5 t- " ' - ' - " - ; - - - -i --Y-V:-j --f Ivl . Ri-: r iJV -7 v M Carol 'THB. jChrlatmas-ca JL. vine nouaay observance . ,an: Enell8h ther -tfcan. an - " mu, telle, Sutfev, srr s-.. , -a , ; - -xa around n iGhris ok. -1 w Hvuoc w u nhcvt - -. t rvwwnr Tntia . m. , Ui U3-;iet tlie TQle. V-T bow.' tia carol plays Mm r,.- " F Sand.r f J- jw or ma fa tan K 0,H-" 1 " .. . "" W W " nesi IOU. - Demjf used In Sd. .l3;,orgets the qe . And- bubbks out d i met v .wn may nave forsotfMi w -riTVv - v?tflrB com For JejtM .ChrUt. our Savfou: " " Wa bom upon thla'day Wn.U frm Satin P iT il " are 8n trmr. Oh. tldln of cornfprt and JrtMiBly 'enough, carol slnglnjr at Chriattna, ,me came in 'part from heatbendom. Tbe AngKvgaxon OS -hf ?V Tu n an'eat 'wtlral which in the wisdom of the-early n,i Bionarie. was retained, with a new ,Ur r'ff1 wbeBBrttain was Christian ized. pe eason'a merrymaking then k, flaence upon the carols which developed into twoel..; of Joxous expreselons-ot the BavtoWs birth and the other singing of was.aU.. Though cirols are said to have bien .u ujc pruninre clrareJu-the ,,ral ne exxant is of century, ar- the thlrt. Its manuscript is now in the ,4.. "iUttlejWhoo, tr PettrSw : ' s ccftnesjpn "Sundlay " ' ; f--for .1 iaow. the :: iay wfll aeytr seem thevanie. iUiVrheiV - nwematning, I find myTack vfiUed W. fni oTtoys. , r eem to bew qiy father t -'T"a-sMiy look t em,bBtdoat . make a"ny r SOOD'S A TKXJM TWT THiT TOU IAS BKH'T BIOW?" TH 3 ' WAITS," ENGLISH CABOC SOfC Hrftlah museum. It is written t An. !o-Korman. and the first lUnu, freely "uiiaieu, is as rouows: Now. lordlnys, Hatea to our dly, " Etranjer -om ag turn afr. poor minstrels move your pity; '" CI.e us welcome, sooth our cut; m f h! m- nsion. as thy WH U, - ' ChristiTuaa wnsaO keeps today ; Ami a tfc hincf rool feikawm,- RelgTw wltli uncontrolled sway.- - cnonuev " ' Hall. FTthcr ChrlstiTiaa. hall to thee: lonor"d n?r shall thou be! - II the iwmts that Im bestows. '- Kndless pleasures wait on tbose ' ' - who. like vassals brave and true, Give to Christmas homage doe. . r - A modernized form of their carat vi nsea at Oxford np to a recent das. Another carol which was sang at tM beginning of the sixteenth ceatnrr asJ : which shows true religious feeing is uiia ; When Chryst was born of Mary fre, in Bedlsm. In that fayre cyte, ' Aogeiii, son ther with myrth and's-le, la Excelsla Gloria. Herdmsn beheld thes nens trlghtT" To hem apperyd with, gret light. na ya "Goddys son Is born .this la Excelsls Gloria, ny Keos y cornytv1 to save (man) A ra Scriptures fynda, -Therefore this song have we in mynde, mm itizceuna uioria. ,:: Then. Lord, for thy gret grace waunt as the blye to se thy face, Waere We may ayng to thy solas in Sxcelsle Qlorla. v Among the many caroia of later date r many of etquMte beauty-3fahum Tatgt "VlTiIl Vf?hepberds Watched Therir JHocka by Night," Isaac Watts' Joy to the WdTld, the Lord Is Come' Charles Wesley's '"Harkv the Herald Angels Sing? and. Phillips Brooks "Oh. Little Town of Bethlehem." r Of an other age- are these Christinas , verses of Robert Herrick. the quaint old Eng Uah poetr1: . " -' ' . ' -w Tu us. thoo clear and heavenly tongue, Fhr 1 the Babe that lately sjfruagt M he the lily banks among? - - 2 ay UT this new Bi?th of ours1 " pa, laid within some ark of flowers; oangled with dew ... lfcbt?- Thou 1 canst clear - ah douhu and manifest the where 1. cUre to us. bright jrrar. if w-shl s Him IS the mnrnlno'l Mtnilnr lm.lr ' 21" rch tW beds of spaces through"- To Bud him OUt ' - ' Milton's "Hymn on theNatlvitvmnat: course, be ranked among tbe best.oT Christmas songs; while tha "OiorU In KxceisU" of the King James Bible wDt 'ways be ajing wherever the Enfflfsa aguage makes its way. - " , -MARION B.BBADLET. And ma. Dethans will bring. Kte eat a trumpet adsayj fWdl, Jauiyf-ft i Sunday ' now, yoa know,". S' Prny hard a-waiting for foiiotrow. gwaaa trumpet thafyou dasseh't blow? T VV'ISI? print the calndaisall over i ?ak Christmas come some other Jes' so us ntti chaps can have some feW . . f juoui ana wnistle ah our vh. There's Jobrof things that sint jes' as Oet And 'cause"" they ain't ft seems to meVshame. It's pretty hard when puisttnas comes en Sua- .day - fc For I know theday wOl neferseem the same. fcLL you what, thoda; wfll jes' blow oer; A . And we wonH hardly, know 'that it's been here. - s QwtoB ew wia be about theTonly Christmas luc.wewut kave a chance to know this yest aMKxnz xamg mat makes the whole uuhghard - ils that we have a Sunday every week. - wUe we have to go and hare our only Christmas , -IVhetrwe almost have' to whfeper as we " : speak. . . orer the bu auantvga.' scarce stcerag war nrtratTT !rppi3 w,t;' iao teen. aninaTi- Jteer r Governor To:Pk.'Sa. bn- .VI" ' 'I r rs ana baPrv. uujk uim.T n rsfailaarlM - - - - 1 the declaratton-of.,' 0J'. a. t m.v.T L-rrrr'.wiP or cancer.. was alipolaa- Uatfr au ..Toiup Are and ha stiffs w 'i. i - . . cf r r ,1: . -mjory fo." from tbe.lookout at the'm,athit "rTir.r? .. w. u . wt. cuil.nar- MflMrf M.Ik ?i i"ova.tbtkctbhx boltthiom- , "r" . . ... I .. :. ! Iff Ci - ' ;; t-' --i i' ;'-tt t. - tU !-, -. 1 t'-snr:-x t pa:y f -? '--a r-fi -...'. i J , t a .-m : V T t u t) (which- i'iSW tW. ships: -This mhrht Lv? tifi!opk:,K llto,0 Paw bd thr flay of peace on tbe ocWrTnot frt i rta- 5,11 f a t a ber canvas, and IwTr.fri Governor Tompkln.1 Bb aho ot aP ln;prinlt-:vr5 PTZ?-1?- m of b start-! - in-- . I -a. a luck ! I- ;ii . - - i.v,i:"-'5r?--- -r:-- rzTT .... w-5i- ii rT;'"1 ' x . . . '- . , t- r , K - - .: -v "... .c , -x f - r ..-i - i ' . . ' s 1 ; 1 : v .; ' - I ' A HX0 r43UBMg -it-iil: ' V.rrr -nl:Jgfc ine Chaa was a.tMtkui. . ill.-, i. uawn unur 3 In-the-aftemoAiC cnn. ; wwa iro Tompkins hnruTJ. Covirwr ' FT mast have Uq spoikd ty K sized trn.v-' - ". .'. " " lw "ipa appeared . r,T l iw o nex cran exasperation an? mn,i,.T W7, r . r1?"" 10 " elzed tr n.r-" r " lo appeared to b a M ber en4 c men. There TiM ' rj: :'- wn" tJt mercbaaV gonehefor,wnM um" to folk upon the privateer, ee vessels-would mi - ujv iinviieer lima fwr . - - began to be not so confldenL e trart iwL fn hurt . 1 Ge nsport looked ao much birrs tfc- rr rrc4ctDg. - J .1" P TEer at flrat C0 N'athanlel Shaler held tU lonJfcTT- f scope trained upon ber.nd ther. w.. ,x-. .-T-V f t ports seemed to be painted like thoaiVr 7.: -.. -ta what might be a merchantman k". 7""-" Biiia to bis rex like a down, swept a furious squall I J ' n. . it . .. ujui Buuca me acnooner Orst. and erf ber ttrht an ... toaye. in Captain Shaler. own words, -Iimoat bef or I cotiktnra J She had been rushed onward. fa.tT than u Lr iSJl rLTtr, under the gun, not of a transport, but of a fr w t Jr? f Captain Shaler wa. a Xanke skipper. ,nd dtd tj SlCZ cVVi. Th f SMCW". . FT . " "dos't majce asi noise r rOW.-lf afitflefenerdon'tremanber r " .And laughsoutloud and hollers les a bid .A it kis Sset jet fanning as theyoughm'V" ST wbo sboedd scold andthreaten him forlt? Jes' make behere that youare young and little i bay, have you got the heart fc words of blame? "It's pretty iard"when Christmas "comes '-on ' -Snnday; Z -For i know the day will never seem the sam -Christmas, IWvlee Tear. -Vl Madagascar.:; is - probably the onlv place ln-the-airprld-where Christmas is- celehrntad twip.-ft.- there, are' also two. New Xear's days! ; mnce the inflict ,1f ? missionaries - the 'queen Issued an edict that the Chrls- tiaa -crear cahorjld-;be f ollowcdw.;But Cto commencing tn.:year the date- of the firs daywas set some -time in October. or . November. ' Sine- the natives have' been converted , to tbe "Christian- reli-J fim ; tuey obstrv . vhnstraaff on tee aBtb of their own" December ' but also Jbav made a Tioiklayout of the aajr in" thir year ,,wmclijorresponds - tft -our Christmas. mm j I ' f . .-'. 4 f i , n fucJi' .a ( m 4,m j-.. ls rvtttare mm iML" ... I rerMW w , m, u g'iv o-t ib aaja r, "7: MeM4 xs.t 4m j "ri rr. a -n. WVS iKte ? ill w-v ewry.. g 4,, fM c- . J , 7W JTTi 4-nnm y - - w - rr ajry tl!a Us I Imwbi a tftl -94t, fka ia smisi. . . , rr m - MaKsaff V-4. 4 I r ti seirre ly TU v al -yt r Cart 15 lru;VaJ f- a crosier t-trust t cr r-st; rut c aft m. .a Ufttia Jit a! ilM'r rf Aa;f ttrutr. 0 5 nr7A mH:t He. trs nil.H.W, j I' m-wmm .T . r J M tf ft A W taai ''-?'-e-wa3 11 li I rwc - 5 z '-y ?' I A.1 , ( x n 1 IT. ' " , !TMT-r,- 0-01 fW.Mj a O tMM ? lltvTt T- ttttfst. k JsJ. TU 4tf ui TV Jta. nm swrw umi I 1s K.asa a . r en.kjSfc. f caU sa m vtL ' j it- w ta2r ! wwi " ' JmXtt 31 -it $GSm 4 f a -a. jf Kates tt a?,, ,, xca. ksw ft nwr :-ams t u rb tJi w rrw itiiw. "n tui.n ea, aaat4 4 14 wtwsaj jv I OfMXlna t.. ., Yfti H aame UmI flif imrtus wrwr.nMteimei.UM tft. a fcjCv4) Ug. gr .rer4 (W vaA K t3w Vwt ayaar. e t4? bw , li-ar Mrrtb ai4 4m4 j j to M 1 x St UCmtm4. I wr4 yynsMssi tn fMS , at maw tMg tr-. t U a aA4 g AM ffw cv wo . tj gisaf arsfiiftaflaa ru. I- I a i U-u 'On P a y.e e .awas- , ar i , - ff" i - -r - . j 4 AH- mteti c9Metn awe iiTT pw tsy Ma U w-Sa4 fM9 Uff -aM-U. kv4l rwti --w n v ia F?sJmjv JL, . sj w tera . Civ rvcwrm Wrw La. n lh. 4 mnmm L riT- I- , a-si -O. t f 1 1 THEVBLUEoFECdiiOMY KS. a4 n. ftgai a fan piaBnwrrH tub ves y wow :isrrBm0l attempt to tack in such rT'! "'V. T. M W It would at least exnc. to flr r pHSte - Ualh t -lS. W., Wit O, a. son. a nesmSMmar. in vi -. -.wi..ww ; SmAC - 'X ! t nittttatk u .a r 4-l fmrtm Cat ! Ti s tmiia- - e4 ei!W, T W fnitta ft hajew W IttMasg )4 Mea ry ntrnr Bur .'. 'Tf0 "d 0,1 iow.r part J.tUt UdTl But be lay dying on th deck b exclaimed rerml Mm- tlCZJTrl' -jpr away, my boy! No haul color downr : , f -Another, twenty-four poander atmllaity mangled johVlVavi. w . I begged t6 be thrown overboard. Other shot from th asm J1.a1 Zlr?; uirst Lieutenant John Farnom . and beame. Jam aIL raX I and John Sunaholm alirhrtv n.- r; 4dM raraf . and Joto Sunanolm .lightly, Tho Lovela'od 'rv; f badly that he soon afterward died. Thta m. k.JlTT Ti,T7i. . J munition box. containing two powder cartridge for a odn! cartridge ignited three other 1oxe. botdln . TMrl -TTr!! primer and these promptly Ba.b4 up trthat frt through a crack in th wooden cap which fitted raV .J!"!-.. . iff-1-"" Ternot-rompkin. th cabin floor had la dtdl , : , . " " iu cujtrgeQcy aa uus. - Tb Dark '. I led in.valn and expired... Half afl hour bad paasedalnc tb woSu STrtSi so .inopportunely, for : th Governor TmpklVt so 013. ttfZl I frigate. Tbe,two vessels were runnlnl s. h . LV -. .... 1 .v.j, urmTiM; upufl BUIet bad hoped UaL tn ti -course of a few broadside she -wouM draw ahead and ontlr . ,7Ti , ! vuuo.uj uvmuw iWRHiBi Dad almOat sna Km . ... - , . sailing.t.The frigate was pearly aa-fast aa ah 7 . - t: j riS2SS2S daaiAh. W I ' - sr'" wr.x atviu am aa lilC aUBl a ica r tm rrm reav'sa fvaaaai a. bow andTdurina;-!! this process the .olid .hot fToo ttTSSJtZ being pelted at her. round after: round! rv. nJT; iU ? rkspeynot Uv up t tb. rnuutioa of tfr nTat bT Wft"11 wmooner-a half.. Sh daahea . rT,- P : unscatneo-i Farther and farther .he forged heron,! tv. ZZZl i B-nna mld-hai Kiiffrht- k v.- , v . . t.""'"" ww"- rrwer rn . - r, ... v. :--:v::,-:vi . . - I. vv 1 IT t 1 A F T r.A- I I 1 1 .l s s 1 a-trr rcsLc-tratm "TVa (n 11 tua ? J - 4.to r fit , t Visaa aV -'f v. A 41 . MI t tW H, N 5a fcMW't-a !! tlaa, ahM) MHMMS) aU A., a t. iisM yaas) aft aftTai lail , jLags-. r eMi.aj.f en,sk I !' m.( oajm, U1 Iff v - 1 F;ir-vi, Qa 3 We rVua J VniM a.nniii! Mt 44 W"f Oa trt tMnak,. t lX 4jHt famnr 114 eftf aa. wat tArr-y au Iff ) Boddie, JBobbill 5 Co. f - m jananaj v r. r w . l aa r.if m g'. y, n, e,,! 7- a 3 MMnni . t yrm nl f tuOa act Tom g. Ua. tvMMuar t g ty v w tv f t rn Al Oa ! ftxttfitg rta awU , xe rti ,cv m af h,rt i kX -'-- -- l. ft t xrw a If - . mm , I """Mi ii -'nan mm wmmmmmmmmtmiimmmmtmmmam mm M MMMwaHMMMMMab " a r eTOTwum .-vc viuumui, m Dear unm cer a lanr h v. .. . ... . r shot began to rail abort The Governor Trin-TT "" L - . - r- k-t- iuii iwm weu nign becalmed. Mi k. . . i - - - keptomlng on, Jv4 ; V; , ; . ;!r tttt. hct toot, tgaln reached thQcinlty: The prirateeramefl bastil.ct ui hi fa to2:s tu '"" 4- aaeajL ii vl i i-5 uu.nciui urns.-. Autuui was oraprfvt tr ttim nrak, : . . . arsia nea . . 4 iV-- . - - . . ""-'vvwru wuAWTfr BTBjr CML1 i- " 7 - - SJff they bor'ed that: glinka ef n fXy t tW twai iCHf (f tv-l, , 'XU. y tta -,.. rwf eiieiar t T4 t 'U t, .4 t2Haa atMcajf ijdr win. 1 ..-v . nXVati-3 ixa 5 !- ? iv e o s.1raa-h t too; over, the ralLi; Plunk, olunk It went InthTi.- ""If?. hiJ by lr-. " , .r'. ! JT.' woinvu a u scowner omn to crii m k . . - -. rxta rMi- rC5 -- -- - 1 . . - - . , oncr.7trTm-t n 111 1 risa nAva. am riAn wa. .Ja.. .a . . - j . . " avra, aula auauuinicu t, 4aj COa94i i V i HEADQUARTERS aaVssBSBBw - - i ILL ' r t 7 ?..k i t , via Wl ..( 4 rf a 7, ..4 a , 1 ..! I a g No HoW WuffHrinff." 1 V : '"? If you are troubled with Indigestion t a bottle of Kodot' Dyspepsia - Cum nd see how quickly it ..will 'cure.you. eo. A. Thomson, of Spencer, la,, says: nave had dyspepsia for twenty years, "y case was almost hopeless. ''Kodol "ypapsla Cure was recommeniJed and a few bottles of it and It ia -the OIiy thins that ha raliAvd m ; wnnu In., i W . ' lt fHT doctred with f North Bush,-N, T., says- J'I had a -fever Fjraicians witn nope ot - getting ; Bewar of Counterfeits ".'De Witt's i the only genuine' Witch Hazel Saivetxrites ,JiJL Tucker, if Centre, Ala, "I have used it In my .fami ly for pflesa cuts and barns for years and it ii an invaluable household remedy, and should always be kept on hand for laimetliateiite." - lrs. gsssuel Gave, of m fc m a.i . , . a a a aaee rsnin a at a a j-. Ace pnvateer prooeedM tb burr- hr Am a. al. '' w h a n , ' i... .... '"" "-', 4 r . sorrier but let. ua believe, a wiser whooner. r Thrvft .Tl iJl! ltl em n a M . T Jl. V: m:t" f? . i " e,; addition tt . her-flghting eya. pealed and wa.Vary f 1 U U tv J u TUT wJTTT J oocentlyr painted.--.but with boardlno- netting fKi - ."""i" l t&owrtaia c? his wtei w. ... , . . !? " I J 1 igMtea..,,.'. - - v : -' ;y ' ; . .. . t - . . . j fa " w ii !. 4. .. i - : - f MMMfcM. I a - m f- I have civ-n Thumn-'ivui .iit- I HUNia lJ5 rvmtad. ! - ' i l f . i at . cm' t iv..u. . ... i - - ' ' i -a a. i i IA a av .av-ava iVW " VlrwrVww ijt.'.a Si, e-ier . C it, k. rv : it ?ra W'iet, but Krlol Dyspepsia Cure is " j 7 xemeay that has -done me any rood, and I heartilv T person suffering with indifjestion or I jHepaia snould use ifc" oka Drug Co, ; sor fn hit ankle for -twele - yeara - that that the d'K'.t.ora oaIl sot cHro.-i.: I was perstiaded tojtry DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve, whicVhas cmpleteiy-" cured rae It i a Wmiderful relief." De Witt's Witch Sold by -Ay- Haze! Salve cures vrithout leaving a scar. ' ' i Soli by Ayeaeke Dra Co. When you want a' r.leaji&fd s'r.nis. tiy Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.- Thoy are easy to take ahd pro duce no nausea, rrtrin or - othor-, f;.- greable effecty,- For sale by , Aycocke -a. U g srv -7 .-iNeytr thr.at.av,td iJig prottj thorough trial aud t,iui thara to C8 Hri. k lurid , A tromaa is Jut u lite) ts ttot bj Incara if she k in t rocof fur it -t Mothers Be Carrtol r of tfie .health of -Wear children.' Look oat for co jha, coLis, croap and whoi- iag rcougQ stop thesn in time n..kv MinuteCoughCareisthe bM rfmMT,'V'i Harml-ss aad rleasant Soli ty lj. l Vtr-- Trr C. - i c, ' . No plU Is ai r.onl d p-vtiar a. a.u mm; tr iniJd a.-d tC'-Jx. UoWm a1 UjwrV rair prvan a . i a t.v .(. a vV "i !-.. n . - inv twill aa" revive u:ai cnuo.-xn. ..-iui , i ro r . -) ft 5 K P. n.3 rr "-wi "i ' - r " t 4-- M U fI'j-a.a I ik-. " Ela at f n i tl v a . .. m .- ni L t S A mm ft t.:x t t r ; tan 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 . . li j i.: t. y t:.e:r c! ; ht MT!Sl!C JOD V'j I!