-,vTKv ... - ( in,. FIUDAY, JULY 21. Ktt .Boat OHUItfJH ..inrrBODurr. : j Saodey School at i8Q AT-H. "Vf , Gao, 8. Baku, B. -Preaching 'at'll A M., end SSlf.U, .,wry duaday. - ". It rkit numtlng Wednesday al.. L. 8. Mawxt. PMtOfi BATTISt. - - t go ad School St 9:80 A. IL - THO. J'. WILDBB Flashing at II A.rL, and 8 . .t ..... . " r ...il' .. rrrr -noting Thursday alga, d ; U. H. Mashbubbb. taster. bhsootal, C' T 5& Sunday School at 9:90. V Wm. H, Bonm.Sopt aervtoes. morning., ana Bight , -.on l it, 3rd and 4th Sundays. , -Kteaing Prayer, Friday afterMO Kit. J ohh Losnov, Rector. arrieM 4th Bandar Israaea moat I morula aad Bight. ; ;-r''v''-'; 7 .Pastor.; Mi - - ? - : t -Author of, By -J.ViJi DELL, Ok !. :A.'" .'V' "" '- V: jJtt-Vy: wtiiiiiiMHt.?iii?iiiiitiiiuiiiiiiminiii r an - .- . -toDais. LoUbarc Lodgv. No. 41S, A. F. A A. M.r BMU IN IM Jira ItNli; aiitaui in Meo month.- I) T. ttmithwkk. C B. Baaka. OUITBWICK A BANKS. ' O DENT13T8, LODI8B0BO, N. C." . ( ifflce in Hicka Bailding-, Main 8ti. D a. J . a BLaXOn, omM aw Ajooek Prmg Comjiaay. . - jjB. J. J, MANN, PHYSICIAN and 8UBGE01T, Louiaavaa, . o. odtc orr Aeockt Drag Co.'dTgtor jJH. 8. P. SORT, r EAOTIOLIia FHTBXCIAJI ASH ICMIOJ. Loaisbarg, N. C - - Offle ia the mi of " R. A. Bobbitt 'A Co. . Uru k stor, oa Naah itrvrt.. ' ront har toiling op tijkxdjob. XoaM set wood aomehow Awv A He obeyed ailenthr. aart wlf lectlpg th dishes, aat dowa la th armchair and thought hard, Che had a idea bet sbewaa afraid to mention n to nim leat it aboold proT unwork able. Cut at last ahe 'i&ade ap hr blind and followed .him to the gardes,' .where K-b uraa - already '4&tereated In ome t hie Aowrar "rr7, , v 4 'TDavIe, abe .began -BerroBaJy. "iia ihere any thing special about this wood yon reqatre? Woold it da for anything besides greenhouses 7 - - "No far mony things. The wtsdd wantit for Arden is a spedai kind an' a special slse. But what dae ye" .- ' "Are i there many '"big greenhotises aboat ralrportr "Na; nane aTaC; Bntr-V " X "Who la the 'Joiner at Fairport, Da Tie?" . . "Jamie Prondfooi. - t Do yon know him -T ' Pine. He used to Work for ma lay tt&r" -.t V. i . "But are you and he quite friendly V . "What fur no? But, Jesw ' i , "But, he waff tryin'L for the Arden Job, wasn't he? That wasn't .Tory wivusny, surety.'.' b. r. TABBO&onaM. rBTUCIAJi AJTD BUBO BOB. MMiiracme, B. it. USto Bb4 Boor li bBlidlllX. ' mum wnwM maT..Hran rMhMMd phuM 74. : - . H. ALLRED. ATTORH BT-AT-LAW, Win yrMtlM la all lb CoarU. IoaaTUIa, P.O. Ofl la B. M. BLAMSBBUEa, ATTOKHBT AT LAW WUl naClo ta all ta Comrtaot the OOoc a Oout Hoasa. , yM. W. BODDIE, ATTORHET-AT-LAW, 1 Lotnaauma, N.C. ?' Oslea oTw Boddla, Bobbitt A Co Vdrmg tor. W m. HAYWOOD BUFFEf. Al TOBJTB f-AT-LAW, .. -. aaensva,B.. .. l. itaantkeCoarta of FraakBa t eoaattas. also ta the Jout, u4 U tka Uoi&M bums OnaiiOoara. osaw la Oooaar sad Ottttea WUlywUesl adadjouiagw lout, aad lath "Och, that -was a' Jn the wer & business. But what are ye spierin for. ,Jeast snmjnoned,all vher 'courage. "wfl? I Fa itt yoBderiag1 !f-4f you couldn't get , the .wood from Jamie Proudfoot.' He would trust .' you, wouldn't he?" i ."I'm shair he wud da that, Us," Uld Darid sadly ; "but, ye .see, he's no a merchant He hasna got the wudd I need." . . ,"But he hasr cried she, a note of nope in her Tolce, and she told Darid the little; bit of news she had; heard from her aunt. ," "Weet weei." said David when he understood. "If X had kent that I wud nerer ha'e gone to Gtesca the day - "It was me that made-you go to Glasgow J, she sighed.1 ."Poor Darier "Ma dear," It was the richt thing to dae," be said, half in sorrow, bau la shame.... "And will .you go and see the Fair port man now r abe aaked eagerly. "The nichtr She nodded. "It won't take you long on your ; bicycle. And and. -Dane make him think you're doing blm faror by taking the. wood off his faaada, .for thaf s just Wnat yon-aradolag. and tell hinr straight that you won't pay him for a little jyet - Do you uader atandr -f -; "Aye," he said after a moment Hia eyes, alight with admiration, were turned-to her. ''--i ' , - She touehed him lightly on the cheek. "Get your bicycle, the said.--. . -:i A minute later abe: watched him ride away'on his old solid tired machine. "Good luck, Davier- she called after him. - " ' By the next afternoon Jamie Proud foot's wood . was la David Houston's yard, antf In spite of the bin at three months Jess went about her work sing ing. " ' rpBOC B.riUBB, Y' ArroKxir-AtojkW. B.e ' fwtaas p.8- SPBU1LL. . ATTORH BT-AT-LAW, aovBBnrao,v(L l wuiattaaetae eoarts UrnrUk, Warren tod Aha BaoMOM Co art ' rraMot itttattaa alvaa to OtttoaevwBa-anoa's Btote. i of VraaallB. Ti Waka aoaauaa, oi - AorU Can Vsaee. a. aa Carouaa. T. W.BICUTZ, ATTOBjrBT AMD 0OUX8MLU0M AT LAW. rimvaa4palaatakiacattaatloBgraB to wtr mmtUr towataa to ala Baada, ,- . itoOalaf Jaatleaaiiraaaaa.cioa. mmm , BUM. KODC W. w maw m. as. rlfw Bauonai jiaaa os w m Hui . wiutoa. gaopiaa rnmmm oTSouwa, oaaa. B. Taylov, Praa, Wake toe. at Ootlaaa, Xoaav w,TimDaaa v tMnaaevwBaaiaOa'slKora, . ' L .'. CHAPTSB :.1T.1 .' - -? r Atnrr waxxacb AT hobOL ' - H4ts yerseT. Is ltr said Mrs. Wallace, opening tne aoor to :lieVtiilece. -Whit's ado? Te're faur ower early. Ye wis bid den, to come at-sax, an if s JUt new chappit fire. WhaurB Dark?" f He's coming-: at the proper jtime, .unt Wailaee, but I hurried up with my work and cam along to see if I could help you with anything,' Jess re turned pleasantly. 'y 5 "I'm' nae great belieVer In folkespe fcially jronng ma'irrtt weemen.' bnrryin up'wr their wBrt. as ye pit it, an' ran no'.wbit I wud eat in desperate need of assistance; but, :seeinr yer here,: ye best come in," - - - . - - f Mrs. Houston, -with a smile, accepted the not rery i gracious inTitation and ,a'de to step Indoors, --- - - , f -"Wipe yer feet! 4 Wipe yer feetr C claimed her aunt, pouting to the mat W. aVrauOaT. . , ATIOmnf AT4AW. jtoexsBvae,v.a. aB eearta. -yy TABOBO0aHfiB.,;V ATI OSH1TY AT LA LOOIBBTmo.Bt.ar " - om la Opata Hoasc battdlag. Coaiistnet All legal baslnsis intnuted to him mill reealf e yrompt aadearaialattaattaa, P. hodck,;- CONTRACTOR Anr.BUILDEB. LOTJIgBTpUlf 0, t.5 1 Tradtaa Aaaot tor aQ kinds of BalUlag iUm, Arilatta i Han Ilea UMtani Oaaiaaa BaDoUttad ad TUea.-.Ari-l HOTELO. ITLNaXLNTO.;ir. ttl V Good BeeomodaUoB for ti , trars'Jij Gee4 Umr AtUahed - . MASSENBUEG nOTEL;T J MaaisoTibursr A?rcy tl come shlnaer .ye mlcht ha'e gottea a ewer late noo.': . - rnv-ycry: eorry,? : aranaored ifm Houston,: half humbly half defiantly.; "Were you baking scones??;,: "; "I ; wisna bakln'. calMOtchy. eayway. Ha'e ye beeatrytn' -onrttklaVia that . line tateJy,'Jees? i But I . appose, aw, fur Dart wla lookla' weel the laat'time I Been hint' Tits! I'm Jlst Jokin'. Te'n be ar baker;.yet Keep a; Bcht hert a Hcht 1uoi'nind -.tlsr sod; an yell turn ot scones fit fur aagela. My; but yer drest the akht. -lassrrMrt, Wallace exelaimed as ta yeung wom an remoT her Jacket, 'Valt did yt pey Tur-thatf j A bonny benay, I'm ,- "Your inean my; blouaef 1 made At tayselCAunt"-:-? K-vi'3 : r "Didye? Weel, lfsBo' Ud.no bad, saM Mrs. Wallace sknrttr rrm gted to sea-yere not fit, ower mony falderals about lt like some V the lasses ye see here on the Sawbatb. : Plaia daea fur plabi folk thafa mA mtto. ",'Deed. aye,; pialntclaee tvfi-l::'' v.- - "I suppeee , you '- neTereared about ribbons and things whn.you: were- a girl,: Aunt.,Wailace.w"':vs,"':'i i&l :iT-..y "Eh?;sWbif B-;thai?ye'rt-: iayin'? llphml Pre no tim fur ony malr htrerin. I thocht .yW- Bald'y canV arly to belp" .r'-r-- " I did. What can, I dot" asked the etherr checking m smU. 'i' . '., ' " "T ean,gang an et tbe table In the pauriour. The-cloth's laid, an7, ye ken whauf to get the dishes, the best yina. Be cauny wT them, Jess. I'll be efter ye In twa minutes.? . : , " Jesa departed to tbe parler aod pro ceeded to lay the tea things, bumming . merry tune jtoaeraelf. She was la gay spirits, for lesr thari an Jhour ago she had posted-the money required to meet the bin due by Darid to Hardy A Son, the timber; merchants, rit aad been" aterribry sarion three-aaentaa tor the young wifec and aba was ealy toor weU aware-that her husband's af fairs were still - far. from being ia. a sound condition, but the first difflcult steps In the dlrectiea of prosperity had been.' taken, and for tho moment abe allowed herself to rest ftnd be thank, ful and giad. seeing tb goal of hey desire leas distant perhaps than It reel, ly was.-Hope, earrlea a fare pair f fieldglasaea, and aapccastonal - acrapi of success la . suiSeient t aaep.tbam clean and bright T - '-.Jf MW, Wallaw euTarsdr the Tuoavtretrv log two plates of seoaes, and mused, surrey ing aerJdaca'Bhandiwek,- ' "Mphmr lb said, at last. "ThatH im .out uiu.jmiivwi v Ogilry was cemla' to Als teaT : i " : -Mr. .OgilTyr Jew shook her bead, - "Aye, Maister OgUry. the grocer; ye ken,- ' . T; - . - '., ySlra. Houston tried not to look .sur prised or amused. b,tyee she said and retired to the cupboard. V; " Her aunt's rolea fottowad bar ' "la there onythin wrang te afalator OgUry Mtn' a hla io. vs fa tkaM AVtlll peeculmrTVrvV-vv1 '.i:?. " "Of course noVAnal WaUaca,''; rt plied Jess from behind the door. - - "Weel, dinn rattte'ma guld dlahes as If ye bad the palsy.: Ha'a ye lay got the dishes ye need yetr. ; vrZ ' O'- Tear "Hero-they . are. "And Jose came forth, her countenaaee abaormai ly grare, but rather lushed. -Whit afls.ye, Jessr . , : l: ; Tiothing nothiBg." -S .-v- - "Te're maybe a wee thing surprised at Maister Ogilry cpmln'to his tear! -Weil, you aee;X.dldirt know he was such a friend of yours. annt"5 2 -i dlnna say ht.wis, but I'm kin e exed fur the mam." iakt Mrs, Wallace, half gently, half coatemptntmaiy'ra aye complalninVaboot had trade, an' thafs a thing 1 eanaa thole-in a man. An'1 yet he's nrf-a. hard man. "1 wla paisln' hia shop the lther day when a wean fell' ftff htsi doorstep1 wf bauf a -dlxsen eggs she had Jist bocbt frae him. an" bo wte'oot efterJber afore- yt cud say Jack Bobtnson an ink her back to the' shope, an, after bo bal . Wiped awa' the malrt o the mess he gfed her anither bauf a diaaea eggs an a wbees r a. m A . A sweeties furpye an teu i ner no- w m on to her Blither t. she bad turn- Bait-; r- - & x ' -4' - "That was good of bimrsX(Oalmcd Jess, wltt enthusiasm. ?" J -J ;Oh, he whiles dls,fhlnga like that'tb weaasr but he's He. kin' o greettn buddy aa a iule, AnM'm ahalr be aeedaa be that fur be naebody to keep but bls- aer, an bi business la no' near as bad as he mak?etio:be v:? t-J.-fj "Has he' nerer thought of getting "He thaf a cleaned hia bit room an' mVlt hia meals far twisty an mlr y cr, wis tyln' badly, cryin' oot that alia wu4 dee if oaybody elae got ber.pUee. a a' ee Maister OgUry wla tryla' to dae her wark hlaser.'. ."Poor man!" said Jeea, - "MUtrwa KalTa ba badly for a week. an, he teirt me be wla tired a' eatinV eanVl things oot o' tins thla caald' weather, an' be thocht be. wad mak'tilsaer-a bowl e soup tb day, but er'erythin gaed wrang. ta'-wffL, Jess, thafs the reason L,aaklt hint to hia tea. An Darie an himll be here afore we're ready fur them If we're ao smalrt,. Come awa to' the kltxbea tin I. learn ye to fry ham aa' eggs fit for angebvT 'T i:' The . two meia arrired together, bar ing met on the road, and Jesa was dis patched, from the kitchen to admit them, bearing Instructions: regarding the wiping of boots oa the outer, door .mat;.-:: ' -.v r. -. ' You gang ta flrst, whispertd Mr. Ogflry baahfuDy. aa the door opened. Ka,!na- Youra the stranger,". re turned Darid, with a courteous ahore. "How are -. you. Mr. OgUryTV eati Ma Henstoa la .bet frtenOwt ish-Jou.1"?"'!,- be surest ciearr your boots she added ouickly to her bua-band.-' v v ; -- TUT, weel. - thenk- ye." replied-lr. Ogilry, taking a share of tbe doer mat "Are ye . keeping pretty mlddlln yer aerr-; '; :t?Tea;;tbank-you. 'Now-, come away Invout of the cold-f,--' - ; - They, entered the bright, lobby, "die. poeed of their coata and cape and foW lowed her lute, tbe parlor, the Jolnee pushing the grocer before him. "; N. . "Come orer to the fire, Mr. OgllTy, said Jess hospitably.; "Won't ytra bare the eaay.TdsJrP-rvv-:vL:v TTtr ' "Aw.- thenk ye.'C Ony -cbatfll dae, Jist ny chair.- returned Mr. OgUry, wiping jtla . brow with .an anormoua handkerchiaf and rubbing bis bAods In a nerrous way. . k'.di -i- ; w "Gang. 'gsrrlV.'inan,- an . tak the chair r cried Darid fralaUy;. He bad known OgUry an his Ufa, and it was impossible to keep up any formality, Jess, howerer. bad only met nba ta the way of busts an, and she would prolK ably baro felt shier and tried leas to make him feel at borne bad It not been for bar auaf a recent remarks. Bo, hat lag informed him that her aunt would appear preeently, she did berv utmost to put him at his ease, though. Judging from the manner in which be coatlnaed to sit on the extreme -edge of the easy chair and repeatedly applied his hand kerchief "to his. forehead,': aha could hardly b said to bare ffscceeded'brU .nantty..:;A V'r' . .. Her buabaad came te the rescue at last with the not rery crlginai Inquiry: "An bea'e trade wf yer ' " "Trade? , Deplorable, J 1st deplorable! Nerer seea eaythln' like if. said the grocer, shaking his bead gloomily, but seating himself a .little; mora comfort ably in his chair, X read a heap, e storiea i' the papers aboot the dapree- roo .c traaa, but if tb wntta cbpe wants to ken what depression really la they sod try a proreeeloa, ahop ralOa tochaa. Depreeafofl tf pa-thevword for tt?.A. . , vw,'.:-;- a x "Ocks-fri no a bad as a that,- aerred the Joiner, with a laofh. -Ah. Darid. ye re weet aff at the Jb ertn,": ', retarned UtpgUrr - sadly. "Te're aye busy.But ink ataae. I ait -Hmyweyvl -staun' t the receipt eustom, as It were, fur oora tbegltbcT aa whiles I nerer turn A copper. . Tbe ither day-Tueedy, I think it was .there was aaebody cam ower ma door- step frae twar o'clock noon tm three p, m, but twa weaaa. . Tin was a md dle spteriB for g bit string, a The lther was a Use! wantia change for a peo ny D'ye cV that trader , "But If s mk always so . bad. Mr. OgUry, put la Mrs. Houston. - TMtybe no ! as bad." be allowed fjudginglyr but trade's no, what it used to be, jPolVnerrrused to get A their proreeslOBS frae the toon,. an there, was , ma cairta an Tans eomln ten mile to poach on ma preaerres, aa it were. But noo ob, tfs Jist derJora blsv Jiat deplorabl!:. Ay -,v. : .H waa toterrupted by th entrance of Mr. WaQae. with A bug diah ot bam and eggs, which she deposited oo the table before taking any ootlc of her goesta.". "Jeaa, abe whispered to bar niece, "awa aa' bring beu the tea 13 July. TVs Silo-rl i;.ion U t'..t: t: - a rufrr;:-t craUr t-j i-'r i: 4 lif t run fro IsiiTa!.! to arv t: lw..ij thrvro-h to . co mm o lata Ca IM tea, CVartot'u?, DurVi?a al to aUca4 tL meeun cl tla Ixxle which wiU U ball ta JnIj,10tM5th. IUto from lUlal-h. a3 rail, roaaj trip 1200, tit Xorfoik anJ lUr Iia 19.45, Wjlmington, tU ra3, t2 Dortxm, all rail, to.uc; - CLarWtw, all rail ti3.SX Hay Liae from Vt il mington . 21X5t- DorW I19.il CbAriott t2X5. Tickets wil U aoIJ Juir gth, 9xh ana .lOtS, wiiij fical limit to tears lZlo Jdr Iih, tnttickeU can L-axtcaJe4 anU - PeUraaa tU frora lUlaigU to Doi fi!a HO, l)urLa 1 10, CLirkU I3ijira Vi!aba ' - ,Tbo uwlrrti 'jto a'.Ua i a UL rlaat notiff tha ea Jenigccl, so Cat it caa be determined .If nuoat nsaW will so to fastifr ormnuon cJ a-Nnal rallmAa. ' V . . ' c. il 0attia,t p. a r ; Raleigh.K.C (Irrw! I 9 a UAUzz-w U t i i.- r;--f, c U the r-rTT t: a cf a Ey! I.-v. .""T r a u, nVla JJ'V'. "TX - "XL n 4.t:t4 M iim i .w w vW Ctrrm lt. fatm I. Wit m ta a mwm xrt.mc U m st te MMIlMM.tUh tVaaa ta. i mim ii Mtar y.iiat I w , UiflNijlJ. I4.r U, --- t m lac. . , ' - - U. C lXa. AAa. - VVanted. v aapaa " a a. .a lT-e u. r . iioc-t litk M.A i-, Tkrrf tfood and Jart There t re tkrae r-aaOM wky taoUaei prefarOseMlaeteOaore Cera !-, U trabaoisUly aartai nai. It taato gtwdebiWra krs tti Tklro. It eoagVs, rroa p aad a aaoetag eoagb ka oth-r fmde talL.- Bold by . Ayeaake Du Co., .v, -v, i.-v.... : f; I i " " r v-'-.- . -; " . . ' HTQKLAtb Bat Kt djtar on aturtb tor. aal at, Ayooca"irrz Oo'av. ,- . . - ., t' ' ola tfr. :ii'?f iil' . 1 .V A J. 51 j i.. tr-a a t velvet rye pure- old - velv the bestfor the price, call for it rt louisburp: dispensary. ; loultbur Ct n. c. A A 10 . T . "1 r " 5 tTr ttart out foe tU lVaaiiaoej too iasiijTrf ba4rAao;tma fat great peom-aSlgr.. . ' ;-f- .aosnw anxia;, V Wbaa roe fad U niiarr ta saa taJt ' as DW Ufa Mitch Uaiai ial-a. Il ta lae aarau. aad Ue fee aoraa, ae Ja, ataa. nu. bllftd tiljr. ttskmg e erotni. leg pike,. Gat ta gas ataa DW)us Baatl 84 Bold by AroaAe Drag IV ;." awSBaaa) ' Krs keep too lc aone7 thai doe not belonf to you; U la IlaUa ta burn your tagr , - . -; r o- r-nr watrr w b-at 1 Lrkk yard 1 3 ti aw,. ia any qaaouiy, a j py. ili.a,,! a GarnalioriSj'iRosBS v'- Lonrf lfirttnlfA ViW : 3 ?. L"7 AAAAAAAAAlAAAAAAAAAAa t y v. am a sy - y W saar4 'On fM ta -wH ' Aa- at Xw Ctcrr Tongue.1 Urn em a mm W Wg 6ini.t. u www aa W WW . : OUR : BPCC1ALTT, ' Va a2vra imiA e ft aii i m mb t aifw! j ii n'niw la laaUaa fju tA f-j ad kraa to as t r. BayaaiU, iioilv t ra, 1 rTiavaaaa taa, ' , FALL CULDD. tot aia to imh ad J.f-o-enaoaw yniid ax rnr J- Baptist Uhlyersily For Women fHWM tVl ll Ud 1 IL kutla, t kl H l f. t. IP . Mm to 1 rtMna. C t m 4 v, B ta. . ata. i.n'... " ar k. raias ftrai ac iwf iMl.t .. i.1uimi ? to4LH tr f aa r- a aa aC JWcntai ua.' tr mr I krrc ZitrBi (or f4.tt ia.M. ..unr r M-lfkrrV hVml i bmv, at (nr i' Im Sa (tt a i aan, ( - n H a.V Tl aia4 tin ad .. arC aarr t a r rta Jr 4rtrtmaa, a WruM att van. . mrf tt jt, i , '"f f- rUiAe ara Say. f ;t:B r it.tj ia r M tr ri4 as aa U-a t, LVt4 a ra f IV f f aa- ti!a(i4 6Aa CITIZEN'S BANK; Famous. Heaillf and Pleasure Resort. Good. Tor BtoeaackTraeiVl -' " "'Vvi ' allpaoa-V--5 '-;; ' 'Cksabtrlahi free ' Bad tJrar Tre4tshir dH m etaU V1 el aad. C Towaa, 4 Ral Trartaca, OaC rarto. -McUs a aiiU ckrato taa afaar rffaet rt sci aspUaaasd aad I eaa r matoaa utra to aa a saSar froea ato. eaaak dieordaf. - Foe . aU by aU drag. : TbaUsim, tfwat, la generally a maTMVtr aeaa thr . 1 . M " t. ft ".. are sweet worses ia n. Wbare art yoa tfai? naadatba. foaj toaga.aoarpetita.ktok umr. raia t roaratocto, aoeaiipelioar Ual!iatars fiVoaay Msnz'lA T atU atokeyaaawtt imimd weu. s seats. Robfeia(o, r -..-V . . I a. rraurroi. an. w prrrru. raa. k - . - . f to ha V fWawr.lOTrrr.aAw. - uaera ruaioeaera erery modal! en -cosaUUcI wlia itiU male aaatlor- , Ixaas Bs4a aM)ta4aajrily.', AceaaaU aa-l THE MECKLENBURG - HOTEL 'ND':; MINERAL SPRINGS! QUICKER. A!ID BETTEB .CHASE"'.aTT,'vuynsu. flWaal ta ! taaead aa ertf im aat f aa aUaaaaJfa tr aviaataa as aa taa J -5 aaarriedr naked Jees seriously: ?3 Tipe Vt? ftett" exOalme& kr t "I'm Jt sew-done washln' the waux loth. Ma certy ! - D ye think I want a galrden In ms lobby fur yer man to plant carnations In? - Aw, that'll dae. Ye needna rub bole In ms mat Come ben the boose. . ' - Suppressing a laugh, Jess entered the gottage and followed JlntrWalUe , to the kitchen. - ' ' ' ' " - " .,. k ' " a a M .SB. "You'r been bakinjf, ABW wauace,;: s ramarted aa tie grrlsaad her its ranted aa .... ' .IAS..' .'.'. . cam oe so rerr atu. . ."Auldl. He's no old ara'.' Hea no rauckle auider nors maserBut I Aoot he'n nerer: get'alwlfe, eTea 4f .brec Wants yin..-f - -S'I. . ;fAnd -what made you ask Tbim ; to tear bet niee inquired boldly, ---f? If the query eontalaed Any lnslnuao fdon, Mrsv' Wallace failed to perceir It fWeeV a I teirtye afore, I'm kin', o rexed fur.hlm.'an' when Twls in hi shape the day.I wis mair rexed nor or aax Ye aeehe bidea at the back o the abope,; a& wbea 1 gaed to the day ba cam furri unco rid l the face an eoufused-UkvZ an afore ' be had : bauf aeryed m an.awfa reek an emeu be good to come frae the back room.". i l "Mercy r:meJte?Whlt ixt creation's thatr I crieaW Aw,nerer heed it. Mrs. WaUace,' he aayiC tryin',to la och. 'Ner er heed ltr aiys; Man, I'm near atuf- focatltr 'I'm rale sorry but l ean assure y there's naethln wrang, at least no seriously wrang,'-he says, as u ne was aihamed. But there's so met bin' burn in', says-I, but he Jist shook his haid. 'Are ye daftr X cries. Awa an pit It ootf Cut b gl'ed anither pcir la och an' says, says be: .'Dlnna get alarmed. Mlsteess Wallace. If s Jist aome soup I trl trylaf to rati fr tia dinner.' Coup r aay a L - fSoupl -It ameUs Hker rtojeja' ttlr an' tafia, 'Pit eye, t3 S n tftt faftt-tnt b.' aa' toast Weel Darte, boo'a things ? Glad to bear ye'ra busy. Weal, Mais ter Ogilry, I auppos trade's waur nor erer, but I dlnna think y aud tnak aie a lamentation, aboot It la the boos a yer best customer,'. Eh? Hi. ha, haf - f Aw,. Mlstree Wallace," murmured the grocer, with a feeble smile of apolo gy, "na offense, I bopejr.-..' ; .- - f,"Haud yer tongue, man.' an, draw la yer. chair.- Com awa. Jess, ma Una. Darie,. tak tb held o the table aa' ask a MaseiaV; Koo, betp.th bam an eggs. If they're no guld, y can blame It on Maister OgUry." t ; "Ye wudaye ha'a yer bit Joka Mis tresa .Wallace,"" aald th guest, begia glug to brighten-under the cheerful In 8ueoca.about bim. " . ; U"8ugar an ersamr . V. r - " T it "Thenk ye,' thenk y. ' As was eb- :Vf "Ha'r. Interrupted ; Houston, band ing bim a plate piled with bam and a couple of eggs. -. j ' n 1 . -- ' "Aw. JUt-the bauf ihat please. Jist the bauf o that," said Mr. OgUry modestly. . - --.v. - t. 4 fCome awa', man," urged lioueton. . -'"Ay,'- com awa', Maister OgUty. Hoo can y expec trade to be fiourUh in' when ye-wlnna eat yer aln proree sionar . added - the .' hoetesa, with a ;chuckle.: - - J : " : -." .-;;',' ..- Darid laughed also' as b selected aom tidbits for' hi ; wife. -. Deed. Ogilry, yer got to dae aa ye'ra bid la this boose. - ' " ." - '-' - "Aye,; aa. aaebody kens that better nor. Darie," remarked v Mrs. Wallace amartly T..-" ' "- Whereupon erery one lauihed hearti ly tncloding Mr, nouston, who, how '; .-.; V-(to b coTrxritr.) : J. pWINSTON ' :r - ,vw Far tba o a it 40 dara; '- X mill aU i aampla b4 "wt.. down . below ; wholeaala coL lea 1 kara a be at lOOoobtjy 8prUg atria Bslla cVoUi Uf I ara Cloaloc ont Ia tbaa coat AU aanpt toodt golog re, aom Id Aad lecx a Ueaa anito also aata I aseaa fcntiP- 1 Vara a lei of tan abort J at 11 CO thai teat $3 aad UX- I .bar 300 pairs womaaa gqa 'sheas la .rioa.lt 4 at leaf fian cost. J. P. Wloslen baar4ac4 rtleesoa STerythlor, ao jt C9n to as ; , - ; i vxr l P. TTIISTOK. f T3 g Wat ia laa atoal. Be r torra ard toiiaa aartoaaa M aadli i ii thru. ' aaVdaa BaW mI Saaa. aad Aa M a. aa Aajia. a. aa mm aad aaaaiia taa -atoiii ay i V aat t aa aia mat arlaaaar u4Uat aaiad ta 1 1 1, nit Wit Uta i att mpAl taa to tola Ua taa lira aWa pttvmm to ad avai aia TUa attaaiamalaa avarkla a iluiiiai to l laa twaXiaa a ta ia aw n ian li to pi na iiai.ni a to i to Wrt ad w Ua i HI ara. ta aa a) aaCj Ataw a4Wjret!Uui -Wtif!?f aUta!, vt4r la ju ey ! psistsaeaU aad swaUlaA 123 rt ran. rUgle e t aa Ui r aUV -t tia'. Uib 4 la )xLH:j mVk a til u IV taal. eg emfa atrd aaaealrts f Its rtwU. . A.ia, arra IV EVERY t AMUSEMENT , Fl roalasr, Ulagaat Iteary, Tie J4-VWf H ia rt4 "KaVr VeJI lb tlgbeet aai frMa tb CUra Vi-'I'i fjf v laai.U.ta fnrr.Va Erpl!ia Tl-e ItadrisU D;ntttef va a des'-gaad aad a;;rvel ay tV, fiwia. Crtti if ta t-4 I ib &l ciUU La tV ifmilV. t at4 aad tt.tTs. putira titorvi rait frai all r4aU. , t f)prial saaaaai sala la faavtUaa. ariVe fpr iaanHj'Ur VodX S' THE MECKLEINBURG, raawaMvaif. .afcma tto at ! bat ad aiua ' aaffa4aa. ata ft a,aia44 Siat, ta aa ta toraaa at a Umr, Itat Ua raa firtarttutaarawt aal aaHai ami ST aaa aal atatr. W a Ma aM-tf (it aa artoi. ' Taa toniat a aA aad aaa tto ata Aa T. HtAta LOUISBUSG :FEIflBE " ' .' '.'.. . . .. m . : . .. I" ' . i '. ... " ' . " . ' .,. . ".1 , ......!.... ' - Tbe Fall Beast oa r UU TasUUtlea. Qa of ia0it hi tbsFUU will Wri e SEI1TEMBEH .6TII, 1 805 Tba a!ABtaDi rooaadiea College BalU ",lo la Icata4 la a well aba-Sed grere tt twalra artta ao J fmlb all Ike advaa . tagta ahd soar eaieacaa f a tltiutt ken. Beaatify your eoapUxlo vllh llule if to wmui a smooth, eraeauikt omlexloa, rosy ebeekij langhlo; era, tax lioi;utar-a liDaiy MonsUia Ta. rateat beaatiSar knorra. S3 eeata, E BobtlU A Co. - Board and Tuition is tl!Ui Utia i frtt; $65.00 'lite Is paitly what wa make it-ind : partlj what it is made by tba friends whom wa cLooce. v ' , Sot a cent wtBtad, siliu yea are leurai. If yoa ara kx tzl allr. Uks Cc:-Urs rocxy Hens'-'.a Tiu A rr Per Tirn. O'.b.r FlQiiltaat Llairrala HaUs. ir.sitraUd CaUlc.ci s:sl ca a; ; 'Ui'.!co ' Jl fH !! nl ;! aUaw U " - ..." . 6 ' ptaaea ka4U;jert iretfVl t law TLl-lUa T 1 AT --CD ST. A ah tal f f-air l r;a-jU-f t Vt? r'w. Car fft flsj, y rl! Suf.ti tawnt At a !;. - - CaII 4 a aa aad we wiH gr-trae ta y as ya. W: P. HEAL X0- A Artistic Job .Printing O Lj o tU:.:rr to tl k; -ta f;-ry, I jv:t rci r-.J irj rrt t '. f t;; ",',:5 PRIMTIT Oeed 8eeaiaidAt:a. C:;J f:rt T n A "7 p-p.T TT)17T T1 TI i "72, -Tf v.- Tif a-- If jt fc:l y ; :; ...1 5 0V s5