Jtt. A. THOMAS, Editor and Preprlator. 1 1 i ll U . firi. I fM'HV . fltij u orn a i rue n i ... . :n;;rrn:i: at: tanu.tzfit i: VOL XXXT. louisburgn; g, frtdat, February n 1905: man: CHURCH DIRECTORY XXZHODUT. ; Seaday School at 9:30 A. M. Gso. 8. Bakbb, Supt, Freeeaing at 11 A. M., and 7 30 P. It. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 8, liAsanx. Pastor; BAPTIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. It. Thob. B. Wildse, 8apt Preaehing at 11 A.M and every Sanday. frayer meeting Thursday night. H, H. Mashbtjbbb. Pastor. nWSOOPAL, Stnday School at 9:30. Wm. H. Rcrrnr. 8apt Bervtoee, morning and night, on 1st. trd and 4th Sandays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon Bit. Johh Londojt, Bettor. i ' reXSBTTBBIAlf . Services 4th Sanday in eaeh month-? moraine and night. Pastor. V. i.t fjtMmm, jit?. Iaiabnrg Lodge." No.' 413, .A. P. & A. M., meets 1st and- 3rd Tuesday sights la eaeh month. . Frotbanonal carda jQR. FREDERICK K. COOK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Loulsburg, N. C. Om with Dr, A. BL Fleming. Hoara: 10 a, aa. to U aa., ft p. m. to 8 p. m. Special hoars by appointment, )R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LomsBuaa. . . N. a Yarboro Ulm Oyer Star. The Qreen & .Co, JB. J. B. MAJLOSB, "AOTICma PHYSICIAN AND SUBQEOH. LODIHBUB, Jf. O. OHm orer Axooeke Drag Company. J)R. J. J, MANN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, LOtHBBUBQ. M. O. Offlw over Aycocke Drag Co.'b drugstore JJ1.8.P. BUST, raAOTiciaa physician and surobon. Loulsborg, N. C. Offle In the rear of Boddie, Bobbtt & Co.' Drug Store, on Nash street. D ,8. R. . Y. ARBOB.OUQH, PHYSICIAN AND 8UKQBON. ItOVOTVM, N. a. Sad floor Meal building, phone 80. BlgM aaUa answered from T. W. Biokett'e r ta s. phone 74. - L. H. ALLRED. ATTORNBY-AT LAW, Win praetlee In an YoangsTlUe, S. C the Courts. Office in B. V. MAJMBNBUB.O, - ATTOBJVBY AT LAW. fcOOISBTOe. WU1 prastlee in all the Courts of the State Offlee n Court Hone. yM. W. BODDIE, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisbuso, N. Cv , Olw orer Boddie,Bobbitt t Co.'s drag Store. yfu. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTOBJ9TBY-AT-LAW, wonmm, v. o. - WUI praetlee in an the Courts of Prankmt a4 adjolalner oo an ties, also in the' Supi Oomrt, and In the United States Dtotriet verealtooarta. OfSe im Uooper and Clifton BaUdlng. ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, ltuviMone, n. o. OOUe on Mala street, erer Jones Coopers P. 8. SPRDTLL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, ' Lovnnromo, v. 0. wm aktoad the eoartaof Prsmklln, Vanes, raaTUia. Warren tnd Wake eoontles, also She fjaprsaae Court of North Carolina. Pre apt attaatloa given to eoUeottona, oeteeerer Bcsrton's Store. rp w.BioaorTT, ATTOBjrsTY AMD COUNBXXLOB AT LAW. WinVMIiA PresBpt aa4 painstaking attention gtren to nmt intrnatad to his hands. Kaiess le Chief iusttee Shepherd, Hon. John , mom. Boot. w. Winston. Hon. j. v. , Pint National Bank of win- . llais ManlT. Winston. PeoDiee Bank asm. Chas. B. Taylor. Pres. Wake Por- es4 OolUgs. Hob. B. W. Tlmberlake. . OfBes orer Beei co.'s Store. w. M. PBBJON, - Axroiunrr at-iaw, ienaae,B.o. la an courts. Offlee on w TABBOBXmaH, JB. ATT0B9EY AT LAW, LouisBURa.v,a tat Opera House building, Court street All lecsl hvsiueis intrusted ' to hint erUl reeeive prompt and careful attention. J P. HOUCK, OONTtlCTOB a jtdj BUILDER, 2 bootsBrxaa H. o. -u Tradtug' Agent for alt kinds of Building BeeeUes, ArUsUs Mantles aadnieev Amsu- Marai oesuas Buomiuea . HOTELS. FBAHKLINTOli HOTEL m toed assomodatloB tot the tTBvoUftf ood Livery Attached MASSENBURG HOTEL 3 P liMgenbnTff Propr UIII4DEBS01T, IT. C. "Peed BsesnwiodatioBS, 'Good fart Po The5ubstitiite " .Bd WHX N. JiARBBPi;i Author of "Wiir, Dssht "The Uu4 of - the CJumglBfl Sm,"ni Beta Walk Mustorjt- Etc- Copurtohti J903, by .Harper A SnOmt tcoHTnroxD. "Somebody's crazy f x' he r granted. "Wheat can't stand at that" ; Hillyer was gazing at George with a hearty smile on his face. - , : "What do yon think we ought to do, my ; boy?" he asked . "Bemember,: V only want yore Judgment. Ef we bit the ceilln' feet to'most TU xteTer throw. it up? P70XL3?m4?MS George ' was pilent for. a moment. iTheitners montWirTofL are putting in in a rather tlckll-h place, Mr. Hillyef,w be said. Td real ly rather not bare the responsibility of as big a tnMg as this Is entirely on me." v "Wep," said Hillyer, "you won't mind tellln' me what you would do ef It was all yore affair." "If it were mine," answered George, "I'd hold awhile longer." "That settles It," cried Hillyer, and he turned to write an answer, to the telegram. A few minutes later Hanks came In with his son Bobr a well dressed young man past "twenty years of age. The young man paused in the outer room, nn expression of deep embarrassment on his face. . . " "Has that car o' meat fer me been sidetracked V Hanks asked Hillyer abruptly. i;'-" "Yes; it's at the platform now the merchant answered, casting a curious glance past Hanks to his son. "Are you ready to have it unloaded' Yes; Bob's goin' to do it" The whole room stared In sympa thetic astonishment. "You say ne is?" Hillyer got out un der his breath. "Yes,; I'm goln' to show him an' .his mother' that I rule the roost up our way. She's tuck a notion he's too good to work like common folks, , an lef s 'im run wild with these town dudes, an' I've made up my mind as long as he eats my grub he's got to lay his bands to whatever work there isi to do. I could git a nigger to do the Job fer a dollar an' a half, an' I'm simply goln' to save the money." At this outburst Bob Hanks was seen to turn bis ace to the door. It was as red as blood, V "Oh, any" Hillyer began to pro test, butrHanks interrupted him. "Git that pair o' trucks back thar an go to work," he said to his son, "an' shuck off that coat an' necktie. You won't need no buttonhole bouquet fer this Job." - . ' v, r The young man made haste to obey. It was as if he wanted to spare his parent the exhibition he was making of himself. Hanks sat. down at the stove in bis usual placf.guite unruf fled. ' . .. . y "Say," Hillyer began mUdty, TdWt think yo're handlln' that chap right He's all right, ef you'd only treat him like a young, human bejji'. I've want ed to speak to yoo-"abont that boy a long time. I like Bob, I mayn't help it. Why, hang it, he's' jest natural i He don't know bow to get down to work. He's been fetched up in this giddy set.o young folks, an' he feels his fodder. When yon do put Im at work you putim at some menial em ployment that makes all the boys in town laugh at him, an' no boy with any pride at all can stand that. An' the trouble is he's ashamed of the way you do along with -It. The . daddies o thar set he's been runnln with don't act that way, an Bfr don't know why yo're different" ''What in the name eommosj aanao do you know about boys?" said Hanks, leaning forward and applying this cheap cigar to a red spot on the stove. 'You've never had one. Do yon reckon hain't anxious to see Im make some'n' ouf n hlsself 7 , I tried my level best to git 'im to go to mill fother day, and betwixt 'im and his mammy was clean outwitted. Jest think o' me me feetun' an' nousin' a young Prince o Walesf x "A Prince o' Wales that won't ride to mill on a corn sack," said Kenner dryly, "lib, you've got a white ele phant on yore hands as shore's preach in'." , . '' W Just then they heard the rattle ef the iron wheeled trucks in The rear. Bob Hanks had set to work. Hia father began to pull at "his cigar. : No one spoke for a few minutes. Then three young men, : ianiuessry -ntorea - ana laughing merrily, entered the ware house at the front ' and went through the . building toward .' tbo ear at tb platform In the rear. ' . :, . ' "Gein back to poke?fnBtl BoVy said Kenner. "They , certainly axe a triflln' gang, but IH bet Bob feels like crawUn' in a hole an puffln the bole In after 'im." :-: ',. ' George Buckley stood down en the floor, bis face rigid. .They were ll watching hbn. He took off his coat and bung It up and then walked out of the office through tho warehouso to ward the car of bacon. - ' "I wonder what hei goto to" be gaBKenner. ki yy-ioA-. -. x & .a reek on ? said ; Hfflye?Biigrny A' he ortthe blasted idiotst" - . : ; . Hanks uhad obserred4md heardV trat he smoked on as if raconcernedSl kenner rose and went outiHe cam back m a moment, a atrange light in bis honest face; bis llpstwltchlngi -. "George - nas wgjot . mnorjier - paar ;sj trucks an' is belpltf Bobt onload thkt car," he said m an' unsteady voice. "Byfegnm, he's a majn, J teUyott 'M Hanks, cigar hid. fen at, and le leaned forwaM and pressed Its -end against sthefrtde; againaSrwwi't hnrt Georsre aa much to tako m Httie exercise with the tracks a It wlII.Bb to be bolstered op to his, way by what George f la abln'Krhe Lord knows yoail all iruin tha boy amona I don't care how much: work Jeotge does ferine. IH aave a doUar and ra haft. He can't make me feel cheap by that aort o' trick." ' ! ; j Kenner did not seem to be listening. With his eyes on HUlyeW Vfapattetle face he remarked "The minute George loomed up put .thar an' grabbed them trucks an' sot toworkhat gang tried up an" looked like they , wanted to hide. ! They made ' some excuse, or other an" slunk off down the railroad, an' Bob -Bob Jest looked like he could die fer H'lnt I tell you,: you old stick In the mudT-T-to Hanks-71'11 : bet any other daddy,but you'd a' made a man out e that material.'Bob'toId me once that ' he wanted to go in tuainees fer hls- ae'f. Why don't you try 'im?".. tc r "Try.'imP .aald Hanks indifferently. "Who tried 'm I weAder? L had to shift fer myself, an ef . rveaccumu lated anything it has been bymy own efforts. ,Ef anybody had set me up In business "at that boy's age Td never been wuth a hill o beans.' - ? Tea, an you didn't -atari out with as much agin you as Bob has," an swered, the cotton buyer., -"You wasn't "constantly surrounded by folks' tellln you ypre old scrub of daddy was goln' to die an leave you a whole lot cf . anoney an' hold", on, - I'm: , not through"!- vHaaks-'. was aboat - to speak"an a. whole community tellln' yon'yonninstn't.ilay t yore: hands to menial labor. Yore daddy, from what I bear, made yon pull a bell cord over a mule's back tell you was twenty-one, an' when you finally Ms to the dignity o' the junk shop yon used to keep, yon wmsidered-yourself In high O. - vVTiy, they say ydn neyer wore shoes tell you put 'em ."on to vote in. They say a stranger : put up at "Lib's house one night, Mr. Hillyer, an Lib was standln' up before the fir warmln' hlsse't, JA11 at - once Lib's mammy said, 'Henry, thars .a coal o lire, under yore Yoot,' an' Lib looked up, as lazy then as an' asked, In ls slow way, foot, ma? " Hillyer smiled, but Hanks simply grunted indifferently and began to look over a packet of papers which he tqok from bis pocket Jake came In te tell Kenner that some cotton wagons were driving up, and Kenner started out, laughing, good naturedly. At the door he paused, and, coming bade, he leaned n the back of a chair toward Hanks. "You know how to take my fun. Lib," he said, jost a touch of apology in his tone. "You see, I used to have. Jest sech a gang as Bob's society crowd to contend with." Kenner laughed. It was plain he had more to say in spite of the pressure of business "When I growed up it was wuss. If anything, "than now. It was Jest after the war. when nobody had anything to put on stylo with, an' everybody want ed to make a good show to keep from raofon' neat Among the young men in this place thar. was some of us that Jest naturally would work, an' a pile of 'em that didn't seem to know how, an' us that knowed bow. seemed to keep UP the. rest fer they 'was eternally a-borrowin' oar cash, an' never dream- In' repladn' it s! remember thar was one young feUer. Fred Dlnslow. that kept my pocket: change down to low ebb. It went; on' a. long, that I got to prayin over it an' finally I got the courage to put my foot down. I kept tellln' Im . I didn't have It He knowed I did, an' so did I, but I could tell 'im that bettern anything else, beca'se he hated to dispute my word, as bad as I hated to refuse -'im my wages. Me n' him was a-roomln' to gether, an one day a nigger, Alf Hardin, begun to banter me to sell 'lm a light overcoat I was about through with, an' I laid It out fer Im. Well, Fred noticed It a-lyin' out on the table. an' axed me what I was a-goin' to do with it I told 'lm I was a-goln', to sell It to Alf Hardin. Me 'n' Fred was a-lyin' smokin on the bed, , an' be got up all at once -an' put the coat on an' stood lookln' at hlsse'f in-the . bureau glass. He'd turn fust one way an' then another, like a woman dressln' fer a picnic, an' then he said: It fits me like' a glove, Jim. How much is Alf goln' to give you fer itr 'Five dollars,' said L Fred acrewed about at the glass a minute longer, an' then he said, Dern ef I don't glveyou five fer it; If s Jest what I want' Well, thar I was, a born southern gentleman an' a room mate was axln' to be pre ferred over a nigger, an' not a clink nur sight o coin anywhars around. Well. says L after one o' my silent prayers fer fresh light 111 let you have it Fred, but I'm needln' the money right, now, I'm needln' it fer -a particular purpose, thaf s the reason I'm sellin' the coat I'm needln' It powerful bad.' 'Oh, said. he, aa he tuck off the coat an' put it in his trunk. TU git the money fer you. I'm expectin' some next Monday. I know ed then that I waa done, an' done brown, but I didn't . know ; my crust waa burnt to a cinder. The .next day was Sunday, an' a nigger baptizln' day, an' in the slack procession headed fer Mill Creek I seed Alf Hardin among the elect on his way to be bap tized, with my overcoaafin. It was a solemn ocaslon, but 1 was mad. I stopped , Alf ah' axed 'im whar- he got ; tho coat Mane Fred - Dlnslow sol' it to me, suh,' he said. vHow" much '4M''yonrpay.lm"ler:atf. 1 axed tm. Five dollars, suh, said Alf ; 'he tried to,, git six, but I didn't have It" At towier thne, Fred but I see that cot ton wagon out In front an" I've got to git a move on me. ; r Hillyer waa alone in the office when Bob Hanks and George came In, flushed and hot their task finished. "Yon are the right kind, George," the old man heard Rob saying, in a grate ful tone, and I'm not going to forget e?Pshawr BnckrjMld, "Tt'waa ex aetly what X needed to set my blood in circulation.' . ! get the cramp sitting on .that stool'-:-r'v-. i-- Bob went to the wash pan in the cor ner of the room and cleansed bis hands of the brine and salt 'Hillyer called him when he had finished,: , Bay, Bob," he said,.. "come sit down here.. , The old man indicated a chair near his desk. The young man obeyed wonderingly.. . -Ha Uarm Stomach Trochlea. J AH stomach trouble la removed by the nserof Kodol Dvsnensia Cure. It . elves the stomach perfect ' res Dy . oipstme what yon eat without the stomacB's aid. The food builds up the body, the test re stores the stomach to health. You do n't have to diet yourself when taking Kodol rarsnensia Cure. J. D. Erskine. of Al- lenveUe, Mlch says, "I suffejed -Heart, burn ana stomach trouble for some time My sister-in-law haa had the same tronb 1a and was not able to eat for six weeks.' She lived entirely on warm water. After takln? two bottles ox noaoi ; jjyspepsia Cure she-was entirely cured.-";- She now ' am rlad to sav Kodol - eave me instant J " " , "Bob," bsjan the merchant "T- be lieve im yore friend an' that-1 lave yorelntrast at heart". ..-.'' " " - 'WeU,' I've always theught yon treat ed " me decently,', Mr. HUlyer..' -I .was Just telling George ont there la the car that I could work like a steam engine for a man like you. - Mr. HUlyer, I may look like a pretty tough rpecUnen. but m give you my word that I am sick and. tired of , living like 1 , am. Thaf s God's troth." t " i i : J - t Wbat sort 6" work do you jhink yon would like. Bob 7 - HUlyer could not suppress' the round not, of sympathy that dominated bin voice. ' ' J "It may seem very silly to yon, Bob declared slowly "trot I am just as sure that I could ran a business for xnyaelf aa I am that rm sitting hoe talUng to you. - To make a clean breast of it for lnowvyon will understand my fix I was on" a trade with -A, C. Sand- ford, up the. street for hia' grocery store. - Sandford's wife has got Indian blood In her an sbe entitled t Jasd. ill thm tTltnrV-- IT a wmt.'fr,- nnr outtherajt!idoJiilhere-rve'einJu "?? Esnifrde packed n Ma twvika am' a . n I a gcod thing e thlnar that could be built up till It would pay big. He's got old fogy waya an" hasn't kept up to date, an' I believe money can be made in this town according to Ute methods. WelL when I heard he was thinking of selling trat I "had a talk with him. X,told him i had nomoney, but If he'd sell the stock to me on time I'd pay him. Well, that pleased him and his wife, too, for they are anxious toget away, and we even took stock. It invoiced about 42,000. an be doesn't owe a cent in market but somehow my rather got wind of it an. Lord, the row he raised" over it! He made me go out in the yard an' cut wood all that morning, an' he went down to Sand- ford and said so much against me that Sandford backed clean out" Hillyer stared for a moment at George, who was listening, and then he looked at Bob. "Are yon twenty- oner he asked. "I was last July. Mr. Hillyer." Then you are yore own boss? . . I reckon I am, as far aa'age goes," said Bob, with a good na tared smile. "but mv credit doesn't sem to amount to much. "Bob" Hillyer was not looking at him "you must not lose' that chance. If a a good one, and! believe you can run the business, I believe If s In you. You are interested In it an' thaf s the chief thing." "Thank you, Mr. Hillyer. I like to hear you say that but I don't much blame father. I "havent been Urug Just like he wanted me to, end I have thought seriously of getting away from this town. If s Pretty hard to do the right thing surrounded by a gang like rve been in a crowd that thinks It be neath a fellow to work." "They wouldn't laugh at you If yoo were the proprietor v that grocery,"; aaia muyer. -Look here. Bob: I've got a lot o money lent out on a sight wuss security than yore word, an' ef youll give me yore note fer two thou- nr. ! Bob xcent to tAe tcarA pan t tAs comer o tne room oa cleantta hit hand. sand I'll make the rate o Interest so you kin stand It an. I'Jl give you Jest as long time aa you want to pay It off." Bob Hanks' eyes were wide .open In astonishment He caught his breath and gazed alternately at George and the merchant -un, air. uiiiyer, are you in ear nest?" be asked finally. "So. much in earnest that I'm goln' to dose this thing lnaide o the next te.Q mmutes,fore.somebody.eUe comes along an' buys Sandford' out George, make out the note, an vThen Bob's put hia name to it stick It In the safe.? rm goin'- . uptown an: tell .sandrora Urs-a deal."". 7. -. u ' i 5 ; i 4 . "Mr. milyerr Bobcried out aa the merchant was leaving the office, put the old man did not look round. - "Let hita alone r said George Buck ley to his friend, rif vyon had lived with him as long as 1 have you'd know that you are giving him the keenest pleasure he ever had.- He believes In you, and so do V Bob." .. Bob Hanks turned : around once or twice In an aimless way and then said ander hia breath, "Well, ril be bis med P .'"" CHAPTCBX.' : ''. ' HE next morning Kenner came , Into the office and greeted HUl yer and George with a smile. TU be hanged ef 1 don't be lieve Bob Hanka baa struck his proper element"" he said; ; .TUtf turned that old store: ut side down already.-. Seed 'lin -burnia' a half bushel : measure, o' live cockroaches jest now. Stores all C Tonic to ther SyitenC For liver troubles and "conti ration there is nothing better than xDe Witt's X4ttie Early Kisers the famous little wit. They do not weaken thdtstnmach. Their action upon the system Is mild, pleasant and harmlesa. Bob Voore, of LaFayette Ind., says, 'Xo use talking, De Witt's Lit tle Early Bisers do their work. -AH other pills rripe and make me sick. De Witt's Little Early Risers- proved to be tho long sought relief. They are simply perfect ' Tenons traveling find Little .Early Kisers the . most r? liable rem&tv ... . 1 i ""J Wlta ulom- Sold by Aycocke IC m tbout had Id abat that doors, tha? waa ech'a stench. tBoVa got his coat 3 to np to his neck la frnloaaa. 'x t sl ier told me Bob was thar at & ottoer to open cp an swept ont blWt I sorter call that a good joke on Lib. He's always kaepla his eye pawled fer somebody to fend money to aa ever looked bis own boy - Half an fcjpr Utsr Hanka slonched In and. uriow- In Us accnetoaed place at the stove.' Kenner waa eying4 him enriooaly. a quixaVal amOe playing onta face. ; Hanks awmog his foot to and fro,, hia b alighted cigar la his hand, mi be caught Hniyvr's gtAjMe. then be granted: : , . - "Thought joa. was powerful smart didnt your he said dryly. ' , . "I don't know as 1 did." replied XXJXU yer, fluabing a Itttlac i . There waa alienee for a roonve&Ctha 1 Hanks said. Wfll, youU see whar yore monrys gone et you a step B,wnia OUt.- ..J - " ' ' "'J '-'-"' : ItH be rne clta"1d the IndianTer- hi CueCtA. a done It ef roa feot Wi ja I make.lt good, but 111 tell rtra BOwlaad Lvaia youU never git a cent oa that dratted I note from ma," . ."I never expect to," ald ZUfiyer, smiling agreeably. "Ob, tbafn do to talk, answered Hanks. Too t&tnk, though, that Td never stand by an' see a body lose by a chad o mine; but this le diferest I was fetchin" up that Vv aecorcUa to my lights, en', yoa cocae taSia tatar fared." . J-t;; ; '-ijaV C';L". -"He toidMM'ba WaatwuBty-oavaV," aald nillyer. still amused, ad 1 saw a cnance to lend, "itn sce a nets ej mere is xo ic "Oh. wen. you kin afford a tittle like that," retorted Hints, -aa wbea Bob's run through with the pile I kin show everybody I waa right, la the stand I tuck with to." Aa It was a busy bear, nothing mora was said a the subject A, ragged fanner In a slouched hat earner la to talk to Hanka about mortgaging a male and a milk cew Cor his next year's supplies, end Hanka went out to see the mole 'and hear a minute descrip tion of the cow her age, weight prog eny and hablta. That afternoon, aa George and tho merchant were eleelAg the wureWaee to go to supper, Kenner came akteg oa the way to bis boarding heoee. "TWy say old Lib's been hangtn round Bob's store sll day watchln lea like a hawk," he Informed them, with a laugh. "He cayn't hide hi Utereet . Aa soon a Bub ud make a sale the oti maa ad run up to the cash drawer aa count the change an ask the cost of tho article. He's aeglectla hia wura auat tars, in swear ITa fuaay. . Kf he's talked wtjth one man today be ha with forty about Bob'a-vegtnro. Jle waa ted to Cod out what folia thinks, aa he's literally astonished .te find so many believe Bob know what he's a -dots'. "I seed lm e-ataadia ta Bob's door watxhla Bob an.; natxirr BroUsura btddia agin one another ta bvy a toe4 o mountain chick ens. X spoke to- lib, but be Jest kept cbawta his to be roe, so mocb absorbed be didnt bear aaax Then we seed the fefler start to drive up to Bob's door, aa old JLTb clapped his bands together, an said: "By ram! Bob got "em." Bot.be sorter cooled down when the chickens was an loaded he beard Bob bad bed 15 refits s piece ail round. - He grabbed Bob aa be waa peseta ga said, 8ay, doat yoo think yon went too steep oa that ktadr Bob - was party red, anyway, from lifting at the coops be waa so anxious to get 'em la hia shebaagraa he got redderxbut be pulled the aide o hia face down an looked to see that the feller couldn't hear, aa said: Sal rve got cmaJready sold to Atlanta at 20 cents apiece, an that geieefs gota to taks hia pay Jn coffee at It cents a pound coffee, that coat 10 hi .New Or leans. You see whar 1 coxae ta, deal youf ....... - Tou better go U sorter slow at the start Ub said,; bat -ha waa atarpty tickled to death. XH swear it was tea to watch 1ml' He'd .rather aee that boy learn how to handle mooey then fee "tn to be -elected governor " this state." .... , Old Hanka seldom left hia borne after rapper, but that evening be dropped In st nuiyefa, finding tho saerthaat and hie .wife, before oviboerful fire ta the- sitting room.- - He came la awk wardly, but hia self poeieasioa waa B thing be always hadwttb him, Kro ner had once said that Ueake could sell scrap Iron to.a.pigvoa tailed coat aad white vest and DeverVreeJlso" Ibe odd ity .of hia appearance. Hia bragaa shoes were untied, asf bobad started to to to bed and- banged hia mind, . I are Bob's got that store to gota'." he said dryly, iTye.bea sorter watch ln lm today. I hardly haow .what to " Hillyer look td. knowingly at hia a&U Ing wife and replied: .-, So heT got opened "up," haa be TT : "."Opened upl I reckoa be haa; tuck la nioy.odd- dotUrs today.; an the Lord only knows .what profit heal' av erage. . X don't reckoa Bob does, frota whst I observed, though be aiat Voela ao tvt.nY:. -. - t "Oh. beTl hold Seadford'a trade." said Hillyer. rXoa kin count oa that' .."Well, X reckon be win." eaVl hlra. HUlyerup Tre changed my account ta him from Waters ek Co, , An why ahouldn'tlt Do yon reckon Xn wit go fa'- to enroorage rail . mterprlee? Jest the"" minute be told ne he, Was agoln to run a -free delivery wagea to take order an' deliver roods twice a day I put my came down, The Ilea o them old foiiea wallla" for Bob Hanka to start a free delivery! Why, the-minute I told Mrs. Dugaa about It she mighty nigh bad a spaaar, she was ao glad. 1 seed her agio jest before) supper.- She'd been down an ordered a whole raft o staff aba dldat J -(TO BX COXTWCBD.) ' . HTGElA Tba Beet 5-cmt dgar on earth for ante at Aycocke Urnj Co'a. - .-- A pieca bf, camphor f-at into water j will keep Cowers for a longtime.' ' t, rretrdir" Blljtf :'"'; ' A salve that 'heals -'wltboat a "scar I DeWitt's WllcVHsflSAlve- No rwn dy affecu such pely Trl't--lt drawg out lnflamatc-tt,sSUi, eoci aad beeis all cuU, burnt as,'VrBiAA. .-A sore enre for piles and Vfn dit, I)v Witt's U CMjcirXt-fJaUP 'V.'itch llswl Salre. .Bewans of counterfeit, they art . STKOPSIS. Tba foGowiag it rpotAU ti Ouptert terrtcfora -1 akiiej U "Tha SabatitBt - z - QI A ITERS 1, 1 aral Uacllf t is UkrUffa cf Mr. Ilrt B rich Gexs taardtrL Urn hUr h aeat to ftvon for iLeft Gcspth atte&tivo to Lydla CHrtc '"dasS tor of a farpad VaTTaiaa, The a-.i-r.e of him Uie trs3 malea tea !r P ,4 nCjar eocUmta to Gcrg9 ihm tattrder of Cnri thirty yeara before tbe rtorj 5d.; To atooa for tba deS km tooi Uemrye out c Lis degraded ' booa to t&Aaa h naef al rnaa ci Lia aa a arriiatato aocietj for tie dea4 frkod. . Hanka, a sou brekcr; aad Keener, oUoq butyrr, Ttare eWia la HiZfvrs raralio. Baaooci Trtht, a 6cr fodarata veteran w -tlaj?r0ra 4 Oeorpe. llZlrti ; breata iav Cy ia wheat t2s Urica ef Cegra, t ifrs, IlCjer-rnWa Georrea fvc4.it eiaxacur. -IUrar la leax .td 'Uizt WVUgut to trial for Ik U cri&a, frrjea-RiciU dooIb best aocsal set Go vasts. TeUare of GeorgU, a tnUCa tj3 walower, is cruemtnf his atiSTtboca apc4i "bar widt tba ifesM (I tar - i . Tha ZWt nnoa. yoa waatphyie uaibfaAi gvaua, easy to take aad rruu a arV always use ChsaberUla's gnejsrbaaA Uver Tablsta. Tm sale ay Ayvetle ireg vol (Hxvb oa aboeid be pat into a dark BataUt This dUtreealag ailaiied 'reeaJU frees a oisornered slosseca. Ail UaU la i d to aCsrt a eare U a eVaee e rwe ee? CbaabevaUaa Seoeaawh aad Lfver Tab- ku. Ia tacts lb attack easy W warM oa. or greatly liiaaas ta eeverUy, by taking a do car Iheee taaaHa aa i the Brst iyi, tiisa eg aa attach sprweia, j aoM vj Aycocke Drag Co A cerjtoenb axtkea fiah scaler. atreilejctl aa Cared His: Mother tt r9ttXua "hlyasnsAer haa beeei a ee saaav yraxt freea rbeejeiutaaa,' says U. liewara. of Uaataal. ra, -XI she waa ee m ee, wlOe aa aA Usaae walkTavg was pelarel.' X teew bee with a betfJe est CXamWrtaXs's raia IWba a-ad afarv a tew entire 11 ewe ebe dartded H waa ta saast i i s li ifal paia reueveraae ne ever irte4. ia ta4. te arret itlett H aow eaA el ; aa osaee ear ta wsAa. aa 1 1 1 1 1 1 mas I a- plkatioa c4 rata Taaba heeta away Ue galalbat ba en' focssevry 'wwabialJ wita,- rorsaiery Ayeawka Drag C. SPECIAL EATX3 TO. XI aT 0-! LEAKS. LU lKSACOLA, FLA, MOBILE, ALA. . Tba Seaboard anooauMea a rsto el ooe fare pi as 3" casta froaa a3 fcc&ts oa lu line to h'ew Oriaaaa. IVaaaeo. Ia aad M&UIa aad retara, aooorai cf tba Mardi Gras raieJamioe) at iba points, March Sod to Tib. Ticketa w U aoU llairh lt4 to e'iada- fare, with asi limit to Leave all threw pcinU not later than Karcb Xlih, ax- orpt aa payxctenl oca lea of H orsts and an axtotsaioa I hrcn caa Va aU Uiaed baU March. ZUh Has) Sea board affsra doabla daily aerrWa wtth oeJr oa ehasra r o cara, wtica Is toada m Arixnu, trmlne occa'aadng of verribaWl day ooacftea. - lallsaca aleaptoj cart and Gale di&Jnjr; cbb r or xaruter miorbatxa ta reajd to ratoa, schedule aad reatoa, Bfyij to joox oasrset Agant ar alirwsa. vm a a. n. uaTTta, t. 1 . A, lUIWrb, N. a iVJL. JU 1 ' . , AllSlL-f ...J.'i. J S E E E) T KM 'E has learned 'that avaeoa rcraina raqairc far L2cr - .tat toil tbaa rxhm ; auxae crop raced L3ce He sivrrart that a rjtat " 6al4cpc&lM crpaa rigtl rlactiaj ax "th rrttM tiroc, and Clal Ute aod frturt be krpt exxricbed. 'Ho tue ef cocigiab-ifog ta "raiirrvcr aboot a rnia- .UkcmaIatl4aprinit Deddc befara tije tcod - ia rAaxifrd.T' ...- .. ..? v ' - TJe Xxattime to rtxTaa . l&y waatina. aar!itSona fa the human body ia be fore the cri3 it too dorp - roctcd. 'At tie Crat rrU cooq C4 loat of Cah ; Scotf s EmuLsica ahould be takea tanoaw " diatcly. Tben La rxh Itz thAt win repair, wuxted tieaoe rjaxa- Qukly"or rcriroe loat . eah' more abcralasti . than Scotf Ernslaioa. Xtrjocriabea and built tip tb-e body mben ordl - nary fooda mbadotxXy :aiL.- -..- . - B a4r d jmm mm , - nn vWs fls ii - era, fa lw larim i a.' a law Kau HI ' lurf T fan , t r. . SCOTTCi, .BOWK'S CMSHIITt , aJ Faa-'t frree4 r NEW YORE . pm, 4 fi -old YelYet rye puro - old - Tclvcty; tho beat for tho price soldf overywhero. call for it 'at 1 louteburg; dispensary; : . " loultburiT, ru c. V ". ' , v - 70 ,PeopI& Ttth VccX - . ' Tea fcisi IKa t fo ;0lliio Pwea ciaIfi8rod tt test &5!ici4 tor threat tisd luss trcabUa, t?ut tti xiaiaoatta5"4?frfot c?a th alcsach t& lrjLz?ouBVbl9 tor raay to tal It. ?- tiara Vlcol ngocryllBbBB crcater rerultt. Tor Thllo It in a Cod Unr Oil prt ra ti ca. It la amtlrtly ra jTrca ell cr eraaaOg aid thtrtfero it la feat tnHns tba plaoo of old-fixahlcaad C&d Llrtr Cil end riTfflc.Reapootxilly, E. V. JXJEBrTT 4 CD-, Drag rUu. Hye- MOn Every Tonf-ue.w t 1 Vwmt9 0iesearr. - . r1 rx ; 1N ft IN .ft fa fa fa fa OUR PATRONS era Oerd to aall Jfew Nash b .wish all B Merry CVrWetM aad Happy 5ew Teaa M K.& F.R. PLEAS WrrS ORvooiara fa rt 1905 -THE BIG w'ltVet ye a Ear 17 at-4 IVarj; -nH TSTV A It 1 TVaelloaTaer y tiUl9 we will taMrae la ibees BARGAINS! Te eaAie recea for oar fftHf fall t-ds el Oeal for C, Kir aad a frawl raaay alee vi-J Ualwtll le seld sVeaf. Artistic Job TO -- BV--s'-Sa lfai e. u"e r -. LsJJy txtflsd vi vy vy vy vy vy vv vy vy vy z vy vy vy vy at ear QaarirfB ca Street VJ RACKET -1905 V far tVslr tWral Ire are UVs beuer la tba rrucre. ' - tFJaea ere wtl aU B rwel ti-it y alUdyes Li Use ef ladiea ato Tozrt rrf IraJr t w. . 1 - MRS. A. M. fit! ri- V i nncin PRINTING HOU 7 o p and attentive ssrraatr ' pellet" :SoldbyAycocke's drug store uni dirgorous. Soli by Aycocke Dr:-; CV.