1 1 T7""?:V-' j vs. A. THOMAS, Editor na Proprlstsr. ' I I I 17! rtr-Vl VTvl rilV III Lr I-1 c-?r-r A 'I' I I i li i .I -rr -r--v- 3: :!.::firTiir.SLi;';ili ir: VOL XXXV. -L0UISBUE6, FRIDAY, APRIL li. 905. KCLin 10. CHURCH DIRECTORY ' ; t"' .HSTHODUR! - Sunday School it 9)30 A. Mi' 0, jD "' Geo. 8. Baias, Hop.-' Prasehing at 11 A. H.'. And 7 80 V, M. ry Suedey. ' f nrr meeting Wednesday eight;.; L.' 8, Masbbt. Pastor. ;y " BAPTIST. ., ' V Bandar School t 9:8a A.M.. Tmob. B. WitDSR.Sapt Preaohlngatll A.Mftnd 7-30 PAL, rr 8anday. ' - - - . -"5-, . r -frrr nuking Thursday night v U, tt. atASuauaaa, Pastor. anaoorAL. y -JV 4nnH.. Anhnol at 9:30. - ')-'" wh a. Ko?ro";Saptr. o..ia. tnnroiair j and night . .. on uvi w ejwwa -''- j ' st, 8rd and 4th, Baatuvs. ' greats rayr"rtdri afternooa: Est. J ona : Loh do, Rector. - rSSBXTUUAff. "Z t SorvloM 4th Saodar in eseh month and night. ' .' , ; Pastor Jhei5ul)stitute 3u 1LL N. HARBEN Author of "Ahner. Daniel Tl Land of " - i the Changing Sua," The North i . , V .Walk Musteru." Etc-, ' Copyright, taoa, by Barver $ BreOiu- IcomxtfuEih Vtorosa. t.afcArc Ledg. Ko. 413, A. a. ., mews aitfhu in Moh month. 3rd Toidix Itoaaanoival turls 1) U. FttEDElUCK. K.COOK; PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, LoaUbarg,. S. 0. with Dr. A.. H. IfieaitaK. Heart: u 1J ia . ft i. u. ta by pKtu maut. 0 p. to. 10 1) It. AKTUUtt U. FLBA11NG, DENTIST. LOOlSBUaO, "j i' H. c u i or Tb Qnh St Tarboro V. 1) BL J. B. MALONK, and a policeman, father slight of build and -a, bead shorter than the moutt alneerr entered hastily, s. . r . ' What'a the trouble, "goTernor? be asked." -- ' , - . .. t , Telfare swallowed and was about to speak, when Troitt broke In. "Oh, it hain't nothln', young feller,, but "a.nf--.tie lection dispute me 'n Telfare had--He felfagln that bell accidentally Jest now, an' that flat nosed A-rabb Howed be waa Deluf assasslnated aana le: you.' Do you, reckon yo're. big enough tov keept anybody' Jn yore "-beat -from bein'jnjuredr ,4 " .-r The fflcer- looked up at the gaunt mountaineer towering over, him and then .at Telfare, who seemed unable to speak. ' - , . r VThat--that nigger said Governor Tjel fare wanted me," the policeman stam mered.' - ' MWeDt he's got dern bad Judgment ef he'd want you in a time o' need. ' Are you married man?" -" ."Tea". - . ."Carry any life insurance?" '"NoI don't, but what's that got to"-,- ' ; - WeIl'--Tiraitt stroked his. beard "I believe. I'll take pity on yore widow: I k HACTIcma PHTBIC1AN ASD BURG BOH. LocisauM, 0 inioA onr Aoocka Tra Oonuay. - jji:. J.J, MANN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON," LocmBoaa. i. c. i n.r or Arcocki Prag (j.'ii drugstore jft. 8. P. BOUT, f RA'TTIOKVO PUYtUClAN AfiTD SURQBOS. Louuibarg, N. C. Dtftce lo the rear of if. a. duouii )rn Store, on Naah atraes. . : 1) a. a. r. TAaBoaurjOH, PH Y8ICIAH AND 8DRQKOH. Lovwroma, K. C. offloe tnd floor Nm ,Unt ealle anaweret roai.Woaa. phuiM 74. il bolldlns. phone a from X. w. BUsaau-a 11 ALL It ED. A.TTORHBT AT-LAW, win t.raoUeela ail Uke Coarta. T niuKHTllle, H. C Otbca In H. m KN BDRQ, ATTOBJfBT AT LAW bovnavm, - wii unetin lo all Ue Ooarta of tka Btata ufflce d Ooart Hooaa - - - . . m -.. rV-'. .... ,. .. . -,- ; -a Truitt 'actually toofe tTie governor by the ' i. ear and twUted it w 1. W. BOUDIE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAWf -LuvHBOatt, Ni. C. o-n T.r UodUie, Bobbitt A Co.'a drag vv m . HAYWOOD BUFFIN. ATT O RSX Y. AT-LA W, i uonnt, p. a ., ' X win DrmdUee tn aD tha Comrte of rraakflB ui.i MjoioUm ooaeH alao ta the 8apaaaa Junrv uia la Um Halved Mtatea Piatrtet ad Utrcali (Joartau - " A umee la Uoopar aa4 dUton Balldlwa. hos. a. wrLDBJt, ATTOBJraT-AT-LAW, (Mm oa Aon. Malm atoeeC arar Joaea Ooopara F. 8. SPK01LL. ATTOHJT-AT-LAW. LoaiaBVBO.K. O, Taaaa. wui utead the aoartaof Franklin. Ti Hr.uwiu Wipmii mnA Waka aoanUea. uia eaaraoM Coart of North Carolina. Prompt tueatloa giren to eoUeeUoaa. r. uooe orar Bsarvoa'a BMia. .... - s rp W. BIOXVCT. ! - ATTOBJTMT AJTD OOOTBaXLOB AT tA W. aoinsntraii. ' ?' v '" ' " Protapt aa4 palBjrtaklngr attenUon grram to ry aurtUr tntraatad to tOa kaada. ! en to Cktet J oUoe shepherd, Hon. Joan u .-4 tj ur Winston. Hon. . C. Baxtom, rraa. Ftmt tfattooat Ban of Wto atoa, tttaaa Manly. Winatoa, Faoptoa Bank at Moaroe, caaa a. iyior, rim n . at Ooltan, Boa. U. W. Xliaterie. J - UCflaa orar Meat fc O Btora. rxRaoo. ACTOBVXT AI-X AW . MtuBvaa-.n.. . ' ' -- la p aoaita. - oataa oa w. AnOENCTAXLAWr'' uioes la Opera Hoana bolkung, Co art stfaat All lacal bulmau rintnistea ; to him all! reoeira toupt and eaxeful attention. F. HODCK COSTRACTOE Asrn, BUltBE?, - thought at fust I'd mash you twizt my thumb an forefinger, but Lwonrt. LCrit out o ' here. I've got; some'n; private to say to Telfare." " , -The officer, with a flushed face, looked from one to the other of the two men, his Inquiring glance resting last on the white; rigid countenance of Telfare. But the governor seemed to have actually lost his presence of mind and could only stare blankly. ,.,vT . "I Jest wanted to aac yon, Telfare, how. you feltabout havinthe whole thing writ up in the newspapers,'MtTi it said In" the pause. "I know mighty nieh' ever newspaper reporter, in the state an; some adj'inin', states. They will., print anything I give 'enu -We got sorter chummy at our last reunion. Yes,' they will publish my aide ot this, an' of course you'll have a chance to have yore say. '-As fur as I'm concern ed, I'd railly like to have it git around to all the. veteran camps in the state.. Most of 'em know Baa Truitt by repu ' tation, an when they hear.About Jhia they willjest break thtfr necks to'vote fer you next election Ton barely got In by a squeeze last-time,' but they'll rush you in like "the woods afire when this tale gits out" ' ' -:- "Governor, I'm waiting soxa orders,". said the policeman; who seemed to feel that a mistake had been made and that he was overhearing private matters.-. "Walt in the baU," Telfare said. .'Tfl ring if I need you." This man's been drinking.'.' . - " - , Huh!" sneered Truitt as the door closed after the policeman. ."I'm 4 dry as a chip, an I reckon you . got some o the best .settin round, an' yet you hain't offered a feller a drap." 3 ; ' -"Now, what , dff-you wantr, Telfare asked, doggedly, miserable-, defeat writ ten all over blmv;.:Q- r, - - " r' : T s ' "Nothin' now,! answered Truitt-" "I'm goin' back an' tell George Buckley that I pulled yore year fer you,' He'a felt this thing putty badWa proud man nafc urally would-rbut when! tell'lnr what I done an' that yott tuck.it like a dunce at - schools why, " If a, my ' opinion rbell Jest feel sorry fer you.-"! do, I know. an" I'm free" to confess I feel a; little grain ashamed myself but that -will wear off, I reckon., God Almighty ort to provide a; different way o' -pullm: skunks down from the'r perch;, but It seems he hain't That's all I have to say;"-Good day; yore excellency ."'" i- Truitt Jef t Telfare sitting at his desk, aullenly, ddsperately silent, and went out "( Through it air" the mountaineer had not removed bis hat, and his chew of tobacco was still In his mouth,: was eying him, eagerly; his eyes burn ing sullenly. -t. .: ,, & Truitt - made a 'detailed explanation; leaving out nothing.il He spoke of It -as if It ehad. been an, ordinary- business arrangement - that- was finally " settled satisfactorily. "But';, be ended,- ."I never felt as mean, somehow my life.- -I'm sorry he wouldn't hirback. Ill be durned ef he didn't Jest wiggle an say.ouchr,when I twisted his yearv George my boy,"yon ort not to give- hia words. another.thoughtWhat he" said to you . was Jest what a Bnea kin' cow ard wcmld say. He's got less, sand in his gizzard Vn-'any. jnan' I. ever " run across. .. I hope you are satisfied. i-Yes, I'm satisfied," said George sim ply, -and he extended hia. hand, and I'm glad there, was no bloodshed. Mr. Hillyer told me what hedid yester day ? in "a passion.' We'll -all-have to find some way out of our troubles other than, bloodshed.'' --'-r'l -God knows l-"agreewlth -yon' on. that, said Z Hillyer feelingly; ' and.be turned and .walked -out of the office. T - "But that hain't "all' I. done," maid Truitt leaning against Geors:eB desk andiooklng down : sheeplshly.'f i5 "i V ;""Not. all?" exclaimed Buckley.' f " "No I got- my foot inb some'n else. Jestii after ; I " landed in town "I : come down- here, - but Yyou "-"Vajnt 'about Then; as I Jiad nothing to do, an' re membered that I had promised Major Cranston to come in an' give -'im.. an estimate on'' movin.- several i inundred acres o fan bark on some or his moun' tain land, I ' went down thari He's -a sick man. They got 'im propped up in a big chair' in the settm1 room, an' his wife an' daughtef are nussin' him like a baby, t- But he wanted to see me, an they made me come in. '-, His gal Is a . beauty, George-but you know that atf I never seed a body seem as much wor ried over a sick pusson aa she was over her daddy.--She lores every iialr o his old, white head. ; Whenever he'd have a spell o'coughin' she'd actually ; turn pale an'" run fer .his -medicines Well, when I got through.-with him. I.etarted off, but she - f ollered , me , out on. the lawn. She wanted to ax me, she said, ef I railly thought her pa looked'bad." She said she was afeard the doctor was keepin' back some'n ur was behind the times - an' rliadn't - diagnosed the case rights I eased 'er all I could, laughln at her. fears tell she sorter g'ot.in a good humor, an' then in a roundabout way 7fore;she knowedj what "was 'on foot "I led up to jay trip to Atlanta, an' - r . "Heavens,: Truitt, you didn't tell her that?" George cried. - - - t ' Yes; I had to, George,'' said the old man. hia eyes averted.. "Some say she's thlnkln',;' . marrying that man beca'se her sick 4addy wants her to, an I'd never be satisfied ef I let a woman marry &: thing like that believln : he was honorable an brave like hex daddy an' like somebody else L know.--No;-1 would thank anybody to tell a daugh ter o mine seen a thing, an' 1 felt like it was my duty." - j " . Z. George bit his lip and "stifled an ex clamation of Irritation, but he met the old man's look presently rwith a steady stare. - - - - e-:- - v " r "What did she say, Trulttr! he asked finally. - r ' '7"Say? -I Jxardly -.knowi1 said "TTultt "Her-, face got the purtlest color I ever seed, an" while I was talkin she kept sayiii, .'Go on, go on, Mr. Truitt, go onf an' right in the middle o some things Ishe'd Jest laugh out an klver 'er mouth with that white hand o hern, but she kept sayin', 'Go on, go onf an looked like she jest, couldn't waif fer me to git through. : " An' when 1- finally j;ot to wjiar I lifted 'im by one o' his side straps out o' his chair she Jest hollered: No, you didn't railly, Mr: Truitt. Did you do that to the governor o' Georgia? I told 'er ' I , certainly jjdld, an - she laughed &ke she'd bust She followed me clean to the front gate. "Ton may think: she's a purty woman; but 111 bet she never -looked as purty to you as she did then.-- The wind was devilin' her hair; an' j her cheeks looked like ripe peaches. J Seemed like she'd sorter tuck a likln to me, fer once or twice she forgot an put her band : on my arm. Then she said, ."Mr. 4Cruitt,"I believe I kin trust you with' a secret an. I 'want to tell you some'n' " - - , ; vv , "I told' 'er I was a graveyard Itself when it " come to . keepin' . secrets - fer 'women, folks, but shesorter hung fire. Her face got serious, an she wouldn't look me In the eye like, she- had been a-doln'. 1 1 told -'er not to be afeard o me." an she c started : irti.g'ln;-- but Tea, she did," George,' an' -I- got aw fully sorry, fer et She told me her pa had set his heart on ber marryin Tel fare, an that she was afeard, since ber father had heart disease, to run con trary to his wishes. She said she was afeard -the dlsapplntment ud actually Idli.'irn;' !' didn't know what to say. I tried to think of some'n comfortin', but could t an' so i Jest come off an left; 'er-that at' the gate.; The Lord does - a sight o; things -that is beyond our ken, but "why : be makes . women like that un suffer la more'n I kin ac count fer.:' X reckon he knows his busi ness, but it conflicts with my notions Ilka rips..: Ef I was at the bead o this whirlin.'j'nni verse Td : not let men" like Telfare; lord-.lt over better: folks; but the Almighty made the skunk,- an, the feller may,.b so perfect ln-hls way, -that ; he's actually pleasin to an. om nipotent eye. . The truth" ia,; Telfare may be lBtuck up thar to 1'arn "us con tentment- I know I'd rather be a corn-; fleld nigger an' spilt rails in the brtlln' sun .'sn v to;be,'tbe sort of a governor that man is an know it like he knows it pJr:A'"ry . -.Without another wordTTrultt turned snd .left "the "pfflcev. George" sat a mo ment as if dazed by a sudden fealiza jUon. that had 'come toliim from;tha old soldier's recitaJL . He was' recalling Lydia's appearance and manner as she came Into the parlor that evening with the flower In- herlaBA'ijVHij, i ; : "God bless-herj ha aald "reverently. "She was-right then, trying to-,ahow her contempt ; f or - Telf are's . conduct and I ; was brute enough-- to- misjudge ir here lately. Thar's Laxryer Trabia. They -Bay he's awfully sklo Georce Buckley, I may look light hearted, but I've got a Bight to trouble me. I worry about Mr Hillyer mighty nigh con-stant?;--' ' " "I suppose you do," answered Back, ley, meeting her glance; sympathetically.- -''J'; ,-":;. .;itw;-. . i "I worry about him beca'ao be' hain't open, with, me," she .went xu. TTou know thar's one matter that we never mention betwixt us, an! I Jeat have to gueaa t bow he feels in his different moods. Now,-I'm bothered over the way he's' actln about Trabue'a sickr -ness. Why should he git excited over that? But.be la. When we lost beard It he. dliu't seejn to pay no more at tentipn to it than if the report had been about any other citixen,' bat all at once, while he.was readln the' Advo cate at the lamp, be put -the paper , down 'quick an got up an, went out side. I went to the door an' .heard im kxln', Jako how Trabue was, an when Jake come ous, nUst night he hardly alept at alL-COayou-know of any important dealings; .he's. - had with -Trabue, Oeorgsr.-a'Cr t!-V- ":.' !.--y "No,' I -do'sotrltrs. Hillyer." George replied, . "I can't understand It" - : v -"I sorter thought st fust 'that it was beca'se, him an' -Trabue is about the same age., an! it . sorter, made- Im re flect oq the end we all have to cone to. Ton know, George,' Air. HUlyac's great trouble has made. Im 'more afeard to die than moat men men o that sort seem to dread the end,- like they think i of I 3 v..-f."f-'l stopped. r No-: says ' she; I - believe J won't tell y'ou -after all. ..Men are the 'very dickens to tell tales.' Then 1 re minded 'er" that I was a. .old Confeder ate soldier n' that .women an , the'r private matters" was sacred to men that had fit for the south an' its honor, an! that sorter fetched -'er. IWell,'-aays immt fn-lt klnila Of BolldlaS aaboiiea. Arutla kUatlea and XUaa. Areaw. i tMtarti OesUraa Saoaalttad HOTELS. F U JLN KLIS TON, HOTEL FBAjnrjjjrrojr, ir. o. ,7l: . !-: Il wJ.iWOTifcYifP,,' ..,... -(load aaosaxrdaUon for tha traveling alia. . .,v i-:f-:, .--Wood Umt Attached t:?Sl MASSENBURG HOTEL. P BXcuiafenbTirc Propr mniDinisoii.iT.0. 9o4 asssamadatioAs. Good farst To IHE "next day Truitt slouched In- An thft' wnrehouse. finding UUi- yer and George at their desks working; over - some Dins -.oi lading of a big shipment of cotton they; were making to eastern mills.' ' - -Whar on earth have, you been?" Hillyer asked . eagerly.- ,"I sent out home fer you an' none o yore folks knowed a thing aboutyou.The truth. Is, I got worried, ; I told George I wa afeard rou'd gone to ' -'' , - "Thaf s whar I went," ; said .Truitt, his glane on George's expectant face, aV the Lord -went with me." V i; b0' mlliated' that skunK an', as fer as I'm concerned, I'm wlllin to drap the mat ter." Ef:I was ' the man most inter ested I'd be satisfied." What did you do, Truittr . George She, 'you do look4Ike a man a woman eould -trust 'an ef;yonll give me ydur word that IhisVwOn't go, no fnrder. FU tell you.'-, 'C'--- ' - ? "IU dp ltr,Bays " r. ' v ' '"Wllyoo swear ltT' saysshe.,'4 . Not only thatT says I butTl! cross tny heart y, vJ4 '''X''. t S.5TeU7 says she, thaf s all a ,wom ancould ax,-anf-rm" sorry..,lhaye to be T so- particular, ' but I'd -rather " die than have a? single': soul know-what I'm goin , to tell yotu-vl. 'want to tell you to snow now jnncn - i-apprecune what you-id;on, that Atlanta trip. Then, she swallowed once or twice, an'. lookin' me fai;the eye an p'intin' across the yard, she said: Ur. Truitt I was settin:-to thatlsummer . house t'other nightman', heard Governor Telfare in sult George iBuckley, ani I'm " glad glad-ri-glad-you done v what 'you done. As Governor .Telfare was'vVlsititt- my house an'; as father's health is so bad I couldn't do.more, but I tried my best that night to show preference , to .Mr "Bnckley;bttt he misunderstood mean went off mad,'!-."- ' -y !She said that?" George exclaimed, bis face aglow, his eyes flashing.-"And did she. say anything else?".- -C CttAPTER . XXV. THINK the Lord had a hand ' to puttin me - next door to ; Mrs.; Dugan,' . said Mrs. HD1 ' yer. to George that evening after .'supper.Vi "When my sperjis sink way down to sero I go oul in the yard an; give .'er a chance to come over an talk.' No; I never go over thar AH Igot to do Is to let 'er see me, an she's on me like it duck on a -Jane bug" She'll talk yore head ' off; .but" shell help you out of a tight "whenever, you give er the wink.:?,lle:"an'i her ; together worked Hortense 'as fine As split silk t'other day.'.you know Jim -Kenners "Jest About crazy- to -pay his attentions," an she holds off an- won't let .'Im set to! I made-up- my "mind six months ' ago that I'd make a match out c that ana' teriaL: but "beyond gittin' Jim to foller me; all ver creation' an! her to'f airly lap up" all I liad to say about tov that was as .nigh as I. come to doin: busi ness, i; It punled me right Sharp, fer' I knowed the "gal-had marry on her mind,, an' 1 knowed Jim Kenner was" jest the thing fer er Finally Tdrapped on to the dlfllculty. -You know, steady gal like, Hortense Snowden sometimes has a regular borror'of a "goody goody fel ler, an I seed she thought he'd jest es caped bein a'Tpreacher' by-' -hair's breadth an was' not gdln with gals be cause he was afeard of 'em; "I lei Mrs. Dugan to on my';racket, an 1-ToWed she'd hsve a fit, - she -was . so tickled. She got her sewln an' come over, an we tnck chairs rilghTIctenae, an Mrs. Dugan :begun.. - You'd ,'a, thought ahe was on ; the courthouse stand sweaztn in a murder case, she: was so serious. She led up to it . as gradual as a man: drivto a school o fish upstream Into a net"" I think, she giveeverlwdy via Darley a slap or a dab to pasaln. FK nally , she. said Jt : was - the men - that laid low v an- that everbody . thought was" so steady that was the regular devils .on" the sly. vNow," thar's that long,; slim shanked Kenner said she, flappin' out " the sheet she ' was hem-, mto. ; .'Folks; thinks he's so innocent; but,-la xne, e's the terriblest' flirt to seven states. ; He buys cotton all over the country an has a gal to every town, he. bltim'; X y; ITon Are off thar said L -1 know bertern that ; He's one man that don't care fer women,':v5;"-;;.?,':.X;; '4'.- -i ' -f Tell that to . the. maroons,-. MrslW gaa sneered. Then she reeled off A tale she said Bob Hanks' wife told er about a bet Jim "Kenner . an' a whole passle o fellers had made, that they was goto' to kiss a certain gal whether or "no. She said the gal .was kinder aaft, any Wayr an' they all got a whack at her; but that when Jinx Kenner got through with er she had the backache an' said he was the wust she'd sver seed. -: ! was a-watchto' Hortense out 0 the cor ner o- my eye. .2 She got fust whlta an then red,' but-sbe kept -'er rears open. I ; don't know, all Mrs. ' Dugan didn't say; but the beat 4hlng-was when .she- said ; no ' ordinary woman could make any impression on a man o that stamp. I seed Hortense sorter bits ,'er lip an straighten up like" she? was tnakin' a resolutioril And after Mrs.' Dugan had "gone home she set around, like she was cut o JHnt all at 'once,;; Ton know a woman will: kinder count-on a man's "regard an' f eed !n ; It an jest drift rwithbut lookln -ahead. -EX ahe shore o.ids admiration she'd a heap o times ruther have 'im at arm's length than to be cookin an, scrubbto: fer 'Im ur his bratsi'2 That's whar HortenBe .was at She's knowed "a few married men an had noticed how plumb crazy, they -was 'about the'r wives after the honeymoon was over But nothin ain't smooth in this world, an' why should married life be an exception? An- then- Hortense hates to be called a : old "maid. .Well, io cut my tale off, Hortense Jeat come out- flat that evenln' 1 an said, 'When you see Mr. Kenner you may tell 'im lie kin,, come. -- An' - while . you vwas Out home last Thursday night they had the parlor to the'rselves. Me anf Mr, Hill yer set on the front veranda. . Jim Ken-" ner haln't.-no slouch." He - kept !cr Jaughin. all revenin' ; at" his -talesr an, when she come out after he'd gone she said he. was the. most; agreeable man she'd ever met Not a word's been said about' marryin betwixt 'em, but ' Til jtalk to 'er about er things Inside of a week, now; see ef I don't" 'Seems like lots o.D.arley folks Is under the weath- ";r:v'' SYNOPSIS. " The following ia s trac pais Chipters heretofore ru"bUiiLc4 ' CHAITEIiS 1, 2 aivl 3 Oecrge Buckler is Ue jorvge of Mr.HillTer a rich Georgia merchaut His fd.er is sent to prison for theft George u attentits to Lvdis Cnrustoa, dancb ter of a proud Virginian. Tha h.tae of his father's crime makes him des perate. '-4 Iinijer -coufcWs ti Georgo the raurJer of a fricraJ thirtj years before, the story 070. To atone for the deed . he took Georgs out of his degraded home tp tnaks a useful man of him as a ubsritute to society for. hia dead. fmnj. 5 HaijkA, Arote hroker, and Kenner, a ootton huyer, have desks ia Hiljer's warehouae, Barco a Truiu, a Con. fedtrate veteran a chircrkm of George. IIMrer raTcsts hAQvia i told lm be waan't no better he j wheat on. the advioe of Georgs, t e back.ln tbe bouae pale an' nerv-1 Mrs. HUyer praises Georges noble a " I i cr nlilt ak VM k Im. .T . a. - . a. V - - WT-a at . I cnaxacier. nuyex in tear 1 Leirtff orougnr u -uiai lor. bi old crime. 7snd 8 Lydi . comes frora IUch mend s best Asocial ?set" ' Governor Tellare of Georgia, middle" agtd widower. - is - preaainff . Zus attentions upon ber with the" - approval tf ber tamiiy.-. . and 1U (ieorcs" cham. i pions the cause of young Bob Hanks, who is : ambitious to rise. - Hillyer loans uie Dor capital to start ta bui- ness. ; 11 Lydi Jails the fears of some special pouuhment is to store fer P." George by; Aayiap em.As fer as . I'm concerned, 1 don't 1 1045 oeusvee a uingnter- arwnUd believe Mr. lEllyer U be punished at 1 fePc4 & family pride wbea choos ing a nusDmrw...; I'r-iiUlyer seUs ja wheat at A great profit And gfres U to George- - lS-Th governor tisifs the - Cranstcma.! George' fears his powsrful rirah'JLydU locepts his at tentions , and. presents. 1 4 Lydia Eye a visit to George's mother ard es her warmly at parting. - "This brings a revival of hope to the lorer. 15 and 16 Mrs. Cranston appeals to LydU's friend. Kitty 'Cosby, to rjing'.the fjxri to her sen at 1 uboot George, . Kitty tells Lydia that ; the governor will be "a good catch, , but, after hearing of some George! rir tures, fears tor the safty of ber i own heart. 17 and 18. George troteda Jefif Truitt, son of bis friend"Basoom, from the vengeance 'of a mob. . Lydia and Kitty bear the story rceoanted in the presence of the herov. .19. Lydia adnrea George, but may marry me governor ous or rejrtra tcr father, who ia ror health. and 2L Governor Telfare offers pardon George's father if be will ctve . V mm a a a op iyou. x ne oner a uouj tptinxcae - f 9S - e 0- ( old velvet : : purq - old . velvety. the best for the price. " soldjj - everywhere. call for it at CJ ... ' - - . . - . . .... -.. - - louisDurg ; , dispen louUburtTr n. c. rye" I cV: ary,: alL- .Hs's saffered ten" times too much already!a.i -jjX-v: --vi:;.i " -Later V that evening Hlllyerr took George totp. his confidence as they were smoking on the lawn together. " -. : -. ."George, I'm to-a sight e trouble,", he aaldT; "And iff the old thing.t.Toa remember -I told you Trsbtie.was pay to'iHraHambrlgbt a pension through mer f:.:':.; Vj'. ;,"Yes, i remember that George said. !Well,Trabue U. might low, and If he was to die, Georgcv a explanaUon would have to be made. ; She'd hsve to be told that bej allowance wasn't com ing from the government an' maybe she'd - upbraldV.-me van - Impoverish erself - to" pay sll ;of It; bacsCtVOa, George5' I'm : awf ullyj mlserablet . I went to talk to Trabue to private, but the " doctor , won't let a soul see la.' George,' he " saldCundee:. his breath, . V MrsHsmbrlgbt. wss to throw .up my crime to me- st this late day bowed as she-is' with age and as nigh as she h to Ged-Id jaever git over it, I-tell Jrou-f-neverr And. throwing" bis half smoked dgar away, Hillyer strode off to the darkness.'- . -' .'-:'-:rC - A little later, as George stood near Thla'Poople1'.:. r:'-; " t ' - Lot ia cdvino ycu to tGko Vlnol. Zho reason It la, the boat otreristh end Tlcth -.crriator-io -becmaaa it cictuallT'. contains , n all thq nediciilal olereats taica trcn " c geiiiilno f jroah Coda1 Livers t without oil"- i .r greaao. ";: Those-bosbinbd. with crgaaio - t 1: iron: and other body building insredlenta create the greatest rieah, atreastii and:' ! tiasue. piiiiaer, rnoiri to nedicine. Try ; . it cnour giiarcntee. Tlospectfully, , ; ."",' v r r -. - '-" '-. J ' - -1 : ;":; H. lL- EOEBITT k CO , DrsUU. : HC:'On:.Excrj Tongue.! ; 'y; , . ataatackv'a mf laoaaaa ad Uat; lU wtiS't StSJt taoai aaA tiavt. lkrtLUr,' tC - . Utat kaa rlMinJ tW ae-rVt. ..-,., ' .. . , - 3 li Sold at Veuts burs Olssensary. aarry '--"' r- '.-.-: "'- . ' -.. - - - . ' - . v - -'- SO. 2J " ,.; . -.,.1.' - - . , . .-' f - en to .v.J2J - ' - - - . . , - . the gateX Jim Kenner came up dressed I Lydu snubs the governor In favor of to his best .shir; flower to his bnttoo-1 George, bat the exehed loved raiMOn. hole. "I reckon jon think I'm. A purty I strues the set and abruptly leave htr 7 - V . . V . ; T. in teirtv.sz. ana v i3. Uasoorn Ufa tisa eM -arlH as e)AAtat lanarK I - . - J r:'. .. trrr" Truitt twiga the- governor a .. ear - to -ZZZZhZZ 1-eurht tell lloctenae - something . shout your dark peat'- George laughed." " "'ST': - v x "I wish you would blacken my record a little, returned Kenner. '""The truth is, Mrs. Hillyer says Hortense doesn't exactly take to . the goody ' goody, preachy aort 'o'-rchsp,-anf to hear me spout you'd think I was a sight wussa X railly ami ObI've been a few gaits In my time, but I hsirft'Udl "It's a God's fact, though, that a heap o worn-. For a Weak jygettlon.- ' -li'. '-..' 1 , r . i ' J no vuadt1ss eaa raelaaa food - bat Chambarlaia'a 8toaacA sad Llttr Tib- aUvUl belo you to dlsvat to, food It is aot the quality of food Ukaa tsat I i gives ttresgta asd tlor to the sy atria bst the bob at digrstad a ad aaalstllatad It troubled vita a wask dlraaUoa, dos fail to aia t ferae Tabtata a trial. Tsee aaads have baas beeaflUad by their ae Tsar oair eoat a - quarter. For sale tt all droggiata, , - f -. 1". ' -.v . " . - - tra wberries are berinalnz to ripen I ra eastern JNorth Xaro in and ship- meat arni.begia m a lew dAya, -j K2. -f a D E L A Y oar wJ A R B :S S If - ' " U , - - Vi . . ; - , , M ' ' . . . """ .( S3- . mem ; There are few diaraaas (1st tsfilat nore rortare tsaa rbromavUa ssd there 11 probably do dlaaaae for Skh ' suah " s : srkd sad cs'Uas lot t rrcadls have tes eoageattd Tomv that It eaa . be aered la, tbarafora,-a bold at atraaeat to 1 Kka, but ChaeigarUIa PaiA Balas, Vi bleb as Joys a -iteaate sale. -Oea acplicMioa of Pals Baita vill rellata the pats, a ad bs aartda of asfferara bara tas- tlflad lo penBAMBt cares by ' Ira oaa Why aoler bes Pals Bain afford eoth qtjtek relief asd eoau bet a trlfl? : fof sale by an oraggUU.- - w .v. .- ' 8fp that r0j;k and celd, tow wltu la JU Jt ; . faDey.ProcTAStinaiUa will.esu-! teta'a-.-.' '--- wesksnlnf of vital force and eonseooeat f cio- 1 C- ctai loss. A ward lo the wise ahoaU be enf Bclent. 8oppTrjosrsf with a medua . atd 1 '"7.,-'approred remedy. ; "( ; . ! o '. 4 o R. BOBB1TT 5c CO.t TJT TO DATZ rTIlSJLa CISTS, .::;WTJISBTOO,'1'; k6btH ; . CABOLrrrA y X.,;arry a large and wsll slaVs4 itock ef prspa- , raUonf, at wall as ooatloelnc tktlr- critical : Itedsrvbtp ta, Drntrt, CbsmicAX Brsgfiit - X Bondrlea. U intra) WaUra, Fcs Cl4ari,Tcfcsc-: .eo. Ae. vWa cat sol eesotrxU tbe tsttsal ad " ; TsslAgs ta be f sited by a eoeUeoar.ee of eorj, ' '. present fleaabt boat sees relaUans.- As here , . - V tofora PrtscripUeta ae oar tpeelally.-Va bate ... the Rarest aid beet Drop tad the best ejalpped,, ' t men ta fill tbeo self recfsUred tkharmacutf employed b j oa ,.-';. ;.r.C' -' V. - as When a cm his a nrettr- ankle it la a'sign that everybody ta the street 1 wui get a chance to see it, - . liiJHyHiJnsuoiisiinsHiUiikiiiiUiiSiHinn . - j... - -. . ......... , , .... ,r SE Ey 7M E) a. BE F O RE 1: ."Forget'About Your Stomach. -- If your digeBtion is bad the vital or gan" of tour-body are not nonrUhed as they aboold b Thev grow weak and ir. ita diM&M. Kodol Dv80eo8ia Core 'di gests What-.yoa: ea ..snres Indigestion mnA all Rtnmafih troubles. .This is te ma it : Nta it rest eea Derates and e-rad flail - arrows so strong and - healthy that it troubles von bo more.; E. L. Bab- cock. Amherst, Minn., says i '! have I hive taken a great many remedies tor indigestion bot found nothing equal to Loiol Dyspepsia Cure." Kodol oigesU digests what you eat, eures ' indigeetion, dvaneDsissour stomach, beichicg.heart. Knm and alt atom n eh troubles. Its rre A atrength tonlo toat brlaga rich, red bleid. 'Makes you stroBg, healthy and aetive. That's what Holiistar's Roeky Mountain Tea will do. - 83 cents. Tea or TabletA . R. A. Bobbitt & Co. . . . -"JTot a vvrd't bftra aotd obovt motTyta ea ad rather hare doubts about a man au'to .know positive 'that he a angd la pants.:; Hortenae is that away," an' .what rm workln-on her' rigbf" now rjlght be called the boIdan' phra."' -r j The -hold-inr plan?.. George echoed wonderingly. ';;' -. "-. .. -.' ' ' I "Tea, the bold-in'v answeredl Kee ner. "'Tou see, ef . I was to'tell ber right out-thai my past record was ss black as a stack: of black-cats she'd not believe it, butjwbea' she comes right at me an' jiccnses me o all manner o devilment I simply bold In or change the aubJect.!A man caynt never make a woman believe he's bad by tellln' ber he Is, anv more'n be kin make "er 'be lieve he's good by; the same process. The 'hold-Ia'c racket fills the bni exact ly. . "A woman la seen a mystery herself that she lltea what" she don't under stand. . Tli a r, I toe Hortenae-on the veranda! : George, she's a daisy,' f I do' say It- She's Jest the woman I've always wanted. I. Jokers lets, but that's the truth, my boy. , v '. ; . . . --- .. -.-(. ; -J ? V ' (TO BB COXTIKCEI).) ' r A Tried and Trae rnead. , Oee M laata Conga Cora aoatalaa ' aot as slots J as? barrnf at drag, sad it kaa b,8 eating -coogba, eoM. aroep see wboopieg eoogb ao lomg tbat It has fto aa ltaelf to be e triad aad . troa f rWtd t tbe taaay who ca it. airs. Gartrade H Feaaer. Mtrloa.lBd.. aara. aosgblag ssd ' atratatog so weakened ma Uat I ras down la waUhtfrom 13 to SJ'poaad After trvlae a sac&ber of Teeirdle-a to A avail, Ose kilncUCoajb Care astiral eaa." - Sold by Areoeks Dreg Co. . ? CD) ,IIYGE1A The. Best 5-cent cfjrar rm'jearth: for sale atAycocke Dmg Co'fl. ' '; - ' . . . " y , If men naved to keep out of ; debt the wat-they have to to get out, this would be a world of millionaires. A woman seems to tVmlc that- if she sooUs a man for coming tome late it would make him glad ha came A wonderful trrfcg todio, Drirea ont ! all winter imparities, gWes yoa etreosrth. health sod happiaesa. - Teat wtat IIoI- Ustar's Uoky 1-oncUla Tes will do. 5 - Feel tireJ, to appetite, cannot sVep. workoret? TLit'a rprto? tireic- and will ct; -"7Pr at once If yoa t Holli-t;r'a Il ekv MonnialD Tea ill tao'-.b. n c -.u,Te cr Tttl.u. U FIFTY GENTS IN somcccntiitionj tKe v - ' gia from the wt of Scott's " ExnuUIon b very rapid.- For u rtzson we ptit : up - a : JTifty-ctnt tire, which b ; enough for an ordLury CcouK or cold cr tuciul u a trbl for biblej ,;r and children. In oLSer; ;r cortditionj the aln b slower health cannot :. be bu;H tp in a day. In such tzsts Sec iff istbifcitn tmuljion mu ti r.ouri:hjr.;r.! a foci rsLherLHin a mtdldr.c Ifs'a fooi for Urcd end p'-'ti r Wii V tit . - - Caiita X. esJ f i.ao. All 4r.UU t - . -.",. "" ' ' -- t . : ;w. "; '. - - . - .. . . . - , - . . . .. - . ,j . - your Ganev 1 am ageet fer blgb grade TcLacco and CctUa Geasa. ; WM raake x'oee prleet by Ibe tar er ton- - ct t A rxrr?. ' : ': If yoa are tbleklogof rWf l roen I cxa riTe jt meaey, as I am agent for tie tett kpaee la tbe wtt!-l. See try CX page eauiotfe hefors yea boy. . I''- " , '" - - fiae oy Ileef Maa'e f Ulclly Wide to Order Falls Vefrre t 3y!t. I eao aod wltleteya eaocey." 1 am arett er the Kaln Tallrritf Co , of redisnstUe, Hd., aad tbe KlaTallvHec Co., ef JTew Ttia Clly. Kite riraUe4' ... . . ' . Gel yenr seed Irlih toiata ssd gtrJes scede ti all XIads tere. y . Very rtiptelfolly, , JKO. V. n i afisiic" Job D n" lit 10" TiriES PRiMTir:3 notir T. C;'U7 ;r'Vls r;:U