JAJ.A. nOMAS.'EdltorijJ Priprlstar. 7rrT' I77 mi i T vol my "-- --V-. ; t:o:--: i i ' oxnmcH DIBEOXORT 1 , MKHODUrr. ' BmmiAj School at 9:30 A. M. Gao. 8. Baku, But. PnMhlaC at U A. IL, and 7 80 r, K. -vrySada7. . -r - rftim Meting Wsdneaday night. . - L. 8, Massxt. Pastor ; '. K XAfSBT ' S47BliooUt:30 A. 1L i-' ; Thoh. BT Wilbul. 8at :j FMsUng at 11 A.M., and 7:30 TJL, wrj Bonoay. Frartr meeting Thursday might. - H, H: Uabkbubhi. Pastor. rUWOPAL. Kaday School at 9:30. Wx. H. Borm. Bayk Batrtoaa. morning and night . on I 1st. trd and 4th 8andays. i Taming Ptayar. Friday afUraaom Bay. Jobs Lobtdos, Baatar. fUSBTTlBIAS. Barrlaaa 4th Sanday In eaeh month ormlag and night. . Pastor. losoma. TaUhnw Lodire. No. 413 A. F. & a M. - bmU la and 3rd Tnasday tchta la eaeh month. The Substitute" Bu WILL H. HARBEN; ; Author of rAkwt DutoU" Tb Ua o Um Ckuilat So." "Th Nteu WUc Hustwy,' Etc. . Copyright, isos, by fiorper A SraOMn COinTKUXD. iroKbawaoiiAl oarda JJK. FREDERICK K. COOK, fBtsician and surgeon, Loalabarf , H. C 04M wttk Dt, A. EL riomlnf. .(..MUatH. to S p. hort by appotnunont. Hoars: 10 m. BpoeUl D"- ARTHUR H. FLEMING, OBNTIST. LouiaBcaa. . USe Urr Tn Oran ft N. C Tkrboi iCo,' rnaxmcurci PHTSiqiAJj ajjd bukosoh. Loumu'sa, v. a t or Aroek Dm Ctompany. J)R. J.J.MANN, PHTSICIAN and SURGEON, LOUUB0RO. N. O. OSo ovvr Ajcocke Drag Uo.'s drag tore jm. 8,'F. BiTBT, rmjurTiauia pbtsiciab and sukobos. " Loalabnrg, N. G. L0a lath rear of Boddie, Bobbitt A CW Drag Btora, oa Naah street. a. F. TAJUBOKOUQH, PHTBICLAJT AHS SUBQROlf, Lovnauna, H. O. eal tmllding, phone IB. 4 fromTTw. Bickett's tod Boor B lgt .aa, answered H. ALLBED. AITOBJOtT-AT-LAW, Win imUw la sit be Courts. TonncsTlUe, S. C. s. 1 Offlee to B. m. mamnrBxnMa, ATTofmrar ax law WUl prsettee m sn the Courts of thsSUte OAs B Ooart House. .. . " i ; ypt- V. BODDIE, ATTORN ET-AT-LAW, LonuBCM, N. C. OMee OTer Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'s drag tare. m. HAYWOOD SUFFIN. W Win i tnetlae In em4 mAiotmlmM sot Jewess hatha -AXXAW, . o. UsB the Courts C Viaakmt eountlas, stoo ta te Bupreme onnea amua mswi aw an4 OlftM Saflutng. JtAWsi ATTOsVjraT-AT-LAW, H.O. ersr J ftOoopara F. 8. SPBUtLL. - ATTOBJTBT-AT-LAW, "What's up today V Kenner asked hint aa he came. Into the office and stood towering over the atove. : "' "othin bat a meetin' o the.Tater ans of ur camp the Joseph, JSL Johh aton,. air. I'm goto -up-now. to attdt the flag on the gate at the courthouse. We Intend to: see about who's goto. to the rennion 4n Atlanta next spring; tnar'a. a sight dv the bdya that' want to go, but cayn't raise he scaasV We'll chip in an' send the most deaerrtoV our women folksVgo hungry -thia win ter. Thar was "a. -lie afloat In the newspapers awhile, back that some nig ger went off nfter the war an' got rich an' come bact Jiome jest lntlme to buy his old master a uit C clothes an' pay his way to a reunion. Ef thar was a man in our camp that ud go that a-way, we'd send 'im In tar anV feath ers, an' on a .rail at that.,r ,' "Oh, come off, BasKenner laughed, as he looked around at George and Hlllyer at their desks. . "That's a old Yankee army overcoat you got on. right now. You've had It dyed with logwood, but I'd know It by that long cape." "Yes, that's what It la," admitted Truitt sheepishly. "The Yankee that owned it died at my house while I was off in the war. It was the only thing he left that was any account, an' tny women folks had fed an' pampered 'im up with all they could rake an' scrape in the neighborhood, goto' without the'rselves beca'se be was so bad off. After he died they put this coat away in camphor to keep the moths out of it. The blame garment eat up a quarter's wuth a year fer ten year, an ever win ter I had a row with my women folks beca'se I wouldn't wear It. Finally, I agreed ef they ud dye It so none o my crowd ud f ergit the war was over an' shoot me, I'd put it on. My women folks tuck me up, but they wouldn't make, a fortune runnin a dye house. This dratted thing has sp'iled twenty Sunday shirts fer me. T'other, day, when I went to the meetin' house out of a shower o' rain, I left a streak o black Ink from the door to the amen corner." - "Whar did you git that bugler Ken ner questioned. "I know you never blowed It in the army." "No; Tred Langston had It when be was bugler to eur company,' an' he give It to" me to use to our veteran camp; he- said his boys hadn't a sign o re spect fer what it had beenthrongh, an used It to call the dogs to go possum nuntto'. Se said his gala tied a gray ribbon about it an' hung itt up on the wall, but the boys wouldn't let It stay thar. They treated his canteen J eat as bad. They toted It about with moon shine whisky in it till It sprung a leak, an then they hung It up on a tree an shot more holes In It. X reckon I am a sight; totto' a rah flag an' bugle with a Yankee overcoat on, hut they tell me the war's over. "I reckon you went through the thick of It," said the cotton buyer tentatively.- - "I got as much fight as I eared far at Baker's creek, answered the veter an. "Our boys was about starved to death on short ratlonev an we had Jest got hold of a lot o fresh beef when we got the call to arms. Our colonel told us we'd better take some of the beef with us, an' me 'n' another feller waa a-flllln our knapsacks when the felW all at once said to me, Look Y here, Baa, the odda la agin a, am I hain't a-goto' to tot no bluecct katch me with a assle & raw beef hi may knapsack,' an 'he th'owed the meat down. I followed suit Jest then, to all the hurtyburly o glttln' ready, a . ... a j mIasi man na in wxtn a rag ua.ei. v , yvem to sell us. We wanted the pies ant he wanted money; we didn't ' have no on his hoss a cha win' tobacco an aplt- ttofover lta head; he-waa as cool as A cucumber; looked "like ; he was jest tryto' to Study what' would be the right thing to doJ !: He waa artTalsy; part Injun,- an' not afeard -o' God. Almighty.. Seeto him that a-way made me sorter ashamed, an'.I plunged ln: -At fust It come awkward, but to a mtoute--it wasn't any morVn ahootto at rabbits. , We plugged; away; hi; laughed an made Jokea. an'; had a; good all round time its long as It, lasted, anV then we got rattled an begun to retreat. I was hot through the left arm. an', side, an -fen to A ditch. V'A' Yankee run up with a p'lnted bayonet an' yelled, Cuss you. come' out '4har or, III shoot ' youF, Some o our .boys said I ort' to " cussed 'im back, but I didn't ; It Jest seemed part o the game to me,' an' he waawtonto.7 fYoU come' down af tern me, said I,ef -you want .me. , An, a couple of eax did; an drug me up the bank. They had ketcbed a few more The saddle girth broke, An she fell in a ditch. : ; She wasn't, hurt one speck, kn seven or eight o my man at the Sorapress. ran out an helped .' op, but George must 'a' thought she was, fer he turned asWhlte aa a sheet an' trembled all overaa he made a break fer the spot, an when he seed no harm had ; come - to- her His face - actually puffed up,' an he couldn't speak.,. An' she ; waa : watchto ' 'lm too. ; Bhe 'was perfectly, cool, an lookln. at hlna jest like. she was enjoyln hla excitement Kh tm1 im aii t tWA anMtlons an It looked to mo like she waa jest doln". tt beca'se he wasat In the cbndlUon to reply.-?v:i;y '-'-'l. U Mrs. HHJyer laughed.' r "You ort xo 'a been a woman, Mr. Kenner. X didn't know" any man alive coul4 notice like that. .Butdo you "reckon the -pore young man 'ever hopes to you know what I meanT.;V -." , -J- -Thafa the pretty part of It," said Kenner. with no little feeling. "It looks .'Too Ute uotL:uw langhed Mrs. 1U3-, yer aa she turn-i away. "Tod are a sight younger now than half o these beardJeeaTo dodea . that havf alrtady Canted their youth- a way." ; ; " ' -m Arriving at - home, the merchaafa wife bustled Into the -warm sitting room, ; where- her nlceaat aewtng at a Window and, throwing her. shawl chair, she stood before the wvod fire, "nortenae, ahe aald suddenly, ;X want to talk to you."- i - 1 "To meT asked the young womaa la rarprla "Wbatlaltrv - ' .Mrs, Hulyer stood before Ur. ;"X .-ast to say that Jim Keener Is ea e tUo beat, men I ever kaowed, seed , or fietrd tell of. ' I want to. aay, anoraover, tllht he would marry voder jeat the rlht provocation." I want to add, too, that this town li full o the blmdeat set p", gala that eve wore gowns." , i . 4 '"WcU," gasped MUs Snowdea la tatv prise.."! caa't see why yoo are hurlitig of our.bbya. on.the wtog,:an they driv i to zne like he hain't neves, dreamt t tt , jbovnsrrao.n. a Mtaeortsof Vrsnktla, Taasei win. wn end Wske eoaanss. aw Sua auensia oawrs ox noru . mroim TromH sUeaMaciva to eoUeettona. rsjewm own. T. W.MUPOtTt, ' arroajnT Amp ooubxllost. at law. i a. a, r stUntlon glvea to i mm uelnstaklns- stt Mm li.l.-.fS to 1I i to Chief lostlee Shepherd, Horn. John am 1 sBTMsi nanac sw w lnBiaii. AUIsV ss We I AeBrteevTvee. FlrsS Hsttonal Bunk Of Wto saea,BB m hlsaly. Wlnstoa, reoptae Buah. (MN . eo. A. W. Tlmberlshe. UCAee 01m aa Ctow's Stora, 17." 1' i TAJ0f, AtTOKJTBY AT-1AW, avsisB,a.e. la an aawta. Offlae on WH TAUOB0OaB,a. f ATIOENJTATLAW, liOtftggtrM.'aVdL oases ta Open House sending, Court street All Lm kulitH intrusted to- hla wUl rueelve prompt and earefalattaatloa. ! VT F. HOUCK, OOlfTBACTOB AnBUlLDEB,a VMil.tf illA. Kit Itlnda of . Bundles' 1 HOTELS. PlUHlUilNTOIl -HOTEL oe4 asmodatdom fox the travaung ahUa. WUTeVAttaahad "Tftofa a old Yankee army overcoat: money, an offered to swap beef fer nMv rpfnued to trade. Then we put 'Im. on: his sway backed boss aa' loaded? 'tatfbackiandj front; with bloody beef an tol lm ef he didn't make trackaiwe But i we didn't have time to eat the pies eveor- fer the thing had begun. Folks has often axed me what a battle mi likaJSIuldn't tell youvslt Jest made ' a xund-oo--ooooo--lflcei oarrycane rtopto'igtJlllain theearth an' awJpJliwrt?Pfe,, an' everything lxtlta trak an-omrahe cornel vl lialnthheretoljriewas vai up in a'clrcle ,aaf put some; forelga guarda .around "ua.;'' Bveryjone. of a was cut ur had bans aonrers lnTis,. put broiguetoone thtog ranf Jt; llll they was mad enough to ad us.' They give ns good treatment ril aay ; that much" fer 'em an' I liked' the'r grub. They had all sorts o good stuff to cans. They patched us up to the hospital an' finally exchanged ua." ' I' :. Oh, say," protested Kenner, "that ain't all, lsitr -- "If a all I've got ear today. - I've got to blow a few blasts at the post office an atick up the flag." - He stepped to Buckley's desk and leaned on it "1 wish, George, that you, waa out our way to make Jeff behave his self." : " ..: " ; prinking again?" George asked, with a smile. "Yea,- an' that ain't all; he's got every moonshiner over thar down -on Im. He Informed on some of 'em while he was out o' his head an' bow that's no tellto' whar It will end. Somebody shot at Im while be waa to the field f other day some skunk to the woods, afraid to show bisself. "That" s pretty bad," said George sympathetically. "Jeff ought to be snore cautious." As Truitt waa leaving, Mrs. Hlllyer waddled to, her gray shawl wrapped tightly round her body. "Come fer money to run the house on," she said, with a laugh, to her husband. "No, thank you, I won't est down," she added to Kenner, who was offering her niav chair. vThe truth Is, I'm goto to steer clear o this bouse. Mrs. Dugan says all the reports to the town git started among you una. Ef she knew I came here she'd lsy.lt on me. I. thought fer a while, after they lifted her quarantine, that she waa goto' to do dffltrent -but - she's wusa 'an ever. - I aaweder off abort yeaterdsyr; though." - Mrs. Hlllyer laughed heartily ? "You know,- Mr. Kenner, ahe8 got one tale that jhe tells over an, over constantly. One of ihe longest-jrlndedyarna: you..ew leard, about , how aha Yuat got ac quainted with a woman aha met by ac cident She forgets she's told it twen ty times, an Jest takes er chair ant begins to unwind. So far nobody hain't been bold enough to Bay they'd heard It -before, but when I seed her a-eoraha' through the gate yeaterdajr I told Hor- tense ef she oarea to spring uh ma gag on A ag'to I'd atop . 'er ef cost me my llfe.r- I thought H tense ud die laughing fer Mrs. Dugam had no sooner a set down than ahe be gun to tell about how she fust met the woman. Well, Td made my .bet,. am I waant goto' to be beaV 1 Hold en,. said I; "right here I want to .ten you aome'n, Mra. Duganaomn powerful quar about me. I believe, on my soul, I've got second sight, s .Second sight,' says ahe, to har mean waywhy, I didn't think you waa quite old enough to have yore second sight. . 1 dont mean that sort o second sight says I; but f've noticed sometlmea when a body would begin a' tale X could see clean to the end of it long before the end was reached. . Now,' says LA'see tt I atot right; the next time you met that woman waa at the, county fair, whar ahe tack fust prise oa her patch quilt an with that I finished out her Tarn, aa pat aa ef It was one o my own brag tales. Lord, Wasn't ahe hot! Shecot as red aa a ripe tomato. 1 ant croin' to teUthaf: aara ahe: I remember telltoVou thatT I waa goto' to git round to aome'n etoe; but, since you are so almighty, smart I reckon 111 go-on about miy;1jttaIneBa,.an.with.' that ahe flirted out o the houaeT an' kicked the dog as she went by It on the. porch. WbenJi wornanV mad enough to kick a1 dog herdander'B flyto to 'er eyes." Mrs. Hlllyer Mughed as she thrust her red hand from beneath her shawl and took the mbneyVtbe mer chant was giving her, "Don't git mar--ried, Mr.. Kenner, ahe said. "A wom an will either keen yore ilose to the grindstone with ier mouth shot, ht talk youVtodeathV-or Joth ivl;. KeimeyiamfflagiyiiwalsTea witn ner, to the outer door4 fllwaa Jest a-won- dertoVMra? Hlllyer, fwhati yotWnk about George's case1 with that' hlghfa tntin VIrainla airL r l'm interested to thatboy, an It looks a ;pltr,to mi to bave Im lookln to that direcMon-I mean Jest thAt particular direction.' . I know whatou mean, Mr Ken ner" the woman ahuddered la Jhe. keen, cool breewH ut do you reckon, it's any moreh friendship' on his side!" answered: the icotton buye?.n aour. let- oo to- Georgav of course,! but vXv been .watchto' him powerful close. He .want everybody to think , him an her jest passim friends ; but, law me, some. tlmesi when -ne thinks noDoay . bul a-lookln'- he gits off hla guard. I One day-whfle; he ywaas at work ; oo hla books; she happened.to ride past on that ftisky 'mare o hers, .: The animal got scared at the puffin: o the: com press over thar anbegun to cut up tnarrytoVUke he was Jest satisfied to letthlngs go.oa aa xhey: are,.--Jr.- any Judge,-that la tha most dangerouaf sort 6 love, ef a body kin call it that? Tll aay this fer.'er,' aald Mrs. Hlll yer seriously. "I don't think ahe la a woman - that ud handle a man's affec tions lightly jest fer. the fun' o. the thing. An' sometimes I think she la doln' jeat like you aay George la-jest a-lettto the v thing - pull 'er -along, knowin', as she does, that - he hain't .the man 'er folks ud accept s So you think George rallly is Interested. In 'err "That hain't the word fer it aald Kenner. "Aa fer her.beln above 'Im to station, what- does that matter to him? 1 I've' never. seed hla equal, fer pride an self respect. I believe1 ef a rallly refined young man la put In low aurroundto'a he'll make a finer creature sometimes than ef he was put among the best No, George cayn't hide his feelto's. I think maybe he had some hope before his father's disgrace, but he hain't now. Thar waa. a tobacco drummer from Virginia la the office f other day, an' be got to runnto on, like them sort o' men will, to me an' Hanks. George waa writtto letters at the desk. The drummer begun tellto' us about beto' astonished to aee folks like the Cranstons to this out of the way place. He aald hClsa Lydla waa the belle o Richmond society an' had big public men runnin after 'er. He aald Our governor you know Governor Telfare la a widower about my a, Well, he met 'er at some military en campment down south an la dead bent on marryto' her. I wanted to atop the feller, fer I knowed George waa listen to', but X couldnt take the liberty. I seed George had quit writtn' an' waa lookln' .out o the window with hla jaw set, like he waa sufferln. "Then jhe drummer begun to tell about how ahe had squelched a feller up In Richmond. He waa a rich. Yan kee that waa beto entertained up thar. an' met her at some big Conner. - it seems she set right aerost the table from him, an' aome'n he aald agin the southern sohUers.made er flreupJxIou know two of her uncles waa killed at Gettysburg. Well, instead apologis ing like he ort. he seemed to think it waa mighty funny, an' he spent the rest the dinner himm at tha dead Confederate soldlere-jest think e that the dead oneal said they had no right to have flowers strewed on ther graves an' the like. Tne orummar aaia ene It like a born lady, aa mild aa ahe could, out o polltenaaa, an' beca'se ahe aaw that the lady that give the party was "worried, by his coaduct, but ahe give' th feller a cold atare after din ner. - an ordered her carriage to take 'erihome.v-.The whole thing. It seems, along with, he good looka an high position, maraCy turned the Yankee's head. 'He made a.doaeo attempts after that to meet 'at, but she refused to have "anything ' to .do with Im. He found out whar ahe attended church, an' went thar one. Sanday. an after meetin' waa over he waited at tha foot o the steps outside. Seems like he counted on hla smile doln the work, fer when she appeared at-the top o the steps he jest tuck off hla bat an' made a low bow, an, stood grlnnln', to show how sorry he waa. The drum mer said ahe happened to have some pennies to her hand, aa that ahe Jeat drapped 'em In the. feller's hat aa ef be waa a beggar, an', without lookln at Im,' passed xn down .the steps. They say It gofout,'an so much fun waa made of it that the feller left Bkh mond. Jshe'e Jest like - a queen, any way Mra. Ilinver,tbut Til tell you I believe, ahe eaj George Buckley I believe ahe likes an' respects 'lm. An sometimes when I' see her an him to gether I Jest feel like the two of 'em la doln right to feel that m-way, even ef It never cornea to anything. If a the prettiest, sight on earth that sort o thing la, Mra. Hlllyer An' some times It seems to me that If a Jeat be ca'se they are helt apart that they are drawed so -dose - together. She's - at the. top Mra, Hlllyer, an' hla daddy has" put uft a walT betwtrthe two, but heV are .a-lookln over it .Into t each 'otherX ieyes VaaV. m-wonderto'-. Jest j amderta'?-.;-t.f. : j.? " : Mrs. Hlllyer gaied at the cotton buy- er.steadlly, and her eyes filled. - "Mr. Kenner, . ae ' aaJ4 unsteadily, LTve listened to some sermons,, once' -In awhile, an been blessed, but It was a .rare Jthag;:But I give you my word you've made me feel good this mornln. Huh. I never 'lowed it waa In yon! An jest think,' 'you hain't, married. J. Thai's oMltna & deeervln: aals in tbe world. JettLhUthVr good hearts wlthefut without a speck' o love," ah yore rich soul Is dry In up year by year In this musty: r warehouse.-; T tell ; you, s I'm goto to find you a wife,"-- J " rT wish you would," Kenner laughed. "I've got faith in yore Judgment an' I'd feAe'any you picked out an be thank fuL; Aa thla affair of jGeorge'e makes me wiah Td made better use o my time fore.lt waa too lato.'r;" " - - SYKOPsn: The followlni is , a rrrvoTwrj' t Chapters beretofore rtiiKi 1 cf Tle FuLauUt.-" J, - CTTAFTini3 lf 2 ad4 tU1 t-t Bttdla-r la livortf--7 e4 lif. iniTrar a rich Georgia Biartiaxit.-. '. Ilia IxCmvt b sent to prisou for theft. Gexrj- Is attentife to Ljdia Craartcn, tiit:f. Ur of a proud Ylrgp atari." The a1: sea of bk fxlhex's crura eulta hla deav rente, . 4IIE7jar tttlciMM ' to George the murder of a mtaty jaara before the story re-aca. To atooe lor tho del be took iSott out of bis der4er bocva to ni ts aaeful mxa cf Lira as a' tlslJ.i U society for hh daad frierVX, Uanka, t noU treker,' mad KmniA k cotton bujer, bav dea t ta Hi) jrf a waralwcae, Bijoora Trait,. Cc fed erne teteriak a -"ciaapioo ' of Otwrge, innytr ' Ifrrerta ' ;birvia wheat on thatWc4 Geca?e," f charartet. lIDver ia fear of baia-g brought to trxal. lor lua old. id oldi -velvet puro - old - Tclvcty. - tbo best for tho pneo, , r 4 60lu , OYcryrrlicro.. call for it at 4 t i. . f ' !ou:isl)u.rg IspexiaQryj I toutsburcr, TaJk,ti f-i.-t n. c. - ' " i i i VU 'Lre ' VUiii 0 pOi.8 p ' A& 0 iprM mm vvn mtm mrmmTi r-'-rr - n rrr,L:t..c ' aut,U- m m. fc-t m . ' Tim rt rkrm VtMm.natstknlt that geatia, easy io take aad certala araraya aae Chamibeaiaia'a ; Urer T ah lets, Tot sale hy urog uo. " : M llUbllltTa Cf " Bamtss4t-v iW aMt't! va TKlf.nff PllTtltfirl , . ii,it. I e,w jwm - IUguutasia do4 cnossdaawd f1"- TUv ChaateTAla's Comgb , . Beat Vadav , "la nrr eplaioav CbsWbecWa's BtMiy ta the beat aaaoa to eoia,sr MrtGora Walkar. of rcxlwitllhv Cui-- There la bo doubt ahoat ita bU Mm beat Ne hr wlO cure a eoid aoslek. ly. No other la so y We seat aad sure to Uke. These are good . res an i i ..why U should b preferred to say oihec The Uct U that, few rope ae aafiadtu any other after havtag oace,. ed ihta rernedy. roe tale try I ynocka Drig Ce, H. A- BOBBITT A OCL. tVafciaU. r . ... lfTli t ?4 (el -u I Vim Ktnner U ma o fAa beat am 2 -, ever knowed, seed or JMord tU ef." It In my facet I'm sure I have alwaya thought he waa a nice sort of u He's alwaya treated me nicely." "Well," and Mra, XXmyet- turned away, "I've pat a bog la yore year, aa ef it dont kick tfs dead; thaf a all I've got to aay." ' The following Sunday, after the serr Ice, she met -Kenner Just outside the church and greeted him wilb a broad smile. "I've get yore case ta hand, ahe aald. "an Tut wortla tt fW .afl If a worth - , -: t He. flushed to the roots of hla hair with amused grattflcatioa, - . - "You aay you have, Mrs. XXmyerT ha ateBkmered. . -' : ffenner atoed oat the edge of the aide walk and watched-bar aa ahe Joined her niece on the street corner. "1 we der f she could tneaa hfiaa Hortaoae," he said, his blood ruahlng madly through hla velna. ""Lord, Lord, slat ahe nice? Fer all I know, Mrs, HClyer may be trrtn to talk me -up with 'er. WeU, I wish ahe would, far X aevar would dare to do tt myself, aa much aa I'd like It" Cared fill loOer of "hTyusoiher has m .a. a. i It requirea m fU deAl oi flack to be patient. r ; Tbe boor k not wasted thai brtfcB with Htraajuj&ty ef ipia' ka3 ttt " jLharrasttatrt. aSfw maay years froca rbeuniliuy, aeya W, XL Howard, of Husband, fa, "At tUsew she waa -aaahla to as ire, wkUe as aJB tiDMt walklag was audafaL I teaissti t bet with a bottle 4 CWaVfrUu't ria Bala aad alter a Jew aypUoUces decided It waa the saost wia-lrral le reUevr ate had rree tAed, ta tart, ahe la awrar withoat U w aad - ta as aH ttaaea able to walk. Aa wcaiHeml aa plkaUoa of fsia Balsa kare away the gala thai ahe was ' toreaerty traahWd with,1 Jo sale by, Ayeocke Urug Oa. &71XUL aUTES TO KBW OLI FIJI MOBILES alC The SAboax4 aaorsoae a rata of ors fare- plat 25 eeata (roca all poiaia oatts una to rew vrimm, mttrn ta mad Mobile aaA ruiarn,' eoooant of theMardiOTh eeietraxioei at M point, Hsixa 2nd. to 7 th. Tkiati wI be soli 3f area 1st ta: dfcxia-l arte, wfca aai Emit to laavw all ttrwa! points not Utsr than KaxtblllA, tt. cert oo ravoect ot a lae uc mad aa axtaaaioii ol Wteaa U et Ulaad mnQ Harcb Siib.- Tbd da. board offan doaWa da By aervkw with oolr co ehxnmd! eari,J w Licit la Bade ta AfliatA. Uaisa ' ccawtlng of veabulad' day 'ewacbeav' IaIIaAm aleetiaog caia aad CJafe dlalaf For farther mlratatMO aa rrctrd ta rate acbednlea tad roartaa, mflj I jour beexest Agu&t or ad irsauv Cmus, 11. U ATTta, T. V. JL ' On Etcnr Tongue. m " sksaa amns9 ffPABe) psA. v .w an UMitaro,. r T5r : .rir . AH:Run:D6wn m m-28&& v!ew---Sales -Stab I Your doctor Is tht bttt'tikf. CHAPTta XX. IIXYEJt waa alea ta the of&ee of thewarehouae ene morning about the middle the roUew tog week when Keamar came) in -from the poetoficev theXnonilnga mall to hla handa. "Wheat's goae a-whlxxta, be aald. "It's 1.10 in the shade away above high water mark Take a foofa. ad vice, Mr. Hlllyer, an gtt out arnflo ywa kin. I've got George's Interest at heart the same aa you have, an lfa better fet young men to go alow am be oa the safe aide." . - Hlllyer smiled broadly and rubbed hla handa .together with an aha ec in tense satisfaction. You were Jeat aa badly rattled whealt hadn't reached a dollar," he aald. "Now, you let Georga alone. XCf I'm wmin to reek his Judg ment with plenty o scads behind the to vestment why cant you t . r " Kenner ahroggad hla ahouldera and made no reply. George sraa coming ta at the door. "HeUo, young the cotton buyer .cried .out "Are you weak at the knees T .- "Oh, you mean wheat, aald Buckley. Indifferently aa he went .tolbla "Tbafa Mr. Hilly tfs affair T .-. "No, It hain't XKtbor'; no by m Jug ful," aaldjlimyer, almost taodrrly. "Yore Judgmenfa held good o- farj what do yoo think we ought to oo?" i, the best offers right away. Torn catrt kJn 0f idvcrlHtd fCfttacir- rely on those printed reporta-Uke Ken-1 , . , her barf: My oplaloa la that it h tf tt Ml opinion. llOTt th UM1 sent out- -..;:, ' ,v' . - -t r you ivttd' t tervctfttrtt Ut bw mrm, irttn'lMt rTka, aver-r Taaet aferu- I il' : ""-- I Isfor tWmhbei ih. whin an FJevKT. , Jumped la the areaa.' Too never let go till the back action seta la,' aa them down you scoot like an avalanche." ' HIllyera next remark surprtaed Ken ner. ,.,:..v.i ' " ; . -t.v c -Thaf a Jeat what I have dose.' any boy. X dont aay X Intend to sell, hot X Wired Jacobs A Co. fer ther beat offer on my way dowa. - ; ':.;'"-'''- " Just then a meeeeorrr boy came Ta with: a telegram. .'Hlllyer opened It with shaky lingers, bat whem be read it be laid it oo hla desk quite calmly, a gleam of triumph la hla eye, . -. "Jacob offers L124- be said Im pressively -as buyer, .- . -7 v V Kenner stared and. then spat agaloat the waU behind the, atovaw. . . IT. . A - Kl "a A: X' OUR PATRONS are CWdlally lat 1Ls4 I emit ml emr ?! QaaxWa a Nash Street wo wlab mil Marry Cbrir4 atma i XXapfj Kw Tea II K. & F.' R. PLEAS AlfTS onuaairrm v - - v V - -K - V7 ' - :-V-. x ' es I . IB4 weallvtfaAd lew jtne mUem . . uvatg prrrtaUi goe from cye-eleg a eeuij aa at tn mmaMfA hz i;;AM'.: COMING- SURE.-. 1 1 Scott's-EmuTsiorv amBBBBaBBaaaBBBBBBaaBBsnVsaaaBBaBBaBBBBBB of' God - liver" Oil "Jiao lm a Itmrrr U hr. TV "Ilerrw - Male avert t is cs maw aa- . aasr go kewer. JJeU yeexr rciirm 'ait fat mam, l.wlU 3 b joit Rich a food la ill btA (octx U'wiS.lxtlld cp the wtAUfc4 Ku7aS:n P0H5'GASH OR ON" TIME be looked at the.eotlea I you tft run COwfl Cf UZldllzd, fjivc 11 I trUIi It conrvsi Ktrt " ..a - s eat , il f I ' yen. u ii tsstnu-; uve txu (TO Bk COXTT!TjmiX) ' Ham Mfnmaeh TronblPB. 1'. All stomach trouble is removed by the j .m f Kodol rjvsneusla CureIt "glrea ' the stomach perfect rest by , dleestdrig Whaivnn 'aat -without the stomach's aid. ts frwl ViTiilda no the body, the rest re stores the stomacn to neaito. x ou uou have to diet yourself when taking Kodol j. ii. jsrsKine, oi ai- ToDlo-to tha .' tfjttera. v Lng MiSSENBUEG HOTEL 0e4 saskaifcilimtfoaa. Goad fam Pe J P MsAaiaieiAtowjrg rumil rETvTisia Cure. When they hbve; toto slgh Heart . ... . v MntMnt rm nbfhlnMwm anH stomach trouble for some time wTVoUd bank allver. TBy gumV If I My sisterJn-law has had the same tronb-Vulaw- ouahbayonet le and waalt able to eatlor six waeks. .. . ji,i.,j hsr to stab all tne files in the universe. -I seed stab our gen- oral about that time; he waa m-sewu. taking two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she waa entirely cured. She now eats heartily and is in good health. I iriad tn av Kodol rave ma - instant relief.' " Soldby Aycocka's drcs store, - : , - For liver - troubles .'and ; coustlpation there ts nothing better tharr De Witt's little Early Risers the famous little pills. They do not weaken the stomach. Their action upon the system ts mild, pleasant and harmless.- - Bob Moore, of La Fayette Ind., says, 'No use talking, -De Witt's Lit tie Eaxlv Risers ' do their work. . All other pills gripe and make me tick. D Witt's Little Early Risers proved to tJ the lone sought relief. They are simply j Terfecti. Tersons traveling find Little Earlv Risers the most reliable remolv to carry ,with them.J3old by Ajcocke Dru Cc . . - t - HTGElA Tb Beet &-hr, Tgurl chHdftn AT.d pile, uutrrJ; IrU. V will itrdjcu a grcpU ttu I Wps tU Hb jot mm !; u IV ICtV fpt. Vat It tmay i-e UUr. J alaJi live tm f stwk fe tVrw yrm m4 rnilU treat ye r'fht. Hl3 W jn to wait fr em. on earth for male at Ajpocke Co'a. -It Utss more than muscle to-miiej frank b; '.mckiiii'e; . " -. r-'peedy .Relief. " . , 'A salve that hals witheut a U reWitt's Wltc! llaxel Salve,, No remie ay affects such speedy relief. It draws out infiaraatioa, soothes, frools and heals all cuts, burns and brusls. A sare cure for piles , anii skin di., Ie Witt's U the only genuine Witch llwl SalTe. liewsre of counterfeits, O - CArcro-.s. Ec! 1 ty Arcocie xrv-o. 1 r f4 si CM Vim sJrtare la CSs n mi s ..M w re t4 vri ' -t U -.y We I f nee fm t.-y. , scott u rov.: Qeua .... J 4:1 fmk ll-nl, Hw Twt -V 0.arl IL :-;'-U it I 4 4 aaw Job v.r. - r Ute mmdattaaiive semmtr

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