.i V - .'. .. :r""" . . .'- I'' if A. .1 ., f .1: I .-..'-... , .i a 1 ... i , js. A. THOIIIS, aillLlltfttySST. a - ::: jr::: h:TnMV ;:i i i: :: you- xxxv: Jf rr J A LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 23,' 1905 t-t , '-JJ.U Vi V "r i ,r. ...... OHUaOH DIREOTOBT - MATHODIST. S , i,iodr School at 9:30 A It. ' Gso. 8. Baxib, Boot." prohin At 11 A. Si., and 8 80 F. Ua Munriay. ' (t'f t . Pry-r meeting Wednesday algaC L. 8, Massst. Putor. BAPTIST, ':,fi Hands School at 9:30 A. M. Tmos. B. Wilds, Snpt I ranching at 11 A.AL, aad 8:30 duoda 6sb; JKti:o!j I I I I . ... , Tin tvam, mornlna .and night ;l oa : it., 3rd aod 4th Sand'ays. - KvHainff Prayer, Fridar i afUriooK rricM 4th Saaday in aeb month m ruiog aad Ditfht. r , i f ' ' - Paator' JO! rr'r-'l l a iabarff Lodge. No. 413, A. Tk a M., mwU 1st and 3rd TMdy aixhu in each month. I'rotbsmonal oairclja r Smtthwick. C. H. Baaka. vilTUWICK & BANKS. DENTISTS, LOOISBURU, N. U. tfl i io Hicks BaildiUK. Maiu Street. 1) a. t. m. maLONX, .. i . j i i i i j Lociiniume, i ;iho ovr Areoeke Prog' company. :' t, 111 .. t .. . n.ltllllMIIMII 'If, urn!" '1 rrro r ut -wee xic?reefor.- rMi-a; McLerlevw Etc. - f"' : "-- j.- -' - :"-. ' i i t i"i 'ly ttt?tf ff.i;-.rJ-rM &.-vksl f - CJ?ICHT1004. by-; J4 BILL- -a i - i ii IMiMHniiMHiiiiiiiHiiinit.,., rTlia.uierv a lot oroud Jot walt- J la.... .i::n::::::i first, glanced at her hnsbaitd to make sure Xh&t hla feelinnr hail nnt 4-uouci,yriceeaea,:ana altogether it jeaa a very pleasant one. 'Mrfc OgilTy, who- had been ; -f amlsbinz. ' finlahfid hia .bam and eggs' and after a deal &f press ing consented to take a second helDiM. LfJiataijinai;6ensatloni:Xt's: L raW Mce fWeel. dearie, If I dlnna gang o ae the(dQUea chryaantbeuiama the mora Til' majW- bo 'tuiah'gf inltber ' Ciy. An It's time haJ M da iff.' Jes."' ,; Brie1 rbkS' little .m'of'djir:nErtlia W- Zrsitfttuliri of be' wilt;' Erit ler' tusband' diatied't?beerfal!y.',An'(cdy trwntf- iueuL aaaauca ner, ana bd wuia nox get quit of It Bbe'was conylnccd that abe (she dJd nt Intend that - DaTld abou see' -tt'irst) .woulJ'.find'A' Iciitr lid a bnstnesa envelope nhJcf tbe dor Of tb cottage, depoelted-there by-old Angus, vbd JBU4Dy KtlW4Lii ihon I for the evenlnir nost. " . . t there., vas malr talk tnora dacnrazes -t )DaTtd,'YbltUni jafrrfiri' WrjbW bla key In the door or Haxel Cottngei' ' ' ' "- iTld you abut tte'gate brrly? Da.' 4'Ye-rye,re! weelatf wT.yer irifei Drtjer. I'dtrmbnc: C Tld-Abservedthft '-farOcerjtaHnkr'UH Aye, "but TU gang, backf au ,' ba the firtwi S'J' I l'.':r '-1 re!rnd o'bugmgly and ran down the . Aye,.ald David j briefly- W'not ltn.8111111 lantern. V? coldly:1-?':' - m -v.. I., Jesa pushed Jhectlaat .Tartly oen. Ciavjii' 'r-H"lLl'Ji' !iiL' ti'WA'.l bent down and felt oir tba rrlai -.11 , M hi ... r, ... .i J ' -k I I . ' . . V a 1 l tttl ioaA ioa ltT h btilj-ro Ut b1 It atltkly l',y Ubow. u caty r Uu.' Tor mU fct all dro-uu. . ' ; ii j.. . -' " 1 i iTbe froiuol trout barer LaVioTtt tha" raVi of traruiWon. ' -1 8 U tih Dvoe ,Gloaa . CrrU J-alat It h a to 8 in toor to LL plat tbaa otfcar. ir Ivor bd rra agio v a wn..A4 91 . , 1 11 W SMI ! I I 4 . .. ... . ..... 4 k If wm mmKtm o rm njiiiiJm i 1 i ,T . 1 1 C4A. , . , . , 1 t i I ..-4. a -paro-'Old vclvctv. ino uc-btjor i lie pnee., sold- -y everywhere. L'call. JfoK it. "at , Jl:' I r fe - ; Tbre Good and J uit EeaacuLa. -prvftr Ob Utsau Oorv Cam Flrt II rr tlBt!y aireair, g-i. It Uue trtxyi 01J to k ttt Taifd. ll t eoccti.ifop aaf WrUt aoah ka ottHTttmm&Ut fa Sold , Ajtoak :"Ye'Jl' be. geyrcheeryjOaag atazel down; l 5?.".D,5ic i I Gottas-4hae flantf tdilehta.: aontlnnad.! wrtng;v. . . , i .-,., .-- 4 - f thwMaf w..w.-rrt-x. '4iA'.nA 1-tHer finger closed on tte letter.'""); hanf be remarked 5to Mrs. Wallace f thlne'to hare a-azreeabWrtiTnYi'ny: Y then noticing & twinkle 4a. her eye: "1 1 i were.ehlT , j-'v" 7t'. .' tyhhi mean it's rale nicely cookit.' In fac. l"A3re said: David i"nft: fihn J J8 nalcht sav. I -never tantit ham n par I irlntrt kahi:' vvfAM 'k- f eaid DavieTT' ab: lghed and; ' crnAhed It lasaye're.Jakia' weaxit.''. fca tenderly a llttJelatet..: . '-' - - nicely cooklt; Jlistress Wallace.?' hardened itbreSnger"; V' " 1n;rm U rlghC;.W replied, try- At. this Jkolnt David winked guarded- r I'fAn'anS yer wife's geyjweetait-w'ri f,t6 mI1-T w raiA.f t ly at his wife, who attempted to look her aunt,"' aid - the other "after some- ,Se,B ibe thibetteriCaday.afC, severe, but smiled faintly: - hesitalion.1 1 " f"" m&iiX ke,nyel enjye aeeln; .th ' as iur yer scones,' . saM tne grocei a ir Utae.fJater, "I'm W exaggeratin' wnenn ten ye tneyre tne finest encountered m a' ma Dorn days.' : Such-enthuslastie language from the mouth of Mr. Ogilvy was so dented that a Solemn pause ensued several seconds. . : ' -"I'm- shalr-I'm glad "ye scobss" retOFHody Mrs. alhiee-reco euns aevseu mxto. ureaKaagitne-suenc which would otherwise have been: bro- JA -louisbuij dlsponsar, -i wnMif alto, c4 , w -t -. , r, " ."V.. ' r- .. Vi. - 1 be fcrst ra J el iTe a wul dry p c VSi.V-! 73 all the men of e intra tsar. rjSLye, Mistress Wallace ,1s m:m 1 '""T'-'f v'W auld;wummaa,sald 4te Joiner heb JitL. ia mean, that br unpreee-1 course she's a uld bit aulder noc Jesa 1 aw u . for arfkmi;tid'j'lwt-rluirgbeH s i list at her he.'N; : t iqr;naaoana wocea.JB9 cusappointea like . the Ve?P;..lfwer4:;; r v- 1 "Jifit that,"-' " 1 fc. , rwauui ye wr me,- mj-saia siowiy, -pux r L heelT Tm5 shate.thereaeW tl ! aeedutf thinaafrae the I hita ttt . . T ' 4 as ye, sayit a aiguw .waua -1 "vv., WDV VVUiU VTTD4..U101UUVi i K. J. J, MiLNNjr" -A - PIITSlC?AapdkSURGEpN, MUI8Btt8q, V.4., it t.na , i iftr or Aycocka Qrv& CoT'B.drcatojr I it rt. F. BORT, 1 Kg ken by a snicker from David: "Js Mis-. fitep'-sSkl-MR1 Ogilvy warmly, "even 5""- i"-, tresa'VeUnoaguid'hau"natt4bak- 'if ifa fur nae malr; nor a ' penny'a ? 10 Um, f! rj, - jn-y.?- ur o.j-.,! i . , a .piumjM. t -oh, yes. i You're not vexed are y oo. ,Until.,thJnicht,I.thochtuhe waa tJrSvlkJnt her i6erSbrme:f !ier , V cameeganant reply, wbereatHous- t iay.- She'kbeeiU ttlulne. 1 'Tlllllll ton gave Wwife the geritiest of gentle tomef o" mine since he cam"- to fato- rome i-n aba . wntlMs lm kiefcs under the- table. r. ,o lochafi,W rm praod3tii4Wt orite poi2fnv.&ai,?.$10r i. -in&r JMl It - AM DOJW JOU U terapgiivy "said the hostessv. witfr a I AnVthaTwas wheasent her dog bis- tJi f i V- " v' 9 wn: ouvy luth yuyq ly T fe A rr" KtHiwintha rear" of It Mr. Oeilw was suddenlv; abashed. aotioim elAilwtoi ealz4tb6t haawBd the nn- ge dedJflmiroiarK him away. ' ' ' . -. ,: .k:- beard rbow; poorMra. Nefl ds Honlghtrf.I ver'ifiadC'Davta." . JDod the shebiQufredlvt f a i.:pweded;t;hbne - v . " "Weei, Mistress Houston, I seettrthe ';4 -That's veraf satlsfcictoiym 8halr,,, doctSr Sfiieai&W ilJefmessh6p;',anlheif said David. Saldshe.twas a Jump, better wud ; '.flilnk.. maybjebeblick at ibaw.ariirtMn-1..m Lxuisburg, N. C. y AT'tfebblW'C i o. Urug tttore, oaMasitrerW( is.a " "'Hi WBj.j aa ii,fia miBiuiA-n uu, ovMf uwk, fcTfir una and aooy Ma xgjit caiia BUBWri rcHioaooa. hnh -VMfflSf fffJ!rtl awni Lli -It. ZZir, iia-awrf 'TZ ikJl?- -V5i"IWf t L. H ALLRED.f ' ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Will DrseUM In ail the Court. ' TouiigwvUle, N. C. j M. HASSSIlBLlllO, ATTORBBT AT LAW witttaWjnallb Orfarts, UddyKj1rfiJ;l iV WJP4, ye fibe. .bftter; to,get.somet 'ithprHTl in heir inVopp' a'aioA tSnvtil cudna' thole It.. Anfhl 41nna .ken. ony buddy In inlochan that wud be carin' abottMjo5''l: : ,r:- "Of course there's twa weys o get- tin a booBekeeper," said Davld teas-. ybtflTbrintf itotnememe ii ewers f you can. I like tOaweotn'jowB4Qea, growing.'' j Then she added very casu ally, "I might as we look In at Dob ble's and tell them to send the' gUaa on a'Oneeirx-,i' ; "Aye; jist dae UaWeas;.. And, with a laagbv'be added. "Ye can "tell them ,v T.Vl.:-- " je're ma.paIrtner.,--J..vt .:v. the. air, of a man who is i ? -t , k'a'boiflo' fortiltuftfollaa. ,c6ntIriuc41!sXRalAce. "f ' "A1 bottle fAfnltsM "bol-" Ish. repeated the - grocttV nAvma shop eirtiirx-nar usual,' ut what" a a shiUln' or two wbeTt yef red- fjyinTeit? Tfr?!4hifv - "Mphmr; jmurmured . the younger mi inoUtenlnjr tbe point of astonrpv teo- dabclUirrfiytng It -to.' f, i&g earedt OOm ta fcan, checking'a laugh,; f ' -1 PWo' dilapidated order ;book. - . 4 After a considerable pause the groeer 1 j ;Ayei; eean np' sendjaborUf "I was.gaunitaieTai intDavidvj dot ,1 iovw '.?yfltbjir"--JewtnarM:m 1 "vompie uwtmr-M: - -wFor, n Instant the grocer looked po t erter ine ae lear.. Are yenear ?en- Trriaian. wi ni: T ; tm rned. Then he took a long drink from f lsnedtrt'5Adeay-"i ...i iV4baiaatnrtj--U I rint be twa-three; weeks yet afore I dered Xurnlrnre polUh. i presoome It J's&atmnigW Qfiilvy. fux s "The 'biggerxthO JbetteA lyeel, Ibe I I pefcelved a evu Smile, as the atorldf Job was gaan4ofteU yfaboot-is;a 1 say; on thej-faNPVo tbe ladiOeTCiit M. W. BODD1E, YTTOaNET-LAr, tHK6yr Bo0e, lbbitt Co,'a vv u. HAYWOOD BCFFIN. asd tried to-xkjs4f s bad no beard tbe rtmarg at a' fAro tmi fBll)ilP TBe hoatefi 4 gloced.fjoMnd tbtabktinL Jess," she said briskly, otf an me'll clear the dishes an Maister Ogilvy an' Davie can ba' m.ZJ:-- m "Ocnrfpe31 list wJfftnnr hae a antDke jfo tbe kltdgen efter ye'fe through wiV the dishes,! said DavTaTiSrtio had never jret llghjfedTil8 pipe in Irs. Wallace's parlor. ': y - v . "I'm tellin' ye ye can smoke, here," she assured him. "Yer pipes '11 be nae- nv;t 70 LOCIMOM, . . will praoUo in all the Coarta of Tftraafclja u.i ii'J4ti'"IT eountiaa, also la til BaBBBBM MtitSuSJa Ui Qui tad Mates Dlatriot Hi cl ruJJil Coafta. Ottlaa in Ooopar and Clifton BnlMlmg. Mvmvae.a. o. . Main Btraet, ever Jones r Ooeyefa offlaa on tor. Fa S. SPRUELL. " ATTORHK-AT-iAW, MViaBTJBQ,. O. V V ii' a nutvuia-Warren rud ivkkaf eonaaaa. m eonM AeDa r rumpi attantlon given to aoUeeuona. unaa orar KMortun'B Btora. W. BIONXT, ' n AJB TOrgMAILAW. tbovTssvae s.o. Prompt anal pamrtaktBg atteatfatt aafara to Ckiaf Jiutlca Sheplieard, Boa. eh .toToJUMaT BtaniyVtonjWotjAr! .iZlorom. COM. H. Taylor, Pzaa, WAS a OoUaa. Hob. B. W. TlmbatlAac Tit N-liflt i t - iai ) r.? ' m i ill 7." i !ia- u uut 1 1 LSaSiL' I ii III K t ' li t '...I poaihwaeihat Mg, OobaX waibv' nane ef yer weA boathouses, but big yin to baud three or fower boats. U (l U S,V ax WVlll. VBk A-AA UCPbiOliJlC , ' "Hoo dae ye get to hear o' things?" exclaimed David, sitting up In his chair. f x 't "Aw. never yon'ralad? 'if ye want the1 Job 'tak gang to Mistress Colman first, She'; the manager o" the establishment, She's a kind leddy, an' an' ye can men tion-that I aent ye, if yebke.,ti:; bW4 ta lt el Uavf nryn;. T- Xyla, t ,. ILCUmJaf. 1 ! T. 8- graruLa, Attarf. ' , I ak crtrr fotapaav aita to bayfc ... 1 J-Trcwg-taevexair3of lU ... . - . - Qfl Cf Cf ' Tontruc,,"v ! ' k' ill A-aT. i -, Ki- I I W . .-a ' A " ' --. . . f "Whrs VoaSad tt ttf te aaj oba DarTilfa WlteS UaM 'Salr. U w tba fiareat. aad tbe for aoiva,- bolia. ma,'blia4 bldlag, luhlef brprtHrad- leg trti. a ir!aA. Dwnia &ai4i9Aie ; Bold by Ari DracO Gret fower lot work BJonVgoee with great jpdwi of ribi.J 4 , aJa-Ta ra4 B NttM IU tlatNaml4. Bjhti MJtW j JnoiaUaa U Aa Urn n aA j t Bliiaii t:VBaplist UniversHy For iVMeri :v: 0od For.LQinakTrvritu aodCou-l l L&MtltfiM), - d Trbtets ba doee bm a era I tfrl t4 CSAd,:, Tovaa. ef Eat . fortAc W AH, rarki .VBaUz a mlhl cbrU the , alW ffetj ara H aopUAaaat acdX aaa raa Oisraa&d Lhasa to all who efff tram aid- toteh diaorder. For Mi hf all drag. "Sueoesii U'a big word; bat' airJert. uMttemrvntka Biatiaia. li'.-iri) Aa 1,4 r-ab OilUai i-''r?a l m i r (xyBrfXtUMi, aw . 1 - aa I W wi av Mila. (Ant twrf 4 1 fl TiBaa Is (V ii fJL ! .. A. fX&aAf4r ta X IMlA. A f na ta . liKitKl CdrvMaf era. if -ay t 1.mw ta tT --- " Jt ia'..- rXi. t i.;t ii- r 'it sal l--T anai.i,fc. - fwa.-- ,f taJ44 M lav4t4.a4 BtA f1 .'na'l1n,, - u f 4 T"ait3 ---. . aiH-M4 V '- tt tMHt i lavi t. Aimi r-l Str" r atwaaa, a laMt . ana-tv. t't ta f) . vX Tt t ton.to wa aaa t- a . af t - .At.iHi Var f tiax-Hi. aaa4llatltl S . fni. tT t I 4ft v. A-Va, ( f' fttta t f, ;il ttt Htfi.ia TU tfv.1 f--- ft k f4A kran !5i 4aAatt ta a t f a-aav? W'i y vt-r, r Ut aon rp. . fwt t taUifei K W4 H ti ft I Va rtirvv.. ! SrH.; 4 - . - l,i ".Where IM Where are joa alakf ..dladMtj Coal toaa no a apatite, 1 Baatcy. rla la yoar atMaaen, , oupUcr UoUiatr Kocky Pataia Tea vk l . a , "jB I f -JACOB ;EVAInS v -""l - f . r "a ti. ... I ....... -yn tn.aarUAt4i ' iJSA rEOOT.lSD SHIS lim. - aad kVp yoa wbU. S3 4l. R.A. I . '"- :i - - 4 - I HbbUi4 to, - - . t" 1 1 A.8PIXULTI I . . ... ... .. 'Jt I . ,1 I . -f J . ' . . . I t .""Vy.. gs:1 , J ' If I'Wwi. . i. , a,-, -: I . .'I U ! ;XonwcLidn:.FoIIovs; Trial- It may b tbera la do greater, of- ferer jian. the.saioni;. . lndlgv4tlov Cartd. C ." f Tt, ... I. a. j... .1 l.lsitUa fa f taw, naMaia PKH'wiiv., pataee etoaaah treabUibat Ut 4 yiald ta to. the dlaraeUy taMSeaaaU Ke BlolDyspepala Csre, T.W a-ia-f ti tbetrala tS lk o3W bv .dvtAlAg rtat yoeAt aad aU'7ix ii lo m aa LU tt groes aiopr ala ( Kodot Dy baeaia Cnr affd qalti' asd paraaar avast r-IWf Treva l5'aAiJon aad Uio taah tmnbWe. baiu mp tk a-a a4 Ja a vAkaad r0lve-7rt:Atrc-v.avd. a ER - Allff-BEITEB . A) at a . i.e. a - - t.at a. cbt theLraestis. BnMt n oMriWiUtl-wmt.. i4 ulal evu smue nor ooy itner tin' o amue -U a footbcMaa -jaaJa a vkd I katc4 iiMaiaf taikttMH when I got tbe hand o' him the next I eoailttoe. .To. eoaAUeiiy . lafreiAt l tifMMw ) iABta Maei. mrvmin Vi - I baa at Kodol DitcMla Care ev fcbyn it- Ob, Mistress Wallace." exclaimed or eptai aoa g-aar4 ptanm n Mr. Ogilvy In unaffected dlatreaa, "I'm l,u" w. , .1. 5-!-. v rv w ai v w - i yvv '- i - : - a a . a ' a. ..Bk.- .waaA- J A I I a i .i a a a,a . A a a r fr ? iKIftT " "WH f,tB..,aar: fortba aU-vtaUo of' btb-kldf-i and abootttiat b; lfws: v ,1 . rwlw day bf dafJ' 04 ma aayice au u wi nnu-aw . leea wian l naa I trr ItaotU Drsc Cat . . sent mm iwr sumner. in iar, a wiaa but I had never seen his Lmplddeot face. I was near dementtt w.r bis pranks j Xrt.. :an', .trk.tlV baetblfti of pit-r ,i . .r-.7cjix ,ee;i jrwon f'90w,I Mifffli airnt-wnga- yin .time i . - i. - ""It was her wee lassie that ye plckit I ne mixed 'up tpptr ta pulauldrVlali-j j i.a.'f kot frae amohgthe hdrsesteet ftri'tfcrolrte'a ahutf ah' near' Hilt the pulrl l '.rr AlNf'tr.')" Il'l 1 Whisht, , anan. whlahtt, Ithln to dae wT 'tr cried teonfused. Jurist , yoti tak ma jdinna'tett imyb biggest order I've bad tor mony a-lang t r-Deed: Toy -sreatlyf obleeged TO' ye,l -Oaywnat dae yetama tie ooe mrrri-tf-Zk- ''r?, i: cuana say. f'' a.'! 41. 'entered i.MAweel. I sud explain that the pa iiTnfU MM All rvr(lf ap of Jti : . -vv Lfi That's. nae tJtuddrrxwT sneezrn an' ereetln'.. An It v..,J 1. Mr.-pgllvy, at the New Year what dae ye think Le'3 ,f f . i ' . hihtwrtloatf To'AiiBtreM-'Mtf - ' . 1 aj V'- -xl . i .. r I a IP. I r ' 11..,," i al ll''(riW " - I. t J .sr a. . ... n v 1a 1, A -F . .wMai-i lt a -''i.'WBl T T - a a i m . . t M fx lia tea. h&w do rou know ahat rem r SttllnC t.' BsnsMt ?sm&iUxm&oKlmrCCuLmla -"k . ftU t tali. If r-Kia hi.'i it (rpoonj, rarr5 ta 1-3047 U twe u. Lion wucCtT;; 7 the leader ot all putkae cell era Jtt r-ary rtw ' Cf e ettlrT, If Lv e j i J-sd U rr;rir la a3 try rzL U m : tat m ppiXe .wm .a tiara; cs-rrtX '? H tbe'vrrtlrt 4 AmitOrvS" CT CorSIXnTXBS ala-ra 4 c-aavvtaW T TJbC aawartta) 4 l-t(D?tf COITIX, ft eeasto r trttte 4 avarjr , acVaa-e H t Ow m rtsMAxcrt rva.cnxsrtu yaivf rri m ? aBaaaWaaraBaaai eAaaaJBtA ""wwfam" awpe a---. 1 laaaA U7 ,,-Pt rfrWbA W" .i 'AlTOWrTAt,-IAwV i 1 ' 1 ri ' ' n I ' '' itr TABJMJEOTjaH, AT10ENEYAT LorjisBtma, jr. a. M said ptfakfa Wyovi cm ws'tt th'-,t9;1e.ceegAur: io simmer, xe fiJusttln.theuntA! tTZ "TTr! T T'T TTiYl I . I VLj t. i tAVMA ZAMawAE J UlhA MWWia MTABtlfllUI 1 UnPHf JB lMr IT J wnndprfnllT. and it was soon discover- I ed w luxuries, a sOTta he that be-wss the possessor of a stock an sweet things, ye ken. of old and chiefly weird local legends, atpnin.r' . . iwifh whichhe reealed the company un-1 TL m tellln' ye a boot the luxuries so .-.A ":Vi ' mj- h ' . . - : 'a ' " ' a " 1 'a. .a. aaw a-Mrt a-4 a a AM I - A V rt. 1 1 an AM mI f tuAUBwauacesTaxfiflf.upi an:imr,i.,js JfW.r'"Yr1 - Ujfeirmed her VtSltOJtha.WieytfiOUia.nO, Jtnwee awn) prau. t Mm.ln In har-hnnia a,nthr mmnta. I , , 1 Bee. '. ; ' . IWithout feelinir the. least .offended,; bnt 1 . ffWeeL the palrcei ,was aent awa. an in: the best of snirlt. thev shortlv took i the day. efter Mistress Masbsx'a servant their denartnre. David carrying a lan-1 Usa cam, into the abop an' said I cud Umfyt. tb-t;wf-torjl..vr.wl :,fii .fetWjtiW, mn as 1 uxesi tOUISBURQ -aT- a m " - j Tmsa . avm MAaaA a a aAflri trni lr tin" .HA aUllca IiTrfiVBi t n I ."' ' t - firoueh the aarden irate, "tell Mr. Ofdl-1 1 needna teU the laddie toca' fur far- ivy ypti :wan fSaJMffi tjMt M ttpra,iajrthae yalkloot ?w6m:'tdd& f 4 siop, leaTin' me comp1et!ely:dum- t 'Dfcedy w Methln fur tt thoebt rf.ne returned and passed tne l w,w m u. uiW vuv.-ui fwttLte the eroeetD'r, the mystery, as ifwere." -::2 .Thenk yev-thenk ye," saia air. ugu-1 " ' OM; " " ' "' ' vyughing Joudlyv Illlbe jlst ee- wlsr . Inquired, Mrs. Wallace, .lltye rTho trtTBtery."' aU -Mr. Ogilryacit a, 1 . Sit Ua. BL B ' . F a -S 1 x f -l.-la ,fOa tAXJfiATr DISPENSARY ' Q. G amp k Soo.'B-lumore- : . .VUlaNaatUaW4 t4 - tolAaaWaW. b at -a taat It. a Brt Ara4 fcalne Bartaaa' fc m,mm aA laaMal tAal Ura. . BaUBaa4 Ba SaV k-M Sa , lt t rVBa. ,1 a W a saawaj - aa(rwattliiu a ia n afiaHKWtUUtatlta lartl- Mka 1 1 1 a r-a ta Bfl stajtAiaaa tV4 nfciLwjaa I fcaa)U taaav Tk acrartVeNMAA 4 - I a-nalA ta iiwun ta or aaU. .- LA rtle el tA ti rwiaa I rat pnrt k ta trot t IW araAW i taAy. awwwL nt . MAKM -. I ts a aArM IrW at at Uaaav tk-a tA wa a fvajrtaray 5' W it t . V J "BBW 1 SOLD CY tTROCFM ' - n 'Trt rvf firntr . CT - ABB iiulx. ' -J i 5 , - , r trociax yrr-B Di. :Uv clw. w -'V, i ,. . - ' ... W -raaAaa aat Bvaavt fl M UarWrr raa f BXM-f Oiraaa IraaA. mm a-ri ! tarrtd va taJ aa4 CW b - to eyan T...,aVl,lll'tsy :'-'r .-. . . ; t.,.. --i. A .TvNE At r i a-t- "''' -f ':'f a".' .' i ' . v.,, ? - ii'.i: ;.!,-. --" a a. ' i ' r ... a v , . BaaMBMOatoSScb' ... . ..ii. au lag juiu caAameiLxne twgaurs- himOtK t etnr3VT rr. v"f7i I '- . ; --;: "v- . - -r. - ttvnl&4MlTiiAti&YtiDt fvai a lAlra!! fflata IMSnIeer.Caa I ,. e.t..'., ... ... - ' ' J ' i SHfreanaokt tor ne w- -Anappy. sew iear vra- r 7 . i:r i, 1. .,-t. j a,'.'- .:. ; f - & r4 maype tne new sm j . . t ' -.i . - - -v - , Amki - wd.1 tne amq ;yin;ww fgj.B anva pft- vnnr Annt Wallace."- I wrreu ua - - . , - t , - - - . ,-. . nif T ?"''--- - Afe-n "' -ilvreleared the T jj W but xtfhft rfrVwiitf iV V "i i t iS.rrf'a! tbe'1(liar ahe ' v - ti-..-: v ,; r- , lWi imt the longer m oisns grocer shortly.' "but I grea I : ' iv V, '7 r"S r-A rl -Kntr-i m ueb io see nun i mm a veei duuw. . . ... i . . . . i a. , , ,i i i i it 41 ?- ...- v ., , - .. w 1 a ' - - W - , ... . ... ' ..... ;"""' 't " it . , ' ' - - ' ' - ' 3 v ft- k-- - . - A o, t - f - Vi 1 ' t., .. . . a.-,a -:, ,-... --., . .-"-. " ' "-V ,.-.. m . " ... a.',. , -. r 1 t..ww.', . , j v t ' ---' - - x . v . I . ... " n a.. i , . - . . . v- ' " . ' '' ' ' i ' . . " . . ,4 - a. t .,,,. .(,...1 I, j, .,, I'' a- . .. JN!... , 4 J - .......! ' ' . ' A . '' - " "r" ; ' a.-,. i w - . .' y ' . . ( .... . Vi - " ' . . 4j.t " !'Jj 'T -n. - p aifc,... 1 . , t . ... , 4 ' "" "' . a - t i (- .' '-w---.. '"T -.;.,.. v.- . , 5 . - ' - " . . . . s- ATfati WtjkM ba;U lrasr taia, al ttwC "T--e ial tUe "i-f V pje KWe so4 Ha; f-tfi ettt 1 rrtU U lnr ar f 9f f- h-t - - -T Aa-X. awtM 4--a thonMataeat l ' ?'4ne; lW9Wi, orewsv V""8 rpTiBiaHa - a-a - affLataasi i All ItWaU. AOI1UVH , -AAAatA UB , ar . ill re5y vrompt and eareful ntteaaaOav I pipes anu ior xuiiyieniwiuyi;1 1 1 TajidT)avid vtpld his yife of the:newr ,--ne was . ,., , - J:i ltr(Mtiti;m nrosnectJJV- was that,'! - HiCv t Vfr 1'Avflvetaii fefocm,fwhlcTr aa; aJ OimiBriWiniltla inodeiW-eriines '.-. i 2Tii.'r. . primlr:aiTangediv,s-s;-iv Tra4 Aaiipfa ait into,aMtof athatetedDavid aee- f eart at first tpat i oae Ca-lSifW.ai-t.1a nUI C lata :. v v-r 1 ,rt' to the aunt wha'a niece ye're f BAH KLIN TON, N. 0. ;;;:;v:;?.1 otin', ' !:--.V-:.,v' : '?-'-- onywey, twpi mn- arewtneir naira t- i j Juklt eftep for a decent man '."11 wU a peetyito .loss sic a smair JQfeartn;affledAAadriitj in. - mm f reen' to vowatf tn lass." 4ladole,'she teaiarked, still chuckling; owec smairt xnr tne. ua tell ye. VAn' I telt't him be smalrt far runnla ma me. nTi. It was such a relief to get tnat sages. L tea t mm mat wuen a pej awful bill off. bur minds today, wasn't him 'his wages fur the last'tlme. But tr'&-4--t---' -rC-isl ne -list maae. a. lace at, me an- rscu maiwi ti 'aajMnted Ua-hrlv. I awa, Iaucbln like to nun niaaei . ftnthrt'fd ottorb Hione Teff wasthe ttuiy.nkhC.n: .jeii I I had sc?tL 111 m Aft tbo ptvm!s?s I cum v. :., am.t kn It un. mustn't I back here, wbaur I'm tb4 coo. fur ta I traVUhS aildM D1BUIT KSl lie miUW I "I" . "i va- - I . "ispecl ware ,pfaybemte& binv to j. 1 1 4 - r -m robrcEC.) rDInn tt'a twa - vear. syne, I can bear the .imh u innrli on the fendervyetrilt Ooododatlon t oi thr 1 ttott.i least X sud Pj nt thought's; no'fni neto, sayeet ablta: flood Lafeiy Attaahad in . . - 1 Rt.i MASSMBMG'HOTin J 1? M;ia.exititix-r17iroir Ooei iMMWwedatioaajJtGc;A fcxst Iauh'a1 - nrwrnM folkJ ; '' . "' " "Ah. but It Wis- gey r ..rt t tnnv snV.tbat..Mistress Wair 1 A Ai-a rtTATt rpfprred to the vaie efter ffinlchi-3nt what she.referred kin' o freely to it at the time. If it Jps. I frcJ t? f!J aif Jaa . Ilj . ! - V,JV ..- : :v- A T . C 5-T-,, I - 4 a. 'a . a . , a h " L L K ?sijist that." he aafd njV .? .i..i t,n. fash yersel. dearte, 4aelnfine. 1 j. vl(b ,,,aooth; , tfemmuka 1 only wish Dobbie HraA' Send down-j bdxavob.'totf cbdekm lanchlng aysa. that gless 1 ordered the ither day. Juke Hollistar'a Eocky MoonUlaTaa, a "Has It jMt.cpmeTT she asked. In. sud;, 1 f-reatet beantlSar known,, 33 wnta .B. rAt alarm. V. " ; . ' . I A. CODDltt S tvo. '-Ah ?-'. :ilWiiif1-'ner5them6riii' et ras'Uiinkino'Vtaklntheay toUi.TLfere'B'a world of ..diICraaoo...be-'l gang f -4Wav;.tbe;4nke,a,' chrvsanthe-, l.tweeni .My., Father".; and, . u0nt mums, , an tuocnt ye xniciii use i i Katherj', tCviXla? TT A M-Vi, - - - "That would be grand, but but" Zt-jfBUt .irhatTf k ,?, C- ."Shouldn't you be. at Arden, tomor row?" ! ; . j "To 'W:3:pa; tie c'-j.' ' ' 5 . . I ... . : ; t ...... . . i A. tU Ui ef t:taUf al er:U"r i ? J r.b. CA " f' - - a- - 1 -; f i . . Hat. F;ei'-U; ;if.l Ji'cA4V jHrssw . . - Tt!l ati 44 witl fiiiTULU U j,At vro. ' ' . W. P. HEAL L!;C0.. Not a eeot wanf-a." ddimi toa ar - cnr".l. If yoo ar :ck ati 1 ' ai'.ii?. tak- t! :--totlj her is fi!!r. " fkM yr i . i if-- i yn r 1" -:.' ,T; - ' cr jleiidne joq want don't fait l " Oof FJa're 7rti at ! cur Drurs and lieJiclrca Purs- I.'lrs Ul cf Ca-J'.;i- . . " , '.. antv 'Artistic Job Drin! i; I II I LI i 1 1 (7 aslatteativs trrtxtj'