- - ' ) jas. A. THtJUAS, Editor tit t;:;.: VOL. XXXWr-r:.: ' .'JL' H hi po u jbjg' Y", Tim st.a.tid tttt Tjosrioisr 7 - ..j .; I0UISBURG;1.; C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1C : . - - -i-ii nn;:r,,. . ;:; i Saaday School eaV.30 JU tt. ' ' ' . Ono. 8. Baku, Soept, Preaehtng at 11 A. ati and 8 S3 a. It wy Saaday. . . . - - . Prayer me.tiag Wednesday ml.t.ri' "gjkS, laiesax, r-t,U SowUr School at 9:30 A.1L f rT.," .-THoe. B. iYiuaa, Cot Preashin? at 11 A.M.. and ft ft V.U.: wary Beaday:i4 -4 . i ,v j Prarar m-teting Thursday BtlVt ti' "... - awaooFAi, ; ,' Saaday Bchool at 9:30. "..'"r '--r,:1 ; Wk. H. Bums. SupV J Services, morning - and night , on tat, 8rd and th Sunday. -- -U feeing Prayer, Friday afUraooa, Kav.ons Jjoboov Kaetor, '""V - ta "-- "- - -" - f - Author of 'Wee Macretfor." ''Mn. Mclerti.- Cte. ............. ........... . . 'yajtsBmouaJi. information. But when I bad f een lahed John Cameron jist drew lang brelth,. an'- a he aald was: iAn" wbat :l are ye. oanla,; abeot, Ogllvy? : Vm iri.k-.rV . "' ' w I t,Un' 7 tWa,'Mlatre8B Wallace,;- to U- ehollcal'dlspoaeetion "I'm inclined for to mk' bad newi waor nor it really 49 j4o exaggerate i am It were. ; I - kb yere a xxar w mam&l DuOdy; moraiac a ad bLrbt. - - , . - 7 Paatot.- Loaiabarr , Lodge, Ho. '13, A. F. a. M. nwu lm aod 3rd .Taaaday alcata la eaaa monta- V.vCs Afro fbfiuaon.nl aauflav? TyrRTeeirMistresa'Wanaea, IT1 apeak to David aboot tbe. new jiaera ttaa Bleh au" 111 drap a hint for him no to uea tion iony thin, to MiBtreaa QonatOB in the meantime.?' I'll tell hint to wait till lie seta the Job for the new hootea.tn' then-gi'a her a nne aarpriaa."--Yer hat haana spiled yer held tfter A liaister OeUrr." aaid lira. Wallace -WciougIyv .?Of :oarae:. Jeaa ia boun' hia chance.' Thcre'a naebody -a touv'a him far gxlX rork. - ' "Ye mlcLt try an' oot i' bu!'. I lirVtbe' hf-oatk' the morn," . aSJ Wallace, "whot.e cpklts were eLuiirj lower and lower. ' . . ril fin" oot the nichtl I'U fin' oot the no If I can. Here's the manse; au 111 apier'at.'tbe -nieenlster.-" 1 ruinJ ylnat aeeln'ihlm crackla wf a.straBso man that "waa measarin' the gran'- fur the: new -booses.' " Jtet . bide - a meeui t. Uistreaa Wallace,, tilt a "rin up to tLc door an. ,r proaecnte inquiries, aa it .wer.; -''.ft .Ci', ' : ,." " .Be. waa not long; absent, and be re toraed somewhatehorf of breath, "but able to- pant: j ; -' . . 1.: : .tThere'B twa-thrce; sentiemen tn tho basineasTbut the chief yin is a Maiatcr D. T. Snithwick.? $, aaka. 'pENTWTS,' ' - . t LOTJlSBOBOi R. O, Office In Hicka Building, MaiirStrwt. 1 said Mrs. Wallace agreeablyrbutW 1 to bear V the" new Jlnera afora lacz. .;,' uiuuii juiu ucitj wiiiwj uut ma lanser iri can Keen n rraa ner neo anthen I thocht ye wnd bethe f the better. But 1 wiaht 1 wiaht Darid heat yin to bring the.bad newa , - " i hadna Btartit the galrdenliT again "Wud It bo. be beat to Bay naethln j hear folk complainto'.. aboot him vf an- jiBt iet ur& nn; oot forldsaerr 1 pcyin attention to hia bB!nes.,- .cTtf fwi Ttw ' ikl.Li.k tifi Xt. i- c ' ' I aa -a . - . - . ;-.,fiaf u ;AiiU2iiuA HJttf W I ; v'AwrWWIi ;IM. iota ME lu3i Lit fctf D R. J. .- MALOHJt, f liAOTiCIHaPHTHlCIAH Al BOaQBOK. booses that'a bringia': thenew Jiners to luniocnan a big Job Hke tbatjwud be a fine stairt fur theih-a,.thBhinner David gets hia .word in wrthe con-" traetor the better. I jist hope he's no ower late aa It ia. Hoo. dae ye, think David wud" staun' : opposeetionl" she Inquired suddenly. s ' -v Mr. - Ogilvy rubbed bis? chin medita tively.',- 'r;r: z. " s ' - . Tirye think It wod.;makaim' strive malrT7 hisi companion askedk; ' . - - Mr. Ogttvy ceased rubbing his chin and took to acratchlng hia 4iose gently with ihiaf middle . finger. "Is he ' no" atrivin the nool" be said at last, I, - Mrs. Wallace shook her head, i "The gairden'a got. the hand f him iagain, n fnrhve thof Wi ain ti'an im' wl' - " - , I this wee dauriin' "she looked down at utU erer Ayepcke Drag Co.a drugstore I the Infant "that whiles Jess canna get him oot the boose till 10 I the morn- Looinaoa.. a. one w Ayeodu Iiag Company. jjR. J. J. MANNr ? PHYSICIAN aad SDRQEON, :- K.8.P,fiUBT, raAOTiaura phtbiciah ahtj BUKoaoa. - LouiflburgN.'Cj " OSW la tlw mr of r R. A. fiobbitt A c.a urag ptre. a n au jJB, B, y. TAJtBOBOUOil, t PRTaiOlAS ARB SUSaROV. . If s no' a great sin to be ta'es np wl bis docbter,? the grocer observed, v ; didna aay.lt wiAiMaister Osdlvy. but It wall be a sin if ;ber AVt Jess baTe to suirer r the fnture," Mrs. Wallace Yetnrned solemnly. She'- patted the child tenderly and wntintaetfj! think a man'a the queereet .thing in, the hale ' creation.. I've leeved a lang while noo, srr" " omam . . V hcmwrsx. firf V. ere r tna mov' put in;Air. .-taVW-aii4eAna.ylawk( gallantly,! JVi 4 -j yer tongne,- pieasej i was "sayin'" Fve leeved a lang while noo, an' I've met twa aorta o' whit ve micht oa TXBL. OOBPO IxEE SCHEFFEBM hODeat, dacent gnttllanI wiidna 1 an'they wndna hurl the malat delkate DEiiTlST. i 7 j twa. There's tbe man that ar pits she wankens.".-- S tvouiBBUBar . - 9. a .1 bla bualnesa afore hia wife anweana, Lk"Jnnb to Sr. Arthur Aofe VitaOag f an there's the man that aye pits his ( and, in spite of an effort te the COB recreation;- "as it .were. An' I diona thmkMistresslBouatouL Uket bimTgi'e in'.up his galrdenln' athegither. An nae doot the news o the opposeetion 11 gar Jbim pit his best fit fttrrit.' -J "Ye're ; rale tender- wT .ttber folk's famns,H said Mrs, "Wallace bait mock' itQgiyf;r. -r"!-? r-'V-t-rrTve.kent David :Honstonvabice be was a laddie,? said the grocer after a panse,:-;gn;T never kent him dee ony-thin-that r wasna falrr an- kmd. Ha never done ?a-dirty ;,, trick" or-behaved shabby to onybody, an' when he, does it'll be time enough fox me to fin fast wl'lbim., r A. ' ' Vr' 4rWeel,vweel, abe aald. er voice softening,: T"ken ye fur a gold freen. Maister Ogilvy, baltb to David an' bib' ear -if.Hj. . " Mr: OgilvyJbowed his bead and eat silent, bis hand tightly daaped - be - tween bis kneeaMSamBef OgUvy,' be .said to himself, carCye no apeak r ? An' I hope?' resumed lira, .Wallace, .ye'U be gnld freen' te thla wee laa- sie here:when: sbe grows Bp t. blfc I ken ye like weans. y sz' "AyejT he aald slmply Presently aa ; idea occurred to him, and he drew from bis pocket- a small package,:. "If a for her,'', he said, indicating the hUdand banding the package to the B,urae.7- . WWt's this?. Inqnired the Utter. , ''OhCJist X 'wheen juJubeaV Mistreea WBllaee.-"'' ."jujubes r. ,1 r-'-Xcs . 'Aye. Theyre,the finest 1b ma abop, eri i., . " I - 1 I 1 I I ' H lii a. L .L'j. r r .b'-'' C4c: : ; W : .pure-old - volvctv iv too 'nu( Judges Ar.3 Juries Tco Quick tp C"'.yrid(;Tlielr''WcrkV ? w (WllmingUa' kfr.er.j . - H "The Ncrfc3lk''Lanlmark anl "tlie Charlestoa Kews and Co'uHer bAva come to the all of i tboee papers In this" State which are "advocating the esUbliaHng of a board of pardoa In order to relieve our rovcrnori of ilifj rery oncroua dutj . f irivead sating almost everj case id.. which a pr9n has been convicted ci gcjjttil crim's. They look s.i the.'.i.iicn. f.-ui aa entirely aoa-jrtL:a tr.l C! '. 'r.? ed- jbtiivlpoIaL " Thc; 'paj?TS alo juatJ j criticise the acuon - cf ,;uJgT3j mankind would havo to Invent milk. - Milk Is Na tura's ''emulsion butter put In shapo for diges tion.' Cod liver oil Is ex tremely nourishing, but It has. to bo-emulsified beforojvye can dfcst It. Scott's Emulsion combine' tho best oil vvlth tho valuable hypo phosphites so thatf It la ca3y-t6-dljc5t and docs far mpre cood than tho oih-alono could. That nakes Scott's Emulsion pure - old - velvety, tho best for the price, bold . cver' v here,, call for 'it at CM !oulsbur:,"n; c. i . " 1 - - - &Gld fOoM? they botK catted, t. Dobbte in Gleaca. - He's in the . glesa trade.'- Eh) XWhitfe - wrang. -Mistress Wallace and joriea in recommending . to'tthe. tho most Strencrthenlnc. governor that parfor orcomnroTAtfon nourlshlnc -''food medl-! of'apntencflrbe granted- to- -periona ClnCP ItTlhO -WOrld. whomth? Utir have fouid guilty of rv - ; s.rid re .ampieV " the offence charged and oa' whom th ?fn ' 11' tiiu1uf iuijnc acnwaoe 03-1 8,rarl Btreet Hew Veiir. po'ea to be pouunenjarat with, tbe enme eommitted'as developed br, the tfacta tesdfied to before them.: Tne editoriida from .the two papers wblcb we qaotebelow, are to the point and : the instaneea cited iliuairate the au ner In which judges and. joriea "ofte'o put aiinecesairy labor on the (rtjvern-' or and try to shift to bla shoulders responalhiiitiee which their "offices I require them to bear. , We bave nol -ruM u u ut yu at tkor Jt patienoe with a juir.whicl-eocTict.al v i"., pot uata hi 't tu-. - man and then aak th : jroTerboc.,to IpZZZZZZr. rrT?' Roses 0,anl IwOO, Atj drxigirfsta' nnrnniinnQ uui iiutiunue inSniliolGtsiB; OUR SPECIALTY. Jr t-1 -.fa taraVli Ik 'A try the case over attain and say that tip ber-hands. v-Ma puir JeaaH-j- .V ij - ' . - i . ' .r 71 . ... iJ Wbaf na'e Taaldj what ba'e I aald 7? Judge "Who, "Ting dmcretioa &a to 'FALL'iDULCSi cried the grocer. J : Mrs. Wallace became suddenly calm. Wever heed toe noo,-Maiater OgUvy.' Til- maybe teU ye-anither time." A : .Mr. Ogilvy nodded gently, andlsoth. lug : more waa .. said Jtill tbey; reached Mr: Wallace'B TgateU: nfe no: that I eaana truat ye, y-oti, Krrt .ToHpt a4 Tiiit. e. WAtiET.wn'Kwaa. (irttWt a4 AB-'KoMa UK. 7- XC . I the severity olpenhhTiient.fkpti a -certain sentence and. then -reoom. mecida to the'efovernor that the tatter should make U, lightw.Thermar, , JACOB EVAlNS. ome casea where the gryrernot ahould abe"; aald- abruptly. 1 bA appealed, to, Ibut"theae are ; very ( -luxeM yen- bdooc n morn, ii-xi i tew neb as where the statute leaves I - li.t-.-t,-tf-r' aolemn ; w sner. "I'm aie at-at ver I ienatbjr the parJahmen t and Hlal CUUr 4aUJaUti-All U " ..-; a lajuxuuciiiu - uai , bbtbw run" raimirx llui i iv CHATSB considered ,too. aevare ' Brjder jhe yii w"iiiieeaaa w w smbb a.rsaa sjawaeM : va wo t,imPAiBt5a 4 BPIXtiLTT. f)aia.ii. PoiA b. BueaavBtrao, eBrlak -ei BMaanai astA . Via VxaaalvwuiA 4. I Pgy-ey - biKa fMaaStrek ffvatat Buna ttweiii t-m avyi aaa u aj . Ive never seen a man yet tha,t kent ATTOBBXY A'rXAW WHnaBvae. rul enatlM la ail tbe Coarta of Ike oatea a Ooert Hoeaa. yil. W. JiODDIE, ATTORN E Y-AT-LA W, I BoddW lJobbrtt A Co.'a dfl ...MIUEiW.. Uffiea '5 dreg vv m. HAY WOOD &CFFIN4 ' ATTOKHBT-AT-LAW, aoeiaavae. a. a Win prgUw te aO the OoajrU of MiU adioUiJie eooMiaa, atao la tM jutui, aa In Ooltaa Btataa ( imau Uomf. OSVm la Uooaev aad dirtoa BOB. B. WHJDBJB, ATTOEBBT-AT-IAW, oauaea vat ieaas F. s. spruilju " - '.,t;; ,'" - r ATTOBJS BT-AT-LA W, voviswao, k. O. ' ; WtU atuad CM carta of aakttav Taeoai oiuTiite. Warren rixl waka oaaUaa, alee Ut Savraiaa coart -or- none rrompt attMtion given UoUeoUoaa uato vr Kctsrvou's Store. - T. W.BI0KBTT, arroajnnr An. borxasxixom At saw 5 fieeaBwae-afc evJJ?v rrempt aa4 palnatakla'ijr ittaatioa gl. -iM nt Bitbr luumatod U ala hia. s BWamtnChifff Jastteat'bAvaer Li .: BUulDa. Boot BOM. W. Vviaatou, iniM. ri. Hut Hattonal Baak KM, (MM Manly. WlaaUm, rwtf iiSimmom, Ohaa. B. Talor, PM Wake aa agour,aoa.a w.iwmw r wa ui.1 uiw w. BU PXXSOff, amamAt4AWr'r 4 " aaemvaa, b. a V: f4 - la an aomrta, oa , II I II .... I I I n WW TABBOBOTjaH, ia. " - " AnOElIETATIAW.y ! ; ix)rAsBTjBa. . C1 s' oatoa tn Opera Hoaaa building, Oomftstaaat All laml baaiaeia' iatrturted ' to kiss will raealve vromptaadearaful' J P. H0DCK,1 COSTRACTOB A BUlLiJKii,: - IB -u j touiaBUBoj, if o; boo to divide" hissel'." 1 "Wmm Mill jimn Jmmwm t wm lnli.iiii Mf' remarked Mr. Ogilvy seriously. ; 7 "Nae man sud try it, she returned. "A man and be bis sin maister.". "In theory, aa It were. Na! In practice, as it is. Tbeory ' a rlcht efter a man's deld. - Ye dinna buy a man wi' wages; ye buy bia. wark; he. disna i .eeR hissel' to bis : wife an weans; he lends hissel "as lang as be has the -rlcht an' micht tdae It. At least thafs the wey it end be. f ."Aye, but tbats jist theory, if ytfll excuse me toe sayln Iti-Miatress Wal lace.'1 -; O . : "- ' -..' ' u", rit excnse.ye,2ynr lekett'-ye canna belp'bein' a blether, Maister Ogilvy. I never-met a man yet that .didna gas aboot theories wBen be hadna the sense' or the spunk to practise whit he kent in his hert wis the rlcht thing to dae." "Ye're vera severe on man," said Mr. OgUvy, mopping bis brow; j Man la bat mortal," bo added hi dignified apol ogy. . 'An mortal stnplt rurbyerTakf aft that hat afore it gi'esye some affliction the brain." ? - . Mr. Ogilvy removed his bat not with-: oat-a griDje, and taid.it on the ground agakut the stamp on which he waa seated.. .-.t-W t I doot ye're markit fur lifcsald Mrs. .s Wallace: i'Disf eegured - through yer ain consate. Eh?" w r t-c-c Smiling: ruefully, the "grocer .rubbed bis .' Buffeting forehead, j "I doot s I'll ba'e to get -anither : hat efter a',? be aaid.'-. J - -"Either tbaf, or anither-held, said Mrs; Wallace. . f4 But that's ho the pint we -wis speaTdn' aboot, "Maister Ogil vy," abe went on, becoming aeriona. "Ye ken whit rmean." a- - . ; . - "Aye; ye mean manxYe wis speak Jjiv aboot man. Mistress WaHace,",,," J "Tits! Ye're haverln! That wiana a"pint.; Man'a o nae consequence.. I meant! the. business aboot the' new Jh -Ob. ayef - C,1 w;f r r "An' I want, ye to tell David the Blcbt, Maister Ogilvy. - Ye'll obleege me greatly If ye tell him secretlike, fur I'm no' wantin' Jess to he..vexln'-heif sei. aboot IV She's got plenty to think Aboot the noo wf oot.a big trouble like this. Jess la no Jist as weel aa I wud -like 'to see be."1 r 'rt : 'la she no?" exclaimed Mr.; Ogilvy In'a voice of deep concern If not alarm. "On, I ainna uunat ira onyxnin:. seri ous; but ahe .needs to tak care", o ier- aei'.; Dinna say a word to her or ony body else' aboot it" J "I'll never open ma mouthiv But she was fine an" 'rosy the last time: I.Aeen - "Rid cheeks, lsna" every thin, t. Jess h - naunay" but ot aix xbt. u J-- u wo eowriaia reicrrea w are i mm. toe yoot pAtaroOj ge as d fTwlN -tbeigardan-David .Houston, aa foUowit.C-Vt'-il-j" nm4akmtbutim- ( c-Ti I 111 bending oyer.;: a', beautifully A." ajhS rCT :- t - ' ! i;ept f plot -of:- choice .pansiea, n fSW0. V1"! ?;orta-Caro- " V': - 4 "t'r f IcondiOoot If-Kl t J W tZa fcrl. VW ava BBAsB AAA ft 1U Vvl llliiTJUW UI V BAAVA AIV 1 -) a-i a " . ..I ffaiva ia IS ai . 4at f WrKvAh ffevw If al meant that he had never done ao well. I rr JlT.; W4y -VTVBT JrA l. .'.. ' - : 1b the parlor: hia wife, bending over chief execntire to davoVs foa tnuclil UUIulktn ,AlilJ : BETTtn evarTthingr;'--?-s;v'aTlcm'TJama of-the action of Ibdireft and I ;v-r: V i- .'-.ft' in the cradle by.her eide her baby aatt IT tK."--r ILITL 7"TT,r J. Tf : ""fc n-1 ,v. .V.M .4Ki . .V .v" a- 4 U4 af ? ar v-AW H. . uer. race ngbtenea aa ane stooped to-1 fvT. ; Tvw - ,'? 1 noif aiT Arw mu M the page ot atiy kept ledger, aighed theloonailerttion of pethiona aad mmTDUred, ."If X could only tell I . . ; . ' V it him eomel things ; without telling Wm j aafcrng". pardona tJ(.anmuuiJj4 her. mouth took on an expeeasion of de- t- She left thertable and went quietly 1 to the windows. For a brief apace she watched the .man working steadily and happily In. the aummer evenshine.-', "Oh, Davie,' she whispered, to herself,; Tm afraid, , Inr afraidl -If yon had' only Acoording tor the- Norfolk-- land mark Governor Glenn ; cited the tot lowioff ' ' most - - lemar luble case in A man shot bis Vife'lieaaae ahe left roar heart's desire tin It was readr till yon were able to take It and keep would cot lire ap? ,r iny fault. rerhapa fell ja dropped Twakr eatVAtk AA WtirK An mweatf Tin' I e T w MBvaavsaB aw uu.m vu . aaAef Bt4a', A-vua, a JS XlT - w " how could I exnlaln evervthinfit. now? I and eneO;Wottnaed, Too would never ' V ; :. - V " -- ' I man tried to rejeh the child V-David straightened himself to order I when'ber sfT caught sight ot bla wife at the window. gk, 4mg .Ff VJaVt 'Xle Bdde6V;!amiIed,;poto ba 'woold fniah the! o w AAAAAAAuWUoJliAAJSlAA li-. u.:.ci j . 7 1.-- 3 TonrrufjJ A1?' a4 ru A4 t " " e1d ;tulsVarg O iee airy. Vatitt ekAry - 1 , PWeHaveXtlie . Goods1; j-We ';Have;;the': Prices oris sTtry dp artcaal ear stef t teat'tu.' ITa lart Leen toe baay to wrlu aa ad tat jot ubi aad aee" Bamanker wi weaH be Cadtnold,, Pttdsnl FoV, U Wet. W J . a, ..... . . . job quicluy. ..oeiure testimony was I pit to nvim. vu.im.Um m aa Igteto 1 to'lhe effect tliat thman expreaaed ltC S t-t-V ZVXiT tregret that e'had not , 23ed bla-wife Aiitaafafc trom iki rr.Yul trJI hTi.I 6. - erviaLekl.ttetkrtrtlir. 3-Oh; Maimer ;OgiWy aheeail-at last, S1 "man exesee mv bntre eanna gire Jujubes or oay jtber aweetlea til a wean that isna tower month aald.' Oh, dearmeL Jt cannabelp Uuehin :' fBnthea shin be tower month aald. an the Jajnbes n keen-fine If tkey din na get damp.. An-It they spile, 111 bring afresh yins. There "waa. tbe slightest iJraceof- offended f ealiag in bla voiced-?- '-. -y iMrsv Wallace recovered' herself and explained the positione r Ab . It wis rale nice -oi-ye to, think o bringin7the Jujubes fur this, wee' laaale, Maister Ogilvy Bhe said In conclMUi..'.,,.1--' 1 - "rnv.: a; stupit rbuddy, be groaned. "Bnt bnt'Ifa mamisfortOM to te be a" single, maniij I I- wlsht .I'waanar -lie suddenly gasped. A. -.. "If ye're . no wantin' the . Jujnbee back. I'll keep them maaeiyaaid Mra. Wallace calmly. t.vCjf 'T- ' fThenk: ye, thenk ye,? be atammered. TU be prood it yell accept the jBjnbee. An' an'wud ye wud ye eve accept a a onythin eiseVae ltwerar,-Beada tormed upon hie, brow and speech fail ed nim.' - -cr. j "Toots, - Maister Ogilvy, I'm great -sweety eater, -thenk. ye a' the l kia paasiea and beckoned her to blm. same. But It'a time the wee lasefe wu t ghe smDed faintly in return, shook her garm-insiae tne.noose,T-eBe saia, naiag. 4 'head and signed re-better tea-yer. emote -uu avia 1 dooifcH5.: i XjrZS? ".XlU r t once and. entered the par- t iiuiLn be lnteidea to'do. t.T - '""rrt i tor gayiy ana eageny. " waa ye -.want-1 . . - -. f . -. i mcUm w c u ov aierttM. kmc wguvy -. -.w. . r .' ..f. . I tn me to tak, the wee yin for Awhner iJ - iwvwij wuwf t tn wectine mm fir tr4 tna ,":-Na,tienk ye. I I dinna think TU 1 he V. wniapered. r."lU ' jistf; wash-V mi brute of murder la the, firat :deirre.l f te a7eeeU ignAe a r rir6 " - Jiiv; - ::r,.i J ?i fThe iad in aentencinir bimllo te J -o o iirM tb t ti u, . 'I fonrot ;WeeL I'll bide, thenkrye I lovinar bim more for hhT warn fathertv I banjired. told him that hie CTlinB .wasl wnrua mr ork a4 Msl m TTo frnnhlml for- hbr nlrtjr Vemlns- hia I rfHiukiritW aWnln annn TXn I V.a. - tV.t t Th I "0 u atia-arUKT . ' Wk ana eyes on the ground the whUe, and Mrs. rve been liaving a look, at-.the books, v- - -AtC : . SrtSi SataiJilr. u cVa! Had be' looked be woold. have eeenl eometbmg.-'-. ."C ':.y; :r: . f : ..r j and that be mnat ' not expect to ea that her 'eyea:; were. very, kiiidlv, al-f -"Tlat teeUaL 'W.:rtnrned atrree-1 - i .'IV though heri lips Were abnt even more I ably, trying not to look disappointed. I -. - - - - . - y - ' -' ,' J firmly, than wwiL.:ijL.? 'ISS I "Wael. m ahln be. f eeniahed ootbye, j f .U-A the . lAhdmarlc ; oteervea, o r Jf " ; l an then we'U ha'e a crack aboot tbe i tar, so troodr but the atarVinz ?Iea- About 9' o'clock. Mrs. -Wallace- and I books. Come awa for a meenlt an' see I tfl. ini-nt t .i fnnw th. tuTialM Tiof U lift tha tiro nHu at I - 4 - the show en. Settorday. : Come awa. I5fore. bnito could Ibe - honff Jeaa Jist for a meenlt ;Ye're no gaun Governor Glenn: waa forced to raf ese Ti&pm Holom w .'rr rr.Tbe won't keep themselveaj'. she kaked for it bemg the trial jadga who aald' good bnmoredly.'v. "But I ,want to had told the murderer hia crime waa .tmtruto T6a.ga'out oQ;of the- foulest known, that it again, Davie, ahe went on seriously.. , , ' . :v "Wbat'a thatr : -' 1 r been deliberate ; and premedita- rIIaveyoTi given Donald Binale n ted, and that ha mnat not expect to eacane'the Bllon".:.:''; rnv yet, aeane, ne Tfpuea a uuie j . - . - . - inicomfortably.- --' - : C4. tWhy, .-Davie t,p:Yon : aald - you were going to tell him more than a Veek .Aye.TJBut buCye aee JeeaI bad- pa the hert to tell him. He's a da cent man, Donald Binnie, an' he's served me weel since he cam to JKinlocban.' pern's forret wad fear Ttggtj CbUkroc, Uaxaa avd A'l Catrf Blue Free I ttodar F&td'a TrartbWae. ".,-". t'-II ' .w J , T 11 '-, r hia wife -btcaaae ahe V 1' 3irWVbltAa-ebe Sl'-c, :-V Ll' -: " u.- , ...4'' V: oripedfromlUrarina -I J V:'' --4 i - ;-,V- . " anded,the poor wo- ''CJiCM n ' 'S, -" . , : - - v ' .: '.' ''-. J,!';-. - ' ichtho child and com- wrriEiw,iiuaimi taetii -mt A-k - - ", ; ; - - . ' jljr j' r - . ' rbnabandahorber Ittrtii K-7f ' ? 'VJalTca ; ha' would vcniahthe eeteraaa4 m wetar aoakad IAm u " - -' : - ft ,"... ' , ' aiajr la l reacBiaaa iMtHV kal. ' BVtKtiocl-W rta ra c4 aack r Mr. Ogilvy left Hasel Cottage together. :.?.Guid nlcbtr they both called as they turned from the gate, after which they proceeded at least, a. furlong in gloomy silence. , r."Hoo did David coma to ken aboot It?", said theigrocer at last-' T -f-T i.; It wis the letter tbat AJngna brocbt,: she repIied-shOTllyv--,V-:-t,i-" r?'Wha waa it fraeT "ur S-i "The, contractor, or whiterer- ye ea :him.-r it ' saved, ye breakin the bed LIVERY and : FEED -5 a . STABLES? f -Lbutsburxr.- N. C." Traatag Afaot for all kinds of XatU'af aitpuaa, arum waia aw . i aa owerhig a' hert fur berbody,'an . H)b; mef Ve dinna "mean thaV lJs-; j Ahing wis a Joke." It he bad seen bee trais - Wallace r' be - cried, looking j face when bhe gaed ower to the wlnda .news onyweyr she said rather bitterly. i "D'ye think I was glad fur that, Mis tress Wallace r'be asked quickly, bot quietly. . . . r,. JNa,"iia,-Mais1e?-Ogilvy.'tlut ! vexed at David Houston. Aye,,anM'm angry at his fnrbye. I wis near cufla hia lugs when hej?asBed the letter to Jess, sayin', -There's a love letter fur ye, ma lass,' an' lauchin' as if the hale 1 "1- w'; Thi is of . course, an ; extremely objectionable case; but there b not a We can f arnikh at all Hots elce governor in the "sonthera state who j id bp f sta teatnt and rshielea. i might riot second with eieelleni son the protest made by (ove r i Glenno It seems well-nigh liapoasi- I'oUUc .iver.i Vt know that, she freely-, allowed, j hie to nd A brute so vicioca, so'crinl-1 HOTELO. Good aeeomodation for the travtVlzj oblia. " - oed Uvery Attached r " T :'-: MASSENBUEG HOTEL . . rasiiDEitcoiT. 11. a OooA anaommnilitinai Good faret T shocked. ' .. '""-: ?Man, man, of -course 1 dinna- mean there'a onythin' wrang wl' her hert or her body either", said the other sharp- lyi ,"I mean that she's aye fasnin' ner zc? en? yexln' Ibersel' aboot David's af fairs aiweel aalier ain no, but whit she has a rlcht to ken aboot his affairs. But nooadays she's plenty o her ain to keep her bnsy mind an body, an whiles I wud like to gi'e David a hint, but I've never managed It yet It's no', often canna- fell a man whit I think, but" 'Deed, that'a truthr. said Mr. OgU-; vy quite Involuntarily." .But" abe continued,'- ignoring - the remark, "if I wis tellin David be wud -be that pit aboot that I doot he wud speak to Jess an' maybe frichten her rrn mak ter waur nor she Is." ' - . . - j A. a 1 llre: - Wallace atopped Mch her companion to read" If- with a: algb, echoed. ' .-"But ye 'kfn1-taached yerser he said presently; - "An ye cried oot that ye wud maybe get the lock pit ton yer coal cerar door noo. ""ls, , v breakin' dooncr Yeir no vera qulek at the uiMak', Maiater Ogilvy J ... - r ; "Maybe rm'no,he admitted.-: "An Ivwisht l kectrthe mean'a' e U:e bale bnslness.-tF a mystery to tie. T.'hat did the contractor Jtnean In writln' to tell David that he needna boiLer tryin for the Job, as it had a' beea arransed wi' the new Jiners? " There's somethln gey queer aboot it : I wanner wha's buildin'- the hooses. - It's naebody la KInlochan or I wul" ba'e l"?ri Izr-j "But there'a no work for him Just now. Is .theref--'-!-,,! . .--".-r'.- : .- .. "Aweel, there'a no muckle, te tell ye the truth, lass.- he admitted' slowly.". Adding. inore cheerfully ,c"bot yetierer Good adtioe to women. Inal and so degraded that a rnandan sentimentality will not seek to obtain for bira' execuUve : cleiicncy. It is bad" enough when tie . uniformed pub lic lends itself to snca a movement, but ii la much worse when, the rej ti AND Shop - r trS Eoeky Monntaia Tea. T . . A u von -waux 1 .... ...t t 1: ra-kain ' (vbaUf al eornprexioa.cle.r .kt brUM " W " K ' . '? i "."5y." :-- .- ivH.wa i n. rofia naaitn taia uoiaa i tnivi witn tnir natv to aryraeiv riVB priaonment resort to tl.u tccC-.-l t ' quieting their too tornler cor-Acic r.r. Itiatnachtoo freqnen'Jy tie c-o ecfiluT liie It S3 eenU, Tea or Tablet E. A. Hot tilt & Co. . - -: . The divorce court -demonstrate that it ia never too lata to mend. : : EiaamatlfiTn. f oct backache, aeld pol- C3, srs raslu ci kiney troabla. llolli tsr'a Hocky IlonnUia Tev p-os 'directly tt V 9 r it cf te C iae acl cirsa bn 1 1 j . m i. . j r .i. XX, A. Lntw-. v. C.. . . - ' . ea and jurors ara ti t;.r:'. 1 ic t!.:.; t'--y tliat jaj- away by tlelr iymj- try to t aside ti e . yer tlelr better .judgements foxxzl .r. 1 Hafrjess Stio'p 'A?e bavo leai-'Jf. 1.9 wc-oJt r"3i ADd'.1i'ikBcJltb ielicp a ecVnb tr?ff t ad ara r rcj-ard to du a " . -f rriir;r at tla lawes , . . . '. i ri: s- -Vt'e-tata a'1 a I . Tii.rj -1 tio ca ycur w, rs c 1 r Ca'l -bona No. i .yen , ted w ood uT a 2 y worrrnor'AfERcnASDi5i;i!f . 4t.--r - "1a .r " ,1 ; . . x v tfi. CLOXHIEG - 5 r I. C: i ''; 5 SHOES and MEN'SMRNISHINGS . 1 1. i 1 a. affflBaa We da Dt far raairadlcUee wkta vt s Lare ike Urf-act lock ef ccsii in this lis er tariit J by aty aaa ttrn la UarouGit.- Iat tbla wortb inlmf ke ypa are ia lia t&a kt to boy f o-da? Doean'l It iUl! te tara aed rt-i ec-taisrn torrt tetie tlat tie rsaa 1 ja kia g-a Ja " Ibe !tr; t:l c,tiUty toji llm at a lor trite tlto lis ctt lt zj f l-ti ta ti!ir qr,acrittf TT ay it mi atd we t!!tt a!l rtirtat! r s e'.'.l agrta lib u ".".We 'at o fartbr asd aty list tt Vey r.r t ' fr -a tla bst catofatl-rrrs ia ti Celt 1 b'Ulr t ktj e fy ttL f.r irsry d'xr's worVh f g oc-i tlal sa iwi.3 ccr lc:u a 1 4 11 trt'. t like cii Irerf asyf catb ditetlsl liat eay oiVtr r-rt? -ra e-ae No tsal.r baw farga-' Ail tik at V. it .ii f ; ; '. tf rratkiltccBTilT if t git? a.ati.ct t ; tot 9 tt 11 - : r: : - u C in t oar fUea fc3 yja ata io i3a tt i k c r c:r 1 t If aucZi w cITtr yead r.d ik, l3 y-a. Ij U e::'. 1 t ' 1 13 dci:r deo't lay. iffactica. Ail eeaii i a ltz : a C i f W ; 11 11. I ' '. - Xczrt ttrf iru'r, . Lr J es, I tzx" te eaaa ryinpaL 1- JjaaABdatiexliva s-rr-'.r.

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