. B. " " 7 - fc ' r ? 4 f - -i ' jiS. A. THOMAS, EJltMiri Prr-r. j; . a'jLU cou-N'-L'ir, th i i gt?.a.ti3 the tjitioit ' t . . , . ... , It, LOUISEUEG, H. 0, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1C0 , CHURCH DIRECTORY Sunday 8ehooI at 8:30 A. If. Gao. S. Bakbb, Supt -Preaching at 11 A H... and 8 30 V.U. try eJunday. . , - -Prarer meeting Wednesday night - p ;.- U . Ioasbet. Pastor; . ' BAWl8TJ- til I Boadey.gcboolAt 9 Ai M. Tno: B. Wiuia. Bunt Preaching at 11 . A. at; and 8:30 P.M.; ,rr Sunday, w - - Prayer 'ting Tbuteday might. a. H. JiAHBBQKJIC. PMtor. ' daaday School it 0. ; Wm. U' Borrrat. 8apt . . flerr iee, morning ad night , on J 0H5 LOJIDO! RfiCt P&BBBTTSEIAV , V SnioM 4th Sonda? in aeh month Factor. Loalabnrg Lodg No. 413 A. K. A. lat and 3rd ; Tuesday aitfhta in Men monin. 1 1) T. Smithwkk, C. H. Bonks. O MITHWICK & BANKS..' DENTI3T8,J LOUI8B0BO, IT. C. offle in Utoks Building, Main Street. jjr. j. a. MAUNm r HA.CTICU1Q PHTtUQAK AND SURQIOH. LODUCBUM, X. 0. ode over AjeoelM Drag'Uompsoy. : 1) R.J.J. MANN, PHI81C1AN and 8UBQEOK, MmSBUBO. , 0, , - Dtfloe over Aycoeke Drag Co.'s drag store 1 f HAOTIOlsTa f HTffliClAlf AMD 8URQBOW. LouUbafg, N. C. - 4 DAL-. ta th roar of K. A. Bobbitt k Co. Drug- Store, on Nash street. D1 a. r. TABBOaOOQU. , PBTaiCIAB. AMD StJKQKOM. ... JUoisaame.A.MV O, ' , rm. eBit. Ann UMl .boikliDX. DhOKd 88. m ikm sails auaeret from T. W. lueaen's r B. ALLBEU.; s -' v, i . ,5 att6bmy-atla w. t WUl prMlee In ail the Court. . OlBes In KoaugsTUIa, &.O. B. M. MABBMMBD&a. - ; ATTOBMBT AT LAW InsilUie Conru of ta State QOMf a Ooort Boose. I. W. BODDIB, - ATTOBNET-AT-IiAW, LoQUBoaa, N. C. OflUe over Boddie. Bobbitt A Co.'s drag Cow. yyu. HAtWOQl) ff AtTOBMY-AT-LAW. . - i;. ; Meuaone. . o. r-; . i; WUl prerttos 1 all the boarts of Frsntttln adioUUMSOBnUea. also la v tke Uupreeae .Smalt rklltrta.. ... " - ' "- --W. . Oitee la Uoove and OBfton fHOC B.WILDBS. ; ' ; ATT0BMBTAT4ULWi iennroe,n. oateeoa ere Jones 8. 3PEUILL. ATT0BJrT-AT4AW.. tyv isiSBvno,. 0L wuittea4ke eowtsof rranklln, aaest (Iraavtue. Warren raX Wake eonBUes, aalao m Hinnoi Ooort -of Worta Csrollna. rroapt attMtion aivea toeol uvee ever kih rp W.B10XXTT. ? ;;; '-V. j aTTOnjTBT AMD OOUSSBUOB AT LAW. rroeut anJ laatakl9g attention glTSB to verr autUir lottaetod to nla aaaaa, - - ' Eel ere to CUmt i oaUoe Mhep herd. Hon. Joan bvm MMt Hetional Bans, of Win-1 Ujvm ni& w w iniyiu. aim. v a. u.,,it winaton. Veovies iini. caee. K. Tartor. rrea. was rw mS Oouen. Hon. B. W. Ttotbwiake. oCfleeovw Meal A Co. More, - 4 -i .f" . w. X1 ATTOBMBT AT-IAW. ; biavse,a.e. la aU eenrta. obms on treet. w. TABBOBOUQBC.JB. AT10BNEY AT LAW.' "V- . LOmgBITBA. M. 0. oo bi Opera Honae baUdln-, Ooart street all legal business intrusted to him -til reeeive prompt Md earef.nl attention. M f. HODCK, iyjry::: CONTBACTOB ant BB1LDEB, . . - - - t , ' LOVUB0&a, IT . 0. c; ; , Tradlas Agent for all kinds of Bulldlag nut-tdise, arUatle Mantles and Tiles Aron KtaralQeeWtasaabinltted ) HOTELS. JfHANKLLNTO HOTEL f&ANZIJNTON.N. C. WijWiY; Prfr-': (rood aeeoaaodaUoa for traTsltcj nbUs. rood Ufrr AtUehed AUSSEltBUEG HOTEL l-H-H I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t i i n ft I -1 "j "UMiHiMi eeseeee n,.n. By, J. J. , Author of "W4 Mpegor.- "Mr. MclcrU." Etc COPYRIGHT. 1194, '!!!!! i 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 ; . . - I TtTTWIW curious glanc at her niece. "It jut Vltf an. hOPrihlA -mfrVM th. Atf. T ' r. bu VUWIi her Up qnlTerlng. - " "Toots, havers! There's naethin horrible but: murder; an' v earthquakes ,xe see, u toilt Uioent If wis kW o queer for yer maa . to" gnr to Otesa theday .whefli he mlcht ba'e' Waltlt till vSetturdayraargolfihe chape ticket." "But this Is only Tuesday." : ? 1 Ab., but the Klntochaajtolk thinks It maun. . be gey- Important business or pleesm-e if It canna wait twa-thres days.- "qv.'rj-. r : "'1 don't care what the Klnlochan folic think . & "Weel, weel, It's Jlst their curiosity; an 1 1 suppose .jhey dlnna mean ony halrm; though. I wudna like to be ay curious abooflther folk's business like some o them. Ma. motto la to mind yer Jin spite of, her worry Jess nearly laughedL " "'Deed, aye," continued Mrs. Wal lace. ,t"It'8 a sad job when folk Is are wunnerin'4 an' spierip' about yln an lther. : I suppose-ye're expectln' David hame the cht?" . - ,Oh,,yes. .1 thljik heU be here with the next boa t' - '-' ,4 -; Ye wud be- rale prood that- be got the Job o the Arden greenhooses.'? .; ' I "Yes, of. course," ' Mrs. Houston an swered, trying to smile. , -" - - - --. I-wls. beairin the Palrport Jiner'was wild sat mo' getthV the -Job. - Be-liad been ower shalr o' gettln' tt, an' be had lalddn a heap o' wudd, an' noo he dlsng ken whit to dae wi' the wudd, the stu pit1, buddy! Ye 'cin bit ewer, smairt as weel -as- ower. slowln tblt- wurld, ; t dlnna think David Houston wud ha'e made a mlstak that wey. Nae doot It's the wudd' that tuk him to Glesca theday. , ;",J- r "Yes,", said Jess,-.wondering miser ably, how her; husband had succeeded In his Interview with Hardy & Son. ; ' "I kin' o' thocht It wis the wudd." said, Mrs., Wallace, secretly c delighted at having extracted : her . desired to formation. s For once she had got ahead 'ptiUti Ogllvy the rmag Oracle? who had Jtwen ; laclInedto ; think- that. th Joiner; had . go to . town . merely .on pleasure, seeing that lie 'had worn,' feitt hat- and not the cnstoma clo cap. Weel, I maun,gangoosntel nounced, preparatory to rising. ; J1 sup pose yer- man hasna been talkln in his sleep lately?" . : :. : ' - .o," said Mrs. Houston, a Uttlepus- I ' thocht be jnlcht ha'e mentioned lock fur ma coat cellar door.- Of coorseV ye ken.1 dlnnaVant to iiurry htm, but Tve a kin' o ambeetlon as It were, to see a lock on ' that door vaf ore I dee. But maybelt's whit- the story . books ca' a " wild an' .hopeless : ambeetion; Hoeever, ye ea'n tell Davld-Pih-ntf thLnkln o' deeln f ur a year or twa yet. VMercy Wba's thiscomin' A lady was bidding anotBer iobQbf atxthe gate and was evidently About to Oh. dearr slshed Jess. Ifs Miss Perk ifom Point $UmJ2:VMy.Ml0-J' : .it it s her," saJcrra.- Wallace, ris ing; "she gotten a new'hat an' M daft Uke syin furbye. .: Weel, I canna thole Miss Perk,-hat or nae hat, so 111 bid yC" r- r r-r- .Don't go, Aunt Wallacer please don't go,"- the young wife Implored. "If yea stay he won't wait long, r: If she catch es me alone she'll wait till Davie comes bome, and W don't want that" v Te dlnna mean to tell tee yer feart ftrhwV'-v-iV i l am, I am, f At least. I'm not exacts j afraid, -but hut I don't care about ber; She's always coming, to lecture me about Davie."- -V x -. -; - "D'ye tell me that? She better leave that to 'me, the lmplddent auld maid! She thinks she's a kin, o' queen amang tbe'Klnlochan folk, because she bides here through the winter antak's the front place' at a' .the sewln' . meetln's an' the like. ' An' the warat o' it Is that .the SJnlochan folk boo jdoon to her, no fur love, fur she never gl'ed awa ' ony tbln'- dearer.' nor advice that naebody wants, ' hut -Jlst , fur-- - Aw, . here .she's comin',"- Mrs. ;Wallace' voice sank to A whisper. desert ye. ; Mrs.r Houston threw her , relative v gtatefut "glance" and left the porch, meet her visitor,, who came priskly up the path with a businesslike air and' somewhat patronizing smile. , -. Miss"Perk, who,. withTan aged moth er, lived i'on her money? at Point View, might have been anything between for ty and sixty years of age,-to Judge by her appearance..: Let - us call it fifty. mentally as well., as . physically," but among. the Klnlochan natives she had gained' the' reputation of .beingc malr nor or'nar; clever fur a wumman" and was held in considerable awe, if not respect She had ' gained her reputa tion for cleverness by the simple meth od of talking a deal and doing nothing and yet it would be unfair to deny that she meant welL- But she was a woman given to such phrases as "quite a lady and "a terribly common person," and, though overflowing with good advice for her humbler fellow beings, sbewas practically void of -sympathy.' , n forced herself upon; the Klnlochan folk Who were too simple and kindly to tell her to mind her awn "business. As A young man once "put it, -vulgarly, per haps,' she tried, to elevate the masses like balloons with gas, - - -. ' r She shook hands with Jess as If she were conferring a favorr '1 thought I would Just pop In and see bow yon were getting on after our last, little ehat, Mrst Houston," 6he said graciously.- ; "Has your husband come home yetl" "No, Miss Perk," Jess replied, adding. "My aunt is with me this afternoon." "Ob, indeed," said Miss Perk shortly, $.-1 it feat L: - -t sie cazstt s'z'tot 1 i . , ; i i BELL, fc, J.- JmBttr 4 e eeei, faee wearing its grimmest expression. "5 Miss Perk was annoyed: bat. sasum- tng her platform smile; she stepped for ward and shook hands with the. older woman..-::' "How -do yo dr-.Tlrs.' WaJ-Jaee?-i.ls this not a beaotiMl dayr pretty solddlin. thank; ye, an' I'm no sayln' onytkin' agin the weatn-er.- Jss,.re ialcht bring sate kre furyer veesltorv I ken ye'eaana ask herjnto the boose the day."." As a mat ter of fact, the cottage had nvrdea tidier,-but Mrs. Wallace had! the pre sentiment that out of politeness her niece might be weak enough to invite Mlss Perk t sit la the.pArtor. -': X-t ' - Jess ' brought " a - ehalr, which Miss Per,k accepted, though she would rath er n.ave gone : indoors,- leaving -; Mrs. Wallace to herself 7 Still, she was not going to allow the presence of a. "com mon old woman" to interfere with the objecof her visit. ' : ViIZ. , ?Would yon take a cup of tea?" Mrs. Houston hospitably Inquired. - "Oh, no, thank yon. xl-bad tea at Mrs. Sprlghf a a few mlnateA ago.7-: i-i Here Mrs. ..Wallace , scored again. "Thank ye, ma dear,"; she said calmly to Jess. "I end .dae wf a dish or tea fUs r totf iToot here wbeji lf readyr Maybe . ysf .veealtor 'llehange No;ibnkyoalaaW .... .... . " Mlai Perk , !?Please excuse me leaving you. said :-i- -is "Ob. Tjertalnly, r W ea.- have .ear tittle chat presenttyifS l -4 Mrs-Wallace's Bps tightened, "Way. be," she said to herselt ; i ' - v Mrs. Houston, almost alarmed at her aunt's temerity in braving: such an im portant personr as'Mise Perk,. 'left the HI assorted twain and 'retired ,to tho ;'::A. sllenca brooded to teparch'-tiU at last; Miss ferk; smotherlpg 'ber trrtta- tionremarked. witb . forced pleasant - "I don;t think I ever see yon at any of our meetmgs. Mra. WaiUce'f-ltvr . "I daur aay thatK'aaht":rvv i': " tTlie winter U approaching again, and we expect to have -some delightful and, I think I may add, really belpful meetings. :I am preparing a' series of lectures on The First Year of Married Ufe which j hope wlBT Va : - X" rWeet 1 doot thas a' wee thing yo yenlle fur : me,-. ma'amT AnV furbye, X'm -better at gfein-a bit lectur'ev ma ser nor listenlii' to yjn jajd. Mrs, Wal lace, with a dry ; smile, :-H.v::: F ' The other Attempted a -Hugh "AS she retarned. "Still, ilrs, Wallaoe, I thing you would find it worth, -jour while to attend and persuade Mrs. Houston nod her husband to attend alsoV ;.;rr s Mrs. Wallace did not respond,-! V.' , may say 1 take a great Interest is your niece,' - continued Miss Perk. ' : ': .I mlcht say . the same, ma'am.'!: ...rYes, yea, no doubt," said Miss Perk, with an impatient movement" of her hand, : "And I may aay further. that I consider ber quite a -capable young WomaiC whose .mind ; baa been ; enltl yated,; considering ' her. station: la life, to a? considerable extent? What d!4 yon say, Mrs. Wallace ?T":r -"-: -: "I dldna say onytbioT said the old woman, apparently swallowing kotne filing, ; r ' "Well,vas I was about to observe, J feel lt.would be. a pity if that cultlva tlon were now- to cease. : No' doubt her husband Is an estimable man, though I could wish him more Industrious. 1 1 beard that he went to. town this morn ing,-obviously for a day's pleasure, and I hear many complaints of his dilator! ness in executing the orders Intrusted to him.- -: Personally T should hot dream of asking him to. perform any repairs on my account." ' ; -J '' Miss Perk was so taken np with her self that she failed to notice the coun tenance of MrSwWaJlace. "Now,!, she went on, Tye ho doubt" that if you would Induce Mr, and. Mrs. Houston to " attends our v meetings they would both benefit considerably. - As I said, the husband is doubtless an estimable man, but . there If rtalcly. room for improvement; mentally," if not morally.:- You, Mra..Wallacei nut naturally be anxious about your niece's wtnare, and of course it Is' your duty to in fluence -the yeung couple, la . the rlf ht direction." ' . ' ; - , Mrs. Wallace, with a tremendous ef fort restrained her Uzr. -r, but her speech waa rather tllcX -rtile ba2s of perspiration broke oat on her wrla- kled forehead. . I canna say X see muckle wrang wl' J:s an her min. They're kind, to yla arltfcer, an' they're hr?y thegltter," an', efter. a', It's nae great rtaitter if yla r twa o tie fe'.'t i.l::t 1 :rs -:.-:i tt V.i j it Z"- "Yea, yea," returned Miss Terk ta some coofusion. "Of course I aeTer meam to impiy tnat trxre was any thing wrong, nor did I suggest dat they were not kind and harpy. But are kindness and bapplneas snQdentr "'Deed, aye, if ye ha'e them in plen ty." - ' ; - Miss Perk shook her bead pityingly. "It Is the duty of every human belnr to Improve his or ber Intellect Mrs. Wallace.", v . "D'ye mean becks, ma'am? Pur Jeae la A great reader when alve gU the time, an ber man's no jut as etgDO rant as eoene tnlcht soppoee.r. "Books are certainly good, but I bold that the spoken word is more effec-tlveV-.--v - . -.; Vphrnl WhUes. Bat I doot gold books la easier got nor gold speakers. "Good speakers, as yon suggrst are! no doubt comparatively rare." ' said 1 Mine Perk modestly. "But one must l t - - - do one's vbest." She was going to say J a good deal more, but Mrs. .WaUace.1 who could endure no more, sat up In 1.VT TT. lMVrm . t . V. .1.. V. K .v A - I : "Jnst coming," came the reply. -' : -"l suppose tt is time y were getting home, Mrs. Wallace. I understand yea have some young men lodging ..with yon," Mlae Perk remarked pleasantly. 8be had a aatisfled feeling that abe bad Impressed the old woman.' yet looked forward to getting rid of ber, r; "Oh, I'm in plenty of time fur the lodgers, thenk; ye, but I dlnna want to keep Jew fraa gettla- ready fur her man comJa' hame, , sudna ha' klt for the tea. I doot, ' - .:' ; -; "1 should Uka to have a word with Mr. Houston," said the visitor. j, t "Weel, ye'U get him la the sbope near every day. ' He'll be busy fur awhile at thA I rdrrt' rnenTinrrr e , Cfh: v rtlrfna hnr be' tid tratim fbat tiht . Dted. I It wis a fine compUment to hlnu. But I ye see. he's an extra fin workman, an' if folk. wants a thing dune wecVno chape, ya - ken they gang to 1 David Houston,' S ' 'J"j ;,i " ; . At this juncture Jeaa arrived with the tea, and Mrs. Wallace, having help ed herself, said, with unusual geniality: t "I'm vexed fur gfein' ye a' thfai trow- ble, ma lass,' far yell need to be get- tln readx fur yer man.1 Hech..bot I near buret ma month! TO tak a drap pie mair mulk an drtnk St quick.". Bbe gulped ber tek in a. fsahloa that Ut Perk thought extremely vnlgar. "Weel, that wis maitt refreshia. An boo ira time I wis awa'.. Ye better a boot yer man's tea. Tm ahair yer veesit or H excuse ye" - : , . ,;i Mrs-Houston felt and looked uncom fortable salt-as Park rose, red with anger, and said coldly: "I fear X most be solar, but X shall nope, to nave a little chat with yoo on an lmporUot matte? fra Jong, J trust tt may be- at a mor . conyeoieaf Saaoa."- Goodby, Mrs, HQpaton. Rtmetnbe? m to your kusbaad. Qoodby; Mrs. WalUca" " "Oh. well gang to the gal tbegttb. er," said Mrs, Wanapa, with The utmost cbeerfwTnses, "Qome- awa', jeaa.- ' .Miaa rerk did not wait for a second coodhyNat the gate, but marched off wlthowt delay.'-;: . V ::;:;. wis feart aha mkht alto back after I wis awa'," aald Mrs, Wallace, with ta chuckle.."-:- ' -'V ."Oh.4ont erted Jeaa. ."1 bope yoa dldnt offend berl I shouldn't have left her like that but I I couldn't bear ber todayraad I'm so thankful to you." "HAvera. lass! "Never yoo need ber. She's Jlst a bletherta' buddy.. Aff ye gang an gt Tf m tea ready. , m maybe see ye the mom. when I'm quit o ma radgera.'- Guld bye. ma dearie," :Vlt waa a very dejected husband that came borne that evening. Jess waa In the porch waiting fpr him, and at the sight of bias aoming up the pain rrom the gate, without the merest glance at the- flower-beds, all the hope In ber heart went out like a flashr . - v Ha laid bis band for an tnsUat o ber shoulder and walked past ber into tho kitchen; 8 he brushed away a tear and followed him, - . - t , - "Your tea'a ready. IDavle.: aho said auIcklyH"-' '.;. 'i .o rAye,". r be returned : Indlff erenOy, Beating himself at tho neatly arranged table. -Y i-V':'. ; -. -X :, '. , He made a poor meal, bat aho made A poorer.- - ,v ; ; - . V....' ."Have your smoke, Davie," she said when be bad pushed away his plate. Ha foUowed her auggeetion ta sl lence, keeping hla ayea lowered, la deed.' he bad not faced her since his return.- - "V -'",. -."-v ' TXt length Jeea spoke. - "Would they not alve too what yon wanted, Da vie f aha asked softly. iJist that" he muttered. . "Paor Udl Did you see Mr. Hardy Bimselfr . :--v;-'-" t David shook bis head. The aald man that da f aythtr did bualnesa wl' la dell an gone. I'm thlnkln' It wud ha'e been 'different if be bad been there," Jess," he added sadly. ".:"An4 who d!d;yoii see TV ' "The .managln' director, I waa taU't but a oinna nuna us name.-. "And he Wouldn't oblige yontr ' "No wf a penny's worth, an' I bad to gfe bim a bill at three month for ihe aceeonf! . ' v : " '-" - t "A bUi-at - three : montha? Oh, Davierv -. -" :, i."Ye may weel be ashamed yer man, Jess," be groaned miserably. ' -Ashamed! . I'll never be that -Did you try any of the other wood mer chants?" - - -- - - CT hadna the hert Ye see. It was ale a lot e wudd that was needlt They wud ha'e wantlt cash or a reference nywey.vni Jlst ha'e to. t!ng pp the Arden Job. I cudna ask fur money in advance, thocgbMve nae doot 1 wud get It but I cudna dae't I'm nle vexed for ye, ma laaa." ' " "Oh, Davie! You're not to talk that way. Indeed, you re not to talk about It at all for a little, and then we'U see what's to be done. I'm quite sure you , ' (to bb costisved.) Usaotiry your ' eocr'.'ilj with llule teort If too wish a soo'.h, ereamlike eoraj.xIoa. rcfy lac;Ir.7 eve. tixs L:.....r i 1-ocky UoncUia Tea, i gretet beautir knowa.' east. H A. LvLLI.t & Co. If yon phy tha fool too ofn, peo- rla will bcT- to wort you for one. ITct i e:t -i: If ''3 ITS ' ' - ' 7 - '). : .. CI ar Too re I e ir i. r. tle A rr-lt BufTalo. K. Y., la July. . jit t-ey will arm zo t- 1 jra.-? i tuman ,ef insj tar to Ilaleicrh thmnvT T!'t lurnucra to i.uu!. to ao e oommoate the Kits Irom WCniir.-. toe. Charlotte, Darbim aa-1 II!?": W attena the mevting ef the (Inn ! Ixxlge which will U heJi Daffxlj JJy lOth-lith. . - Kate from tU rail, routxl $20.50, via Nurfuik an.l Uav Line 419.45, Wilmington, all nil, IJliO, Durham, alt nil, tUO.iO; Ctarlou, all nil Hay line from WiL mingtoit " f2l.C ' Durham 119.(5, Charlotte 423,95. "TicktU wul U III! . . ' - . cua c"5 vth an-l l0Uy wiih hoaj iioui 10 leare UuIUJo JaJr l.-lh. ..... put tickets ran bo extn lel en'J Aujwt 4th, ur-on raTmcot of d l. (W). -JZ- , ' - - ' . pnHman rai frnm7?aM A n,f. . " " " ' Wo t4.50, Unrhtm 14-50, Curiotto T10 desiring to alter! w21 r Uase notify the nndenigTied, so that it can he determine! If sultcwat camber wfll go to justify operation ci special T iniunan. , , . o k- C. II. GTTis,T. V. A. - -r-rV Raleigh, X. C.' j - ei v 9 e erwus) There sre three reaeoas BT taotiar prefer Oae UlssUOttT Cerej'flref. It lr tbaoleui timlw, rVeood. U Utm good-ehlWree loe it j Third. tl tares eoogba,eroepas4 hooiog eoegh kee I other remedtee fall. Bold br Areoske Drug Co.. ; . - - 1 --. v . JITQElA The Brst 5-COt cicaf ontth lot at Aycocke Vrerg 00 ;- ' ' c '' , Do oot retire from .Tort -an4 tr to bod, joat as the em ts rwnr. start off to meet it ' -' . . - " . A b'motB A rue lev - .When roe Sad U quinary to ee ea! DeWiU'S WKek Ut-1 tUW. It le tke parte, and Its for eoree, bo U. era . blind aieedisr. lUbiee arntrwd leg piWa. Get tb' reaei&e tHVTia't UsselBalte i $od bt Ale-eke Dr IV ' A woman will tortfv a man any thing during couruhip, but shell not forget to throw, it up to film .after marnaga; MBBaaMaenMeaasBBBBMSBf: Good For Stomach Trouble a ad Coa- V.' "..'-." ,tfptra."v. ,4 Chsiberta('e S oauek e4 Liter Tblta baee daee ts a arras dl ef raod, C Taa. ef Rt , Pert ai a. Oet- isrto lWsr a isl'.d e'trato faa sftee Heteere net sarl'eiee4 t ewe tr:- ootmead latu to all a tZt fm us-' seek dieorder." . Per eel b aU die. ; ; tLv.li 1111 ... j j Telephone tuts we4 the o't poddler many a step. " . .. ... Where are roet'et -ITeadsele, f.el tosae, no arpeOt, lk ee-rf. pels ta yoor etoeaaea. eoeatirsUrar UoIIWm Bosky Moistala Tra m aake j soil and keep yon VIU , SS eeat. R. A. KobbW A Co, . , . . J.P,. WINSTON P E G I A n ' o o , '. . I 'O For theDSit 40daTr, I will rail' sample beta wsv . doa tela wholeeala eoet kea I bava abont lOOoohby Sprlog atria Sails elolb Ibg I an closloe oat lets thto cost All iQisair goods goiog 1ms, soese in and look at these soiu atsa bata I mean basinets. I bare a lot of tan shoes 0 f3 at I f0 that eeal 3 and 12.8a- I :bava S00 patra women's. floa. shoes in re,3U 4 at lasa than coat. .J. p. WlceUo baa reduced pricei oa. aTsryibiof , so Jaatcome to sea , . . J. P. WINSTON. Tha Fall fWssloa of lhj OUtit In L'c:Un- Elks, LOUISBUHG FEIftBLE iziv - n'"'; n " - r 1 , f s n. , r - The elegant anl coT.oodic at Ccl!ga D atU inj is !rst.Hl In a well it,a.!4 groeef twelre at tee at.d forcliL't all lie alraa Vages and cooveoieaci f a j.lf ianl tc . Coard and Tuition : j Ter i rm. Vln.l i Catilr- il .4 t 1 1 I' tsrrm at Um4 rptem bp '.4 a oa W r.-T eppfert la erCaary le. e mm 2 -. ; iliS qn-tf ii m & Cerrv Lf. lm nil. mi t r.ui Hit't .t fi . r, !L A s rtyu. iiko i - - Wonted. : The If. r. Ilrmck Xkiek Uacnti urtas TotnriAny waa(s to bay Lr the brickyard 10 mrvii pi wood. in any quaotity, will py a cord . 5 - Carnalionst no llUoUb " and Violais OUR SPECIALTY. ae Wnti tmim efc i im evt (inn. ewonlwM te w L4( f m ea I xt juoetg eae W ta frtw-rxena. e. FALL DULD0 KrsetA sie. Te a4 t eMrM, f neiii seaee wm aJ - . " t. LQTiV a cat AB -rW.ee 14S, B-4V 3.C CITIzi'S'; BMK, ; fr Ai nu?rro?, k. c - I 0 tt AUT0.r CaO WortTow. (jsera ruitooiera avtrr tao-JsUeo toetUUel w.Lh. UiU mala tank I eg-. Lrraaa taaia a I appve,1 eecwritv. ' Access la TIRES. SET QUICKER AHD BETTER Am4 w-JI ree Uwe iikae W Sr Vm W 44 7 I e-a vii ! -n e. W.la4ele4ta e la ML ' Mm r brat l.,e w.efivifx-vjee aa4 e.a-v, eArtes aear ea4 t i wa r Hllllorn-Uo. ( k jMrA- Ae ! M .u Ue vWt ta.4 e eic te te wis tW le UI at a Wwt ta tt ka e ' la i 1W rMertVM eS U f-re maee bi re rtarU--a a lAe bri ire yrie, m4 eK-fw ImmUm tow at liia. (fee ta Uo le fwerttfl!! iin We (ereekve ee e aa4 MlM yeaM BMpa V -o W-)-y. a e ert GireeealrUJL Ta wf t brrte4 taJJeJ-Oe ta tje , . , A. Te WCAL. ef tLli InetUolba. Dss the fiiaie will t-erla a c li Cr;' lr. s S65.00 Ffi.:i Ha! r t " i. t'. r r i A" 4i 'U old velvet r m ptiro - old - Vflvctv '... t ho jKfor the jricx sold cvcrr.vh'.ro. call for : it at . louisburf' i etK&t.C A A AAA AAA P ii 4 i 4 i V... r - 4 i 4 4 Wee mtm4 m nm at Dnptist University' For" Women t)4fet s1 a i M is.w U. - taw kt Iv efs-U rfMe tt V.i. i4 tlrrWe.. SA1 ! SMkven I i I M 1 niiJu, tM a.'nM u( i , r.-.-c ifwat i t . . 1" ,4 f rW.aj-. e4 07.f -1 ew.,.4 . f!t te f MWW, 5etetH It intr,Wr re t - ew. 4--wfl aWja "1U f Im cfwae ke iw .t t . r. , mm .Trellis Uinl try ti' A klirv. . S:iT uc I ! . Tccy P- U Aa6aed Cip. ILrw Ma . la r.Ur e.UrcX fXTTtX -rf-1 ul! pound i Wre C-v Ita tra p'-S n- cold by cnociJS'iTinTrcirn ... - V:."J..I l,';!.rti:..,;aH,ai I , tMl.A a. i sa j ii BAai an x smaa asi Ln pla rheea asl Miff-era seer Ira,t te Lew a AT A aUs Hay, F.i-.r 11 f 5 tig at tt ;;'! at it w nl tna Call Iti m. s e 1 1 'A cv disponbry, C. Ai 4Vfihw A A A. A A A A a"? r" If .-.t . . . . - - i ... 0m m p . m W W f .mm ut TJ . k . ftnhi rf im t ,J . . '.g'uilic Ilonie .teti . ... eW? u r.i.- r.ii :w. ii 5ra Urt.ii-f is',Li irT.Xt !U rrWi f If -t V- j-inar 1X.S Yiemt.4, Ww eM 'Up lc s av g P et. - Ue Cj.g n-.z l ?; t: ;4 cr sju4 ta-J jrat -uull; t IiCCi COFFEE, rAOtA cr cr.rr t - tiff sr-U.ins t ejaa-rrry. acrMt a-sg r.sv-r. . !"' fU i k-ai r sseakAar4 en.e-e tat -eae e4 co rnre. F . a J . a - . a av va baa aaussri - a buaa m u ii aaai .aiai astA via CDS T. if . t e.. ( i.' i li t j 1 : i! 7 r a. Y. P. HEAL c". CO. d aesommodf ti"ss Coolf:rn 1 3 ! If.