V ' " ' " Ll ' " ' " - i ',M ' t i - ' - " Jx, .- -' .- '-- " . V rAT: uinoir CHURCH DIRECTOttY I 1 .a- . . . . ' " - flnndftr Sehoot t 90 A, II.' Qio. 8. Bars, Rapt. -PrMoblnc t 11 A. If., And 8 SO 21. ry Sunday. - i trrer uMxtinff Wadaead algbt. L. 8, llusif . Putor; ,'- Thob. B. WiLDia, 8apt PkmIiIikc M 11 A.lLad 80 1.. err Soadaj. ' - v - - ;-v Prmrr noting Tnnriday -c : U. H. Hashbdabx. fMtor. " 8aody School at 9:30. fv ;7' - ; Wk. 11. KDFnH.Sapt. - SMvleo. mornloff and nigbt , on. Im. 3rd and 4Ut ttancuri. KTain rrayvr Friday afUrnooa, RitJouh Lohdos, Baetor. 8rioM 4th flanday in eaea moath- morning and nltf ht. Paator., Loalaborf Lodg. No. 418" A. ?. ft A. M., bmU lt and rnl-Toaaday aWhta in ah month. f&j ? . v iro tteawnonal . oardar l T. SmlUniek. H. Baaka. o M ITU WICK & BANES, w i DEISTISTS,,,. - LOCI8BDR0 N 0. , , ' n: offlc (a Hicks Bniiding, Main 8trciL D a. 4. B. atAXOtni,i f HAOT1C1SO PHTBICIAB AJTD SUBOSOK, aowjwnav It o,' jfe3. if Si oa war Ayweka Iru Company., . . PHT8ICIAN and 8UBGKON, LOUiaBOBO.JI. O. " offlc ofr Aycocke Drag Co.adragatora j)r.8.p.burt; ;., " t ' J; PaAOTlOWOFBTSICIAil aJrD 80OK. Louisborg, N. C. . j Ofiu. In t,h. mr of tt. A- Bobbitt ; ; Co. Drag Btan, OB Nh atnrt. s . v if ; . PHTUCIAJI Ajn 80KQBOaU : miu. amv Mm: balldliir. ohoaa aft. MVct uia anawwMt from T WIUeaatra H. ALLBED. . " -ATTOBJtKT-AT-iAW, wui pruUM in a tae Coaita.' 3 OlBo tn 1 BM. HAHSaSBUKa, ' ATTOBSXT AT LAW rui at alien court of taoBtata n Ooart Hoi M. W. B0DD1E, ATTORNEI-ATrtJLW; - LouatsuM, H. C Offlo ovar Boddie, BobbiU A Co.' drag tore. w u. HAYWOOD BCFFIN.J ATTOBBBTT-AT-IAW, aocannnw..a. , wui smatla in aO tan Courts of Pwiknn a4 adotalBa NUttM, also ba tW MpraM jaw, MM in tM VWM DHHi Anawm aw oskw la Uoopor and Cttfton 'Oe. B. WILDBA, - i ATTOVCTAX-IAWY r, .,.. averse ifcOooisral F. 8. SPEUILL. ATTOBJIKT-AT-IAW,; losissvbo.b1. a'-'-' WUI tno sonnsof Vnnknn, snaai ihm limn ooart - of Morta. OnroMna, rMM tftlnn -ien to ooUacUons. uaten avor aa-anon's Mora. , . - T. w.Bxcnrr. ATTourar aja oocsssxLom at law, ; - J--. Maannraa x.'iar l aad otnsUlrha attention atfaata Eaten toChtef JnaUee tSipnetd,Hom: John M mt mm UtmUd IA HIM UOOI. BUntaf , Bon. RobC W. Winston, tton. v. BsxtoartM. rirmt Nattoaal Bank -of Wln Sanv Uaaa at Manly , Wlnaton, feoptaa Sank nTiZwnM, Chaa. M. Taylor, Praa. Wk Fo. ant Oouif, iun. B. W. TuabarUan. ..- oacsiaiiuot'nBMi. -.C ' . r: . V. . ; f ATTOBJTBY AT-IAW tan. In aO aoaota. OSes os) aoraat. 8 " TABBOBOtTOSt n :t'C('i n02HT AT LAW, ? - -. LociaBima.BT.c. - " t Opara Hoa balKUnf, Comrtstraat j All Wal kaalnaas lntrasted,7 to him U1 raaaiva prompt andearafnl attention. U f. houckv : t - -; ' T- OONttACTOS j BU1LDES, -; Tr&Ma SmsC fw ail kinds of BnlldtBS sviUaa, aruatle Mantto nn4 TUaa. Aros. hMtani Oasl-na MbouttM - ; HOTCLO. niAjnaoTo,ir.o. -5W - CODUiiT, Prfr. Oooi saaoaaodAtloafortls tnvt!!j ahllB. r -." " " OoBalUvasTAitaahad 11ASSENBUEG HOTEL J a? kxMarox&bTAx; -I?jropr r ; By J. DELL, '-C V Author of Wcc vrM . ''L: ' - COPY.ItlCHT, tl! '!!!! HUM "But yCll be wanttn ta t..- ald David. - - - "Aye. la ahe In the booar IUin answered in the afflrmaUTe, ahe nod- uea-io jjavld and left hlnv deciding fhatr after.allilMnlzlit be better to mention her tsomplaint to her niece. ene-round - the younx woman in tba kitchen with v her print aleevea rolted up and her. anus np to the elbow la Preserye us I S Are ye tryln' jret baun. at i the bafcin' noo?, shff exclaimed. aeattng herself in the armchair.-' " i Scones,", replied Jeas. with a some- what ruefut smile, S-vr..-?.-.- "Ye're the yln fur tryinT - Dyou. think;:! neyer socceed, auntT'. "Whiles.- 4Y9 canna expec.to ken muckle ; aboot - keepin a hoos efter workln' in an office.', But nae doot Tell learn.' ; Let's see yln'oyer sconea, lassie.", w''v"" Jess, wlth more color in hef face than the fire had given It, passed one of her productions to the old. lady and awaits ed her yerdlct with dire forebodlnga.V Mrs. . Wallace fingered the acone." bit if, swallowed the - fragment -with ex aggerated effort and -much facial eon' tortion and solemnlv. - laid " tho : re mainder -on the table. r Her verdict was 'delivered. In a aingle word.-,"Cahootchyrc which Is Glasgow for gutta-percha. - Jess- tried to . Bmile out " her lin trembledVr 1 dldtf t think they, wrere quite so tough as all that," she said, recovering herself and refraining from mentioning the faet that fiveor Tten minutes before her annf 8 arrival -her husband had eaten a couple with ap parently supreme satisfaction.' v;-- AW, yeTl maybe 'dae better next time.?-remarked " Mrsv Wallace doubt fully.' 'Dinna work wi' "y er aconea aa if - they . wis 'claycf Dlnna press heavy- on them, furtye micht aa-weel pit them through ; a ; patent : mangle Be awfu' carefu wtihe"sQdy:anr ncX"letJt'ganjr in lumps, fur a lump- yi sod In ; scone's, aa bad's a rid nole -on a teeto talerJ 'V;-," ; "-c ' r ' S Mrs.: Houston laughed. I'm' much obliged, . Aunt Wallace.' m Ttry t to mind"; your - advice,, and . mayb aome night, when :you come lo your tea: 111 have scones for you to try. -r-c '. f 'JDeed," aye.' c, Dlnna be 4owncasL Try try try. again. 'Te'reyouJUT yet. An' hoo'B Davie gettin'onr" Bhe In quired suddenly. 1 " - "Fine," replied Jess. "He'a had. a lot of work this week." '-.,V1it . In the gairdenT said 3frs.i Wallacay glancing at the carnations lying m her No. This' la the flrst ifternooa he's bad time for the garden this week, j It was I that kept him at homo this aft ernoon, for I knew he was wearying to look after his' carnations. They're beauties, aren't they 7" !Te dlnna notice If he waa wearym to pit that new lock on ma coal cellar doorl ' ;- z. " Oh, aunt, has. bV -. IFor a .moment Jess waa confused, r. Then ahe said: I'm sorry I. forgot, to tell him about the lock. . It waB my fault," r, "r, Ye dldna forget to tell him. I wis speak In' to Angus (he day, an' he Bald it had beendoon on the sclate, hut got rubblt oot.' So . ye needna blame :yer ser.; I pit it doon on the adate again maserso he'll maybe mind afore the years oot"-..-. : ' 111 remind him myself,' aaid X She 'experienced a 'feeling - of disap pointment, : foe; during the week' ahe had. been elated ta observe the regular and: almost t willing, fashion In which her. husband attended to .his workv There's vanlther thing .ye r can- tell him." Mrs.: Wallace proceeded to re tail tho information received from - the grocer, ' concluding- with: ?I doot if a ower big : a . job"f u . yer man ' but if 11 be "a peety If a jiner ootslde Kinlochan gets itr. Tve heard talk o anlther jlner settin' np - In KInlochan, - an- - if the greenhoose Job waa gaun by.yer man it - mlcht i come to malr ' nor talk,' an' that wud be a bad, thing fur David Houston:-: an . yersel', " Jess. 'Vweei; v I maun be off.r J M Wait Aunt -Wallace and 111. get you a cup of tea. . '"r". sf " - "Na, na. . NeverT-heed the teu Iva got "ma Judgers; toluk' after. f .Never tak' in ludgers, ma lassie, , They're jist a torment..- I never, done It afore thu year, 'nV. I'll never dae'f again, never. It's, hard -earned siller.-, I thocht I wud -What have they been doing nowl- "Aw, naethlnr new, Jisf the same auld gemm-cominr doon 'with the late boat when, I've got 'their, teas 'ready fur the early yln, an', comln' wir the, early yin when I'm no lukin' fur them till., the late Tin, an, sleepin' In r the mornln'- an sweerln' .1 never wakened them when ma haun's salr wi' chappinV at the bedroom doors, an eryin oot fur suppers hot; suppers, mind- ye at ,11 o'clock at nlcht, an' hammerin'-their hired plany ' an' singin', an : smokln'. an playln calrds till 2 1' the mornln', an weel," thelt: time's up at the end o; the-month,an,v.riI no, be greetin to see their hacks. Guid kens when ril get the smell o' smoke oot ma paur lour. Kae niair ludgers fur me." --: ": A minute later Mrs. Wallace took her departure, and Jess set' about tidying up and preparing the evening meat- - Afterward, as she and Davie sat in the 'garden- enjoying the cool .breexe that had risen at lost, Jess referred to "You know- Davie"; she Bald. "I don't-blame Angus. He's getting old, and you can't expect him to be very brisk, i But you'll have to lock after the orders yourself.- If 11 never do to put. things on the slate If he's goto; to rub them out", ; '. "Puir auld Angus f said David, with a lenient smile. "He does his best Onywey I "think I can mind a that was on the sclate the day; Dlnna' fash yersel' aboot It lass. - Tra r!ai yo cza c'.rj ts cr::i, , j happened. Angus told aunt that her i order for a, lock for her coal eeOar door had been rubbed out soma time ago."- rs: j.4Oh;ye'ra no' to blame Angus 5fur that, Jess, far I rabbit it oot mMT.H -weiv.you see, you've a forgotten about the lock. .': - "But I dldna want to mind aboot the ! lock. .Yer aunt's no needla a lock on her cellar door, ,: TVha's gaun to ateal her eoalsT -. - o. vh; Davie you're the queerest tsda.1T- cried, , half lauching..- "It doesn't inatter to na what people need; Ifa what they ask for." , - - . . ."But I we dlnna keep a lock oa ooe cellar - door -C Yet: aunt has: a anlh . on ' ? . - p - "I momm o ifcjat Joof A erUd. nera, an tnairs aL ane needa,'. - Ara y wantln' ma to pit a lock oa her cellar J,Ot course, If a traaineaa, DavW." t- -Aweet I'll so aboot it, ha return ed in tone of reelgnationv j-'-x rToinonow,::I)anslt;Si5 yAja, maybe the njorn."':-K .'7r M .With which answer Jess had to ba content A aa rat In her eager ness to tell him aboat the Ardan green- house She let the matter fire?.-; Che told him . brieu. -s r To her delight ha beeama enthusias tic at onca;:--- ' "I . maun- get that Jbr ha cried. "My! Ye sod see the gslrdane at Ar denSooaa. -I wud Ukf the Job Jist to be workln' thera.' v,'- . ' ' - - ; Bt yon mustn't , run away and of fer to do it for nothdnsVBha smiling.' 4"j-r4:?c2-:v', ;.r-- lr"lae ears, Jeaa. v YeTI keep ' bm ncbt when we makrup the aat2maU." a'U-try'aaldlJeai qtxjetly. bnt looking pleased.alt was sweet to think .that: already' he. reeognlsed in .her a nnie mora xnan tna. nousawue. -;; ,n MIH gang lo'Arden tha morn,,; ha went on. - I ken the held gardener, an hell nV. let. his malster gang past a KInlochan 4nan . If ha can help it Aye, I think I'U get the Job, Una, an then yeU , no be aya -tbinkin -we're jraun;-banfaupt;i : rra au I never" aha begasv fc-tWeel, whiles when yere workln at the -books ye Ink unco' serious. No but "whBt',1 used: to-Ink ahat way maseT n. T 4 afore-ye. tuk chalrg.-o: tha OOOKB.-- r&r.sK-?. fTb books are getting cheerier every day", lad,', 'she said. And so they were, hut veryvery little. There was n big account: due to David'a principaitim- ber merchant -which: soraettmes - kept $errawaka at night. . Still thara.wM an Improvement and if David got tha Arden job aha felt ha would ba wall on his : way out of tha' wood which ho did not know he waa wandering in. iTm shalr I dhana kenwaat I wud dae wan tin' ye, Jess," he m armored. A fortnight later" David Houston's estimate was accepted." l'nKtogettwa men to help me," ha told hls wife.--"If;the'. beat: peyln Job I ever had.VDeed,.ye'ra tha wunv man to msk:up an estimate-:' An, boo ye micht jist write to Hardy Son for the wudd.-rH tell ye what to ssy."- So Jess m her beet.5 business., hand wrote to tho great timber, merchants. " And two days went past: J And on ;tha third morning, David HoustooSfas Bitting Uh the arnKTjalr. his. face in his hands, crushed and mis erable. vi'd:"-:-.-: JessTpale, but firm, was reading for the third time the following -typewrit ten -words Dear Sir W resrat wa cannot nae our war to cxacuta your order ( raatardays data -until ' roar - currant account ttata-' tacnt Inclosad). which, you Btuat ba awnra. Is vary much nvardoa. In settladU. Tour checar par ratura will oblis touts truly. - HAHUI uoti. CHAPTER IlL, v A WAT OCT."' US. WALLACE found Jess sit ting In the cottage porch darnlne her hnnband's socks. Ye Jidna expee to see me the day," she' said, shaking bands and taking the chair which Jess vacated. - "But I'm glad tosee.you Annt Wal lace. How are the lodgers attics sal" Jesa spoke hurriedly. Her- tLouibts had not been entirely with t':.e socks. r The ludsers Is gettin on Cne," said Mrs. Wallace sourly. .."hut they're get' tin aft the morn's mornln', a'n ye see.: I'm no" whit ye wud ca' con sumed wi' grief, noo are ye rtttin' on yersel', lastly ? "First rate." -- Mphm! -'I -see ye're at the darnln'." r "It's got to be done, Aunt Wallace. "That's wtit ye'll te Barin 7 yr efter this. If ye're e?are3, let ye'll no ay it as cbeery-Uie. Ka. -Jess lar-v.i cot altc-tl;r trt'.j. Bra I 1 J L '. U n lodeiu:.:-, :;. c, rr.in.'.v, july t. k?5 - -Tier -"There's .'aaatiia twjy tut a tat or a rtllwty c. ::' ' n,' r- ' trrtr 1 lira, V7a!:ce aci'.:. .:t. . "Ai ya say, the damla' o yer r-t&'s Is no sn swfo business, aa' It kec; ye oot O tu:cLitt It's better f s-e nor Cst'j.' aboet an craclla wi ce tours." It Occurrt J to Jets to cTer, tb c'.J lady. a fw nndsrnel socks to Uka home with her, bnt sbe refnincJ. Deed, aye went on Mrs. Wallace. Fn g!ed ye've aye rlenty to das. There's plenty clatteria. tonrnes la KinlocLan wi'oot tilla' to them. - .As I wis eomla'. -aUc tL road Ibe coo 1 aeen Mistress Foulls leauia owe r the hedge ha'eln' a cratk wr ilitres McGreegor, an ye wud ha'e thoctt the twa o them wis tryla' fur a prtza far the yia that cud sret oot the maist words in a meenit I wight ye had heard the gabblin', Jess, fur it wU list fabbliaLan: caethln eUc" "Were they Quarrellagr -. '- "Ka, na If they had been Quarrel tn. there micht ha'e been some excuse, Ira a so o . cick wi' when I'm pit oot But the twa of tLeia wia JUt ha'aia' a bit crsok boot r.se- tlia In particular, an' when folks stairt to crack about naethia' there's naethln can stope them. Na." ,r "Which deserved tha DiiMt'd? yoa think T Jess asked for tha sake of say ing Bometiung.- - . AwaeL I wndna Ilka to aay. hot I doot Mistress Foulla wud wia In the end fur Mlstreaa McGreegor'a that atoot an gets oot brelth' efter an oor or twa. It's practice that . keens her ap, fur her an Mistress Foulla are ye at it I never coma alang tho road wfoot bearinV them, aa' I'm shalr 1 hope ye'll never ba like either . fhem, ma laaa.:. :' t-" .. ' -. v- ; . I hope not. Aunt Wallace" said tha niece, with a amfla."- . - - : j,.; 1 "But ye're nana tba jwaur o a bit waraln'. Ta never ken whit's afore ya. rva Been Boony a quia young yla Itka yerser turn iatll a havarla hoddy jut craa sneer want e plenty to dae. 80 If a a' fur yer guid If yer man's salr oa hi socks." . Hera Mrs. Wallace picked p one of tha article ia questloa and exanuaad It critically. - ; ..: j i "I'm afraid I'm not a very neat da.ru V" aaid Jems, partil irrUated and part ly amused.;: V ' "X wad ba telUn a lea If I aaid ya wia," retorted her aunt "Maybe ye've bearo. tan o tha man I canna mind whether ha wia a salat or a eediot that gaad aft oa a pilgrimage wi peas la hJB shoes. Ear -'. Mrs Heaatoa laugbad good natured ly. Tv hoard that ha boiled the peas nrBVaaat--'? s "Mphntl I suppose ye're lateadln' fur to hUa yer man's aoeks? St, ha, ba! Tits, lassie; I'm no meanls to hurt yer faeUn'a. Tar damin' laaa llst aa bad a' that' Sea.. GKa yer acedia for a .meenit'"' And tha aid woman pro ceeded to gfra tha young one a short abject lesson in darning. V-c "I dont know how yom do B, Aunt Wallacer cried Jeas at last, her slight resentment giving pUcn to hooest ad miration.' "Yea coald hardly tell It waa a darn." - - , -: - . -ITavefsnf uit8re4 . Mrs. Wallstt. trying not ta look pleased. -"Bat ye nee boa if a done, ear : - Tha yaang woman nodded. ' . "U guidmaa aaed to say ha pre ferred tha dams to the rest o' the aock Ha wia an' anea blather, wia ma guld- ha wis laavta, aaid Mrs. Wallace, smiling a little lass coldly thamhac woot "Aye, aye. He wis aye peyia ' cotnpllmantB - of makin cocn plalata. YrU hardly aolnd yer Cade Wanaee, Jaaar ' - " .;, . ' ' . : . "Not very well " c -.' r , ,: -: "An ya canna ba expectii.to mind him. -Bat fur a man be wlsaa bad na. be wisna had.- In f ac I mkht aay I never keot a better man. An, efter n. Ida "eonipUlnln micht ha'e been wamr. his comptlmenta codna ha'e been better. Ya see, he ay peyad a com pliment JJst afore aa made a complaint so I wia aya ready for the- coco plaint an X Jist never baedit There's naethia cures a man's complaints quicker nor peyin' nae . attentloa to theta. Yer anda never complained twice about tha I an thiag.? He aye had nomethin new, an that krp' him free gettin tire some. Deed. aye. he wlsna bad fur a' Bnaa.. . Has yer ala mas begooa to complain yetr-'; ::i ' v. - Jasa laagfaed and shook her bead. "AweeL there's time enough yet but when . ha begins ' dlnna fash - Tarsal". Noe an then ya can gfa him a saft answer Uka whit 1 used to gfa whiles to yer uncle. I mind yiast ha sJep laf tha mornln' aa' cam' doon late to his breakfast l.r -: . -Whit kep" yer Bays X. Oh, says ba, Bmlln that aweet-ttke. I codna helo turnin ewer an ha'eia' aaUher wee hit dream aboot ye, ma dear.' That wis. tba compliment Jess, an' -I kent fine there wis malr 'to come. This ham's hauf cauld,' ha' aay a, lokln at ma across the table. That wis the complaint ye see. . WeI. - saya I. wfoot loosln ma temper. If ye dlnna eat It anick It'll be oult canld. He never spoke-aboot ham a gala. .An' as I wia aayin', a saft answer's worth tryla noo an then!;' -J ... Mrsis Wallace . pa used for a few seconds. Then, in her usual abrupt fashion, she said, "An whit tuk DstU to Glesca the dayr . - Jess started. Her husband had rone to town by the early steamer; and sbe had been hoping tbat her snot waa unaware of the fact "Did yon are Davie, Aunt Wallacer she laQOlred. stooping to pick up the sock she .had dropped. - r - OfHvy, the grocer, wis tellla tnh seen him gaun on bnrd the bot 4n twa three ithrfo!x la Klakx-haa wll splerta' if I kent whit his buln wis.-. - ' " Mrs.-II ou tton Ccsbed anrr!'y. "II! buaincsa Is none of-tbc'.rs snyfcow she said qnlckly. "Och, y needrva fee p, Je. uU the old woman Mwtblnjty, bat with s - (to ex cosTixcn.) tr. eot !:a !ttV crarahk eoat. If roa j a i. r -y f U tilt '..-::r'a Uot.y t'-.tUia Tea t " :r krona. .5 esti, U -(-, gri a. r. Ti.8 f ovl An i L j ovc rcc at are a- A a f : S If 3 t - n. y.. In July. Tl-.e S t - -:xra s 1 Jt "y ill arrs- -o t-- 1 -;'un I i-" Car ; T.T..! tj itten.l the rr.fv'J." of u' o iltz wtjch wui to l.e! I m I 1U" A. J twato from i:.-'c-a!l r2, r .ur trip tO.'jO, via Xorfulkan.l I'.ar Line ! 19.45, Wflmin.r-jn, all rail, izil ,) Dcrharn, all raU, t20:2Q; t,8.r',.i, all rail J3.C5. Dv Una from Wil-I V m - - nnngton- f 21.65, r Durham 19.4.',! old July ?th, iiUl .nl . lOu'i, miib', iinal iutut to leave HufTab Jn!y Uih, dus tickets can bj extend! cntl Ancjuat 4tb, nron luvm. nt of fee t i a, i . k a . t tijv'. :h t.Il.f. til) I UO. Durham I... t'-vit' . 45X0 grul Wihcb-,n 13.. ' I -.Tldrslrin t AtteiU a ij f Tvle i .v. 1 i v i uMtuj iM mjuemiraf I. w mat it Can ' 1 . . ... i do aienutnea n tr:rt:rimr -rtorr.fwr wiU go ta justify opcxauon ot speciJ 1'ullmta. - . " . . V- ; UC II. (j ATTJS.T: 1. .V , - iMleth, , CV Tlire Good nS JaiiUntuA J ' - .Thr r tktt raoos b; nUlrt prsfr Oaa MlpoU Caraj tirttl It sbaoiauuy strmi., d-od. It tax ehitdres late lit Thld. It-a Sue at. sroop sod nioopiot Boh k-s lUMttntaw tall. & 14 b Afaocka Drag Co. - , . . 'K k probablj eaaicr"V bepo. anJ hooest than ricb and houttt r - - ' nrOElA-The Itt !kfat 4-nr oaajirth for. aula at Ay rock a Vrofc A3 - -Tha iocongruit f casting." paails before s'wtne Is not rnenia1!TffrcU wbj the wine weiring 1umrvlC1 x - 'i;' 1 ;r" ' ! ',.!.- .:.r A Snath irtrtla.' -r-.--". Whan yoe Bed It aeVairv f mam aala one Da Witt's Wfh It U tbs uarvat. tail tba for ara, b-,41, u, blind bUrilariUbiy or emri. lag pih-s. vQtt i9 esfs PeWi:i iIasl8Alra e4 by Araocke Drt '. - - :.. .... . i ... - - jVVbat has becnaaof the c4!-faV oo'gui who w aa atpert. at mak ing coffee toi hef ova drrsen : l:y l: 1.. - G004 For VUiaiAih Trouble aad Coa- 'lir: " t'pstioBV;-- -:'ryf 2rChstBbaUn,a' ftcV Bed ffJ.rr Tbts be dos n- a ert dstf asod," C. Tos. ot Ut rsnsja Oat. rfca Bt-er s ni t pkfaie )be ai-T ff-l8 sr trt atti'itaAlaa-ii rasia. astBlt&d tho V) AH m$t nZmt Itf I. ssAsh diorr," ftt . mI fcy ad drrt AT WS"" y . LTha M. F, Houci PricV Mnufrt xirlrig'ompany waats t buy lor tha one yard J (.Q-cords pna wood, laanyooAntitv. alii pav :ll.r0 a cord. - f : - t j ( t i P. WINSTON . : : -f , - :.V.:. - ,- .'."i O - O - For toe tnk$ 0 4sy, : f w.ll :' a!l ample- bin wat down U'0a,.wit.fMjin. wholesaia cm t- lea I lata abet lOOoobbf Pprlnr stria 8olU cloth ing X am cloilng out Issalbso cost All Buutscr foodi oScg let. coaae in and Jock t tteta a jis also tats I maan boilers 1 bast a lot of tan sboaa fl til At fl Ital" tvtl aad $2. CO. I lata 300 (sirs womaa's Rae iboti ln Nee- 3 to 4 at !&sitiu cot.J. P. Wictiaa has reduced prices on vsrjlhiof, o juitcoot t? tea V c ; ' ; - v . . p.wwswa.v I' very j I r war rar.tr,! f rir jjWau If r-cl fnnn.l f -i. r -om r, f; rip; 1 i ia Pry IL I '.,: t tfcy ' -f.'.--,ti 1 1 t' rp'n --'- 1 ' i t i I -ri m. yrt ta aej: -y t r rr r. . r, a v f.4 1 tx" k vn -y y ' j uY tT, n t tHrnr. iiil wUI ilUUUIIU" . -and Viola! ri 0 - OUft CPCCIALTY. ' ' "Waara nlaara f- W'm IV 4ora;oM la taw U4 cWrt r m aa 4 m , i y . HIooai'Bf m4 a4aH k 1mm. V FALL CULCG. - - V , J. L.O.l.ltsaor "4 L.T.H0RT0N ftDEEEU AND steah rrmu. . f ' Wl cotrart yar wtjft tin aanifat t Cxtarx". A fu3 liaa ol lUiij Tsb. Ixtvnti'Jri'W. WA(t (VnatA, e aroogrht plp, nod pip, Alao ali of . Uoilpf and Ki-jrftw tHcneiiscs 1 oa wiU and y r rvwn ikltnvrtirr one, cidp aocer IUkt fct--r. . L T. MORTON. - r.BIlktiif!'MiloU wt ...... a Hort ia mt Toar ,ur, . y.a tnVt jour oU cfj J u Ue aorlu TIflES QUICKER- A!!D BETTER A4 tm -wt ta am a Wm w wf T S ,t'raT ore amf t r I Win ttU, u ItQiWvfrW 5 Will (4t la Im Sm 5 yiM rt Wt it S-ay a4 tacMwa lb ll.-. ) - ,WT ' n aVfe alaT aaaiaaV BBYSanT sVb) L9 ana kwat ta eTw. iHtuaM 1H tir mr nliml tram f i win in nia MMikaaM fiii.ni. i Tl yCj'V lata- 4 mmt4 iW twtlua ( iu i: w-a J M t afMarUo la I W Wa-tS w tin tfclrt fWMl., Ifc) Mfa . r tw la sji Mt. . gasreaaaa wm a4 aa 0 4 aat&aWtjwr.. tu n tTi t aaa 4 w A aai-w ta I Uam. - . . -: k-jf-rt"r," V i -A, T. NCAU Li ll' NX a;id : slipi . u ... . 'f 11 4 (i-Jo. OIu pure - old - vclv. t v the L fur t!u: .rir rold cvcTwhc r,:. " cmII for it loulsbur ( loukbuf, n. c. i A aOt W & V AjAi AAAAlA A On Cycrr 4 X ' saa Urn ..aa . W . W t,, a . ti mi U'iM tia.a-y. VVVVVVVVtVVwwww..- ' Baptist University For Women C' i M s I ta i w a a... . . . i 4. . . ' . fc - - . IS atrnaia. .4 Si k r av is " a- aa m k t"M is SEABOARD awt an t W Cb. TfMlj.litlMM!.iaif,.,. . RAILWAY. . F I M-E :; .-.. . .tffCCTlVC AAlL ICTH, IM5, " - .'- f .... " Jil Mt - SJ3 ' "" T M:-ip 5 T:: e.ia. t-io sjs L. rrsru a. ttu utt ttt 6 20 t5 Ar. I..U'r L. t II JO t:: to e " 'at n at, ffa J taaottU will t fj tt WJ HtUcM J 4 iU.'.a' V. :-'3 rta' a.ilV .n,,,. :s ,t 1 f, f utUt.s axa l tJia Mts ae4 Eatil. . ra i23 ! wjih 5a. 4J frr XU'a-tb a 2 t.'f sJ .Xt fWalk, ihiwrjjfr WaJ lUtUta Iflet rti::t Ur t4 WaVJa. "'-: .; , '" '.- ' - -- ' - " . J- SJrrtt, Apg!4-wVirf , TC. C; : C U. Cirrj, C. P. A., fcA'.Jr 1, A ftH !U ' f It'j. tl -al- TV $-i Atn ;ll rt;U lrr.ll V Uat A, 17 A a " r a I t i ". ; '. t j a I t 4 ta " a J t tilt! wt a . I ! J ' U A- A' dispell " 1 T .i A V- rf ."V Toncuc.M - J I a ' s lie t a ,..:w4 t.-, ! " -' r T- W H'u t w AIR LINE T A B L E j;. C, p r r 4 U v. CDS T - " i - , ' : t . C ' ri 'n'.ii ! ? ; .: ji ,. i till . u 1 Jtfi.-r 1", it's ret er "j 1 1 t V Bestat2'.:9i), C.'if iJ U t: it i t, r? rr:t - '

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