J VS. A. THOMAS , Eiitor'tai Proprlitar. VOL XXXY. L0uiSBmar5. a, Friday, ArniL 7, 1905. 01. . 0, 2 l "I- t 5 - J I tr - 1 " . r -sv - . rr.-T-- v : - - , ' . ' ' ' - .... I . , '. mmmm mm f. s j a 1 .-s - e- - " - ' - .7 - j. . "' 1 1 - , . . - t 1 . . - 1 ,. , .. . : OHCRCU DlttECTOBY MKTHODiaT, floaday School at 90 A. II.' - ' Qo. Br Bina, 8apt.v 1 PrMbinff t 11 A. ML., and 1 80 M. Try Suaday. - , " Prf M mmtittg Wednesday night. -r. , , L S, Masait. pMtor. BAPTIST 'r , "'-.4 - doaday School at 90 A. Mv , " '. , - Thou. B. Wnjaa. Sop T Prwhin at 11 A.&L, aod 7.30 P.M., ott Saaday. -prayer m-ting Thnraday night. - U. 11 .; Mashbobhe.. Pastor. - ; , ' KK800PAW " tSaoday School at:30. ' S- '-. Wi. 11. UurrtB. ftopt. Servleea. morning - aad nu(ht t on t, 8rd aad 4th Saawya. . '-"''-- , Uveatntr Prayer Friday afternoon , ir. J omr Lohdoh Bector. Sarvieaa 4th Sandav in, eseh month moratatf aad nlKht.- . - . , ' Paatdr. ; iff The; Substitute , Bu WILL n: harbejl- e Author of "Atnet Duie!,"vTh tkad of , - th ChanaUio Sun," "Tn North " - Valk. MbsUtb,',' Etc ; ,v" (GOjl'IIAUJCD. i aLr. To "her evident snrorlae. he also got cpv ' ,s.; sc;- -'"Yon are not goingrt she said.' " "Yes," he returned frigidly ,I MI drop fed In only ,f or a moment." , - - - jfYoix are going becansoecause"" . ;Becanse-hesald, "drawing himself "Up, te'his-fnll neight, mnch as I should likerto accommodate you, 1 find it quite impossible to serve jtu the 'capacity j'ovl evidently; wish tq assign tovme to night , He took the flower from his coat and with steady; fingers placed. It on the pianos must decline, too, to accept your offerings . When the mo ment comes for you.- and your honored fbing faster and faster till he reached the .'warehouse ' He saw Kenner and Hanks in the. office, but he passed on to George's room in the rear. .There on the" table-; Jay Buckley's revolver; Thrusting it into the pocket of . hia short coat; he hurried out at the side .door and went, up the. railroad to the Johnston House.. Going into the' office, he approached the desk and asked.the clerk for Governor Telfare. r ; "He left on the: 8 o'clock train this morning, ' Mr. .Hillyer said the clerk. "He had iut call him at7." . .r : '"Goner: The old maa stared blank- Jr - '.' . 'itKBa.:-jti"-"ir:'ar'-vi LooUar Ud((, 'NliA; a- Jl bmU le 'andr4;:Tuedy uitcbta la Mohntoath fro fbMMionalTfltird ' D It. FKEDEltlCK K. COOK,; Loalabarg, N. O. o cms wtu Or, A. H. Fleming. Uoni 10 . in. w U n., p. ia. to . p. mi. lpeti boura bf appoiu-oiitut, " . C a. AUIUUK FLBJiiNG,.! u Hoa uvar LOtTUBOftO. N. a Y&rboro Vot' 1) B. 1. B. MAXOHB, hactiojio paraciAjr ad Huaaor. )ioe ofr Ajreook Pro (JompAnyi. ,'-."5; D U.J.J. MANN, PHTSICIAS aad 8URQEOK, o dc or A.yciw Drug Co.drngt6re jr.8.p. jwjrt, ; - fRATTIOWO rHTSlCIAll AND UKUON. - Loulubarg, N. t' Offloeiath war of R. A"-BobbiU It Co.' Drug $ore, o Nash trort. : '"" J) B, B. . TAKBOBuOduU PHTBXQJAS LSD BTTB.QBOH. arid' Boo balldlng, pBotos Hlnt mum uiwn4 from T. w. Biekett'a riiMwna. ptwa Tc - ' . " H. ALLREO. ATTOBBTBT-AT-LAW, WlU praoUo la a the CoarU. I oaafaTtii, H. C Office in BV HAJMBHBUBOv - ' ' ATTOBJnT AT LA.W , '. tOVUBOB. ' r" win praauee la all CoarU of ttie State . Offlee a Oo'urt fitoaa. W 14. W. BUDDIE, ATTOBNET-AT-LAWr Lowisbbbw, N. C. ' ; " ' . (mc otm Boddie, Bobbitt ACo.'i drag VV u. HAYWOOD ECi'FHI. ' ATTOBKBT-AT.LAWi- -.r;: booiaauaa. a. a. i; '-v. wui praUeelaaOthCoarta-of PiankBa uj adiulnlng eovnUae, alao lu tke Baprame Joart, aad In UM UulUd HtoUr DWtrtet aad uatee la ooopev ana CUftoa Bi rlly from his brain, set him, quivering from head to foot. He Bat down on the bench opposite Telfare and lowered hia face .to his hands; , His. father's" liberty was within Tils teaclu f ' rV ; Telfare - chuckled - contemptuously. wAh,- see I hit you between: the eyes! I reckon. jrou are jiorry ;jiow that you didn't wiif till J fcad finished before you .dared to-but thar, -may pass. I Sinly-wltt"n:degrid mysfjBei eyMejtedfeto.' a man at you? standlng-evenrtf she is led only bylier sympathied and if you wa give up all claim, to her and Jffgree hever.to approach- her on an equal foot-: Inggaln,: I will liberate your father. Of course, you understand,: I'd i want some sort of petition to eome to me only a few names of bis neighbors; will .'dout'?.9M' ";. "And your object?" George ' asked,. ' looking up...:.V V.i " V- ' fWell, that a private matter,"; an? awered Telfare, Mbut I majras well ad-: mlt 4hat my object is to marry Miss Cranston, and, as shef evidently is afctu- ated- by assort :'ofpityadmJde.:at' woman, for you in your misfortune, ;I simply want to remove you frdm fur ther contact with her without having openly to request the step of her or her parents.. God knowsij'm not jealous of you ! i It is nct'tnatc It is only the Idea of our .visiting here as social equals." George stood up. -He had something to say, and it rang in Telf are's ears long after the words were spoken." "My fatherVTelfare,,he began, was -convicted: for stealingr and no : doub justly, but he. was an unlettered. Igno rant man. He was a thief, but you, Tel fare. are lower than he, for, with your opportunities . for knowing" right from wrong, you degrade your office--the of fice given in trust to yon by the atate "to advancej your own ; personal inter ests.: .Xou are more unpardonable tnan ray- father.- As : for my having any laim;pn,the'lady'yoo mention, I have none; and it would be dishonorable for me to trade .,in j a- commodity I don'i possess. But hold on; I am not through. I want to add! that if my accepting your proposition meant that I lent the weight of a straw toward making Miss Cranston your wife, I'd refuse with my dying breath. I could not live know ing that the purest and noblest woman God ever made was through an act of mine living with a loathsome reptile like ;youT-- If rmy father stood on the gallows condemned to death-and I could save hiu by ' allowing you to ' touch Miss Cfraruston's hand to j lawful 'wedlock I should let him die. " !Xdu .mean i to refuse your -father's freedom?" gasped Telfare, - : : - " "Yes, -1 refuse. I am trying," Telfare; to show.the world by my life that I have not Inherited my. parent's weak-- ness. f I shall not depart from that rule by entering, into a dishonorable. co: pact with -a man as; base as you .are, Tegardless of what it means, to me." - ley," said the governor. . "You are mad now.? ; 'yM'z - "I have nothing else jto say," replied Buckley,-"and, to show you how Jitfle. regard I have for your wishes, I shall keep ray engagement with Miss Cran ston this evening." And, - turning, he ii Mi SYNOPSIS. The following is a tytxopnn of .Chapters heretofore putiifthe-1 ""of -The Substitute; - V,- - CII AITEUS 1, 2 and S George liuciley is the portoje of Mr.liairer a rich Georzi mcrchmL His father Georjre u . BttenUv to LydiB Cranston, daach- slghu jter of a proud Virginian. The shune ef he . of hia father's crime xnAkea him d-. hfi "Then iow shall wear XhU.? i guest to make, up your difference per- haps this Jittle flag of trace may prove useful."' . ... "You say this to me," she exclaimed no me?"-,,. , -- -- He bowed coldly: "God knbws I did not want tof suddenly burst from his lips. And he stalked from the robm., for several minutes BherBt6od:lean- lng on the'piano and. -then she turned from, the room to the verandah She heard the click of the gate latch as It closed after Buckley and the low.?006! of the governor and her father through the open window of the- Bitting . room. She .was calm, tut whiteto the llpa: She began to" look for her handkerchief, which she had .dropped. ; She returned to the drawing room, looking carefully at the carpet near thie spot where she had sat.. It was not-there... "She re turned again to" the veranda; and then went down -the graveled walk. to . the summer house, entering the compart ment adjoining the one In which Tel fare and Buckley had held their cour versatlon.,; There on the bench lay her handkerchief.- Grasping it in he tense fingers, she aat.ownt And buried her aeefohet-hahdSviyi 11 CHAPTSSRXXII. HE -next morning, after break-" fast,? Mrs. .' Hillyer called her husband aside..; Be , followed ;her .toto the parlor,; where she led hlm 'to get beyond the. hearing of the negroes in the, dining room; ' " "What's the; matter with .Georger 8he.A8ked'him; ;;W?;;"i:'V;i:'J : -"Why, nothin' as I.know. of," lie re plied.. , "I haven't seen him this mon in.- Is anything wrong?". 7 '- '.'-" ly. Tes; he got off,' but lhell be . back next - Sunday He; engaged the "best room in the house and gave orders that it was. not to be used by any one elso.", - "Goners Hillyer. turned and. started, away aimlessly.' In -the liall leading to. the - street;- he was ; met; by ..Bascom Truitt who Stopped him., '.- -f-A. "Say,, old man,- whaf s the matter? Sick?? Hfllyer stared at him, but made no reply.C Took y. here,.'what alls you anyway?" :. The old soldier placed er the ute. nana on tne mercn&nt s snouiaer ana turned him into a vacant room on, the Blde.ot the hall, a room used by com? merclal traveler-for, displaying their wares .to the .'- village storekeepers. Hillyer sank into a chair and groaned. Truitt' beard-some-one "passing In ,the hall and closed the doofvX'iwi'.f ? ft ;yl"know some'n's wrong,', ho said. ."Some'n's wrong when a deacon Ja the church; an a", man 1 o ; yore Btamp goes tond white-as ;ar' gravo . roclr : with - a 4i caJlber gun' in-his pocket on-his teeth, chatterln -on as warm' .day as ';iB;;.4? r "Hillyer told him what had happened to George andjala "own. failure to meet Telfare. .. He ..told It In an : "unsteady olee, hia' llpa '- quivering : as- he." spoke. 'Tben, with' his head dow, he added: ."Bas,' you .know I split . human blood thirty year ago.' Ft prayed: all them years to git God to blot out the crime. An -zyets- alter -ail -.tnav lr :ra 'a' met .Telf areJust :now.: X 1 reckon! ef he hadn't, apologized to that pore boy-I'd ar snot 'un aeaa in his tracks. I was all npset; about It .-.Oh, .my ;Gojd,.:rm as bad as X was away back, when I was young an hot blooded!" ": TroU(..j;hrugged hia shouldera. rhen I-reckon it, better fer- all. concerned that." Telf are' went off when: he did. Now; look: here, old man," l Truitt bent and ...took1 the - revolver., from - Hillyer and put it into hia own pocket. fjo're entirely unfltted to run round with loaded gun In yore pocket JIou take my advice an, go back to yore store. Til tell .yon what ril do., TH. stody over thla jan try to come: to " some con craslon whatf Bi best, 'then m "come iown; an', aee youi rm 'Interested In George Buckley," an don't you, let that slide out o yore mind In yore excite ment, He a . been a v friend . true an' tried to me an mlne,.an I'll stand to lm or; die. Now, you;;"eo . on , to .the warehouse." . -; - ". vi . -: -And when win you be down?" asked 'the raehant.ir.-rzj. :CJesf as aoon. as I can see some way out? mndfo fflfflcTUty.BaldTrultt evasively". .Tl, tell you, yon are too ex citable you go off half cocked. Thaf a what . got- you .In the trouble -that yon say has -worried you. so much. , why, even ef you had shot the acalawag just "nOw yotfd V .done It too quick to've had mny-fnnl'watchlnf y.lni" squlrm.-krd ruther see a dern coward thaf a wrong; out' of: the -.'hall mumbling aomethlng Truitt could not catch. : He came back In a minute. --' V " . , . . "The governor says he's occupied Just now an' ala't at home to nobody, lie waa Just lyln down to take a nap. He won't let nobody disturb tm at this time 0 day." - j : " . t TIe .won't, hey T Truitt : sneered. , " Rent to prison for theft. eu, you tell !lm I aald a man wanta to see 1m that kin beat the hind JTn .lm In -the next election warns io, , xou - ten im that a man wants to see 'Im on a matter o" life an' death.. Tell im that, you black fool, atf see what he'll Bay.". y -: '--.".-. Thel negro was absent.' about three minutes, and then he came back, and .Sullenly motioned Truitt to enter tha door on the right of the halL Teare was -standing at a greea covered writ tog table and frowned and stared Im patiently at Truitt, who had not yet removed his hat - ' ,' :J - ' r , " - -"I bclieve.1 do not recall your face," he . said, extendtog. hia .hand, "bat I oaeet so jnany friends in poing about Yoi are Mt,"-' - r. "Ob, about as. commoor thank you' little headache, that's, all. , How do you; come on?" : : ? ::. -? J. . ." ...'I'm very well, thank yon, but X did ot catch ,or name", - -.. '" run, ?ny-name7 ir Baacom Truitt-", tWell, Mrr Truitt, to bo plnhvyon must know that I'm b very buy taan. perate. 4 4 ll'illyer oonleaea to George the murvler of a frier! thirty years beforo the tory , open.' To atone for the deed he took Georgo 'out pf hia decradej homo to make a useful man of him' as b auhetltute to soewtv for: ba dead friend. .5 Hjtoti, a nolo broker, and Kenner, a cotton buyer, have dak iu UHtyer'a warehouse. ' liawfa-Truia: a Con federate veteran a chiaj-iioQ of GeorgB.IIi:ivcr iaTets Leaviljin wheat on the a 1 rice of Gecrpe. Q ilrs. 1113 v rj-akea , G t? w rA I Character. MlUyer- in- fer of ; btinc broogtit to , trial for hi oil cfuae. 7 and 'dLilL'-"-conjCB frord' njch mond i best. ' social - Bet Gorerrmr Telfare of Georgia,, b middle aged widower, ! pressing hii aUenUoni upon her wiUi the jpr roTal of htr "old r4 V S velvet rye 'pure - old - velvety. t ho best for the price, soldj everywhere, caliv for it : at lpiaisburg: cdispehsary,; U V . Joulsburtx, n. I FHrqBVArt.AtiM:U.. ' c. and If too will ten maTlirht out what 1 family. T 9 and 10 Georra ' thaxa piona ui cause ol young J3ob lianka, who is ambitioca to rise. "UillTtr loans the. boy capital to aUrtia buai ne&a. 11 Lydii ; lulb the feart of her parents about George bj Bavins thai she beliave b . daughter " should respect her family pride when chooa ing huaband. I 12 Ilia jer BeUj hia wheat Bt a great profit - and .'give H to'George. .13 The gOTtrocr vkh the CranstoiULr Georr fears hia yon called to see me about I'll see If wa caff get around. to Itr'AIy private sec retary nsuaOy meets visitors and makes b note of. what they wish,' Tout he la al ways out at lunch at thur hour. .". Truirt laughed. - Taking a plug of to bacco from his pocket, he tore off. a piece 'and, put; it between; his teeth. "Lord bless yore aoul." he .aald, oo private secretary couldn't 'tend to. this job fer you." , : """"j7 v,-r": tl. don't understand "yon."."'- Telfare was w,axlng Impatient: his frown Toad deepened! on hia dark "brow. - .. "Well, If a Jest this away. roreroor ," Truitt repHed.: It aeem that as much as. you want to please yore constitu ents ryon'vemao one -of ."; 'ens. up : at Darley as mad as thunder at yon..-.. : -"Towhom; do yon refer?! Telfare waa staring- blankly. '- o':. . Z' VThj, I no whom to a youm; feller to George Buckley, who. It aetata, yon maae aoner mau xrotner mgnt over at old man Cranston's house." . ; ; -"No; ' Ia"1wrnntfoia'lt;.to !mi TT,!tt' of rji f riet lUaooco, But it aeem a at least It seems to me from the vengeanoa of B mob.- Ljnia from what I gather that yon Insulted and KlUy hear the story recounted la 'im like b devoid, im right out that the presence of - the bora '1 8. yon V hhn couldn't breathe the Bame J LydU"adore Georgr. but mir tnarry 17 C - -1 T y U U U Ky) y Body Builder .--,;; .-.; 'At delicious ba a Tmh Orxor - f" - 5cprcoUfaAh.koc4 Cod Lire r Oil And Cmolslaeu GAratd U Ul.i aH the tBslrlrjkl tlmU, BrtsClytAAca J from gala fvh tdi with xIe lroa mt4 lW Vody-bciUlaf iaic!LaU, TmI tve o3 r itviltr be - rrirt trecc-l bsJ &tb crtor kow to tBtdttJ.. Tar " d People, pway chtUrrs. r cak pmle wo ear, BrrXxrr; " toothers, throe lc cold, hcV Ug cawtka, throat aad loss - trocbtca, ladpfeet cBAawplfaTe - nc.h lar aiQala MaoL ; ,. -: TrBtf y Aa,tB Xawawreai . " R. A. BOBBXTT d CO, Inf g UU. powtrf ul ritaJL Lydi aooepu his at-1 tendons ana. presents.. It Lydia pays a visit to "George's- mother sod kbses her warmly at parting. - This brings s reviYal of hope to the lover. IS4 and 16 lira. Oram too appeals to Lydias friend. Kitty Coaby, to bring the girl to her aenaes about George. KiUy tells Lvdia thai the governor will be . a good catch, but, after hearinp: of some', Geortre's vir- turea, fears tor the - safty of her own - ' ..- ; ;On Every -Tonfjue' aVtikra aoi -' ' ad XmiU iU evrtd's mmi liaau ui S Aid at Leulabwrc OiSDensarv. BBB rVBrraBt eraB e5 forth.f-- - "What I said, on, that occasion was quite a-private matter," aald Telfare, "and, to be' plain with ybo, X don't ln tend to discuss it";.-: J' r - -v- ,t3ut, you see,- governor" Truitt was chewing his tobaccbslowry.'and "eylhg phis victim like a cat watching a mouse "yoo see,' another feller up thar, that haln't-got a thing lagln. his record a fellerthat never, had no kin in Jail, -l-rmr acy-hmiK. -Tnyrooe! state poU I u-t ieur iiiit ui vif uw rigui mi. all through the war that feller hatof satisfied.: : He'dont feel Tight to' eet still an' let yon ' demean a pore boy thaf s doln. his lever beat to raise his I the governor oat of - regard for her father," who is la poor- health, 20. and Zl. Uoternor Teliare oaers to pardon George father if be will give op Lydia.: The OfTer is hotly spurned, Lydia snubs the governor in .lavor of George; but the excited loved mtsooo- Btrues the set and Abruptly . leiTs her m tears.-,: i 1 .'---- -IS? . ' '': ..': ' 'iv V,.-' hat rixokS ed me or mine beg. fer life 'an- to see lin die. ; We all die thaf s 'common as pig' tracks to wet weather, but only the dlrtyv- sneakto -cowards; Js af eard of .it Ton-go , on, now we are a-losln',. time. ITLc6me : down Xll : come; down! T I ato't no anarchist goln round klllln' big men In office,' but that fellers got Telfare turned pale. He-looked as If he were-Bbont to falL- c-V "Ton came to bring a challenge?", he gasped. ' -t- ' r " ' -; " ."r . "Well I've come to do 80meV, Batd Truitt' evaalvtry.-y,; "It looka powerful like you've got to take prompt action -.'''' j. For a, Weak D'reatlom. ifa. aadlefaa 'caa .'rttdaae fatd Caambertaia'a Stovath eed Linr Tab' Wte eill help yoe to ' d t(t veer food Ivls eoctheqaaatity of food taiae that cltMalraagTh sad vktortto the eyaUa. bat the amoa&t dU-ud aad aaaiBiilAid. If treabWd eitta a m! dlcwUoe doe't fall to give the TabUta a mil. - Thorn Mads bare ta twBcfltted eytAelr eae. Tay oalr eoat a qaarttr.. . For sale br all drsrclats. , " . . - .i. - 1 a- :i.:.:. . Kindness does not ' have to speak ! to! toe l-matter.Yon'v; mVde, fine llrtLy speeches all -over, the state. about the M)e.,tended itoy .BntI'U. Btady np ality b men, in', It would be si'.blf ijjBioe. aisJD). ; :'. ATTOBJrXTT-LA W. LovnnnnM.a.o. oauw oa atata tjft,.evioaai Ooopert B. 3PBDILL. ArtOMAT-At-LAW,- WUlatuaeeiMi owrtS of TtU1ii,-Vuii araaTUl. Weron rod -WAk ooeuttM, atae um jtra xmrt of Ndtrth Carolina rrompi mtXtmMoa to eoUocUona, 4 - oStaaeverJMtattoarB Btoaa ' r'.:.yi'i aTTOBJTBT AID OOOTSAIXOa AT tAW. levnunrBe . aS:p:jPi rnmvt ae4 ya'tnttBrn atunUon fives to mrr bMUt lntrastwl tofiU h&nda. MMtmn to Okif i osttc (Shepherd, Hon. Joan Suaiif, Boa. Bob. W. Wlaaton, Hon A. . C txloa, riM. rtnt WatlomU ButK ot Win. (mi. eau SUalri Wlnaton, Feoplaa Baafc mt Mono, Comm. B. Tylor, mm. wake Jrotw - - - Bab m r . TlmMfllk. j : -C w. v..nuB, -J ta .aU aowte.,', OlBoa oa walked ahead of. Telfare to the house and into the lighted parlor.' A servant took .his hat and'to'd him Miss Cran ston had. gone' into ithe gardenVbu would return to a -moment ,!Whlle: he was waiting .the governor entered the room ana isat HWwnfciwaBpa nervous and had a desperate' glare, in his eyes. ; Then Lydia came in. She was slightly flushed and had a tube-' rose in her. hand.' .;.-.; :':- ;;'.; .-'V.x'' '. A;-.' .. "I'm so glad you came,".he said to George.' Telfare had risen and stood trying to appear at ease, but She did not notice him.. l':. ;::-; ; ""-'v.';:.---V VDo :you like tuberoses?", she asked ;'i:; Th0n yoa shall wear this-," she said, her voice quite-unsteady.-. She glanced at-Trifare ai "one I ;haye,GyernrTajre If you'd like one yon may "ring and the girl will supply you.' She: leaned; forward; and with her white,-def t fingers pinned the flower on the Iape) of Buckley's coat . "MT. OT ah Bnckley,.is to : be con gratulated .: on getf tag l his tuberose,4 the-governor said, "with a. white sneer. He seems to be somethingiof a" favor ite, thent I.The'gh'flaughedta had never seen . ner "all " night," "said the-womanv;,He didn't tetch a thing on the table, an his hands shook wvf nl. Do you know, somehow, I believe him' an' Governor Welfare -quarreled up,-..at . Crahstons last night ; I never saw' him look like that tefore. He's up 'ln the .company bedroom.;' I-passed' through thei hall -ust now, an- seed ' im setting ; at -thie window, ibokin' : out- Mr. ; HUlyerj;'; go up an' see what's- the matter with Im. He-U talk" to you.".- ;;:j: -.-. : ' :. JiWithhiseiirt Jn hia mouth, Hillyer went op the stairs,, sliding his hand on ..the"banlsterralllng. : George turned his head as he entered the. open door'and rose quickly,, as if ashamed to be seen dhere without a, reason for it K '"George, what's the matter wlthyon? Atot f yo welt; thte man quesjionea ..-gentiy - ;s k r. v "Not-rery; Mr. Hillyer " George said. fdrpmghlseyesfbut'ir when' I et workgX'Sal going dqwn rettj-sooiiX-- "That hain)t.It; my loy-at hain't it," said ' Hillyer, - his sympathetic eyes resting on the troubled face before him. I'Some'n hasgone wrong,'; George; an? I wish yoiwrteii.;ii.:. ic-u'd take It as a;favbr-rSO.-l,jro.uld , T--I feel a big interest in you-. 5ildoa. t know as Jjcouldyerplaiiirhow; felsr 5t isv Tell : When Hillyer had gone' beck ' down j the. railroad to the warehouse Truitt ! .sauntered : into -the hotel offlee. "WhAt time does the -next .train go to Atlan ta ?- he asked. -There's another on tho'Southern in, ten minutes," HEN Truitt Brrived In the great, bustling passenger depot in At Ianta.it was noon.' ; He elbowed hia, way " through : the squirm ing mass of human beings to the street' A doeen cabmen yelled at him and ges ticulated with their whips, but h paid no heed to them. ; Seeing M. blue' coated Joke' onj yon , to have JCg$,ont that your biopa was too- ncn w. come up agin one 6; the most honorable young men to- the . state . o GeorglaL 'Jest" be ca'sdhls oaddy went wrong.VvVw S Telfare sank Into his leather cushion ed chair. . Ha- was very nervous, and his pallor had : extended! everi' to- his white hsnds.-j"H - v v '' "Who Is the the maa that d1- aatlafledrr.be fAlterede-- .-r; . : "Me." said Truitt simply. ,v A . i"Tour! The covernoY could ronly. stare In-bewllderment-:' ' vVC'- T: -. Yes,- me, Bas Truitt bf - the Forty? second Georgia, : under Colonel H. ; . Pierson.4 My record's aU Trfgbt'At lesf ef It hain't : yoo ;kln ' shows irby .it Tes,-rve come here .fer, some The fannlef t thing about many s oomediaa is the fact that he thinks hes fanny. -. Ahoat'KhrtmiAtlsxa.' .t Thare art fa dlataare thalla&kAsaera tortare tbae rbsaBaUaa. ead tAare la probably so dtsaae for wbiah sach rWd aad BSUaa tot of retsadUe ha ba eTttd To aav that tV'eae br ard ta, lAarafore, a bold aUtaat te vika, bar - CbaffirvrUia's Fata Ba( 5 ' or Madlclos yoo want don't fail to ses ns,- Oar Seeds are Prwk std Whteh pjeys aa "taarite sale. Oee oar Droffs'tod HedicUse Pars, . Ulee Ul oT CftodIr: J applkatioa of TPaIb Balm eCl raltovethe - . : . ' . .. ,.'... pelai Bed kSBdreds of saffref have tee- v ';".-'; '-;t -"-' 'V'-i '4 ;"".- -.-. , v; w- J ' , Uflrdto parc&ADtat earae br ta aaa -."-:-;': 1 J.,- - , -J;'.'.' -t V" ';.....',.. ' : Why eoffAr ba Pala BaJb afford ; - -r : :: -''."ir ''tt''--9 ' rs ' ti : " : sea oaks relkf sad eosts bat a trtfr For sam by all dragficts. . . :.--. ... i -uaiu w "";"u- v, ; "vv,-TT?J sort o settlement. :an Tm , goia'to .'i . ::!. tr 1 T have li- or FU turntbe. governor, o Georgia acroea jmy sUieeair im im a stor .a ". ' ";...;:ri".;.' i;i;l!': Her - tatfommn am aw,;. l eyes; shone Hkeiamonds 5ntJhei light ?Mr. JBuckley ahd'I are true friends,1 she aid. V' "I ; respect him . more than any-one alive hhless it is my f ather jujss .Jyaiarfli leasts :-xoj&xne' ,o:t.i;'.y.w "j-.&wm,.i.v-v-1, ivouca nrae-rvou are so- xma neanea.. TAJtBomotjaBUiB.-rS'.': A iM U W A TAW :. ' 4 oetaii t Opa Houc balldiQe, Ceaft straat All ' lacal bastaeu ' intraated toba eiU raeaiva prompt aad eatefalatteaUon v r An. .you ao r'.c; . Menare on. w mio short, blackr-mxlStache which he turned toward, wife his trembling fingers: rThe gentleman I mea Mruekieyis quite ' Tteye?aia3fip. see your father U , booking .on:. the.vveranda. With your permission I'll join;hito?j- you litue-ryou are so ;' T want to knowr G eorge,': . MWeliteil you MrHillyer. Do you knOw.what Is the hardest thing on earth, to bear ? -, It is to be Insulted, grossly insulted, by a man whom you an?t ' strikeBuckley;; then told. aU I--" mat naq laxen piace oeiweeu win aaa ."TelfareVii Ti;-: ';",: i'l- Hftsajthht to your.TrrIed-the old toan.?Yesg rIknowwhatslt would mean fo"a orond sperit like yore'n, my boy,! an'a- a simply awtui awtuii we s ;o9-arIy5dogtit.: that don't-make . Could you: tell a feller ef he'd be apt to see the governor at the statehouse this timeo day V Aer-Bsked,--''." ;"roI -reckon he s out . at the man-sloa-about nowi' treplied : the offlcerJ "Ifs dinner tlmaJ-T-? ."Well. -T'l go out thar.' then,' .Truitt said anu vned away. It was B' twen : ty minutes walk, through the business portion of: the icity to the executive mansion on Peachtree street," near the "best known and- oldest clubhouse to the city .v The" building was a modern red JricsT structure standing; back from the- street on "a well kept -la wry and as the gaunt mountaineer entered the Iron gate and proceeded urTtne walk he saw a, uniformed negro, manservant at the door.- U-"I want : to- see 6bvmorS" Telfare,? Truitt said. "Is h about?" . Yes,:he'. at,nome,- the dapper-ne gro repUed, eying Trnitt : oot with -.Bv"'contf :-"tMous he dotftsee cob Sf-Ohthafa it:" . surprise of "the s. rva : eer,' without retac . ii ! med slouch hat,pasL J ly out head to 4 nee, "but o day. evident . i-iountato Lroad Lrim- tlm into the black an' bloe. No dern, fluted shlrtad :J skunk kin Insult ,brave, pure hearted friend v mine an' -leave 'un wntnnr. under It,. An go off an' -chuckle, Jest becB'se of a flimsy .excuse like yon put no to him. ; No, slree; you've got to git a move on you.- Wrat I would eavise Is a gentlemanly apology. V "Apology? Tou must be out of. your mlnd slr. said -Telfare angrily. - "1 can't send an apology to that man."": - "Ton say. you cayn't yoo pop," thun dered truitt '."Stand up! What you settln downfer?" - And Truitt actual ir took the governor, by the ear and twisted It aa he raised him, squirming ike an eel; to his feet" , "How do you like that,urseou?" -Telfare, beside himself with fear and" excitement, tore Truitfs hand from bis smarting, ear and furiously rang the silver boll oa bis desk. , The servant la the hall quickly" appeared. . . ' -;" "V . Call a pollcemanr -T1"1 rtt??- ""There's one on the comer,-? . . By gum! I hadn't calculated on that 'move o' yore'n," said Trultt.coolly. n -The girl who fishes for a huaband should know the diSerenoe between s nibble And a bhe.-- '-" J S:EE. . M E.-BEFO RE i. V.A Triwi and Trie rnend. - V s. Ose Xlaota Coega Car 'eoatalaa ' not ao atom of aar harmf ol dra, sad it ta bra eoritg eooght. eoldt, crosp - aas hoopag ooo& ao losg thai U haa pro a Urlf . to ba a triad aad Ustridl tae coaer hoa tt" alrm. Gartrsdt B PeaaerUarka.lad.,Mya,eoQKfcleg aad 1 Ualaiog ao -erakeeed tna tbtl 1 rat dovo-la wfght from 143 to S3 poaada Aflrr irylsjr a aoobfr of rtodWa to e f kit, Oa iUaU Coagh Cora DlIrU' to' Sdd by A? cocks Prog Co. - ; IS) V t. ' ' izsectei ... - ,' '..'.," - : - '-; '- -.- ."--' ; I- IV 1111. TULll AJ. i, 1 iJJ,JV mw , . . - . , l - r .-- - I irfl HHI1IIM1 lint IUiM..-i I V - : . - . - - -- i . rr,- ? . : - - i;- . .f - i trArt f oot nnv hormi , m an vn mp TifiTr n prri i - ... - 'r -im mVfm&W&ATT)S. halL -WelCyOu tell 'ip thar'a a If, PI HOnCK :r--ita:n'saidvoiam Lout here that wants to se 'Im: an' that COHTRACTOft asV BmLDEld J0 ', - , ; I 'Ane gOenW WV ,-W4?iAn"ir'., TT!a wlf TraJiaf Afaatfov aU kinds of SoUdlag SaixMla. AruMte AUotloa au4 Tile. AJrcnv HOTELQ. FUANJUiWTOH llQTli faiJiXLDITO?, N. 0. V ? :v 2; QOfjMJM Qood seeomodation for the - trsveliag Oood Uverr'Attsehed " llASSURG HOTEL J a? tfsssenburfir; -l?rppt Ooed seeoaunedatioas. Oood farsi - Po Ute a sitstUvs Atrmlr stanrned with-furr. " ."Yoift ' manner lias changed, within the. last atf hourT, her 'Bald signfflcantv Ay. . '.'At the- supper table you- were .quite ; anptaer . uiuo, v. y talk . that: over; laterS; fS&tMfyt When the" governor, had left the room, George fancied. Lydia's face turned whiter. : She clasped her hands, tensely in her lap and remained silent - An evil thought took possession of him. George Buckley was. very human. 'Mis-' fortune had inclined his nature to isus plcion, and the- governor's high"' tank contrasted to his own bumble position made: hinr blind to the possibility that he could be more favored on the pres ent occasion'.-! seemed as clear as daylight to blm that Lydia oand Tel fare had quarreled and that she was simply -using him as a tool through bleb to strike at his aistmguisueu re heard htol jtoing out at the gate and called to him from the veranda, but' he lkedtoniwitiiont;. heeding1; her? $.t tiTe street corner he quickened bla.step, thel:; ;l itnow wnat you told me, you biacs Idiot I r-Ton tell 'fan ,what I -told you. an be in e, hurry about It!". With" the whites of his tolling eyes decldedly.ln evidence the negro backed . Forsret.Ahont Your Stomach. ' , If vonr dieestlbn is bad the vital' or gans of your body are not nourished aa they ahonld bo. Thev grow weak and lr vlte disease. ; Kodol DyspepaJA-Cor di : gests what you ea ," cures i ndiestK n and all stomaeh 'troables.. This is be cause it ats a .-rest recuperates aad gradually -grows so strong and .; healthy thai it troubles you &o more. E L. Bab eocki"Amher8t, iHnD.v- sayB . ! : hie 1 have taken a great many . remedies lor Indigestion but found nothing equal to Loiol Dyspepsia Cure.". Koaoi oigesw digests what yoaeaVeaws indigeetion, dyspepsia, soar stomacn, oeicuiDg.neart burn and all stomach trontles. prep aration is the result cf naty years cf f!:?s:c!i, ;11 fcy P;:j C?, A strength tonic tnat brlnira rieh. red ! blixd. Makes you atroog, healtbr and active. Thafa what Holllfiter'a Eocki Mountain Tea will do. S5 cents. Tea or Tablets. . I E. A. Bobbittft Co. reckon the- cop 11 !ap me to'3all, bat feller!. I've ahvays board .thoy feel ptlrty well thar, .an' 1'ni'ns hungry aa a "bear.".. -- Telfare. made po reply.'-Truitt waa between him and the door or he would undoubtedly have md Lis escape,'. Ai It was, he only atood at his dek, -whttft aa death- and quivering from head to .'foot' .".;. T There waa a clatter of feet lo the hall, ; - (to be coxtixced. The tisrmes of 'the throat are 'nflamcd and i rrt tated;'yoa GDU2;h. and there is more irTif:i. onrnore coughmg You take t cough mixture and it carers the rntation for awhili. You 'take year Gat&o. 1 a ta aftct fer V.g rjsds TcVarco tzi CLUra Caaco. Wl'l make e'ois prices by the ear er Ion- . crr is a rarr. " ' "!" ; If yoa'are llainilne cf putting la e tati too I cas t3 erT'S' S'l O IT and . it cures the ' what, is necessity. IIYGEIA The test Z-cent ti-ar on earth tor. bale at Aycocke Uru Co'8. - r . ; " c:U.' That a It soothes the because it-reduces the irritaraon: cures the cold because. money, as 1 an agrat fer tire btit Ttocrs !a tis pigs caUteoe tef.-r ycj ley. - See ray lies ef Ilea's F:r:.-:'y V.t.-i ti Cr '. I cso ao i will tae J3 rr . - se r . - - - !. : Co, ( lodjansr"''', lt.d tr-i . Getycr t? 1 r'J. r t : t tii r oat - Very r :; Iv.TbTen'a man ia his ownworst ene my it's up to" him to make friends with himself. . ' V " There tre men who give cne . t!.e impression of ' having Lon - l.r:) prematurely ased. .""-." . ; '" drives out the ud the v; it builds becaus 10 t!:c: r.t.zr.:: :::t, t: lt-r.; r r.ar.:' ;r:s:.c 1 strc; -th. That's fiOsv Scctt's Er.;u!i:oa deal? with j a sore throat A wonderful ezr'zz todic, - Drives oat all winter Impurities, givs yon nireoth. health aad hpiaea. Thtfs w -t LTol liattr'a Iioiy 1-ooEUia Tea ai'.l do. 'ZS centa, Te cr TUctJ, IU A. V.lll.ld C5, - Feel tlreJ, " no arretite. . cinnrt '"?. ork or ntf .Ttt'a fprinj t.r '.Z' tn i will d: i"-tir it occa if yni tU Uu'.l!-.ter'a ll:ckv Moantiia T4 tl' r. Zj r- Tf cr T-;:.-.i. U ....... cr bronchitis. c,u3h, Z'J I , J a ci.J 1L n u ti:; -v, :