" ' ' ' ' " .. T??'Smm ' . . ' j-aaaaaaari f Sna , us. a. THOMAS, Editor ta Pfirrtr. 2---: . fT1' -, - ' . ' ' - - - - - --- -r " ' ' - ,-1- ' .;-r ,.goTOTy,;THB- si?jvrm; -laazE 'tjtxot - . " ------- : VOL. XX1T. ;; r WUl I1 IMJH eaYra.aBajavw-ajBB- i. i J i-:- I . vr ... , .. " . . - I Qndy School at .80 A HV ; , Qso. 8. Baxxb, Bapt rrohlB t U A. II ..and 8 80 r. II. ry danday PrUfor meeting; nwnwa -i' L 8. Muan. PiKor. battim, . V Ar School at 9:80 A. M. Hum p -hioa at 11 A.M- and 8:80 ,,rr Sunday. ' - rrr m-xiting Thursday night , a. H. Maahbdm, Paator. BMaOOPAL," Hoody School at 9 A). v W. H. BofTOf. Sopt. -wrvieM, morniotf and, night o it 3rd aad 4th 8ftn5a?. - v - KfHDiiMf Prayer, Fridar AfUraao Kav. Johs Lobdov, BMtor. ! PBSBBTTXaiAJr. ' ; FtIm 4th Sandar la Meh soth-f i, -rnlaif 1 night.- - - booau. v nUbarc Lodjre. No. 413. A. f . A 4 II. DWtl iW ad. ard Taaadaj u nfft u in each aoatk. l'ro Hs'sMnonaJL card r rtmithwlck. ' C. H. Basks. vtlTHWICK BANKS. DENTISTS, LOCIBBDRtt, N. U. !. in Hick Building, Main Strart. J) R. J. B. HAXOBK, lAcriciaa phtsicijlh ABO BUMBOX. LOOUBUBS,H.a um. ur Ayoocka pu Company, jU. J. J.MANN, , PHYSICIAN atd SUBQEOK, vovmvua. k. - i Bee oTr Ayeocke Drug Coadrsg aioi j j R . P. BDRT, , fRAOTICIJro PKTBICIAS AJKD iDOBOc Louisbnrg, N. C. ufl.wlnth rar R. A.' Bobhitt t :. l)m Utorw, oa Nah street. l) a. a. . TAABoaucaa. PUTBtCIAH AHD 8D RGB CUT, L00OTITM N Q. aari Iron T. W fSe Mut L. a. AIXREU. ATTORNST-AT-LAW, wiu dmUm lo all tbe Court. Otw la B. M. HAMBSBT7KO, ATTOOjrST AT LAW fcOVOTVM. VUl inadtka Corto of HMI Ooart Hoaaar9 yji. W. BODDIE, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, LO0MBUBO, N.C ' co oTW Boddi. Bobbitt ft Co.'l draf Unrr. - vv u. HAYWOOD BCFFIN. ATTOB JR BT-AT-LAW. , t boom, x. a 7" wiu prmcUee in all tha Ooiiti off ui j uitoUUnc oanaa, alio la tk juurt, aad In th Uidtod ttutea utrati Ocmrta. omm la uoopw aad OUfton Balldlmy. r aoa. B.WILCU, ATTOaJriT-AT-LAW, Mviaairaa, a. a. cxaoa m Hala tent, wwiom Mora. V 8. SPBDILU . A .p.- ATTOBJIBT-AT-tAW, wmuuMdth oorta bf rraoUin. Taa i artntiiia. Warm tmt Wake eomauaa, aa ta Mauraaa Court of Monk rroinpt attantton (ITM to ooUeeUoBS, jffloa ott Mirarvoa'a Btora. 1 W. BIOKSTT, . aTTOBJTBT AJTD OOUSSUXOS AT LAW. fcoviBBtna . a - i Prompt aad palaataldAg attentloa lUfara to Oalaf i aatlca Hhepoerd, Hoa. Ji Baxtoa, Pim. Pint Vattonal Baa of at Uoofwa, Ohaa, K. Tartar, Prw. Wafea m Uotla, Boa. B. W Tlmbarlaaa, v uttlM nf Jloml Oo.'a Htora. w. la. maoAT, -.f . ATTOBJrjrr"AT.ij.lP. fcwiMaa..a. . p la aO soorta. yy TAJuaoBorax,4B, - ATI OBNXTAT LAW, LOUIBBUBa.Jf.a, - wbm ia opan Boom bunding, Ooartatiiat ill lairal boainaaa " Intnuted ' t klal ill raoaira prompt andearefoi I F. HOUCK, CONTRACTOR AX9 BOTLDEB, "; LOUIBBVRCI, HCi.-V"-. T'Kllac annt for aO kinds off BaOdla "ui.a., Artlatla aUatlaa aad TUV AJtaki war OaaianaaaDaUttM. 5v HOTELS. minrjaWTOif , n. a , ; : MydAtio. foftiM trtTUrj wd LirwyAttaaisd . HASSENBTJEG HOTEL ,AHthor or "We. MWtor.- Mr.-McLerii.-:Etc.: 1 COPYUCHT. 1 : iimmiuiiiinwi ill "A - - j'- Why notr he iaqolred aoftiyf AShy remained silent, and ha conM aa longer endore her eyca upon. him. v "GoodbyV just now-rMra. ' Howh ton." he. said, taking hla hat an gloves rom the table.; hope" we'll bare a pleasanter chat " this - day , week. At what hpnr. may . I expect yoal What on earth, are you'dolngr - - V ' Jess," still yboldlnr the ohalr , bait slipped to the door and twned the. yfSa yotL-dotft wantme to go yelf said Mr. Dobble,' with aa unconiforta ble laugh. : ' , - lira. Houston moistened her dryHpa. "Ton must" wait: tlU Parld .cornea home," she said qoletljr. Eer. the moment her words literally took his breath, away, but only for the moment , "Are you mad?" he demand ed. "You'll make me lose my steamer, and It's the last tonight" ' - ' She paid no attention.-' - - J waa .onjy joking, Mrs. Houston. You've made me feel an awful ass," he r-aald presently, trying to lauah. . "Lt ns part in peace, as the hymn says. -. Her face. If anything, grew more de termined. , "You must wait, Xlr.iiDob blev till X bare;elplained matters, to Mr. Houston. '-i. '4 - - - Ton Intend-to tell Urn everythlngr v ""ETerything . . . -iThe man considered, and when he spoke again- hia amUe was ugly. "Do yon wish to-make your; husband a bankrupt, Mrs. Houston V "You wouldn't" she began. : "Would your ' 1 - T -: MYpu aaid three months, Mr. Dob ble" - . - . . "Did ir : ?Oh, ypu-ryotf'r- He, knowing the situation was Ida, advanced toward her, saying politely. sue turned tne Key mechanically. "Till thla dar week." he said p: antly aa be passed into the lobby. Hel lo'" vw;'.'.'v jz '-.:-irf:-" . "Hullo t yerselV!'. . Baldt the. aggrieved voice of Mrs.' WaJlac come, from the kitchen,1 havfaig entered by the back door. ?Whif s adet Wha's thiar .'. . - "j : :' " -It's ali right, Aunt Wallac said Jess, trying to steady her voice Jt she followed her unwelcome Tialtor ,fronr the parlor. . -. :-v-'." . "Guldsake, lassie, ye Ink as If ye had been seein' a ghalat! Wha'a thlaT Mrs. Wallace demanded In a loud whis per, pointing , to Mr,obbte, whowas struggling wim tne patentocK oa tne doorv; A- ''SlB, Oh, never mindV atmtrnerer mind, murmured her niece,TeadyHo'colUpse Mrs. Wallace looked aharply at Jess; "Is he a freen o' yours T" she aaked anicklr. "Is be a freen V Davte'sr "No, noT said the young woman wildly. - : : . w:;v-. Sic beta the-case, he's nae freen o' mines," muttered . Mrs. Wallace. "Young man," ahe suddenly , roared. "Quit spilln' the Bneck o that door an' pcy attention to me." - : "Confound ' this lockr. grunted Mr. Dobble, with another wrench at the handle. " . . i . , - "Bad language '11 no help yeP cried Mrs. Wallace. 1 - "Who's the old party T4 he exclaimed angrily, turning to Jessv r ;. . Aula palrtyr. , the ' annt almost shrieked. I'll auld palrty - ye, ye Ul tor's dummy, ye penny masher, ye" ' "Aunt, aunt!" protested Mrs. Hous ton. , ' '; " v. Hand yer. tongue, lassie! I'm Jiat beglnnin'I Whit has the man-stolen. Jess?" v - . "Oh, BotUng. nothingT' .. . . "Vm fflad o heat ve eatched.hlm In timer but 111 pit the polls on & track onywey.: Weel,. MalsterBurgular, whit ha'e ye got to say fur yerser, ehT" '. - White' with ' wrath, the0 glass mer chant turned on her.. "Show me how to open this cursed door; or- . ; . Whisht, .man ! . Ye're bad enough wi'oot Sweden'.". Aunt Wallace, for my sake Jet him go," whisper ed Jess. . - TLet:him gang? Nae fears.- Walt tni Davie comes name an hell mak' eol-; lops o' this braw-,blt o mankind. I'm no' . feart fur nlm. Ill stab him wT ma umbrella as shin as Ink at him." v ine enraged man spoke again.;-"Do you'know -whoI amT heroatedV" "wna T7 sam mtb. wauace. ."My name, is Dobble." ; " -" ' ';"rm man? curloua to ken, whit :yet natur la." -rAnd 111 tell i you ww that Houston lias foolishly compromised L"Whitr For ft briefr space the elder ly t woman hesitated. Then she strode forward and struck him over the head with her umbrella, splitting his felt hat and crushing 1t over his eyes. tThafa yin fuifyour she. cried.' "H-r - H At that vmoment lie', suceeeded 1 n onenlne the" door.v ss'Ve- j,"Mf . .Pavid. Houston will; go. bank rupt for: this r. he yeUed.. "I'll show, Jilm no mercyrV s -aV "An yell get nane either!" cried Mrs.' Wallacey making a dash athim.: "Yini Twa! : Tbreet Fowerl" - And ahe rush ed down the garden path after hlnvW laboring him with her umbrella till 4t brokeat the handle It "was an utter routrsa far aa Mr,-Dobble was -"I dootTve been whit the gentry ear ulgar," she panted to brself .sJi she returned to the cottage. " " - f v She founder niece on the verge of fainting and made speed to soothe and comfort betrbotb physically' and men tally.".:. - - - T Jess, ma deaf." sbe said when th young woman had somewhat- recor sred,L"t doot yell ha'e to trust yet auld auntie. Ye canna dae ererythin'-yer-aer. Nobodr can." Dinna mak a iang story aboot It, but jist tell me" whit I can das to belpe." : l V- "a. c 9 .. . e "-a - e- - . e " "I ken '"ye're' done' yer: Best, said Urs, Wallace '11 Uttls Uter. - "An' yeTl .,..- . I - ,- . ill I Mil Mil r;CS r74 ij- Vy , a ! 1 1 1 's- feart yere takln ower big 'a responal- beelity"-' ;'-j-m , !But It's only a f ew r months" now7 AuntWaQace,Jess pleaded,? "I was so proud, to think I could put David's affairs right, without troubling jm. I .couldn't bear to give In,now."- -v . Weel. weel,a . wlllfu wummah ' '11 ha'e.her aln wey. . But mind an' trust me. J ha'ena the read money- ye need, Dut I'll get it fur ye the morn.- an' yell pey: aSDobbJeie fargetUoft to" keetf imcK.-ue. price-o'-ma guicr-umDrella, Anr ye can "pey back.-the. money when ye can. . An'gaoo I'm guaa to, help ye get , Aiavie's-tea ; ready,: anvye maun gang early to bed tne nlcbf an ha'e a guid sleeprpulr laasr - - On her way home Mrs. 'Wallace drop. ped Into the grocer's shop,-.---v . . ."Hoe's trade,. Mr. Ogilvyr' f Deplorable; waur nor vert Mistress Wallace. Did ye forget somethln' when ye was in afore?"' . .-.' .; ' -' - ,l- . ; "NaJ but I cam: back -to see If ye cud tell me whaur I cud get the len o for ty pound the morn's mornm." " -"Forty poundr - - u "Mphml D'ye ken bnybody wha wud ask naeTjuestions an' pit the money In ma haun fur aboot three month?"- . "Are ye serious. Mistress Wallace?" - : "Aye, rm serious, Malater OgilTy , - The grocer fixed hla eyes on a-tin of sardines and slowly said, ;!AweeV I may say I ken the person ye're splerin' aboot exarty." . " - - , - - CHAPTEB VL ' A XTTTLX WABMTH AHS 'AbXAZX. c OMB in to your lea,- Davie r J called Jess from the door of the cottage. - . ( 'Tm Jiat comlnV" replied her husband, who was bending over " a plot under the walk ' . -r- ; "But yon, aaid you. were coming half an hour ago.. -"- - . . ;"Dld lrrsald lUvid,-gnibbing in the earth.! "Dye like sweet peas, Jess?" "Yes, but I don't like old tea and cold buttered toast," his wile returned im patiently, .Come, Davie," : -C-ril'be ln" the boose, in twa" ticks, tess.r Dinna fash yerser.- The wari'a ntf comln' to ah end.". w " " "My patience isj Davld.,,, Tr "Nae feara. 1 ken yer patience bet ter nor that. Jist think o' the show o sweet peas ye'! ha'e to July, Jess, an m let ye pu' as mony o1 tftem as y( llke, atf welcome, aearl, ':'; . "But n't you flnib planting them ifter you've bad yoor tea, Davie r! akeoVpsJtlyppeaseo?v;;y-s'' Deed,vI never thocht F tnat, t Of eoorse I can." And. David Houston rose and followed Bis wife Into the Cot tage. 'TTexedfor keepln'" ye wait In', Jess," he said- aa he joined her la the kitchesu doot" I whiles" forget things." ' - - - ; Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter, she said cajdly. J f. -- : . ' - "Are ye angry -trV me, Jeaa?" he sakedanxlously.'-: v - ,-v;,i.. r "Angry? Why should I be angry T V "I I thocht ye wasna pleased at-at Bomethin,"- lie answered lamely." - "Ye see, X forget the time "when I'm at ma gairden, an'j' w; ." - "You've been- at the garden since i r"T o'elock.. this morning,' David,",- she" ob served as she filled Mb' teacup. "Your breakfast was cold before you came to it and so was your dinner., vl I didna fin' onythto' wrang'.wTy ei ther o'-tnein," he returned pleasantly. "Ye're a clever yto at1tte cto,.,t he added admiringly. 1 -i ix..-r:: . Jess looked as iT she had .not heard himT If was the local spring holiday, and she had made special efforts with1 the homely meals," eachone of which had been . spoiled through t hef hus band's late Jappearance. at; tahlejP'tlU she had kept herr temper so far.:;'--. "I'm sayln'-ye're: a clever, yin at the cookinVJess, he repeated. . -. . . "I'm glad you think so.". r; ; The tone of her voieev was something new to David, and, he paused-in; con--veyingv half r a -slice ; of toast - to" mouth and stared at her,';v; . -. ' ' . Avoiding , his" '. gaze,'- she played with her spoon to- an absentmlnded fashion. fWhaf s wrang, lass T? '-; ';i "NothlngC -: -j-'-'Vv: -i-- :r ."But ye're no takin yer tea. f Are ye no weel?" ff "Oh, be quietr-;.:''. v-'- H'But I dinna lie to see ye no enjoy in' yer; tea0:;: ."."Don't bother. : iQo 'on with-your own tea and get back to your garden." 4, ll? " - Mr.' Houaton,'witb many1 anT uncom fortable glance at hla. wife,' who,; to spite of bis efforts, jrefusedjto be drawn into .convsrsaQdcofittoued his meal, with hardly "his usual hearty appetite, but with anf obvious desire to' show her. that be appreciated the buttered toast. - tbtok ruha'e a junoke poo,", he" remarked Immediately he had finished, and waa surprised when hie wife, con trary to custom, failed to rise to, fetch him Ids house pipe from the mantel piece. ' :i0m!Mm& After a: short -period "of -.waiting he drew lils .Wooden pipe from his pocket, and proceeded ;to; flir itM:rv ? r Jess rose and. began!: to clear away Uievdisbeav a thing she usually delayed -doing .until David" had enjoyed'a ten minute 8moke.:jt; 2t-f4i-'f; "Aren't. you "going to" finish planting your aeedsT: she toqulred abruptly ad dressing the teapot to her "hand," ' s. t "I was thlnkte';! wud wait till ys was ready to eome'cot to the gairden. It's fine an'-warm the nichtr' -?5 don't think JU come out tonight Tve other thinga to do. Don't wait," she said, with her back to him- -.' - , "What are ye busy aboot the .Bicht Jessr . ' zl .A lot of magBf-ivrf., s' Houston' got tippuVon his cap and moved toward, the door. "Come ootlf ye can." he said kindly.?" Tm gaun to gi'e ye a great show.o sweet peas for the summer." "v " - - - .r;" ' - :. 6he made no ' reply." and - on - the threshold he halted and turned. "Wud re rtio'. try" ft ft PUI.; dearie r he : Thfr color rushed to Mrs. no'uston's face, ' and - her eyes sparkled. She tamped her foot : "DavU Houston," she cried, "wm you go to your garden when X ask you 7 . .- . L -ButJeaa" he began. : V. - A plate alipped Irom net hands and smashed to pieces on the bottom of the sink. "See wha t,you've made me dor ahe exdaimed."-:" .; .OcM, ; never need aboot the dlah, lass," David stammered at last. ' l I wish ye wud- tell me what' a troubtin' r"-:i-rV: - ' v - 7- :- ' . "I wlah you would go when I ask you," said hla wife, ber lip trembllngv M"Weet m gang to please ye," h re turnedTalserably,rbut I wla ye wud tell mewbatfV-:' il".:'?lVV :' 'z -i v' l He waa toterrupted by the tinkle of a belL " -: ..;: 'f '- - - . y "Oh.dearr alghed . Mrs?' Houston hopelessly.-J;.;.:,;.: .'.; --v-... -rWha. can that- bef aaid her hu band. :"irs past-Postie's time. Well I r."YesJ said Jeaa in a choked voice.-" l terribl Lard lo impreas - jo ci With an anxious look at her David pie wkhU KtiiorUnc f iUinij to a left-the Wtchwi." closing ;the door W Mi- 'A - Jeaa hid her face to her auron. M - r" ' jP" ' r---, tried to-to give him" a. treat today." I ahe thought bitterly," !but he tblnka of nothing but his garden the breakfast spoiled, the dinner spoiled and tlis" -j- She- lifted her bead and listened.'. She heard, David's voice and anotber'a. -Uaa : Perkr ahe groaned. : "Oh? I hope. Davie Jll have the .sense. not to ssk-her to! No; she's away.". " v. v She heard the frontdoor abut -but ue voices tegan -again, "He's taking ber Into the parlor r ahe slghedL "I might have known he would do It"- -.- ; ?. rresently tho kitchen door Opened, and David looked to "Jess,", be aaid hr a loud whisper. "Mis rerk's to the paurlourr wantJn to see ye." " -."l8 . Bhen . said bis wife languidly; turning the water on to-a saucer. fYeH no' be lang. wall yer . - "I don't know how long 111 be. v - "But aha she's wantto to see ye pa leeclar," he said entering the kitchen. . , What aboutr . . x - rv "T didna anlrr. Tin roll ha" fa wall ye, .Jess? I'U gang an' teB her011! butrs .do" things ye'rajlat comin', an' then Til get out home ani famfle. . " f uuiuii uiv iww peaa. tH, laaSTT "Seeing you asked Mlsa Perk into the house, you had better go" and keep her company tni rm ready," said Mrs. Houston calmly. . . , :But". "I can't be ready for half an hour. The tea was so late tonight? Hauf an oor! An what wud I ear to her for hauf an obrr riou ; might ask - ber . If ahe tikes sweet peas,". said Jess, and she could have bitten out her tongue for saying t--.C" Vi-si,: ;-:-.-;, r;..'...-. ' ; For a moment or. two ber husband re garded ber with pusxled eyeaC Then hla face reddened.' v ""' Tm 'vexed If rre done, the wrang thing, dearie,? be said geuUy .rrbe seeds can bide, , m gang into the petxr lour an' dae ma best to to be pleeaant an a'lhe rest o t - If ye likerHjut her oot the, boateV v. - i No, not say. I won' Yott auof d that ; JussJ uavia took a atep nearer. us wire. tiien-turned abruptly and . left the kitchen. -. i' :'; - "It was too bad - of. mi"; tlough Jess, the tears filling her eyes, ; Once more the door opened, and ber husband wbisperM.iniplOTtogly.-fTor peety's sake, dinna be malr nor hauf an oorr He vanished," and ahe beard hito enter.the parlor. -v . "Mrs.v Houston dropped into ft chair and laughed- quietly, "with the tear still to her eyes. "Poor Davjel ' If be had only made me laugh aoooerl But I must be quick and, go after him."- Within ten minutes, her cheeks flush ed and her eyes very bright she open ed the. door of the parlor."- . -Miss Perk was sitting to the window, and Mr. Houston occupied an Inch or two of .the chair nearest the door, the length of the room lying between thenw . . --' "Oood erenlng; Mrs.-Houston,T said Miss Perk .as Jess 'greeted her.. aMr. Houston' and Z bare been having Quite a -. delightful chat- haven!! we, Mr.1 H6ustonT.S-':;..!'r--.'- ' 1 "Aye,", said David af' if he were tell ing alicw.:.: " i" UU naa just promised to. bring you tor my lecture on Thursday week,"" Ml Jerk.. '"resumed,:" amillng graciously acrosa the room,."and also to Mr. Cre- kerB lecture '. the following ' Monday, aad he has almost promised that you will both 'attend; all our 'classes aad lectnrea next season. : rm quite charm ed, Mrs. HousUmv; VV;;---,;., - aothing oa Ulb Market Equal to ;-Oiambe rlain'i Co He, Cholera and :-;; 'iriArrteA .Bemedy. ' J; 1 ai' ' ' , ", '"- ." V - . 1 ' ' " ,v a- ' This fact Ia wall known to dnurglata ererywhsre, aad nlns ont of -teo ail give thair cuatomara thla prpin'ina whtathabest la a ska for. Mr. Oba wltatr, a prominent dro?rist of Joptla no., in a eircoiar o on eaiiomera. upi "There is nothiegon tba markt la tba way of patant coedtatae hih rqoala Chaobarlaia'a Colis, Cholna icd iar. rioa EcDadv for bowal eoorlaiou Wa l ; Taint Ycsr Eazn for 7. .,tI.-M,iU oa Gloae CarrUr. plat t-n otlMra, r lorr aad r1ri ALUs Eroa Co. - IWdj worthlcae pays nodliklead. ' '"'- " 1 ? - . . . . Tlre ;ooi aai Jost Eaoaa." . TJ1f rthrraaoBa Vy aWWn prvfar paa llaiuCca Cr First. It r blnUly bariaWaa, rWod. U U-ci C-xxl child raalo It, TUrd. It cm oogbs. eroup aoi akooplet oxh Wa Wh.r r.adi ftll. Sold r AJM.k Dreg Co. - v - ; . ' Keeping a diary b, nearly as work as keepicg a dairy. " IIYOEIA The Best ceai" r,nearth;lor saJe at Aycocks Co's. - : ... han) el.rar lrejc TV -AFmntk lr tide. ,7 ,,- - Wbaa ya find it ar ry u a aM EaWUfa v.ftfc U-l at. U the parat. tad Ua for aoraa. boita. m. ttS, bllad WUr, iUkla- or rn4ra4- teg p41. Qt ibs sasalae DaWMi'a BtallT 8oId by Afaoake Drag IV - z.rtry one xeaiae when he to a photographer a "that h is cot looking his irettkC C v. Tket Appeal to Vr KTmpUales. J The bnioeaaadt dytrpiJ are un aoffvrra aad appl taoar jwty. Tbrr la sot oa af tatn. bowvar. a bo aty cot be brcatbt bk o baltb aad bapplaeaa bp iba sa Cbaaibariala'a 8u8taab sad L4r TtbWa. -Taraa tab lata iet'cora'a tb- aiotBMb Sad UntlM atre cgtbae the ' dtatka TWy iU raJBleU "lb bovU. For aala by all drafgiata. ' - k all richt to do thinn for ror v i . - , for-yow . ' - Jftdlfrstloa Dii s4.- J. . Tbara la ao ease of lad Uoav dya rapaia or stoaMab treabiafbat a4!1 a WW U to tbe dlfvaUaa MatNUKa M Dyppa Care. Tble ady-aae tbatraiamHosa4b be dvasttaat vtst yoa eat sad alKala: it te taaft sa. I it groaa atBg BXalS. aTad4 Dy. papa a rereaffotda qaWk' aad paravt avarrllff frrat Udhraic aad ttlata. Bab irrtb'ra. batkie sp lbs rrttrai a4 panSVf ibaldta t4 aUat a4 tata a footbotd at abvala a aka4 eoaditloe. Tka- eoaaaUf laerWatae aaarf Rodol DapraiaCte pr PbyaU eUas of boapltal sad raial praaila ef itaalf I1W he tbla av4a diaaeata baa proraa to be tb (ratS dWraUst rortbealUlaHoacl both - ahndw aad adsltagtaaa Urrrr day ty 'dty. Ooid by.Ayeockr Dref Cav x V . ; - . V-Tbarrn twine 20c, Utaterna New lot Uffhtolflif" Ice Oaam ret sers, slieeji, B. 4. G, and 8 qta. Ice tream salt, ics ricka. Joe aha vara, , . . . . . . . . Haun aquersers ft Lm r. lucxa ' Pratu Fcd. PratU ehkkea do. der at Hicks'. - - Otta. aora. bar. mill faad. saaaL a a. lop pauat flor, BMgsolia stiaigbt i-aw. siittr atee Pi vtf.il lr- at bcOaas priaaaat J so. Klsg.- '" .t "J - I ... ;. 'pota salb r-m-;v; LOUI3BUR3 DISPENSARY. G. Gump df nBalumora,; : '-JI. , "bB " - : ' - ,a JSaajfaaBBaaa . J - , . - - .--. . ..--. ' . : CLEARANCE SALE 1 Printed Lawni, M' PrioUd Orstodlsftf .... : - : . Pfiotsd Uatiite, , - PriaUd Malts, ,v" o. '. "-; . r Millinery at .ad . V.'e Qe tcii ta kX . ' . SCOTT S VXIS.OU a fond because k axs.it jiaticay foe pcrlcrt tUrUi-rJ AxvSytt hrttrrur? rtr?c strcDth to the ti iKic v rtjxUlxj to tiia Drre, Us acikn i thu Of" a edici-e. ... CaHaa aa W aa UaWiiW e4 If' Cmtt Lata. i I. U t la ad nm -! ar mi' t iw a i aaa aJi iat aawl a-iuil aa4 mux ar( t n m i Ay ia. jki, ix --. .t Ha4UUf4uarmnr. TV- Kay la, Isu4..v . - t a- a . . n.fcleJta,iJa. J. IV Rrarrt, ilWtan. i ' j raotrcet- : aa Uai,nVr at -a a m a m ary., Tkat Aa v, is. i r.ftaram.A.v w . Carnalionsj-Roses : .-ano vioiois.- ; ' OUrV- 8PCIAt.Tr. '. aa aiaara mmmmk aa ajU4- 'a a-a rt Saawa. awaa a4 uaa ia taa van ay a a aaa1 1 tmtmm aaa naa t aaht yaa. aaxf aaaala fw ft I oaa-eata. U-oLm a. iataa4 rpiftaaiaa, rnairaaaa. a. X.r FAtL DULD3. : Cya4aiJaa.rarWaa.Ta2-a aa4 PfaCaa. ia. fciiP aiaia. artya-t aa a, i ra ia. ia M anaia a ' : J.Loca a mi . U'i Itf, awaWaVB.C JACOB , tttOUIUUltU ;; . ..-- - " t BXPAimsG- uir tne your f -.'.ftivaA laraataw saVUaaUosu - t - a - QUICKER AlID 'BETTER AM a-JI taa linen ' 1 illaan 'ni)n tKafaat aaaa art oM vr. Tra ail aoe aa aaa t aaa a aai a.ihiilaaa ft a aalf a taa laaua t aa taa Mtu , " -v. as w a aa -A 5a t baraa aa taarr laOaa aaftaaaa ta Uaraamaatl1ia. - I A Ik. - K . . . , Waa4lWaaraf aa ba4 aa4 lartanaw aataaaiaa4 a-a r aoalM ftAaa ta aaar a4 Hea Pa Un. aa aaiat tamUw. wwb la ajajtiaa va ao avar aa4 aa-a abr aaaat . aav aaal W aa t a ap taa aaaa mihaani.ial a a.naia aaart ta aM awa t At aw a, afcaai. TVia lMaat) aratav avadOaaa la ftwuwaan M aa aaa4.aav, a laataarlaaf U4laa aaaa fi t aaa la la at $ ,nin a (V h-tt af la fttaaaAran a4 H-nairai a-aAa aj a IWo iaitiiia al a taava. (aa Um aaaa taaa la ajawtKaJlr awt caa. W gaaraaua a aaS al eaut a-r c4 Mtaawlart. - aa aaa aVa atnf ftaarW. Taa HrtJaa ia aS aa4 aa taa fcaaaJaJry7 T. NCAU 3KT.: y.r ' . t. " t '- '11 s o u r. ; Waaa Drrandie; f t 7 '.-.Pertiaa-l-atrna,-, . ' laJla Llnees, - ractf Gedi, - Summer Prices 1 . 4 a - .1 . mrra kuini, uK t - VaaWaaaam aWSk I BfS aVa . W SlatW a! r1 aa ia- ya mum M av '-ca-i atm aiaa hat tba aWi-J aaat iuA;'-... 0 ' s vh - old j Yelv.et rye'' ; - pure - old - velvety, c thobct fbr thepnc .. Eold. cv'crvThero V. .call" for it at . r - I r i 1 9 u is b a r' 4 I t ; On Evenr i -i . B-jaAa aa . . Say Plainly . w v-v " rJ !1 , t - " AAAAAAAAAAAlaxAUaAAa . ' -; ' - . P' 'N a a - 'TSui ysm wtl XJC7C CUTTUJ a?a-x ax 4 lav t-fcf SittJ- tfcB. W-p fte4 tr IS ft f aa . . US aaaa. Io Si 7 S4 CatfV fjf CZX fllJ, Kt YluI AUdL CU Utd Jiinl tl ltns3 ' el taaAa-ae- le u4 CCHTIS " tarcrtr a quart tr cf a cmttrfy 1 - Xft tLart ftj mnv f . v- 31. ' v ' urn i 111 ' v x'' M aa .a ' lfciaS ta' rvrr JLa. 4 -- " J : iir sotjd by GROQzns rTn-TTrni: LOUISBUKO: TVe Fail PWa'ea f IVa OHeaa )a SEPTEIV1BER Tt sUrsbl st-3 r-rt-.r4'pi CW:tss ttVi' le Is Ixaie-j fa ea-i Vsa4 irm vi ,la!rft tfa4 fmUlM T1 tla 4t ttfl t4 rj-ateajaaaa af a If haa tt brtt Board and -Tuition rr Terss.'-; . CtVap . Fl4is ft! UU rats ltvrV-lad CUUa a4 eo t;:;eaUo. " .v " " ' M.: S. DAVIS,-A. - a . .-jr X a'J Hat ft! sasite slra ' pU rlieas scd f!f ;rr err " " At A. u l t r t . v 1 1 - s t : n ay, t c:i t$ a i i we w. "'' ' d i s p on h a r 1 a. Tongue: . . . ... aA,Wv fo Your Grc cer f-rf if r tLstft Oa a-vartffava3asg Tiajtry T u-'a vv a-a. aa Bwraxy aaa iawaad at Qat 4jal0aafcaXj---4 aOawrl te aaaar -rtaae Sataaalnax, Wn It ta fASJvi raa,at at4 ways ratty fa- 4 ta aaAa4 yaja gaav-airva teaaa S443a,aa-raAr ai in rv. t i , a af UU Tavt'UHrr.. O -e iVe tU WlD btg9 S 1905 la trfttttti UU tl f.'rtitb 65.00 1L, PRESIDENT V -ar- . a Jut. TV-e l-ast tls-s f aata i ' - . U Us? - , - , . .. . - a. , 5 T . f i cm: 19 3; ;if ?r-.. f v .iMNwto.noai. Qoodbrst X dto better ret MwM f r'A isl rffuor"3f:l tiU rrfpirtttos.'' 000! tv DAVIS, p 1 j- -