- J r A ri-- 'I ' y 4. ti jU. A. THOIIAS, EdUir i:i Pr.,rl.!:r. V."W V M'M i COX7UTY", 'JL'.H 13 STATE --... . ul It:!, .: j I; i . , YOL. HIT. ; . LOUISBUBG, NCLPFJDAY, HAY-2G. 1005 ! 'I Uf -. ; ':.'":. ' ' - . A. . : J-L J-L 7 ; ' ; - JLL CHURCH ' DIRECTORY --S ,. TV,. wrrHODiai. - r Sender Sobool at 9:30 A. Mt - Geo. L1!akxb, SupL"" Praeehlag at 11 A. and 7 80 M. MnniB.V. ' "" PitraMBMtlog Wednesday night 1 " r L. 8, MaSBBT. PkStor, .R Aonc , - BAPTIST - BaadaySnhoolats-a) A. J4V -'I ' '.Thob. B. Wanea, Sopt Preaching at 11 A.l end 7-30 prarr meeting Thursday night- f HU. HAflHBuanv Faator. Baodaj Bcnool at 90. '.-f W. U. JUnrror. SapU . Banisea moralaff d - night tn IK, Srd and 4th San&ifs. - - ' K Tnimc Prayer Friday afternoon KT. J ohs Losooxt Rector. f , MI8BITSB3AH. f SerrioM 4th Baadar la eaeh month noraiag aad ntgnt.- T V ' , LoDana, . . ikmp iwtiTKL No. 413 a SkTmSM'-lk- aad 8td Tueeday nighta in aeh nioath. THR .KAISER HELPS. HIS MAJESTY'S' HEALTHl MAY 1HERE - AFTER BE DRUNK IN WATER.- , ACTION OF ALCOHOL. WHY Partor, ' eat micb lUr Scam' o Ajmricn of Ltttle ImvottUM bnt Whtelt HeiM Haeh to the Cms f of Tenapr.ne. In' GermB7. ' ' - ' " - " " Thr simpW flv line cable annormce- ment that the . Qerman ' emperor has permitted "his army officers to drink toasts in - water- doubtless "seemed of trivial Importance to - most "American readers.' J Tet it is certain., to have cre ated a iBensatiiHrsJn Xrennan.' vhere the: officer -who wished to be ft stotal abstainer .has found It "practically ton possible to live up to hla prlnclplea.- To drink the health of his majesty rov any thing else thaiJ champagne ; has hith erto been regarded as a mild form of. leze nuijeStyci'Dnly a'few- officers bv AND 'HOW IT -MAKES A MAN iNtoXlCATEO."5 , - z v SeteatlOa Rxplammttoa mt HOW THE JET7 EOT GOT A frol, Borctof ojro Vmlcsw memt, Gn of Draikmin ', - When- alcoholic liqnorf are drank the effect is, f course, first perceptible on the -'lips : and "tongue,- then oa th throat and stomach and.after th lapse f a short time on the system in gen eral,'' said a leading St: Looia chemist to a Globe-Democrat "reporter. "This effect - is -aligbtly Irritant m dnklun- don't know whether kw- Choriotte Obaerrer Stunt. -' : ' ''" , rIt wai Mr. Harwood, ol Riciimoiid, who-replied "that he Bella," Jewish Ilirdware." ; lr ; ; -J v Wbatv thilT. Jewelry f - - 2 '?Aw no P.,: he laoghed. Erery- body knows that .meane - clothing. Ninety per cenU xt - the 'clothing is handled .by ' the" Jew's; . anjhow, 74 per eent. r I donH knowl o! but two honaea, not Jews, thai maoufictnre THE CIGARETTE EOT. Camltrivlge Chroafckv J, "Who and what ia he ? Ilia n aay chartcicriBtJC (Jlilercc trota' c.hr boy ? -Ask some of th teacher la tf school and they w HI tell vva that some who were their brihtpai boys are growing dull " anl ttapij, HiUeasand in.liITerent, -ioaicj their moral sen," lying tO-Corwr their habit of smoking, aod even ao dominitoi by it aa to wk leave ol absence from the room long enough to tausf y . the i cra'vifi ga tor 7 iu lo dolgeoce, " I'"'- : ' ; :?ow, whoieter may be broeght forward by aitiSta in favor ol the ure of tobacco, there la very few fjither jroCteaMsaoimA onyist JJR. FREDERICK KCOOK, PHI3ICUN AND 8UEGJBON, ' . -Loolsborg. IT. C- ., acuirs by appoMuiwmtt .- . . ARTUOtt H. FLEMING, : oBNTisx. iv-..;.-,;..j- LOOISBURO. . . - K. C crioa Over The ana Tfarbo? ' HaXOBX, pending on the proportloii of . Oeohot elry gets it riame from the Jews or present: The more alcohol the greater 1 not. bat It mixht, and a lot of - ouex the irritation. s: . t - r xaizhL The Jew ia nobody1 "The first effect, of Honor la a ethnn-1 , . " : , - 'J- lating rene7TheL.Deart aatwele r 4oea I pjr. . f. '..v f l who woU adtise their tonnr sonata mor- work: the blood conrea. more I.; Oh, bo, bo C jawrted the ChfiTl r. r-..-. had tne courage, -tne cnaracter ana xae I - rT . ?r. - -I ."TV: 'r: iL-I"w wb w,vuuk m , - K - rty,,.,r-i-. 1 . i " - R i inuuii: n hu tun Buirin w u l . . - . will wujvi 1 1 n z v ru w im ivi ri ! r . I - . " . . . f MJ v-. , mmw w-r v - before be ad olescc&ce, wuhTBg elder, a i tunaeif like the boy on ocr etreet. When a lady remonstrated be ,aU i low men. ; -"V-- r 1 -j- .j help it. I besan when 1 waa - "During tnia preliminary stage, wnea the system is under the stimulation re ferred to, there lars general senee 'of what the French so aptly term .'bten aise.'ibnt for 'which the beat eqpl valent we have is the phrase well being.' Not only are -the physical centers uplifted. to follow an avowal of abstinence from alcoholic beverages. 'One .of. these Field Marshal Count von H&eseler, cently retired, who "was considered of tbe most brilliant - officers - in "the service. Ho is. moreover, " warm friend pf the emperor, and his example may well nave Influenced his soverelgQ when the latter informed the Munich Society Against tbe Misuse of Spirltu ous Liquors ' tilat s-no compulsion ex ists" to' partake of toasts in' alcoholic drink" ' and i expressed . the hope. that, this fact should receive wide publicity. . It would be a mistake for any one i : fit is in this stage that men feel that i reachca yeara of one t giowrof- good fellowship which leads 1 , 7 . ' i to be manly and copy hie i TJipm tn ociiir ueir iov ana lamin i an. in idui ui k . ueuu t . -ucumt , u i them to declare their love and adrntra-1 aoCin tpite of g" beastly eHenoe, tion first for themselvee ana tneir own i rrAA John -Wanamakwr aair. three boya looking at bicyolea through a show windoci Now.VtbJnka heVni teat Boya. he aaid doyyou want one of thoae wheelef " . aeVen year, old,' and now I can't leave it ofZ:yhst will be th4 Inure o rach a boy? , "Coraomption, palf.Ha tion and enlargement of the heart, cr to portray the officers of the kaiser's i but often the m'oralonee aa weH; It le Trva-J.. raAcncxH PHTaiciAJf ahd aoROKOH. " . iogmuM, v. o. Oflto orr Areoeke Pro Company. JJR. J. J, MANN, PHTelCIAN and BDBOEON, ' LOOlSBOKO. K. c. OJe.oW Ayeoeke Drug Co.'s drag tore - - JB.8.P.BDBT, pRAonoigariiTBiciAjiAiin smitaBOH- Louiabarg, N. C. Offie im the roar of K- A. Bobbltt k Co.' Urns HUtit), omHaali streefe. 1 B. B. w. TaJwwityvui- rflTHidAif ajn suaaaoB. OSte W Boor baIkHng;i9 a KUttTmUM wlwn4 from T.W. L. H. ALLBED. ATTOEHBT-AT-LAW, Win pnotioa In an tbe Court. Toa-wavUM, . C Office tn nrmv as mereiv an futsreKauvu vt topers Not even; the sensational writ ers, like Beyerlelnl Bilse and iT on Bandlssln, have gane so far as this, but alt of them have dwelt upon, the fact. that there was entirely too much drmking, and drinking to excess, par tfontnriv Jn the officers" casinos . or clubs, and there has ? been a ' wide spread lieUef that this ejll, instead of decreasing, has grown worse,- partic ularly in isolated garrisons and .to the most fashionable and aristocratic regl- ments of the service, ; Everywhere tne temptations besetting a young" officer are very- great He is expected - to drink with every -comrade at the! first entertainment in which he jjartici Dates and is supposed to Jag behind no one in conviviality'at the regimen tal gathering known as" the liebesmabJ, or regimental t east of brotherhood " which has been the undoing of many an officer. " ' '. That ttere could he a temperance ftt. a moderation solciety of which the em peror would take notice 'would have seemed - impossible twenty years ago. Still more incredible would have ,ap peareda prophecy that within so short a time there would be a widespread agitation to curtail the use of beer and liquor. There were then voices crying in tbe wilderness, but the: wildernes. no uncommon thing to hear a man tn hla cups hewall his falluree and firmly avow his determination to' do better." This is due not so much to any person al equation on the part of the subject as to the decided atimulation of the brain, particularly ttioae- - portions m which the centers of thought and emo tion are seated. This stimulation ks,,of course, but temporary, though It may be prolonged, for a short period by repe tition of. the dose. V ' - " V -r "After rjaasmghrongn the dlgestiie organs the alcohol enter the blood un- chahi Unity of the blood, tbe alcohol becomes i - ' I ttiMmt-w" tn Amfilm Tr A . Olnlon. ni ' 2 1 V I " ; -iue bo-cu San'FraiKueo phjua to aeTeral he waa,thathe meant bnaej m fiv .C ue was a o Thafc ia th. t atar- l th. r who 1 - r JFcr:Vpur Prcicciicn i t Iac tbU lll rry y-ackajr of fVynt'e tsiUU-ij. ;la oor tra4)c-s-i, a-&4 It U e g-i-meii ttat IVcU'e ICsal--aioa win do e-3 ttattoULs4 tor it. 5attlx btut tor tsx throt or turxlSAl troKtirt ta ; lbient or a-3cJt. UootVa rtatO . Um le Orx oCthe grr atest t 'tnUra Uoan to the tneal world. . . . " - " v. ' ," ' , vfi a--. f f "old ' velvet -rye . - pure - old - velvety. ' tho beat for the price ' , ; sold : : o verywh ere. V call ;for it at ' ; louisbur disperisQ, loulsburxr, n. c, , T'-(ChW S abuts. UtaK tr. , ' wva M cigarette smoker? Will be' try to get pUee loj. ctore. ; A' lad ' ia ! Chicago applied for ten poa'na, bt- ! ing met each . time with the ora tion : j "Do Tom. araoke-tsicareUae T and -wae .rejected ia" eTarT in-; .Ia many officee.noUoea are potted tliey'aatd yea. " ". v - Then the one that gives the beat answer to thie aneation. Wbom do " - ' yon love bestr shall have hiev choice of a 'wheel.; Jy.-''.'iJ'X - t- I love my mama beat, eald the first boy, truthf ally, zy, ; Ah- h will be liard' for yon two dTeenT proihiung asking by nployee ;fd-Mvi ivwi in- rinaia ngni-poj.. .ep v ji,-..;,, -r acid ja seta tree tfcP J".wsr, a o w - a Urge department .tore Mja: i. muiwwuvH, .xuu. m. w-uw- , ruro. to neat wiai answer.- i f.-,v-r- .k- furfuroL; In intoxication ire have to 1 . ; -., - - . , donT want cgareUe aawkers; the erm deal first with ethylic alcohoi, of which 1 1 - - ' J haa no aae tor a boy willy dried-op fusel -oil baa long been conamereo tne i mx iove my onnuay . . . - . . most active element' Becent nreetlga-1 j-. best. aaid the next boy, ahrewd .tlons have proved that it is a heretofore !, -. . - v unknown element of . tbia fuael oa I - - . . - t I PAnhandle erstem. tbe Michiiran City wWch cauaeaaHthe tioulle.By ar l nowr cried the -great i ilJ rti and ;Tt m' Tdnnt think, that can. be! J-.. - .. .. been separated aM ao recognlae4-and . tv. i.vl -ai ' ! 0" -ernpni. tae ooota waro- named furfuroL ',tthu also heen found I oewereo. iowa.. j. Una diviaion, theTJnlon Pad-lc, the that this element la not separated or I tne wneei, young man. .nu w uto. set free, from the alcohol until It ev I w -ni man hare a trr What lr- Mur-U IviO M - I ium ) mi. - An i asi i' i .wrMt4 mM - ttM l' I -.- m w arm aw mml um w r-Mf WC r- Tvw Ar-a a UK. . - A B. ImMiUiA Ai-a. j t J NOTICE. f ri aa. a w mi.a r- a V AU at -4 ar tw m I Wo Way 1 Ha. 1 OA. i V ik,ut -r3 U (AmJ Wr lUrmntt. Tk. r IK 1V . 1 Km I T. r. Currta, Etta. ,T. .aaswrr, aiary. ; i ' r mO n . Et c rr To n fu C 4 p 4 Frtn ) ptr -i I - i fr-J V-tT Tt T-t-rTTt an te-amt rrt 1 Tt-r' V-T b V ; t4 at LewdaWtr Biea-Maa-ry. r n,trxrz.rsrtrvTsesxJxaxxn axzxsxsxi rmxzrx rs.rarzr S Investment-Securities I A EAkt lu faxl.jUM ffff stWtftial&jr IVe va4ie af oukrUVe te-raHtlae UU are t1 aJvere at IV dlrpceaJ 4 ledltiaaia. Otf jalroM tVe fcetiSl af ear aifta aad aarUtr 1 ak ..tar teleeaU gtte UVa-al rvjit-a, ware-air JftielaaTia4;it wailttU. aoootita a4 Ttt-e ..?:' Garnaiions,': Roses urt nya: ;rtei , , . . - - -ana Violets TSe pay Utoml ep!U.-. &ene B CITIZENS BANKOF HENDERSON Will he try railroad .work ? Tbe OUR 6PECIAi.TY. fe Hrt-i-A ' AAitftfaaa 'ift aii a t aa Alatnanf vw vfA VfttrfWtA for which it has an afonltjf. Therefore. a? 7 - while the alcohol la paaaing through the digestive organa, not, having yet, ben B. a. jaamaif botrq. AROBKET AX UW voeuBvaa. . WUlpftMtleataalltae Ooarta of thaBUtol Offlea nOoort Hoom. yM. W. BODDIE, . ATTORNET-AT-LAw', Looiaaraa, N. C. One over Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'e drag tore. was verr ereat. the voiees few and the t naseed on info' the blood, and thence echoes very rare. , : ' "".':v..Vr '-r j into the. general cjrculation. It ta'cnly Curiously enough. It is the Scientists who have led in the movement rather than social reformers, and lit was in tiij-.'H,. ia hvmof the beer drinking student famous: for its giant I tte circulation. .howeYer.v the trouble I Wanamaker ataxted inaile to bay it. tun -tiiat the experiments of rroressor Kraepelln, begun to ouu-5, suppuea. a the pleasant'featurea of . a mild aya- temic stimulation which .are" experi enced.' ;'.: '."&- -Once the alcohol baa passed into 'I lore Jesus, beat, aaid ' the third boy. dmutelyir--5'Vi. .H Tben which wheel do you "want. ToaVe won, young man TTbe boy chose the wheel, and Air W " ' -r- m w aT , fit. HAIWOUJJ HL JJi.- ATTOBJtBt-AT-l-AW.: . aetaBraa.B.e. mm in &ii th Ooarta of Vniiklni ,,4 jTu.i., aonU . Biao la the 8upr trS-UuttA watea Watrlrt aa4 &nteOaov aad CWtoaBaUtUas. IBX& B. WIIJBB ATTOBJrBT-AI-l-AW. i, a. a -. TUJ F. 8.3FRUILL. ATTOBBBT-AT-tA W , laiavao.y. 0. TTU1 mntr- ourtaof Pna-dla, Taaea. rro tSBtioii to ooUocUoa. 1 UBHtlft!""." - ; .- rp W.BI0XBTT, arroaBBT ABB OOOTSBIXOm ATIAW, . v weamea h. a , "- JnatkiB atUnttoa lv-to varletv of scientinc arguments in f av,or of abstinence as opposed tor moderate drinking. Professor KraepeltoAnd Ha assistants speedily beeame convinced that there was no increase in vigor, and alertness. through .drinking.. ' In the case of aome typesetters it was a certained that when , these . mien had drunk half a bottle of wine each they were under the delusion of increased, vigor and capacity for work, while ti-ey actually did inferior wortc. V-w vur turbing : influence was still quite dis tinct on the following day, 'so that a second day of abstinence ,was neces aary to bring the men up again to their own standard of efficiency." r -. . Among -tbe atodents.- particularly among those studying medicine there nm flourishing abstinence .. societies which' make the oldest inhabitants, pf Heidelberg rub their eyes In amaze ment - - Manufacturers, too, are beginning to ; see' by practical experience that wora men who are constantly, steeped In. al cohol close -In their, productive: power. The difference between the laborers In north and south Germany "in this re spect is noteworthr- Tbe publisher of a prominent Munich? newspaper ; who recently moved there from Berlin esti mates that the ; difference is fully 25 per cent in favor of the" north-Germans." H& new workmen have their beer bot-; tie by their ide Girougnout tne nay and have -blocked every '-effort' to pre vent drinking during office houirsT:,.Thls emnlover icalls -the great Deer Drew- begins. TJnder the stimulation already referred:. to the- heart: muscles hare been, working - harder,;': tbe vein and arteries1 have fexpanded" accommo date tie increaaed now'of blood, the brajittend nerre centers have" become more active by the stimulation - being artificial and : coming from without rather than from within; these organa, once thajnomentary stimulua falls, be gin to flag, and all the effect le Mat. It ia juat ao that an engme maklag an unusual spurt of : epeed under extra pressure of steam i slows C down: and A..IW r.A mtmmrt tm mm UtA m m m v5t seems paradoxical that furfurol, I gtnng away . trom there. a constituent of alcohol, ahould act Che verr opposite of aJcohot : Prior to tts entrance, into, tbe circulation we have seen that the' effects on, the body, are pleasant -when taken in small quantities.- "When a large amount le taken It of course passes troportlonatery' quick er into the blood, and Its evil effecte At the door he " halted and- looked fondly back at the winner." . Then he went in and bocght the wheel, hand ed it to the iona boy, .who threw one leg acroea it in readineea to be ?ff ia a;acond. -"- "' i -Now whatV vonr name " and where, do yon Uraf aaked.,the ..big Mc 'i-itein, .47 th cried the little Jew, aa he bamt it ap Kock iAlAndV the- Chicago,4 Barling ton and QtoncyTuTa - all Vwned o-N dert againat the'emptoytaeot of ciga rette amokera, becauae they ty, l af hxrmfyl and rndra men nnfii for l", - V? aerriee eqniring " ateady . nrre tuek jxxwi o, v4 we wvmw wvj-w ment in Waabington, aayav A ciga rette smoker ie not a fit roan to be truated-whh the' ixnporUnt work of thk bcxeai .21 i " - .. The inataneea ad Jocel hart refer enoe to the phyaical aide of the qe tionT . What of Hi effect poa . the moral nature of the hoy t We vonM - Slooarta a t4o( t IW 1 ; FALL BULBS. - gJ-HUtaa.''ri in t. TaS a4 Trm i ton Ni. IWfH mAnmtmtJ -m-4 I t--, XmmUlmmt fimSm f a ASri-im. f; AS PI 111 A 0 1: 1 LOXfflTIKUl GUT RATE MARKET. X with to say to IV peeple ef J. J. Stm ' eperintendent of the If11,1 i'LVS." .hnAVorthyllS-tnCbi. V alia 4 fH't iS-0.tw cent, nf the V Why 8bHt Froa ithwaatlna' Wky eaffer trota rhaataatiaai vhea oea eppUaatloa of ChaajberUla'e Pale Balei efOlrallevethe.paiar The qtmk rallaf wkteh thie llaiaaMt aSorda asakae rrrt aad uat. ateee u John eajro, eaya thit 60 .per TiiTl J" committed to that : b-TUlalk-n Of.the) state refocmatory in PoaU ao, Tfl-, Hon. George Tcrance aaya, inanaddreea b CuioinaatUT --TU cigarette" is inaking more'crimJLaala of boya than" the ealooov Of nearly lf 600 inmatea, W per cent, were ciga rette fiends.1 mA klMtt ; tjoaalbla. en 1 ahall fenaUh ny patrrea wllh freak naaU dally, ala tanth Uar j raU llao they bate heeo paylaf I ferll. ' I will U f lad u aerve ail "vllKJiBY AT00L5- r L.TJH0RT0N v PLUBBEt-AKD . - .STEAV.nTrrv WEATHER IS NOV UPON, US j'ea wt3 eixUatU rtfra4ltg Hk eal lie $!ao U gtltl U al oar rcatUta. -Oct d ;et,re art aldett-vn , ai aaaklci' tVeaa. kka It a gaaraalee tUt ? w.ll gtl aJlef tVedallraedriali t4 li IU BMt ttt';ftl k ataaro. "Watate tie rrttUriWsuu w-a-U Um f rev a4 a rr rt t Ue Ia41i-t at, 4 Uv frt -o plestf ef fce rti f aJlUwMeiUra Vlile yo eaeUjfltye4rwaiUtrn . : liOKT X)ltGET YOUR. H0ILSB5. 0QWS,r I!afe arPltry bat grrt fr lUta re XVeraUai l?k Foed.ll eUfatbta ge4 lr ettary w?U Ve rfadasi. W Uie a i ef lU te.Ulrati.4 Criroa - - Ease-ra. TWy are tire r e'rtk. Tlf are re.ata . U fin uUfarll tf Jr (f rfcr4l alae " kae Ike pnVUar Uae af fatWarf f . w 1st Intt arrival. . Ve iaai!f fit art tUYmt fcU. ;lteaad KeClaaeea, tey fre W; tkay wl4 aere yw eyeegnd ata-ary. lfj BrJ iUd-nt-e r irfrirt le&er rftwa yee via it frn Ay- Xn.- BVrre aa araaL Tra tare Wva ar frtect eft r?r VWrt all esrllraTd bam XU (war Mar. ai. i) JUM w UifttlUcg yet-rt-seU aa-l Vaj tlelyw tl le vcr Ua. " AYCOCKE DRUG COMPANY. "gilmn to Chi J oUe hepherd, Hotl Joan 1 erJeft jgQ 0ave made Munich prosper- IflHMoZmit ous "the -curse-of South Germany aremore PB oh a-- rabonera, tobe poohohed anJ ",TCV rr: 1 "7 "" 1 Uuchea but public" utterance of all the tissues with, which it cornea la 1 LeggMt of Tarn Taa. Taaiaw.v C 8. l men appointed to poarUoaol aathcrv Anrt : arteriia: already' exnanded-'br I rhaaBaUam. f roas had to f oov aad I V -: mnYHrtn - it IrrltitlMf Doalltiea i Cheat bet laia's Paia Balsa- le the. paly cause them to contract; and ao circula- J TlTT tlon is lmpeded.5The deBcate-aheathe 1 r-"1''- IDB' NUWi VlvUnwuvu- W W. ," - - 1 - . , where it la inTpreaaea -ano. reeoraeo. io rui i 7 I Wansuin-iemperauce- vwu v- ,rhi. then, la what brmas .about. tse I toi, -. - . - a - . - i s .twl thta ia an ' :-- r - - -jw- - - . . VniliiTTI . ."w -m 1 -.. . . Irritable and ; auarrelsome ..stage , of I a 'VMIv IT . i-.i.:-. - K I ' P. 5 it la ftenda to twy , i,rtmnii ;:.'i,- L jnu oniB ;w .UTU; wuv PP w . rrl to brat - or waUr. 1 can -"ln euhlecbj long" accuatomed. to al-1 haant at aome time ' in her life been are amokera tbcmaelvea, to teach v I DBkt roar old one do the wort. 'cohoL of coursethia 'element 'tn-.ttoe V to'wri't an anonvmoua letter. I bova the deadly. aUnUnff laflnanoe I WClmntract roarwTwk oaaaaiUrj flxtcrwu Afn3Ue ct Bath Tube, TV t itjvlrinfr lAn thaaelinea.1 1-vatntW. Water Cloeeca. U eala. 'Fori .. v.. k.il wrought HDe. noil plre. - Ale at Hoe :r ciectmgiacea ac " vtflUiUr and Es'e trlteclnxa -;f . lmthewok ol eaaciuon. rranoeai Yo m and tar rrVe attrarttrel ooea. chop coxjtr uactf ewe. Tooratmiy, ' i- w - . . - ; ... I i t T- HQRTQN. lived who l nnal to fathers even thdae who - n loses some of Its power, and larger and i CSawrwlaSi of ""Out, own iir. i -ivnot. Wither Pdea-y-j-- ft .vi.v- v 1 rt r UL y.l'BotlWthep'''Pdet- upon theif ; - young under eloped liTeel -. V. of Lady liooune. Si V. rBBSOBV ArrOBBBTAT-iAW, very aU aoarta, f OBtae oa tfata WBl TABBOBOTJOK, Ja V-"r-' . . ' ' ' - " ' "T - .ATlOENaTTATLAW. T -; torngBtJBa.B.0. i: - OVaa aa 0pa Hoaaa DoUdlag. Coartste-t all lakal haalaaaa Intrusted to ana Ul rJ5v. prompt aadcarefalattaatlea. beer and:lisht wines. an antidote wMskv ahd brandy drinking evidently hare something to'learn from a study of conditions ia Germany. They- may be surprised to find an increasing num her of societies working for temperance,;, particularly- ln'Bremen. and' -Hamburg,-where Athe k Good Templar . have .tod- . . e " j " 'a. JAitni4i ' -lfAWAiiTfar. trie German merement has at last obtained ery tissue It toncbtmtil ti rictim . l", v, frm t.r.ress.lfallstotoastotepf atopor iA. which will be all the mere liberal mind-. ed now that the emperor baa. taken nis to adapt themselves to nr ou. w --T---k,.,i.nUl5 rm trol yvaAw MmihLrj. Rbaiiid arm mora i tt- -- u I :--- -r"-" - ' r: .. .. l. I hta to toe aoeauioea wohb oa k' boy.if tch to hie he .would nHmi nter the system the Irritation zim"Z7-7Z .:Z a. . ,.. n-witi'i crandaon when a Is Increased to eucfr an extent that tte I jfltK attd Salra atope the pahvdrawt j u0t aa)oke an 01 21 yeam old, and tr.e 1 nrvAa are no longer capable ot record-1 MtiKMMtDHt aad earn. Gt tea a-aa.1-, - ; v. . t.,l- poisonpasses on Areugh: the . circula tion, benumbing every ; organ ana- ev &Co.'?Ayeoeke Drug Co. 'r-i: stand in iregard to temperaBca Jn the. army-Nfew Tork, Evening Post -A Waekr:lBte ( - : W -"B: Gltbena editor of the Nyaea Ore.y Progress, was assaulted by a a loon mob At Ontario, Orei because be aflitoriallv J denounced the aaloon and some particularly notorloua local mem bers of the tradA But Editor -Glthens disappointed-his pugillatlc opponents and -announced in volume 2,' Ko. l,.of Progress that Its editorial policy for 1905 wonld continue unchanged except "that we ahall take a more pronounced atand on the-liquor Hquestion' than in the' past.; ' )";--';4.'::i:-':-;-:: :r Mj . Fi H0UCK, 1 ti CoeM Dvtnlc.or lt -It Alope.'- "vTen yeara" ags there was a certain bright young business vman! W Atch fson.' Great things :were predicted for bim i Finally he began losing ground and at last t ailed altogether. Whisky ;antfor ail kmJ. of.BaMlBg hrotidm. -When he began ne usea w Miwu TAruu laaattaei wi Tuaa. ff My he could take e drink, or-let n iMtarM ub o-- ... -i..m. tt wnn mistaken. Atcuwoai . OOBTbACTOB asa BUlLMJRrf ,..- ,Weekly Globe."' young miawon pra. that age, the body beiav dTelj'd aryrht, the mia l baring been . cu.u- -'.tl ia tM-rtiir Worn . - . m ltv. .i in " - . ' i . . matnmonttl 1 1. . Thia paper U partly an amwtf to aidea, "Cant RIGHT AT: A fttU Uf f itvp't lUaw UUr'l TVt lm lv t4 an tlefc"beaar-4FlppenatrbaitUUa An occasional : domestic- torm ia fteceeaary to clarify, the atmosphere, ,- -. . : , : Time Tried and Ment Prow -A the appeale from all YOUR DOOH. Thomaa Chill i Pills I UU V V Mm " V - - V .1 . .r r 1 t nrrri('l .l ti,Mnir)i frinl and find them to De aua m am aavi a . mi ' m l m iibj i i nui uu&ku ' . - the best remedy. -.-j , . - - (Signed)" -. .BtricKiauu. - berlain'a Stomaeh aad iirer TahleU are used. For sale oy au aruggww. . Ooed aeeoBMeUaon for the trarelhtf nbUe. ,K - - ;'.;." OeedlimT Attoahad xZ'.z-- ' llASSENBIIEG HOTflL v,"When a-girl has a corn that causes W to liniD she always apologizes by : , - -. - vmiiat : have atwisteu . ner Bajrixig d"V . - - ,.:..(-. -.T , v . . ., . : ankle. ' - I " " - -r n.. t.t h. MWren suffer. If they are fretfnl. peerlsh And eross, gie them .ri c.Vw Mnnntain Tea. ' ln Monnt&In Tea. A civil engineer is not moDirch of . he" surreysvf ;;.fU.;;v ,-;:t?-- Paint Your BassT For 75c - : t ri m with' T3eToes GloV -CarrVT D(!nt TtbblSt0 8 OU tiOTS to U One Ulanto Coegh Cure U right -oe I yoU 0 something lor the boj W f V?p I - K Udra'a favoriU - eougk" w - . i - . - ai uii uaeu a Aveoeka Drug Co. . I tnr wide a door lor the purixee oil . : this little article. - i - . - Tk ttr ehleb Ciw Ires Ifia Mioral 8prlf t dlcfTJ ea tta .lAa!atioo ef R. 11 BultklatKl, ft nilUa froo LoaUbarr;, will Ve dt ltvrtd tele a ck at t-idoT la Loibnrg fr tuf Ha ola a galloti pfoviJfi a a!HiiuX eaaa bar will agrta u lase a csa: aa Sftr r.a'lci a vt i bt ai'.ff baa bea"aualji d if ll tula Ptmlft aol bs rroooQBCf it afe- Barring birthdays the ; society wo man tries to appear up-to-date. , -"llbat of the patent oedUsJa toitlmoai. UTVUa Mllnna atia&k ia dcWi!r M i .mIm rMantlv accard la the A tch- pleasant it i. qutekly ejer when; Cham. n (KmB) QloU : -Jo. Tack, a w.U "1 snowa a?iner. rumioij v p!!ibttMi Wichita aaa aio i.tai TTvrJ ia a tlx on. with a pia tareTand wtea fca was ia tLU oCoe to. dy. a aisXoa tia aooni is. u -i.4i.i"4risi la hla tomb, ana .1...V1V. Monr. 1IU drnsrsit moawoa Kodol aad ha ava it i ear d Elm." Kodol DepPiA Car C t. .v.. -nn ..I sel earn aU atomiea trout!.'.. J est M aare a. the sua ah 1 .. ... ..... & --,..r ".ll"l . I Uttt- U liu: TaaJ irniy m- vonr Wliv o?Br With rritar tlrtd ma. torn ftUwr. oo. nrnj".b. o p petlu UolIUU-t'i Kockr HooBtla Ta will mala oa wll aai; krp yea w!L S5 wBiTeaorTfc:t. Ii- A. B-.-bbttt & Co,' . " . - v , If ha worth doing, do it well. How to Ward c3T 014 Aieu A T CD S T. ,A aleeUUf CiliUj stn?KU:!f tla?tU Cir if ft Day, Vvr, Filp i'...?'.! UMt uh j:f- - Call Aa4 fie t aad wews'.l arlM t' yri.- . - V. P. HEAL H CO.. Tla taot ocfcl wty cf efi't c tta ipproaeh cf oil U to tata Uloa lioroa dUtioo. ' Tti t doc by fi'.'.o; only fo--l tult-i U j c - r c 1 cyvcai'.!- bbI ey d - r- dr r-f t- f vcnieh rrrt Ui a d of Cin.trliSa i.'-- reS acl Llw T,v 1 fnrPMt lt lf Tea tTt S Wk olotely pura, ai l tv- ihowi teral tiMsl rc-1 rii. t tr-.'ra' or ra tree. .i 1. jr.l ;ll Cai th' to t Ij all AH -the r 111 .n ts t; H Wi, ttta tc'.lfy me al Vzzli bnrtT. K. F- D. :o. 2,cr V J. A- Artistic Job -1 1 li i t - i J P Moaaenburs -Propr mZTDZZXIOZI. it. o. Geea, aeeaaunadatioast Cool futt Po -r ar,iriTeile2j.fcytlLj - if . v t tint than otiers, wears loc a rloei esl t r.;r re ta follow its usi f v V it t-11 '

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