m. A. THOMAS, Editor 12J Prcjrlstar. , 1 I'H'H OOUJsJ'JL', ' l 1 1 ' M STA'-;: VOL XXXV. :.jte LOUISBUEG,- N. -C, FRIDAY, UUIL 23. 1905. -T.:i; 1112 ftttiir, j li It:::::. CHUROIi : DIRECTORY . sm r M1THODIST. -j - 2i, - Sands School at 9:30 A. ML ' i 3t Geo. 8. Bajmb, flopt ' Preaching t 11 A at,-and 7 80 P. M. .ry Sundays j - - -Prayer meeting Wednesday night L. "8, M.A8SXT. Pastor,; BAPTIST - . dandy School at 9:30 A. If. T THoe. B. WiLDiK. Bnpi Preaching at 11 A.ilBud 7:30 P.M., ,try Sunday. ' ', Prefer meeting Thursday night. : H. Mashbobbb, Pastor. ' riuuday School at 8:30. ' 1 , ' - W. H. Ruma. 8o.pt. 9rvtoe morning; endj night -ort tt, 8rd eed 4thj $anoys. f , A? Kning Prayer, Friday afternoon Kay. JohbLohdob, Hector. r P&BSBTTIBIA9. . - r ' " iWTio 4th Bandar la-each month .uorolog aad night. - , - - j -' - - PaBtor.V LODQia. - '. - rniihnw Lndirai No. 412. AT" ?. & . L. bmM- 1st : aad JSrd ' Tuesday oight in each month. , The Substitute bd'wiixik. harbeiv::; ; Author of ""AiDci fiaalel :"Tbe Laafof" - . the Chuolsg Sun." "Tha North - - r Walk Musteri)." Etc : - -4 I'rottewttonai' arcU )K. FREDEllICK;K-0OK. PHYaiClAN AND 8UKQEON, v Loalsbarg, K.r C -- -,. ith Dr. K. H. Fleming, f Hoar . u li m.. i p. in. Ut ir tf iiKlu.uxutv 10 1) tt. AKT11UK E. FLliMlNa, y OBNTIST. , ' LOCL3BURO. -'W.-C.Z 1) H. J. B. MALOJ.'K, tiACTICINO PHTSIC1A.S AJJD BUHOBOH, LOUIXBUB. ItO . , r Aj-.)ie frag uotnpany. t I)' .)... MANN, i l-H Y.-UCIA.V aud SUttOEON; ; LOOIMBUttQ. . O. ' ' . r H.:n ,(.ir AjccHiku Drag Co."drngtore Da. n. p. burt, . y z i KATTICINa PHY3ICIAH 8UEOBOS. Louisburg, N. C. . . the rear of K. ..A.T Bobbitt. ..tt Co.' lruK rttorw, oa Hash strert, ,-; 7-" .r, - ; - - Mrs. S-an8ton.r i!AImost too Independ ent to be a favorite with men, but wom en .adore her. .; She's very;- exacting . wa nts men to be more" perfect "than' they 'are. - J really, think she admires George Buckley, and - she 'won't -help me with Lydia a bit." "T lx , ( When . Kitty returned? to Lydia' she found her In. bed," the gag burning low. Der face to the wall. 1 Kitty disrobed uolselessly and got into bed,.' She lay tnr , for aTn'omenl; then he"s84ahrad- ueniy: 3r-c,, . s ' Lookhere,- are lyou- well, 1L declare, you are crying r ""..-J"' 7 -There was Tno response. - Kitty -was qulei; for several minutes, then she roae.J "In the excitement of It aH," she. aaldpj'l forgot to say , my prayers. I'd better get it done. a-Tbose two wxm-sn-fell into my trap with a dull, thud Just aio-pfc ;ril tell you about it in the morning."- ; .'. v. , - , l Lydia still made no. sound nor move ment to Indicate; that she wa awake, but Kitty knew she was.' sKitty; knelt at tbebedslde for several minutes; then she rose, with' a sigh,: and; got back under-the"covers.' "If it will do you any good,'5 she, said, T11 tell 70U 'I've been praying about this thing. I don't believe God pays the least attention to people Svho pray about wet weather In dry season or . dry weather in wet, but somehow I,belleYehe- listens when you call his attention to "-jreal 1 downright heart suffering. -I told him X was at. the end of my rope and that he ought to.try-to helpoa and George out of the mess you are In. - You are both, too good and sweet and noble to"- .There was a sudden :catch In Kitty's voice, and a'sob struggled into her throat and shook her from head to foot. :,I?owf -what's the matter with you? Lydia suddenly t exclaimed, and she turned over and put her arms about .her friend.-"Don't, don't, Kitty?'. Then they cried silently together until they tell asleep, 's - , ' i) a. a. r. TAJtBoaocou. . - PHTSICIAJ! AUD SGKQBOK. Mant dkiia &nawar4 from T. W. Itlekett'a L. II. ALLBED. . A.TToiltBT-AT-1. AW, win praeUeeln aU tne Coart. Offiea in 15. H. M A BHglf BTJRO, ATTOKBTT AT LA.W Vnnom. . w : wiu prteUM In all U Ckmrts of UM8tata Offloe n Coort Horns. W il. W. BODDIE, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W,' IxoisBuse, N. C. - o in re over Boddle, Bobbitt & Co.'s drag vv m. IlAYWOOI BCFFIN ATTOINIT AI-CAW," f win prsUoslnsntaOoartstor FrsnkUn uil adjoining ooonUas, also la tk DapMiM jinn, ana in in uwtso vm" uaiM lo uoopsr and Clifton Bs IMlng. (JHOS. B. WILD UK, ATTOBJUn-AI-LAW, om am wLor. iMnam,i.fi Main itrMt, rwr Jonsssi Ooopeca 8. SPllULLL. ATTOBJfBT-At-LAW. ? ' win attend the eovta of Franklin, Taaee SraoTiiie. warren rod Wake eonnuea, aiso uie pre oae Coort of Kortn Carolina, rroapt attanUoa given to eoUeeUonav -uaee over KgaMon's more. J -1 CJ. -.. .. - a iiMeaW . .1.. i i ry W.BIOUTTff - i - .Ai A w - ATTOBJUT AMD 00OK8MX0B AT tAWi rroaapt and painstaking attention given to rmrj muUer tatmstad to his aands - j Be era f Cnlef JnsUes Shepherd, Hon.. Jonn aUaning, Hon. Boot. W. Winston, Hon. i. C. utoa, Fres. First National Bank 1 Wln esoo, Olaata k lUniy.Wjnston, Peoples Bank stf Monroe, Com. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For sm OoiM-e, lion. it. W. Xlmberlake. v utttss ovwr J Gov's mors, r V-V w. AMIOVMa.aL - ,'v. , Pnettesn in aH sofrts. ? Oatoe on' - CHAPTER XXVni. - I HE next .morning, . after- his re turn from Atlanta, George met Bascom .Trultt at ; the - ware 'house. " - - "Brought yore ' mother in with toe," he said. "I left rer up at the postofdce readin' letter. - She'll be down direct ly. . I missed' you at the reunion, "but I heard you was on hand. Lord, I missed the sidewalk, they tell me! -1 met some old friends, thatkept.merfull to the neck through jtbe' whole business... X couldn't' toot my bugle. , ' Thatf s one way to celebrate, George said, with a smile, asTruitt was turn ing away. . . - -. ' A few minutes ; later Mrs: Buckley came into the office. She wore a check ed gingham sunbonnet: and it ' was pulled well dowtt over - her" face.; In . her iiand nhe held a letter. --By" her silence and : agitated manner George knew she ' had ' received unpleasant news.. He placed a. chair for; her near his ..desk and resumed bis - own seat, wondering -what could have happened, v -"You have a. letter from father,? he said tentatively,.." - "Not from him, George, but if a from up tharVi- If s from the prison doctor." She was silent-. a moment, then ahe continuedrAYore pa's bad off,- George. The doctor thinks he's had a serious attack.--It's that old hurt place irf his head that he got when be fell off the wagon fff teen jear. ago, -The" doctor cayn't tell how IVU come out,' bnt.be says I'd better i be up thar. "Yore pa keeps axu fer- ene. X cayn't v refuse inv George The 'speaker' suddenly paused and applied her handkerchief to her eyes.; V S7 . .;-? "l'rf:' ' "Well, you can go, 'at course,' said George 7 ,"Ohj kin -I?"" she exclaimed.. ; "I was af eard you wouldn't want me to-:: I'd rather gor. George -1 sorter hardened tuy.lieart agin 1m when he was stout ' an "Well.but now he's suff erin'r I want to be"with,im.".:' She broke dowa and began to cry again. -.- - . t ;"There Isnothing on earth to binder you,'; said her r son, who . was .deeply touchedT)y her. emotiou,rand . if you want me to do so, TH go, too, mother, lie's my" father- the only . one : I ever had, and" i"V- .,---- -r - One of us will be enough," said Jklrs. Buckle;" ?But,, George, I've-; been sfudyin since X got this letter.- I never thought of it . before, - but X - never knbwed yora-pa to do a dishonest act till he had that fall an' 'hurt Ms head. I read In the Index f othetday -whar a after you was born." George, ef he gits wen and serves his time out I think me n 5 'im bad, better " move off - somers. whar we don't conflict with- yore inter ests. 3:1 see my duty clearer now. ; I'll stiek to'lm fer: "better or worsens long as me or 'Jm Utes." - . - George Buckley' head sank for an instantvthen he lookedTup and gaxed at her tenderly. ' " - - - - .rThere Js'nothlng.mother, that can keep me from being withTyou and hlnv When bis time is outwe'X all live together-- I've made up my mind on that point." :.He's- a convict, - and Lrwant Uitng different, but he's my father and you are my mothert and that settles It" The" old .woman': started away She had reached the door, but turned back and stood : near -him.; VQeorge,. 'she said huskily, "you are a good boy, and" then she slowly-walked twtj,?:.1?'' : ' She came in about the middle of the afternQOu-readyfor her" train, and as, he was walking : with her tot the sta tion she surprised -him with a confes sion.' ' -if - - s . --"X don't think I ort to keep back -a jthlng- from you, George," she saidr "an J Jhrnoinjta tell you somen4 did that Idon'f fsl rieht fthntrr : . What was that,-motherr" Li - "Georget'she? looked up hesitating ly, as :lfidreading his displeasure "I seed Lydia Cranston ag'in. ;: Jest a day or-two before she accepted the govenn or s invite o Atlanta she drlv out home In ; her buggy ' an' come in to see ' me. She didn't ax me- not td tell you, but X'm sure -she wouldn't twant yotf - to know.' "She told me all about her tron ile, cryinMike 'er heart ud break."' Her pa was in a critical condition an' want ed er to go, an' 'er ma .was dirudong- m' at 'er;nignt anday. -.-sue didn't say tight out that she loved you, but her" actions - said it, an she knowed I understood She; don't like that man a- btu but her;.pa; wants jer to marry 'im, an' she's afeard It-will kill im ef she ref uses George,she axed me right outt-what X .thbughtihe ort to do, an' to save my life I didn't know I couldn't telL She told me she loved me. Geonre. thar her own. mother neverd been good ;to 'er an' never Understood er an' that she'd come to me fer advice." I bugged her up In my arms, an' ahe sobbed like ALbaby, but-we 'never-got "no nlgher solving the riddle. . When she .-went down toi the : big . party the governor give er,? I thought maybe she'd decid ed to marry to suit er folks, ; :She hai". Buckley. said, swallowing his emotion.-VBut let s not talk about it That's all over, mother. She and I Uve"ln- absolutely different worlds.; ' No, "yori don't, nuther," said Mrs. Buckley. She's Jest a good, .natural, lovln woman- thatJ wantsvto ' do, her duty according- to her lighted but thar is a sight agin you both, an thar'a ho grtln round it. -. A heap o people blame No; I didn't fetch it He told me to inquire.- I never did like the notion o them : combination ' locks, as f ers I'm concerned,-.said the man. 'Too many folks-has got the password into 'em. Now, a good atout key that shoves a steel bolt into a good, strong socket Is hard to Tseatr-i "?;"- "-f -.v1 sTm-.UM onlyjone about" here that knows, this combination,", Buckley ex plained politely. VWe change it quite often too. Even "Mr.- XlUlyer. doesn't keep up with It unless I'm .going away. 7 un, weii, 1 recicon jli-wui oe sare nough; an' ril ten the squire about tt when I.go back.".- r:-- '5; jv.-w'x The .man -turned out of the . ware- house.-crossed the. railway tracks and waikea on tin .he was in the woods on the edge of the" village. -Here he was met-by -two other ;men;;who -glancing about fnrtivelXtCama out Into the open to'ineet htmS'Cicj;:" George had considerable work to do that night in the offlcec -The safe was already, closed and . the front and rear doom of the building were locked and .barred.? Countrymen, often came about the . warehouse v earry In f the eveningr "and, as he wished to be undisturbed, he jclosed-. the -4oor- to ; keep them.- from knowing he wan there! ' He also closed the heavy wooden shutters of the front windows that , the light -of his." lamp might notshow through to the street. He worked on unconscious of the paa sage of time from 8 o'clock until uear midight.":?Suddenlyj. he,f detected.' a aonnd like the crunching of a grain of wheat .under foot, "and, looking round, he saw three- men standibg behind him with leveled revolvers. ; ;What does this .mean f.' he asked, bisea fixed on the rigid face of the mas; whom he recognized as his vial tor of that afternoons Ia this a trapr "Thaf s about .tbe size of lt,;yonng man,.waBrthe cool'.Teply. s i?ow, you keep yore seat on that stool an' don't bat yore; eye. The "fool on "my ; left's got a un that" powerful eary on trigger,- an it's all he kin do to keep his finger up.Cpont shoot .Mm, BOL. tUI Ire glve?hn a chanced-. .-v' : .; What li It you want l", George asked, He was: not frightened, ' but the situa. Gon certainly was a; grave one, -and he felt that he had Uttle, if any, chanc -for his' rdfft-;: "--."'Si-:.We Are mountain boosters, said the leader of the men, fbut we halnt fools by a kmg ahot : We know our business as. wen as you know yore'n, an thar'a no .need tellln'.TOU ef ..you don't git b move oa yoreeelf an open '.that- safe you'll never open it agTn.? r' - Y ;rf-Thaf s .it thcnr V:rf:;, '5C : Yea, that's it. This la one time when you've got to knuckle ur git the wort of 'L:-.xT$r 7.;v -; George s "glanced. : toward i-the front j ?Yon needn't; be? lookinV fetfa way out, said the mountaineer, '"an you needn't expect the night , watchman to be pacin ; along by here. He's dead drunk. I know, kase X. furnished the liquor an seed it take effect'-; -r" - V .' So yon think; yon can force me Into this-thing. aaid George. v.vT)0'r yon know X'dHather die - right, here than let you rob that safe while it la in my eareTV: -4' ---' " r'. Ohv, come off ;yon aro no fool. Bock- ley. - Open the safe, We are not her to.'paiaver. v At - least . say-- positive whether you wilt or nof , IH Jest 'jdn you. sixty : seconds by , that clock . up thar. -Boys, ef he don't open the safe In one minute from now pull down on -tm an' don't miss fer all you do You'd ruther dlehad iyu. Buckley?; Welt we'll see if that's so of not - He's a chip'; off n the' old block,- boys. ' - Hi daddycouldnt keep his hacrSs oCTn other folks things, an . his life wasnt at stake.' Hell wilt aU right- 7v : - : V. - - - - ... - . . ' --'.- . - VHTr? i --Loo Tore." he aald. X" bare to confess tl.at yocve rattled ' me. I chaDp : tLo lock todar. and the Uif.M-t corublaaUoa have, slipped my cf SYliOPSIS.- The followixig a . a trrnoj-la Cha ptc rs he re to foro ' tvuU is hoi "ir. aiut"uUj;- aiAlTEIlS 1,2 rl S-T.eorg Bockley Is the porue of Ur.IIillrtr a rich ( Jeorpa merchant II a father a sent tonson for theft - Georv ta held up hU hand. I ttEitB to Lydia CrkCrton, Iau-V caliy;.; ."Don't fly ) t of t proM Virgir.un. The lLrae of ha XaUicx'i came ruilea him dea perata. A IliUjer ccr.ler to George the murder of a fmai eirty yeara before tlio - story oj-etia. To atoce for the deei ha trok . Gecrge out of hk Jf prade-1 . home to mis a uaeful man of hka aa a gabetituta to societj for fcJa JeU frieod. S I Lanka, a cote broker, abd Kennrf a cotton buyer, haredtska. In IliDter wiTthoone, Jicorn Truitt, a. Con federate veteran 'U .a chamjoon of George. IlHIver InTeet hftatCyin wheat on the glrio of Gecrpe.- ft iLra. Hilyer priiee 4.Iorg'a noble cbaractar .Uilyer in tui cf being brought to triai fyr Jya oU, cxiire, 7an4 Lydia : come from. Iiich monda bet s aocUl-eet Gotttot Telfare of ; Georgia, ; a mUlI ng-ej widower, it prraaing ' Lit atteaUoc npon her with the approTal tf ber family. 9 , and 10Georga cham pion the caua of yxjang Ilob llioka, Who b' axobitiou to rise. Ilklltsr t , Of the mind." "Ahr enarled tU man. adlresed. "You c u t come that 00 u. Boys, he's tryin" to pain time.;- He-'thlnkswe cayn t in the safe. Sock It to the" r-.-HoM our George still su.i.:ng mecbanicaliy on uae candle.' I can figure out. the combination: d a' few tntnutes if you'll 'tinly'. take those blasted guns off me and stand " back. . - I'm , not made of atone.. How can a man get his mind on a thing like that .while you ar polntlrj revolvers at Mm.: Leave me alone a minute.; I'm with you, but give me a minute to collect myself to think it out. .:; ,,: , . The lender laughed.; Boya, he said, "he's tscared a sight wuaa he loot. That's n.compllmentto us. -Stand ot aide the office. ;iHstay with lai, but ef you hear the slightest noise run in." i;Tbef two men did'as ordered, and George sank into a chair at HUlyets deeHJL1, .drew a blaak sheet of paper to' hrra end dipped a pen. "7 . , - '1 JTXow gir to work." said 'the'leader, approaching sifl lookic: over-his should .deryi; J '-.:?: C 1 i' i :-t-T ; George "gl red - up '.a t hlni. - 4Not un leas yon keep ;away from me,',: Gtt -hack he demanded. aWply. 1U throw it p. w -..-.w-? -:"--.C; ;-i v -Well, yoa needn't be so tetchy, and he, stood leaning against . the trait I l0n capital to ttart in bc- George bad gained his pojjit Under, w- llLydia lull the 'fears of the pretense - of trying to fjeaiith j her parents about George by sayina: comomauou u - una g&inea u&m xor laat ane oeuereg a . daughter - ahoaia .Bomething he had:in Tiew. .t He wa respect her familr pride wbea chooa golnr .writs 1 t-no.to-lUlliet Baa a huahatMt . li-innyer Mllahia book on the desk.' -This La .what he hastily penned and addressed, id 11 CI- . : Tat;.-- yer: " -Thre aalara.Di Taave cTrd wUH revolvers to tores roe to open sale. They think 1 nm ne etudftng out oora- btnatlon. Kscsps ImpoeattbleA i knew yoa wheat at a great jroEt tad'-gtte h to George. -13 The eoTtrocr viaSil the ; CTfjoatoiiai"' Georre fears-, hk old- velvet ye , piur() - old.-Telvcty. ; the best for iho price.: '4 soldj V everywhere. I vcall for it at ; :; clispensai3 loulsburxr, n. c. . 1 " J ' - TV. I I I t - -. I I VI - .',ivi;i;v' -j i - .- -v: The TCcw Body-Euildcr Am dellckwrs as a Frth Oranrt " " 5oDcredct cUJktahkiocd W Uw 03 and Ilrnxltlrj ; Csxru !e4 le cwetsia 3 MichaJ i-rtva,fcctuar j ul . trcm twiw ttrtk eds Lre w-.Cs .erywue Zim j 0r - ' Wy-Vna'Tr- l-rs4uta, Vt Ck r rrwMn.-yr'vif U. fTtiVet atrvexta ts4 trttot kaesrs e taU. Tv tU fof J ChJliresk, waake fwie werara Burs it t ; BnoOasrs, tOrrcwIe ceU. bsckirg cswg'fta, threat 4 Utrx taUs, Udriet coanttpytloo eoatsgaaai ' 'J. lAVAuAi 4 powarful riaL - Lydia ocepu hta at- tentioha and present. -HLtUx Part B viait to Georcr'a msthor srwl cuiauon. escape cnpoeMbiSA j knew yon t ' , "f . would , rather here me-give m.. bst alift htt warmly .At parting." Tb ennt Tb worM Mievsn the son o a bringa a re rival of. hope lo thlovtr. tklr wtti steal, and It would sr X was . r . I "J " a pasty to -the crtma. r Im tired of the lC Btvl-1 o -MrV tVlHSton Bf .feaJg struarls anyway. I snw -wwU ktra to Lydia frKn!.' IChtT Coaby.' to committed suicide, bat sua not averse ts hmr thia' rnrT tn V, L, ll.t this Charcots prxrrs I despise dlaboneatr. 5,rm8 t5 T teaaeB about Do this on tiling for ss: Teu l. c. I George. 3 Kitty telig Xydia that the filed hoping JtarouJd show that I am aa frorernor will be ' a rood -calchr bet honest man. l.dooTt believe thoae mn ? , gwa caiCQ, ni, can soaaiblv sret lnta the .aafa. . anA t alter Oeannff Ol SJOS GeoTPSi a V1T. Tetuslng them the combination X can save j tUTML feiTl for th BaflT of her 00 1 1 s your money and tt. nxroey.flrvied byv-7- ,t. ,0 AJ .13 - many poor people who need M. Tell hev I f .". n4 o. vteorge PTWCUlf-,,- Ihlur Mntrlil la in 1 , 1 1 1 Km , A. - - ' . .. - . ...'l? - i rrm us vnnnM m m. -T .s: andKitty hear the story reoonnted in the preenoe of . therberoL ydia ail Area Gercf," but may rnairr the govtrnor out of. regard tot hex father, -who ts in poor health. 20. and. 21. Governor Telfare offrra to pardon Georze'a father if he wul civ p Lydia. The offer is hotly apemed, Lydia anal the srovernor In favor of George, but the exerted loved" miaeorv I CTT4a r. . r: rJ . uri wuvfh ,. a4 m Kara, . - aw ana ivasoom I r ' ae-sraaos Serfart sea. sa ixa i irnrw a us-1 is sin nisi iiiaru-.- a t b wear s - -- a nj r j I.... - v ,V lruiUtwkra tie 'cavern or 'a tar ta - iroi luuiauit lwtani. H ' . ? . 1. . r - 1 a I L- ot; the ppper, hand .of. mev.but- he I vjrvi. tt s. n f : Bkv bu . 7 led v at LeutatMrrg Olasvenaary. ' - . that man's srUc Ood knows he csanvt take ear of her' or teak her happy. I discovered In -Atlanta that a to a bna- rupt. Tsti asr that r ; r'. 8ay, are you join to take aD ulghtT cried the man at the door. "- - ; : r George deftly slid the unfinished let ter, Into the book on the desk and drew another aheet of paper te him. 'Thla I sheet be held - before; hla- eye aa It Btudylng it aa he turned to the speaker . I-aay,' are you goto to' set thar aH night?' repeated the burglar-tentUy."- ; George tore the sheet into armaU-blta and'threw them on th floor, i It V ; : - ' --'-. I I i a ' - - . . I nraiaaM- aafa . g - - a a t-nrrr' - a v. 11 STATEMENT OF CONDITION. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS MARCH 14, 1003. f 4 AaroasU, stood, op and leaned on. th back; of hla chair, grasping It llruiiy. l'm, gotng to reroaev:; : - -.-r "Yes, Tm going to rfefus. - Georgfs fingers closed on the posts of th chair -Ilk prong or steel, and, swinging ' It upward, he sprang toward the man on guard.: But he was not quick enough. - With a grunt of alarm th burglar fired directly at hi breast - George had seen hla peril -and tried to dodge, but th shot struck bim in the forehead, and be reeled,' tottered .:againatnhe wall .and felt. The other rushed tn and- would. hare fired again at th prostrat form, f-rXT4a rasMaJea,a re-4U." ' U6.wr. . M )l Si. rriftttrsttA.el,, J 1 o ra a :a ravr 4ve uiiaefcaat. tTM9 teMsVeaia, Ittjtsaa; wt. . 11 ,1 - ? t? I i,T:i.a!i aU,((-ty a U. . .(X. ' ana . 1 1 nvA a, the governors djaoomfitor at the 1 Is , r MW- -- , - H handa-of 'TrnHK C-a rc.s H ' - - - . : -r--J te s m eaM .t . H 2CITIZ5NS BANK,-OF HENDERSON. 1 dent and haa an , affecting with hia awralhaart HUOUttC; lOBrTH CAROUBa. .:vTor Weak. XXrtatlos- Ko- Bwdlelse-aae repiso food bat Cbaavberlala's Stosnaeh aad Liver Tab lets will be Id yoa to . dieei rcif food It la BottksqaaaUly cf frod lakse taat gie strstHtiB and ttgor to the aysivsa bat theaawwat digested aad asSilaiX Ittroabll wtth a wk dUtloa. don't fail to git the TatOeU a tnat The So that the reason you thought I'd H4IftW B V U"2ud a In. .aid Geonre. now onlta naia - V " ' ' PVr? q-nsr-t Fo sal She trroke down and began to cry . again. a sin like yore; pa-s on a! child, an'-that -family folks tell me, has. never -mixed with crime o any sort. --t-- .t'1 .J "It was all my fault he answered 'sadly; I ought not to have , visited their "house vao muchr-? My -trial -will come, mother, ' when ahe? is ;Telf are's -wife.:! get desperate-when' t -think nt the - - ' - Well, trynot to think of Ttj she aaldT i . : - Her train was coming, .and- he - went to, buy her . ticket r He founds her a seat and then kissed her goodby. ' Telegraph if you need me," he said, 'Til come on the first train. - '-- CHAPTER XXIX. nrrVHE next morning-when George was alone in the omce, .a jnia- ' die aged hard faced "country" ' man. slouched in. , & : give in," said George, now quite pala, his Hps qulvering..rri-. 7j ' s .WelL- thaf a ' on reason. said the man? i-But what th use o Ulkin'J Tlme'ls pasain.' Jest another half min ute, boya-; Git ready. He may be teol enough, to want to defy na. Hundreds of thoughts flaahed throulh George Buckley's brain. -.' There was, lndeedv'B .large amount of money- in the safe, and thousand of -dollars of it. belonged. -;te poor people ; who-had brought it to him and Hillyer in abso lute faith as to it security. - Could he give up their money to save-hisoWi" -BatfrwVr -janouier jriuarter,7.: sata .the leader, or the men. Y fl'il count ix. and ef Toe don't move when I say six, pull down together, Ustent That the 13 o'clock" lialn."!:irire jest aa if XasslnV: boys. We -wont take no resk ou the sound reachln outside.;; H-::-:!' iK ?: rumbje Of it war felt in the wan of the building. ; The mountaineer waa measuring ita approach by r counting Slowly; rone rwo-r4hreef our-7-- ; "Put down your .guns,! lm George Buckley ; Nojnan can expect another to sacrifice hla. life for a Uttle ,mony; rve done the,best'I. caxi .Xt?down good man had- got- a- lick-in ,the heaoTl 0 for y01Iy' ."Ia this' Hilly er's warehonseT ' he I your guns.' asked, : :& ' :S genarg the falk;young feller. -You Yes,! said George.--;nything I can r are no fooi.: For a minute, you tuck wmsm VV. H TAJIBOaOUOH, a ATIORNIYATLAW.. Lomnaoaa. ST. o. - . oisae in Opera Hons building. Court street ail legal bsstasss -intmsted to hhn will raeeirs prompt and erefttl attention. F. HOUCB COrtTRACTOS ABB BU1LDEB, LorjissuaaJ Bnlldlng i sUotles and Tiles, arohi- toataral OestgasSaoiBittod . ' . ..-- r rit Assat for all kinds of sappilea, ArbeU i HOTELS.4 F H ANKLINTOjN SL0TDL mwiiJirEON, jr. o." - Qood aexiomndation forth 'trliag oblU. oodUvVrittahd ALASSlfBllEG HOTEL,, J J P BCMvenbrarfif ' 1?rop HEITDrJIlSON. IT. C . 9oo lenwmedattons. Good far: Po an' it made-a demon out o bim till th i doctors operated on him an" cured. im. Oh. George, it -may be that a-way, in yore -pa'a case,: an', -them itwelve 'men an the Judge Jest sent a pore sick man Off fer what he couldn't help. It wasn't managed .right - Somebody ought to ar fetched up' that point JHe mighty nigh made life' unbearable fer us all, but the chain gang wasn't the place fer a man In bis condition. --- ' r . v.gh had pushed .back her bonnet and her gray, eyes were flasb4og"yebelJlous y, George was deeply moved, - -"fThat's. right rmother,". be ' said ad-, mlrlngly, Ms fine face aglow, ''stick to. i;him:.') I remember, when I was a, very little fellow, that be was kind anden-' tie with me, and -although he. treated me pretty, badly after I grew up. I never could forget that ' per lod. Yes, you must go to him and do all you can for hia comfort. I'll pay for it" J'Jl i "Oh, George, George!"vthe old. wom an cried standing- up, Jt don't -seem right fer yoa to" -T "j want to' do ft, mother," he said simply and firmly; .? ''You must take the night train, and ' remember,1 you are to spare no expense.'V : r-3 - I said l felt relieved to have lm go off," -whimpered Mrs. Buckley, "but after awhile I missed 'im, an' ef I could 'a' had lm back without the responsi bility f what he'd do I'd 'ft' . been willinV . When me 'n' 'im got married Jt was so different. George, I'd 'a picked yore pa out of a thousand men. I was so proud of im, an was the hap piest woman alive fer; several years --"Well.'not exactly. fer me," said-the -man, i "but -old Squire. Xfeckv-rl reckon you know bim. over in Gilmer fL X "I knowlof Mm." .George responded. 'Well, he sent me to aX ef you uns would let 'Imput hla will in your safe that is, ;ef you, got one;. the Bqulre "didn't know- whether youhad or not". The man was looking about the room. ?l don't see none. I'm shore.-. .v : - v "It's there In the vault" XSeoge ex plained, pointing - to the big steel door: ,Oh, it's in thar?- 'WelL I ..reckon ifs good an' strong." . ; - ; -- - - f :ir"One- oNthe . best ;in . the country,1 Geonre -said,'' leavings his hfgh stool 'and opening .the. outer door, ' . : "One- 'o' -'them' ; tcom-comblnation locks T'T. --r"? - 0 ' yes that's It Did you bring, the paper with you? " We "are always glad to accommodate people." -'hs.'- i, Doys. -v. e aon t take no . At. a Ticjny -0r Mm, nur no othr chap. " vhcart - . rr'-v - -' i ln't be afraid said Geo'rge, ThaVwiil "do," he sild grin this thing' so durn cool I thought you was goia' to commit aalclde.-' But keep lm tvered, boys. - We don't take no chances on You needn' with a. cold, hard smile. ' "You fellows are simply too much for me.. They say every man - has -Ms-; price;; I -reckon you'll give me' part of the money, i-1 want'to leave :the: country." ;. They will alt say I was concerned In It because of -my f athetv;. Is that understood rm ..to-get partrSS-4 .C..T :'- ; :;-V;. fresr-that understood," -said the leader eagerly "Boys, we'ir have to divide wlm,,'ln--he' the richt eort.".-; The train rattled by. "George left hli atopl ahd went to the safe. With' a hand that gleamed like that of a dead man's in the lamplight,' he twirled the combination bolt back and forth; then he suddenly turned toJ them.; passing his hand wearily over his brow. t a i aU drugglsta.,: bfl. - Ther arar preoeDta. ;; do ; rromise whhoQt Fruits, 2 .'--" . - -'? ' " sugars and Ganclies ;---4 and Tobaccos 4 i 'I . aw. - - There are few disease thai lefUl i tortsr taaa r beast atiata aad tker Is prottbly so dlaess for vakh oah - ! : varied and os 1 s lot t4 rt-iW aave !bea socgvtd. -Tossy Un U eared 1. Vheraf ore, a bold etatssssel to e4ke,.bet ChaagerlaiB r&la.Bali Whfcb etioya aa tUssirs sU.- Oa ! applieaUoa of Pal Bales rUI relMrs th pala. aad aeedrrds of ssaertr have tse- 1 iiflii to partes sat, I rare . bfJt . Wby enter was Fala- Balo affords iSeh qnfek rvlisf aad ost bal a" triU-t For sal by an druggist. , ; -. - - ; We wit ersn n Aral tltaa and in-Li see llti f Prefia. Fie Caadiea and Tetaceci la th alnre roeaa im LlalleUl tlli;s sml. If raraUd by Cllflon & C. . I 44iUn U tkU v wlU Itaull r NICE:; FOUNTAIN . j The ftt struck M( r 4h fortbeod. -. imbtfon'of bi? bfl ad.; Knettin. h put Buckley's ;r, Forget About Your Stomach. If your digestion is bad th viUl or gans of your body are 'not nourished aa thev should b Thev grow weaa ana in- sits diseases E.odoI Dvsnensia Cor dl- trests what, too ea'-a oares indlfrestion and all stomach trocb'.es. - This -.is . be es n Be it gets - a rest recuperates - and irradnallv erows so etrone and heaitoy that it troubles vou no more. E. L, Bab- cock. Amherst, Minn., says. "I hve T have taken a great many remedies tor indigestion bat found nothing - sqnal to Loioi Dyspepsia Unre." -- Jioaoi oigesw digests what you eat, enres indirection, dyspepsia, sour etotrsch. be!cLir?,t-:srt- burn ana aa stomaca tros::s. i-3 ara tion ia tie result cf rtry ye' i A strength tooic tnat brtnrs rich. d ' blotd..- Wake yoa stronsr, healthy and ' aotive. That's what UoHidUr's Rocky Moantaln Tea will do.' 85 cents, Tea or raDieia.. a. a. uoooitt & uo. 'L' ; grimly. TIa" done for.-lCow, git "yore loola and set to work. " We can't afford tomtaa on this Job now. . -.- I reckon not," said the " man called "BUt, and be hurried out into the dark nese of th warehouse: ; While he wrua creeping about over the' rough, grain strewn floor with massive, crunching .tread the remaining two stood facing each other, their faces paling under th growing realization of what had been done.'... 7- ' " ; : , ' ' - -' -.-." 1 . - ' He. fetched It oh Msae'f.; ssid th man wtth the-moklng revolver.;- "lis didn't" Intend to give up the combina tion, vile was playln'.ua to gala lira n done it well. Til eay that fer 'im. - ne rtepped to the ode door end ; ; . (to- sb coxTixr e.) ", " , ' :,-.Aatif man b not always t straight one, v- " : - - s ; a Trd aad Trae- rnend. 4 On Mlaat Coaga t'are eoaUlss ot sa atom of aay aarettol di tor. aadilka laatufied br UUc axac4 Lal v tea eorinjr eosgks. eoMa. sre-sp asd . 7 " ' and dilt all the latatt aal- bmI rt fral!r"p . mtJt rW Ib4w& lo those whs Wv 13 rtroalx ae e-lo-dale fweaUl. Oa pttca will be al th toltoaa e4 fprcaab, Glct 1 ti!l tl U ca iaU '' . ' - ebooplag eonh so loag tbat u hs pro. ea lUtlf toUetrWd aad tree f Hmd Vt the maay ho as it, - Mrs. GrrUad S ' Feaaer. Martoo.led.asra, roethlag aad stralslng- o weat.sa-d .sie- Ukt I res 1 do-wa la eeUkt frco 143 to tt poaal. Aiur trylss: a a six bar 01 remsOie to so avsilOos at laet Coach Car eaiirty me." ? !J ty A'eoek Drug Co, .5. Etplfol)jc "'", . :" Louisburg- Confectionery Store.- lllUi;iA llie Beet---ccnt;rizar on earth for alat AycockerDmp- XitUe pins" are never alone. ; All" honest doubt haa its destina tion in some great truth. . -: . No one cart bo thotghUessly kiftil. Folks wbo often burn oat a fuse sit often ia the'dtrk. -' - ! A wonderfal spriD? todlc, Drires oot all winter inpnrlties, giree you stren-th, health and fcsT-pineBS." That's wtt llol Iister's Eoky I .oitUia Tea al'.l d : "5 LU,TecrTtIet3. . It A. V.. . :-.t& L' rl tired, nrj appetite, esooot s'i t p. workcrt? Tbtt's prio? tirJn-. sn 1 wi;l di- rpsr st osc if you t Juu..;-ter s L ir ""cQatiin Toa . tt.' CO"-;!:, T" e-'-'. '. (r I": ' . '. '.ji. ; : A tkMiEg in the throat; . h6arsencssattimc3;dccp. ' Wrath irritate it; these are features of throat' ! ' cough. .They're very de-ceptiv-e ind t cough mix--ture .won't cure them. You want sonfethir.g that will heal the iofiamed ;.' tncmbraiesi". enrich . the -: blood &r.d tone- up the system . .. .. . ., Scot? s Emulsion h just such a remedy It has wonderful healing and nourishic Kexaovea the the cough and The hole system 13 rnven nr. 7 strength and vior .. 0 cause or SCOTT U LOirXE, 1 r e .... a t D E ' L- a. aa -A ! i-e .l.JIa.i" "i i" Y S A R B 3 n r I Mi in Ht--p ttat roagV ad e!d, to eriea la iU la. fabcy. rrMtit)aieB mil wtUT beta a wfiitblcg- ,.f tlla! fete ti4 ra&sraneat f.ta- f:f- a -- e ' ) v rial Ifli. "A ord lo tt eiM tb-:d 1-s fie'ret b'arpl joera'lf with a szc-Jfta d "aprrevel rtady." " J" 0 ' 0 o n. A. -irp BOBBITT CO. T t t 1 r "'? J W A A i J .e AC.; A a a, LOUISBURG, - CAHOLIA arry a '.arje as4 rattcr.f. a at lesJsrabip lo Ir EoirU . !! )sra) 1 tU-i i'--k c f tr,;a--e?t:5":'t C t-t",f f . i ; a i :cs. CVea'ca'r. I r-.;-,it Waters. li r s C; r. T.tir rca,ie, v. etkt.ct r.tsrse lis ta t Tatiiae t ! f sitr t f a x .e. it ; t f ytn u t j !tatt t r. tr it rr 'a'.'.i 1 1. .. te'er I' r: t ti ? t s a' t,r rpT'.a'.lv. lis I - ' -J t t I r r t iill"'. cn lo 11 tiers tttf 1 ly ci- f t -r a rr- T Ute ....., - . c o A, . . w C , ladjtWatlv rrair

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