"fi- " -1-1- - v c c I Lfcifcj COUJSJ'X'iT, i.'JbXJ-J GTVTJH 'I'M Wl T72TX02X. jwt if - rveJvv wa, a a a ear i a v v-. , - " w, -s-- rr . j amaamm -Taaa-1 1-" ' ' ---.-a j,-iT LOUISBURG,N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST '.. it , it. i By'J.' tit J.' BELL, - v rfJtiJl "ftrf- Author of -Vee Mactfror." :yMr.McLrli;! (fcOT omrncH DinEcror.T i PrMhtBff at 11 A. M. mA 80 if, U. Prfr noting Wedaad7 mljtlk - i L 8, Hiasxi. PmSot. - BAITX8T"-- ' Baodaf SchooJ at 9:30 A. XL' -Thos, B. Wiun Sapt ? PreMhinft at 11 A.M aad 80 $L, nary nanaaj. - jr' Yti r meeting, Thuradayltl.- - H. U. MASHBHRna, Paator. Baadajr School at 80. ?: 1 1 ' ' T 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r . -. 8crvloea. "taornintc and aUckt oa fJ-1"'- ' - " f Si - " - t to- the,old?man."'who inUr. k L'" "W the grocer, wii'dll Hot W"V",J',!W her h&mL r. , r want Jer to go Jost yet - "Yell t gey t ,v"(,jimuia xiuuBLun. ' na nptrn-n ti i . ; - - . .' i tt f '- . 1 - it H4 ; TKiBBiTiKU, served his ; faytlier - faltMul, anr l SerrieM 4th Bandar la m eh month served" V, - - '.J? " 1 morniBif aad DlgUt. -h; . "Would -von vonr vn" ATtoavr-tiA . . - i - i ul an rutin, uuw. inius toi. biui WonM.f'f;;.i;i liner aay, an waa -tellln' Mm It waa I t.- . rt . '., t ,- - i I 1v t nrnB nmv n rv(,l I ' mr aunt aoont the nam V . :? - -:. !Uut orely yon can teUberyoariJf ? i i jay. it was nnco weTer ft' re in mind r-i-k-. rH- a i! ''tfet tMSLereat oatlf. K i He went on, "with admiration In Ighta la uh moatta.- ;i " f"yonl serve me and David,.. too, jrery 1:,L& weiw u yoa'H trv to ; forcet Abont-thr- U r frptbmmiounl HwLm r i 4 - l j flreat the shop afid go along and at-f "i - J t4nd o the, firelat.iMl Cottage. Nv4 D. T. Smltbwick. CBBaaka, K. ooenZ-Xbok. after the fire th ktthn T1llrrf j Hi i Ulrica. -oaiiMi;i?3-a L ureanu-aave- xne Ketue reaayto thlt O'-U s tiiHttoilvD,oa,1lnderstand.Aneua?,"" 4j 1 Offiea la Uickt Building, Mala 8trtt,: . 4 iaej Bianaa fearIT r:rm. I "tufted the grocer; finding a sudden to ktirfOM U,n'Hi-,i2 WTUiWu t'spwation on ms counter. "l am that - "What about yonr uuium. . a - - f No, AiusTT Ca-via won't put you! i iOh,;no! I must go' now. - DaiU will be wondering what'a keeping me. I waa! to- call at the ahop for him. Good"-': ' ' - - " "Bide a wee, bide a- wee." fct- lrn plorecLC ,MTe aee, It waana- till I got the quarter"! accoont fra tn merchant.'' be aa!d rapidly, "that I fun' oot I had been chalrgln her (ov.W4ka an wwki apeuny-a pua o-ver mnckle for act ham.w - ; ...; c 1 wO ; -ner whatr - -VrV: v; . -. "Her ham." Shea .the MyTor" han. yer auntl Xllchty. me! :VTat acijT. in'J I'm. ahatr I didna inean onythln' dlflTefipectfoV ;1 merely wantltIy gar ye perceive that, conaeederin' theV un- tity o bam ahe conshumea a pency a .pun mak'a a difference In time. Tht'a a bad hoast ye've gotten.' Mlatre 5-i; r - D eW- pmr' " Houston.; HI ba't to gTe ye a-.wbeen marked. 'l--never seen a tner,jlnefa 4Uiubea.' J - . . - . ' . BhopT, Iaa through It wi' David the r - . ' ..J. . Ia lh matlar of rook jtaLJictUoca UoMia U at tiio foot of the lt of tu.. twna,' - ";T-- V ' i- .Ttll xno whowjnli the clock ktA I will tell yoa who.; regnlatce U. household;. ' ' . . - - , - AJrea! v thU ? jt xr A marin bat hiprVt h0,00t-u.sict igrtrolmnl tmpleiraenta iofci Ktmaia.-- ' ? ' ' - ; There ia one laor hop for erery aeyentjr rron in the frfofbe "of Eure, Trance. Taking aotxmut of chillreri"in'i; ahatinent women a'rxl men h rair Lo aiij thak erj 23 peraM tvpfrott one li-por deaiari ; -' - Patnt Vonr Hum Tor 7-e.r, . ta'tlXOwlih :aVo'' GIom' CarrUn Paloi. Ji lo ft n nor U tk plot tbai Mtntr, ra foae ad f ir aaloM qol to - work. Soil fct Allen Bru C.V " - r - i . -'iirnV A. i l i . , , , t Ko uVJ fo ' n w tN t f . - f - i .'. . . w u r ,4 . hi. t 1 -4 few 'f T . d 1 Ta.l "Aye, he nt 'me kennin. tofm: I KnA vnn't M inm" h ' . ' " - i . ... - . - . . JfOjXU jWnll- he -aefT iroot lt; ti WtiIoUVomen wouIi-Jrink mare .: . ..: I miilii . mlataWlU U ..1 !t'. i - . ' . . - teUVmeA Te're no' vexed I . z Vf"? "TI u " ?re noi uaa lot te onpUxloc, ; are rej1 Mlstresa' Hons-1 -1 V.... V .' . 1 Ujg-w4 I . '- .' I". ' : lipt; : JulU 1 n nL bert,'or'he said It It hadna been sister?;' tej.n3 ayneTv.?;iiut:'.qiWjifwA..n..i. ; , mistress, d'ye think he'll pit me aWa? i aT'aZJJTlZ oom otw A7ock Prog Oonpany. away : -whatever happens. . Now go o the cottage. - I'm depending on you." i J I aTsiierjpanajpeiore jdq Mtg j PHI81C1AH andUUItQlCQK, ' -t, VVt:,- -111'! m v i . . ' A joiner's .shop, espedallyMf ft pe iMBaaaaiay- I f; twelmife f rom fefamalS oaW ovorAjtocke Drag Co-'adragaterr A anerrye btize, butcisUoOneivorfu- nateiy mewna piew - Kinaiy, ana a. d. r. Auif , i 0tfaerwise it, was roi and blackest jof raaorncwo na,w. SgSjtii W over butlit . . Loiiaburg, NC.1fc;rwrf- JraVCttf fhthe morning "when David Oflkw ia the war; of ; R. A.Bobbifct Jt and Jeus walked slowly home together Co.' Dras bomwob JNaah ataertr " through the Calnt; sweet air;-For; halt 4ettin';iae seeh the ew reiid8ea.- BO to woman jgripping her " husband'a ajmvPJly quee rdMaa-iee her gaun to the fofho was dead beat wlthmuchxeNi ma atten tion was, occupied wl' pickln' oot a thqdiu tha'edia sdnce, the 'WTBlCIAjLlli aUBAaXXSji fobHIsfacndihaiidsl were; filthy ' i iVimtniDaa.'a. C4 oo attdxCharredopis , , V- - . . I -ITlMnvpd a crreat si eh. "Jess. lass. rj rfrSTS.WJ!.f ye'l7l)e sorry'-yeaItmeoof lee rwiian vhuM?. naethin' left" . " . ' . m .,, '" L , i itutx Ka1ranotBorrv.-;Davie. lad." .! na. qubj ,V AlKn A IB At ' LOD18B0RQ", t SMeraMirt :'. Artknr Hyat It atfag . Vfe . a.aaaLiaaiiaY r - . - . ATTOJUfXT AT 1AV clean forgot, to; three weekssTne. Btupit atupit manT- " " ; tflt's me that's atupidr',she exclafin leU- "Oh." 'Davie!1 'Ydu'veWa aufferxl ingMl thfefim aboutr the; Insutapce, ana 1 rorgoi to zen you 4 patu. 11 a, wri' UlgiKAgO , win taaM te u tbe Ooeita e lae fiati ATTOENEtAT-lJkW, - - L w - LovwBuaar dT, (X chapter nsK- .tJT ican cjTy it easliy,H sal lettln' the Jobs atann..Ull he was in a poseeflon for to attend to -.them, an' when I tell't him tt was list because jthey'kent when they had a gold man ne lurnea on me. gey quick ansald, If s. the we: hat brScht a lorJuckr An I believe har wasWfam. wrang, Mistress Houston." u-f - I must really go,7 Mr. OgHvy, the young woman said, flushing; s.' v- "Te'll begaun to see yer aunt, mayl ber; said the grocef,: with exaggerated vareiessnesa. jEvnuerDe. xoyea.witn ma ham knife,' - - "yj "No, - She went up to' the. town this morni'ne-"-7. -yv rr-ry -. She-gaed to the toon this morn in'! 'lit till my otuU about ft n. wee blot that pit me wrang; I thocht It waa a aaxpence when 1 waa ' addln' it up, an' it waa JUta penny an" J can tjb)acmibav4n .tor,te4le&v-Aar;la-teliy ahe.waa.gey pit oot, an I felt Olyer aunt tor bidintiang in Glesca,3lia- I gey- ama" I'm feert foe neltber man hauf. dlazen chippit eggs for'Mlatreaa Waddell-;ipnir buddy Jiat -when the r GO R DUN LEE SCllAt'FFEB, I . "Bnt I deserve it," he groaned. .tCT" .hTfclV,Sherbe home Vlth'thef her Valla o wrath,' aa it were. .It waa pey ma insurance twaV lasrlt6ae4onightJf! t fc'! Kjlat terribur 'ne. ' Oh, Jess; ; ye'vel Vf .-WfafLUiiCr AyvphmlWTMelaal J:Waa ahe not Joking? . Bha'a fond of Jboat the nlcht, Aye,H said thegrocer. I her Joke, you know?" withnervou8 satlsfactIon.'purtlng:down "'Deed, aye; 'deed," aye,-lBut I dlnna e. ae.andfttiuibd ahef waa-Jokin'- eboot the paaa ,hia ha iO.n a1uucfr of-aauaagea andrbootLKa! . Aa shair'a I'm here, I hd- ptheyrawBigway wJth a atart' ati fea'the apeertt o a wutk when ahe waa the clammy contact.- "- c dane wp. ma. Bat bat, yeraee. 1U T"4Tv"eU,- goodby Just now- Mr. OgUvy," I trees Houaton, ma chief object tf aakla' ald Mra. .Houatoau turning toward thel ya to to break It gently, ao to apeak. & I f 'fX 1 ft ';v rv XJ : I la-la., that I I dlnna-want toto feel !d.f LJlsetdcet j btif evttf seemed JK)t to I nke a wuik a aecond time, v U'a do' I MMHdifeton;iref errlng4 f r ikfepi his gaxe fixed on j exacTy; that - either.- - corrected Mr. ihe smaU order ahyhadiustkthesauaage Ogllvyrtha beada breakldg out Ida le4liSWoer. a -r- I ,TThe Jaat boat the nichf Aye- Jlstl roreneaa. - i - .- . i-. v v tnmr Mr. ofiw flmdv.f that EhYt al fTt?W8 gaWto I v 1 think I tatow-what Too mean.' Vrii RPnA 'lt wi the ntmaist cleesure. aay .jioorC iVi ibAlteA'atratAliigihe 1 Dae yer .be exclaimed eagerly " ' ' T . . i r I i.. . ii a .-t ill. I . -trrn B Tha blllttoa aad d?nae4i ara toMdit otrrrf and arl leear 7tapUW. inrr n a 01 ob of ifirta. b7rr. to may aei be biagkt U4k l Waka aad Stoaiaeh atd Liie TaUaea. Ta taa leu tet'eoratetba Doajct aad Utad traactba th.dvM2oa.. TtMy:ata reeiat tL bU, ..for mW by ail '.Tobacco twine 20ft.'." -tAntrnai eb j. j . KtOft a. j ew;lot iJbt brni' It CVwi a Friria!2a y. 3.4 ovM'h iti Ice rrestn Halt, ice nk-kal 1m mm.aa lemon aqaotera at L. l UktiV, ;; Pratta Food. Pratta Uk' iUJ. ' Oata. ear ' mlU ami 1 prm at J a. W, Klaf ; . . . Carrt Lof tjnhMtn f-M Urf)4 Uv farrr, TU kUy t a, ' n. iLl-Jti'Al-'. (cM .callSb iQrtf it' nt i r Cv ,; iQUicaurr, n. c. -' J v Mi ma-wa am4 aaaxa mm A, GarnalioiisHosos rltS t wi a aix'nl. u I P . .Tie. ' hii aa imml. wiwa aa aajb MrA4oe 4s XJaa U1 UW XKm. Mm- to at4 rw im kaM.- 1 rr)A4 s44 le I t a I CsL'otsa. wC cvC.tr-fcsr'Crir rutrttr r.f Ufflec OTr Boddie, BobbiU A Co.'s drag tor. ' -r. ' That laddie-' mines is' Jist eaon' his "io viuugnuiic uaawa, v: vu ua iu ,t wnm,, heid aff aa It were, for want o' some- whllei ?esaC ielt w both irrUated and might get angry youraelf If -my unt thin to dae. Ye see," continued: ie amused. ;MWhat waa lt.I waa gaun to aald much and perhape quarrel with gfoeerwrho Had been vainly Jongtng 17 repeated.' "I doot I'm loasln her. Ia that ttr j tJ-, ? all the afternoon lor some one to talk ma memV7-" s - - " : " N'n-r, 1 ' 'rudn get angry. - Na. sftA' MLss'Mousto anything about Mrs. Wal- Thafa no'.my feeUn thenar ye kindly - astf it was the simmer, when things la lacer .Jesa askecVtmable to resist put-1 a the aame. Ma feeUaMa omethla' San' cr " DiisK no' .as otvskl as- iney i r"" - ?r -N: -v- " -1 - 1 " ... - -..v . : nir..lll fM.t.U. : hdk. V I amAKIt 'mats a.lrv Tfl.T. awe craeaiaaeae, . evr . lTar"JCi:S ITrS 1 -T. T. had Bow reaAedC what mihr be de-1 Mr. Ogilvy grew ao red la the face that anil mala in al tha fVunt af Mum . vr-. or7 vj M adjulalag eounllea. siao la tva" IHwaat voajt, u la uu uuttwt tMataat AwAtrto aa4 MMUAOoaita w ia. HAYWOOD BUFFING TTOKB BT-At-LAWV Oatoa la Ubopi and Cttftoa oa, a. wama.' ATrOajrTWAtAW, 1 aeeiBaeae.B.e;- ea Mam jtret eves t4h& veeMtoraan' wlesTBeat Tin an: ,u f?j k-uui.ii,-. . - . "-"j SiihSLL Si the wna'.-lfchteoture to .ay "IT tellmy aunt .boot the ham." ZZlZ r V"L I Jt4t waVabooi Tehlghly respectlt ahe said from the doorway. "Aad I'm tf't 3F -i: f 8. SPRUILI 4Ti 'V? ry a paircer, unless maybe yin containif atuW W. f Iei?yr,ia " I TT 7 - .wujcxoouj I m:.tTW..f..-'d'-haif pausJtfansferredIaa frbm the! h "Tbenk. yetbenkye," be murmured. j -vT3--.. - II ATui-wiux a nasty. goooDy jeaa ceo. Liouatoo T. aoa n cannoc oe penmieiy ata tea that .f .'"f ahe beard Ma last sentence." . ; v " arwaa, ITLWlpIymcjWred I .-Cfiamuel OgUvy.T aald the grocer bit teriy cto himself, therea malr nor yer l,An4lii -)iir IfstMr lnfarnal nrcnnn t. BU'Jf T wr-: fafehead. f , RsrnPtt as lfl thTorgana I h es, Ogilvy r oos aflrtrhlflmiTirtir thorn nddentV t murmured encouragingly. - - State of North Cakouma DEPARTMENT Ot STATE. . t C CEATIFICATE JOFiDiSSCLUTlOaL". To nTX to bom Uteae Jmcnta.Anaj , rum-AJBECTISO; ' .i.. 3'Bsacaa, It appeara to say aaii faction, by July .eotaeutirmi-! rec V - . r . . .. ore oi to prucrruiDgv lor in TOiOo tarrf dieolotioQ -thyeof. bjtia Boanimooaconaentotalltha atort holdera, depoaited lo my olSce. . that the Aycock Drug Company, A-ror poratioaoftbla fcita.b whoe prl&of pui oce la aituated at No , Uld rtreet, ia the towa o , LonUtmrjt county of Franklin tate r4 Jiont) Carbfitxa (G. Ayeockav- &crtry bein the ' aTeat; therWa axaJJla charge tbereoi, opoa a bom prvctm tnaj bcatrvJ),haa ompJ- with therrquiretQeouof an act of the Oefierai Aaaembl ot North CaroUaa bewwn 1VK)1, entitled "A a met to raviae the Corporation Lav of Mortk Carolioa," prvtimioarr to the Wwo- og of tiua CrtiSct4tor DvMcJaUoa. owt: nrsaaroas. I. J. itaTaa GaiMta, Socrttarjof Bute ot the State 01 .orth Varoua.do haraby certify that the aaid corpora Uoo duf oo tnatent.D!tu day r JQ'J 1905, Ilia ia ruj oKce a coif tifrou ed and atteatad coneea- Ia VriUc" to thediwilQtlon of aald - corror tiou, executed by ail tb alockhoU- era thervoL1 which aaU coaamt aad the record of the pnxeedlnjci aJoee aald ara acw on 6ia in my aald oka aa croTikd by law". W Ti-mMowr gikior., I aava hereto act tny hand aad aRxad ray oraciai day nine :;JAC()I.jL;lJV,VNS.;; -i I a " ' s. m 4 Bitifaioriiim ATTORItBT-aT-I-VW. tba eoartaof Fraafcttn. T nuahed'oDen gtomidg.tawIshSBlie Had not waited;-To workshop and entered Vith the tfli MpeIlstreas HoustoUr y,ha e I regretful . feeling of hartag neglected lindit them suddenly- send proveeslons to er . ery piatothe compassr can -say Jack vEobison , . "If s a'gQPdl thing y wui.n ataa eoartaof FraJaia.; T'artemoer.MC OCUW.?.JesS;.remaritea, r TLT" 'T "."i ST t sfiming an preparing to deparW UBM cv Bcenoae amm. --r -....v I mid.-' Some -ff ihe messages is mrdlr-Li 4Uto vuJcvwwu w nM.irauwu .auwi w qeriiuisuauu iu mg uawueuaeaao worth calrrvin. an'-if s uffeecient tolbighly respectlt auntr-, t 'i ... L i . . - ' ' a . j - i " . ' . . wb ciMna- n a--vvra' a auvw c a va wata tt-raa a ' urit v j aaaan a - x. . a TW.alCaurrr, ... - J,:' .Jr I rnak.' an ornar buddy Hke maser oue -v ""s i a.b jeraur cricu.ue.jwer cneer- " i I to be commandlt, for example, to send "things about herreplied Jess as llgld- fully.' sliding off, a bench upon which anoint Aa CODKHXXLOm as LAW. tippence worth o bird seed a mile alang a possible . g-, . tJ - Jay an opflniahed-panel and folding jup ' unnitMaa .- - "V-l Jhs hor wi'oot ae!av.-to a leddv that I - AW,-Mistresa.iLoastoaj exoiarmea i thelaat- number of ; the ' Gardener-a Proaot and pintAklng attaatloa graaav t toC&lef JaaUc8bphrd.roa. aa ,i.. -.i . 1 the. grocer, -..'Ye ken fine I wudna dae IV r UacuiAU AJiav auv aaa -r am a gets next thltJiil'hetwoixla.wndieh'oke.me, Jlstl "I'm sorry-I've 'kept " you" waiting. -'i i.'.-:- J a -' fhatf eia r . AavW Vionaa A vaa tanii) I Wv ear v. -.u if a . aa, a-ar.- a rr l aft I lift- anvt- av: r-I i i- ta 1 -i aM-. iraaar TTwr 1 V VO ' U J . H OO uou VUUVA . -J nuui A JM V If". inf UUL 00(11110 IT IDn lmiilH T aT. HOP. iaVOPW VT. W tllfWB amwaa. V l ."W raLl -AJAUttim- iAAlf A1UUO-1 - , . , i v" " . - 4 ,-, 1 7 IV-i " w " taM, hw. riwt Wmtton-a of wi. tpjirtAnT ? w - oik:., winweuer ioiirw to oliL Angiiv wUo, alter respecttulfy ZX1 'SS2'Mo Ihies t Vtwif nfwSS "turning thutaon,aelled a largfl wt ooM. Hoo. a. w. nbri-ka, c. to think, of Job-bein'.a grocerrbut P?3 1 th4". Agala n riped plane and proceed edro trim a piece of ww v. d. . , i - - w. i... .t.r w --. t board that lav h.ndv aa If he had bon eimr a ilb uiavut; Jiat no weei ivi uiu r. . uri k s . a . . . - - imrt VftRncii ntfim.ff nniuiifui a 4 Diriia . mj. m; I'efleemuoi ' 1 e";Ltru uyun u.su atienreon. a khrtw ft. t aaWi0tfirou2nne open aeor. i I : Och, ye didna keep me wait hmdtm'attvtfmornMln iauv wwuu, uuiuu; j.ugr. pnea uavia aa ne pucea the paper Jnlv an- ordered' an unce c pepner- I ""T ' . . . I - ' uuua uurry . , r . ; . 1 1 . r I ana reiapsea into Biience... . - -corns iu oe new uaul s uve iu nittijr,i . .. . j-,, ., .v. because he'r 'wbtwas ;waitirf 'otf thenU ' ClllT"! ajiCQ? Z?1 aWn hurT " 8D "s an she wasna gaun 6ffahthamerSheIS turned: "naturally a -.little Irritated. -T-r r WM ftT cntomer:bnt I telTt f8U ! rtrr?: "r" r""- TBut Itn later than I said I would be at TAEBOKOtTOH. JB, t sf r- ft w-hasihle t was rale sorrv Bner". ? Mn?n iTO.. e -Are yeJ 'Deed.-! thocht It waa an I AROBBOT kMAV . .aeufeiTB,.a 't U ail soana. M4 trf r , gr. ... Matt he, wasnai" X doot he wud ha' iiB-Edid, though ii tried no' ic ' ATI OBNET AT UtW, "t :?' Ier'as njce as possible t.Vvas ral IW ? iad-naebody -to'senai.wt'b her ,es- snop on oerway irom uw uoai 10-1 por earlier onywey," aald David easily, teamed order. I said 'esteemed" ablow 1 -- . 1 I f conauiung nis-oia auver watcn. -aju , t. ,,r,; -r:"a. .bne'H no' aae tnat. l aen anea i I'm readv for.ve." he ddt fllnrin - - - i iiih. in t:ii.ui. .vc &cu..ub- duv luiuvw v i - i . . ........ . . ! - . I w - 11 ooMtaopHoaAe I riarjf shewas a doochesa an me. a no',-neeainonytnin-. , ne got exxra hia apron on the bench and Uklng bis will raeaiva yroatpt aadearal aUaaaea, j J nerin' at the time whalUshe jjaaWt -There', no hurry.-:..aald Ueaa, 'the 1 -,. th.f ormr rUflna vnt- If h UKau-H.'"'-wu " ' A'" I least uung COKUT. A" CAD WBll XUI VOU ' 1 -U4. 9 Kna -iara v Lf F.HODCK,:-:., -. - Ueve? kened mf .door againrari- I ,aWantVG; errla,,,h,w work 'yotl WCTe trhen 1U....(., r 'rMSJhSrYdldkW cameln.- - Sc-r;; miM. : RTnt.Tif:" i1o; ' WWwrt, TiiV-ri nlrms arf ""weu. v.jwm W message, i air. -oh,'! wart Jlst takln'.a keek At the " - - - - V'j; 'tp n-no .'hew Datsnrileelnf0W,i3iBjX TtnRBUR.O , H. O. ij'.l 1 - " - - . --n i "w . , . BT O. '5.rv y.'t TmAm iMnt lrir' kll ' klnila of IamUm. aruaue Afntkw aad TUaa. Aa aboot":"'--- tMttnl OvaUcua SaboiltMd mibv;.n W an' aeUver messagesUs. ; J51 5- under your apron. Da W waa oot the customers 1 l auawaaoiiaTea.. taai ca gr-1 Mari t-v , , , mooths.- Air-she. smiled gey strike eer, moistening b P"' .ftf f? . mat?. Oh. there's nae" harry ' f of .-n Trrr-TTTTi on-5id I sud keen Tnair nor the Mn f genu' s apruu. a tHaU, itU daa fine the morn.'. aa.. . n. r lyggJStft -- -' H S r .aaiUiUyi WX W "ruT; V hVm.ninpr Jwr atammertnongue .wudna, K me.. bo KothlDg ;0n thC Harket Eaual to - - - w;lW; wOaWikty-JP.y roo4 aeoomodatlon for tla Iz&nJsj ublis. ,the peppfircorns.;', fetjsrr . inn ru.U9t.was gopa ei. ywvawrM vs v a tro -ots-t. wot n -rich; anr iaraw! re- Cbambfrlalu's Colic Cholera and , ov Diarrhea Eemedy." v ,TA.:I," .3:3 Pte&H?a jBURGIIOTEL r.waroj -jue; "r'Z.TCl should say lt yourself.' ' day. because .they was maca an u i , -, T canna i as true as a m nomitr. ;Bnt I'll Bather alarmed, Jess Interposed, say ing, "But "oh, Mr. OgUvy, if If a any- tliinV - nnrtl nlar . 1 rpnll-r-. think vmf o .. " I ' mi...i i. it i j i- m "vr- I aerTeher. aad alaa -out of Ui wl'l i . ICV, 1 ., ... . . . . . . ... .. . ,r' ' v . -i :r . . - . . . . , I wuu wm o ae lor. r.: vo ... - ..f" - . , Kiiormo, j rvn amy. rnF ran n. rum I ..... . .. . . . ui.-'. i-f 5 .'f.i. i. -.-vi 1 .v-.... ---- - - - i numer. a prominent aroff?i oi jop;: jjess.meu uwi m discreet and then ye can dedde-If ye'U M.. la rirnUr to bl. .D.um,rt. aat r it . irt ... mivb r . rip t ' - - - - ... . i . . - someiximg -,t)iuiiuv.;, lr fT tell yer highly respectlt aunt tor me. 7 I Thera la nothing on th naarkft la th Ogilvy; I must be. going. ananas jior. 1 :N . , You mnstn't tell me. Mr. wirof patent tndicln which eqtj.l lUiMAAiuwU 1 a' w for them. . . - 1 g-"-yfs r-ft-'y tug"' 0e4 aaaanuaodatioaa. Cifsi r . Til send them toside tne tqw. ii I 7e , 4.tt.t wt. - ! T-.io ton fh rirtoj lt be II car I - " Uhamberlain'a Colin, Cholia and Ha 1 rheoa lUaaedy for bowel eomp!lnt NV aelland reconmend t&ia prrfaratioa Tor file by all drr.Tibta. - ,Give",maytWr rtiojaarid ' a; j t . 1 ' j - i ' 1 'i 11 " ' ;'" ' !, "- ri4 f,."" . 4T QUICKER t A1I0 BETTER ii:it! lf4feii? nilr -- TSe letdei" el' AU pajjose . r. " - V Iioii Xolfce:' atafla4dawaac4atarAva far A . , , - - M - - a A - 1 1 1 Tr r r-r-r" 1 . . . v . - - rmf lilfire of fhe ntHrmli- ' 7 ' , Heriarja cil fr el U0?f OOJTXS rcrvtraai aa vrptiLL&i Uu.I.VA-aUj tVaaa na &jaarOa ITarva ar aaf ; . try aa a iaaaaaiaa I jtt.fOaarrti VWa, a t ! fan tt aat ranfail r I a mm tae-fcaariare atd erourcl ? - Il4 tai 1 XV. avealaA ' r-?ev, ,7 aAe4 avjalaata-t m44 raJ3 aeM(.e4 laar waaa ta Oa Baaaaaa, TkU t mm tVt, fsarf;e aatmriaratla- eaxt wtt saraa. aCrt. atataaV tajaxcta aar era Warn IvaakSaJ "tVei a-WUate rt?y jg 1192 CCriTX ts tVaaam fraara.aaH Una ti t n.n at. . "f fca t wtia;t aJtm-amtU mm, am a-, A1' 15 I...UA. a.aAl Jjf .iACy yiuittnia. ,11.! $ ' f , It a-MBlatMaa4 kH Aal na tf IA(mm a awif a Ir muUm ta, f -May - a i i a. -. a& ... t , X .-a t f -. . . . . . T . b . I . u f .,a TLa Fa!1 FfiUaf Ula larUtttk-t-Oaa . . . . r t IU 0;Jaa tVa f?UU wH tr Va 5 - -( - .. , a , a ii if t.atlt ' t-. -r .:) a . 4 i. , 4 I -.mm f B1 oUoly. A. i) . oaa .tioaaaa4 1 aaZ?2JZ. LIIwIt-T,, ' T" I l- I - - K IH . I ' I I K hundred A4 are, - . a .aaiLa U L I a ". Im lit L mam ja a . - af 1 lit" " f t IjUU "m' t'iy 'T'-iiiia aotameaA tiwiatta M Uf . .-"j VA't'";, - 1- . t . - "., . 1 .C, i I take thletct4trnu to 'nooiice atvWUituuioa at , Tbe f a fcl 4t.lt t;kA4U CV.'rf EbHV "r my frifada and t&e patroO of IHP"1 " 1 Tm rr V r I . ' Ic a WMh a eWl Haled 'rwa r..,,. ovt ' v.I rvf aa mmrMtaam . aMV,aa in tmam I . . .1 - . . . . t ugt.osaMoy-vtV jihel.j .. I . . ... tB au itUtn. n 4jnw.... . to AycockctDr boalneaawtU becontinaed at tbe aame stood by rayaelf. ' Jl will; ca drotor to please all a ho - will clre ice tbeir putronaga, aod to uo ao 1 vill krp an op to-date lint of every, thinji; kept in a 8 rat daat dm? a to re aly presctiptioa departixttit ill t cetve me very dcv. aitmiKM. nr. S. r.JJodaie fa atiu with rwrand wa be glad to aee bia friocra at aU tirnaa u ju Arrocxa. nmrtatwm Piw Ia N fretnla tradrv aj7 ui r aa a trvaA. UAa.A anl4 le mma 4 mam imm AsatnbAM t 7r. . wi. 1 a j. - SEABOARD. llf'; V; r v RAILWAY .jrr-pf41ataijrala XUlia: VyrtrWAT 'V ... j- ,, fcCeUJe&t Htl ta i7;-lal!flk. ' ' - .' LLVB. DAVIS,--A.'-lIt;PRESIDEl,TT 11 .1 , .. 1 . 1 - i ... a 1 ' j . 5 1,aA u 1 i J -a , f , rV . . . 1 'A- . v ; n -n 1 1 1 a : . .."I . . - . a EFPEOTIVE APRIL ISTHa 100G. ;::3;!Hils lUDU .8033HUDI-,8lB - 1 . . Awl 343 C 10.: 6.40 ; pa 2 10 i 9-23 Lv. FraalUnUa Ar. 3 20, Ar. loSkurf (i Lt tilh fehc 543 8.41 aa" r fiLi aci 30 l?0 v 'a . ..4 ,-.. 4 ta f . . . , J 4B A i. V ... Y a. a. v,.a a. -4 1 gA m fTiaea a&4 rniyjra star IrtryVt la trwt - '-- -- W A r a k-ii . a a. . a 1 -41 air- , ,. ' ' . ' t -''-'. .. j i..a .a a I .Zio S40 eoooecta with BhoKly for Icyal stallots ac,l n.a!trk, No. "S.s'conriecta with XToal ZS kud 41 for loeal aUUcci aa3 t points Hot th and i?Qth.- ' " TS( 30 conuaeU with Ha, 43 f-r HaU!B ac3 pUe:fal r-cItU Sootb, also hoo Fly for lors.1 tUticct tatwtia i'taBkUt-a ati' Waldoo." " " J" . , - I. I. Jotatt, Af;ot, Loobhnri:, . C. C. IL Oath, a T. A.f r.t!.' , IT. C. " V ' f -a (4 I,A A !ra )l t! lm.rl j at 7:Ura - " Ca'I ItllMf'ltl . i j .1 A I t . a T T F n A