1 " - I . i,.- . t 2: :-. -. 1 i ft I , . -w i .is-. -1 JiS. a. THOMAS, HM, t:J Pr:;.:;::r. V'lL IOUISBUHG, tf. CFRIDAYr OfTTOBEIi C, 1D05 ' ' ' " " - irtV - ' ."I . , 1 '", " '. ' " ... "' . - , r . , - i, . ' - - - - - - i I I m rr t i k i . mi i i , l . . -t i i A mm mi '. w -- C It V IVUB lXVKUVJ.Vfc , t xxkaootat. ' -,f-- f ho ad. Sobool 9M A. M. 1 ' Ok. 8. Baxxx, Soptr p rMbioff a U A. ILaad S 80 If. II. ,,ry Sand. ' 4iSf- y. frTr tMtftlaff WdMidaj might. 0OTIP8" DEVELOFLlEIlT. GOVERNOR GLENN SPEAKS IN NEW: ENGLAND. - HaadAj School t90 AJL Tkoc. U. W ildu. Boot r r rrr m-Mtlag Thand might, 4 a. U. MASBBUUiri'Mtbr. Wm. U. RnrrauSmpU; ryiMM. Boratmr: maa.miit&t om t. 3rd and itm BumM.t f'- h. Bioir rtTt JTrtdmr . utnw Ear. Joux Loirootf, Beeter. : FMBBTTlKUSr. I -wrTioM 4th 8amdT U Meh mtoath Iu.,raiotf ad might. "'r . - k pMtor. . Loainbary Lodgv, A. M.. BMOUT ' mhu lm iMk mtomth. 'ft1 k era.20 ..yean ago rawed 431,000,000 bnahela W; grain; -now ; 949,000,000 boaheIa. Then we produced S37tC0O tona of pig iron; now 8,OCO,C00 toca of pig iron. raiaaJ85"per cent, of all the cotton in the United Statea, Giant Strides of: the Scth In- 75 percent of all the tobaeoo, per Offered Investor: : -jric nearijbne-bjdf of tlw atand- C Hog Dinner ot tne eonntry. Thugirea 4 Ti:Econc:i crruATio:!. DISCUSSED BY PRESIDENT OP SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. v v? tak xuui poverty to aSaenoe and wealth.- S; -WdtorihtolinaUNew -In my own State, NorutParolint Kxigladwageiffthromgn those It to be aaid tiiat tar, pitcV nd States by Governor Glennur At every nnrirt- ' j ' i ' - . . "Vico' I aucta, oat tma u no longer o,f Fijwiu oarn m irresiauoie I raised 600,000 bales of S" "tjwpw, nipia the value of oar property in 1870 a re on the condition of the cot vr?r u was 260,750,000and in 18041847 ton cron We -m; to -Ao.?-25th! fel Eg" mOOd, thus showing ; bw : Rapidly was carefmlly oompfled; from raturns land ainKhe-attended were many w hv in? i; lt, i,..KnAn .-...j.... - . . ' r ; lor we cotton in ld04 CAkes an; Appeal. to Planters, vBerchants. and "Bankers of the; South.- f;'i ' f.iv-?:-.-;. l"At ..a. meeting, ot - the Executive Committee 4 1 the Soathern ' Cotton Aasociaon held at Aaheville, N. September 6-8, 1905, where -repre-H sentatives from ' each ooUon prodae uipw ana Aerriiory were preseni. ,o; s, a. r. vv v wio wpracticanywe TO' debforlandwing a condition ol-.78 toer cent. maa sra xmesamj i ana lactorv.vsnowniff the. results of i,iu.wi,.-J-'vj.3 4.3.i.;-i5 Ln::-1Z!. . .-. , 4 "It i - j;-t whs i-oViVi Tfl noia stocic-in pfeC cent" lot a - correa Dondni neriod i wnicn are moreaaa jaore b i-roCbwAosaal : oeurds I) r HmittiwiekJ.D.9. C. U. Bk.ll.D.3 RS. 8HITHWICK & BANKS. DENTAL 80RQEON8, LOU18BDEO, N. U. in. in Hicks Buildings Main Street. tohiman endeEvor.Kaking North that our resources je in exoeasf f orttis season tased oareptfrttfrW Carolina u. this respect .the, equal of our debt nearlv . aLOOOlOOO -Nnrth thA um Arr nnWt- Jn4tr t "J8 anJ" Jor resources and Carolina is' first in the number of cot- yield of ; 988S3 balee of lnl possibUrties of achievement, second to ten mills in all the 'states; and .third Taldhgthis information as a emde in bciii?m, where the receipts are ned el as collateral to borrow mooy to meet miuring oUigilkma. AU eth er lles :cf bnalneas borrow money, why not the farmer, when by so do ing they can hold their cotton off lbs market and auteriaHy ; adranc iu price ? Pay no atleotion to the bear. ish liters tare being- printed and ciK cuUted .broadcast tthroughot the booth, JThts is done with bot one object and that to discourage and Liv dace yoo to sell your cotton at priors below ha valoe . : Aa producers yoa know that the crop is short and that unless you get good prices, at - least eleven cents per pound, there will be I but little or no prot m this crop " lioia your cotton and cneca mptLe present heavy reedpts and . demand not less thsnjde vetx.ceats foe every poun4 of Bihidlmg , rotton yoo h-iri ta oic The J5ouUra Cvltoa As sociation, The' Farmers YJmtLn4 m rA rinlvuMliM TMtrvW a Sm!. can tMxuevv fx juimvr 4M x armerr l sag nw a. . raia nm u aa. AllianMof Korth, Carolinl htfve sU fr 4mim. the'' D B. 1. a MALONK, t iACTlCINU PHT8ICIAH AJCD 80KOSON. loouudm, a. a utt Areoca rras Company. j )R. J. J. MANN, I'HY 910IANT and SURGEON. LocwBoae. a. c. i ntlre over Aycocke Drag Co.' drag store none. 1 hese exhibits were evidences of the industry and skill of the. men and women who are upbuilding North Carolina,' and they gave sapplemen- tal strength to his arguments. Heretofore section, has been array- ; ed against section the result of infor- mationi. whicht Was- -incorrect, and statements without foundation in fact. Thl object of the invitation extended Governor Glenn to visit New Eng land, and his object in accepting it 1)U 8. P. BORT, f tiA TIOINO PHT8IC1AU AMD SURQ-BOM. Louisburg, N. C. otBeointbe mar ol R. A. Bobbitt A i u. Drug rttore, oa Naan atreet. i) h a. r TAJtBOROOCUI, ; puTsiciAjr AMD sumaaonu c LWVMH, H. O. ottin. i& toot H: boUdlaa', pkoaa 8B. mm ajia uBr4 from T. W. Bleaa'a ; jit. GORDON LEE SCHEPFEB, DENTIST. LomsBoma. . - . a a -. naor to Dr, Arthur HyD a rttmiog iiM la font ,bBlkug.' . ' l. S. MA8HSBBPRO. ATTOKllaT AT LAW mwi uaay - -- wiu ynouoa ta ad tk Ooarta ot Um UOle Ooart Hoasa. in me numoer ot looms ana spindles: oorraeotaon witn the present enor - "Last year my State manufactured moos demand for spot cotton "by. the 100,000 more bales of cotton than she spinners of rthe worldV the' present raised- , i i ; ' ' -t mgb prides of cotton goods, and ;the "We therefore come to bid all wel heavy cost to the producers' for culti come who will comeTnto ; our'; midst, vating andfearyesting this- crop,"; the and say to thenv that -theu, motto of (wmnuttee asrreed That eleven cents Horace Greeley shouid no longer li J as a- rpTimprn price, basis . middling "Go West, young man,", but should, at all interior pointa, wouM be m rea be, if yon want homes and. to live sonabie and conservalive price to be among generous people, where yow asKed by the producers this- season would be -welcome and set returns for their stade. It has been eeneri: was to bring the two sections--Gov. on the great wealth Chat you have ac j ally reported,: and not publicly dai ernor Glenn representing the iSouth cumulated in the eastern states in the nied that BDinners can- bav twelve face to face, so that the -t-Nbrth; I wou nf n ;A wmnnt wnu . I nf.. .i i. could get biased and uncolored a4 VQu six. seven, eisht and tehTner centi at the - wesent time and atiU - maka correct knowledge of the bouthjs at-; J come South, , and you will find the good. profit ia the jnanufactre,of utuqe to jew England, l n ex- j words that I utter are words of the raw' material into the finished pression ot tue iortnern press on nis truth.,. A fabric. Peace has been recently de tour is indicative of hs.fact that the Some people may object, saymg clared tweett: Russia and Japan! ipsuii ym. Yasuy. Den-j that theconditions down there are The whole civilied:.worid U in a efickl-olorth; lliiiathe aot sufficient to induce them to eome, most prosperous condition and the Stfuth. Thl industrhd and commerA that we are sectkmaL This- is spindles in all the cotton noffla of Em- ciai relations oi tne two sections nave untrue, for we love the nation with rope and America, are running night been greatly strengthened. V I our whiole heart and eoul, as . shown i and day to supply the tremendtus mi - ' . a r -9 . a . - . - xne iar otate ot mame, m tne city by the readiness in which we en-j demands for cotton goods. w atervuie, Jtte wnervt -bMttf I ttaeed in the Soaiush-American war. Fair was .held, was hospifalily theion oT a ! Confeder- 17ZcZ:Z -r u. unprecedented ? a? iT a7"D tnpugnt was ngnt ana fi nearly 14,000,000 bales h , , r mtjfBiore savvnii apyiogy h maae I boj. "qajfly absorbed bv the- spinners - , -r- iW uutau, iit, .t -Veraire brice of nine cents ter ous place vwere tne words: "Wortn h dav that th nma f T, - and I , r..m. - - - . coxsuMrnojr unprxckdistko. The enormous crop of American and South." The Water e Sentinel, in its re-' Stonewall Jackson will be cheerad i Of Uus.crop there.wasjooly ' It cllen arpaars the hm . a knows, the kir it Uiea to tali itU .' i 'J " - ; ' , HAKLE3 CvMELT rTTJSra TZZTTY. Ka worn saaUat t rrtW W raaxaraaaatf W aaa ta aiU4 rmt r It ar ao-apUxloa U OrU Laattt rrall Srraa akla drmtlam ail aWra aaUo-a tioUU-i tat4tWM f cJatitk lag ta livar aad tawoU. OHaa lAxUir FrU Eraa da a4 a fa la tr grit aa4 ta wU4 aa4 t4aaat la Uia. . axMabt taa mm UiBa a4 aWaaata aeaapi aar Sabatitata. O. t,AraaaU. .-' jL-ai. rj. j . Some aa proceed to storm vLta they ere 2ulUs to raW ihe uL Qew U Cars '. Coras ami saxA. " ytrat. aoaa tVa aora or Vailoa ta irm aaav ka aacara U, Wa aa b ; Lm tc 1 - -' C-sl-fr..i.. sa fi'i ! i : - t- ' t . : ?, t-1 1 - ' - 1 - f - -aiaatar i-fiU ta xs a (aar Lr U ttxu4 U f ra Uo. Asa g aaal "old Yelvet; rye - " pure - old velvety.- " tho best for the price ' ,?;j I sold : every vhero.. '-'- cull -;ror;? it', at lauisburg- dispensary, - ' ' loulfhurir. n. c- " . ; i&j 6.W e6i jCkV. ? .- FOR PnTB argreed on the "miniraani prtos. el eleven cents and the '' membership of these powerfol organixataoos,' stand ing together in - unity' and harmonr. world and win another notable Tto- nndrrn is WnU-' In mJlta tory, the like of which was never wit- Jconaomption. Both bare roor . : - iiniooa:- min nnrti nnnt iai CaD your eonnty tod dutrk tr I Tbc dlamsre. thrire Vm c&a-' ings tnroogoout : UiA- enure . Wit FiCes. - r at M tUo brwt rorftng ci , Build up your Inemberahin la the I oraroxnlnff Xhcxa; cod liver oil Southern ' Cotton !Asaoolstioa and I Cinket tho beet And bralthjatt stand firmly together for losOce and 1 W , . ; , protection. . iiTea .wui cmck u sale of your cotton for SO cr W days this Association V2l guarantee aa advance;in the'grice easily to 'eleTes cents per poand. : Do not rash your cotton- on a depressed tnaxkef, bbi sell slowly and prore to the; world m tho eaaWt and moat Bert ire beyond all qoceitoa of . doM ' that forra or coJ liter oil. Hrre'e o Southern"" farmcrt Kfe the abSitv, n.atornI or3 lol things that tho detormination'and thmrtranrth to hy .Scott a Eaulioa i c . 3 v - ; 0 n; Ef err Ton u e.? ' r 4-r" aaal,aaaaaJSaa4Uaaaiaai TkfAa , y i iavi 'iJ et LsaiJsWfg Otasaaajry. . V "kV Tniilis: Dial 1 Strilie -Home SCOTT 'S ErMSION .' .yew ILU alls TW1 of aor znoch TaJua ia &U eaane ol power bmamtamu . The Soathern .Cotton . Associstion must be maintained and ifinaaeed W. BODD1E, ATTORXEt-AT-LAW,i' Louiaairaa, a. w i tu ott Boddia, Bobbin A Co.'a drag j the farmers ol the South," Its power to protect toe interest of tbe prod oers isecognised and, fairsd by all the- leading specelstire and eoUoo interests of America and Europe. If we go down ta defeat the enemy will be'raercllesa and it wIQ' take twenty y firih4jSoBth.i rawvsVjaia. Stand by the Aseoctataoa atrnT there hf protect your individual interests. The South Is both mentally and fiein- dally able to manage and protect her interest frobx the'dominatang and de vastating hands of her enemies. , Last January the price oi cotton meat, that'a why. SQOTT 4m BOwTJE, Qxahn .-'4J0M1S M SM, NrrTai tfe. !. . , m v AitM ai roeer te Uom sii if U to A ra 13 ke bcvl very l.Ule aiott lie bulk osSe U Uffw am ha rDOar, wlra U crUiy Snu, aanr tt wee Ukstid--or isniA WTVtt rslsanarw't li ywi tnryywar .ocS laoae . ly lie fcsid Los smm yvt txped peniy a4 cttioca ruali t ALL rACXACC cxniixa, U e4 msmtasem tm meJSTj ji Clwvwr. raw fita A caxm tr a arnrr. ut twiu. tuoK comx A. BEAUTIFUL VV u. HAYWOOD BCFFIN. ATTOBJrCT-AT-LAW, n uoawvae, s. . ' ' ' . wui prMUealaaUtaaOoarta of Fraakttn uj MijatoiBg ooouUm, atao ia taa Baataaaa ,.,ori, u4 la ta Dnttad Stataa Biatrial aad iiruuii uoarta. uom ia ooapav aad Cttma Bauaiag. i) 'l'Ho. B. WXLDXm, A ' ATTOBjraT-ATlLAW, Miaaaaa.a.o. otSM oa Mala aeraat, airaa Joaaa J Ion. 8s 8. aPKDILL. aTjunalTreserva stock of llnJmore pon oi governor vrienn s aaaress, i ana toe-name of Urant . and Unooln j nonorea ana revereu m me ooum-1 cj September. Ifno more than governob.glkjo-'s speech. - land, not because- ttiey belonged to r,rinn $ ttnn am bar. The great oration pi th$ evening that section' but were' part of the j Teflte(j KiBon to be added to the wa8:M HqniGa-in, Goy hole country. -; . -V small reserve stock carried over from erndr of North Carolina. Every per- is urged that we, do not treat ccop ot 1904, the milla of the son Resent was captivated by the the colored people right We give worl(j, at the present rate of con beauty of bis voice, by the elooenoe thern every legal right to which the? option, wfll face "a famine in raw of his language and by the power arftlehtitled; W' give tbeni schools otton before Wther' crop can be and vigor and earnestness of his for their children : just as , we. give planted, cultivated and placed npon words. J J r-W them to the whites. , We.give. them the market;- The; mills have, con His theme' was "The Industrial places for thek poor and needy, tor toctea f w manymonths ahead , for Development of the South." Apart eir deaLdumb, blind and insane, delivery of eoods to be manufac- i. va I not places poor and ill-equipped, but I VA AAAD iOAtuU JS0 W - - l a. . , . - - - I tUA dA VA Vt VivVU J vS aa - WMLUS I - .at a a MriToastrnaster,Trien, Gentle- np.-aaie,wnere every oomxors snu from the prodacers. The Exporters . - , "7 , I" min alii I am a happy man to- cara can be guaranteed them This ve to the spinner, cotton to be '-Zl ?Y JbjLZt2.u riinM-l anvman can see bvcdmine to onr inh, 061x18 m tlw Booth on Jnly gbeneeoucopia, blem of my own North CaroUna,jind tna r negro is soenn quauiyK ana before me 1 see iot North against we dalhia becauseiwe believe that South- but those cfelessed .wordUVW8 f?Don .""P: "North and Sonth.w I have tasted nor race to any tther, and we treat 'v. .ii'w rf iJDs Oorni yo t n run peuna rtr wm, a a. (Lihee4ev7tckc) FniJ0.1TAy-CirOCEgS EVXRWTIEgE I XaaMSmlaawmi SILVE muss. Boltahla to BrUaL PirliulaT ad! was depressed to six cents per poend I UoUdav crwmmts. GaU ' mad took and the" Snnthart Cotton A-aol them over and U oatlnrwd taat 1 j '- .i- x- lemaaafl vow aa cheep ai ur'tw won wuorguawi as we iiw vr-wrt- -rtf.-n s T tm leans ConrsnUon January 2,l&6,Jln the Jewelry mad B?!r bosbvma. F. N.& R. Z. hite EGERTONS root. to bring about harmony among the prod soers, merchants and beakers so aa to adyanee the -price to. tea cents per pound.' The world knowT that D EaT-llLLEtT. Watobjsa aaa a J a t Tbara's o bettsr tomle UutaTVoie as Qdll Pllle 60e a box at draa stores. - -.' " '. DEPENDABLE VALUES. oers. to be oougnt from tne jrodu- , -iij- . - The spinners and the Export- - - - v- - , - ... era are heavyrL with nJ but paper, contract ia their .:poaeee- .-..-,7 j. - ... t T- i! ... . w, f - - .. .. fMiV h Htllt ti Un'i raaik lar; toj ambAa f alia -..-Tf ayTitE. .-- 1 foraaa itaalf e-at ef live grate-: Tka aatrrlaxl wle ee rkls mef Bv lrtaa.of the mst cwaUla-l la mstp adesrlWof UlMsa yt Ul U rsui't ssske ra4 is a ed Inlhs lajt U1 mad tasUasetllet- Tha sVsvs Is astled hat It t9 ttttxlU Mwtrtitf ATTomamT-A.i-tAW, r. 0. wui attnd taa aoarta of maknn, Taaea. 8aoniu ooart jot Monk CaroUaa. rxunpt utaattoa aivaa I eoUaatwaa. nonpt MMauoa giaa vo eou otto or ar Saanoa'a Ston. T. w. axoaarr,; -,. I .t ' krroBjnrx asp ooimtoixoa aiLawv; voawsvme a. e. '. ' -.. Prompt aad pataataklag atteattoa gtvam ta sion. while the farmers of the South 1 . TTT Tr A; ? 8 I " 1 "T. 1 . , L I II- V. . JTi - -. your uafaUmg hospi the epot .cotton lift their hands - . Uraiooa.mi ta. fwt HM Ir la every UaaaaaU. aterr f U t-tti Tear the tta. Tkte aaa chusetts, Newampihire, Vera absolutely the key to the crhtr. 4oe ta Ue tm ef LeaUVarfV Jt.Ialwmys Uea af ey. yem tie lLyca harm ll T jrar Mame,sistera aU in God's grandest W - m eaU at poblle mueUsm U tte nation! V - . ; r . r Sbntil Mountam occupy, and like n rfarhts to demand a i diffefeneei vdrdjejfus to fwar,,fbut wwiawnx! crop at the hands iTMcerejroeaptly This work has already and his keeDsake:and his monev to L a i:vV .kIUQU4' toaoson aoserea.sM.main tract or percsl of Umd U ICrprSM Zr-:-It,. Pr. . . T:rr tainedbf the wpLxItthaiSoath Creek towm.hip.mmd Voaadad as riousnesi rath Jthaamirtiu a unce ".r ngnts to oemand a lair.pnoa xor tou - wmnti,2 . tl aai. i.11o Bammler al Cvnreas Ti- - -srr- .-f - l At - g.:i.kS.r - KaaI aaaAMe SamvtTUWf ' ' . I ' . . I waaa a sa.ajaW i- v fa S a 1 . SB ' mw .a . T " oi i-i.i'ww ift Crtea maa tornsr o a r 10 a . iiainis us saaaa wis rum a m a. . r ' NomaroKna casthenot stm with ba , v Wtha ma tm Gt h .rrM-J" it.. wia o-operauraaaort to ...I., a.. Oibt. w. wuutan. Hon. J. C. autoaTriaa. Vint aattoaat Baak of Wla 4oo, ataaa ataalr, Wtaatoa, f aoplaa Baak of Moaaoa, Ckaa, a. Taylor. Fraai Wafca Wot- m uouaga, moo. a. w. wwna i : Offlaa orar Baal m Ooa atoia -v vii reek W, a. tmei- wita lU 1Q v4ea ta a Isaasairsa stake. Je Oraew'e ae 10,000,-1 , iheaea with his line SI Preat 170 poise te a rorasr stake la C. . - . . . i e . .aL I ballad liim tft'inm his beloved.mfistflT l i. ' Jl to neip States oi me umer bwuuu i ---v- -. i tue uuxuem axauis wmwiuwui . . JW fight those of her own section t"1 f" that are so actively at'rwork tol.4af - r. , - preaa Creak, thenea ap as ll mea, ATodWtheJEVesidentf : W defeat thewul clthe .f rSl U" the heriaalm,, cmUJiinc Unced tlresre mad y the ammy ktaa wards sf-ckam la UU1( U yew frit ads. - Osr store, towr stsra, U tie latisaas aaava -T U. saads af ef Vast m-aU.- A Usttlitf taam ! tae etaivad- ml ita lejfemt stcras lm tall twos try pretoasr! awta IVrr rraaf d far tte ee asm a see el er ruttornvsrs Urn a msf nrlaaatt ttore ia tle IWetV. Oar m4vmrUmttamte ssast te acrepeWaslf twrrart. almsrssprtaLle, relUVW. We apea the mmsw with " , ,. - . ' .'.... . j . : - :- - . W. rmmeom. - - - ATroajraT ir-iAW. ' aaea;e..:yJ atf aaitaC OSUa am,. lar the President Vdf : our one XJncle Nat rongel7 press prices and defeat the wui of the I .vTZi stands, by hi deeds for peace, I love the South and her people. . u.-; IWli? t nlbi rrfer i in Xihe I love the starS and stripes which SWH!:i!'l ' J?f r nayon i the most jnotable ruler in ' all the earth. wesr o ou dtjtt; waxitpowBti every, sea and rho nia "On the field of hattle, North , and dare oppoae. And the day ; conv Everyman In the. South, no ; tnat- afein im whenl ter what hie' avocation, is expected to tl TAaaonopoH, js.- AnOBNKTATLA;' offle ia Opara Hoaaa banding, Ooart atraat , AU lagai baaiaaaa iatrmated to aim 'Ui rvoalva prompt abdaaraf ol attaauoa. t&t:th"i dor- his; duty during -:tha '.coming Hod Is iord.-i-to c moninm anu wwuvw.wtt tuu. iuwi and financial ability in fho great fight red linsV' laoffhtatf 1 wo. uavo eujagwa mj u . of ' their strength them met promptly I 'SiWtory Tor IJgbTpTicce moon oa won, tnea vnetr great. stap4e will be selling at Its real value to the woridj: ; 'ri - -.y. r(s ; ; .1 F. HODCK, j'lAoiill the land and thejeatbagger came- to prey upon us. m-ouj : povwrfcjr and mock min our desolation. S'-' "Butjmen the equals of youLoouid Southiearned that they are,6ot . unen quals r but equals;andb5&ere loyp thw TJnion, bnt M vii: trea son that Lbest love the land of huck- V lrj oni anramaal Ka fjir. mv 1 --AiXm win want - ' t .iliiTi. sweat breath? sad aJ ownunny f?ouiur.:. . 4 rfoUistersBoskT MoumUtaTea.'Tbe - iii-.lw.. IjJtiLt' 'iA I he askad tor a eeagt asadWtme. matlw "The war left us desolate aod-the rreateat besutiflar kuowa: 85 easts, Tee "'" "V 7 It aa aaatad for a ablld ar far aa a4alf. tAn vVia avmv'' tTiAflAftlflVAff I A JndKWjss tmaatry. A vallkaoaa traraMag saam So vfa towaleaUriAttawsafttU. Utls liaa al f rmst 4tJ ae4f 'rrka med aclaAl vslee, OOsre 2t Ufl ya el tte advsate la jrltas al lxtv.alaa aeraa. iTlaaa ml atU. WV a!a'tti aaltoa ctdm. It ia ttr. tt tafaUMl te mtola 11 '!, LL :-trmUretry4tortamarva4Jy Oa rrire I et err Trd T r JT. etaxca, x J retedslm wrtifiiMitsVi jwtMNe siww t Ure ed "1 ' sf Av A- Bledra. dt'4 J Ioa im lLm rasl laslte tseeika. ti tek mtrtaatas Utleg a&A, a W. M; f ermoa.'AU', " ' I wiU admL meme price slU f te trsk t !e stake Uis tra r- - . Krm,.? 1 hat alvsnaalee yea wlil a Ui fa asre et aoa iTjtee. v By tlrtoe ot the rawer gives ia ate rial m taortra re deed siMalad on the 37ik day f r a 17 ty ;Jac!;clsr: Raincoats, and Furs. tUtkadrsx tra4 sara aa 1 i ftfui WW. lol!sr m4 UlUle A t dveto4 were lUee tia maeal Im 1 el Uf f sr rr batrd drags lats laqalra of tmatoaMra vl!-r VI. .if. to. f. O F.0fcLr,a! ' . . a t.t .ua .iar rtii fa tautt if Item- iters 1. 1 aa 1 rt aa - r.,. mod dolt recorded Im Baak kr aracmrisr tkess ml ike teveat twalV7t tlts Ui OCT e-tttoerf ; cm a imuik j CONTRACTOR AX9 BUILDER, 0. LOOUBtTaa, ;. K Trading Agaatfo au kinda of BoiidiBg triumph over even that I -i i--'. -. ' - . kr An AAA AAA. i- 1 QTrt veetraents TaaietSi'f.p-T.-'?t ' ;s;;iannuii mgeuuiij o upreea i aaa u roe a eoua tcy aimoax laranaoi r pag a a jj. ib oa v-a i va t-g i raa La ra w tTJ i-g 'V.-: ThaTntatinnid Cottoa Spmnersof Pt wwmtoriato.egm fcaev UUef Deads ef Fraakllm eeontr, U. ti. AmalnSmakel dTs car -f rami - tt ,3 d defsolt kaelsg barn mss x .Taa at -i--.--irr-i.r.v.:: I - -I.w.ii. rv. i. ik I ttk cartaaut U uid mvortzare I i uiruug nu. www, .a T1: -j wiihduS wwm., .m.- I laaa. Aaaraa la alitar it. aad faaaaftffealdsmt. I Will aa Ff Jit. ttS 27th I .a. - -- --- - 1 W tWf li.5e e4 ll e-isLim3re '& ttrli f A 9 t-f stk We Leva cuoa raaarey vjr, tia tt r-e jw.a r Tseire la me Ic-reataeal aa a a Hjlif irrm wa. tt makes no difoemea how i : long you I are dohiff all4n their powerto-ham-1 ivabeewskki if you arm troubled a th - AJ r '- salabr all drogrkta. , 1 ha'vs Indigestion, eoaalipatlon. ,r liver and kid-1 merown the market. ;The solution J ZZhZhZuX tTM;HoU."...I. if -problem UTeor iid K ' T - - ' ' v .. . fiVt m nnnlMltlAnoil ' St-JIIVl tAC-Otll. I Onoa there was a ma 4 ' ho tried serve two" maa vera sad be was arrested' for bizamy. ' ''-',?.. at patllc acciloo, at FieaklUte. N.CT.the foJIowUr trst ef. land Iflsz asdtsls? in Frsnklle airs rse cl tae Ttw ma n J e Leva Loa faaarejWir, , Tkee I me Irteal: UMERY! MILLINERY ! . r kat 1 . .fcMli a M .. .. 'J. :.' I Art c AA AAA numwi. --..I w,vw, "f"t . , , - - - . St.VH, e A aarimatos of - some, we . are !- v fTr t -r - -.:rr; . . - FKAKKlilNTOK flOTJCL wortll nearlr 16,000,000,000 of such V But the proof 'of; ther.pudding is er as brother, battling lor tne pro- - ? - - -feltha manner id'lrnich the cueata looa I tecuon : ox youx ureaaira y .r . . . . . .a propeiy -t- , . v , - M.'.nft,;m ' I KnmeiL vour wives, children and Your I tA nr rr.riU t LhUaaa of ib Tr . - - , . i . m . t , , . Bomr Keasonabta Adrlce. FBiinrxcrroiir, it. ou GKm4 seaontodstlom for the trmvalimg : obite. ',:.:..tt j Goad UttaY Attsehed - . TwBntv" v'flra aso we raised 'only at each other and say nothing. " . -r. , -- 6,500,000 bales of jsotton and used in the South 188,000 bales. Now e iinver 10.000.000 bales and use in the South 2,000,000 bales. LTwen uld not imp m heroic struggle that lies ahead. Store Coli u eoatraated sj most exertcisung ,..,!vii. t after each oml 1 your cotton inthe meed wherever pos- f "gdoa. by k: MASSENBUECr-HOTEL- f Ftv v'ears if2o wVhad 21,000,000.in A fciajmsKmbtxrtr Pronr vested in cotton, miUs and operated LEUL1 -Now we have Oood W- t- - gA ;n 'J MMMMdaUoaa. Coed faret Te $230,UUU,UUU in cowon uui -l- J-madatteg-vm r-rr-'r : r . ersta 8,615,000 HpinoUes. , wur carm- Mi.arinin ait " lnrinragilnn Cnred. ent onoes. j; r Call i upon , your ; mer- Emsiresrl had"a very- asvera attack j chants and bankers to aid you in the of laduaauoa. L eouia night and suffered nin for thte hoars was troubled thla way or u aboat thraa t giWe and do" not have it ginned , until mnnini wnea a u&m tjuauiwumui ww countxyStop selling coUon at pres. &Vo" wnmrh and Liver Tableta. sod reeelrad immediate . relief," says John Ditoa, Tnllamore. OaUrto. "Canada. For sale tj all drulat. t-; V'Y naadad bfor loir U orr, aad mora c rotor t SQ1 tu.ictory ro..; are tttaiaaJ -abas Utta as -aooa at a aad bafore U bcta-i CTft-. alb iti plcgilaa f2'T band. Ttli rmrf;U wvjiiowa and o ' aiU"iaUar cooa Utt i cr-i cotton under good sheds to keep it I mteilom taay ottar. It la Jr sia ty a.l j dry on the farm or place it kr ware- & ZZ f: later in the season. 'Store the lint tcriUJ s &i d.! l-.s 1 as fc.Uws. to- tal yoof aeig iVart la.s UJ La trt .lr. aw Ujj L.a a. ... wiU Ar.sterih u.Jlrld.i tm- mew eat slsf amd 'Ji k1- We . k J - trrsa Id thala cf J. II. I r. aad !x at -k. f? w. kmc tU! lie J' V dcret-. ll.aas: j ecaUielrglM Urm U'a xUj wiU m!1 "em"'"-. TiU tlstoan cf FrVmkl,ttal.'.a ke m.d ex.-rte.ee . Ca:1 iV.ta lea a T v. .7.a ir-tu V;eitsidecf ill!!fcoraftrt.t, ad. V7. afe BaUtf m ue ' TjfV: . . ' , .1 Ijolclcr the llr, tc ef V, L. JIc .'.rtlUf (w. tare smsa a siw mmf , ' Thlslher-lhdsysftV-Ull ekss? eli.wlere V.e sssy d;4 t; ra It iVat 7cm - Uea I. Q. Tirsr;s, Mcrtrre-. cLsaper letm. UaeiMMiTM". - I T TT T ' .. I I . CT 1. 1. I.firifT. A! II , . If.' . 1

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