s J . . - PpPPPt- v-v'r--'- ; -O " - P 5T 0 ' '-' ' " ' U"'f 3 ' - -I . ' THE OOUJT, EEm TJXTXQI.7 - V, ...TvTT VOL., aaaY.. , : -r?.y ;fLOUISBURG,N. FRIDAY, OTIZnH L "L ' . ' ; r : oHUBCir jdhusoxoh? - -1 .i.,. ' - . 1 i, , - r7: r : : : : : : . z - . . . . 1 - V '-J. . " l! ----- - I turiMHi: rUnclnr about hliu. -I thlc " YC"3 r""7 . . . I ' --v.' - - - . - - . - . - 'if.-v' : i Suftdar School l A PnteUif t U A. U., ui I 3 A U, L. 9, ttiisn, r&uar, . y;.' Tvoa. B. Wildu, 8pt ' - frsytr ntiag TbancUyjilt. Saad Behool ftt 930. " i " 4" - .. Wx. H. Bnvrai. 8pt La. Kid Bad 4th 8ondiTB. -r-" t - noralaMUgM'r 7 V , ,nmr w - - ' tt. -1 V9ot jrWlM i cotac ta Ur. Detuldaotffi CX CorrUnork tomemw." ,c , vv. ' "B I ua. !tU da fla't! atsxt 4y. .tTt'U ivt fatun Btto." ' r ,IIw loix would it tak roa to Ea- lsk tht bltr abt Mkl. JafficatlBC Uw lTTTTTTTJ X t LooUbMktta Jf- r v Wttrw- Laraot D T. fliktUnrkk. ,T" " C SMITUWICK A BANKS. 0BTISTD, , - . LOCiaBOEO.H. t?.' Offiea la HteU BalhUog. MsJa Btm.'' f &AOTICiaa PHT8ICIAS A SUMMXX. one ovw ajrMk Pm caapuy. t-vR. J. J, MANN, V&Y SICUM mad BURGEON, . LOVMSOBfl, xc. Ufflcs ovar Ayeoek Drag Uo.4racoi D R.g.P.BORT. Loulabarg, N. C V Co.' Urn Hton, 09 Btwrt. , JJB. K. F. TAKBOBOUOM, ramoiAJi ajii BUBaxov. nau. hi Ann MflMi telldlM, wtto mmN4 float t. W. itWUM's GORDON LEK SCHEFFEB, wrrwT.'.. to JDr. Ajuw upKi rttauc fHBO ta Foul balluiB. ... ' ij a i A. ... ..' AnoaunrrAXLAW lvwvaa, - arm hmUm ta as ta 9ot 1 aOoaitl W 31. W. BODDIE, ATTOftRBT-AT-IAW, Lmnaaraa, N. C. .- OSlcm otm fioddi. Vobbitt ft Co. Ana; tor. ; ,. " - vv M. HAYWOOD BtFFLTX. ATTOBJXT-AT-tAW. boaaaraa, .. wui nntiflalaanaaCoaTta ot 4 Mjotaua- oowuw, Joan, aadta ta Daitoa , alaola ta B1 Joan, 1 oataa la Oooaar a Ottftam oav m, wtunub . ATIOajraTT-AT-LAW. ..a. 8.SFBCHX. . . . ... .' TTOUBTT-LAI let Fiaaklla. F1 mbuu. Wuia aa waaa w rBsartoa' Coart of a to ."a HOftlt ATTOBJWT AJTO OOOVSXLLOX ATIAW. Ftoaipt a4 aalwrtaktngawaaugf iw ? brahl aKDaneag aa . lanf aa -wm Bat W jfina rSaipW Uorla- Pu!r man, a I rt jS S?irt i?2Bafi--to.S2 2aT -"Bat he wa working wbeo. t eats tnci Darto-i .rwwastiB ma ute to fMBlalt tt flrat thing r tlw SMca-i la'. -:Ha wa off tha point of taUtna) old Aagwrto tell Doaald Blaala. wham lira. Hooaio praveatad tdaa. t. ,i, : U - Srouraelf, Parld, ah aaU flmljr. .""Whafa- tha bum 'ox.,laFiBat Tr a tea tnlmitea Jobr " " , f -Weel," Aa aaid goad tuoraotel feajixt log qp hia coat and thrawlng aaid tha apron, "when I con ta think V I bellara - ytfn ; richt rteht fitaiJ9 And. amQlng at hla vif ewbo had aat cd haraeL on a atool not far from him. ho aalected a ahcet of aandpaper and fell to wifrk. , , - - ; - j ' -Old Angn --wtta aa effort thai rack ad Imi framav aoccaeded In aoppresalng a ehnckle amV wishing Ttatentl , want on wtthnia planing, mattarlnat to hlm- aelf, rSh ken tha wey an.e ken th weyr and over again. v - , Within the tun 1m had'inentloaad David blew tha,laat ctood of aoft dntt from the panel and amOad again at hia wife, raeaiTlng a amll in raapoaee. -Angna," be ealtod aa na donned hta jacket.' can gang noa. Whafa that yaV workln atr , . , Tb old man laid down hia toai. stared for twenty eecond at Jua haadi' work: and then looked otot at hta Ma- ployer. i I doot Pro dona thethe wrang thiag. be stammered, holdiag np the board.'!' - - f Bmwon'a faca clooded and hia njp tightened for , an instants "Kan, ye audna ha'e-t-be began.-- -Pan,' whlapered Jeaa. dont any anything." ' gbav roa and eroeeed tb floor to. where 'Angna waa atandteg, gaaina: plteonaly at the nn wood e had apoUad. tor bU sight waa lafitag Umland he wooid not haTa apectadea. "Angna," aha aaid brightly, "thafa aat what Tm wantina: for a ahelf bj tb kltehea. Jtnt the Tery tblng. Isn't it, Deriaf aha aaked. looking aroand! at her boaband. ; :-?Bht tb wndeYa faar ower gold tat a- 5 David waa trying teaay whaaf h waa chock ed by a aeeoad wXanf it, D h reptted wiaelyr.nMn, per. eetring what was raaatred of hinv he called to the old aaan; MAye, Angna. If a att'what Mlatraas Boaatoa was wantlaV . It's may b a wee thing ta thai lang aide, bat ye can tak? twa-three 'incet a It ttmwxu?".K uT Pto duo the wring thing mormnred AngW'dejeiedly.;-;. "Vm lad; yo hare, ' Angna," aaid llrC; Honaton eerily. i)cause how ril get my abelf aooner titan I expect ed. Ifow, away and get your teaVfl : , The old nun, -with-a-low Apokao good: nighV left the workahop, hot ere he cloaed the door beblnd hint its look- ad back at Jees with benediction la hia eye, and all tha way home h kept aayiag to Jklmaelf : "Sho ken the wey! She ken tbe weyr - .s - With her hand Jeaa waa broahing aom powdery weed from Darid'a waistcoat ? when ha aofttjr . exciatoed, and' not wlthont diClcnlry: -, - -rra an awfa nlc wnnuoan; Jaaar 3LKk to aeeyoaj tidy, DaTie." - - r r. n didna mean that meant the wry' aaved Angua, for I waslrey wildcat shim for' apllla' that bit wadd. If 7 hadna been hero I doot I wnd ha'e loot ma temper. The wadst waa a' apodal bit for yonnt Ataietar Coch rane him that aye workln at modeU --an' I'U ha' to send: ta tha toon to re place it." . - - ' " me free toesin' ma temper. Bot whDea I dtnna ken what to dae wf Angna. Wa been naa naa aince the fire,- an hVa been leaf since hia alstet, dee'd. I wantit to gTe him a kin of pension, aa ye ken, Jeea, tmt I he wnd bo of fendlL :i Be aaid be wod never eat the breld o' ldlenesa as lang a hA waa pJrdea, botrd abinner aee it UkVa miOilen. plaatit wf anld tln.cana an ttreken iciese. ' Bor 'let' Angus try hia haon at it Quid sake. Jess, th pnlr body duns ken, the-difference, atween a dahlia an a dandelion, an I doo if ha oold : ken r a crocus , bolb. "frae a BpanUb tneial ,-T , be. jaevar bad ony fancy tor js;alrdeainf '-;-v , iXM; haarA.lm-tsHrtag aboot you hVraret, Jess remarked; -ii-A "Oh, ayeheII talk, aboot onythin' be thinks y please ye; lass. , fiat maybe hT was wrang wben be thocbt tatkin aboot ma Booers wad pleas ye, said Davids with sly lanc at bis wife.-.'; X fDartof sha criacT reproachfvlly. ' D'ye ken, I whUes think y Jlk tb taroed, . glsnclng about ulw, i tblck m ha'e an 'oor at U ihe tuoru, afore I gang to Corriemorc.. , - " And Jess smiled Quite gladly. -; - The last steamer was doe at EUv locban pier about 7 o'clock, aud vka Ut OgllvyVsltfTited her llbts ot V tar aide of the locb be procoeded to b have ' in '.a somewhat extraorflflary fashion. sHls message boy baTlag goo for the hlghtr the grocer was a lone la bis. shop, yet bo looked about him as tboush he feared a watch upon his movements Satisfied at last -that be was.nnobeerved. be opened his till sad took Out a penny, muttert&s to himself : 1 "Te're mnckie eedlo lUmnel Ogilr vy. .- . -,-".v .,'Ueregnrded 4he coin for nearly 'a iuinute, replaced it In the' till and took out a half crown. .'. "w , v.. V- , 't?K malr in keepin wV the .epera tion,? waa hia inward obeervationv ! ' Just then s: customer cam la. bet fortanateljr-dld not.wait.long. although after her departure -the grocer coul4 Yocr-taan, aljw p. Ha face) yoa us t:.'i22 b a IZL-ij cz. To raa Uacj tlii jvm are rullr a slaUng strt la Ilia, tct It lei a start tlit will dli'ono yoa la tL aal. Dont go too fast, taf Hi. Cow and sur' has taken down more pers ea than nhj othoc near Uut aver treat sxon4. tb track. Tea sra amokiaj halt a dosaa djsrs a daj j . , tyaotT jun, Yoa sx bajbj s3 ti oair clothas that aocnas to tom ! w ap, that maxfid a-tana fea. taiaij ears, BesUss all tha cjal tha wotil never jet mala a ffv are taking aa ooeaaktful diink the throit ire !!i:cJ mi. irritate J : voti csu-h uid Crrr it rnorrirna. tiaa mere tcv-hir-. Ycrj trie 1 covh miitare tai It run the irricttion for twhi!c Yctj ttke iw v-NJ-i nd it rrr Al.y nV. Tt'i whstii neccsarr. It toothct iLc 1 throat bcotisc it -rtducrs the : pure- old - velvety. -P ' ho best for ho price, BOld . OVCQT.'llCTO; "v - "' pall . for; i ; n '-4-'. - - - 1 r ' J loulsburg , .dispensary, louUburCi m e tV wiih goc4 btoatiocs not U Veoosr a! rmtucn J cum the coU lecture not.jemberwber; ho;had;UUHth i haUtaal booaar. Ciow.fxj Cf ro4 lt Cnvtt DUt the injur.xatdoa ; I a ' . V S lilUP LU AUJBw 1U1 It LUtj aKU. I " ,v I V I Tw-ekl, taAU-wi. AUaaiav ag f w ... 1 av a. sa is 1 in h tnought, glancing tbgb tba wto I V wiaab tmllaf of socna lca-C it rvocruhca then IsukjAj Hi I J : '. - dew St. the-lights of -the spproaching 1 siflr mrl br snandltior" sll vo ct I to their sxtcrti trrrnrth, .Thlt fV'tL' I P bet. SW an a "wife woa ta Scott Eimilikm 4caU taiih h gased at It earnestly andhea tpna 1 thia way is worse than tha errea year fre' ''f4 ;cocSV 00 it into toe air.. Aa it fell he grabbed at I itca becaos it lasts IaCrsr - Tea are I oroaouna. - r gairoea netw tie way it is noonortbe I " tH " ,,f I tsniblinil a now and W ftath SFiia; f. I3k I naw anaer.waxoanter , f I t . . - , . rTTitsr. be exclaimed. Til get It the I a zaw c&anosd X taa roa of iTHe Bpnn A second florin and this time caught it between his pslms.' ' , r rifs heidsn.be murmured when be had lifted hia right hand.uIv to gaag an' meet her. ; Ob, mer' Five 'minutes later, as the way It wss, a twaT month, syne t Eh : uBnt ye like me better in the shop or at a- Job nor in the gslrden,' b per sisted, v -j '.r.jr..? ; ?-"L Ilk yoa anywhere, lad,':sb-r-.-'l plied sweert bat evsslveiy.tx -4 a rasa, -5S'-;L7-V'Q-.'.v' Ctert Tongue."' "Hoe-d'ye meaar steamer small fish sal Dovarfrow ta Wvary taiga, bat tbay srsra ; first tubUars. Yea can blow voarself omt A tha nnniQff bafora th first qsaruc b J On Ob, I'm not gains to explain If yon eaa't andarstsnd. Seel 4 Tberes Mr. Oallvy waving t yoa-ilCiJ- '-ll. They retnrned the saint of tb gro cer, who stood la his door. vrMy, bat they're tb twa happy ytnsr h sighed aa be watched them along tha road, v - Poor Mr. "OgUvyr tourmared Mrs." Hoastoa gentry. 'v;--"- "Whafs wrang wP him r naked her a-.;-' -.;:.; ' "1 douM he's very bad. Js via," b answered, smiling faintly,. "B wants to niarry Anat Wallace.'- , : -Ha h nV gotten ower that yet? I thocbt her tongue had cored him lang - ayne2 -.&r v : - ; ; . Tsa sfrald H haant-but you're not spesk aboot sunt like that. - v MOch,wfLa ken .shs4pott,a.." gey Shalrp tongue, Jess. I'm no sayln' ony thin aboot "her hert, mlndr h sdded seriously. Then he teugbed and in quired, "D'ye kea why, ha wants- to asabrry yejraunt, ma dearT ,tBe,a la lov wltb bir of corse -'A-Thafs a sm' bit tb reason. - He wants to-jnairry-her to get beu' yer anelei Aye, that s ttr At which state ment David looked pleased with himself.- -? .i:L-. X:C1. Dotftf 00 " stapidr rHortl Vrs. Boastoa, with affected sternaa.-. . -Ifa-a fac'. tbousb. t He's got ah -awfof:hlgft--epanleat V y kea what h said to see the Unee day V Tio; and I don't want to know" ' ;0lltrfC V-'r:'i4, i I L'--" " "Aweel, Til teU y anlther time when yr no axpectia IV aaid David, smil ing teselaaay? ' "Bat a dy think he's gettin oa"wt hi coortlar : : Jssa shook -her: head, -H doesn't seem extriThappy Just now. -v . A a y Uayb be worrtt aboot trada?- - ; He 'doesn't complain J aboat trade how so much aa be used to."'" .v rrhat's a had sign. observed David tboaghtfnlry;-:.-:; - "At. lesat he' explains mora about lneTnsfnirVrM,? -Mphm HeTi tw tarntii1 his thocbt frae business - to to ; The Joiner stack for wsnt: of a word to azpress lUmaeif. 9nt If a? a baor aign ony wey, he continued. 1 mind when I ad to tnra frsa m work ea aecoont of.-' yaroerV Jaaa.r'-" riE..-'. , "Da yoa: blame It slV-oa mar sb aaked, with th least trace of Irony in twr oaa,':3'" iv' f :X -: - Kb," b repild soberly. ! blame It a maser. . If I had payed malr at tention tema work ye wad ha'e been -better aft thayi-'-'; -,' -Wklsht, Udr she said ta soft snr- to hlsne tae," be went aa, ri thocbt that whaa lately But y ken, Jssa, If a a great temptation to m.: - , Boti tDAvle,1 yon'v hardly touched tha garden sine th spring sine the fir," ah said gentlyfv ' . r ? : David sighed.5 Uaybo; Iff ' Jlst aa weeL V' Va trade the Jlnerl&V an I aiaaa stick :to tt;An.lfs no a bad trsde.ran things' sra gaun '.weel,-: an rm no-eomp!ainin7 ha added .more Bat yeu II get tfm for your garden- a -a , . , . mom MUU Hi. reached tbe pier, Mr, OgUry.-bavlng al- I reaxaaa tfj jast vpng" to JXae sp ready pat up the sbuUers. lacked tb J with tba pso soakars. Coatrsct ba4 noor 01 nia aaop si . ieasx in nour t , -V . "m i v - before the usuAl thna-snd hastened ooinh fPJ. EstaA along the road In the direction of Urvj to ba4 adrio, spaai 'tJX yoa eaa sn4 WaUss abode.sUv .r-.,-. , run ia debt, twsH sroaad sa4 a tha : Oa reaching it be turned sad walked I . , 7 A 1 ' slowly back toward the pier, which the d? JbA k 2 o ta IliUliuiltitr'liUSUi cn'iGjatSvs, y steamer bad now left. - .1 ' ;Ehe'a a .lang time cotnlnV h aaid to himself. -. "Maybe she's no com la' the nlcht efter a. -Obv'mer Eamual Ogilvy, ye're Jlst a-nopdeacrlpt alo compoopr ., '.;; - - . : He retraced his steps , to thacottsgs and again set out toward the pier. Rev era! people' from the' steamer passed .him, while be pretended to be absorbed by the view orer tha sea walL ' . -But at last the looked for figure cam dimly in view, and thereupon air. Ogil vy lost bis bead. t . - i --"Oh,-I hope "shell no see mer he groaned and gased steadily scroes the loch..;.- . "-'':.,-...v- -.L Mrs. Wallace came-through th dusk and halted behind -him. "1 that you, Malster Ogirryr she said,' and there was something in her voice that added to the grocer's discomfort. ' "Is that yoa, Mr. Ogilvy f she repeated before be nerved himself to turn and face her. ' Aye, ifs'Jlst'me, Mlatreaa'ValUce. It If a. flue nlcbt " " : Jlf M a nolchtsb rtplledV,a fiae uicht fur phinalurtb ibIMa tec Ogilvy t Whit d'ye mean shottla yer shop afore the timTT"V , ".-rWss; ye wsDtia somethltfT . h stammered. ,; . ' -"Aye, wis. II An when I eam' sff the boat an' gaed to the shop here th door shut, sn' the palrfy that and ha'e kep it open galllvantta aboot like a young yinF --J. " . ' " Aw, Mistress- ;iu: -.- '.; i "Aye; ye're a floe yln to keep a shop! An me yer best customer f cried Mr. sura as aSaet b th molt cf YottH bava soo4 tiaa iottaa jaarfl and a bad CAV tJtvhSj. Ba and daatt snJ aaosto&bal tha Ui! may ba larr. fna sad aplaadid sol jroa-E; XsiP 'PK'P'- . 1. , . . .. . Var Sm mmrUmmm to tka Urt y as iWrt rkMalhtMlMlrab am ilasia Swtaa Ukrv FEI,IfUE LODISBURG rff fi;;fi -Fr' DULDO. Taypsaa-I a.- tBiMtlmatszxjrorlU. to tUOO aith rsla. It pistthaa agloa ecisalts AUaaBroC. Das Ok sai aw aovk CarrWr r tU k4 sir Botl by Itt, 4Ms.X,C JACOB EVANS. Taoummn - The FstJ rWloa of Ut ItrtlUUo, CWt ef IW Oldest In tkt Puu w4n Uria wa "SEPTEMBER 6TH, I 35 scnno aiwsyt tooka asost sttrao-l thrs wbaa it b to biu to frra Itv ;J20MID !10B Iim . Qtv sea yoar'patrvaafa and JhiaWrtaJri Cocrt JUmdy Ahli - EEPAIE1SQ A ETEdlLTTi Xaur,, afadlataaathai aldeftatsjta saalsar affestaL CaCiaorlalaw Oaatsa aa this piaa. - It slier U eatgh, rail laars. sUa sipsats I . a n 1 fwrrv urn TVs rt sa4 tttasaa C!r-e t alU tbf It lcaU4 Uivh'l alftad f rt ; ta t)f re jtd 'stsUl AU lis a4rst Ua sad oatst Utaa a easst t aa. BoardCarfd Tuitipnj ta iMtoilar- t rrtsr ta AiiDraa haaUiy aeadiUea. 64 ay Batter' b b ta ba alia to frieods thaa'tobalil a fioaaes. Pss-Taass-s-oi . " '' (aW MJla st ladratt 'TtalaaC" ITl4V-i4 CaLUxtFst sbtWUaeu frf-lxasfMja. t Isdlraatka aabrly si says ihdarhs tha Aad itmht I1 ataaa taa 1 BETTIR hx- s; DAVIS,. A. LL, PEESEDENT atlVwikx nwaj msMimH I - aseauy ara ty c:; taenia's sah sad Lira Irta, ! Dtsggsa. Vet sal by AS - ' . " - , oo tht dsty rxfAL:"; Repaataooa 3oer not mats th pow. a as J a-T1 awasMsJa 1 V UWaja sad - a Xastry Wttaoo racy. -I Bad CisMila Uvat TatJsta ssate ssset say other rsiedy Ir a4 far Vxm. aah traaaK" aa ya f, KJasa, af Bdata, 0. Tor say aiaor' cc ta bUla sea viiWat Drsggtsta, . sJUa, thaTsUB. yc sa ay All atfeeai 1 Ita I I i li li . 1., Aii' I taurt i 4b4 MMrttMH. a sOat aaia a a tM. - WVt tt laai tea UaasaaL 1 Wr4 aa r LatTBa - ' Tobacco twin 20c, ?:-w ...... ,u- '-- Nswkif Urttntm lea , Oaasa Frter.sJa. 8,4 Can4 I cu. Xos cream salt, km pkka, ka shavers, lemon sqoeessrs at p. t. uicxs'. ; Pratta roo4.PraU ebJcim pow- Nkeatllfcka'.'r-v . . .: nr4lwnUtM. rt ttaaaaotiaa bar w I n j" aArtak aaar a4 It. 1 1 rNa Ufa, bars: r(. paiat ta 1 1 Uia. Srt UH aa4ha v asi inkaadaaaatataa SW ba M ' - Mt kaa to aa ap tVa rtt af Hurt 1 a atarWaaa IS4 t7taaaa Hai TVia afrcHaaai fea tor ol tU'i mm" is "at'ua Ur atoa TtoMT fiiaiiraf Sa niaia to tWtofUd tto Ur aW aoatH, a4 mmmf m a ton Ltoa Ito ra ITMoaMtk Chaa. a. taytor, Fiasj-Waaa . a, w. xn (Oouaaa, SMUajM.'ssteca, W Hh'; but;; DsvlO- she' began and Stopped lest she should say too much.' Suddenly V be; turned : toward "hr. "VtVi ( hMr wlfs man at ha A yr aunt, comes Into tb sbop, j clslmed. sea, ha Winna let ya thiak h a 1 flrajwsa maybe a guld thing., it In" said Jess, flicking aom specks of dust front her husband's Jacket collar. "Aw. h sr stairts to work' wben yoa or for y AINIBalaSUw; ta sn B lAJUWBOOOa, JS . atiobjiit' AT x-P-:p 4 ta Ops Boast sallaug Oesrt stress ail legal business tat"?. aiU resaivs prompt aadssrsfsl stteatia IVf hod(;::;'';-; COMTRaCTOB as JBOIUXB " : Pjtimnnaa i: aV "' rtaalac Meat foralt ktotoif a?'a ZSSu MsatiasaaA TUas. Ar--uaSsPaslaaa aabittf 1 t, HOTLO. OoAd aaaosaodala ICX -isav 1 done, bat ha asually dis toe wrsag thing, , sn'-an' if a gey Tprovoionr whiles.' - - '- - -- . ' vxa It la. PaVia. Butaa't yoa giv him his own work to dor ! v Z "Ava. .'Bnt-Jia fowete -an: tarns sleepy-like, sn forbya that ha diana see yeraweeL - Wa maaa Jlst thole wF his weys an' da th best we eaa for him, an' J maun keep mA temper wf him, for. to tell y the' truth, ma dear, I m ' : K.' ' A AAA-' : akAn -.ariKHnTj .VDOIUI iw -awa- w: him. Weel. well rang noe,". - "Bat,- aaid Jess "when they had started on the way homc ow would It do to put him to work In, tb gsr-denr- Ehe half smiled, unable to keep from thlnklnit that the suggestioa, wss A briiiiant one. I .v x "pi 1 - p1' - "Na, oar' came the aeaaea: repiy. "The ftlrdeo' been aeglectit; enough this whU,bak wl'op pittia a maa ea to It that wad apya it-rui3 f-ti-r. I suppose ya waa azr - r ? - ' ' -; -v ."7Vperhspn. I was, she repUea. tryisy not to lock issppolnted, : -X thosht thst Tor if Anms had bee ony gSJ at Co giljrjnia I wJ . h'a had him at It liKX syne. If a a 0o4UffcTrAttt!bl ! r- has bees ii sine tie f r'ste j, T iveir mind. Pat t "Tea US a lliSSSHEUECr EOTlL J 1 Mautweatocycr ZVcr2 i 'HnriiimcrTs rr. c r:; 1 f - r 1 - hard C-1 and yea ct V tz t K m everybody's prou4 Cf foa." 14JltI" rriT wrra!y. "I bo?r hsrl It titt t-t r yo-" ! " ' , ,v . , T; 1 It was f tad as a' Cat Arj I . J i "tir ,1 wt 1 pew ha'e teen I t- IX II i ia ces- - wss a guld thing because o yerser, ma r "Bot, 'Davie," ; aha ssld, breaking ' a long silcfica, auppoJng tha shop hadn't been tawSHS'P-M "1 wnd ha been dune for. ;rine I kea-'thatt?-'rrv'?''j;?3 rBut waif a minute. - Supposing the shop hsdht been Insured sad suppos Injt rou ' hada't ieea married, - what would yoa have' done rV "Tbat'a a question.' . he said, smiling. " "Would -:yoa ' hsv become a : gar-daaertua:- &yZ3 -S:: : - "Ts iaeaa a galrdener to aom gen tleman T he said after a pause. -:-.; . . "Yes-i-I suppose soJ!'.KJ''-jv-":-:': 7 " NaT' he rapUed. firmly. - !. -f ' ; ouidn't your she- cried, greatly aarprhMd. -5."Whyr?- ..r y . - . . "Wee" Jess, If I wss to be a galrden er I wu4 want ma sin gsirden. D'ye seer -., " - . ' - Ehe tft23ad gravely. - "I see, Davie. n wad Uk a'-p'tpe. Kke Pavison'a aanary.'V 2 - J- ' ..' '. "I tsow." she marmond,- "I would le that too.- - S- . . - "Wd ye, tassr he cried., "Weel, Ifs JUt Uke yer. to Sympathise wf yer man even in hia laftiik dreams. But here we are, anrrmahalr ye're wearyin' for yy Uifnv'ul 2-5 : C pushed Open tha gat of Ilasel Cottage, sad they went up th path to gether la the shine of the autumn sun- Jrt . .?:: '!'- -'Davis,' sts Mid earnestly, "you're rrt to f arret ocr cariea altosether." TTrsl, t y tZP tnzzr t rsv ;yf lf that ypK-Mfl OgOy t 'l Wallace, '!ut dlnna'let me keep ye frae yer appintment. she added, with an unkind chuckle. -r, '-. ' ' . ' ..; -1? ' ' "I I've "1 nae appintment; Mistreea Wallace," ho returned desperately. . "1 jlst cam oot to to -' f "Oh, Tm: W-wanUn to ken her name, "Well be hearin' lt In the kirk shin, as dooLT..iv',,.i- :":,'vi" -j-y ,r . :.".: maun ha'e yer' Joke,-" BCrstresa Wallace," said Mr. Ogilvy, with a very feeble grin.. .V'.'V-.V-v " .. fAye, Jlst as you maun ha'e yer Jen ny, retorted bis "best customer" with another chuckle., r - ; - ' The poor grocer stood speechless. ' i' ."Weel,', said Mrs.; Wsllac st last; and "her voice "was 'kindly,'. "I dldna gang to the shop the niebt to buy but to.pey.1 wsntit to iri'e ye back the sOler ye lent me swhlle syne.' It sod ha'e been-in yer pooch -sf ore this, an I'm vexed U'wlsna. But there it la, sn thenk ye furthlen o' it Jls'er J Taking a: packet from her underskirt pocket, Mrs. Wallace handed it to Mr. ogiivy. ;'7".rrv'.? - : ' :-:;,: -' '."Are-.ye shalr ye're no needln Ttr he asked awkwardly. r';- - -Na, na,.man. 5 I'm no needln' It, an r V(tqbb coxtksckd.) . " ; ' Oats, eors, aav. sad faed. asaaL i Sa lop pataat Aaaa, saagaelU saratght tVsar, suvarktsfk raiat aoag. at priaasU Jao. W. Ujr A fall ilia af astapW straw VaU, hi cX TVs Veal Hm 1 U pis tfhisa aa4 Klyf?t ever t-raag V, y Uaa . . v, 1 " pa mr iki-a tactoa I o ta pankaJr 1 W nmi tot aa wart a aaAaatariory. - a pa aa a a a tstoL Tea a af .Tf 1 Aa Ta HEAU .. SEADOARD AIR at cost. . A alee let of Ueisisc al arKlallr Va '- CJ at f'U ILay, ar, eAipUalUMlca;Haa . '. ' .. i - Call sad aea aa a ad ut xcuatUa ta fUsa yra. LINE , Y. P. NEAL l C0. 1 ,.."- - RAILfJAY ull ri;ME:s:aT- llifEIDllTIiiDllLOI!! 1 WAGONS CPrCOYIVC APWi. tOTH. ,105, 5fnnrn ilrinr. Plnnrinor nnri HiirT JlUUlil UIIUU llUUIIilH, Uliu . Wtaiin, .1. " Qood sdtiee to women. . It' yoa wast a be toUfol eompretlou.elsr skia, brl7hl eyst rd llpe, rood health, take ilollis tsr's Rcekr UcnBtala Ta. Tbr is aothtss: like it. S5 eeats, Ta or Ti:t B. A. BobbUt A Co. 113 6 10 pa a.to VS20 . pa- 29 9.LS ta - Lt FiaakUstda At. LooLlrj; -i "340 Ar.,Y&13 L?.V.0 aa 123 II :i ma- Pa. H EAVY . and. FA N C Y 5 - vdliOCisriiEs. . ;!;; The modem oonscienca a maJe with a lever tor throw it out of gear "ITs r:3esnec.j with Ehot-Plj f:f Jil tti'I rt i-l r.i':!;h - Ko. 3 e;2t:. cl'.h n'cil:t3 had 1 fct ha lUlUtt polnta Ilcrlh til a:i -Xa Etsamstif m. pont. backicbe, ic'i poi o 1. sre renlts of kiney troabl. llollls- ters Rocky MoncUia-Te po dircLly i to the seat of th dUnasa s&d ara vbem slle'ifalli. C5eecta. E,A.IkLl'.:A Irv S:3t:::::'i with ITa. 2 f.r 'XU't!; f:ti.. tljsto Mr fcr eta trU:7al Vr'Jo3." atl a Fall Uiz of S!;;:s. - -: - ' - THE GREEN Cc Y:KEORO C c. Oa . C att , C .... anji ax.- 'Co. . "

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