V" ' r :- - : L 1.. ' jas. A. THM, Eflllor i:l TrrSzu -A .U.'H I 1 OO'U JM 'JL' X r a' H, 1 I CI?-- YOU XXXV, 7 X I lAUi .... - ,. y- t - , .- I ... .. ...... v .5, , ;v' .'LOUISBUEG, H.;C FRIDAY, CHURCH DIREOXOB' MSTHODUrf. ' ' 1" f good School et :30 A. It.' ' Pwaaaing at 11 A. at. and 8 80 r. 1L '"ISlla, WdaesdAyi ' THOB.B. wiuaa, 8?t r PrMhiaR at 11 and 8:30 iVlL, pr"r mating Tbrdar BTUOOPAL. "J daadaj School a a0n jj . -1 rTUw. moraio and? aigh - t. ard od 4th BaadAff. -Kfaiag Prayer, Friday fUiMO, ttv. J oils LosDOH( Baetof.' c - - rr?. .-.;-iJ1 paaBBmaiAV. - ' . , -J rirTtoa 4th Sondaf in Moh BMtk ..ii And nlirht. ' . ', . - ( , PmU. A. jM., owtti W aad( , 8r4 cdj ITT TTIMII Mini ---- ill HtC 4 '. Author of "Wii rtiliiiii--Hri. Metric.- Xt W S -f J - "J. V. -Vi. I'm -"- - r7 ."u- x.. , -.. If it """" ii-o tbanonal I. T. Saithwiek. C H. Baato. OM1THWICK & BANKS. DENTISTS, . - -; Louisboru, M. U v t ) Are ia HteM Baildiug, Mala Btrect. I'm no cold at thcnkW foIk ttimtf compliment, bat I tell y I'm oblaeged ta.ye for yeirsheh ! caa coont It when ye get hame, an' If T fin a.bav bee ower mony ye can keep tt of gfe It to yet Jenny. SHa, hatf nid nlcht. Aiaisier.usfivy. ' rm wantUCnxa tea.V: -"Jttlstrear, Wallace! Mlstreas Wal lace rhe exclaimed aV ahajpsTed for- i A-rvveeV Alaijtet OxnrrT J --v : "li Tra ut waatln' , to say that- that ainaye i readyan' wttlln'-ie da enythln. to serve you-' or yoara. a It were." ' 11 "71 - -I believe e, Malater OrUTy, she returned. ir"An' 111 tKrTurzet whit i-itAcmciflaPHTSicuM ah ffraaiOM. ye're dime. An'-WeeL gnld nleht again, 1 lace. ahorUy" . Maigter OgJlvy." - f , "He's lukin' a Tbe grocer wanted to accompany her, bat he lacked th moorage, and aft h turned jiad went alowlr lav 4he other direction. "Samoel OgilTy," he ad dressed himself moodily-i "ye're a peeti f p spectacler :.. ' . sf "D'ye Imean ahe'll no grow pr ". ;Och,-; ahe'll grownup. If an . doesna get mntlocttLtr. . ' . TahI '.When I want yer adrfce. 111 sk ye far 1L" , :V -J : I hope yeTl no ..come aakln when itfa ower -'late,-be retorted. "Hooever, there's aye a chance o' yer alec "bring inl up the wean in spite V ye. fWe maun hope for the best."--1-'- 'tr- iV: '' What Mrs; Wallace waa going to re ply and at ., was doubtleaau something exceedingly crushing -waa prerented Ty a new arrirak ' ' 5 r "Here's OgilTy comln'i'V said Angus, looking round ; the : corner of th cot- Uge- !Whafll be be wantin'rl Teibest aak'hlin,-;ald Mrs. Wal' I J. J, MANN, , PHYSICIAN and BURQEON, LOUI8BCBO, M. O. ortr Ajcocke Drag Co.'drgaiora J K. S. P. BDBT, r aacnoura rHfsiciAB ajto wmIM. Louiaburg, N. C. UAm la th rear of K. A. Bobhltt Cu.' Drag Htnrw, on Naau utrerfc. H. B. P. TARByKuDQtl. - PUT8IOIAM AND 8DRQ0. Sod Sooz Ni bolhUac, huu7t. 4 Xroua 1. W. Blktrs D E. QOKDON LEE SCHEFFEB, lotnaBti&o. - sr. c fioeetMor to Dr. Arthnr Byws Wl mtag note io oi Hiiuik(. av ataaBCHBQRa ATTOBJIKT AT 1 WUI laalltt Oomrt f a OomiX Momam. w M. w. bodSie, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, v LOOIBBITBO, N. C. Offlc otw Boddto, BobbUt A Co.'s drag w u. HAYWOOD BtFFIN. ATTOERCT-AXAAW, wui wmUm 1b all ta uoarw px iii xltutalaii widUm, alo la ta art. ao4ia Um United UlaUm oetoa la uooper aa4 OUztea naoc a. wrLpaa, . ATTOKJrT-AT-LAW, Mvuanrma.a.. - oU am Mala strt, rrax Joas (on. B.SPBUILL. arromjiaT-AT-LAW, lovwvbo, a. a . will attaaa tka eoarta of PtaaaBa. wi ann.ni. Wumi and Wak a iumm Oomrt of MUi rnaat attaatioll KITMI tO um acorwa'a Btora. p w.Bioxjm, ATToajigT ajtd oooHsaixpm At law; : aeetaavM a.,.'" rropt aat palflataklaa- attoiitloa tvB to Cktof Jmattea Bhepherd, Keav . a dk ur. wtiuton. Hoav i. C. ataalo. Pm. Pt"t jiaaonai jau v "-r a " okaa. a. Tarvtr, ptm. Wake ae MtOotlll fi V WT rimbwUA. - Wi '5. UTMft. l infamy ":Jf ? I l afl eeeits. Osjeawai yy gAJMObtraH,i., - AnOSHCYATLAW, w nmtnnrtta.-m.a. Ofltoa ia dpra Hoaaa baUdlag, Ooaristaast in Kniinui " latrastea w win raMir prompt and earexal kXat F. HOOCK, CON TKaCTOB asb .BUILDBB," LOUIBBUBa, x. o. , "Si ft - $ Trnc or an kinds n 1 1 it mi raiiainiii' hotels; -?UAHlLl!iTOII ZZZZl qoi aeaosaedttm tot tte trr;U Mia. - . - . ,J v' " ooiUrryAUW ' - ItiSSMBUEG HOTEL CHAPTJSRTIIL" BOltB TBTKITDB AHO AIT ZHXHT. l!?OTHEB May haoVcoBje-'and ( the afternoon v sunshine fell - warmly on the. south gable' of i - Haael Cottage. . T- - - -' Old Angus" blinked drowsily ; " and slightly altered his position on the see tion of a log; which -served him. for a seat when Mrs. Wallace, who for the last half hour had been, marching-up And down the path ;with her niece's baby in her arms, satdown en the low chair that had been, broughtifrom the parlor for her knrenience nd care fully adjusted the- lnf an t'a: garments and placed; her umbrella-in proper pe sitlon. - TbeiC the child showing signs of waking up, Mr. Wallace-Igan ta croon softly and persuasively. If not al together tufully, th ancient, brief and simple ditty--? 4 ; ' : shoo shirsT wr th siW :t ' Mammy's pet aa daddjr'e ln which she repeated until it had the de- sired effect.' - . ' ' ' Is't sleepln'r Inquired Angus, tak ing out his pipe and, having cautiously removed , the plug of newspaper, peer ing regretfully at "the remnant of to bacco left in the bowL , "Aye, she's sleepin', the daurlin','' Mrs; Wallace replied tenderly, looking down on her charge and gently remov ing the edge of the shawl from the tiny mouth. . ";-"V'v''-'s " twa-thinldn ye ,w ahin haV the wean suffocatit if ye dtdn watch oot."' the eld man-. remarked, , feeling in bis walsteoat pocket for a match. "If a a mercy It doesna need aa muekle brelth g masel'. '" "Man, sy " wudna need aa muekle brelth if ye kep yer meotb shut,' re torted Mrs. Wallace, Adding, "Ye waste the biggest: bauf . o yer breith on yer stuplt aaybare..-''.'-- v : Angus did not answer till he bad Ht bis pipe.: r . . ' ' Weel, miatress, he said slowly, "ifs no' for me to instruct ye" r " 'Deed, ye're richt theref -- v ;."But I doot Ifs no gettin' suffeeclent fresh air to gar it grow nice." - ... "I'll fresh air yer . . : "Never mind me. X ean fresh air masel, thenk ye kindly. I'm shair ye wad be vexed if it growed up nippit n' peely-wally." - "Peely-wally r exclaimed Mrs. Wal lace Indignantly. "Aa' her the stur diest lass that ever Oh; ye aald foot er, ye're waukened her agalnr - - "I dinna, ? It wai yerser, mistress. Yer Vice la shairper nor misea." - ' "Hand yer ' tongue r she muttered end aet about aoothing the little one With crooning and caresses, while An gus grinned behind his pipe, at first la an irritating, but presently fe-eaoxe sympathetic manner. 1 . , - Unfortunately Mrs.Wallac'-xt remark was not a conciliatory ene. " "Ye mfebt think shame o yerser, An gus, comin here an' disturbing the wean. To hear ye speakin, onybody wad think ye wiri sellin' herrnV . "Ha, bar laughed Angus, softly but sarcastically. "I was Jist thinkln'the hoor mistress, that if ye kent enither sang "ye mlcht try singm; roon' the doorswhen the simmer f veesltors is here. Eh?" I .- s - 'j. , v- Mrs. Wallace smiled (in- a way that - made the "old man feef he had missed getting, the last word.' . " - -Cr. , i.'JD'ye no think1 1 wud dae better wf: A hardy gurdy she -eaid slowly, ee tn I've a monkey there already r Angus grinned feebly and sucked at bis pipe as If for Inspiration. ; , X . Urs. Wallace Remitted a'low buckle of triumph and beamed down en the sleeping! child as much as tejwy, -"W bad him there, ma dearier ? - Angus writhed on bis seat in his de sire to pay her baek. and puffed nerv- OUSly. - rt 7 r J ' v 'S-rl'T Another low chuckle came from Mrs. WaJace, and, the old man ? writhed again. , : . - ' . ? Ye think yete awf ur smairt, said Angus at last with biting bony-In bis ton ' t - "' ' ' "Navna,nehe returned modestly. "I Jlst, try .tosult the compny. Tnt In. There isna ony great need fur smairt Hess the noo, ye ken.': -? v -"Ye're aye thinkln' o" W he retorted,. indicating the Jbaby with the stem of bis pipe, t Z . . . , .... . .That's somethin' worth thlnkin' oV sheTeJolned. "But ye ken weel enough, she's a lassie, an ye nee&aa be aye rtfarrhV t ber as It-1 -r : - ."WeeL see, mlstirssa, Tni aye fbinkln V tns peety e It bela UkIm that X eanna" 5" - "An, whif s wrang wf it I mean her bein' a latawr Mrs. Wallace fiercely demanded. ' "f ' 4 "Aw, if ajisf a peaty tt watna a tad. die. If it tad been a tadil it miefct grow istil a cin a dacent Ban Hit its faytbtr,'!. ; - ' - Xf she grows intil a daewt wnsa nan llie lier Dither tia'U 6t taP--; "Ifl" ' ; ' V unco spruce in bis 8aw bath, claeev- 1 never seen him dressed on a haut holiday afore I suppose I iman iu ium tr eumt ruua nerv. -) Ye best tell him David and Jess are awa to - Kilmabegv. an they'll no - be bame tni tea time," said. Mrs. Wallace. "Ayei But I'll tell bim ; ye're here yerseT. - I'll get him for a witness that ye're saffocatin the wean, mistress."' With" a grin on hlsface Angus, tod' died away to. meet the grocer, who was coming- slowly up the path. toward the porch. .Mr. Ogilvy'a eyes were modest turned the other kindly.-although the trick was far from novel. t "AweeU'U wed be a peetylto wait It" C And the . tobacco " be. semd . t shut with a anap of aa Olfaction. ITtv lng' set hi - pip ' a-gotag. A.ogna a a-. iKMiAced " hia - intention -of--Aenartlnr. brocht aa': dinna suffocate, the wrt h said to Mrs. WaTac. offerinx "tM latter instruction with a grto. "Dinna forget to gr UaUter Ogilry back his tobacco," ah retorted sharply. :"I was Jlst gaaa to gr It back wbu y Spos," said Aagu in oaue cvnfu slen,' producing th plug which h had dropped lat hi pocket along with, the tobacco box. Y sod try te learn te mind yer ala " buslBeas. mlstresa, be added ia en aggrieved ton. r , " ' . -' "Angus soaea ba' his bit joke," in terposed Mr. Ogilvy pacifically as he recetved bis property, "He baa naTe in tentkm o insultln ye, a it were." Aa' seeln', he's, gaun "along - th road. XU Jlst gangiwT bim," be said, TiMng sud denly as if stricken by A new fear. Mrs Wallae smiled ekindly. "I It time yf .wis gaun meet her 7" infroireo. , -vi coursa ye manna Ac- p lrwaitia,.'-;TT"'-r -J--.- '-.-- . Th grocer' (fairly .wriggWd. "I 1 lm no- gaua to meet otfybody T be ex-claimed."?- i4 f"?i ru f ;- ' - rWeeV ait ye'deon an rest '-ye," said abe.- "1 want toapeak lev ye Aboot soinhla. Mitr,OgUvy'she added in an undrtonv, i-:Y.--?il A 'tin -1 Aftete brief period of UeculaoMr Ogilvy resumed bis V ftodi&ag In a aalTLShsTaed faahioe- to Aagua, who, being afraid lest Mrs. Wallace shoeJd eoof ovad aiat at th last mmaent. tanr ed and took, bia departure, a thin, dry smile hovering about bis ltp,r - v - -esudniletlum xa$K free wf yet tooacce.7 Mrs. "Wallace -remarked to the grocer. ."He's no nedin'hairity since his slsterdsed." V x- -" -'t- . t)h, X ken that nne, Utstre4a Wal lace. But, ye seevlfs deefflcult to get oot o a bad habit when ye're a old. A l.-.s ba: ' LTAYS :UADS- UOZZ UAFPT. , . n r :9 ston,- in "New l.urdi yanl, bears tLiaLmf , fc-a alwiji mill Lorss s.'.vs a exciaasrA. t " . Tl'i t t h wis eane-l be reave I h-s!ian4f after akty ,jcah 1 cf we'.!H.fe.k II might have salt of Via d xtSi wi?e,!i' VaT" botIf al and b Nxrr. jllebl, and so orQvuat to aociet, iml yet not s'k1 she taad h(?me happj.'- II might bar adieJ, ah was a Christian And not Lav bean lt to say, She always made boms What a rare cotnbiatfJon ol vixtaaA and j-rtces this wife n.l mother moat hare k5jc3. "How wWljr ah raujf, tare rJercl her hVuaor; Io wlat a t' r. j aLe tnr.it havi. pc-cd her ;uil How tc ' T vT. ::y rJt Lav Hifieri llio w UiiJluT . aaI ti b M'. Oow It : turned ffronndward and an v. one following him would have seen that his rAngus canna beip tryin to get. his to- big Jingers were working convulsively bacco for naetain', an I canna" belp behind his back i "This: is a fine day, Maister OgUvy r -said Angus.-'1'-- -. ' "Eh? Oh, aye, if a a fine day a fine day,"-the other stammered, for be had not expected to encouater the eld man at Hazel C!ottageH f.is.i-' f "Ye'll be wantinr to see Davidf inay be?" said Angus, ' " " '-'.i "Aye."- -The word ame with eni ef f ortv and the grocer said In JUs heart, "Samuel Ogilvy,-ye're: a leearr . . "AweeL ye'll noeee David -the boo. He's 'awa wi: the wife to KUmabeg. Its ijaeer ye didna see them gaun by the shop, Maister OgUvy." Mr. Ogilvy, his face-on .fire,, forced an Incoherent ireply and "then, recover ing himself , said, as carelessly as. be could: "Weel, weeV it wasna onythm important. ril eee hlm . the morn." And be made to depart. . '-, "Bide a; wee, , bide a wee,' Maister Ogilvy," Angus interposed. - rYere no gaon awa'rwi'oot speakin io Mistress ;Wallace. : Blie's ' sittinf y wT .the wean TOonj torner4.!ome awa. aa' yeH maybe get jdandHn the' wee yin."; - is . "IT1 eoate aaltheT-time.-Aagw. 1 ra kbtT e pressed for;tim. as I werea grocer returaed.-?.:'v. Och, ye can bide twa-tbree.saeentts en tak' a smoke,", said Aague plea anthV, looking at bis own mpty pip and thinking of his Own empty tobacco box . ' -, J ; "No, 111 no' bide the day. X was thlnkin o' gaun to; the shop an gettin a wheen things tidied up, seeln' the 'place Is quate an' naebody aboot. Jlst gi'e ma respec'a to" . '. "Ye're shalrlyno gaun to tidy up things wf yer guid claes eni" th old fellow interrupted." "Come awa'- an see Mistress - Wallace - or yell maybe offend ber. - She seen ye comlnin at the gate.- -;'.cv"; ' ; v--. "Did she?" said the 'grocer, feebly: "W-was she surprised to se me, think ye?" he inquired. nervously. -. . -:.?, -r. - Before Angus coujd speak; Mrs Wal lace was heard calling y;y ; - "Is -that you, Maister OgUvy I ' -"Aye, Ifs jist me," be replied with out moving. ..- ' z . '. - "Weel, come herel. X want to speak "Come awa'.said Angus. "Ye dinna heed, to dandle the wean unless ye like. Come awa, Maister Ogilvy. v - w- ' . The grocery on anything but Byktg feet, followed Angus round the corner of the cottage. A - ' A. r. ' .. - "My, but ye're a masher the day r cried Mrs.. Wallace jocularly. "I sup Dose ye're jlst on yer reed to meet ber?7- - v - " J "Aw , Mistress , Wallace. Ae mur mured removing his felt bat and wip ing his forehead, on which a deep red line Was visible, -'-"j - jr. - ! i "Yer hat's ower wee fur ye," she ob served - as he iqueezed , it on again. YeU v be daelng i' yer ' held . an injury, Maister Ogilvy - la't a new hatTT v .'. vAye.:-As ye say, lfs ower1 wee. "Cl got Geordie Harvey to buy it for me When he was at the toon," an be- forgot ma else an' bad Jlst to, guess ;lt- But rve - seen arwaur- guess, an' Geordto says if I weer It twa-three Bawbatha tfll fit like a glove. -I'll thole It in the meantime, onywey, as ft were.? Here Mr. OgUvy stopped: abruptly, as one stops on suddenly, -realising that one has been talking for the simple sake of doing so. . , --; c- - - s"- - Ye maun be" gnid at" the tbolln,", said Mrs Wallace. "Ye're like a lassie at a pairtyi wr sma , slippers on big feet." " " "'"- ' 4aV ha, bar laughed ' AngusT' A lassie wf big feet U thole onythinT -r "Hand: yer tongue or ye'll wauken the baby,again. Weel, Maister Ogil vy, she continued genlaUy, ,fif ifs no' Jist time furyer appintment ye .best tak a sate an bae a sinok an rest ye,-furTere luxin as u, ye wua mit an rin doon the gairden intil the Sea like lava frae a burnta mountain. -MDee6Vifs uncdmmon warm for .the season o the year, said the grocer, 'seating himself on a" stumpy "an to tell yebe truth; Mistress Wallace, I'm a wee bit decomposed wT the beat" t: He prods eed bis pipe, a plug of to bacco and Ala knife, whD eld, Argus ostentatiensly drew torfb a baltired little tin box, opened if and signed ab sently bat quit audibly : . :.. "Are ye, for a smoke, Angus T Mr, Ogilvy inquired when be bad cut blnv Mlf SB. - ' Tm so' beedln', tmt XT1 Uk yla Jiai to keep ye comp'ny," said Aoxns oblig iaztv as be recelred the plug from the grocer. "Tin a stuplt buddy," he said. tpolojetically two minutes later. - TY c?t wct plenty for ci p!?t," Ca'a r gfein bim it.. But 111 no daet again Jf ye dinna like ttr -. "Ocb. ,Ifs naedds to o if ye -arU gfebV bim yer bale sbope. Bu thaf s no the thing I wk waatin to speak to y aboot . I wi,watin to tU y that Angus cam'; here the 'day. wf. a story . aboot a. new Jiner stalrtln- b Kinlochan. Ha'v ye beaM oaythin' aboot tkatr : . .--.c ;. "Aye," aald Mc OgUvy. v . . ' "An' whit wey did ye pe tell ar ' "I Jut heard th the rumor; be to speak, th day." X was gaaa to speak te ye shoot it itye badaa meatlooed It" uav ray rax ia is seportr T 4eeg tbere la. Ia fac! X kea there is, -XfS twiywac men frae Xaistey thaf s gaun to et -up ta nalocbAB, an I bea they're vera poabhT' young-toen. ; "IT1 push thenar mattered Mrs. Wal lace angrily. ' " t -,7-. ;. . " ."But y -naednV b f eart for David HutovVMr , Ogilvy . .contlnuWL. !Theyll no hurt blm. .H'e ower weel wf the folk here aoadsy.' - ?l wudna be ewer shair .-ef that Wait aboot a' th asw, boose' thaf "X d-da 'think e . tttt"-Jelad5u alowir ra' X, dldaa think that The Jiner work thereTJ be-a fine big thonghtf td for tJve ooiniort ITar huAbcnt! dklet seek i bapcL cess la putfie tJaoea beoaoae be found sweeter r aod ' purer enjoyment at lUis children, Wbeo awar not dread to; return- forthere. wa do ptaoe to thetn so dear as borne, Tbare their mother thinking Cof thearo, and praying f oar fthem, longing ' for their corning: x- - - .T. v T tV When tempted, thejr thougbt el hirf WbenT in trouble the remem bered ber kind vol and ber kind ness and ber ready ermpatfiv. AVbia nckthe7 conldoi die awAj-roia tbeir nether.-: ";.! . ' V The wife and moiber"wA not ax empt from th care eocumoa to ber place. -.- She toiled; she suffered dv iLppoirrtibeats and WeatenUnla; ' she wsa Aflicted In ber tpervooa aba wxs'sabmisMjf and . ebeerf ol. The Lord s !will wnccmin t ber. was bar will, and so abe passed away, ieavtof this remembrance behind ber: Sbe alwaja sonde borne bappj.wlf . FIFTY ;GEr ITS 1 ril.n rcn tSc tic cf keifs Lv.J.lcn b -xry rcpii per Cir rtiicn wt pt Lp a -Cnytnl fixe, which b crvout H for n crxrry couK cr cx!i cr tscjjj ai - a Itid . fcf c.Td -arvd dr.lr tn. b oLScr corcrj Lc ;jIa b' jlowtr htilLH cinnol: be fcoill vp In t day. In rich ' cti Scclt'g ; Lrr.Jilon fr.iLitbchltn t a food- is r.o ,- f Paint Yw BsjrtT For 7. to I LOO with , Dmm'i Gloss CsfrW Palsu U veWbaa to (as saor to t&e piat thaa othtrra, to agar, a 4 rlr gk) eqaaL to .aev eotk.. Cold y Aiisa Bres Vo; ' . Tba'darnAnd for lsbe on gowns afid wraps is unabated. - - - '1. ' - .111 K,K j Ckan.berlaAa-' Couxy- Enedt "Aids 'lfll tvt sijj ! Am aleay noaT fff8tttL i;&jbtUtas -Ooeak AUsMdyaetsoatalaplaa.- IiaUeyetke soegk, ralWva the toage aid raUoa. op: the everaUoae. aator . ia rstortrB-tbe svsUst kaalUy eoadlllea. Sold fey AU Irartsts. " The little shoulder cape Is a wbim of fjAbton, And it k prtienlArly saiart in linen. ; i - - ' VcaJjfliailorj. -- ' Cmbbm - ' hmm fart a.4 4 a "old .velvet 1 jd pure - tM - velvety; he test for he prico. fiohl ; - everywhere, call Vfor. I a : 1 o uisb u r iz d i s p e n s 'a ry. Iftulehttrrr m m - A r 4 4 t - ri c -".; ;- -''"On-Everr ; Toncve." - . - i ' CamalionS;'; Roses and Violets.:: ' ; OUR - BPEOIALTY. : f' W iya "f mJ A ttMW Owl I 3 v - . - " atfc tjs iw C sry. '''''''"""' r''BwaBmjmmBBSBaBsaaaaa rin a4 I r oMaia pttm W IW Bal. Ufcktf Aa fTlar Jia. r, , "v " Lei Common' Sense. Be - A57iV (ytaA. t!FAU.iDULDSa?v P7lU.yF.M. TaRf aa4 Trm ,i 1 1. , fcmi aaraUurr aa-4 Tfif lS' Haaaa ,) aj , cnr 4r&e toaU, Tata,f; , tLJvsjfa auaaty LajkdA (aaa 4 U3a Xjfid ---daa. ' - a a yua oci aaw fwre or yy sti Lar fTTUtaaeT eoacaerva ak4rwa. Al ' Use L.rvriv acxj'a , AaW4V,k.ClAj JACOB EVANS. m ots atxiATrm .'Ji-BfflWW'HflS IlISv, RETAISJQ CA. 4 BTIXIaXTT , Otvf me, joer.pedmtAAri":Aad tMTdoa r . ; , . v LION-COFFEE TV wr QUICKER-rni 11 BETTER b-rrrlra, Miit feggre at tObe eAmtaXty MsAa4 4 teetcuw wWre Weld 'Mwe t-M-Urt Sei XXa r-e UU AkOTh lU r- f4 aryWioariaoJUv . ii tnk tsrra aa uuca r aa tkcua csrma, " etttOBtst 1207S COTTTZ 12?. TLrs Is too jctT yrocf cf xrti uLaa tsat vrti-4 , ! fJIAr'.t.n naLlj scrnre a frsU-oew . - (ftcAl a IXk. taaa' tAm 1 1 1 ea "y pi ibiga . ..- . ' r j. ,. aTOClj&CX CnCl CXTt, Tata ft CIA, ni .1 ettk laaialislAl hiiidlliaanaHtttaM T - Io .iS latlIUna''til(iMH 1 f tra it a r Mit t ta wv. Canoe; or Ihocbaia, :J. t ldUrtloa sebrty alwaya-Tsib tk slp sir or Was sad Is efua the sees I of iaeoeaale.-- Maay bav baea par. auaeetlv eared by ChasiWriAls's Uea seh aadUrar Tablet, For sale ay All Draggia, 1 v - ;. X-3 : lliriis roA(3e of dut-KJirwie wopjaa would, not bAva much t foe ? ",A Sraedy Wrtkout sf rr. , -I tad Cbaallam's . fiAoakMb aad Li tar TablaU ator morr WaedeUl tkaa asr othar rOMdy I stir eatd for & S troabU."-aar I. P, Clota, of Xdaa, Ma. ..For say diordr ef tfa stosaaas, biilousaMS or eoaaUpattoa, th TMta are wlthuat a pr. For sal by. All DtugTrtats, J : . SHU WUI giw tart ia a Uad ia r A a i 4 ay 4 looo IW Urm. W. a Uki aJ4 o sard so eUaai a4 eatar aoi4 ewe la. 5 "J it UnU ys wis pntM to mt Aer f? , Job. :1 wudna" like io see it gaun. by David... D'ye, think" he's' beard aboot .the oppoeetkm,"as ltlwrv Mistress Wanace?!: .-- ",'v - -N ; "Na; he hasna'heard yet Ufan'an Jess gaed, ait the day -aa blUbe'an' brisk as bees, like a pair o young ytas Jist like a lad an lass kfore they're "maJjrit; ?i -'.."le mean, . 1 preshume. that they gaed an in a llcht herttt condeetlonrc . e preahumericht-' "Tm ebalr Da id had nae word o the bualneeavr An gus got-tt frae-a men '.wha, beard tt free the factor,- ;. i -v . f 1 beard it free the factor hiaetV It was. only fixed e this morula'. ' But I thocbt David ndchtba' got wind e 't I suppose yTJ toll bim whn be comes hamer. u i;':,"- - - ;t i :"1T1 see.'l 'wla 'thinkln' ye raicbt tell him yerser." ' - r; ?.rr- -. . ' i-Mel-Aw, MistressN Wallacel rm no th yla to break bed new. ' X can na da It In a cheery enough style.- Ms disposeetlon is werelanchoUcal,' an I max the bad news seem waur nor It really -is. - I mlad wba John Camer- ons wlf ran awa sloped, as It wr ma a1 Tobacco twine 20c, Xas terns 6ds atJ; W-Klnga. ,V . . -. .-r New loi Lights In a Ice ''Cream Jmsere, aiaea a, 8, ;4. J, and" 8 qta. Ice crenm aait, ice picks, tea anarere, lemon aqneesera aa L. P". HVcxa. - Prttti Food, Pratt chicken pow. der at HfckaV -v A fall liae f ast straw bale, aircet. Tit Veei Um tf StTS!2f a? 8bw aJ sPr' Vrwilt u u avav rprUc Mk a aaa aa U. fl jj Uwiir a-aaa! rm iwnn a to aaarf ta a' y-ia ifcaa aaiU liaai.ia lafklsi b mmai t mm avaca. iA fvrtk ol IA tira Wa ?in t pnanil IS t pfWIXW Horn Ut IA a-l l U Wf aaT 1 1 miw, m4. aa roata ir IAm taetMa at ttaa, Ikaa Ua l in . . ...- Wa gaaaa ia r t a4 a4 laai, ae a Rat artery. Wae aw7 utv a a irtx Ta ax tavtt to ftafl a4 aa A rkM ta ya Am - a HCAU s A.elre 11 ef CtUt at aferiellf ebeea r Haj, F,rnr, Sblp frtat; al iMt caei tir, Cat ,t X - v- -s v v-t- --'- ....: -A;v.oy.u.iJ;je3u . - - . ' -' . '- - - - v " - Ceil as 3 t at and i w til KaraaVee ia pleaaa raw V; P. HEAL & CO- v W AGO N S wi 'a maa e th akm McMeekia,' a 'brass fseniahcr to -trade, an I was deputlt to Inform John o J;h dlstresain occurrence. - 1 was . near choklt . wT emotion, an it V wf a supreme' ef fort that 4 produced, the unseasonable V "V (TO Bk COXTtXPXP.) ; QodaCvtotaxvoeisa.. If you vast a beaall.'cl eoitrrtfioaWr tils, brtrbl yetrl I'rat rood t2:,i. tilt Colli tar's Lcff Lc-Uia lis. Tlirs ia aothisT irk it. Ii aaBts, Tas cr Titlrta B. A. liottitt Co. r We Have "the ; Goods i tlic Prices Have Si Steam Dried Flooring and Gclin - HEAVY" ; and .- FANCY 2 For la'arenr dtpartQeat tor tUeg !a (papists. We hartbeea ioo bniy to wrlta an ad bat jtra rone atsd taa. ' it GHOOEBIES. 1 ; . XlAxVtiTUti b a tnodlaV xsxterbl for ; Uttl wni f. ; Hirsrst! v, fotli tasiae , tei4 pot in,t ml', cf V.zty troct Kcllta Eeramber w wpa't ba Uaiirtold PieJnoal Floor, Dini forjji wl wast ycer TlgSh CIeXiEi, Hfttri and A1 Prodact 'at Top Prlcea. ?.:.:.,.' ! v la In f t cinrtiy TH2 ALSTON the bfii. I Cesser CO. Bll - Eiqe of Sheas'. THE GREEN YARBORO CO., -1' 1 w litltrticft ii ir ci it r ei.3 1, t4 Meaawedattca , Ceo4 Mat aadatttsyt ftrr:- 1 . . ..

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