m. A. THOUAS, Edliar isi Fr:;r!:!:r. 'JL' M.I, CQUTr, IT hrli; vol. xixv; -i : LOmSSURG, 11 C, 1 ::IDAY. JUNE 2, 1005 CHURCH DHUBOXOttT - Bandar Softool at 9:30 AK.' " -- - Gao, & Baxx&, Sopt. Prwhlng at U A. M.. and 8 30 P.M. every Sunday. - - - - s P raver BMwtw Wednesday night. i L. B, Massst. Pnator. - ';; -."f: Barrjat. 8enday School at 9:80 A. Ik ""L ij-vTiioa. B. Wqldu, 8npr , pKMhing At 11 A;HAod 8-80 P.M., ery Banday. v; r - ; ..--.--.,., Prayer m-wting Thursday night. - H. U.-Mashbokbc, Pastor. r Saoday School at S-.30. .-V r, V . II' Rnnra Rnnf -, SwvWmmV morning v and, night , on I nlr "ero since his exploit at Alexan- lat, sra ana au budcm ra it rening Prayer Friday afternoon Ear. J ohs Losdoh, Reetor A'SAIL0E?S;SEEM0N; - - - .-. WHAT VICE ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES BERESFORCr THINKs'aBOUT-ORINK. : ' ' . -? i- "r , j m Hea,OB Poi- Being; Teetotal. .Tlie DemorlUi "Effect, of tie - Tretinar , H.Mt-Swtr 10 ONmw peruc Teachine; In -School.' v Lord Charles Beresford,' commander la-chief, of tiie British Mediterranean squadron, gave the most unequivocal personal testimony to the benefits of abstinence in a speech recently deliver. vuuiuiw .w., ou;. neen mn. raasBTTBBiAB Serviees 4th Bandar ia each month morning and eight. - ; 5-; ' 4 v" Pastor. Looeas. A. M,, nweta lat ana Brajxaeaaay aighw ia aeh month. K , H. Banks. O. T. Baitbwtekv V " tt O MlTilWlCC ft : BANKS, -DENTISTS,, ' ' .'LOCIBBOBO. K7C' Office ia Hick BuUding, Main Street:: )K. ABTUUtt Hi FLEAUNQ, . un in loaa, when, with a little un- boat he engaged one rof the - largest Egyptian forts. He was formerly, com mander of the channel sqaadron, and It. wast the fleet under- his jcommand which, was recently sent by th British government to pursue' the" Russian ad mlral Bo3estvensky 'during jhe crisis which arose after Jthe'r slaughter of .British fishermen-hy theBaiac fleet . itWhen I was -a'youne man-? he said. '1 waa' athlete, I used tobox- greats deal, ; ride -steeplechases '"and Taces, play football and go through a. number of competitive sports and pas times. When tpui myself In training, which rwas a cont tonal occurrence I never drank any Twlne, spirits or beer at alL for the simple reason that I felt I could get fit quicker-without taking ny stimulants.: Now. I am an older man and have a position: of great re- pay: day and-'orunkenness SHALL" WE EDUCATZ? rr.L3ERVE YOUTH AND HEALTH. The Week En JoUlftemila tk VaoUala TTeili Iibh j : Of course a man" who gets hla pay envelope on 8aturday night and. who thereupon makes a human tank of 1 tueM word : "An educated r. u-cu u, bwi wi jouujcnuM D-1 axanaa, as u were, in tue raidat c: cause he has money la a f 00L ' PerhaM 1 1 " 1 - s . If he milirea how certainly; 1 la hU I toxu&em arsenal and magazine, L own- enemy and. what an-unquanfled I wna au ; me weapon and engi: rooi he la he wouldn't do It but be whkh man's skill haa been able uoesa 1 reauze iv ana so be gets nar Does It Pay ?; A Conparlscn In his easaj on Barns Carl vie t theae worda: An educated a 1 8 to araeefnilT -drunk and it . earueai me anu tftstr chapter to It on .Sunday, and on WoxVa, a4xx)rdiny, -withi a gtren f '.b jttonaay ne u aDout as miserable as a l borrowed fromr all past ace. " II. r diSerent tsjhia state who standi . n the outside ot thaV torehouajt-Tar. feela that ha gatoa most bo itorml 1, j-ftau can trvii uc - v t Work! 'Not for htm,' How can man: work with a splitting head and parched ,- throat" and remorW In hla - ta-jm vu,. uiu uwwu, ai I - . . . . I the place where he works hla case U r ver anas againai ju talked over aM somebody aaya: We Hia means are the commoneet an ! SrJ?I Jba li00rt lfae' rdest;W mere work done k to only one more. Good men who are not . , , drunkards are too -easily got t- war- meaj5nr ot his itrengh. A d r .nrt rant-us putting. up -with a:aot-' Or behind his ateam-encine may remove tlentThe situation la not oJrawnC ems?wn ' pickaxe; and he The eurse of business An SnuuiyBiS tnust be : a :Titan that hurls'' them la the Inefllckney of employees-tn: toe ww 9.. Avoid . fear - in all it varal f.rr.a of expression. It w the gTeal;.: r a-e-ny cl ths hnmin race, ; . ' AvoU exco of all ,kinJ; ti-v ar& injurious.' ; The long tntut a UmperaU, re "Jr one. Jon't live to rat; but eat " to iite. many 01 our u-j are duj to ovcrtsat ing, to eating the wrong thing aod to irregular eatSngl' - : -: . . Don't a'low . yourself to "think rtr your' birthday . that , jti ire a jmt older and to much nerr the ta L Kevet look on the daxk-eidc; Uie sunny, views of everything; a aaney thought driv 1 iviv the shadows. Ie a child; lite aimrly and nataral'f j r-1 ta lxiT sit'i Keep citnt cl enuncrimg aliuitjo a ft J - - 1 Tm hi are r f"s tnent wltn Sec it's Err.uL-Ica HouT $ fo'Su t ; ra . sr. In hoi w.r, ar n cl I rw I r o - n it t t!uct cwrirv the heeled Bon. J'm t-jUMK V r - j w i e. notice. CO' early days, of the week by reeson of their personal habits." Xn Massachusetts a great number of employers changed the weekly pay day from Saturday tor the middle of the weelu::' There was no attemtH to coo x Here we have expressed by a mas ter" the tnoderoT edueatioxial Screed. And ha truth will be rnore evident in thU eountnrj than H wiaa ia the last IIcatL:-.. rf a'l kinds. all discontent and d Lua U c : a hrin g i fatrowa prcma tartly to the face. - Form a halbit of thronioff oil before going to Ui ai night ill tU car aid fet." anxietiee of - the ' .da evemhicr which can possibly cause mental wear and tear or depnre you of rtet, ' DENTIST. LOClSBUaO.' - k. a u-Jlee Ott The OMen -Tarboro lo.'s (More. - IAS. J. X. aULOBX, a f KAOTlCtHa PHTBIGLLN AND 8UBOSOH. Looivauaa, v. a . Ottlae arer Ajreocke Hrag Uompeaj. r , ceal the purpose.l It waa done to save 111 any one -will take the"troubIe to the men from themselves, : and manr I a .t-j r.;" t - -r t - spbnaibilfty, often . entailing -quick of them were grateful.' -A. pocket cosk I Pf!" Hao,ea ?r thought and determination and Instant j talnlng n week's salarv combined with to&J wlttthWans, it will irivehim a decision, I. drink no wine, spirits or a day on which there is no work makes I nn Mm rrhtrmt weaZSwaou krfP - . 1, I to answer la tne ncht way oux aueav tkahill we edacate? - - ; ? Whttn vsm sttAn t' ft mAmanf v ei w w vjr amv ea . auwauvuf en JJU.J.J.MANN, PHTSlCIAX and 8UBGE0K, LoaisMaa. . o. . " , . UiBoe over Ayeoeke Drag Co.'a drogetore I IB. 8. P. BOOT, rBAoxiouto raTsiciAJi ajtd jsukqec: Loalabarg, N. C r OAee in the rear ot R. A. 'Bobbitt Co.' Drag Mure, on Nash street. - s . . jja. a. r. TAJaBonuvait. - - PBTSIOIAB ABI BCBOBOB. . iAOWSOas, B. O. OCtoe Sod Boor Bee: boiMlmr, pacn m. aiat eaUs .anaf4 troa T. W. Bteaett'e riilan . phuoe 7. H. ALLRED. ATTOBBBY-AT-LAW, Will pneUee la all the OoorU. toawe-svUM, M. C beer, simply because I am more ready for the. work Imposed' upon me' da: and night, ahraya fresh, always cheery, and In. good temper. ' I do not say that this -regime would suit every body be- cause it suited me, but I do'know' It suited me and am certain that I waa and am more successful without any stimulant whatever than I should be If 1 took stimulants. .-J - . '.The teetotalers -use a strong argu ment with regard to some sections of the community; "There la" no doubt that : there are people who, - if they drink a very little, must drink' a. good deaL The people .1 refer to should ex-, erclse their pluck and Mrink nothing at all. - One of fashions of .the day is based on simple hospitality;.' A man meets a friend and the first thing he says to him Is, -'Have a drink.' The mend, not to oe out done,; returns the compliment, and so It goes, on until the man, naturally n. sober man, .by "the tyranny of .fashion and hospitality drinks more than is good - for hinul It would be a great AjJeimer Drlmkimer sue ; The" relation of liquor jfrmking te edness, epilepsy and moral detertora- j think, that the chlldxen of to-day will van ma. great subject and one to which I K lv- ratn. , ll.tAr. ,- more . attenton aboold be given, saye - . " . , - LilliaVi M. N.. Stevens. Dr. Le Grata, gOTemor. the statemeQ of - tomorrow the famous . alienist of Parla,7 says" la -and when Wp think, "too, that the from Inebriety the mental end physical I ecure only in proportion a .the degeneratesr were T7 per cent of all; to j pitixenahip Is efScient, we are helped the . most,, demoralizing I one escaped-eJl were Idlota." tnaane, I qmtaoa shsU We educate? iFor tSe js j I LiA-lA a fi,-aa. ts csew I rt? ? A - . "W twenty years hedivided erlme -Into I well tkey shall perform their daties five parts -end that four of them have t eg its custodian 1 will .drDend uoon .. -m - - a awan I ..,. ueea viv resuiw to excessive unnu i . - - . ; f, evw M Bsaej w M ti,VWVWk" sua 'waajai Hasty Ice :Creasii7:? I xenahip in the new age before us." away with and a new fashion spring up In .which It wouldnot.be the If occasion demands ice cream I So much for the eeneral atixen a- favAeif A' A mAtaiMn - jri aim4r " m eie -1 UiC XOTVAAfcaff .vOlUW BBXV IllfcJ JAAeJ rj. ft. boon tr this r rasnion coma De none l when. no nulK or cream u obtainable, I ghj-. -q wora thtmt V the tndivi. CUS- j Afni -her hi hv eititr' rmtot e5 torn to say - to "your friend. Have a L.;.i.i..'iv:.ii. 1.V ... i Office In ...it i B. MASBBHBOBO. . ATTOBBBT AT LAW - Mviastme, WUlsvaettoeiaiaUtke CoerU of theBtaU m Court water take.' the place-of the usual ingredients!" "Wasli ' B ' Urge'' tahlef spoonful of .hard butter free from salt. Cream together ; the, yolks tf three eggs and one cupful of sugar; add-the- butter: and twer cupf ula 01 water ; and scald the: mixture w s: double boiler CWhen it is near the boiling point, remove from the fire and cooL . Then add the whitee of the eggs; two teaspoonfuls of lemon J'uice and the grated peel of half i emoa BJBllwexe,- '-'V. W M. W. BODDIE, ATTOBNE1-AT-LAW, -IiOinssQaa,' N. C. Office oTer Bodt1e, Bobbitt A Co.'e drag tore. - - J . ATTOBBCT.AX-fAW, : , tiosBe,B:c, WWpveeitlflelBaiiiheCoeTU' of Viaaknm aut -fajming eoiuitlea, eieo tm tne Bupreaae Joiut, aea ta tMm UuluA tHaue piatetot and onto iaiooosev aad CUfton inoa. b. wiuBB, " ATCOBBBt-AT-LA W, : xoeisBvne.n.c , erex Joi i e Coopers ATTOBBBT-AT-LAW, - , Loaiaarao,. 0. 1 j WUt attene the eeerUof IMnkun. aaee SraATUte. Wanen mt Wake eoeaUM, alee ie MpraaM Ooart of BortA CawUae. etomft eweettoai to eoUeetleae. - ueaeeovexBsenon's Store. - T. W.BIOBBTT, ATTOBBBT ABB OOVBBBIXOB AtJUAW . yf;jMisBeBs bTsvV PteesyC an4 pelnataktng attention gtve to eeT atatter latrawa 10 we bmium. Belen to Cklef JmstteeeltepIeni,Hon. ehB .-- nw Bam: tar Winston. Hon. J. C. ' iuiua, rfoee. .fti Battonal BaoM of W- " Frfato-soe, Chae. B. Taylor, Frea. wake Boc ' a woiMKe, ho. M. W. Tlaabertake. v.V;-t i-vtaee ew ateat. A Oe. Btoiev - v : tic1 l. . .'u . J drink.' " j - y ; "Bad as Intemperance la noWrvthere Is a tremendous Improvement on what it was some years ago:Whenr I first joined the service, - about r forty-five yearsago, Itwas positively the fashion to oe arnnK-tnat is to say, men never came back to the- ship after their leave. unlesa. they were intoxicated and 1 myself have -many and many: a' time seen men, perfectly sober, shamming drunkenness because It was" the fash ion. In those days men were not treat ed with that reason and common sense with which they" are now treated; they were allowed- ashore once': in three months, and consequently had a big pay day;:-- I like to Judge others by myself, and I think had I been placed in that position, having those high spirits which are born In IrlshmenJ would have added other - spirits, - and have often been found In the condition which was of that day. " Now the men are treated with reason and sympathy, and they are allowed to go ashore whenever 'possible; : the result Is a tremendous and marked decrease In Intoxication. In the fleet which 1 "have the, honor to command I let men go ashore on every possible occasion, and the privilege has has been reduced almost to nlL The r1".- governor and the civil authorities In form me. that they! hardly ever see a man intoxicated in the streetSr and the Improvement is: most satisfactory. Lord Charles added: .,S' ."V- "I do not.belleve that the real practi cal - plan for 'i creating i temperance" among our people has yet been tried. I believe thatwe shall never really -get. that temperance ' which , we I wish for until r we : have systematic '- scientific training In, our ' elementary: schools. Teach all our children, .boys, and girls, at the schools thai healthy bodies make healthy- "minds and: that vhealth is the first duiportant necessity :. f or success, i--.l5;trf' er! firnnnlfltWl anirei -lfmm)3i! I P1 toOOOT and . tnut. , Is y -j In the new-age for. which the boys and ghd must be prepared uooeas will not depend so-xnuch Bpoo:CA- prioe and fickle fortune as upon one's preparation to grasp an opportunity. There will be aTisee-e, and tellUg ones,' too,' and they will make for the uplif of the prepared man and , for the downfall of the - unprepared one. Pwparationrparatioa" prepara tiou through education is jhe crying heed'of -1 the y ehfldren -of to-day. fill a r'ev u . i im tm t n a 1 Ce-rt LMkr, tiiufcu-i .fe m Mnti Ct w to U )ttn ( W - St HIm.m4.J (m I.'- 4 t'u. ne a-aiat e1 ttaf aieae t "meet lt e y 11. 1W".9. ttae e-.l k "old velvet rye" ' - pure - old - velvety. the best for the price, , 6 old everywhere, call for it" at louisburg dispensary, loulsburc n. c. am kk -w "-T tL ft. LaX. tia'f.- kUaedtaeVUoa etd aaeloailalioa ft. f"t. liakM ate td blool a4 boe That's faat BoMttr, boety Module TravtUdo,. Atoaiefor the s!k aa4 wk. Xi wtU. Tik cr Tebitae.a A' e-k .a.e i Garnalions5 Roses and Violets - : OUR ' ; SPECIALTY. VoaV A AA a'W AA A AAAA A A Sfc rfk ' 4 ' r- -A 4 4 4 4 4 4 -N - U 6 On Ctcrf eU WW Ue eertfli erf te el LhaiMi Tonu c. Wt, a et47 t)teaiee.rj. FALL BULBS. ' ITeWalU SCetieree. T v m ee4 f Ma Rn. heik, gin I imt. ArHiir7 e4 j eee ln . jfHMm stte ia i m a e M 'rVe H. ' , - - lUMe. B. c "We-er sierra te mS eleMM trae eat Srra. WeerM mm4 t m il amm nil m . m Ijm 1 - . . .1 , .1 .,- ... JThe Seaboard annotnc they wiUl 1 rim ad kw -operate their? Crtt ex ration from I v l"0: .W.TUU' . itnt, rine Beach, Ocean View aod 14th. . -Tram to leave llalergh ADtOft a, ml Dorham 9:45 a. m, rcUrnicUl leave rortsraouvli" t.00 i. m- Jane 1 6th, taaJrig on paaaen rn ep to irancaviaeinooire. Niiatr lUiwgti l m riA rTA IT s -d?; 'bi v-ai a L.-Tv H 0 RTO N vreearaoor fioy, rraniaintoa, ana Hester, mdodinff Oxford, to Henderi son inoloaive t25. tireystona tol , . ' FLUHBtK t: J m v- i:v ..tf.n.Jif: J tl.7f Garys to DranchviUe tlO. Y Special reeerved seat car. win be operated on this train, seats SO cents 1 "WJU CMtrnrtyoer work eaue!Urf extra. Those daTrog tame restarted fixture. A rail ILa of lUxh Teb, wiU pleAse tpplr t once. 4 " . " LaTatrisa, Watr Co?, rXor further mformation apply to wronahl p4pe.er.il pip. AUa a Km events or adireei ;-' u". ,i of lknf ud njpoe toaal&jra 'Vt.t----7i '-H'IUIeh. N. c..f Fbaxc OordniBse. A i-r ' . Tlal.IfK. V. CL 1 ;' 'f-V Jr111 1 ..." 1 ' ' Tlred-Oot.' were oat weaite rases teep.eatoe ot, eeeatae tCehe weaVS fir tcaee.- UoIllaiar Eoeky Uee tele 1 esakea itrosa r ad fWY, red blood. taaw. Tea t TWe. A A- BobbUtACo. ; jJ nvestment- ,'8H IXSXggXCSLCS. - -e Securities - A'Eavk lu faxU;UM fat iUrs!t Il s a:e f xsaJettiUt errttejs Wat are,, aJaiya st Ue ttli;MAl c-f lvi4Ca. Otr x strt m Va . tie Weait ef ttr a.it re aai sa .iUr-c U ca-ak. OjHtUiif UtUtn:HvU W ff UtftMlii im(t aewttti e4 Tim dttitJU, . . . . .... AKD STEAH.FTTTEa,' g CITIZENS BANKOF HENDERSON ooesv ", Shop codtr tiAtkrt fc'Ua. Ps8 HUreI-UUj a sel etort to twmt or waurr 2 r&s make yonr old ore bo tLe motk. He ting: - ElkT -B affilo vlQUICKER aiid: better ' Tri fUaboArd annon&a il' tLrr area sufficient namber to Juauff. it. TZZJTZZTZ they will arrange to jrte a pcii j w j t e n . lnllmanSa-r,ln Car tft rerf fvm Maiee oeJt e k alna fceAeUee-ert. beers Granulated gnrar.'five nonnds: I P" lemon juice one ieacupful; honey,. Somebody's gid is preparing to be an I aulimao Sleeping Car to ran from I riw.s, oue-iouxtu. -uyujoui. uruiseu ruurer i amamen. xa a. notzte ana a Meanuur to i awaieicu luronsa w - tauiu m eo- root, five . ounces; water, fivtrgaU I hnnianrty.v Is jovxa?.' k -' 'i-vZ; I eommodaU the Oka frpm Wtlaatn IVUiOa . Boil' the ringer-roof half an I - - -f : . ' -.v : I Iqb Charlotte: Durham Vnd 'Raleigh otner: mgreoienu ana strain, wnenri-" -.rerr"- -1 jyyige wnwta wui oe ou4 in iuuaio cold Add the well beaten white of an good families who lived in the same I July 10 th-1 5th; . - egg, and-a!ieasToonfuiof w Ilate from Ralaich, all r3, round - - : -L? A. I - ' ... - , . 1 . - .-. mn - t n a U- T i green or- lemoa w kept At school every day when jcheol rjui Y" ouehly and let stand four days.wtth- - - . r..i. I $19.45L.Wumfagtoo, iJl ra3, 1S.5 - - . . . - r sreM an arf aaa . i ebb nstrMiiiH earn nnr a . y . K rr rr-r-r T. - Dor ham, aa rau, I JOO; CharioUe, it that he -waa no on the streets 1 Bay line from WU- night with thA MTOwdes., , That "boy mington 2l.Wf rDarham 119.40, ludto attkljand he -knew - it, "and CharloUe t'23.95. Tickets- win be jfZ jwi v.v;. ---rHwi sold July 8th, th ' and 10th, with nt - being diaturbedi 'BotUeand keep in , a cool ; place: Tliia., Vill keep- for -months : longer uun u 'i 'N . z 1 J, Wwl vod fiixsl limit to leev. Baflalo Jdv ttth, :ymmtregaett fioU boi were good poo- etn u .xtoadJ . mnta V! lee irappe. is a oeugnuut aiiernoon i pte wno oeuevea-uiaa ooye ougn, ro i a u crust 4th. upon rarment of f ee ot refreshment, Mir' foot heaping be allowed to -hare a good : tims" $i.oo. " . WvailTeto UeWe-i aot el I leUe -Be Facis Are Slubli ora Tilings raifora awect CaL!r fcr crtr ft cuirttf ef 1 ; The leader ot all package ctjtfccs. ; lion CoIIcc . Is a.- 4h4 la ts.7Zttj ot ioA rW4 M7ycl4 renim t7cal te It aa a ptit rrt tu u:n ctnu La o Cotxlldcace ot the people-, TiuaeT;!.nrg altv cf UOJff ' ' OOrJXS aserr-.tf a-I cjiaassw lioas rermr iff .ta iT ' . ' yespoonfnlsoto onnd, cof- ukept too dose to. -their Taa - imt k Mttavf vAf KbAlIlTlfV BVekTaMB I A7 and let the mixture stand tm an as- I went to achoot when J he got -ready bestus mat on the Bide. of the store j staid at home when he pleaaed tor i niteen , nunuies.' oirain. ana wnicjI happened to "be seldoox - at cool. -.Then add tha stiffly-beaten fi grown to be young men, ana are res . . Ptum Jelly,,?: I several Tears! tinder thirty. And for cheery, chivalrous, manly-dlsposr- l'T Tomake -pium jeiiy ;take" naix a I their habits have grown with - them, tlons for tatog; B-amUtf Ue 1 gallon of half .PJF The one is private secretYrr to - Mr; Health is the first necessity tot sue-lnd let boil ten-minntes.S Potir off I Vanderbilt at a aalary of o,0W) and cess in every department of life.,- Show the 'iuice and strain -through, a ieDTJ all 'expenses. i.The other is "serving a Lit ' auu ; 19 a b dujuui a- - Pullman rite from JUletzh to IM- falo t4.S0, Darham 14.50, Charlotte 5.00 and Wilmington 15.00. - - - Those desiring to attend wiil piaa notify the undersigned, ti that it can j IV, be determined 'a - su&oent number 1 p 21 go to justify operation of special Pullman, -- 5; ,'r;. CL II. Garri8,T. P. A. ' 'V Raleigh, C--- i mm rv lecMMteeHm. - iWenU e Uf4 Mahhieael ax etr eoea4 afp, a e avnak ea ae4 atMMei rV Una, Pit e rt vkx Hieaii.'M ee e Motn aMvteiae W4 tW W etT prl tea e teta ea lk Merttae ai tee lire eawe ni aei j lre- fraeaere ee j aw eert I aaMja Ae aLx leaa4ie ttW. Ta Aa$ec&ka taeae-e 4 anaf.ala at uooei la eerr avaaj. ia t4 m VLr e Vre a a I re tela erooerUne vW Welk ajl aW aire aante ean are, ee4 e aeaaa eevy tee oe twe la-e at e tie, taee U fiee oe la Jrctcay erereee. We faereaUeeerr ee eJ eeaal Jee aacaet, a a4 aWaeT. eee Aa mo: Mr ee a IriaX. Tee ea ar.e: j la W1 ae ej a4 tAe mfi ae eer. LION COFFEE rvam tta SZre-svjrfaw rtavw snaA rtal. ttye sea ancW tt. Oei mrrtvU trSMS ta nlemlaraway tt te cmrateXly ed avt sf tArtawtre euad mtrmrtXy peLat tm t taw aa04 ft ega-av. avA savt 7e4 eg ai mmxil ae tr4 tew ate-e f CXve a, TVte arectaAe-e tVe 9 eaailkmrjr 4 av4aJ?rr Cleat ew axeaEte-rt aettB at sat. tatavterte ew ncavcleAJa Asa a. ' TVa Ataaaatse ITP COmX le rare ararauaie-e4 Ca f - asA ae- b I 3k faAkv Lamaki mm awar. .. . ; Ar Qi Luna, e.eae tot eaJiuaAAe yrrent.ifanav SOLD BY GROCETIS EXRVlirjli: tin. rawtry- eat INN "It-.': AXOBlixT AT4AW, lesiesvae, a. a - In aa s . .. ... jy 1 AA30BOrWW, Jn. ' . ATIOENXT ATUW, IKTiaBtrBO.B.0. ' --,1 Otkae ta Oeera Hoaac bnlldlng. Court itreat All legal baalaeas intrnated to him artU reeaive promni and carefal attention. sulta of drink; get-firmly Embedded In . . . f - . - jn'ivrTfn their heads thaMhe. same Horror ought r SS v fTl TLiZr llrfTsrim. to be attached to a drunkard as they 1 wm rueil wWw.-4l .H.nh A taflln n Wo. ilnlnff-gnrthlTMI 1 TeqUlTe ITOm IWenTV-lO Iflmj Uiitt- Hesva; .iv ; VVaB) -rf w- - . - .... . - . ;'''.- - dishonest-or anything unchivalrous or j utcr boihng. selfish: toward their companions . show them. - the advantages off temperance and the disadvantages of 4ruukenness; show -them all the. charm lhat health - brings and. the contentment and sue cess that go with it and the contempti ble, sordid misery nd-squalor accom-'- panyinga life -that Is intemperatew-iiet,. them see that no- one rwlll-ever trust a drunkard.? - ' "r- XTt . ' Z Reform Baror Stlre I111bo1 Towa."- Mayor Shumway of Qalesburg,i 11V recently created a sensation Inlofflclal. circles by announcing that he would suspend, every city? onlciar who drank or dld-bt pay his debtsHe suspended two policemen for drunkenness and Is Investigating other city .departments. case." ; 1 grant tt. Look aDous you and see if you can't cite instances I , CQJTTBACTOB Am BUlLDEfiV; Tndiag aVajit for alt ktads- of BuUdiag J complaints nave been .made to him by emioee, avnieue aaeuuoe w,. un. - teeleral Deaaar3aDaalUd hnainARfi men." and the mayor now In sists that hereafter aR offlclals'faust pay up and that sobriety must prevan. ; 't-;-Tlnted. oodwrlc.-:t?:-. . tTTinted woodworlf) u thavlng "b wideJ"Vogue? for. Colonial bedrooms iust "at 'resent: V-Pale creen-and "a cream"white, flushed with pink, are where the saine principle is exetnpli mueh - likedj while a", dull ; finished J fied tho' maybe not in eo f .-rclble a cream or a silver .graj, that look - ;And h u - . te kil almost white are two other -favor I . - ... . , itesCare should be taken, howev- over this rcpubl.o to ay ani .pce- ertio avoiu cruue coior voues. -.--.j;.'. Kurt IaeUe.. e pghalxeeav. - -J-'-TLu LIv3 Tilt" 11- ' German newspapers Report that dur ing -the fiscal year ended,' March 81. 1904 British East India ' imported A fS 000 : ffallonS' of v beer. of which" 3,830,000 gallons came rrom auigiana. Tn addition -to this the-twenty-eevea breweries In India produced.; e,474JBC3 gallons. " " -.'-"T S . ! Bniooa BH! m calUag klcated.- - -And bUtotjoa tnocfclf eoeaed. " -Pauat toaia" oVdb'iere U. .' CotDpaal arnald sol latar elea. : AU ble fra3a ra Ndlf .frlctua!. Bat tbelr apUlta aooa erra ligfc!d, For Bill aali-aol ttaf teliered I lea. B The eare-eoa aerc liter.: Thr uar gripe or alekta-. bi -von aav. von have cited an extreme 1 Imrart aattr r'afae arry. . ux-l fat JU-eOe2. -Te HEALe -year sentence in the state , prison RaleigK" . The education of- these two boys is mponsible for the differ ehoe in their, respective places to- : day- ' Shafl " we educate? fBut ot tnalf apUlta aooa erra ngat, . . . - - sr Bill aali-aol lf teliered He. . . ... H : f . - t . f taaaoea LUUe Pilla r K.rtf Hi-re- Q U U U 1 C M U U I U I reoaiUpatioS.aU:kbeede.e.bUH5ee. , , 7- . - i, eta . by lb air loalj tCer oo. lia , VtQg Co. IIYQEIA Tha rt r-tent' tat on earth for al at Aycocko lmg RIGHT AT your coon. A fH itaa 1 au;'a lal. At nC " Tks WU1 ef. fsFi:aAsafcit:'1rf-rtetv krvajll t Ui - etratca... DeTTwi'a XIL.i TTaxl Talfe tenetratea the r - t. a ' 3, as! ty i.a anUaep tia. rttLTocUtitai i talior laSienoe It -tdaa ii .' :;.;oi acijnrea boi'.i. 1 have ci ven Thorn rva ChlH PiHa ihoroash trial and Cnd th-ai to t-e the hevx, remedy.- " . ' .. .. (Signed t o.rtrv'i;.1.pa. AT" CD 5 T. trtJ. eita, FUAJKJLXlIiTO HOTEL it. r. AAMAJM44 iwM Ooed aeeomodAtiom for the travsUrj Che laxative eret " cf C-s-hrlaias I Stomach and Liver TatlaU la so agree. ; ahla end aa nataral trat rou CO sot ra 1 alias it is the effect cf a medicine. For I sale brail drugjletf.'.. Tz'rC'y i, W.'.iT, ri-T wora f -1 tU eia daaea. A :-;'. for tilii, tleei:-T andltctlcj asi protrad lot t Ike ordinal ana gaoie V. ial'nel Ca1t tt br II. C Da- T7itt A Co and sold fcy Ayeoeia's Draw: etora..---.' : It doe's seem the shorter a girl's legs Oood Uverr Attaehed llMBUEGHOTEL J Ifossenburi? t Jropr Ooae aeeemmedatioai. Good farat To ; Quality-ts Quantity. - Bard museles and sCrons body do aot depend on the quantity of food you eat, but on ita perfect digestion and ; proper ejurimniilation. When vol take Kodol Dyspepsia Care-your syatem gets au toe rdirrwhat voa lArot the longer the stocking she inskts stomach and eonvsya the nntrient prop-1 on wearing. erties to -the blooa ana lusaea. xais builds op ana streuntnens ice , p...( yft r -rTrr dyBpepsia. belching; eteDyBpeia-is tlm T?o'm Clm CzrrU dssllned to evontauiy wora a p. - jt --v, s tas c:i r:n t a aul lasticg beneit to sserers irom tnia " . , 3 tUa. C::it7 Ajoocistrcr Co, - . f,-- a"TAh armful of girl Is pretty exciting the first time. - , ' caw rr;; .JTessJ Cure XirryfrtTi-a . 'l!n. R. LtEf:iT cf Tort vr;:'.:o, Oa. Urio, Ci&ala, aiotu auTri qsil a iccter c' "jfs.i frona dTfrrt": ' (treitr''-1 a .'.rri:, '' ' ty Lr t'r ' t t-.- c-..lt. .' tnschf t Li?'-r1'. .la .! itl i' yi, "1 " i I In s rerr t. i" t 71 -ill it : ; t ii.ji'; i cr - '-' - vly r :t t:i t i " ' t v if ; ; ;:?t ... Habit may 1 one cf oar Lt alUca as well as one cf our-wrrit tn'cm'ca." IIMI t H y ,l . - If yoaaiot pretty fie aal dH?W fal atr,- ' . Yl-mr eb-k aad lovly - . We4diag trip aero l-a a. - - Put yoor (altb la Tr U-nu'a T - - . R A. IVwi-lit A Co. A woman can't te'p fot;r.g r.- 1 of a hus!anl 'who got. I -Hcf t.'o grams. ; k C::5, P::i U::rl ll 4... Ta er t'.or ai Just Y7l.it r.'r. J 1- : a C -r a: ' f 1 rl r cf Ire's; C . rr :. . - r . '. t I ' 1 i -'. c ' : -I t tr. 1 i . J - :' 1 i-,i r r ' .. : t - 1 - t f : : 1 1 j r r s 1 i t f : t ' '. r... ", : 1 7 -r at ! r. : I i v lo I t r w iii l r' l Cf:f : a t tri atilj C e rr. U r i L J.'uV'i! 3 wi froe iL j di--T 1 C - tie a C t :., i!.r:'i:r.'-:!, t -1 V' "ir.-, ;i a vis rrcti '. ' 1 i i r : . : 3 t '. act 1 1 1 V U AM I U-:r 1 , ; "i a '. f f u: S : j. i- 1 . f . i 1 . t , r I - a J, l'U-f, Mip al if i Ci.l t rta rt a I 0 VI. -ft ; ttt P. a a "'ds tic Jo -Mi . "I -ti:.:3 J i; 7 .J ' J r i; i i t 1 1 ,g-t';:Vh.e-7--: -. -;7v: