Ay;:"-' 4 5 -v I . - U YOL.:p-v:VV LOPISBUEG, N. C, FRIDAY MAIXH 31, 10Q5. ' :.-;; ;" . -y; V, , ' y-:-.- nnjjlTT" CHURCH DIRECTORY. - . rv mthodist. .r , Sanday School et 9:30 A. Jt." .-:. :v Gso. 8. BaXEK. Bnpt, Preaobtng at 11 A- tt., and 730 IV M. very Sunday, "" . " Prayer meeting Wednesday night; L. 8; Mabsm. JMtor. Sander School at 8:30 aTH" " - ' Tkos. BT WootB. Rap preaching 11 A.aWand7.80P.M.i Ttf Saaday. " - - - i' Prayer noting Thursday Bight. -T - U. U. bUshbutrb. Pastor. ;i daaday School at 9:30." -. 'U--; . ; - - WA H. Rmu, Sopt . ServieW morning and nihV-,.;,en tt, 8id aad 4th Buauys. " tt veaiag Pryr, Friday' afternoon - ttav. Jom Lomdom, Betorit r rBSBBrmiAS. . -V 8er? lee 4th Bandar to eaeh month atoralng Bad Bight. t - - -. . - - ..Pastor. - Ifhe-Substitute 4 By -WILtt N. HARBEN. - Aclhci cf "AtneT Daniel," "The Un4 of ? ' , tb Chanolno Sun,"- "The North T ' ,v Vallc MBSteru, Etc " V 7'.- btrptfllohii 1809 tv Barper-fc Brothtfra itcoimsvKo. i ..niotuir Lodire.'Ko. 413 A. ' mt 1st ana in eacb nionth. - 3rd Tuesday I'rotbMiioaal carda 1) it. FREDERICK K. COOK Mrs. lugan say i hlle she ' was - thar a4oohlar old Hanks come in aa yallar as a : squash an ' axed if' they ha4 -ris yet"- The clerk1 told 3im no-4hat the bridegroom had told 'Im to say Jthat he Avas not at home to any callers, an ef "it was .about" huslness they wanted to seeflm to' refer 'em to his head sales xaan at tbe stored Did you ever? Is.it aty wonder his daddy wouldn't se?im-. up la. btisiness ? ' The wast Wg head on arthls the -sort that:young boys has when they think they can startin?to raisin' a-family. -r. Bob conldn't : stand prosperity, I reckon 'Mra-Dugan says 'Mrs, Styles-has dismissed "school fer the. rest o the -Week an' is'walkin' about the' eammis " on her hands "w-itlt V A AD SDUQ fcON, Loalabargr V. C. , - o wltft Dr, A- H. Ptmla. Hoanr 10 , to IJ m.. 4 u. in, to tf . BU' eiHial '..ur i)y iiolu.niul, , - '..'. it. AUTilUlt 11. FLBilLNa, o aosorar Tn Owen Tarboro Co, i) a. J. H. MALONK, . HACTIGlHa PHYSICIAN KSB SDRQBOH. D U.J.J, MA?fN, PHT8ICIK and S3 U EG EON, ' n&c ot kjeoc't Drug Co.' drugstore jR.8.P. BUBT.- t eaAOTIOIsaFttT3IOIAJf ASD SUKQBOW. Louitfbarg, N. C - OfllMlatha rvitr of K. A. Bobbitt & Co. Dreg btors, on Na tret. 1) a, a. . TAB.BOBLcau, PHTBlOIAJt AHD trtLQKOJ, L00WaB. B. C. , 0m ind Boor ke: boUdln, phoa. Right uu iniwwl froia 1'. w. loaeu a miownw, phone 7. a. ALLRED. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Will prsUe la All the Court. Offiee In ATtOBMBTATLAW- womsMk w m praatio la il U Coarte of theBUte OtOe ' B Coart Hoom. v- yj. W.TJODDIE, ATTORN ET-AT-LAW, ; Lovisbusoi K. C. ' .. " , ... otnr oTnr Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'e drns er feet In Jthe airr-lt seems thar the gal.was put in. Mm Styles', care, by some kin o' her'n, an' the old lady don't know what she's to do about AC , Thars some , secret, about who an'; what the gal is anyway Mrs- Styles is afeard it will, bust up the. Institution. Mrs. Dngansays - it will help the school? that, folks -will send" the'r scrub gals, thar: to git 'em married off.- Hain't they heard it. at the warehouse??' v - , ."Theybadn't when I left about twen ty minutes ago, Mrs. Hillyer ''WellI -won't stop you. I 6e& Mrs. Stlllman leanin over the fence without a bonnet of Bhawfln this-wind. liJU.go an ease 'er up. - I know-yo're eechin' to tell it to yore gang,'' , - A few minutes after Kenner had ex-. plodediia information at the office old Hanks came in. i He-was pale, and his skin looked as dry As old parchment, but he was ; eating roasted- peanuts, breaking the husks with steady, prong like finger-nails." . He sat down with out a word and dropped a handful, of hulls Into the stove. - "Jim," he said suddenly-: to Kennerj, "what did you ever, do about that ac count Bill Haskill was a-owin you?": "I got It yet," said Kenner, throwing a knowing smile around the room. ."Well, ef you'll discount it enough to make it Interesting, I'll , buy it, : I've got 'fan "tied up with a piece oCland. o'. his'n, anf I want the landT "I reckon we kin make a"deal,M said the cotton buyer as he wiped, a mile from his facile mouth- with his long handj 4 "I reckon jtovl heard that Bob had taken to hisself a helpmeet?'. .:. The group hung on the oldjnan's re ply. Hanks crushed another peanut in his hand and raised the best part of' it to his lips. ' "I don't irewhat he does,f he saidJ .""f ;told""yon: all yourd make a f ool tf 1m, an' now I jeckon you see. I -was Tright.";' He was staring accusingly at Hillyer. "You started it," he blurted out "Thar ain't one boy in forty mil-lton-that kin keep from' gittin'. the big head. With sech responsibilities put .on 'Jm ahttf a sudden, but I hain't a-carin.k I reckon' youknow how, to git yore money back." - ' -J "Oh. I don't know that this means cm .a business man. ' I : know. how to make money Everything- I've put jny band to since I got a start has turned out -a .fair profit - If 1 couldn't - make money-faster than"you, father, take ha. my sign.: You've always been afraid of big deals.-!: "Go slow".: has been jour motto,-ran' if a" hunting - you.;: fo-i your graven Now, this is the way the wholo blanied thing come up, I'm old enough to marry' and that girr V x-i"01d . enough ;:the:deviir- broke in Hanks. '.."You -look like you ' arewith that fuzz on yore lip." - -: - -vl reckon a maifought to be his own. judge as to whether1 he Is old enough -for a step o' that kind. Bob said, with sudden dignity. s 'Tt begun this way. There waa three sophomores'.at MrsT Styles'-schooVand theyall seemed bent on seeing : whichT one; could , make 7 me like-'em the post;Th'ey wag all pretty r enough-anf sharp enough. : an I reckon 11 wtuj -jubi uuiuaii' uaiurtt iuc uw-jiu carry on- with 'em a little;-1 don't know, s .I liked one ' better .than another at. first.' -It wascjust the rfun of seeing eia-wranglejM,n Bob laughed out 4mpul jslvel;? .."They pretended to be as thick ; as mblasses in the winter, but they hat ed one another like snakes; ::Then they gotttf telling Ueac on each' other.':.I knew-, they were lies- because f"caught up with 'em. i Finally I saw that Dora May" - t ' - JTJo-you mean Mrs. Hanks?" asked Kenner; with mock solemnity. ? -- ""Yes, my wife,', replied Bob. "A I say, X finallyv saw -she "was "Just the girl I was looking, for, and I made up my'mmd to get married and be done, 'with' it -" Thinking about her : and try ing, to see. her took up- too much tim& I told her my folks would. 'object to it but she advised me to go ahead. She's -as Independent as a Jiog on Ice, anlshe can afford to be., 'Bob paused for. a momenttwirling his fingers between hla knees, and then 'he: wentont; 3 reckon 111 have to tell you. au something.,- rdont know as TdteJl. it now, but father: is, raisin'- such 'a row- over my marryin' that it-puts me in a bad light and hurts my -business, My credit won't belworth -shucks lf.it geta-out that" my daddy- has ..gone dean back on me that is, until they know.' about my wife's connections... The truth Is, Dora May's got plenty of money. ' "Money ?' echoed Kenner and Hillyer J In a breath. " -rt - - "That's what I saidV" "answered Bob calmly.' . , ;" n, , ' '- - TChen you ; married her: fer that,? said Kenner sternly.- . " : ;'No, I ; didn't," replied : Bob. "Tha trutb is, I liked her: before Tt-knew about it She. suits. me tiptop,; and I can't help it if she is well off. She's what would be called big rich In this part- of the country. - Her father left her several blocks of business houses in Louisville. The rent xat wieTMtch alone is something over five thousand a year and:,wIlt-AU come to -her when she's - of age.- - Herl guardian- didn't been afraid he'd V been the richest man in this state.' He married a poor woman and" had no start, .and yet he's done well that la, pretty wellfor his chances. j v'-;f '-V 'v --- ,rEf ' ne ever is about to starve youf mought give im a. Job' collectin' Dora May's rent," - said Kenner, - who was bubbling over with -enjoyment x J:r -'. - Then: slienceV felL. ?They were , all "waiting' for , Hanks - to speak, ; but .."he had nothing to say.- He rose and went outdoors, hisr" scrawny - hand ; in -the pockets of hls,trou8ers. . ' r The - liOrd only knows -what'.he'll "do," said Bob.1-"But the die is cast-an' I feel aorter independent of him. Look -here Mr Keuner'V turning1 back from .the door,' fyou .must-"get the idea -Out of your head'thatl.uld this thing just because' Dora May was well- fixed. : I tell you she's just what I was looking for;; ; She's; prettyr not a blt laiy and thinks, that-what I don'tkndw ain't worth learning;, : She's been so-much" interested lately m .my- business that Bhe wasn't studying good at school any iway." LSbe's i'give : me .- aTgreaf" many pomters,:t3 tell -you. -She- helped me write ill them ads. that folks said waa so good, especially them with the poetry In em Jt I'm a bad epeller, .and she cor rected att of lem before they waa print-. Did you. ever ? 'Kenner said, when Bob had .gone.'. T11 "swepr Tdotft know, whether to kick or congratulate im.v" As George; was" going, home to-dinner he saw. old Hanks leaning, on. the rence or a. vacant lot waiung lor.nun. George paused. That ground ud make good , turnips?. said? Hanktv .spittmg oveft-thefence.--: T-believe m make Trotter an offer for it -1 could pasture my cow on It In the spring. : Z Geonte said :iMthlng. Be knew the old man jaadTwaited. for him to spoak of Bob's "marrUgSj,'--:'-n- '-'C'-; "Went up thar to see: Mrs." Styles.. Hanks nodded In the direction of the "Dhviyou didr :Z: '- ''"'Yes. - .Found -'er. wltir er - head all tied up in rags an smellin like a . drag stored ;At ;-fust:ha:kept screechln'- she wouldn't' let. mersay. a w0rdi-but ; she ; quieted , down"- after awhilatf-me. n hef sorter come.to a 'tmderstandla'.T'-j' I :r'-.!-v l-An -nnderstandmgt' That's good. "Why, tell, the boy" to go on. cot riv er or no governor," said Mrs. Hulyer. ue s got aa much rU;ht to caa tonight aa any night nab, I sayr" - , - . , "Thftrs about the way I put it. up," sold t'ae merchant in a tone expressive cf considerable relief," and he went out to George- - ' loot at It this' 4-way, George." he began, leaning on" the. banisters and cross! jg .hia fat feet "Thar, rallly hain't but one way a gentleman could act under" them circumstances. You see, she hain't never released you from yore engagement, arrl. fer you to pre sume, that you was -out of the game Jest beca'se you'd heard from Mrs. Du--gan an", ber- kind that another feller was due would make you seem sorter green.-' Ko; "as -long as Miss Lydla hain't; axed you .to excuse er tha hain't btit one thing fer yon to do, an that i tol.go." an' .when-yoo? git. thar 3on't you let Teifare-root you out, noth er.; Ef he is the governor, I'd have my rightsJt A . .-.'; : ' ; ,.4"Oi; lhad decided to go George re-. turned tjuietly; -but I feel that it may b unDleasant I "met him-one since 1 was Introduced to him, and he looked mad ' enough ' to? bite my, head off. I happened to be leaving the-xaaJors Just -as be was coming. In,, and 'we passed on the walk. : He scarcely nodded. k -."Well, you bet rd go,", said Hillyer, "and he went to his room to prepare for -The f oil owirg evening was a pleasant -one, and as George entered the gate at the Cranstons and started up the wslk ha aw-:'GoveniorTeIfare; walking to and fro on the grass near . the -bouse smoking a cigar.'T Hearing the latch of the gate click as .George closed it, Tel- farepau8ed,; tared, at George for an Instant and .then .came toward1. him, meeting Mm "when ha was .half way between, the gate and the etepa of the fl-want to spealt td you, 'Buckley," he said eokllyc..Let's w8lkovervt that summer house,' of SYKOPSIS. lbe louowin;;, ts a . synoris Chapters heretofore !lTho SVt;tate;, CILVTTKHS 1, 2 an4 S T.rge IlucUey is tLo porW-ge of 2Ir. ILIlrer a rich Georgia raerciant His fi'Sitx is sent to prison for theft . George is attentive to J.Til La Cranston, daugh ter of a proud Virginian. The shiroc u-his father's crime makes him drs- :rate. 4 liUljer conlc9s to ieorgo ti morier cf fricvl tLirty years betore tne story , tpeaa. ' jo atone lor the deed ha took Ut'orge out of his decrnvlp-1 Lome to make a ufttful man of him as a salaututa to society for ..Jua dcsl frienJ. Hanka, a note brwierr and Kenner, cotton buyer, have desks ia HUJyer's warhouae, ' iiasi cia Truitt, a Ccn- federate veteran 'If a ohaxn man cf George. Hillyer , iavf n . t easily in wheat on the advice oiGeorg. -0 ilrv.llilycr rraiacs .George 'a nol4a character r 1 luy er in fear of .being brooght to - trial far his old came 7 and ' 8 Lydia oornea from IUcij mond's" bst social att. GoVemor Teliara of Gee rgia, a .middle aged widower, ja pressing Lis attentions upon her with the approval of bar family; ' 9.J and 10 -George cham pions the cause of young Ixb mac, who Is ambttaous t3--riaa IliHyex toana the boy caphal to start in boai nesst - 11 Lvdia lulls the . fears of ber-fareuU about George b aayioc that she. believes i daughter should respect her family pride when choos ing a husband. 12 Hillyer sells hit wheat at a great profit - and " gives it to George. ,13- Tbe governor vkiis the ' Cranatona. ' Georce " fears "Lis powerful ifraL. Lydia aocepta his at tention' ; and" pryeentAv . 14 Lydia pays a tiait to teorge mother and "old nlni rye" "pure - old - velvety." the best for the price, r, solclj everywhere, . cllfbr ; it- at lOT-iisburg, "dispensary,; V ) a - , loulsburrr. n. rl - - r ---- - ?a-l!othera Jpf ..ill ics ..Children;': -t '. . : V 4:-.:' i!an7-'littlo - boya" end girls in thla Horn ctq veac;:thln-lesed, toiler- .1 . " cheeiod end: bloodless; Wo Tlch every feather could too hat "our .Vino It 111 da ' Tor, euch children. Ko prcniao that it , " L "will" create flesh, build then up end taDco-- 'then strong; robuat cnd;roay, : -If it f aila" "r to do thia o will che erfully .return ell. x .tho noney paid ua Tor-tho' Vinol takene i r Cn theae terra itfo your duty. to try -its b. a: BOBBirr a. co.; Dtaggui. "Yery1 well," and -George and-he , J 1 ZP' , moved across the grass and entered the lover, nearest compartment of the vine grown 15 attd-lo-Mra. Otntton appea building " .The governor seated himself, to Lydia friend . Kitty Cosby, to on -one of the benches and nervously bring the. girl to: her sensee about puffed at his cigar round nasnes or ra j George.:: Kitty tcHs Lrdia that the said George. - :t-z TeCiWe both -, sorter- come to the conclusion that If hed write ..Oiat at m boiling point" Indeed, the light showing intermittent, glimpses of : his dark, cruel face. - George read it Intuitively and was prepared for what was coming. His young blood was ai absolute ruinr said Hillyer in his own got "faith in "Somehow I've vv u. HAYWOOD BCFFIN,' AtTOBHT.At-tAW, . ; Lovunoae. a. o. .' wui irmetles In the Coorta of rrankna wd aotaloc eoanae, also ia the BupTeme juurt, and la the United HUtes DUtrlot. il omom taUoopwr end OUfton B laoe. B. WTLDKSW AROBSXY-AT-LAW, Mcnunrse,.a, . offla om lUln itnet, ever Joam ft OoopWe tor. V-rl " " . - " . ' i. F. 8. 3PEUILL. 'a - ATTOR3BY-AT-LAW,.. veuBOM,s. O,. . i." r' - wui xtm4 the' eonxte ot rrankunrTaao defense. Bob-vet r A boy fuli o' puppy love will -Bometlmes act jecklesa, but it may end J an right" , - , -At this Juncture-Bob Hanks himself came'rin. i He- wore his best clothes, and his boots- had been freshly : polish ed, s His glance, a rather' frank one, Kenner thought, rested dubiously on his father's face. -.- - - r- "They told me at the, hotel that yon wanted to see me, father,'he said. 'If rd known you" "Yes, I called "an'Jeft my cyard,".. an swered Hanks, with a sneer, "but I wasn't In no hurry. I Jest -called -on a little matter o' business. -You sorter got me to promise a week ago that I'd he'p you put in that stock o dry goods, but Lfind out that my present Intentions, won't, permit of it When I -thought favorably of It,, you waa "a,, unmarried man, with Jest yoreself 'to look after -an'' yore board paid -by another par ty ,- but" Bow you've tuck-the best quarters. guardeeu that Bob was, an only child I an'tld'naturally: expect," something at my deinlflei Jhatr maybii he would .not "raise a row.' .Thenthe gh-1 really !arh-aaid eorge.;--- i-;-;.; :?. Jf5" t'V.iC' v- The bid tman'"spat - ever,."Tbe fence again. He ; avoided George's glance. "Yes, she's C pretty --weU '. heeled,, he said. 'an. not a fool by ; a long shot She was np.at Mrs. Styles', this mom in', the old Udy said, with a Jong drees on.Sj She talked pretty Btralght-Cidn't intend ; toV have nobody jneddlin', ' with her affairs ef anybody-ad anything to say' agin Bob. Hanks to send 'em to her. -ansoonw-Blamedl. er, l nam: Sortefcurhi to see-er. 1 Somehow I al ways wanted a git In the tamily.'W one.. with plenty. o,acad Is about. aa acceptable as anytother sort-afer, la the loair'Tim. - fWhen Jin: -HUlyer wa told at the dinner table that dayof the outcome of Bob's ; marriage,, she : saidzif "WelL? I don't; knew iaa:Bob; Hanks is sechT.a hard case af ter alt" The highest in the land is a-doin' Jest what he done mar rybiwlth the'f .-eyes open. The only difference Js Bob don't make no bones over jt; :He admit he's StruSk a good thing an' has too much business pnae to underrate hla investmentT J;:rsi. - -"NevertheIesa.:Marthavr"sald Hillyer over ids poised Tcoffee cupI'd a little rather see Bob make more over tne ehrl than he "does v,e rS - . "Ohn donr know whyi the boy "should g about 'for that gang, down thar with hi feelia' on exhibition, an eten ef Ita"Jest a cut an dried , business ileal 'on hlsvpaxtit .will end al'sight better, I -bound you, than a"Iot o. slob berin' love affairs tharrun dry: a month governor's Insolent manner ot address ing him had been in Itself an insult '; simply- want torsay to yon, Buck ley," Teifare eai with a sneer, "that yon and I cannot vuit unuer.ine same :JimJUL, thars adT Retorted thoai ger man. his fierce star bearing down defiantly on, hi antagonist through the half darkness: :Tm sure I shall mis you. Going abroad Tr V' -7-"-.' '.' Teifare- looked' at "him : la "astonUh mentv. It 'was aaif he had cot dreamed that Buckley would dare to make any governor will be a good catch,' but, after hesrinjr of some ' Georxre's vir- tures, fear for the afty ot her own I 4 " rf bean. - it ana ic.-T-ueorg proucu J eff Tr aitt, saa of hi friend Basoom, from the vengeanoe of a mtb. 'Xydia and Kitty hear the story recounted ia the presence of the hero.' ' J ' ; A-iW A A rf rfiAAAA.AAAAA....ly ;' iCf. .Y "O n : Ev cry Ton eu e.w v ; ; 4 X te r' et-W eiU 4 Wt:U iKtWd tee artd. Sold, it Lowlsbufs; Dispensary. . y -- :... : 4 ' - -".v , - . .a - - If talea this month,, keeps yont weQ all summer. - It make the - liule one et,iWp and grow. A spring tonle for tue ' wnoie family. UoUiatetV tocay Mouatain Tea. 25 cents, Tea orTabkU. I u. a. boduu uo. "r. :-- IF IT. IS 1 Ot oonrse yoti are , all - right, bat vr.7-"uT " r': your nextoor neighbor needs a lot II1 '"eV vUl JkW liiVVk Ufii C Tu bVaaam- I ,. - , of reforcaing.T v- :. i -blat'Teply,;eonaldering hi "power and what 'he- Intended to, propose.T.r .--. ; VYou know-what I mean,, said the governor, . waxing more- angry, -Yoo know well enough why X win not sit as an qual in - the same drawing room :with you. .You. know what yoa are.'Vf : "lly knowledge also extend to some most "contemntible creature. '' Gov- .ernot: Teifare to aa." occaalohal meeting,-at least" vith' one man. whom I certainly 'would - consider beneath no-Uce-if . I. did not' meet him under the -' . . .... . . . 10 ' hm. Die"- r'-r-.--- ,iv.-.i b- -A womaBdoeienjo good health ..-Teltore smothered, an oath' and stood j unlee aha ha a few aflmenta to com' up, hi short figure appearing owanea i D-in of. To draw the fire out of a bora, or heal a oi vitbovtleavmgascar.vse DeWiUa W itcn liazel satve. , JL spectnc for piiee. J. LTncker, editor of the Uaraooixec: Centre, Ala., writ: I nave tued De Witt's Witch HsmI SaJve la bt faaUv for piles, cots and burns. It U the bet salve on the market very family thouki kxrp Jt on nxixi."' . Bow ey Ay cocke Drag Co. - - -' 7 v apdeif V - '.vr beside the athletic young giant , : ;j 4 X011 say uu to mfn gaspeo. -ao iOh,: nbj I. Gldn't. intend it for you." said George. "How could I say such thing to. hie excellency the governor of .Georgia? r::j-':r'y'.i '-"i-lii t the deep i i allence'tthat "followed George could distinctly bea r Teifare1 a ..-violent panting.'! t"-'- . T'.eYi -i "rve" got .a proposition "ixsak to v. . Tint" t- floTi-f l- yoo -the-gQverqor. gasped; In -a ifinal ' J- - . . - . 0l . ri ;TooiT of or""SuZ I at the hotel an' got a high priced dres rroapt tttntloo fva to eoUeouoas. oiao or rVon'e-etor. - A w.Bicxjrrr, . ,Tr LAW." T. aTTOBjnrx Aim corwasixoB a - wemuae a. . , Pnaiii ud oelnaUklnff attention given to T7 outUr lntrvsted to tala hand. - - Raf ore to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon.. John UBoiac. Hon. Robt. W. yuMton, Hon. J. C. ButooTrrM. rint fictional Ban of Wto nm. uu. m Maniv. Winston. Feovlee Bank ot Moafoe, CUm. a. Taylor, Pica. Wake o eM Ooti Hob. B. W. Tlmberlakat -iMflee over )! ft Co.'e More, t " " W. M. BBRSOjr, ATTOBBBT At-t AVf, , - ieiseal.cT' .ST' "-" ' u 'alt eoarU.-f. Ostoe on' sUla fThett ain't- a bit of haryn m tt. Hoie . '.- marrytiifl money. think; it-would be best tor it to' get oi down here before she was, done school, an so he. got Mrs. Styles not. io men-, tlon it -an' -made Dora. May: promise not to tell it i 'BuC-of -course,"-, when me an' her got engaged, and -" "Yon., let - a- gal , in- short frock tell von -a -cock- an : bullstory"lIke that": broke in Hanks,-- his sallow - face-working visibly; "an yon swallowed like, thesucker'you are." .-S-r-.'-i 1 had no reason'td doubt JV'r.retort ed. Bob, "with flash. i "But-,I found out afterward that It waa all true, I know a tobacco drummer from up .that. way;He.gets all my trade in that line. Me an'hlm are pretty friendly,, an I confided in Idxmv-He told me he knew all'iabout the family and substantiated everything Dpra May '"had said an added ar lota more - about ;mvestments of : hers I thatshe didn't reven . know aDout;- -'.i tnakei-rnmiin'round. toi put ihems- on yore wife's skirts to kiver up yore fol ly an' it's different , No; 17 won't put a cent in that businesa o . yore'nv an' inoreover, I. want-torsay right-now that as soon as Mr.Trabue. gits back, from the country he'll stick-a clause in my;pri.vftte-papers, that'll keep yon. an' that schoolgalfrom.benefitin'1 oy my death."'--;VV r ' " ' "'"Oh,. I knew ..alb J:his wbuld-come,"-Bob said in a regretful tone to George who was eying blia ln slow . wonder "but r hain't the tool t look; George. Make Sake go out o' the office, an I'll tell yon folks all about it, . "": The-nesrrd did not have to be Inform ed that he was not wanted, and with- j But;wTiy were'yotLtn sucha-hur-a sly; laugh, half" of apology, he hur- J r asked tenner, whoaeemed to.be somehowXthinkTBob an .his gal end up bad.: Thar' a sunny, .cheerful way . oj lookln'.-out feiv yourself,' an , them-two ."young un: may.Jest' laugh tbe'r war intoi haDDines - an" , tote - tt witA'em ..through ia.' long,' successful Hfe. i hope edv : J don't begrudge , 'em anythlngmtbey've got or may accumu late! met that gal once at tbe.scbool exhibition an' tuck a llkln to her. ; She looks ;'like', she's been .well; -raised..' I drapped '. my handkerchief,' and. ; she scrambled to "pick It up, .an'C whea I aaid. Thahk.jyon7 she said, 'Yo're wel come; ma'am,' 'an didn't ; giggle jllke some do.whea' they ay. anything- tm- - uauav,'s seatHIm in the position to do yoa a favor to -grant, something that '-any mahj? situated- r you'; are,- would be glad .to "accept",. But Vwe' have . begun .wrongs .Perhaps:! -ought aot to -have been so outspoken, bnt aeeing you here suddenly . provoked I me.' Sit, down minute and ,:lef a plainly '-understand each otner." ': V '": - 1 t ' --. ; "I thlnk,my8elf,, that we' bare b: gun wrong," - said ( Buckley,- who re mained standing.': CHe" placed"-one of hi feet on the bench beside the govern or and leaned over him. 7. "At any rate. Vleajrant aBd-Harmlet.; . , Don't drag the stomach to core a cough., I One Minat Cough Care -cat tbe the mucui, draws .the In flam tlon out of the throat .tangs and bronchial tnbes, heala, aoothe and cure. A Wk cure for croup and whooping couth. One Minute Cough Cure relieve acoogh in one minute because it acta Un oa u mucuooa membrane rhcht where the congh trouble in the throat or deep-1 seated oa the r- Intigs. Sold, by . Aycock Drug Co. -r;;v. r? l- ',- - - or Mtdielo job waet doa't fat) to see u , Oar Beed are- Fresh, and oar Drug and Medici Par.' M lot of Csodie. .'-'.; : :iI. K.&F.; RJ Plcas'ants..".- SEE ME' B E FORE WM YABBOBOOCia, Ja . .. . - -r ' -' f ? ATIOENEY AT IaW, - j , om is Opera Hoaae building. Court street ill fcnaineaa r latrneted -to' hhn receive prompt and carelai atlenuon. F. HOUCK, COSTBACTOBax BXnttiSR,' Tr.f ageatfor U kinds of Balldlng aiiUiu, aruus MUotiM and Tllea. - Ajrata tMturi OMlaaa imnaltted - HOTELS. FttANKLINTOiN HOTEL JAKaXI2IT0ir,K.0., , ood aeeoiaodatioa for the traveling ublie. . - . ood livery Attached '. ; ASSENBIJEG HOTEL ' J P MajsssenbiirGr Propr HETOE3120II. IT.C. 1 Oood aeeeauaodatioaa. Good fare: To Ute 4 attentive 'servants ried out Into the warehouse. - !wfYou eould br a big enough, fool fer any nse an' not be as big a-one as yt?u lookr" said old Hanks with a sneer. ; i? ' "Lookl here, young man,'jdemand ed Kenner, 'didn't you' tell me t'other day: that you was -goin toilet -up-on that racket?" y-l T T - I s , tT remember tellin you I wasn't go in to-steaf the girl out fer "any .more buezv" rides." said Bob, with & smile. There will be po need-of that in the - ."So that's what you meant laughed Kenner - . H "Yes; that's what I meant" , y , , Bob drew one'of the high revolving stools up near the "stove and got up on it his heels restlng'on one of the rungs.' -His new broadcloth trousers, glistened in the light from the window.- -' "I ee I'll have to" tell you all about it from thj first." he began in a strange ly confident font.,-, "I, don't ask any body any odds, an wouldn't bother to - explain to most folks; but I'll aeknewk edge I want you , ' here to thinkwell of tv Q? all busK pees men and I . - - Jttn- . That you1 ai, - -.iled. Hanks. "Tbars business men -o yore grade In every pore house an' asylum in Amer ica." , " i "Now, you keep quiet if you want me fo tell about this thing,", said Bob. "I the "only -one .-in the group capable of ready expression. - - - - , - i ,- f'Well,",.Bob hesitated, and a frank flush spread over his face, fthere are" some'?;boys iiiv this town that-, would run after a rich gixl,' and Dora May would have .been : entirely 4o popular to do her any. good. Oh; you needn't worry aboui me an'shert I Ttell you w know jWhat we are doing. - .She's -busi ness from head to foot an'-knows I can "manage . her affairs : all -right - . There ain't a biof harm ia a' fellow marry-, ing money if he loves his wife and haa the- ability to make; some himself .-1 believe I'm a- born :-money -. makerW I reckon I got it from father. : I believe If he'd 'a had' a fair chance - and not It will bring rich red blood, firm flesh and muscle..i That's -what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, will sdo Taken this month, ketps you" well all. summer: 85 cents," Tea or Tablets. E. ArBobbitt EOEGB waa now.Hillyer's part ner , in business. . Tbe winter ; passed, and a -bright spring dawned. -i,The ' Cranston had spent; the .'iChristma holidays . in Tir glnla visiting .relatiyes and .were back again at Dartey' that the major, might suDerintend the Dlantmg on hla farms in the' vicinity, and recuperkte, hi fall ing z '-Z, 7 It;was the first Sunday -morning aft er their'return.- Hillyer. was having a confldehaal- talk: with . his; wife, in the sitting room; George was. smoking oa the veranda: .; " "": v -'': ... "YesrI; seedthe was bothered," "the old man was saying,"an' ha vln' heard the? goveHiotf" was elpected on . the, 6 o'clock? train this evenin v "an knowin George ;had an engagement to, call on Miss Lydia tonight-1 put two- an' two together an got at what ailed 'imiaie an; him talks pretty confidential" some tlmes an. I 'axed im ef that wasn't what he was thmkin' aboutT aa' he ad mitted that it Jwas an openly axed my advjee" as to what he Tort todo. under the circumstances. ' I told 'im I'd studj1 over It an let 'im know later." - - , - If it is a bilious attack take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a auick eure .is cei-tain. For sale by- all druggists. Tt"' '" ; "Fat; is of. great account i am wrong ".novf,, for i .ought-toriap to - a: baby ; that ---is ,wny baby-: is , scrawny. -rScotrs E in ul s i o n : .is - what he wants. V.The healthy baby stores as fat-what' it' does not need immediately for bone and m us cle. Fat your I would do it but for the respect I have .'forthe people .yoa are ".visiting; that's alTtbat. save you,, air. rve met con temntibie. cowardly' curs'lbefore, . but "Yoa can say what you wish to jne: Teifare ranted. "I shall "not resent It. .Men o my class do not fight mea. of yours. v xou caat insuix me, xtucajej. What you say does not affect me la the Allghtest ; Men of honor" .- :. I - . : ;Vml hau nn. irrtir r loan An kllNt from Buckley's iips, "Xo mia has bon- J babies are happy1 ; ' they do er wno aeuDeraieiy maiuis a sua wu IsTas helpless to resent It as' I am la . thia case. You would strike a woman. You are a ur. Teifare t v- : ; V -Teifare was panting again, -but his eyes fell beneath George's fierce stare. It looked as if he were actually afraid Buckley might suddenly strike him in .the face. - . "You have net heard what I Intend to propose," he faltered.- ."I have it in my power to pardon your father, who is now at the coal mines, -1 can do this simply by' signing my name to a pa per, and, If you" ; Z., r That is what you want to proposer George shrank back-ln"bewlldertncnt-Tbe awful significance of the proposal stunned fclm, drove bis rage -ruorcezta- .... -j . .-, ' 4. ... 1 ' (TO BS-COXTrM.'E0.) , To be thrown upon one a ' own re sources is to be cast into", the 'lap of fortune;' ' , v- J'l f - If vou cannot eat, s'eep or . workfeel mean, cross and ugly, take Hollister s Rocky Mountain -Tea- this month. A tome for the sick, inere is no remwuj equal to it. 35 cents Xea or xaDiets. E. A, Bobbitt & Co. - ' Treat failures as stepping ; stones to further eSort r ' r - : . " IIYGELV The Beet 5-cent cipar rjn earth for aJ at Aycocke Druc Co'a. . - - - Anxietv any chasm. never ' yet bridged over r- . J3y the Tonic Route. . ; " The pills that act as a tonic and not aa a drastic puree, are De Witt's Little Ear-! ly Risers. They cure headache, consti- I nation, biliousness, etc. i-arly iiisers ; are small, easy to take and easy to act- a safe pilL Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City. N. D., says : 'Two hot-1 ties cured me of chronic constipation. Sold by Aycocta Drc j Co, ASafa.Consh-Uedirlne for Children .-. In buyhig a cough tuedk-ine for chil dren never be afraid to buy Chamber lam's Cou-h Remedy.' ThereU no dan rer from it anl relief is always sure to follow. It is e?pecia!!y valuillJ t.r colds, croup and whoo; ir.j coi:h. I'v-r a!elyalierv:;!-.3. not, cry they are . rich ; their- fat laid up for time . of need." They , are happy . because they are comfortable. - The" fat sur rounds their" little nerves and cushions them. AVhen ther - are scrawny t ho s e nerves are hurt at every ungentle to uc h'. They delight in- Scott's . Emul sion. 1 Tt is as sweet wholesome to Cairn. i . . L ' Send forlfr0 tampt. as your Oaaoo. :I ata a sot for high jprads Tebaeca "acd CtUoo Geaa. WliI taaV elot prices b tb ear cr lotu t t a ti"t. If joa are thinking cf potlfog, la a bath redoes t can sy-t uocey, at I ata gnl for th bel tout la lie wprld."-' Be try CX) pegs ctalo? before yc bay. :.'-, 'A-V'-' - See af Uoeef Msn Htrlellr UtAt to 0drr Fat'.t hUre tsyirr ' I can od "ill as ya taoaey. I aca azs.t ffr lh lata TaiUr.rp Cj , of IndisnsroUi, Ud-, eudtf K!a Taileritg Co., f ;rw'.Ycrk City Fi: faraUd. - , ; - . . - 01 yoor teed IrUh polaUrt aad'gaiisa t-ds cf all kUdt-ifrr. '..-":,.:'-"., . Very ''rct;f tfally. ' ; I jko. fr. Ei;;f? ( 1. ) i I t i O il ikU resr ( l 'arm ti UVl l U vn 7 T J ry l-oC'- at ta.ua yea Izj. Scoit Chcrrh:i - 4C9'-lS Tri Jtrrt A. Trk I Zc - J J ! C 0 ' i r lisiic jog rnni: t r " it , i - i i .

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