JAS. VOL. ' " J rrk IvlVv V'' V T A t-rrTT! muri -ri.-rr-.- " ' " ' 7 " " . ii i .i ,, - - -y- , -j, - - , 1 a - ... -a--a. aij -a. .1 i ; w .lvjo . . . .. . " . . - rif' v - . . . - j ' . -rv: i. . w .-. . -.c ' - ' : 1 - . 1 - -, , . . . .... .. . .. i. ' n ' .- -XT- .v;rV-:'-. -t-.-'-j;; .v- - - ' " t'-.. - - - s - . . - - - " " ' , - - :. . : YYYV ... W (JHUHOH DIRECTORY -(.iQd School tt 90 A, IC-:- ' , a. 8. Baku, Bnpt. ProMhintr t U A. tLvaa 80 K M. mwtlng Wdnedar nlglit.' ' L, 8, lUasn Paator. BAPTIST '".' : , , dandmy Sohool At d0 ASU. Thos. B. Wilssb, 8apt pn-Mhimt At it A;H; fad 70 P.M., ,Try dasdA. "SSr f-3Mf5 I prrr mitiAg,TkmhAj aigblj ? H. Mabhbuiuia. Psfltor. AVIB00F At, iU''r" 'T daady Sehool At Wm. U; finrra. 8opL srv ioM, morBlng And nUcbt . ob gf, 3rd aad 4th. SuwiATi. V VV HlTHttlDtf PtAJTAt. FridAr Af ttnOOA Hit. J ou Loxdoy, Rector. SnrTlmM 4th 8w1aT l MVKBtA- moroiDi AAdlghl-'r-J aS- V : - PAAtOC 7 XODQAA. a. X., . MMtt Ltt . aa4 tSrd "TaeedAj aitiM Lb tMt montli.'; EiAURIA PREVALENT. IS THE DISEASE .DUE T0 THE .-vM0SQDITO?:C- LOUISBPG, K. a, FMDAY, OfTTOBEIUa, E05 LACOa -III THE SOUTH. CONDITIOKS UNSATISFACTQBY '7:' THE. PARIf: i How, to Hcet tlie DIGcultles of the Situation; Discussed Southern Cultivator. ?t method was employed with great buo Mas last year by the eaty of Winche ter . Va and our Jown .towiof Tar boro has recently shown a most com- : mendable spirit, of v enterprise in """" irom xne Mate Board expense in securing protection against ? -;?-etA Ivlngr -Helpful monitoWand in providing a supply ;Suggestion5Hi 4; ? ofpurenling water will J practi ! t' t'ih '-f :- Mreagaiii8t'taalaria;j VUtt j"MTnost prevalent diseases -Ap.tnose interested in tbia Bobjectl t-Go where you wniHa th South; ff.vvw.malanalewrjs 4raiauj.??mi andyoawill luwtQa.fannertia. we form' another; ;It jg by, txo ing and TaluabhV book ottlmosquhoes cossing the'two pharos of th- laboi means confined to the iow4ying.ea written in popular and entertaining question, first the scarcity of it an4 tern section of Hie Sfete,1'ut Js quite hy Dr. L. OHowardy the Chief the unsatisfactory quality of it. - No abundant in many locaKties in the Entomologist oi the" TTnited States; discission wM baa 6tilA tVt rin? hili eountry,r haf ing been reported published t by .Jtfcaur;'PhiUips problem ind itwffl toke many yeart " By recent scientific the cause of the . 7 " . w v I ouiveu, wbu aireciea enort w sev i muj roters who inve8tigataon8 1 P"llP!U- , - t r- tie it in anything like a satisfactory i the permanent fever has been shown r -Kl?AM Iwi8-M.'D, ' -1 manner, if i it ; can ever I be acoom- father tsUuse did . : All irrOHTAITT CASIL r- There m another cam In the eourU in which the Sapreme Court wul be called upon to cooitrae the francUae Amendment to the stite coojtitaUoo. This U a friendly suit brought La Ire dell county and its decision turns 'up on t&e construction of the permaaeat registration . clause In that amend ment! The suit is based on the fol lowing state of facts " - v JamX August An electioa" wee held in the town ol SutetviHe to the question of voting a bond issue of thirty .thousand dollars..- There was new. registration for this election. are registered 'on roll under the' snrand- not register for this not fiU. . . ... Erery man m more when he's la lore. or leas a Hat to;beva niieSTO )tiBbed witi our piesenVelaw'-: hi -la- eTecSoru If their, name are the pI$moiunXnaria "fC - , , . . rv.'pcp borTr It w-ihe purpose' ofhe' writer . counted .in idetermlnb thelnu amoeba vivaxjfjwhich feeds unon tha l- .'f-tiOO) FOH-THR RT.IHri: to devote some snaoa la itx diacnmion efeistered'' votm thn tk -GOLD FOE THE BLIND: 1) Smith wtck.D.D.8. C. H.Bapki"p.D K3. 8UITHWICK BAllki i I amoeba yivaxhich feeds opoa the red corpuscles -of the blood; hence the SZi- ;5 ; f -oni Annual pistrlbiiUon ofThous- oflHdlW"it4in, thebld1s r a5 to.Sl Jork Clty; as foUowst .One of the snores. o ha. P - J " nwwss.,- jju gciujo, bu tu uptsajt, enters a reu i kikx3 nuacLT woan rtrrrr. ?fo wonts a wlUr r rIf W felamwf b abe MrJ rrur tf kT oBpUilo U fc3.- Orl L.xU Fralt Prrm? aij sV-rwCo ail tWn iio (fcl.-.fc4 MaciioM tf atilU rlPjrp 4v a4 utMii w t-rtM tMsif th tt.s 0ro a4 rWea le Aap4 AA f uiimClU Q. 1 Araoa. 1 u- . . i ; . In the tnkltt ol Ue we m is dsbt. ..-- ', " '' ; -.i u t. : , Corae a4 aicas : Bew teCure Tint, aox t&e aarA ae s-vaVoe la erai trr to aofte K, tW A4 Apply ..CttKt-rU'i'i r 1 at la a Ua At A af ;.ium 'A or aVoaLI b wore e f re cUrt U I old velvet . rye pure - old - velvety. . thobest for the price -V; sold everywhere. ' . ' calL for ' it at - ; . :.,- - .. -;- ' ' J - ' loultburrr. r. ' ( iaVoe la mrm ryt,, Bumber devote, some space te its discussion I efTregistered.1'. voters then the bood from.timftto time, and to publish let. I isswwAe -carried; but if t they , are ten from many farmers, giving : their eountedxthe number of vote east' for 1 r U trxe to a. aj a At we stated, above -discussion will 4 of the ?tarejnsteTedvoter':and thel'1 foeUabea er(Wuk ot eettle it but it mav aid us in. pef-1 croDbsiaon is dafaatcL " . . I ... ii i ting down to. work upon a more sys-1 The court will hate two cueetioos -U itHre I DENTAL 8DBQEON3, . u UIV DIUWUKiHwauunti 1 C 1 ... t 1 ...... . - , i corpuscle and, feeding oft its contents, itFive hundred in all, men. and wol tematio bais, which we are sure tnnst to decide if It goes fully into constni- l BlCOlttliDllOlg On CYcrr Ton fu o.w . EWVWH. - , t4 At UutiWri DleMAeerr. U ' r 1) u i A. MALOSm, A..Ticina PHTsiciAM AJrn sonaxoH. lonum, s. a )0ia o' Areoek Drue Company. , v iuu;uuuibiii ueouma nearly as vu uoi iwi, grupeu uieir way aqwn iui iu boiuwou.- ocoruicg w ue wuwer qu woo pna oa OUM Oo TVi '' C '' ti ' wW W''Wfy V "large as the corpuscle. r It theh,bya East Twenty-sixth;street todayr-antil .besjt ligUbWus.rtherf the permanenft roll,yhIcb it filed whh ff0? ' Z ' ' " '''' S ' "' " ' " " ' . process known as segmentation, splits they could g no lEurther, and stood diatinet lieadc intobiob7.!iabjeot' the cleikof the oourtrcf 5th 'coanry ?y Wight majr yield ( - n Y- ' ''-, " " : ' - again; which for a short timeare free I shed, Which is known as the charities I ied by our farmersand each endeav-1 do aH others whcee names are rjooafcCXt,X)ll ' "Will . haJ3g;,Oa 1 13 IO f y A .V V Vl - I I av r d iu , u 5 j jK. J. J, MANN, PHYSICIAN Ad8CR0B01f,, nanos. I! Ajcocko Drue Coadrafatora K ti. P. BORT, fUAtmuINQ PHY8ICLAJJ AKD SDBQBOH. Louisburg, N. C. uitl.' in tb Ttt ol R. A. Bobbltt ft in. l run Store, oB) Naaa tiet. j&wepisp g ; Y v: CASH.OR EASY '"l- ;tv"; payments ' . " ' ' ; ' ' S - . " . - " r,. ' . i Ty MBMAbrr. r ft;ra!4tW, s In Lmnrf in the blood and unattached to -the I department iThis is the plaoe; .stay loring to find the best solution fori the permanent roll; and whether tn an jlOnger; - It - wtu tC ' XnOTC corpuscles.. : It Vjust as the'segmen- where you arel? Bhouted the few po- hnimself, also standing by his : fellow-1 election which requiree a majority ; of tioubl CSOm C." " tOO. V TXj- tatdon occurs thaYthe chill comes on, Kcemen on;dutyt"a with usy; hands farmers in all right and proper meth-1 the registered-y otert , to earry theJnCCCS5aiy; to t&ke cbtnCC3 whwh' elajbrthe" periodic recur- they kept thiiming out the ever in-1 ods of - settUng iti for ; themselves, j prppoehion theumber of tames oo 1 oil thai second one. Scott'sl renoe of the chill every, twenty-four creasing crowd .into v a double line. Farming is no longer such an isolated J the permanent roll must be ad4ed to Hmul&ioil prerentiTe hour and as" it iras been found that which stretched away to Fifth ave- and independent calling that ". the In-1 that of thoe oo the regular rrkara- BS Well ItS it CUTCX Take quinine is most enecuve m failing wwj, awug uw mwgoe ana me waus l uivKiuai can ignore uie interest oi i uou . dookjio oruer. .to. uaterminei :. the germs while they are free in the i 01 Uellevue nospitat - - ; I his class-as a whole. - We must learn wnetner enoogn votee nave been cast blood and not buried in the substance t - Each one in turn-felt the hands of to work together; it is the. only way I for the proposition of the corpuscles, the best ; time to policeman laid gently on their we can attain a high degree of . proe-( V Ye hop the Supreme Court . will I give' quinine is just before-the chill I shoulders, but they saw noiing of Iperity. .Now as to? our subdiTiaions J take p and pass epon both tbeqnee wca Colds abotind ILtld is expected. . -.jineir protectors or tneir surround-1 to tnis great quesnon.;; , ; I ior were ie mucn oerene OIjyoa'IlliaTeilOCOl(L'Tal:eit unemetnodef the mtroduction oF r";- - - - - - r : when the cold is contracted I ru ra, mU t t eM wUlle lie attt W Ut. the malarial poison, the Plasmodium, V1 V w w .'en- nnea wnswn conuaee oetween una. py jwo,-wa1co uxmj w . . r fl 'm , I Teef w H M for Cm ee en lUf Tet saa, n A ti 1 1 We I Ibe eertainlv the chief method. hM biriP1- - lord and tenant v ... wea et3 demonstrated beyond all Question to I With m? ot Pr bUnd I --Tlie iiuusUng upon more care- J a bond bsue or lerying of . a apaal I "TT' . lMaetttau twm. ok snd floor bu boiMpaoM w. i . , i---i, i. , fcn.i :" I came relatives, who. had led them to I tol preservation and thorough culu- htax tr town or county aod it ovntl ,..dnsphoM7. I mnmtn trr, -a Twenty-sixth - street from .-various I vation ot the soil. , r'lto be settled once and for au wvdvjiuw Auv tv J etc ouvLTUOlCDa bUO I . ' - - ...-.- I- - - - - I , . : - eommon mosattito. which: while more paria ox me iy; out 5 inose -,r esoorts o. a ne inwsung upoa : a r wiree- i uiugwu .nu-wigw. ;, abundant is innocent as a carrier of were put asMe, and each of the city's year , rotation ,of crops, generally HIGH GRADE r. TaaBoftouan, PHYBICIAH JkJSD 8UKQKOM. LoomuM, II. O.l - ff, I) tt. GORDON LEE SCHEFFER, of the throat and Innir and drives the cold out. LomsBirao. mmit to Dr Arthar Hyata Pkmlne ftabea la Vora buliaiug. . : . .-.- -s . - weet- rd Mpe- ! b1T braete- Aad rood Woke w oUUtars-oeky MeeAUle Tae. TU fTMUat baeatiSar Laoem aSaaatAiTae v. MAssawBuao, ATTORnXATLai ."V - 1 ; v. ? W w- w wiUpnaUMbiaatta OoarU oT Uaglata Ota BOoaxlHoaaa. ' M. W. BODDIE, ATTORN ET-AT-LAVr, LocmbuboN. C. tti,-e oTr Boddie, Bobbitt ft CoVa drag w u. UAYWOOD ECFFIN. ATTOBJiaTtt-LaW, . Lootauaa, b. a. win pruUoe InkUtsaOoarta o PraakBa uia atgoiains eoaadea, alao la th Bub nan juan, and la tha Onitwl BUlea JMstrtet and iSrauli Ooarta. - uokw In Ooopav aad OUftom Bafldtaev r raua. b. wasmaw r , .. i. . " . 1 v offlea oa hUia rtnat, avar Jaaae aOoopart W cni TflA I wards in turn were led by, a: police-1 speaking, 1-S in wheat and "oats; .1-3 1 : Girls. If ye latter speciea wfll bfeed instifl water man pe wmaowpenma wmcnaat m com ana wmoouon. , .-r i ' of anykindrnd matter how pure, buH y"? - IC- 8 mo- A nen nn VJ the former, our enemy wiU :9;:.13 bla 1"8 m 8 18 . orn, 1-8 in breed in stagnant pools in which there w& wun. yu, - v v iataecerairamom5tM Jk.k.-wwki-thaj tori especiallyS If Jthere are irt fish, eapsvr keepmgbacka certain per nt to Vtop Biuwywa, . And these people, who saw iwth- insure the carrying out of their con- which feed upon the larvae or wiggle- ig of the sunshine or the morgue or tract ; - - ' w tails. This explains the fact that &e charities buildingdid not seem . oV-e payment of wages in cash, malaria is much more abun'dant after The prospects rfreceivumon- to msure satisfaction on part of la- fre8hete;mthe-course;of 'which the 7 ddened th r tiearts, borer. ; . r. stream, getting out of itebanks, rr r . T iT-T Hv Unutrve, ytHUg Uvyer swred washes holes. in: the ground, and, fv a ?5l the attention: of the Judge and told speeday?fanim?a leaves there stag-1 T"1 w nant pookwithifew or nofisb in ' thorn IVTrwimtnes sirir vrv mnrh 6"-- ' . - .- .-' . " I - TIlAOA fAA AAAJa ivlr-Aj AIM 1 more abundant years of freshets than SCOTT 4 HO ITS CkcalsU ; lUrpextfatly, W. R. MURRAY CO., IHrbAJB et4 LetUVarr, 2t. C iiuee- . AM A Tip from taa.BBCA. FMlAdalpbia Ledrer. . '. -' When Judge IfcCay was oa th bench for the ; Korthern Distriei of j Georgia, the attorneyship of which the president has offered Represent' tire CArter TaIa," axaI a Georgia rep- j a beau iful: R 1 & R. Z. EGERTON'S UlSPLAY SILVERWARE 8uttaUt for DridaL CLrtbdef IloUday prwctA. Cell aad and! look TrlC STOUt or farm usual: It also explains the danger of brick holes. The' larvae,, or . wissghitails, as we . generally call- them,' are the young mosquitoes Although-they live in I the water from - the . time they are hatchedrom the ;eggs . which were laid on the surface until they reach 8. The use of These poor people joked even over I tools and machinery. . their own misfortune. ' f The days Of cheap land, fresh lands "See that you git every penny that's j and plenty of labor- has ; caused our i comin' to you," remarked one Old wo- j farmers to drift into many slack ways and methods that must -be discarded I jj- 8. SPRUILL. ATTOBJfT-AT-LAW, LOVlBBVBO.'BV d win atMd tha omrtaofsnkUn. Taneat llr.nvilla VkJ imn Bawl Wikt III III fltlfT BBW urn tayroia aout ot fioTth -oaroUn. 1 0f the . top of the water when rMinnl attantloo fltu ta aollMltlOIIB. . . I . - . " man to her neighbor. "Besure you. don't , take a bad pieceB said another. . ' 1 .jn ow; dont be taUQn', " - said an old fellow of. "eighty,- but look straight ahead or youll miss the whv I naat w3t certainly find himself left maturityr-they.' cannot live -without down- - ; ; : - .Bebawe we haTibeea'Cdoing' i lex. tar; they must breathe!.- Contrary to . Well, this is the blind leadin' the teinway is no longer a sufficient rea the general, rule; they breathe "wrong bfind," said a decrepit., bid twomaa son Tor- cohtinuinglin it In fact, end f premost" trough a long breath- m the line, as , a poUceman when ? y u. ' find . anything rbeooming W tube which springs from the body band on her shoulder to'euide nafreive. it-is sure call for a chancre n!r-hA tail and which thevstiek out I t- ' . -.J - --v-- i . " 1 v.ax. 'W. " i ?. . - . . . i uvi auiug. ... i ior Bomeuung mey him that he wihed a.itroeoent 04 bT eoeTiicteeVj ot a case in wnicn be was to .apesriean sen roa ee ebeep ee any for the dfefandAnt The case was one I Ton Cl mnetabcr that I aa eU3 yer ooatended that . h ' would take several hours for- the arj-uxneflt I . D tZ tVULLtUT -" I can nnderttaod all you will J Watckk axaa at Jawaxxa. . now and new and better ones adopt-1 . , . - - j- changedlanVWtapy J.T ef Chm WLWr Me a box at tn " - r TJ1 vuau jmij , .n I. imnm.nl WtK. 1 atrial i . - -r-5 and he who drags to the wayi ot the J , . . - . r . . ;, . . "Veiry well, have your own- way, bath will; take v the prisoner about three y ears to teQ why be em ployed DEPENDABLE -VALUES: i n rT n a i . - J- '.. umM oTr BtrartoB'a Htor. better, t - We -admit I v.m k if tmmhimA ,ua Pv tTift"r'iAino fllrttv "Peart MM'Ul.. t).aM -n-u.' t t-Mlleat"oa. AoeatliieUoa. ttw a4 tVi- By vlrtae of the pewar ceaialn- ed la the Hit will and - tetUxntet of A-A- SUdf a, dettA-td. I eaall onfondtr, the Cih day of 2'e. vs-obtr 19C3, at lis Court. He? Mj "Trelh Is talrttt ; It bart's trera Van: tnt.r ftXUn: fore tlaalf et ef lie f reva. Tte axartVaal wVe rrec, Vis tMry to orper aitmnlilef UiriAf ya-atat v -A.at state fmt U a feel " TVe aWve U e;V-J tat it ei tar- ear VWeftle opt-rartUr adt rrtUttarsU - TVelrtr eevliteed ec4 r ccr tt-4taee ta if le UUi jh late ear est; la trUjyta Vratwllr t4 rr- If In at try t-a-,ttl"re. rr day la trj ytr U ia, TLVs 1-m at yr-r ' w.Bioi-rrr, . i, x aTToajin Asm oouirsaxxoa at law. frompt and palHrtiklne attention gttW to "ry mmXXar tntnutad to Bla hAada. aafan to Ohtof iaaOeaSlMpBiard, Hon. John aunlnf. Hob. RobC W. WlBBton, Hon. J. C. ttutoa, PtML Knt ATatloaAl Baak of Wla too, otana kLaal7, Winston, Feoplaa Bankr at Mlonroa, CAm. aw Taylor, Pre. Wake for- mm uouf. Mom. aw w . 11m urau utflM rr aiaal a.Cea Btora. w. bt. raasOA, waub u. uC6 vi - tnem eoid dollars again once," said a I that they need not worry themselves 1 t -hi ... i rangement on. wieir uctutucuuu- wm ii0ary son of the fatherland who' had J about a .change; but we knor, the Joomw ippearater. - , - . I followed von Holtke and now - stood great 'majority need to 'obnaidet well There is a popular mkapprehen-1 next but one to the pay window. : j this subject;: andeven these-few -sibn in yegard to the movement' of At the end of the line' when the j should lend alT the aid they, can; to mosquitoes. The general, impression I pay window yras opened: was ;Jonn j better the condition of their fellow is that they-are earried by the wind, Mullens, of 356 Water street, sturdy famera. ;,We travel over'this South land people at the eeaside .. say.: ; that ta looking, in spite, of his blindness and land and about one-tenth bloseom i land; breezebrings1 mosquitoea.' It is 'eighty-two yearSk. He was given his ing as the rose, while the other, niae- a fact that they are more . abundant money some- r . 5ftnd -with -f ; a I tenths shew the need of better care when the breeze' is from the land or "Thank ye, gintlemen,n and as; God and more effective iwork Let, ns Jua .a, I V a - r V a.a.l.V 7 I . 1 . a. a fcaaav aa a a a.a a I a.ta aa a a t I Wm 14 -I UVaUVUII. ..!) VT" Vat W1I.J a- 114 ika , B fc ' - aa . a w a I Ca, sell at publlo touUt U tbtltictied rAtrersre aad y tie but kind wrU itra la tvr t ttalf BOTtfoabU. Boiliaiar'Allm.r AtoeBtaia I a !a a ut biddar: le? rata, a tetUia I U veer rii4A. jt svetre. t&ar evere, it is l aneeae aeoe el ivm u aaeu i. a. tract or pa reel el lAtad la .Cvprw I eaada ax eit.Mrl txie, AUirtittiuii Ve aaa it4ta sal Crete lewaaBip, aad oesi'ad aellarfeAt ttorat le UIa etxettry j ro- a c4 es-e ttwr ata---4 irr i-Ve fellow, Dt(lalog At Crrverf I cct-UAe ef ear rVa4fri it nj c;im -.1 iurm la Oe rwAia, Creek and eoror oa a mk W. fjUlOar a-lrertl-eixttU aanrt icrsWai-f rrrl, timtet'iUt, Uaj Aorctr ted rcis with-. lUlrtlUU. wttpts tat ii Use tSeoU Kaat IC3 -pel U a aaaaira Alaks. Joe Greea'c cer-I ' w . rt.laa . t Itfttl- H - coruiuroe, according to an ofScaal re-l70 eclit U cortU tiat li Cr " ' ' ' 1 U U1 U Ul IllltU UUUUU port, i-lOCKW.OOO poundA Of. teco,! preea Creer, lasste up ai It oa-1 LoVeli, efttAUrpeAoe. r-ta farl; UU l.as a $ ttt t1 ir f rUe eonAumntlon cer . taniaen' beintr 6.401 dars U th btxltaler. CeaUlsici I ..a bjeIaaI vaIaa. Otitr wOl 1KI fm tf t4e AJaie la rrtee f Consumption of Tobttco." BAlUmoreSan.. c ." The people of the United " Sutos Ipoundj ATTOBjriy AT-IAW, ,.. in a calm, but according to those who bless yervkindly Jookui5;faoes, 'he wake op and gb toworkfand -worki toFa women and ehildrea are ax-knhw:- lst tliefact-.- orobablyj-ifttiioft rassed tm to-Jba taken in? cberbv toirether.:: Thk 1a what we were crel doded from the celculatic the -rale - ., ., ...... . I & ..... -. i. ... --. . .. - if o r :;. " . " iixtr-iB a ma. 12 o'clock. . . . -a r , II A. &. hi AA PrwOtw la aU aoetta. vv. T AaSOBOUOHt 4B. ATIOEI-KY ATLAW, uoisBima..a All -ui riTa prompt aBdaarefel Attaatioa. - otoaa oa kau I that they are' f Iown from; the'swamps I wife, two years hie" junior, who hur- Uted for and ur Ughest usefalnesa J V lntl adult sr seen ; to be - very 1 M. rtreoa, Att y. i - - - to? landward; ,but ihatrithey simply I ried him home to get Bometning tori is, W;ieay. things gutter ;.tba-twa 1 4AM.lv U9 -w . ,; , I'OTICE. i tcomeontiagain trom vne-xreea ana tne sick boy." ; lne-sicKooy ; isuieir i found tnenv So tnese unsolved prob-1 rr a .-a. p tlrteeof tbt pevtr fUtn It " I flhmbbpTvsjid the lea side of honses I fifty'-aix-Te-old aoiu:.: V? lUmi call forth our beet efforts: IaAndt I PWW ; average , an MtoTaiauiogK . M ia1 where the v ' had' taken "refuse : from I VrlV4-MAiT?: eitda'hiaV' wife. I in'the' SonUi are' beob-ninar mora'" and I wnotint ot the weed. ; In Be!gieo3,ea ihe.57tb day af Mar. a 1W by bowever.the aTerege pr -itken HjJo-epk A. Futlar Acd'UIiUi A. still lanrer than to the United Btatee.1 ynllr. bU wlf. to I. G. SUoBtoa o - - Titaft ef ei f vb wajta aa4 4Wa r-iA It M tr, t we ae otU'fl it rUia treUrslff ad U nin,lM areraal!y tla rice cl etrry yr4 U drees (Aav. la ocr lif ut "e t Jart m Ut aw aa i-ata eiid yo f te t-Aaii twalt tA-ealV. 1 1 t:at -& I c t Atii, w wlH adait f rite AtUst tAl a I n.la u jataa1 bot atvcnLt!ti vta wiU lad Ue fii ! At tS triwa. lema.call forth our beet efforts. Lands where theyt had! taken.-Tefugei from South are becoming more and otntaOaHobiittaic the strong sea breeze Hck wa we are leg&i Aaatnaaa . lnwuBMa . iuio i rousn.tor tneir irague vouisb. :.- im i both of wnom are blind, next receiv-1 giaa rney are. xx oenoovee ua w m aV - a.kr I aB AnAH B I. ' i: . 1 ' JC't 1 .- . - '.-(- C31 . ' . 'i ' J. . 1 . - . ! - B . . ' , CONTBACi'Ott axiuBUILDEB. 4. A) Mm a -aa. A I Bk P .1 nniV VBLaF r WTT B..."B 9 B I, mmmn W II a rare exceptions tney travel, k is saiu, i farr their dole, and so it went on all I crease tneir .-: productiveness , every . ; , ; . TT,W I rACi A'JX la the cJ3f f tUBtr uddnm more tbara uuie. ana.' Keaer? j.wiAni-r Dnti r tM nffirii nlomncrlvear: wnicn certainly . caU lor -.more I r . " . - .r ' ; . s. ..... . - . V ..awa.a. . " . ally; not so fat- W hen one is troun, Id with mbsauitoes a careful? search hour, At least 100 LOUISBUSaa BTO. I UUf cl Daa-Ja ei FraBllia i-Dantr. effibienk labor;.'- Give"- this Subject 2.15; pound a, wt-la the United aad dtfaalt tAtlBf. ka3 ta a-! moFs Tour thought fellow-farmers W, be Kbgdomrt U but ."ITU f "T' I D ' ' Tr.,iin- Aa-B for all kind of Balldlne.. "ui pue. ArUMla Maottaa- aad TUea. '"luri DmHtCSM BUDUUtMa " . -anil - almost always reveaTT stafirnant I , ,. : - - ' " sure you crive the movement the very -... -; - , - aumu.peiuuiw. -l-- t- a 1 revenue from toUeco- imjia. iHi vciix ran ij v iituiiiiiLr uj laUrv i . water in the near vicinity. office' tombrrowi when'the totals sum HOTELO. etp-?The destruction of mosquitoes .and ge-t I&q for this' charity$83270 1 " j 'the consequent prevention of malaria wjl ''have- been disitributed.-N'e'w I j m m- j a --- . ii a bC France y ',r ,f 4 . v ' vi . ' .a..A.A. a i i at tiM a eu&tiw A A Oj aWAM'V-. forward the views ; Inoorporated , In Ee.;,ww W,'A,"WM K. C.t Iho folIawar trl ef Uai thA'eii7htdivifloMcnYen'aDOTe.oraiflKu tAltr in FfABtlla ? t" I is accomplished in twoL wayB: , First I York'Globe and Wtby the thorough- drainage FUANKLLNT0H of 41l stagnantpools of water; and wn k wyy.TTTTOTT- lt.-SJ'-; 1 U seconda bykeeping the "surface of 'ood Aeaotaodatloa f or the tnvAlla-r Good UteVy AttAehed' , ; Some Seasonable Advice ' t any one can euggest better one we would most gladly .weloorae tliero. Soutblim Cultivator. c . j but 16,567,00$. - -X -r A Judicious Inquiry - - : A wall kBove trar alios xaas ho ' Its tba drofl" Uada aar b- baa orca HASSENBUfia hotel; Te IkA a. r.1ajAa-. rT onnatfl ri n ntl flll vfiiA such pools ' covered with., petroleum, I arge people at thla aea-oe of tho Tr what is known as, licfbt, fuel oil, or uy ' -P? v -; fivrtri the crude uetroieura, being oex- I tAdad bafore elnter is- over. And mnea I heard droc-sUu iooatra cf . aoBtomera - ... .... -.-I ... i. ' auk . 1 r . u.h. a ' . . Jl. V .V Oujpa ftau RaLUuacuil muni i w DO MKCta ior a coax" meuicia. "uriun 1a akin t Van avn A I aaa fail fnt a K 11,1 rt- f n ai-t nlt. sene- Thevfilm: or oil; prevents tne jg contracted snd before it baa b. Jand if for Aehild thy Aloaost iQTriabI n smothers I eome settled tn tn system, eaicn aa 1 reoomraend CaAmbaruta'a -cooga hro. Only DO O ona VJ mevyia lys-muiuu I fuj, - luo m-J lui iui im ua. iui; hand. This remedy Is so widely known I knoe thera l no dci-r frota it and tcaotr, U'.i AfcrtiAlJ," ar.i Is PrABklifilo tcwillp, Adi da Acrlbei a & J s t aa f:'.-w, t wit: - A ootattl uadlriiAi la Urut b tiaUttii cf . n.re'!r. deA-dt lla arse c-joUitU. f ICO A(rt. no-e er Its, al! cct 1:1 ie Insomnia and "ln--tlo-i Curad. ! l-,B. cf . Frank Iiatow. ta Ua -: Jad.Gts, ' Raincoats and Furs.- XT datalAvl saare tltt Ua iaa1 ta mInUii -r wrtt V AeT4 Vka Wales Ula-rt AtfU f atI ttt tw-lttUttt.lWt- !by prefiariAf llan Atlle Hjt rJUe tti. 4 aXa- J-Ha vfi. taaUa wlu tzr tuUBfn; texb Anti yre.w U t5 a irUttlre Iaixa-cu " - ' - ' ' Tkt eaUf rarA ef tVTt en'4 tIIj y ttt ffVe Aik fUe. VT 1 1 Tt FIoia Ik n wj W f , U U t i j w-r'.Ua, fef it frcwy." TttfiUes tBfnUtvi t " a titf tv -rtta -ta. . UILLINERY ' MILLINERY ! Asl 4.Vr dr Arttw.U ttf-rsl layi. ..tteitf Val At4 .When a man bu money gro- crally-.haj more frienJa than, be . needs: ' ' ' ' Lat ytr I bi a r- arr.alUk Id ACt Ait 01 laiutka. 1 eo a'.-bt acl "'r4 inert Weil eija cf IIlKiWro txt, a4 loiulcff tba lr. Ja ef W. L. lie n-rtrU'-- fGbea, A. G. Folic r Ati e'.-trt. i larvae- from breatlung U.aa 1aAn I VUOlil. .M -V-1-; - " " . V : and - mo , altoeether srood tbAt ao one sboald faesitAto about bayinr It In pref erence to adj other. It u ior saw uj au that it Always care. TTbero la not tbt leas, dkoger In gWlcg it- and (or eoc .-t. eolda And croopit la caaarpAaaeda i-'ur piini for ttr4 bonrt afir a-rh oL. I aa trocbld ihla way Tr abcat ibr csb aoi LiTr Tat U, ac 1 ri- t! lT3tn4Uta rlUf. t JcLa Lyix;-, ty A3 cjz-'-U, ; , .TtJ tha 57 th d&y,cf F-Ll;3 I. G. rTr-r3, :i:rt;-t. by I. TI. ITaarcff, Af'; a 4. t t !lttt r auk juu tV ' ' ' wkara La tar aeekt aa t.rr tiai'Uli til Tfttr Ba'rkVara kAa i ti iIa trtt 6wa ale: sel f Im a lata;; V Asd At I'-k, f.-r A ka.;w tVa! ,'.r f a ka mis tr f t- Ura VaU tLey t.l MlMk-aaaJrM. 7ki tr'sxttl !t )fn.-M ar ky litw-a trsi'.k i:3 Eft'.:i, l I a-"-:-; c i'.:t--' " UU atsd nr-ffi: Ct:!i Ua f f tf H- i'j m ui j?.t. f'.-'ail; (wa kava 03 Aw) . f f a t .1 tsylr- r utt r-.es r 1 Va j t a. If r ; a Hi: k ta hn ( t.t.T i.iivli.'i t; tiij ;'- J tr-tt tt l.at 7 t s w t-ea;-r tar. Cc U : ti i f a-jV.U s ! wT. ' . L .' 4 1 J 1 i.t ta r. i .t. Oood Aooom.od.tioM. Good fem JPo "T " . Jl lltaWttvskrrr-ti- ' J related ver7 two weeU TLi j sala t j all drc-risU. La. Ltf' la, avt . . 1 V-' ,