M -if ; - - . . - . t. i - IK ' JiS. A. THOMAS, '-EflliMsi Pr:;:::!:r. VOL!' XXXY. LOUISBURG, .N: C, FRIDAY, SE1IEIILER 22. 1DD5 vnrrr? C?-? "Vs w'-"';"-:"f - -r, A CHUIttiH DIHECTOBY BBTHOIM8T., 3aaday School at 9:80 A. At liBO. B. tit Vouching at 11 A. If., i iMf7 Bandar. l'rrr meeting Wadaaedaf night." U , JUunLPMtor, : dauday 8ebooI et :S0 A1L -- -V-;' Tsoa. B. Wnjsa,8npt Preaching at 11 A. If Bud 8:80 P.M., Sunday. - -- rr7 m-ting Thursday sight. H. H. AUSHBOBHa Pastor. ' ad School t .30. ".-V. Wh. H Borrar. BapL ? jarvbsM. teoria and might , ; o& 4i, 3rd and 4th. San&ar v -Hveaing Fyr, -Frtdaf aluraooa' Hit. J out LobooHi Boetor.: PREVEUTIOII OF SUIGIDL IS DEATH, WORTH DYING"! WordPrbperlySpokeri at OUR RESERVE - ENERGIES.': S01IE ADVICE FOR tOVEES. - the Proper Time Hay Save; a ? WocIcUt a Suicide From -The, editor-of S access once penned j the following inspiring thought: , i Many a girl who has-been reared in luxury and eaBe,Nrhothaa never Loyai i&jk Disease Sometimes u;iv;elco;.ie ; SU1T0HS. I t had - practical training ,Rash i Act. GloWDemociratrS y forreVeltioof 1 A socie 5 f thrown open her own resources by the death of hexiathfirjorjthe loss of property, and instead of ' being cared foir, oitirsed and caresied by tender parents, ane nnda neneu obliged, not only to support herself,--butl tot take carf of brothers and sisters and an This? crisis. it Takes Strong Cedlcine tcTcure IC -" A girl' who signs iierself - Aiabel asks how to get rid of an unwelcome j suitor, who is so- persistent that no brand J of : snubs 'or .- even-' coldness lcide mifrht ; ha vknRtTnntn nn' tha I $ ;a rra.1. ii . , i ot the polar . variety has . samoed ; to principle suggested by the action of oonfrontaVher. calls'out. her reservi ' rrr a Stl Louis resident who : seemg.an. Uona -WhWnrui-.n - It lould be an easy matter to look ertieM 4th Bandar la m moath- aged man wading into" the river' for rw; of Jf Effort wMr.vW, a love-siok youth squarely inthe eye oroiatf aad aighi. S; the nurooHa of doxirin MmAlf Ji-rr v. and tell him that the time .hascnme raasBmaiur. EVE?. TRIED COFFEE TIII3 V7AY? It is a -well knowu- fact thtt even ihe best of housekeeperi cannot make really good coffee without having" the proper materials. ? : ; '-t : , . x uey wiii caver aoa&e ii wiux . ooi fee of doubtful .origin, adulterated, quecrly blended, and pcnelbly dirty coffee that has, perhaps, been . mixed op with all kinds of other things on the counter. !. .;.;',' iBat kv them take a package of Lion Coffee the purest and clxiv-estr-and the brand anlveraally . uad throughout te United StaW, for jver . twenty-five yeam ( f MvUkma lrink it daily, and-gettWbesV rl suits it it is made in the iollowbg Uoulsbarg Lodg; o. 415. A. F. & k. M., sbmu lrt'aad 8rd. Tuesday aighta ia eaaH month. , - v- Lr6 t'baiMloiijal oatrOsi : for him. to do Jjia- roosting on"; some I vayt otner tront pprcnand:to-; earry- l-Try. it ons and vot.wia nevir uuie Dag ox caramels to some qtne rL want to trr anv other brand of cof- .Perhaps, Malyopmi: Xn6l HaithVictt. CHBanka. MlTUWlCht ft BANKS. DENTISTS, Lociseuau, n. u. : itHca in Htcku BniMioiC, Main Street. , j - i H. J. B. MALOH K, t ACTIClBa PHTSICIAJf ASJ SCBCUBOX, ocao otw Ajrooa Ptna Oompanr. jjll. J. J, MANN,. PH TS1CIAN and 8UBQEON, lovisbom. a. o. i tifloe over A.jcock Drug I purpose of destroying himself, er imagined she Doeaessed. and which ealled'out to him peremptorily - to jg amaajng-eveb to heraelfAr";; corae back and don,t bo. foolish.'. There fa a tSerUm eometbtngm our When the rescuer landed the intend- nature,' diyme'forcewhieh we can ing suicide, hpoured .phUoaophy and n6t decriheVor 'plainjhichdoea until he changed hisIwholeTpoint . of d5Af,ltW ate vie and cme io "the determination A.n inc W'V--m I of rnan once fawhirei'JIe 4 Wy" need, more than any thing else, a emerffenciesc in supreme cr 500U wuu-mg won sympaiueno ana death or danger threatens in railroad upmung nature anu Homeumea, some or steamship acoidenta, how eften we material help. The melancholy need Bee men, and sometimes frail women, a jolt, something newto think ;about exert the power'pf giants to'extricate' and to be interested m. . It should be themselves from the impendine peril. uie ousinesa 01 me society we speak In disasters at sea, during great r -TT " . "T" - 'J 'TV" - J tier), then follow' one of tlu follovr . of to provide this, to givelts protegesjpr floods, how often have delicate J0"60 bg ruleir tr- a mental snake-up,-Why should any girls and -women - performed Hercu- T""P , iT-T lit' th'boaing Sriter.'- ?Add one in good health wist to die when lean tasks, tasks which- they would Q 1 - I n T? boiling Var, "and let U boil Tthree there are sa many other, places to; go have deemed impossible had. it not ? .f661 8 .k6, minutes' onlyX Add-a iittie cold wa than across Jordan; something, inter- been for 1he magic stimulus born of fay-Wfrt.-,llv.'eBUrt?n0J: n.r?t ter and aet aside fire mmataa toaet-estinl-hapening evryfdaV?- TKe emecy-?--- ?r pity may W. Wormed .mto t, --S 1 iov sicaneas man ieaas to suicidal I ' It ia the Iocked-up spmtual forcea 1 IT , - v. - 1 2d.VWUh cold water.. Uee lion Coffee, because-to get theW HiaappekSand e.poojrfultp cup,aivl when he walka. the street the birds V? w- ; " i :i.Av-i1j " . I with a little old. waterenough to -nK A. :.iJnbntoKfit Pts and add white of ! tr. 1 - i -. .- - . v I in'2 Tit etat ia to be'uaedaa a aet. tin irnnwi na ir nnwurinv rnit m aaiu i "Throat Coughs l A tickling in the thrcit;' . I hoinc nesa attirr.c:; a d:cp f v icith. irntxtt5 it; thtc: i arc fcaturca cf a throat cryur-h. They're vary de- J U . v.u c.u cwjgn mix- V' j tare y won't , cure them." "rYou Vint so rnething that -' will . hcalv the iafiinied . r membrane, enrich i the ; ;. blood 'and tone p' the -' ' iTstem " ;. : ,y. ' Scott' Emulsion is just ' such a remedy. ' ' It has wonderful heaLr.j -andnouruhlnj ) power. ' - Tlttnovea (he xauae cX-; -"'the'eoijgh and the whole ;yitm b giren. new- ; - itreogth and rigor .V ." SCOTT & BOfFNE, Cbmio ,40941$ ftm-lttrnt, Sew. Yl ' III" Vfw. A7 -If .1 - velvet r- tye puro - old f- Tclvety. .tho best for , the price. sold 7; : ;; everywhere. : call .'; for : lit at : - S : ouisburg dispeHsary,- - a- " loulchurr: nl r.- ' "r ' - 4 v" Li - n, li- , f" Ci li a- nvJ ' On Eterr .TonRue. mo 'U1D3C3 Gcinali ;ianil;VioIots:: OUR SPEOIALTY. l 'A Ail vita i " " . . j 1 fuauff taA .. . ' miufni.ii.it Vnt ln. ... ' .'11 I ...V'' " . . . ...r I tlllkU HUT Utt VUIUCI UIUUUIII UUI "T - ' - - --.." -- 1 " r" uo-adcagatoH i jdiw yi juu i witnin us iorces tnat we do not, asi;-, ' . ; . " I cold water to the paste and primr it! . T it ,;M that in n.,,f; 1 . .. - .fi A. . UM WHB Ifl0 WMJ,-UM. VM . . - . - - V . ' . i millKVif. Z ";";r?7" - v - -aBuu.vi ruie, cau w our w, m ujb orumary i, - - ..-.. I fo & oouvs Jl nen aet aatae, audi a: IO-1 . J , . . Bomethmg like two1 biUions on the perknoe. of lifliiatnaie' taei J0-? fia eold waW'and fa five ininaWh I TALL I Mrh W i n u;mul -al-iZ il' - s. j-.i.r.t.i iPTOtner, wnom ne.priTateiy trunks la -.7; t . I BraJatta. J R. 8. P. SORT, KHAUTlCUtO PHTBICIAJI AJII 8DBQKON, Louisburg, N. C. ? r utile lath rear of K. BobWtt & Co. Umn titora. oa Haah atrart. 1) a. a. p. TasBosuiiaji - khtbiclaji ajid suBOaoar. Lowavxa. 9. C. . - . tad Boor twUdUtC. ShOM SflL gimat wia Miawr4 from T. w. IttaaaU'a Beinff deorived-of that, must the sen- ' Tt'm.n n WWS rearea xor tnfr pemienuary, timental-sufferer, his or her quietus the resources thatthe Divine Power wh lis6ena, to tiieej told by make? Time heals all wound: Tt Kqo tmt,t i . voar 'especwa iamer,;wno nas a nne Q;,f.QI,o Ki, t :v,i . I reoollection Of how the battle of BuHH ,'y","",m'u,!muv V1 "wri taiLf xr-wouiu e airanse, mueea 11 1 m '. - .;, . ortifymg1ldndeWairnerfr6m oVGaVcreatoeV wW tta W WJS?'a UW 'H . - "i : -a . r . . . arkAnr ir i nsr ishv&i . savrxn lw nam eapaw w a a - vv aa-a limy carry in the coal at your residence, or turn the wringer, if he- waa " asked. time to time. - , Vho -knoWS J)nt an I Aver, in hi rwnl r,hnrtr st ihtt mur. .j old ltwe affair JniayIlMf aoeUowed cyHhe make' and uy wie, years uiai xejoicmg inav .ii i unmake t ertunes. JSor there is no didn't go any farther,- may ready ;U Three pontaBont boll tobloog. Don't let it stand Jnore than ten min utes before serving, Don't use water that has been boiled before. - - .V. : 'two Vats to smu' corrxmv . lst.7lth"eggs. v, TJse part of the ' white of an egg, mlxiog U with the W w mtym tiit' to arla tW kkMt tra rmt Bmman, tva4 r tUM M tow U Mil fot. 4 IXkfTi. li KatM haitr Efiiirotv ilniUwj n4 afcadatoaa,TaaaWaaaUta mn aa - " - J.i.O'acixv acoa U'rkaUI. JUUh,ILC. - JACOB EVANS, m otBinjats D li. UOKDON LEE 8CHEFFEB, DKNT1ST. - namwr u Dt . Artbar Hym a FknUsc (iu.ee la Pom KtW.iig..ii, : : Tr M. MtHHSHBUaa. - 4 anourxT 1 aensBta T LAW wiu yrMUealnaaUa Ooarla of Hastate Otto Court Ho a. yM. W. BODDIE, X ATTORNET-AT-LAW, Loctaaima. K.C. . . f otBca oTor Boddia, Bobbttt 4 Co.'a drag; COIBA 'trf I foilnvA ter tVia monxwhn luilnsa Vila those who . contemplated pistol or I power, who nverjknowa when he - is poison? Those "terriffica'V ma.fi be j beaten; there is no Jail ore for the de- come .even .s subject for Jaughterlal terminedrndeavor;-the unconquera- ter on. Men mostly-commit ;smcideble;sriUr There ia ho failure for .the through Ioaa of -money,.- JW.omen for iman. who gets up every time he falls, love, vsaysB philosopher. ?rhpbf o reboundsTike'a, TUbberWl,-whd session of either makes life plea&anfer, persista when.e very one ehw gives Up but 4there Q plenty, gofJ both - in - the- wjha pushes oa when? every ' one else l-fcAiT-..'t,iii aoir Still k MV .ni l-wi ri' - -A. -.-v -J - ale.": JSto 'need to Iiasten to that! T . bourne : from which no traveler re- He ia in love.v Snubs, rebuffs;- hintaJ ground lion Coffee before boiling. polite refusals are aanhe-aighing of y 2nd. ; Ayith eold watarinatea4 the winds to him. - - - : . J.1 5 of e&S9 ? After boiling add a daah of There ia just one thing for you. to cold water, and sit aside' for eight or do: Be frank. -J Be brutallv frank: ten mmuteav. tnen-serve Uironea a Dont try that old KIll-be-a-aIster-to- J Btrlnlir vAnn.-nuima. It wa. at f-Hnra 'wliah Rameset and'I waa courtinicJ X Make J aGearlpDmT)lTioa aad Bricht Xres v.iiT-nA Km a hAtJr ' in1 1 . Is moat aaara a allow. hJotahad , - r ' I plrtloa aad doll haaj era are daa to then go upstain and have. yoUT , little I oaor dtM-tlem- aad - iaanlra lKr. turns, for-alt are sure to reach it soon t or late. It will elude na one. AVOID BITTER MEMORIES. SMALL, FARMS. w u. HAYWOOD RCFFIN.- &TTOBJ-BT-A.T-U-W, utaim, a. e. -. - w ui yrMtlc la ail la Coarta of taaklla We Grow 0 Because ,We Do 7 Not Know'Enoiigli. to Keep; " - i Yrmnir " -4 jBitteremories of a5' sinful 'life Rev.'P. K. Law has discovered by J which has gone all wrong make pre- a study of the census . reports, : that J maturd furrows in the face, take the more people in Ivobeson county . own brightnesa from the eyes, the elastici the farms they live on, and that there 4 ty from the step, and make one's life are more separate farms in Robeson j hapless and uninteresting. iu uubwuib ftwi wnajrvu-yuuiq poor utataatloa aaKl as mt " L "... -' I Driae Lantlta If he comes again tell papa; to use d makaa the aoatUxk aaMoth, aad a club - v " i I? slaar Otiao LaxaUte Fralt Byrro doaa And dont worry. .The young manUhaaaat to take. lUtaaa -aUliUlas. will tret over it Several million of I J young men do get oyer it every year. Love is a disease. Sometimes it takes strong medicine to-cure it BQ.niD.'.B.r iim :, EEPA1RIXO 3 A BTlXliLTTi ... - "- -.t Give" me your rtro&ars.-avad fn araa lay -aa t Uf actiosu : I TIRES SET r.ai8r.p sidsdtaas. ninnifcirr li m - nrrrcR Tne' Secret of Good Collee rxraCUW asc4 tzuvla a pool ccj of CoCae riOotLi food taaWrUI. XKrtr, atdUralad avtd ary blaodad. eo atch M tsfiacrtrf-Utka daawxTS alor ecr tkar coxzalars woat dx Bt Lake ILe jrarav Xts aatsral lavrxrad . HON CQtktt Cst loier U a3 te'exSres the cofTee thai far ovtr s qnarUr ci a crtJcry Las dJr walcocsed U r-.Zl-aca of haam sal yoa w-ll. r.Va a riik li far akieLa tlla way t.' ' . - . . . nOV TO l-IAKE GOOD COFFEE. . fi I Uil Cujf 1 a I a li , iii i'i . rr aa4 ""r nwiuinM.aWlaa)taMHa4 MMOMaiaMtoaaiwiaaatw-tMa-lww( a-a. wmv Mn rMj watts, a-aa anfrTa . aa4 a at o t&Jt HUivna .xlT. A4 a rru t 1 1 - n . . aaa a4 i IJ i ava aa. wna (ola aAa yar xaa e aw i a i f D1 pn H 1a lenaV ;...... ' . , , , A f2 l.i -wlv1aa Vr a artist 0rri laont to wJr Uvat Km to t4 aUr. - . " "- ; TWal WATB TO S9CTTVK CBrTTXX. . WVBiSaaV TWalataalaataiaaadHa4Skaaamltiaa via atw aaai af xti aat WDfca? At a Aa at J-taial mm, ffrttti a prkaa at fr-araM LlOt CCITXX, pf' nwarw m ia raxip vm aauy ava a m Jb. M raiair. - ;. cb 4 Wttj la 1 ia. t ut.r aaaa oa xwy par toga. ) . u ,t; f Sae &aaa 1 aa tjf aAa faii.) ' - SOLD BY CEtOCERS EVXimIIEIli:: - : wocLaoiT arxca oa Tt-Aa. Ok The manicure girl has a proSeend I contempt for the finger of seomv MEN PAST. SIXTY IS D13U&1. Mora tiaa haW tf autkiad. wt atxty mi iimlnlng nnnartai alan la thatiai Jourt, aa4 la tka Oaltad btataa JMaMat aad Utraalt Uoaita. , ixaoa ta uoooar aad OUftoa BadUttaav s. imos. awnjna, v . - aCTOBJTBTval-LAW, a. a. arar'oi thbobiuwal:; - Vnlav i Co.. Chieas. orfirfaft4 Rna. I aars of jra aaffat from khlaT sad tiad aa Tar a a throat aal tnr mnr I dcr abMrdara. saaaur aalArcaaiaat of ! aod oa aeeoaat of tha grat asarit aad l proaUUalaad.-l hla poth paUfai I nnnnlarita-xnf Vnl'a . Rabiv! aat Tar I aad daofftrOaa. aad Folaf B KUSOT Cat than hv Any other county mlhe State. 1 Wegrowrold because.we 4o noU naav imitatioas are offarad for tha aaa-1 aboaid bm ukaa at the trtt aifa of dsa- in-'i32 j?V I; s" '?-tli. -i. -An.J.Li; 1 niMrnxya-ftkiM. iiniinn. .il mt.-u Ucohmu imrUritiM i4 has 'arc AruiaAn IB arfviminir iwi aaa- irian iiiirrr i rnAV onnntrn TA"i srsMaia viin li ir - lmir . Mac - - - - - - - - - - w vv w " " . a. r & , Q I ""-6- r; V ft I .I.IU, Mnn)ln ninM Raaara rJ I eOId BUay Old BS O Uhf CTllaaa. Uf. perhaps, the most prosperous county I we become sipk and diseased because I the a. Ths eanoiae Folar's Hoaar aad I Bodaay Baraatt, Boak fort, atau riui iiTthe State.. Isoi thfe-an arg fwe'do not Wwenough to keep well. iaKSlW: ftAsk , to. -it 1 " Ukiato bottlas of JoWr'a . EUacj Car I rl battar thaa X hava for ttaaatr rra, althoafih 1 a at 90 yaara old. O. "6 fy muv "'"'J'.'"- t MJ rafna. an. .nhitltnt. tt 1. tlva Ua imentfor thesmaUfarm?3 'Mr. Iaw J Sickoiesa is aresult of ignoc and J rfmedr for ooogha aad eolda. Q. L maiiw "think so. r .Writinfir in the I wrono thinkini?. The time will come 1 ayeoeae. i Lumberton Kobesonian, he sayB . that j when a man will no ""more .. harbor : r- - for obvious reasons, these two facts j thoughts that will make him sick .,or J Special Rates to Raleigh, N.- Ci. 8. SPBOILL. r . . ATToaxaT-aT-tawV aoaisavao.. a Via Seaboard - Account of the WU1 armnTllia. Wavraa rad imm Saoiaaaav 3omn or framaa attawtfaai civaat to otaa f Bcarwa-a Btua. T. W.B1CKSTT, attobbtbt Ajn oocsnauunm mxlaw. farm : owning - and" many separate i weak than he would think of putting 7.,.. , i. mi.-' ... i I , 1. ' I. I North Carolina . State Falr. DUliy ana,, proeperioy.- i imj -bmituj-i sick ujio uwsjv ubb- rigu uioujuui i -.. -ness of France finahciaily and littl and takisordiiiary careot Ka,body. .X?0?-.8' ,195: v of PiaakiiB. taaea! cally is grounded in the fact that th j If rhewill S -thinks onlyyouthf ul j V The Seaboard aaaoaacva? they U1 sell wak Mtttiav aiae J " v - - ufiB4 1 I i 1, 4n.rntm'Kt. vnthH axearilon tikrt from all twiaUvlthlB aveio "i,"J '1 rrs "v VT r , T , the 8ttte of North -Carolina. ,locladltf and therefore there' are so large aifar'bey&nd the usual period. c, - ; j Norfolk. PorUmoaU,Rtebmoad,-Peura. number of farm buadings.,. It means you would .be -young whenbld," Jff! more oonservatism and more equita-1 adopt the sun dial's motto- aI record j of the 8tata : Fair. Oetobar 18-Slat. for blebusineasiife and Tore'. general none-but hours oi sunshine,"; Vew carpenters brick -layers and labor. I Ua tt at pnce. 1L F. Uouck;-- r Z 100 era . f Contractor and Baildar r-. ;sf '-Louisburg, N. tt; CaroUna.- i i w J W fvaraaU oar aork aad rWaad jaa a0" 1 aaoa aoa aatlaaartory. Wfca raa a ioaa. 1 ayonf . Uiva aa a trUi. tarn an aordiaHa rtoamat aa4 palnataaiag attafitkm gtraB Io; vaaaiUtarlaAraMtaateBUaaBda. - ' Bafarc to Calaf Joattaa eaapherd. Boa. oan Hualu Boa. MObC W. WloatOB, Boa. J. S, i prosperity. The perils of our repub- Imind the -darki or shadowed nours. I pair Groanda mtaiotDia rata loalodipg lie it is accepted as true lie- in ine ex-1 r orgen : uie :-uupttjBauu, -s uuuopjr t fumus tA mrtrn wnnertv holdAra n I ffonra.iHamember?onlv thedays.of 1 Ina-a " - ".i . i.l 'i ri.i it. ' i Portamoath. Va."" - . I ... . THE ; CR0WEIX I SAKITARIUM. - For the tmtaaaat of rhlakay.'. Mor ohlaa aad - othar Drajr -AddiaUoaa. Spaeial apartBMats aad aarare far lady I taita to aa aad aa Ua nattanta. ' - " - I aoa. , ------ 4 I d- at.-uujnsbwa. um ,ri .v -4 fio 8 Yf. TUlra bt . Uaartoiia. il. . I - v ". '. . : ;"""''" -f "'..- t'' . . an '' " r :'' ji ' . r ..'..; ' V" Vs 4 " Aad 1 raa gaafr aHlaoat tonaailatUaa j ' yVS , , llaabatUMUaaM ay. Taaj t t ' M ' j) . . . ? otUaatoltaaaaooar r,Mrm a K w "fl ' I ( --')) " - - alraa aalf a aa? aalaataa w ta . j , - , V . J J) j : ' . . - - ' ' , m. " ; ' "f ' a ' ' a : J"" I'i m H aaaaMaap . -' 1.- w "' k, -'" ' Si-' " , yH lit lar) U Mit4 iatl t4 M " - JTlArr ' " V ' roUaaSaaL 5rwnt iliilH. , " . . - ' fcarat ar aara afioa (artam to J ' . - " , - . - . . away aad la ai.f tVt tira. - . --,. - -- . ' - - :" MMataa4M mraw aoahad Irfaam ' . ; V'.'., - ' I traaa MwinMan. I y n II it II 11 11 li II It II It II II It II II II )l ia v- w w vi . ay vis lua ls it i U a UHik aaray aad knaa iNa to, a aarar; aaiat to rnJaom, - Wk Ubtaaaaala aa W aoaarar d aad rvrata la aaaat aat ,r avaf aariaa aptaa rartlo d obrrUoala Iralara af aara aacataaa la mai to aar avaiaa. Ua raaetlaai oi taa Ura fwtaaara lata aTjyortioa ta taa WafVa a la tiraaadrr yra araad opC"a aatr t ar tAa taraaa at a tiaia. taaa ta lioa at araa'Ueaflr WORTH Or IfE&ClUSDlSE IU rf.' f - -, .; : TJ NPAt. bata, aoroi'haT. bill f aad. "ataal. 'daa. - . A3 I . . -It. .... I.L . 1 - . - . aoa. euai Mao It, Wlnatoa. Paoplaa Bank - . . , ' f. . . . . ---t s -- Worioia,-Va.,. ' 5.95 sllrar kUf'36 '1alaat .floar- at.hoUoaa I I M I- 1 1 V Onfl - L sRSSflfessssi- p-a-.-Mr-xTO. tjj?irx--- i:m:4y, "- Llutltl OflU -1 tiaa orar Baal BOo.'a atora. conserving - element t and these "er- It- is said .that ?Long rjers are , .3 LejsVoBr HV cC 4 45 - ' ' ' - -1 v -.-. "T- : : ."" .. treme4thatWdWnd and ruW is great hopers If you keepyourhope - Bieh BqtMTUCfj.i4 4S- -t '- TAKElf HP ' - J.t , - , . '.". w..?-.,.'-,J-u' wiaiwttsw fasAMl2i8.ft liiarSpi iri'ofhni ro' ' Aitoaan av-taw, . own lanj- and ' possesses, no- Jarge meet all difficulties iwitb a cheerful - , Weldoa, N. iM.'.c .nd whits. r Tha owner can nt aaxna " :T XI 1 1 1 1 1 .2V Pi traau an TABBOBOCOX. '. meanaj-Charlotte Chronicfe. PATENHEDICINEirDECISION; AnOBNXTATLAW,' - Locisxt7aa.B.a ' otaa la Opara Boaaa tHUUtaff, Court atraat All lacal alll raaalva Oood adtloe to womea. -If you waat : a beaatif ul eomprexioa,elear akla, bright - VYaldoo, N. C Oxford, N, OL Bsadaraoa N. C , i-Saaford, N. C. ; :HamUtW.C,v, : Maxtoa. Ri w. .vf- -Lnmbertoa. If. O.'--'" Wilmingtoa, N. a :" Honroa. N. C. " -: Charlotte, 15. C : Cr.i."J e i.S 8.60 .a- 4 85 :! 4 80r 183 SHOES and " wiEN'S FURNISHINGS m mmm. ... :.. VUV I I ill IV rrill -" - : . M. face;' it'will be very-difficultfor-. age to; trace7 Us i furrows . on your brow.' There longevity in cheerfulness.- Ex. -7 Washington, D. C.pSept.. 14.th.f- The commifisioner 01 , internal reve- MMZllSU nue today decided that the- manufac" jfi Ta'alS:uk7'HoTi vromptaadearafalattaaUoa. turers pf patent medicmes; composed Siifali largely 01 aistiuea uquors muse, aiier 1 B varBobbltt Co December 1,1905, take- outllksense I " - aaWrifir. and llbuor dealers:' and J' Ami. WiA w ;WioiiiiBUi wUl' apply Portamonth. Va - " I3.B3 the goods in question must pay and white. Tha owner can set aame by ceiling on the undersigned and paying lor this notice. . rZTA---. ; ; ;--W. M.Boos ' v,- - LOST. iLouIcburcr. UiC. njiBBi LiaeoltoB. N. C - ' ft SO A pair of cold framed apectaclee either between, th' Baptist chorth F. HODCK, A Ratherfordtoa.If-C. ,a- V-Hickory. K C. e M l )Tnoir N. C :. - T an ; For - military-VwaTpaaW aid braas l111 rewarded upon their return Da aoa 10 aatiorta. la-sair or mora oa ona and Egerton's store or between Eg-jW ca faraiak at all Uaaee aUe; erten'a atore and my home, on Hon-1 and tip ta-dats Uaats sad yakltla. day morning, ihe under wui -oej Folju drlvsrs.' . ' , '.-' - . to the. Times ottioe or to me lias. J. A.TanMAa. nAMAtn A maVts . OTTfT VbLH i IAJA I BLBljllinSIBJI AlUAlAVAMat " M -' ' ". 'V .' A . -a 1,) ' v' - I that druggists and otners - nanoimg i -except as a last resource,; uajiwia. .. ltheeoodsinauestionniusf;pay theU : ... Z. Watt,?? Hcenserequired by law, of liquor I Dr -'Fmn't Testimony- Intereatnur: Mauallaa. ctaal Oaaicaa SabBUttad HOTELS. dealen i In a letter ..of ; instruction- just sent' to internal revenue-.collec tors - Commissioner Yerkes draws a . afar a ufflAH ; n ftfii ii -i I their attention to the existence s of kta-nnmutir oi vuiuuuuuus uu w o . 1 - THAUXLISTON, It. 0. - I market that sell, as medicines, but are " -Dr.' Thomas Fina;r'of r BoonaboroV V-o V who has practiced madielna f hr 82 roars, aaya he- baa: aead every peaariptlon kaowli to the profession for treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, and ,aaya he haa neer found any thiag so eifreUf in hoth ehronia and - acute kidney and bladder troable as Foley's Kidney Care. ' Warren Plain. N. a. . 1 S3 ; ; Henderaon. N. C. - SO : ; - Oxford. If. C. - 1.20 -t Loaisbarft, S. C '-. V. r 75 . rriaiiiawD, nf, do Fanf ord, N- C. .'- 85 i kUxtoa.N.C. ' - . - 10 "WllmloKtoaN. C. ' J.M'T; Charlotte. N. CL , -. " - 8.50 ? 8helby. N. C . ' 4 15 'S Tha rates for 'military -eoapaniaa di Bin IeMir Shop. -' and . 1 " Hariess; Slpp . a -1 a . a m. I . a aa .-- a - - rrrv-rvvrj'v" 73.4,'aM- 7, 3 ' It stops irregularltlea ana onuas np me pot meiaae aamiasmn to t&a Mir urooaa (5: W: hDwalil 't rTp li S I chiefly composed of jdwtalled spirits -hole avstem, G L. Aycocke ; - A TiekaU will b eold Oetcber IStb to 20th. ,...a' ..Jli.ii;.-- -.aai'-V I -Jsn'tr.a .rlAn dran or infld-1-? - - ' " fc 1 r1 'oolasire, and i0 traioa rrijioff at Hal r V- land ixrkscar.b ttreat ilJ ar r rr; ttood aaaoaxodattaa f oiiha 4iATalj ehlk. - . ' ?v V!r-; (loadlivatTAttMhed . -s .. 11ASSENBUEG HOTEL J P Maaaenburir Propr without-'the additionof drugs or med icines in sufficient quanuxies w tow rially change Sieir character." niffll fora-aoon of tha 21at. floal limit of Most people have a lot to say when j tickets October 23rd. It. u t.iv oW thomaAlvAi I ine cseaDoara win arrios: to operate they begin to talk about tnemseivea. u, ttaJnf . f WaldoB 0fordt Louisbarff, Hamlet -aod internjed.'it Peel saaowani'AUoaa. Caol farat s l&M txiatl:2.-Ta :rr: "r Eheumatiem. goat, backache, acid poi son, are renlts of kiney trouble. , Hollw jer's Roeky Mountain Tea goes direct rto tie seat of the disease and cnres when all eBleiaUB. S5 ceata. xt. a. C3. - So Ulosa Carriage Paint llads ;. - will wear as Ioej aa Deroe'a. No others are as heavy . boiled," becouse Detoas weizh 3 to 8 oaseee more to the plat, gold hr Allan Xros. Co. . . - , ' points to Ealrlh on Wadnaday , and Thursday October lS:haud 13ttu For farther information apply to eearoat Ticket Areat, or adJraaa - " 1 ' C. H. Oattis. T. P. A". . - V" . . .. lUIeljh,f.C.. U. i CM0.HT PATE0K3; v i- I want, to jlea?e my ;.pttrona in every way, bat can't afford to mxks but one 'trip in delivering' lauivlry. I must insut on casn ox btUTttr, and if no one is at place' of delivery 'tfr receive and pay for launJry," thay can get it by calling at the Laaodry and paying cilar!,," ' " . . Takery staff will be sold only fur ar a. . casa, l can t auora to cuaga ili kjna ci xtx.ixz t at When phoned for or orders Uft at roillVl pricfs. . iT"e batery, bJl will follow and all niaat pay C O. D. 1 have alarainum cliecis which can be bonght 22 for 11.00 then you' will always LaTe change. - . - 11 y patrons will Jease aid ma in carrying out thew rtuea. ' Very truly, " . ; . . JUT.CArtvtx. TFe da be! fa? cealradleUat wkt a we aay we hats tV larait tock ef fords In Uls lias at er rarried ky ay ese estia I Trawl 11 a ecanlj. IiB't tklt worth eeal3riaf wka tob e li Ui aaar kit U bvf gaodaT Do4rt)U it tUcd fe ytica atd tcatxta korrs M&e list tie saaa wko lays lit guAt 1b l taMl tttllty baji Ikaa at a Ur rxUaTtaa Us csab wis tsjs lVta ia satHtr qcaariUaaf We isy It irts aad ws ail rvtvaet ail ca agree with a . .We g tanker atkd aay tkat wa Vyansr foods frj the k-aeltaaaofMtsrtrala Ua Ttitjrd fcutla aad wa j ty cuk f . r evrry do'.Txr'a wartk af jwoda tlal ccaaa IsVa raf 1m aad tlrl r NuM take c3 Sftrf ctttl cr Caia ciKesai llai ear vitr rt: rtra t.a fi I r lied at Q- v 1 al tla ljwtit I it a alo i tll:Z a UaTxas.lpiri:l rtl, -r.-l.frs wa ca.a Co ycr wcrk ca Lcri. notka- Call Loa lio. 3 wbea yoa sed .wood z aay tiaa " : IUspecU'ly, " ' ' l. 4....... .. 1.0 BtatUr kaw larga- All aik at Us tarr tr Ua .a r rrackliteostty il U jlrs a ttatca ta frtrt tltra au j r'.'. : li. C u 13 lo ear r'acs wkta y ire liUw ai Ictk cr c :'-k t- wa clir yaa da cV l:k, V3 ya. 1 a w;:;L I -'. ilt dcILtr doa't lay. All s ttk Is a skacta at 1 wa wl',1 ttrttut n'. UfacUea. . - , . ; , . Tatn f ry irsly.

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