- ... . .. IV I 1 n, i - - .'"'-. ww'inni mini I '-T " ".. II I TV"MI - KlU'ar aa I r.;r.:.:r. a?: COITNTr, UH 1 J C -T-Tin 'X'H I-'I TXTToztr YOLXXXY. .. ; WUIUKGrK. a, FRIDAY, HAECll 10 1C35. t::::: 1 1 CHTfOOH DIBEOTOR1 f , ' TtMag at 11 A. U., ud 7 80 P. tt. ' ,-;:.. Mamt, Vaator. BuUUy BebooJ atJ M. - ' - ,-' r Tuoa. B. WOSII, 8pt . H. U. Hubbubs jh PMtor. .Hi. U. Rottoi.8pU. bm! and 4th Bandar, Bveaia Prayer, FrklarafUraoon Sarvlees 4th Saadar in eaeh awnta orela eed ; ' ' ' w IODOBB. i. ML. litt W w - - . j .1 I'ro (ferKMito v a. f rtic ia ; ASD miaOHt yiA LoaUbarf K. t- -v cM wtth Dr. A. H. fMlBg. Hor: m to 11 m.. u. tt. . kl' . 1- . boors by .AttTUUKtt. FLEMING,, D LOUUBORCI. - , J mow.. ." fJ jj.a..A MAISiMaJ; 1 Wl. - A.OTICiaa FHT8ICI1JI ABD BUBOBOX. imwih. o Ota uvr Ajaoek lrac UottpMy, jjR. J. J. MANN, P H TdlCIAS andidUBOEOK, Lootaaoao. a. e. dIn ottr ajeoek Drug Coa drasator K..P.B0RT. . -4 ff raAcrriaiaa phtjUCUJ aj(& nDKasoa Louiaburg, N. C. 09m lata iwar of K. A. Bobbitt A Co. Urc tttorw, vaNaab atnrfc. JJB. B. W. TABBOBuCaU, FBTMOIAH ABO isUBOBOB. UfinvM, K. C. v u aw aaoa : iMlMiaa. atat Mla mmym,, ttom T. W. BMaaK : 'TTTTT I .4 ATTOKSKT-AT-LAW. arui avaetUa la att tba Ooarta, laC"TUM.. a OB tS a. naaaBKBPBO. " S " ATTOBJlVr ATlAW. wui arMat If ttjba Cearta Of ttaBUU OaVw ajart Hoaaa. ; . ' " ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, Lomaaoae, II. C. u 1m ovar Boddi, Bobbitt A Co.'e tras tor. . " w m. HAT WQOD BUFFIN. ATTOBjraT-AT-LAW, Mensmae. a. a. - wui ttwmMUm la an ta Ooarta cf U4 adjotaina aoaaUaa. atoo la tk Jo art, aad ta tka 0atta4 HUtas (SraaK Uoana. oatoa la ooopae sad Ottttoa 'Boc B. arOUDBB, AnoBBxr4iriAwa MMsaaaBIUI I F. 8. SPBU1LL. . ATtOBSBT-AT-lAf WUI asteas Caa aowrlsof VraakBa, Ti OnaTUla. Wanraa aad Waka 'eoaatiaa. mm Bayraata Cam ot HatXh OarnHaa 1. ".d W. BIOXBTT. aTTOBBBT ABB OOTJBKXLU)B AX LAW. rnari aa4 aaatkkiaw attantloa atvaf te avarr airtaar toaraatae tpala Saadai LJ-f Baiava la CkAaf laaUaa ShpaeTd.(Ho Xeaa SaulM. Mob. Bat. W. WLnatoU. Hon. J. C. Bartam. ftaa. Flaat AaUoaal Baa f ,. Wl- aaaau Oiaaa to Mamtr. Wlnatoa. FaOBlas Baak aTaauraa. Caaa. B. Taytot, rraa. WsMUTOfw aaa wauaaa, avoa. a. w. xuaDanaaav -otriaa ava Baai Oo.- Stora. . , f At-iAWv: v J aejsjn8aLsl, - la ; an esmrts., OflUs en Iftaia If. : - - ATIOSSZT AT LAW, LOijiaBuAQk B. 0L oetae am Omh BVMaS tmOdlac. Ceart Ail laaral kaalaaaa intraated te aire U raaalra irraaapt sad earatal aiiaatioa. F. HOUCbV !X)fTlACT0BAX BUILDER, . -lyOUIJBOBa. K 0. --4 " - Tr.Ha Ataatfar aU kloda of BaUdlag ariu AftiacM jtaaU,a4 TUaa, Aaaav ""i iia;aaAai4aitU4 Ea.a ; V.i'V.!ji,'-s I'HASiCLlJiTOIi HOTEL -f 4 7t aaaoaio jBtloa for the trava'Jag aua. ,.. -v.:- aodUvaWliieeW MASSEKBUEQ EOTELn 1 VaUMMtkbtii' Fropr vvai aeeas.'jCoel Laret I f traTlllf m Ml ttemtlTs sarrtxtr ; 4.". - . .JJVJ.1 j I i 'jj.-I, .. .. i mi-" miw j - - .ir -1- 1 1 ' - r Ba WILL N HASBEfi . vU Cfcuoiafl Snm." Tb Noitk Vlk MttsUm." Etc 4 - i ' It 4-, I. V " . knows "yon have hope; I have non noMAt.aUr' BTBONG' man la to' be .pitied vwho deliberately shnna ibeimt; .town sIntOj coutraatf wtth rival more fortunate In the ea. tlmatiOB of the worlds -rGeorie waa felalllve. ihleh BBlrited dwarf isyHui xo m voio sceuiK ; tall : men. '.The irhole'tows was going to bear the goT erfaor'a address the neif Snadajithe arhdl'e wastfllfclr of hi admiral flori oithe-tenof h placeorthe remainder of thenSreeaf Geor2e-was'un certain what heTihonld -doy" -bnt; -wliei;t the rtlinlmornTni -arrlvea lie'V'f to alierb aabMi bA&MrtA .- i BAMiifiriiGeorge.- as -.God 13 'my ludee. IneverJ jraggyand; flrgve out-'t his mother'a.J ue might have chosea better, for the ..... ' : . .. - . 1 - 'farinhouse.1 ke hometo aoraia sarroanainsrs or tne isl Vhlch had never seemed Like hlnf 1n -the tUghest' senaer oniytradi hlnr feel moTe aepressed. '.wv-sw.jr TbffIx)ra ktf&fnr'aitonteSet ti see. lEon cWrf.llifess aaldliaah tamettf therdoof WfIng4iefAtJtrnda on oer .apro.t s"Why, the aettle ment.it' see ma M mei has gaae In town to see the . governor, bat ssomehow X w see uie governor, pucsomenpw A didn't care tolgoi Fm tooold to ride tenmllesjn aioltln-wagontoseejest a man.:; How do yon come on?? - -I feel alt right," George replied. "I didn't care to hear the speech.' You"say you didn't?" Mrs. Back leys heavy brows ran together. - She stood for a moment eying her son with sympathetic fixity, s She had heard the j- UK ,viv&w& m fltwvuuvu Lydla- Cranston.. " They . were now in Jthft, slttigglfojotg, tthd Jie stood warm lnr himself before th fire. - - ''K)fh'AGorgefn. aWaiiadenly got out, "I wish you'd let me talk, to yon an' not git mad." . . ' v : "Mad? Why. mother," he exclaimed "how could I get mad at your ThtoId woman aat down in her low chair in the chimney corner. "Ton are my boy," she said, a tremor in her, gen tle voice "an some things hurt cut me 'to . the-quick." Oh, George X wish. you would !BortelMt conteatwttAosnS mon folks like we aR are. Xoti ere.aa J2 JAy i.'Ti tZ I A wa, J M " SAAB fjAaUAl ;CAO IUOI ,IU' J ..t t- Jkn.Kwii .oillprenjUjNeF f lnstancev Ahfcy she's go a chance, an' a good one, to mAWV.iflA aamvAS-mAw'H '' .- v "1 IWnk ahe has,'' George eald cold. typhis Hps tightening, but what "of that,"fnotber?" TlW 1 Tlo.T-Tv Villa n,A h"li..i MVa think you you want to ret somen an eayn't," replied the ; old woman plain- ttvely, "An George; ma ,thihg Q In this world Lydia? CranoSj JrriiHhave to take that offer.l f he i'cav"nrt alt around h Gala kin,,have. the'r choice,! I an mind yon, l don't know a thing- she may, down in her heart, like yon the best on account o you-bein youn ger an' better tookin. but folks in her walk o life, I reckon, have to sorter look to the. future. Her folks will make hert ef she draws back. George, I I hope yon don'tfeerbad about it w Moiher, I'm att right He aat down before the fire. ... He looked out through: the smaff 'paned window upon a wide stretch of cotton land where he had toiled through -his boyhood. . To the left inside the garden fence, was the flog- smokehouse, the barn and sttfbtes; to theMght the yawh.echfck- eas and , fcTcam wertasecratcSinjr'She earth 5Co SfoOd. lTheoia&4-a aVld notWngthereWasnsthina; aheg eould say' for hie, reply had not reasstrrea her.''' ' - - - "Why do you think anything la wrong with mer he suddenly asked. . "Has Anybody'W,. .i'-. ."Yuwya:yteep.fi)JtS months jihet't l rifiitibL. u ri niiv imm in mi . a iaam iiuinua. b.a. friends will jgit jealonf whence begins to 'rise in-: the 'world.; Mosttof 'em thought you was flyih thjgheorge, au akms in Tiaitur the nest in uar- leyHUk' - they are tickled for be able to.. circulate the report xthatshe' omra uiurrv uie Kwvermir vi uw jlvu see;they km say that an not seem to & taliinv ' agin you, but they are ,huckliBaU theaame?' " J' "1 catft help their talking nor their thinking, Buckley said, with a sfgh. rButrVlieve rdputli bold face on.it an' laueh.atthe idea p' -marrym' anyooqy rignt 8lack,off'fjpm George. Jikln seems to me. you are miserable wedding takes i; ?Thfin.yn. eount d rvYl His face -dbodfl J&vtVrltiid; I In spite?of.ls aelf sc6ntrol,-hls "Yoice rang harshly. - - - - 'V , j; She sured at him pityingly- 'fThar's no use talkln about if she said soft. ly. ."George,- you hain't ready to ad mlt it An that's the wust sign of alL mit it en xnar. xna wusr Wt ee Mkfr otnemolka. aef. e W n, - hat- J-ou eayn't atS -,tM- Jit slb-e. lit voiced ni aLV Tin aa the 'use? j The old,v aiai-, ..cru-.e as she 'was, had known him from the first pul iation of the life that was now raging like a mad torrent within him. In his mlnd'seye he had a glimpse of the vR lage church, packed to the doors with an eagef; expectant -Jcrowd? H"e taw, t .the flewer a the altar. Utere wtUTa profound husIt-iThe; Cranston carriase had ' driven- up." The governor, of the state was assisting two ladiea to alight All. eye", vjere on the partyof fdtfr ra they'ia ' in and moved unccrcfci nedly U tO t .nston'rv Lydl'ati the jcheetof LofK)r:wera walking together, fihe was being admired, .envied. George Buckley "bowed his bead; the red light irom-tne tre looctrea itia i .'jik.v.avAfl. waa aiklr j; into "the -d3e8ti ooze'Of C. spalr." , I t4 you, Tm not sayln one word agin the gal," Mrs. Buckley broke into tu itZiX.zs r-hrvptlyv Jn fact I stand aytMnrhetver beBydreuinSSW tI - - ' '1 than harinf fern all fJunSf WBT"AtWnnivWyok-s doVfow'Fu .V" r over it an wnen me 1 bow 0 nreDare kaneal fo'TnUeA?.VifTirA',, - -'aLvx lv.T I ZL. , place- ,v - 1 -MMotber?-heturiie sudalenly andi : s:t' V. . VLn l vv , lr ... on it aa a certain I . -,. .: U---r:-v.-' -a 1 "-"iJ '.",."w -w.. Kie r,r I can't tH 'yoiT-hoVHclI "do 5 rC.'; ;i o ' S2j ' i 6rihey hate Y an- iu r 8 beca'se they Ifand ab6ve'''ejClttfipj'Jl'leelTtoi ored by the noUce hr royal f pits. That may be one reason 1 like Lvdla Cran tdEuf don't Jtnow; -.Tin . only human," Dui Test rel llKe -she'.oia different order. J oi Z ilmOoi? la-' trodtioeA , me to: er? ; WpII. a rtcnows a wpman, no matter hov liffer- tnerjc fteeiralsel, ftfcl seedjthet hftwas sarrajsed-.ta .to: see. that! was r-Mrell, eatk 1 aintV'bti I tnl'Hl atron? lltln' . to s'er f er the way aoe acted." - ; . Vi Jey spoke-under bis breathbnt the wo- level best toin&ke'me feel easy; an' it j mada me Eke r. ,Theiirthei iexQ TJ-e nextilmer "George was xealljiU11 surprised. -: jjDid yen meet ner agalnW tillrs. Buckley. was silent: her eves had XBLltet Sbexhad' said '"more ; tbanrageMlUr'couoa ' ""f l)Ccn noney rnggun" Inter led w v, " - - - .-. v -e- .irr MrsjRuck looked op. resolutJyiri bein.f aa irjKeema ahe fieverfcdd yo"u about; 1C' . ?ut" It was when she was- er.tlyrlnga last jweekn inofBinVbjcom jheieUa moelmiL W.' spent a nappjer nour lp Jul my lifer ' I ionriKnQw aow-. twarnt aheujest 1 V.J Vl-llW-Jvi-vLjr'.:-! i . l"a - wayKl tgolilyrUfj'C bJ fogrtfii t-inojJriUkbody.foiild 'a' told l waaj)iecln a "acran onilt. ,an she mt Sown an' setorkwmlb. lneVef l fal thlmrs to aav than anvhndv I I I Biun . T a V... tbW Mil n(v. m ."rr; " "s4-t i moi'n ..ixtn f -Kp'a that '-ah ahifa afl' then she left,. Georghevklssedl JTluZn 52? er , .BTDAHvfetTr. :. Buckley was staring, an . tmiathom- able expression -in v his - big. y earning eyes: . - - t ;- .;. "She kissed you, mother? 'God bless herP "And he rose and put hl arms about the old woman's neck. His eyes were glistening. : "Yes, she did twice, out at the" gate, I never intended to tell you about that, fer I I didn't think it was exactly the been; tryjn. fer centuries to bring folks up to. , xes; sue -may not vDwJBTorig enough to go her- way wlfbalt tbed 'rope tied to 'er. buteF shesveri Another she'll be a good un with a soul 1T7TV J ;tW5'trf a jblame roraccvtln'iherl - - - - V. ' - . aa a man. I would, 1 r,"i..' uuiuu mire sin I ucappeamy-way..xiovjn: a woman use thaf s v Jeat janjhitioni an'.. ambition's righ an HAb1 v;a'ajyj Mra. BteySAloDtog'at "horin but he had .turned- his face away; fcHe stood still; ffsisT.f erfrjrn--worktog,!?hIs strong breast heaving tumultuou8ly. x JThe Trultts are a-havin'jrworld;oX Irlewith'jfelf,'! said Mrs.. Buckley irlwriiEnayr "Samobody jfetfirW to. tfAtTlMi KT - - r ' - I'-. 'aSLa -I' J- - - . HSirr ui;n thin.. . I uuuaaf eioui Mef aj irB- 1 -TVliV 1 my ayjo!wUlw..ay er an' atand.tfntfer-rm -ie-f-iTT , 'TT.-rvrr - i-;-r -:t . v bnfn,an'w w. th-i Ita.: If? wy wu?flt.w iaisea : y " imply, wfuir'.ahe said Airkthat : . . H7 1 & vli i t i:jr- v 1 HS-VW.vrrnir-tir U ' r "She kUted you, mother t God blew lier !" to put it out, but -Jeff got: another White! Caj. letter vO"'vtrarnin'tp ; skip out 4rfim wn'tlet'in tne' all about her coming here.:: YesJ I.haTe. George, a. help me God!! I "NotAll yoTJ-thought; motherJ :Tbe woman hesitated, and then she faltered: "No, I'll admit thatZGeorge How could It I laid awaie ."early all tbat nMtaajla7 over. it $ --TeuWwhat you thought -molther Geopge, ' r- ... ;W-1 "Mother. this ia the darkest day I have ef er spent-' J had one other as bad, hut I drowned it 4awhlsky, but now-le smiled rigidly ''I, am facing the music jtii--aidara neTa. -jnoxaei what did tLinktAi t J 1 v 2 - f rVs r SO. JNpw. GfebrgeVgU the rlekfi'hootJ teowsaie t.wV. rtnt tn. 'v w--t. "Welf,eoxse' after ivM&nAii&rrtm.ome to "show. 'that It will bring rich red blood, firm flesh and muscle. That's what HoUister's Rocky Mountain . Tea will do. " Taken 1 this month, keeps yon eHaH-IjumTney. 1 85 cents; Tea or Tabic.,"" t,'? liotL.tt NTbe ompetent wbjPl m tie 1 iu" Btfttauu. is pioitjr oiuo w ' jt . - - pedVtip, If voulcannot eat, s'sep or work, leel mean.-coss and uffly, - take HoUister's Rocky JUovTitai'v -.Afr-tnis .montn. A." em siefpanu puw. a spring ionic lor tonic for ti T . TI r " 'ao 1 meet " th , wn a f.nlly. llollisters' Rocky equal to'it Xc. or .l-bleU.V lljntaiTea..S5 cents, Tea or Tablet. :S. ATbbltt&Co. . - ... .rR A. Bobbitt A Co. . , .Tfiortpr jbeliered she'jsTel ;mq- an'. alrokedi like she fw anted tOj cry In ftiy arina" Ijeca'se" I'waa yore m other. I never couJJi inake at- women are ech riddles, even to the'raelvea I nev er could make out whether It. was a goodby klsa Intended f er you - or or ancrter . sort, - I watched her. tell ihe gottlean across -the paarore field, an she walked all the way with 'er head down."- Now gtt the gun ' . i couldn't kill a;llvnjf thing today , he gald.."! want everything to live and breathe" ;How can I give her xm when 7r Xn.evenlngafterj, supper la?th- middle of that week Kenner rv George In the office of the I "Ttorr House, the only hotel " j!t"Vas full of traveling salesmen and wagoners from the mountains, who had come la. to sell some of 'em no." Kenner amlled. tell- Jnj.tenV'tl4a.l3jteiiesVmarkt,.a' fc torUi, -ia tha soujtaiThey!! -git to HierttVl, after awhile. Ef, you hain't gptoiatam;-1toiO;jet'aNwaix over to note iiGeorge greed,. andr they, started out logemer. , -Anai Doy s a Dig puxaie to me, ,rpiiyier . continped though tfnllyf tSmeUye - i jfifek .-fifllyeridld tTlght In backin' 1m Vi his business, an" then agonal Utnkraaay'be his own daddy knows 'lm better'n anybody else,?. T "Why 1 thought Bob was almpr'do? ijTJ?rar' ' i' - - c , jia.' ue u. jctw lei uia OiU UQUlll go he'd be-all rleht." renUed Kenner "but fjfieyarsal Wa as bad jthpuf fiirtln' us m gaisa as n ever; f aIoo school on the hllL The gars from Xoulsvllle,: Ky.; she halat you tlcular- about the gals 'under her charge, especially the boardin pupils. lut Bob manages to meet that gal twe or three times a week unbeknownst to Mrs. ' Styles, an' they take walks an jggXt.rldee. together. V She's a bright UTtie-miflgr an' the boys say she's aim- ply crazy about Bob an' everything he does.' He's Jest bavin' hie- fun; but. George, you . know thatTs unbeeomln' sakin the start .Bob ye elected ,1m, on ihe board .tlnt- ' I-generally do tny.lecturin to the ntme xraniP lit a ramMunAit ra. aemtaeui x uaeate- anvmaxe em feel like I'm one of 'em,-an then end up by sho win "em, whar 1 waa wrong. I'm gpn'tto trjrvto taJkBob put o this Uit. JAii-- " X' . aa. -w a-a. J - ' . . . . fnmvi tfa miV. raw; 1 roar nr his rtnro -lfh Ufa mat aw. rectlng a negro porter who was, stack. tel.. rrawi Vid ifeiow'a'buai- ness loaayr - ;: . - r-, iriJttle off," replied Bob "hat a- fair average; we are goln to have a rush tomorrow. Did you see aR them paper sacks fuH o. coffee and sugar on the tt&ras jpxt 'qOTne la? That to SlboitinWhl weghlng- Iotout there"-to te porter-"dldn't 1 teRyou to stack em straight 1 ! Kenner and George aat down at the stove and Bob drew np an empty die "box end sat on K. The negro fin ished his work and "went to the front ''Looky here,Bob,w said Kenner.-retth a seductive smile, "I've been bank in on you. mlboy, an'.scotchW fer you, but you are gittJn old enough to sorter quit yore devilment.:' I've been hearin about the way you are a-carryin on with that little Louisville gal, an. I hat- ' (fflTleVejrv. tnaT'M keMef." Bob- put hi hrbad,: red' hahd' over his mouth and laughed.. "1 know what I'm about - Don't you bother about me." " J"That never will do. Bob mind what I say,"' replied vi the - cotton , buyer. "You've- started .out beautifully; , you are the '.wonder . an', -1 may . aay," the pride of the town, but if the like o that .pet'ai out yoiratin.wlR drop like i teu yon ?r know what in abont,. V, 3afl 'Bob, i"an' I- don't want "ae-'med- I'ClInV TXftJw as quite ;sef Ions and hie fasc"loijJjBd'over. ieariii45S-4iad been too, hasty,- Kenner tooav a new tack. - 'r:-' ..Jr.v i l was a bowerful devil when I waa e young chap," be said to- George more than to . the - man: at -whom . . he was speaking. !Jn "my day -an' time thar waa actually , the wtiat set o. young men In this , town that ever Rred. I wasn't much Inclined to go into mis chief, but ' them " boys; jest made . me' Ifs,plumh foolishness to " try to .lay iTB"aAfl"re?. etb1eTolkr&reezby: l'iulU-''-lBYlfyV younger une thing." . "But-it -must he in moderation, my boy,? said Kenner "seriously, "and that little boardin school gal Is still in short dresses. ' vTou've got" a. future before ou-..Bob.'' andean? aoiJWiiai- bullr ft;C.,';ion'tJanrtiiing ovdTe the ;o;i marra caet9ihxwjt- cx to us that we waa wrong in standln. up fer you i- Bob. avoided Kenner's serious stare. "I've got up a new scheme," be went Ion eva.sively.' - "I'm -going" to fill up a hlg - wffgon full :of rrocerlea - And go jairajf.' sf in 4he "nrduirtaihsjwlth a lot os fcacchy; han2t)UJ8, . l,4nteDd to take VSf5 ..t-ye'lSr'.-'V i I. - If it is a bilious attack take Chamber laln'a Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick' cure is certain. For sale by all iff -vl Wrian a .vnan lt'; tnAif In 4V a L. big on a check a 1 igooasign. II taken this month, keeps you well all summer. It makes the little ones T T. 1 .nianimtiiTu:TmDeco i: The young ledywae sileet. a i KriiFiniii ease an w -a aaa- as iu a i tan xiti ti 1 i.KPTtT irr n-uui iwtcv vuiuiv i .i.M am . . . generation from doing the l any 1 irgmla woman has. and Tm co U are the riht aort. arjd I"a'st er :nd;and eat with the people and c. 'i. Jotea and make frienda tLke a ci- 'Mate for oClce. IT1 bt you I m; e It pay. I'm going to atart aotae of ni this way that are now boylag on tlia other akia of the iuotinUIx,a." " "X. bang-up Idea,"- aakl Kecaer ad n: '2gly..Fi,Te been up thar a, good dv I myself, an better yolks bt Uv- i?-".. . " ri -- - chapter .xvl " , , jUS. -CRANSTON aTafled beraelf 1 . of the Crat opportnulty to speak ConfldeatlaHy to Kitty Coaby abont Lydla and Oeorga Back- sfter'Allao CXwby'a arrival front 'ni."; . ... ou. remember, l " wrote you X had .Vir SOL n,: thine particular to tHl you,. Kit-.. remarked on the first aftar- no it as-' ska and the g-oeat were troIV i on the lawn torethcr. . ; .i you bet yon rouacd my curtoo ilra.; Craortoo," replied the girt," quite pretty. f tKUleCtr tjU Ifwr i-l. tatisx brown .lias: andhaxi ejvthat aeemed cflo- sUntly laughing. 1 know ifa about Jdra. Cranston led bar into a summer house near the carriage drive.. It Bad two compartments and entrances from different-. walks, f before answertn. Mrs.' Craaatoa peered . eaattooaly through the .wooden lattWwork. that separated the. two rooms." " V. ; "What-are a4t dolna-r U1a rvtrr Waked. -. ' ntrf : t. ;i . ri waa looking to aee if aaybody was on the othtr e'dV.'was the eaewer, la a satisfied tone, aa lira. Cranstoe seat ed herjtelf, "We Bed a lot of troeble here In be summer at a- Lawn perry, owing to some people heartag these, selves , talked About. C. There was sr spoony pair oa that aide and a couple of old maids en tale one. The lovers were bUasfully silent, for ryasoae.cf their j own, aaa uey Mara aome things a boat i themselTea that they didn't like. Tea. I want (o talk to yoe about XydlsJ , "I knew IV erled the visitor, lav Lag her two bands en Mrs. Craoatoa'a arss and sitting. down beside her. .Ashe's going to marry "the geveraor. Bad yoaj want me to help prepare for the event- Mrs. Cranstoe shook her -head mnd went ba with a lengthy expUnatiocJ ax the existing state; ef affairs. ' la which the same of George Buckley appeared as often a that ef Geveraor TUfare. ; j rNow, : yon see- the fix we are la,' Mm, SJL1CV v - her fair Craneton, after a pause. i wuj never oo for it to go on hxe thla.v It win be 00' Use the child: lost her raeatm? Why. if he mm as-oaonw yoe aay 1 new- est 'eartB does be happen to'be ia ta good ee- clety even berer ; ?- j rremape lam not eulte fair te hlss MrV Cranston admitted, "or to Lydla either, in not fseattoolag what has real ly been Id bit favor. ; In the Brat place. he is br. far tha ttaat MnMiai itti ihlaid young man ta the piaee; -w ? Xi.L7,: VaCtZ tages;,thea be happens to be a "great reader, and lydla tv too, yoe know yev be has; most remarkably poUahed ma nners and is decidedly good iook- uZ&'tlZ thenuddenS auhSior her ho. teas waa looking at-her with a r-in-H -! j0h. and you pot that- laatl How pained expteeaioa. "It's ao laughing ana ttar; Kitty, We are in aa awful fir." Too knew headstrong 'Xydla is, and If she were ust to get the Idea, that we-were op posing her.aaed be worse than ever. 80. 1 knew your Inaeeskce weald good Tea .will bring her-beck to the old aasocUtSone, and la. aa todiract way yoa caa akew her tbaveodal aeV vantagee of aaarrylag ; O a aa aov-Te- un, 1 caa do air that" aaU Kitty, -andU she to not already ia lore with this this Mndescrlpt IU bring her to her seases. . Bat tall me abot hins taafs the main tblag. Waafs he hket How doe he eeadact himeaLtl Why, i can't imagine a a o of a thief, a low bora soaUlneer, a penal" less bookkeeper be lag even for A tala- ute on a 'social CooUng. with- tha' aaWy child of Major Cranston -eraa If yoa are living la the backwoods, out ef aR .creation. k If the twe were ahrp wrecked on-a lonely .island together- X aheald thlrik"-tlywas diapUylag. bar tne; even teeth In a jovial smile That the very waves would throw, up a "Sort of harrier The religious element here gov erne everything." returned . Mrs! Cranston, with a patient amile. "These good. Christian people would think: we ware awfully stuck up If we refaaed to ad mit a worUtyyehag muxio ouahcwiae just because his . father had gone wrong; besides, he had established him self before his father's trouble. -We simply drifted Into the situation, and lng to tell you that I have never met a more polished man la all my life no. air, not in Richmond, cor' Boaton. nor Charleston. lie has actually made roe blush with shameT.' t remetuLer once I disputed his-word" ibout oae of Bal- sac's -heroes, atfly Jo hare him prove that I was wrong a few minutes later In the nicest manner. . "lie happened to be dining here, too. one night when Bishop Page stopped over. with us oa his wafVto Florida. There were -several young in en pres entamong them Tarpley Dandrtdev who belongs to one of the very oUeat fimntes in Georgia and la conl jr-rrd 1 atc of ths county. - Well, be sat - j M-fi-.' (TO;BB COTTtXCXD.) . nYOTHA Tba Dcat &-cmt dgr on earth for sale, at' Aytocks lrc CO'. .: : r'.H 1 . ' "1 I i i ' If TouVa out when soma roorJa cjJHo borT?-r joa are Cut . much la. - v - -'- - . . A b'afe Cvta h'eliflae fer Cillixea In baying a cocb niediclne tot chil dren never be airald to bay (HiAiiibar- laIn'sCoi ;?t Itaedj. - There Is Botlaa per from i tad rtl.Vf U alwayi tare to follow. It la aipclal!y vaiaabla for colds, eraup f " ! who?i!nj coch. Fi-r bj all druj:..j. " . . uli. .The o!owinj a Chif.tera heretofore r&Lk!l cf Tbe SaLirlitatft;" CIIAITEIIS 1,2 ajl l-Tcr-, Uncileir is the jxa-tea cf ITr.IIZ'rtr a rich (leorjjia tierthast. , Ilk fi"i.cr; M sent to f naoa fr Celt, Geor 'u atteatita to LrvIlA.CrinsV-a, dir--V U?r of a proo4 Virrlxa, Tha ala'ca ci Lis father a can cutes Lira '4ea perata. 4 IlillTer coziem&em to Creorge the tnnnlt-r cf a trkrvl tllrtj years before V.ts 'story ofesa. To atone for the dee-l ba too liacrra Cot of his degraded hocae U fnaxe a I uselol maa cf him as a i-".''lcU to I 11 an km, ' note lxjier, arul irer.rvrr. a cotton tajer, have deals la IlUvsr's wareiMjuae. lacwta TruiX a Cuiv- fe!erata vetcraa k a elatsjkn cf lieorga. IUHjer bvetts , bet Zj b wheat on the ad v tee of Clear C . Mr. ITHjer Trt: Gscri's Bcli character. liTfr ia fcur tro'c-Lt U- trU- fjr Lla ' t,. 1 fxlcse. mtjrai'B beat sooulI set. jxik Tellara ot Georgia, . BaiUle wklower, ! reeaina; hi aU4-ivoa apoa her with the. approval dhar faxrul.-. 9; aM 10 Geor chaa piooa tbe caase of jtwc; Uolr Htiaj, ho a amuuooa to liee. . IlilTae loans the bov eafiul to rUrt la ba. e - e . & neaa.; AA A.T01A imia um, feart cf be parecta about Gecrya bj .as via r that she believe a dasrhter ahoeid respect her fxrailf crvia vhan ehooav Ing aTtaaband.' - 12 II23jse sTa hk beat at a jnaat prot aad girae k to George.. 13The iwarBoe vkifs the CranstccA.- Gecnre tit rxwr?ul lydi eptj hk at w"" aw pmuus. 7 . , , y Ue Teale HosUb. The TMUa that act aa a faaala aad au a a drastic perra, are DaWlu a Utile Za. ry JUaera. 'They rare beedaeba. eaawU. rUoe, Mltoartaeaav see. tarty Xiaera are amaJl. eaay tm take aa4 eeay se a aaja ruu. Hart iisilftpa at VaRay Oty, N. Du, aara: uesemrad aae of cAroaUa-ecemlpaUosb ooati py Avycecxe lrag to The nroaa-tezu, .aosaetbler Che character, eonra b naltiial : d 1 neft: , At OcttyBctlya jrira. - Te draw the fire o-t ef a Wre. or Val a ret wtUt WlaYascvc,o bawlua WlUh ilAaal BAlva. A apacl&a tar film. J X Teckaa, editor the Utraaoalaar. v-ura, AUk, wniw: -a nave aaaa ije WlU's Witch UasH Salve to Say UmUj for pilaCaUaaat Vara.- IiUthebat aalva a the aaArket. , Evaer fAaaitv aaottld keep it cm haa4.. 80U by Ay, Harper's llaaar. ... " ; ' .. . 1 Giri wboee baada are no. Yet (al ly groni aa4. f tit j nil stealing, guia B p to lihoail hi w w not wear riaa. liaajr uper agur a a a . e . oae am na aoana) spoaied Jtrf Btiaf hkh beoaxne eo gradaA2Ir fcm tight that tba. waarcr dd aot nouee k aa- trl U-rclUi' wti dooaTnaAkta' or persoc bo plajaBj kaunrjaest seiioawear rkj wTr thiah that tba weight of tba . nag . Iiaaiaa ike mosicah atraofth of the tog. U a gai thlnla the mutt wear ricfi,' then 1st bar at least Uaa theaa off each eight Bad rub for A Bwcaaat the part ' Jof tbe Cor Cut Laa beea eovtrad bjtbasB.- Tble reetortB 'ctftalAlioa' Bad help tba finger to aUaia ha nor mal growth. -:' ' , ;V '' Every &wof,!Iihuies ; v ' Pty tooAiiB ttll ta tixt il the bio 6 d ia t , heahtr 'human tody pistct throvi 1 tiie hdut once in rrrnr two ; ,ynurattarv If thi Bctjon bo- - comes IrTtur tic .whole body fuficrs. Poor hcxlih I follow poor blood 1 SoottB iimulsio a zaixcAf the blood : purt. . One rexwn whr.- -SCOTT'S ii tuch ifTxtildls bectate -.it pakscA to. fjulcil'-iata. the blood. '.It ts partly & : fretted. before it enter the, 'stomach; ' double adria-! tage r ia thlt. . Lex . work'. . for ; the ttomsxh quicker an d more direct bcnetA, or rnod with the least pc- , Bible curt 1$ the cci.rs cf ereTyone'in poor 'hex! ihl. -.Scott Enuh.ca die jcsV thiC", A dar-t for the : better 'takes , plice erea be ' . fore TC-a expect it. 1 1 W aaa) aaa a . t atn t'-V" m- la tl fatal I a aa t .ot fm ml awy a mi I mm'kmm mm mJ. fCCTV i . ? A al r: : U. T. aiMid x.a , av , ".pure--old -.Velvety. : tho best for the price, cold : cveryvhereC call " for . it at IV 8 louisburg - A j 1" t&akart. . . thzT Scot nczX. nil tired cut, cst tltia' ;TMa ccniltlca ia prttcbly caused ty ororrorka cloao ccnTlr:cr:nt cr Terry. v Toth3a pioplo;a cars try Vli dT If it Coca-sot. cr-atotntrcsth risd'tuilti ycu 'ui ' VtK 1a1 curaBlvea -pT for all tho tedi- ' cls yu 'tRcspeotXullT; " " RaU rOBEnT - :". Li.iJ: --- ' , bSbB .fBBV " Bma Si e-d Bt LestBBlae4aaar: . i IP IT 18 v.- 1 : 1 1 ' - - 1 ai .4 V - t i - . .. . ,". . ' .... ' t. .-J ' or M edilae jsa vast deVl f ail.U Drus aa4 Medklae Parev v3r. K. J905 -THE BIG" RACKET 1905 tTUhe 7 a Happy aa j Prtf enrs k v. - Tsaaklnr ear ana or f-2 are aadaarar U aerre thaav BARGAINS"! Te rests recn f: 7 czr f r - - v rtsg :ilce fsll al Cc.: for -i a frtit ciy al:t g-; lit. I' Tccrt vt a. dispensary, . . ' trxx tr mn & 00 Drf cUia. afa. A aaa- SBBBB . "l.al ".. .1 . .. ... V. ' m v-' : . - ' - .1 " r&a. Oar are It Ire let cf Ct lra. ,1. s.w'.- & F. E. Blcasants. i3t,:. 11 air llhersl r atreesr a Is fall swUtr tt Invert. r' - w:i a. c-i II:. ' Uilra sz5 i;:irt:i i: via eKI t a a:'.J tlttr. "' " ry trx!jt r.inGfAa r.ia i ialil. I - i I i f - U.i I i