouispoIT. rxom the time ox CarFsuL. V V .Tha MUUlf Thotnh.- . It is by the thumb the mUler testa sample orer the Cnffers by a peculiar moTement of the thumb, he ranges itsalue. bf the th tob itself- - 'Con- tinna Actio ixrtbii -way makes' the thumlr assumea Tshap 'resembliftr theidd fiattenedead-of'the'btiiP head, or Tommy. LoTjre, a fUlrtrm' alent in mill streams, which in con- ee IS tkraulariT taown as the Chambers Jour- ft i "i BF w . a Bnrenj fctfaayis fMarfea it w vw laucn uxe A equen Akoted -BgiUiAtA enne' lish waroorrespondent, reports a suggestive conversation between a BritisltbEScernd a oer .field tor net tinder' a fk? of trees. H 1 : . ? - v The former ased MWien do yoV think the war will be overf- 1' i' 0hs,!jreplied the : Other,twhi you people are able to catch a bom I - At TXelzen, in": l.cLifbja'"' "thoritiei hsitjrissSd aUw?ichls more popular with, the fair, that the jterner- sex." ; Husbands" met tb which roea to the -Derson-cresUniAft bly the wif e--who brings andproree triA aVTJsatinn.- pf?. "Beware of Ceanterfelts -5. -C'lfcWltiViB the "only rennlas Wluh Hazel SalY" writes J.- I-Tac;er, of Centre, Alas, I hAT ctpd if fp:iH j lirrrf- ly for pilescntaandbdrns'for yearf SiiJ it is an invaluabli bousehold reiaady, and should always ba kept co .hand for Immediate nsa." Mrs, Samuel Oajre, ef North Bush, SY satst 'I had a r sore fn my ankle for twelca, f esrs that that the doctors could "not rut. I was persuaded to try De Witt's Witch lIsrM halre, wnievnas completely cured -me. :urei mr. tt'sWitrh ingaaeax. It is a wonderful relief." DeWit Hazel Sale cares withontleaTi StU ky Aytaaxs Drtj Ce .home Dy ill oxlocfc.l A" Ene'quaJ I to 10 iihilliisgs is the ppnalty.C?Jbi. j .frihgingj this regulation, half .oft tat or with wa-t r: t f 1 f ; ir.- -U'Vu.""l Cf SalV-EJl lU-iz--irS::i -- ULYt ia Xf . f " . - T T f M . 1--:-. ... , pttben -T? bc li '.4- i., I r;a- -.1 ? , . . . J , , , r .'' ?ftt!s Of lrrw wut s4 ' J 4 f , w f w.t ; . sraay tzattfm: .TaawH. 7 " J f ?i i v . . - . , . . tie cmkM Kr iZi.--1.ie .Jt f,us tmt v..f .w ' - l-w c wopn-rf yt eu ! r ic...v J VJ.V Jl'- c - - pai-Alhr t li. T 4:,t t4r . .- . ... ZZ J - - 4 btiij hardtackw, Yi.rttt ., ., - ..rW -. u " - ' -t .j 4,., Uttar.iou m psU list ftfV,. . ' v,.. , , " - . ' ' ' ' tU cakso stir a tml tsAcaf S R' it v aU T.i. " " .; ' "'r V into ,ttArur of A!tPT.i If Uk 'It w-iYsi W; m mi4-i'.:; . ?.o:f.- SSJ?ff!Ult Ai.i i,:;!..,, v. u t i r 'oattAT snul it iofr.a . Tfc-a fr a I --------- i . .... J , . . - . . . , 4 . ....':" tS,Mte -'L-H 7" .rr, vft eats la tha sazaa rrcrortico aj Ut' J ?- Ma, tftrjir'Ut? Vli Una tUrvt wirtiaw, - ; I - 7-- - ?aHaft 1 - . - . ' I ri I ll ft M ftk.I a 4. I mi:-. - . 1 - ft - i 1 Car af Mat WaJa ft. ' , i -' Do not nut boilina Snlit In fa fVa bag KU the oIy about half full or little rAori,tUa lay it b jour lap before pnttig la the step per and carefully jreas- out Jibe This makes the hi o1n: ba ll is rtliered of the pressure the sUso. MaV. tll.f. '4. . - "ea u 4Cl U ll, lCCtt-nOl QtltB the. bag, Cain out ti wiTer. let; it ban? bottom aide ut far. a litUa while, then take it dowuland wkh IV. . ..... . . i no sxouu diow a liUie mir into It, Just enough to keep tie irride frua coming together, as it wl often if there is no air la it; ia which CA the bag is quite rare to bV ruined ia pulling it apart. . J , - U- If you baTe a 1 Ujat U Vtock gether, put into it se.'Iaot wa'ct with a few drops of ahrAdls, leu it remain a few ininutcs, tLch'wiib thin, dull edged piccS of . "wood try to- paratt the Inside -rY cartftA ly. . xicrer fold a mbbirr tr aftrr. tr d 'A falntl baV av- f . , - . a ur v)Trrm$ u tuogcx oar u TtfT AfafiOjIadei Ptets. ri ... 1 . . . ., 1 ,, iAmiij medificacleit is 024 t tie necotaitU ia tl.ebocjthod, s4 t. ; J, . .11 ... 1 . 4 uouga it to nothing utter tiaa sa trpper shelf in the cWt or DAtrr. Then they, can be found witioat iocs ox tine, which is cot the can where the bou! are left scatm! about on the windows a&d tuaul. The home nirdieioe chesi should j COTUin-TrboWe dt'etrior. lesi row. a Xawjs or q-sj- pz9 ia cxpAlc, ft joO, casta OH, pmxtroneMUaseoL twustard: n). Jhur, yaseline, Usewater anitari ous other thingi that bsTt beta tric4 'and tni good: Should anf member of the faisth be seterehr burned cow the bum. portfen with luiseod.o;! s&4 itnt- -v ' CurUTne end OrapeH.' ' - Few things rite so great an air cf comfort to a home as r ratty cur aias and MrtperkB cd if.y are wcfLforinAirrT!.r9C4B. Dles their decoratiTc expect, tiry shut out' draft andcxclcde dust.' The chrtsfrtft? tori fcstoofl niJ b lis qf KdotSrttd tii;iisuJ wtM robe protect tie dresses witib frcoi soil, while riricr ehana to tie ap- .pcarancopi Pf MrooSe. - ; jt Jlhere are cuay. woara Aiose trt tsk when, boost, coTicr -is ia ar rt8n tie window drsrcn-v Wash ,as ,thejt sa. wJca .qaca .eo. ars completed tie houft- will tia t look LkaJbome, when the &aiAl4 room devoid cf L'.iadi and cartaLaj tools tare IZl sCli ! I f' crocades for the sitting roc a, wki'.s for the boslrootn art iinan Is trttrv xea or jAncy crtwcze. r.D the pmtkit iwat ia M Cots to Ms I uv 13 tr::er,t is Llhe try Chanib4rUia' 5keu.'!i al !.; TableU. .Th y ara ly - Laia s&4 f f dnea no aoca, rrtci f it.. rreabVa eSrct. Fer ty Arca a- ' 4 aftftSft-aA. A iA i A cood"d kor. he C!:h cf yrpr t. .-r co g..4r c--i...i, ra "vt ahay (Mil .-Tcccf n. .-. p v.. : V te t-H Car i t.vt ten tr-,V 1'. . V;it' and rUautct. t .1 1 J 'W : nj Wa, i: eccrx m. i v. t. bow Ito-tAA1 its 1 eJittatAl fit I wsUr! then wrtp;,it ;wV.l, ;toa I wool t AS ow U tojttIa tTtity Motirbotiitft - Ui i. 4 jria Vr e3-tV.?Iwst r!;:, i.rT-,: J ,:V- 6 . i-r t.1 us- ww 1 f - i L . ..7 . . ....... . . .. I .tIaco of tie tjsu.v r' ' i7"!at,.ft ,.--4. , ! 4 ,r ,. ,r .,4i.J small . coat ex . tnirrsT.- Ssu-Vklcs-I fr.., ..,4.rf . . .... - . . : it . F - ... -- t . . ...... . tiMiot n4 1 m.j ci , , , r , , . . . ....i , - . .. .. -..ft. . a a F .. ...... 1 ftonjratulstioa ct -ia!t-4 bv . ' ' r v i. - 1 i t.- CJ a. Ii I 3 - - titAatAtcas m-t U b p t t.t i , . - - t. ,1' t w, , , ?,... r.:w - rirhtetrcs-Iaaenbllca -f-a-'-a J-ir Ou Wt4 1 aU-a -rfa ... . . i . . i , . -v i . . i f . , . jii cit rc54v.a ti ca.rs.a' . . . 4 - , -. , ft. t ar. V av'kftS'ar 4.,. , . .... .44ft.- t .. ? - ., .am , - j l- - either festive er dsaf-J. Uf- !ff a , . . ' .. . . . .-. :-: r ?V I ' - .... m t OCksatthedoor.--U-ioaGrsrV , - Jf. i tt.t j tt A e a ,V.f H'f V ' ' " j i ' -. aVaa- t r -ta , '1 . . C. .'. 7.o' v7."-i.'f - ai?rt aa-1 sv'ai aaaw! t-ft 2." ' .. fl 4 t aaaaaa a a-) a, , i7":rs lar.1,1 L,;: 7.7 ' j ( C - T ! A f TI H DM ' f . .!?" il .-r co f cnij.it, r..7 -vt h. J UT'.rn T"': - ' i - f " W rrsw(tvlA,AftJ'iaa Wtf tW J, Ck3 -Kftftfarrus.. vw. U ytj fi ve Urn yt-ts asiavtsaM Was At Lm WTti A. tLc(U y- ll, fress) wal avOably aemr -rfw ft eerrt4 to U4." v .'r )- - ' -J4' lowaix:ar1M fta-wA mtU f tvV nJsHP"A V ' Tt.ntV w a tivaoUa4lrTiaa-J.ftf th aVi bBSBteaeO tSe po-Ary t CWav Ul b a a ar -j . . a lV1 J'?. 1 kit - NowjIriar. e rrceat SvxJU- Vfw as 14 aaavi ia f aitrassi ertj Ji-J WtKTf SIJ ArriatV ... k. .4 . ' .aaa-a-aiTa-B. psajtT - BtAavs a e. stawaicweeA 'imrttn' Ay tW t, la tyAf V xh U aiaJy i thrt Sfl rf b ran wa raiAft ,11 y e k a- a aft x yrr 4ai s4 CA sa4 . W baad da4 44rs ef rs wU wfa51 a S&aV pvt., ft . Aawf irWl it kws 7"fs liiwr dlm Sod As Ill.TO. 5 ' - : ' , GX fot Uca-A, Us aaJ j-rf f a, tie teUlW ITftvU Xa U a Astj'Uit Uj'li t; rtit fatvetiaa ywa aa-. Ail W sacral MthAtosA I .ti aaa TZU A4 IXatU date .f v - - ... k p Ttr-4?7ti4,.wi af ii Cr4 sla;bfasf etrkkJaf it SlPTf af 0 pacUf 11 -af draak aMw b4 , trrt ir-4 t rasslae te t ar yce jJUy. bf taS i Wjp-M a-a AAA- W Wat Iwrail t a tra V as A ' f sjurua Yoa ts3 m V ('aaa t rrtrra t Jva wai taaaat. tlW I-,nu the dri eCs h riaVrT l- ' . it "... . j a ' aT - . . v - -a r r - t - - - . t w ll ft.-,, Ct4-aaaft r .-., -. ,.,. , f-- . . . ., 1 4 J 4 Itsa aJuanemaaaai baaaj " . t . - . . . . latwASaAay ef tlW rcx&Um ' ay a t ara j;'.'f'"i I"': Ii, t4 r--4 ! f ' - ' t!.?,r ,.3aA irv- j . . J r 2 TT -r.1 .r- 4. it i l J e llfta'-taO 1 4$ W .4 1 t I a a-t ,;rU'e osaaafr;cafr4'" w.-. 'C . fvl f-a f-s i'C.I IJj 4 F . ?.r.. I, .... j ns.rt.ta.; i gr j-. f-rTV $0.f5 . I A " l--a Va f , .... " t t-K. mm. mm- tr f aaaa nar 4 ao il Va j '" iftn; f t " - ' . y frz it ii'tt "s,i!!r.lAr fri !,; r"Cl 3 4 "7 a.- W- at t f--a -4 f ift5 i"a'aCl tui tiTM.U ia-. , , . . ,,',7 ' . f a-4 a t. , .k ,4V V t t . 4 ' :iUbjtUi,VUft; - 13 rC. fft "i i.: , " a F 4. I , fl ?I"f7;T'! w) i'j ! 1 arw ; sct v'i - I -ft,..'.v.,i, w..,vi;r v.bmm v a, e r a I'Nr F f3- ''.'itiitijO . . . - ,' . , if a.JU Fa-4 T m .-a i f.i N . - -v v- V nV 11 - tf ni !lrf f f 5i,t,',!. - -i.- c;-::.-rrft..7 ; .7 . . i i..-' ; Jft!-a!v-.-.-s.Vs- . ' , . .. I ftft, ft,.-, s-a--a--a -a-'' - - . ...... . t - ' ft ft . . . i IfKnew w-m wn - 1 -. v j j j i.1 c 1 ia .a 1 mi . - j a.. i p. .aft - - Mt -n f4 tWW f tv W ? eta.- 4-ar - ? IW7 fl 0 a trtt t t tW ikaaa aa &a. 1? a4Aa ' uf . 11-SL- I 1 iaw.. e . e-aa-ai ara ajfta'.BMft f Oaajiaai 'assaA " 14 a a 4ft- Ad4i a44' 4,'U .A 7 -4 a-14,. a u4. -wa. a44 t4k aa-w 4 tvn.4-. AwVI fVwv"t a44 t k4 f 4.1.4 f w4 l4W4tV 44 ASM S4Wi ftw44m -r W X, W. Bmvft afttaAA;7aaa4wl Ul V..,ai... aa tamfttaM, 4.4 -.-4Jib4.j tlnni Xm -n-u rr. at MM44. fa Tt ljaafa-nk4-r .. -"'e iiiaiiiiniiii 1 .i .--. -- K -" . , . 1 ...'. 1 - arra4XafUk(4jta ,'1 if,' ft ;f ' " . . . "aaii.i44ii'iiiii; aa - j lLtO4 IU f lkavw t A. fft' ta? am44tt4 a U-v Ai .(.i PwW t-U i H-O. ajraa-autiaa a fti f -tste T- rwtila W aMaa tr. T ana il: V.l f lft44j I. I t JJtl,-' Tint ; t-r tt, 7.v r. r. x;r A. ACmmaincf af fa '" 1 it 4.u t''f a .:urA u jm a,-,-;r, . r., ,. fvto&K aati:t,t f Cat ,inti .- ( fHJ5uT- TtnWait X.a.4aft Ififtra,, JNa.wtiftf TJ A a J ! r--Aa ?,. tia.fi' i;t. I, ft mu Ut4l UaW t ;JC tta. tlBKt s4 BA MTf tkt, t yi t, . ThV fcsrtr tsf !frbl tt trtod;ra rnsAC Sv ti a . . . t . . 1 t . . . . . .. w rss k scti cis ci.'AA -UAii-A rrs ltf v ..,.' I . 4.i-4.. . I J ft ill . - . 4 - H, .fi, -I . T a4i "tf - "V f- OA'!.,, ;t ... ftLa - Li il I i! "' ''.. ' ' NAg 14 : bt a jr. r awn-) a 11 1 i 1 n a.4,a.."t - u a-M. Aft . u . . . . THE.VilHIE'o? 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