o'"-..;:-.-. . ........ ....... - , , v , J t , Y " ' ' "" pMMM"" "' I I .11 Ml iii I MP III IIMMMIIIWMMMIiaiMMjlMMIMMWMiMWMIIIM ' i HI I W HllHHllll !! I 1 L I l.li III ! I HI III 1 M M- , , M II I IP , mi II -SwWHHW chi.'kch director " J, lVfFTO Tninrsnil hit Im-" .,i . . . . . . , i -- - - - : PfH! .inu 0ti jau'ty Norn Ip T iii"" limn UBt'i icTUU IfUl 'oar hat it a. 'ceo TD9-Ott' bi in -J Qao. S. Baksb. BopL D at 11 A. and 7 80 P. M, li. 8. Ma8bt. Putor. ' h, !i,,l at 8:30 A. M. l'Hoa. B. Wildu, 8npt . u 11 A.M., nd 7.3QP,1L, Tl.nMjk1i11l m. h . mhborhb. Pmator. s, h..ol at 9:30. w. a. RcmB.Sapt moraiQir and &l(ht k OB ! 1 th aand"i7. t rayer, vnar Bitarnooo 1 - .- 1. .Hi' JHH9 LrtaUUflt CMMSMir .'KRHBTTUJAS. , rti .Sandar la Meh month Pwtor. WADESBORO OTES FOR BARS ..r" .AND DISTILLERIES. The recent arrest and return to the XTnitei Statwof Jobn P; Gaynor and jl j Benjamin - Dfc Greenes t who sereral " - ' ' - . . . " - - TRY TO HAKE J. LIFE ATBOME -1:4 'PLEASAHT.fH:r-:, V1 Snpreme.-f ftri 5 "ProvineialiVm'' mt'nnt ' years ago swindled the government -.v; --..drTT? -ravinciausm . Cut. Out andfolltof 8eve?al hundred thbukand dot 1 .is Always the Best Place If 4 Personal Llhpptv" Roimi ,i . - . .. - v. army contract at: Savannah, Gal is a J 2 ,7; - J - "(notable a enlevement on the Dartuf A UtUe more than two years ago J the government. ; . These men Z had We Only, Try. to Be Cheerful and mppy.5---; a local. ;..vllow many boys and girls of today ingenuity rwriize the meaning of home? v - v; Homef e- The dearest place Ton uoDeaa. ,r Uxle. No. 413! uhhw lt and month. A. F. ft 3rd Tamday )!' 'MMional cards ; ' , k D.D.8. C H. Baaks.l.D.S. HWICK & BANKS. ' . I U, SUKGE0N8, hi ISKURO, N. U. w m iimlding, Main Street. Wadesboro whih rfilt i . rBU; tory for the ononent nf aevige to prevent their extra loons and still K. a tnoi -r I dition from Canada' bv1 oarviinthnrLi erth;,' """ a opuon eiecnon, was .ano ior. a long tuna Did fair to be T Tna Joy, ;happmeM and pleasnrt vote w 9dayratllich the foUowing roccessful 1n bafflmg ,ihe'law:;s"Bttt there 'wonldvVjJn this: life if Vt VMForasaloons 160- affainst saloons BtennoiU effo1 made and.- jthe .would strive to iiuke lioW:what" t i07-Qajorily'for saloon 53. re8onroefal technicalities taken1 ad. ahouldel- Every llecouldb MFor stills, 137; against sU'ls, 125 T?ntag f J-y ..them in evading arrest made, when we oome from ow-woTk majority for stills, 12. for so long a tame only emphasize the or school, a placei foV happiness and , The above appeared in the" Wades persistent andthe far-reaching arm enjovrnent, if every' member of the boro rMetger.lhteuBiirfdnitt . ,he- lawa:of omr land injteringing to household woulcf d4 tid'of part nrstjssiw after -the recent f Iiove a Irfndness Should hotbnly tion elecnom Commenting npon the r ?- -' . : jm --5 , I be shown, bat anokftn. t Afthr mwl result the Monroe Journal gets off WATTERSON ON ARISTOCRACY. I father would appreciite it ao inach if : the following: p f ' rr :J" A ym. would: tell them that yoa love wJt is a great caase for ;rejoicngi Tne Colonel Doesn't "Admire 1 them and how glad yoa are that they Tha sturdy manhood of the good old : the American " Brand."f : ; J can ba. with you. . Don't wait until county has asserted ' itself and free- j ' J ' ' " ; x j they are gone and then tbinV of how dom sits again upon the mountain . Colonel: Watterson haseturned j inWht bav mulA thm Kinnv' heights. f TheVeachers, the women from Europe and opens his oompari- Motherland sister should make the and other fanaticfe have been put td fweentie peophehas seenjhome so "attractive: that father .-.and rout. Everybody who believes in anct own.by discussing anstocra- brother wiU not wnnt to othr Mi I HYMICIA.N AND SOaOBON, l. .i i.huhm. ri. a, a,Hr vr . na Vrug Compnr- MANN, , ; n hii.I HUBQEON, i i,i IXHUUU. N. C. irug co-'-dragBtoM i ty- kf the natural rights of man should give cy- He says the aristocracy of this places to spend their evenings. Then a whoop and go to Wadesboro and coantry is not to be compared with they should help toake liorae pleas take a drink. - Narrow-mindedness Emopeaiv 'article which means ant by always trying to be cheerful and provtocialism have been cast off by.this cosmopolitan town, and it is "ranges chiefly from bad whiskey -to If young people.only knew and now the only. place, between Wil- 8tandar4oiI., could realize what a comfort and mington and Asheville where free-I corae-' the Kentucky colonel j pleasure they couldfbe in the home born Saxons, cherishing all the an- j cannot tfk of anything worse than j by always bavini- a bright, happy dis- ceatjal.haed.for;pppr,eas nor more to be shun, j position; and .if they havn't one to ranny, can walk up to .Ihe Jcounterj n toe.unod money of the try and cultivate one. , - and drink out of tiie same glass-that great trusty but Jm conception of the J How can e get young people to has been used by a free nigger a anstocr-cy of this country is out of reali-e that father and mother will short time before. Sound the load 3oint fact he mistakes the "money not always be with them, and that timbrel -o'er this benighted section, baS8 f the country for its arktocra- they ought to do all that u in their for liberty again reign? in Wadesborp fcy and only a few more policemen will 111086 &ose suddenly acquired wealth j We owe first our lives to God be necessary to restrain her. Watch na8 onnd them without the good J then we owe to those who are near- the good place take on new life and breeding and r regard .for others that est and dearest to ns the very best vigor and recover from the blight stamps aristocracy whether in the J kindness we can give, and if we will tbat the reign of the fanatics has en- j uauB''UB ur . wv .uuutons oi quiei practice in the home the lite we tailed. Watch the thousands of homes of the nation.; Lhould live daily, the world will see horny-handed sons of toil who will Colonel Watterson has made the and know what our character trade where they can buy drink, rush common error of seeking aristocracy builded upon. from the pfiariseeicalltoaroand at Monte-Carlo and Newport, and he Each member of the home' has and buy their goods from the town I haa found a naotley congregation of I part, an influence and" what happi- Artuu- Hjrma vt ming I nhetQ the bird of liberty has again fthe rich and ostentations, the idle and j ness would exist if each one would ' ruru uuHuiB. - . . . - i- j- t. I i - - - . . I . . ... . squatted. Not only will the sons of i vg" scanoai mongers o- iwo I try to. be cneernu ana neip to maae - De Wolf. IIorPer back in Kw York and at the Lamtw Oub, W aa. thority for. a -iory which oootaiM rather a fair auount of: piuTosophy. Often when I hire been baTlng a run of hard laV, the come-lian , d. clare,'th tale hat made m ae the homoroof aide of the proverUsl Uat itniw?; - -.."While we were traveling b the Middle West one day Uat March my attention was attracted to sorrow fnl looking man with a small boy who tit across the way from meCpoai-a the pair was a lanky- clergyman of the tort who make every ooaa bus- ness hit own. The man was berating the boy, and, judging by tppearancea, the clermaiiJa't I'ke it Fiaally, goadwd n hy soma. rrtictxUrly ; vio- ent rebuke, the miniryir leaned . for. ward and said, I can't permit yow to talk thai ;waj to your soul If yodper. kt III make trouble for you. "The father glared a motaent but made no" reply. Treseadj I heard him eoolding the yottagtter again and kaw their fellow.traveler go to the rescue, IYe admonMhed yoa ooce before, he observed. Tbe&rrt thing yoa know HI make trouble for yoC "Evidently thia ww. too much Ut pater f amiliaa. I le broka out violeot. ly: - Youll make trouble for maT he exclaimed, with infinite acorW YouTl make trouble for mel My wife fQ oil the train at Dee Moiaea, I lost my hat out of the car window twenty nina tee ago, this kid has just sat oa the lunch, and you'll make trouble for mef New York Prea. .. . , a4 Un TvtUu. f w rW y aU trx nu piiYsu.'ian vmd synaKOM, Loiimliurg, N. C. m,r ( K. A. Bobbitt 4 . no Saab street. niY-i. i . n AND HTT&QBOB. 1...iii-iuk. N. C. H.r MM. boUdlng, phODA S9L r i from 1. Bloaett'S i,ni:i..,N LKK SCUEFFER, hi-. tist. Hill RJ. . - n. a i MAriHKNBuaa, 4TTOB.NBT AT LAW i ' . LuCHHOU, jrvtii-.B id kii to Qonrta ol tk8Uto umr.tt u court Houm..- J libertyin that town have . somewhere to go ' and take a 'freeman's drink when they feel like it, but theiraons will also. The boys and youth may not now sit at home or suck their fin gers at the starvation parties as. they ' Yoa can gaci!lr ai ep a by the things he doat do.! . KA3UU1CLY vVOIH! ttXTTt. fuM aoaf . bm Mt MlUd fm r ti t ovrpUiia la 14, OrU Laia allow Uoua4 omttkmm r Ml.Uw I "bid cfv . - Velvet rye FTBtt jt94 mo kiWMtt MttlM ()' sad U mUi sad tUwil pure -,old velvety. . the beat for the price sold?, overywhero. call -for it at WBUr Lb a ft af sbutat 'ft r , ' louliburtT,n'2. Misery lore cotapaoy, aad ally eta K." " . .. - " SLcrm U Care Cores aal F -. Fir. oa tie ov aw fewvkw la mrm twlevAiir, tthim ir tmr I miimm at a etciteeUaau A tiroawt a from tae ea. ' Aa a UslaMatf rpvaiaa. fcreWe,. Vtmtm aai rtwailwa. Pala Beiaa In i qwaM. Fee anie If ail elracrwaa. P. - ' HMMaHaMBaaaMawaMM 5 i A On Barse Sanaa Rlnta. III. W. 1!'jIH)IK, .ri'l:.NKY-AT-LAW, I...' ihiu;ki, N. C. iv. r i '....i.iif, liobbitt A Co.'i i drag 7m. HAY WOOD RUFFIN. k TT u tt N K Y - AT-LA W, WCIIIUM, I. O. iinrtir. ,ii .a iba Coarta of Frmnfclln l)oiiiiii iiouiiiina. also La th 8npvwM i.i in ih Lmuid buvw outriat ana ilUiurl. Obm in i;iiMir ud Clifton BwttoiSa. ' Donl leave me hitched hi toy stall at night with a big cob right where 1 must lie down. I am tied and can't select a smooth place. 1 Don't compel me to eat mofaaalt than I want by mixing U with my oata. I know better than any ouer animal how much I need. Don't think because I go frees an. der the whip I don't get tired. Yoi would move ap if under the whip. . Don't think because I aaa a hone that weeds and briars won't hurt lay hay. " I 'A rDonn whip m whetyl gwrfrighA. j ened along tne roao, or 1 wui expect it next time and maybe make trow hi. Don't trot ma p blU, for 'I have to carry yoa aavd the baggy and my. elf too. Try it yourself some tiasa. Run ap bill with a big load. ' , Don't keep my stable very dark. for, when I go out into the light say Tcr Vcsr PrcttctUa we place tala Ulwi. paree c Beou'e Hiatatoau -Tlaa man wtta a fish 6 Ua back, le oar trade-taark, avo4 it te a rearaatea Uuse &coUe IUai- . aloo wta do all that is tUTrw1 torit XoUJx hritrt lor tcax.. throat or twoacatal trotfU tm talant or avdalt. . BroU'i laaVf . aioa to ooe otibe rrtt tmlldra kaowm to tie toeCVrel avati U5TT & i?T&r:rsi:x J aw mmm paai aj i A A A A A AAA A A AJ pe . t ff , Ererf Tonrrue. e MS mt tevwteavtg Cierwaary. Ccirwclioii Follows Trial BEAUTIFUL DI8PLAY--OF SILVERWARE :: Jka a. ATTOB.N1T-AT-LAW, m Mkiu nnt, rrr Jena a Coopare countries. To be sure not. all-such 1 home what it shook! be. at either of these storm . centres of I .. A-young lady who has a home and social cosmopolitanism, but when the I all the blessings of this life was pass- chief motives of life are to be found I ing along the street and as she met in intense riyalry of display and cheap j another young lady she remarked to vamtv tnen noes anstocraey take its then "You are not eoing noma are were compelled to do under the rule leave even though by right of birth your of .the oppressors, for 'now. .'they 'may and breeding it might well be The young lady replied; gather nightly in the nice warm bars claimed. " "Yes, thought I would.7 and take a social game of cards and a I . Aristocracy in this country means ' The one who had asked the quea- eyet are injored. drop of something'tot cheerthe heart nobility, not in pictured coats of arms, tion aaii: . : . DonV say whoaw unless yoa mean Not only shall e I hive heard it's a good place to it. wrwr cmnd liminrw Tn mt-tmt dia. and heart that mark the conscious be, but I can't speak from experi- Teach me to stop at the iword. It pensary stuff) can pe mixed by a sineerily. and unswerving probity of ence." . . I may check me if the lines break, and Jf mud . . . ... . T a SnnMci. n-tnrl-r mt A nrl a Iawa4.w I 1 1 aht thAtinhtloo. I HlftV TTIAM hA I . . . - ' n I i w J slick, fat wnite man witn a greasy tat I0" vcdh "j uau,m.oTOiucu uv iiwm6uw . j me a nuuvij aou muni up. i . - - . black man to help hini, and serve out! Cont ask rne to hack with blinds I -D EaMtLLER to'aU who can raise the r price, but ) . i ." I WaTonaiaaa an Jgwaxax. right handy in the town will be the J est aristocracy in any country la that I nesa and comfort there u in the Home, l Dont run me down a: steep - hfll, -Vi:V '.nw. ffiW tn naVa I which la unconscious of itself and is I Mav thev helo make it what it should fnr ; .nvtrilno nhoeJd citw war I fXSIlttUliSUVU X UIU . JilUlO IV 1 1 . t-O UV I . .. I I w M J O O I M m . . . , y . . t . w . ,1 . : tA liva kr ; nm .nil k. . !.vi v - - v " I Tnerw ao orttar loaie tnaa tboxb pure ana unaamteraT stuw iaai a bu8uiwjvu.uw. ..-I QdH nils &Qc a box - at - cVrag man can dnnk and enjoy longerwith- si;anuaruj, wwig u tuiuaui, nu- , e uewx uvmo " uwuc - xjon put on my ouna mm wt i atores. out being killed than any other ani- periority, not obteudmg itself on the our land which will help to make it irritates my eyes, or so leave - - i a.. vi 3 a:ii.- lit. r Ttr : tt k . i . -. umm ma , Think of the nrettv new still I nonce oi uie puuuu, ueuiauuuig no i toe wonu ueur. n,uiiwauuu By xoreiocx tnat n wiu pe aa-myi - - nuiibaw 'ir ' Whm Vcrtxr lotMiYxw arilHf rev? crwer Lie to laej aa hat Ua, fvoW do you fcrroW Whll you art gtttinf? Saeaa e;ar (Urc aJUd aa arl Is Wk, cooll h Idd, li & peojie wVs lae U t47tMin tavrad Is speak ocrt . O&U aary saal ce aasrs iZk tatts 'wiwii ilel tn-ant U ,hrwaaa;wri In last ? . Ctc leader ol an paelcage eotfee far ror a cww ta cemtooy, il Uury ka.3 twi faaauTa prcriar fce s2 fW irajuia la rarity, Stresgtli, TTLvror ttstavn 1 lorpJ ty T trO miHif tteass taaC aaaarvlAeal 4 lOt C0T7TX. a trtOs te a-arwwye, n la tae eaaw ray J , Twas rcsjuxycrxr rcuaxxsxju . y 3- ' ,.N SOLD BY- GH0CERS EVEKY1IEIIE wxxaacar ancai cxx. Taa QLu vj rr f " f i 1 . Be I table lor BrUal. Birthday and LToUdar pnwwate, CaJI sad look theea over and te eosv I can sQ yoo aa cheap Toa wt!i maember uutt F. N. & R. Z. EGERTON'S Jl aid look m ft rSsOL s white FTcrmi't THC TOt Or DEPEtlDABLE VALUES. mnrinfliai ..Sl'RI.ILL. ATTi )KM IT IT-LAW, u-.uihbubo, C. Mi nmru of Prajiklln. vaneai pniltx irrn rod Will friraBttf , miao favraiai ' ourt of North Carolina. 5uuiiti.n nin to eollecttona. r imuar i:stt, houses with sweet-scented hogs liv-lhomage hut such as it may earn by News. ing sumptuotisly on mash 1 Think of character and acmevement. We nave the nice hogs that can" be Jraised! people of tiiat kind throughout these. And all that. fine bacon lost under United States, crude, raw ana - busy the reign of the fanatics!- But the as wevinay ber Colohei Watterson fanatics arexouted-and liberty reigns. 1 will do .wau to give uem some auen- Liberty and drunkards! tion and tocomtort im soul witn tnen Liberty and more ragged and hungry characteristics instead , of disturbing children! ' - , AiAatricr kimuil With tria n. id more haeeard women witn - - - ruised eyest WORDS OF WISDOM. Your little child is, your only true democnrt--Mrs. Stowe. . He who knows only hie ; own side eyes. , 1 Br virtee or the pe'W eoalalo Don't be so careless of ay harness td la the last "ill and Uatxaaat k - W l..k . SI . a a ! aa to find a great sore on me before of A. A ziiedie, aacaaaed. i sb til n.Mar Svit, . Monday, ta ClU day ef Ka. yoa attend t6 it. . . l-.-Va, looa. at tha Court naaae Dont forget the old book that at a dft0f lm-u , ,WT1 ef luierf, friend of all the orreswed, that eayt: I f aall at T3ablla ancWoa U Ui "A merciful man ie merciful to hie jhUhtit bidder for talk, a re i tain to ysor fritada. " Tralh is aalf kry; It h-art'a ;na t-arr; Uara . asa4rr faCLarr) Tortas llalf ewt af taa gvata. TVs aaatxiaat wWa r;44t lAs aapary In rrprf adtafUaicf Wllief 9a wkal ka wi aval a rwd ts a feel" Tae she It ewyved hat Itetreaeae ear iVrafita -( tralr advartlattietU The iaaa coeUeard umns taat taslee Is alas te Uklag yes lets war ee4t; la treailaf ywe hmi2r aafi ra ly la st try UanaaeUas, wtr r day is retry tear tVe , Ti.il Ias alvtTi beea ear , yn Itks IV, ya ktrs t-reta It t mr aaa. tlnoad palrenara a ad ty the astay klad ardt ;ls la r iekalf Oar aura, tear aura, it ive iwitta ti i vvatr and conasaxLoa ATLAW. ukiiuoh a. a m m, i ukimukino' attantloa alvea to io uhinf j uauo Hbapaard, ""H, Hun Rot.t. W. Winston, I .How. ioan iFm irir.r vtln.l lunk nf Win- kUlBnk u...i n . H n hr :h. a. TarloT.rvaa. Waka Ww- . t u a. w. TUBDanaaak. i . Liberty ana Ubftrtv and more iiands for the chain Liberty and more blood money! Liberty and desolation, one and insepr arable! Ilamlet and Hoffman and Rock et the case knows , little of that J. tics and vulgarities .of rthe suddenly j StuarLMill. rich and ostentatiously - vulgar and r-UWe are sure to get the better- of .' - - .. - I foitune if we do but irrapple with The aristocracy of this countiy" is J her. Seneca. I, J , not heralded as hanging about the I Every man, aa to character, is the . . . m . ., sta a traxt or parcel of land le Cypravs asfrvlt ti ear fceel peyit. A waijiiait ate tw fiad aii Creek tewaablp, and aooadea. as i eioww ivsauj rrwwK lollowet Bealasloc el Ctrraea jea?taiaae at ear rsjtoeaaratlts aay drfarUM&t ators la We 5aaih Crek aad eorntr oo a rotk W. a 0ar AlvtrUasaMsU strut Wacrttjlrtolf rrti, aJ war4r;iiAUa, Oaa'aaoratv aad roes with hit reiUWe. we epea ias teaaua Yoa don't seem any the worse Cor hi. Booth hi East 1C3 poles te a beast.'' Farm Journal.' v AWandngr.. your diaaipition of, last "nlghV said saaaafras ttaks, Jos Orteas eo. f ' Onlri - nf lhlfn Hnnrfft G.gi.,Vhdarfv,.of "fIli?!? -V - A ; o3IB -01 ...nilB bOQDS rt caata t trJ. Wn'nnftat. 170 polta U a eotatr tUks Is Cy. . . - . ... Wham have lost their, gloir." Wt of Kwo ,w? T--. I VW ' . - .- I ' . T .-,-. . . t - . PaiWOBI, -TT' &5BT AT-IAW, Loainvaa.a.a. in ui aonna. OStea oa not voted a i has voted in the rum shops hell kettles 1" . v tt-3--i, .. l.a v i;9Vlk 1 rrom uie ruoi b.wiwi.,ioj voiure.--vv. - . .. t - r- 1 ".'-7: -t. laara w aa vwginwiag. nmwuiui and the Pan w,uie wu,lwJ '""r f dealxoys,lttto resignamn, wmc . . , T r.-- w-v ble men and women whose, altars are lu Bleasington;- ; . " C ' af A. JL 61.37, dta'd- ' buSt in their city homes or who rev-1 - , faiot , a ? wildeV: H-fS.?? W.' M. ferae.. AU'y. . . . . . 1 atrinAa. n . . kubw ib iu wua Bobbie's Essay on Girls. Tar bo aoOOH, tm. iTIORNEY AT LAW, - gurls is what boys" aint, and -that aint much. I never cared much for 10. a. a f gurls, they "are always giggin and biuidlna. Coait atreet J t J - ' TTi.t b 1. mntinc themselves sillv which is easy - . . . . v forthein. . There" is three kinds of gurls, dark gurls an light gurls and old maids, old" maids are! gurls that never had . no sofa In " thare houses poorold things.: '. - :. " - guris has made trouble eter since the wurld begann; and 1 suppoas ihey will -keeportmakimT4 trubble until there aint no:moar: trubbie ': to tnake, . . . n l l.inr Tkom vnnin nA ANk I I vtih rrrtrnpirlmoai 'funn. . , v W- 1 a a j a ,w iiiw sr si i'i r t i . , .."r ifei,...-.. v:v-f -- . v. erence God' and cheer mankindCun der the quiet stars homesNorfolkTLedger. iaiw. u jf'i .,,. intraated to htm 1 makmg themselvessaiy which r uri,,i,t, andoareXalaneattoa. "ONTKm 4SB BUILDER, MsBnaa, w. 0. ,,;-, Every; Man to HlsTrade. ieer manama lrffOT'raiiarT: in humble country FfV ' - L. bnt toPvr' ISLXUL'sw eaws. ww : his' duty to Ood, which every -..'man must feel.' and. with respectlto ;-thia Says the ? Greensboro'Industrial sTews, in speaking, of Governor Doug las Massachusetts : r-xMA ehoema- ZP"iitfr an kinds of Bntldirur .riui, viintirta and Tllaa. Axca 1 "'Uin ii,,n,j .. HOTELS. C d fJfint.TBW Ti ' jxom.KiAUonforthe traveltag : and doant cair. : " AtUahed Insomula and ' indigestion Cnred. - .t.o. oT ft rv ; eeere attaek Af-tfiiUMstioiii ,1 could not sleep at uit anrl auflfered most excraclstiag naina for thre hours after each meal. L.. rMuihiM? this wav for .about m riBUK i HI1TK h w i nborg Propr JEaS, "T D8ed Chamberl.ln's Sto UDERSON. W.O. -I' '"owmodaiM. o" Immediate . reHer. W fefl-ie .1SOT1CE. : BrVirtns of tke powrr xireo la. Girls. If yoa waat red Hpa.- laefVtacl a tertala ttortrare deed exacaUd eyea,ewewt braaVh aad aood looks aaw 6q tb J7lB .f umT, , qj fc. J neighbor;todo he would be, done JrVt"5 J-aph Aj-raUtt aa4 Wlla A by. Thomas Paine.?r i. or Tablets. - . . ; r. r . ' Fa tier, hit wife, to L. O. bUoatos - Oii "irivavus Wa-sttneth r-- - --- aad del? recorded. la Beak 103, ' A instant scowl on ths: lacs it s pajre 4C0, U tbe of2ee ef the E.f enough and sense enough f or ; what ;. ..rf , -:r I.tt, TUmA .f Prtiaklta conntr- ' 1: j.H t : s l oarner peopte dmk ucw. yraf 1 -" ------- -- - - I towtX ttttrree.raaferUf iaUe );ta a ral dal aair .ira aad aetaa aalaa. Otaar wai tail yaa el Ue a.ine is tares 4 tvelk wreelta ac4 etton aeads- It it tret, vat wt are erased lerUXe tratkrtllr aad U f atraaU tmrredly tks rrtre tf e-ttrr Jtr af drtss rooda la ocr g ttaik t Wa lett aa lew ar m vi Vara a'.d tyoe la ttapail twels taeatta. u loea exreawae asvitf aa ww will adaiUKtas pnoe csuicf ie raaae ae as taate aa rwaraaaawv, bat aaverUeVtaa yea UX tad tte rtodi twe at ai4 trta. I He wants us to do. r If we either, tire '.. . . .1 n rf r?af.nlt kttllf baan tnaJ3S la ker should stick to his last.. Advice onrgelYe8 or"pae"ourselvea,it is our . they. wiU like ottr-tt. aeea payiBttli ftf wi4 saorf raf e Uke that m nothing Iessthan irony; to ful ,An4 wa may' always 'he they ever do. - debt. I eiW sa Ftiday, the 27 th xi-i xt.;i?Atw ft'nl.maTrA wbn wsa - . s. . ."'r.i3.i 1-vi . --x-"', ".--- rTsw af tteteber I&C5. sell for caib. 7r r . . .. . rw .7- , -it aM to o.amses sow .wyw..-M v.anl!Btsn. IV1UK I V- TTirr. ff ra ana rifttl .. haa siak.U TOO at tfOtw IK r -. , ' 1 I'M 11 1 a a. mwn irinaaiiAK. aaaau w w hv a - . arrested-a few , days ago for having pleasing Him if we are not two wives. Hls- first t,wife; had him ourselves. iRuakin;;X.. - a, a . . a. ... . i. T . put in jail for jail for sticking ;to -his lastWil. Star 1 "v. modtoae. Oa4 farat ; Pe Tnl Lamors. Oatano. uaaaus. -- s- . Some Seasonable Advice. I,- It may be a piece of auperHoone advice to urea peoplea.t thla aeaaon of the rear li 1.5 ,Vi annril : of Chamberlaia'a Cough Remedy. It le almost ears to be needed before wister is over, and mueh mora prompt and satisfactory reeolte are obtained :wha taken as ? aooa at a eold laeontraetad .and before It has be come settled la the syateffl. . whioh eta only be done by keepinjc : the remedy at hand. This remedy it so' widely knows and so altogether ,: aood that ao one should hesiUte about buyjng It in pref erenee to any other, v It U for aala by all drasariats.. ,y - ; , - J ; . . A lawyer isn't necessarily s beg gar hecause he'pleacls for money. .' . . : ' t - . -.- j A Jndicioua inquiry. -. ' . ' A well known traveling mas who vie. its tb. drug trade ears -ha has of tea heisd drngglata Inqalre of eoatonwm who asked for a eeaab medieTte. whether St waa wanted for a child or for an adoH, and If for a child taey aimoac lavarisciy reeommend Chamberlain's Cooah Rem edy. The reasoa for this is that tby know there 1 ao dsciger from it and that It always euretj, .There : le not the least danger in giving it aad for eooRhs eolds and eronp it la unsnrpaaaad. Jor eaJety aUdrajiists - , 4... 1 . tndlgestioa, eoastlpaUoa. ltvar and aU- nay tronblae, LloUistsraibaaiy Hoaaisia Tea will aaske yoa well. XS eaaU E. A. Botbiu uo. ; WA5TB D-AU ike bottar that to to vat that eotaaa ao iowai all th ekbskeaa that eoae to towai all the hame, ahoaldare aad aMe aaeat WLat eoffla to town. J ao, W. Ulsf . nsvioi qaalifiad aa admlaWtrato 4. W a-. ol J. P. Tiajbertake, dfrnnd, aotira W ae br r-m to all proB owioc fcia atata to come forward and pay tha aswa at c . .d J1 ihnaa kolJiar ehumm aKinat aa!4 aetata nnt preaent tbaia or Ware OrUy- iSth. 9j&. or tbW notlre will b in br oi titirrKOWT. Tkia Octeb Ut 105. - - ..... c . mszmLAxa, Aaa r . a. K. C, ths folVowlsjr trart sf laai Iflfiff aad belt? .n Franklla eooaty, ataVe eicrttAij, ted la . y . 1 at a Frank Hutaa townahSSi au Cm teribed toi deS.aaiat fetlawa, t wlU A one-tenth aedlvUed la lerett 1 lasit of J. II TalUr, deceased, tbe tame conUicte 1C J tcref, more cr less, and see let in the to" of Frankliatco, ente VTett llie cf Hillitcro tlrttt, ti Jolslnirtte land tt VT. X- lit Gbtt, A. G. FoIlT tod cVbera. ThittheS7lb dy efr-Ll.:S I. O Ftacstos, Iicrt;;et, It I. 11. l.tarcey. am::-ii i - Jackets, Raincoats and Furs. - - e deleted aaers tiftt Uta sraal la aeVitltf er wrajs - wTa Sftrsred the Veil sad UUat tlf ! tajltt far f tits. tWre by prcartar tkeai alUe leweal fas.k;s f rVa. We tiara Vi.it ad eaauce with ocr traatesatrr; eatk f artaaat yrs.w-U tti a etirUfcrUts bar ran. - - '-.'--- .. ' - - ' . Tkt eeUre ttra of tbeTiaaa ataa'-d hardly C9 tT tak Jtatica- .We hare koes for avtrjtojf, tkf awt tfrt jtww.kls fw the aaoeay. Tkere U ss laeeatoeat re a' at lt;lf a Wt tna tat. LIlLLIIiERYi 1 : MILLINERY As la ether derartaveats esrefal kajUr.Wf.lalt;ir Ulat hare to toy saak.tt at ts effir attaait et:a eH tV i wit lil yoar aikbcre kas tad lit 8rl tU-ice ax -if urji i.ie i . v. twast akart aad a'yla t lata.- W clf ak JMla n is 1 tad l&ck at r.r elck. fr w-vkaa it at f(aryta kare mis if f t tera kale Ibty will HllUiaHlin. Ti'a d'rf"rt U ttr It lileeo Faith ail raaKk, l r-is-e p;..'.vr .f Uj.e tad exr"Htac3 C-l s tkeaa fr tp t-4aV f.y'.i atl Tr. are callej a a'tr vl.a aeaMa tf kja aid (!:ilJcp( tare cfa't.tt!' a'?) "a fail t ir.f . taylr j tr.aatt asstay L.: Uju. W ta tMk ya . tlap V.xawltre t-'3 ca d;t j t;.:a U Uat J : ? wSl cheaper ktra, Ceca te ta f:r tvafjlllr; to wrT. rw l 'rct'e v. t j l '. f ti j lit a i.Z .ha "XatteattTe aetraatr ). baildrnssisia.

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