" -t--- i - "'! ' ' ' s 'P " -' ' v-- - - " i -' ' "-. - ".""(.. 'r " . . . - - . - uc i THMI1S. Friltnr mi Prflrlt-r f- '- .,-ri- - ;t rS.- - : 1 --- V 4 v o ' , - ; , rVTw.r : -;: - . v ..r-;- U.' H .hi C?Q U -N'JL' ! , .M :i STATB 'I'M M ' - " -- '- 1 mm j lOUISBUEG;: N. (V FRIDAY,-OCTOBER 27. 1D05 . CHURCH DHUCOXOBT danda School at .30 A. M. - : , , Gbo. S. Baxbk, Sopt. , PrchtDg at 11 A." M. ftB4780 r.il, t.ii mevting; Wednesday night. u busbxt raator. - aanday School at:S0 AjM.', Thos. B. Wildkr, Sopt ' PrachlnK t 11 A.M nd 70 P.M., ,,rtrT3anday. - - - Krarr meUng Thursday night. V v U. U. Uashbubsv Pastor. WI8Q0FAI, ' f a a aday School at 9 0. Wh. ti. Kinrrar. SopW -Virviees, morning and niht on ,t, 3rd and 4th 8on6yt. i ..ninu- Praver. Friday afternoon iUV. J OHX LoSDOHr Baotor pBSBBrriBUH. r Srtieea 4th Sanda? in each months m JruiDg and night. . tODOBS. Loaivborr Lodgv No. 413, .A.f. aighu In eacbnoDth ROOSEVELT AT . RALEIGH. A! IMMENSE CROWD f AT THE .CAPITAL TO HEAR HIm! 1) iro tbwaonal oardw a. W. H. EDWARDS. DHITISt. ? a ,n in hiii office at Wake Iorwt. N. C. tnilowinir the Unit Snuday W ach moDtb pwpawd to lo dental Jrork. r U. COOKK, ATTORNEY AT-LA.W, Loulsborg, If; C. , ffl, on Naeh street. -Prompt attention u.voq all legaJ bneineee entrneted to me , . r m.u,.ik.D.D.S. . H." Banke.W.D.S. Speaks In Praise of the State's irasii ureat AChfevRmentH. Predicts Glorious Future." I am. glad here at the caDital of Ifotth Carolina to haw a ehance to greet so many of the sons and daugh ters of ypoj great State; North Caro lina's part in our history -has "ever been high and honorable. It was in North Carolina that the Mecklenburg Declaration" of Independence fore-4 his loyal devotion, npright '. oondact, 1) DENTAL 801WEONS, LO018BDRU, N. C. itflce in Hicke Buildiuft, Mn Street. ic J. K. MALOBK k-iiAcTicmaPHTsiciAJJ ahd BOBamoH. u. oot Aieocke ru Company soadowed the course taken in a few short aontbs by the representatives of the thirteen colonies assembled in" Philadelphia. vNorth ; rCarQlinaean rightfully ,88 that shepointed as the war wmchied theif ormation o! the new nation. In the Revolution she did-, many memorable deeds; and the battle of King's Mountain marked the turning point of the Revolution ary war in the South.- But I congrat ulate you not only npon.yourpast, up on the great industry - "and activity shown in y our Commonwealth, an 'in dustrial activity which, to mention but one thing, has placed the State second only to one other-in the number of textile factories. You are showing in practical fashion your realization of the truth, that there must be a foun dation of material well-being -in order that any community may make real and rapid progress. And 1 am hap py to say that-you are in addition showing in practical fasWon yoYr un derstanding of the great 'truth that this material well-being, though nec- scend as unreservedly to the son. He' even looked the probahilityof a ; sec ond niarriage squarely in the face and in' a manly way, recognised the - pos sibflity ot such an eventh sought to guard against mere '. fortune . hunters by providmgt;thatJsuch-: an event should not in. any nenectalierr the terms of his wUL&niLthat no" person should acquire rights of support or heirship by reason of a marriage with his widow, but that'his estate and the increment' thereof should be solely devoted to the uses of his widow and his son; The testator : indicates hun as one or whom I have the highest love, respect which ue has won by FOR BETTER HIGHWAY the farmer vitally inter- Sested in good roads. " A Bulletin toy Special Aarent rHolmes' of the D. S. Ofllce of - PnolIfT HoAd Innn1rlfi. - I In the first pUoe, bad roads are tn extravnganoe, and in the aeeond plaor thiy contribute much to the Isolation of farm life., A third consideration may be added the wholeeome eXTeO of good highways on the farmer hun selt Any one of ; these 'leasooi sufficient to warrant 'a eooaiderabl ezpenditore of money and - time ; on improvements. together tiy make an invincible argument.; -,lVy-r : fXha modenifarmer keeps in. touch' with'the market tiitheV by telephone or by his fayorit newspaper.' Frequent ly in thei case of .ordinary protfuce, oocasionally with the important sta ples, he can take advantage bf a tem porary rise in . the market-provklad the roads. are good. . If they are bad J. MANN, PH YS1C1AN and SURGEON, XOOIBBOBO, M. C. o.ace oer Aycocke Drug Co.'adragetore j K. A. P. BURT, ruAOTlOIIW PHYSICIAN ABB SCB.QBOW. LouiSburgj N. C. - office In the rear ot R A. Bobbit' A t : o. Uro tttore. on Naah etreet. - .a. a. P. TAKBOacCOH, PHYBIOIAN AHD SDKQKOM. Louneuaa. M. 0. udk ind soot "r1 sfT'-'jtS mM eeUe eaewer from X. w. itMSM rMilanee. pbuoe 7. jjE. QOBDON LEB SCHEFFER, SKIiTMT. ' - , LOOlSBU&a. . - o to Dr. Armor djw and -noble qualities of head r. and heart. Will the ! boy" ever 'forget this .exures8ioa of love'and oonfidehoe from-hisfather, br fall away iromrthe hf8tandat establishes ?S Final-J istxatrix. without boflds. . In th face of 'such - a testimonial as this to the superlative merit of the married state, what becomes ot " the trite assertion -that marriage is a" fail ure t All the rotten divorces that I his precautions sro for nothimr. - . , , - ..... . ' I . y venal state courts could turn out in a I The waste of.- time -involved in year would not weigh perceptibly hauling through mod is apt to be against this posthumous tribute to overlooked. The farmer is too la the enduring worth of the solemn clined to think that it makes no dif- pact. Divorce is in most eases mere-1 ferenoe maybe he wouldn't be work- ly a demonstration of the error of the I ing that day, anyway-. Bat it is 'just particular marriage concerned not J m this neglect to make the most of always, but in many cases, a certifies.-1 their time that'otber farmers f aiL It tion by law that it should . not have j important that all hands keep busy been, r Mistakes are made in every all the tune on a farm as it is that walk of life and as the temptation to be kept constantly at work in a matrimony is great and as it too often nianufacruxing plant. Another ele- assails the man and the maid in their I ment of waste in using bad roads "silly season, there is small cause for I the wear and tear on the horses, wonder, that. divorces are so . preva-1 wagons and harness. AQ the appti- essary as a foundation, -can only be lent, and yet wnen statistically re-1 anoes have to be renewed much more the foundation, and that'upon it must duced to a percentage, they are in J frequently when they are subjected be raised the Superstructure of a high- fact remarkably infrequent. For the I to the strain of hauling through mud er life, if the Commonwealth is to (decade ended in 1900 the percenta-1 than they would rf used only on mac- stand aa it should stand. More and J age ot divorces to marriages was I Adam. more you are giving care andatten-1 scarcely expressiblerin figures. Only I 1"he side of this question which af tion to education; and education J .015 per cent. Hardly a scratch, on I fects the matter of taste also has means the promotion not only of in-j the magnificent monument to tiie I practical bearing. Dirt and shiftiess- dustry, but of that good citizenship 4 homfrreared in this country by, such I ness tend to get together. The far which rests upon mdivMual rights nd j interchange of love, confidence and J nier whose wagon is covered with upon the recognition by each indiyid- j loyalty as is evidenced by the Will clay doesnt feel the. pride in keeping ual that he has duties as well as fights I that has been taken here as a text j UP his place that he would if his ve in other words, of that good citi-1 Yellowstone Journal. : f J hides came, back clean from a drive zenship which rests upon moral in-1 ' - I to town. Manufacturers and businef s tegrity and intellectual freedom. The . I2!J&F- 1 h2! ,,S I men of -1 findig xx It DSWILLIAU JEFF-CON JUDD. . After a long and palofoj iHnami, Dr. W. J. Jndd died at Ms miLenos ia Ilenderaon, N. li, r5rL 7, liW5w This sad ituoacee-ot csirried' ear row to taanya beart, for W had many warm frietvls who tovsd hka dearly, and unto whom C pin cl 4 his death came AS a personal bcrnav. ment. ' . Nsarly sixty -six ' yaara be fared with us and then ccUrad mto the perfect life, leavtc ni Laart bro ken clltdren, Misses IJI, Attnsta ! and Mary JaJi, ! Ilsndervon, Wi- liam,' of Virginia, Claude, of Texas, tod Jolraaof Ohio, oo devotad ' sW 4r (Mrs. Young Ctiey) of:Faquay Spring, three lorvojr broUtera. CepC John Jndd, Mr. II. Jndd afi4 Mr. Polk Jndd, of. WaU. eomnty, ad a hoii of reladves and fnaxd to raoara thsif IdmTTh. Jali - arts local la Waka oouaty, 2i. C4 Sept. IS, : 183. lie deaoeoded from aotae of the. -id- qWk!ymd fcy CW-J, etenek a4 Urer Tt4. f- rvi t y -U trtf fteta. . - list hlied ka aajicg GoodVyn TIow jtns dof" man mnat. Twt rlpnAnt. m Vila lmma lff 1 t-it I Dava to keen their olaoea. ahiD-hsrj. his nrivate life, of eourse: but this is I rtoi;?T Aionataln t The - most successful farmers have .. . - .... i iu Bin mil tnn wn iDMiira k a i . . . ' . . t i v i r .i Tea will make you well. tsobottt - Uo. niuee in Pord unlluS. m. aL-saa-tBtrao, ATTOBS Y A.T IAW bOCUOKTM. . not. by itself enough. TheJman who fails to be honest and brave both " in ! - i his political franchise and in his pri- r . New Hampshire has taken a most social anarch v. Selt-erovernment is t ... . .... .r ' . I remartaDie step m tne airectaon ot a STATE AID. Win praotleeUeU the Oonrto of tt Ottee nOonit on W. BODD1E, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, LotriaBOTta, N. C. i , tact, ot Boddie, Bobbitt A Coa drag not an easy thing. Only those com mumtaes are fit for it in which the av erage individual practices the virtue of self-command, of self-restraint, of wise disinterestedness combined with self interest: where the individual vv HAYWOOD BCFFIN. aTTOBJI ST-AI-tAW, win preU8 in U the Coni at PrkHn -id -ljolnlng eonnttea, aleo In tie Bnpr-ae .oa4ljfe United BUies SMtrtet and OlrcullCou . !.,' utttoa in Cooper and Cllftoa BnBdUMr. better system of public highways.' A measure has been enacted . . into law appropriating no less a sum than three quarters of a million dollars' for the improvement of the main high- possesses common sense, honesty and at of $i25,000 a COUrage.. - , miiir (nr nr VAait.' " Here Mr. Roosevelt dwelt at length Th nmnnnt will KniM oxnt on tiie great problems ot the day. He mtm T0 d spoke of the Appalachian Park, . and nft , ht . ad to gim nrth iscussed railway rate leaislation in a - Btrninn Jn vnra conservative, but vigorous way. In a Tt ia vhnt vo fin hftVA to er-and mora hmorabU familiea of Isat ttev Wake aod Moore eoantiin.: . TW fam Dies antedate the war of the'.Rsvola- tion.cXlk father was Mr. John Jndd, an eitensive plantar and large' sUvs-' owner; hiajnotber was a Miss Malm, da Dennk, a most excellent and re 6ned lady. Dr. Jadd gradtaud from the St Look Medical OotWa with highest honors in 1861, when be was appointed to a blgh poaiuoa u that College, and wu at the time of bis death, the- senior member - of the Vance Cooaty Medienl Society nx point of gradoatioa, iu members at tending the funeral la a "body. - The funeral was held from' the Baptist church, of which he waa a corn wtat member MoadararsA iag, SepCllth, oond acted by Rev. Larkm,' aasistsd by Revs. ITeoderlite sad Kesmett Mr. Laxkins remarks were siagalariy beautiful axA impressively appropri ate to the occasion,' and tailed to the life and character of -the .departed one. The active pAU-beaxers wars A. C. Zolliooffer, C. M. Cooper T. M. Pittman, A, J. Harrk, R. JjSouth- erlaod,Oiren Davis, R. R. Batter- white. Col, Henry Perry. Honorary pall-bearers, J. T. Alderman, W. R. McNaif and E. PoweO. ; The floral offerings were beaatiful and eooawted of a great number of , exquisite de signs. The rumaios ware interred la i-tmwood Uemetery, fouowed by , a Urge host el, loving fHeada.' ..Dr. J udd lived in ' Franklin county for many years and enjoyed an tensive practice in . Warren, Franklin and Vance counties, and afterwards mov ing to Henderson, be aoootook prom inence among the leading phyvoiAns of that place, and served many times as health of&oer for both county and town. lie was truly a talented phy al3 E0XLY rtoxo reXTTY. e vcesta ae suUrricw rct r W (eaicree ur t erne U '4 reMir n Wiro;lili kd- Orl IuJt Trttx fcrref '-Ii c r it eWn n-Uo-' tl -U4 kcmUom y etimm-. tt I liv aal VeU. OtiM Uuu Frett tfrmm d e4 ee 1 1 -i m f rmm e4 la alii a4 Uih A jV. . saWU Oeum e4 Men i aeatpaaay asUcUa-v O. L. Ay4 ' Ha lifted wUa c-jrv-ry a - U ft ear, t ackowUdrW a rrror. - tm. mi in. jwje Bow te Car . Ceras at rss.iaMu Tint. aok 1W msr e k ta vvns Atof latoTum U. (Ui prm B e Wel AS iUe tUt ceUg rl4 aa4 iptlf Di bmtU. ia rxi i!i rVS aUt( rattla Vrertyfrf laakM aa e4- trth-ilw A eer piMAev eAokt u.vcna (te AaraU U lines' the aka. Ase fee SMStea. rat a. ml -als tutea eqA 4. -for sale ay a. arartlM M nlr if A I Tf A I Ju UIU V K I rye - - - puro- old - velvety, tho beat for the price sold V, overjvliere call for it " at louisburg; dispensary, tOLlfthurrr. n. r . Jr mrPm, ?. -ir!- -W W 1 A.' r I tee. ijay, in" fact, to show that he means to push some definite measure. . Iq closmg he said; . ' "It must be understood as a matter mos. s. woosa, , ATTOBjraYT-LAW, vov feVne.x.e. "' omo on sum atreet. e-erio-ea m Ooopara to, sooner or later. The State must do the -general road-making. ; The cities and villages and even counties are too small units lor.- so large a . ok course, that if this power in grant- wnrv IWt 8tt .nd tnwni. in com i I i -A. 1. -: i a'-- "it :a . I .1.. . ea it is w oe .exCTciowi vwiy wnwioiu j pjQtion can accomplish a great deal "he asks you to precede ne. roads are-enemies to the good order that helps make a farm successful. It is hardly necessary to dwell on their relation to that isolation which Mr. Morton said is the chief objection to farm life. In part this ia inevitable. But it can be greatly relieved by the imnrovement of roada Thf in na ruinn wKv n fermArVf.mll- .WM tw am rxamT ajm suffer . soUtary confinement during a,,ook V1 manv weeka 6T the vear. I f" r""- - Z . I - V . Th rftmiJ v ia in th f,rmrV rougn wesioex, e oevar wnw . . . i , , mr a ; . 1 I. haiids.,.With.unsrmitv of ion a,uwwftBera8BBfanJ,aB - - I . M. .X . . .1 thv nnld nlit h!n that wnnld PW w brinK- widespread relief within a few rin to him for sdi 1 mI attnnnn wnr xrvr nnst awav vain. . - - ' I I : IT! .? Tiuraut rvo4Tg an to. (in piweux were dsToted to him and I never saw a more faithful physician to. his pat- m' dt m .a rons ana lor wai&a it naa uwf warmest love and esteem. Ha was one of the most gentle, generous and Gorisumptioii Q There is Bo.tpec-ac lor con jiiioq. rma ar cx- crose,' r-3onK2- food axxj Scotl'f Ernrlono viU cxcm. fteSXy tear cxr k. 2 that ; tt ejtiuj to bcucl cxw Boos of peocle too5ct afcjalJbcooa i-eaih oixttan pTtacTxti cod Cur oJ - farr;co-ii&pLioe OC coctk the paliaai cxaU mot tale k ia it oil (arw benco it tSdi rrrj EW ood. Ttrj CM tale - " - SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate k for ft Vxf taac" There o al, tot exceptmg 'btjBcf , to eaaJy tsested ad aLord rjr tae mtcoafticod tvef c3 ta tLa" form -d Scott's Ecsr-sjoo. f mod that o liie re-ioa k n to' helpful b cxcixs-r.ftaoo rcri tU cse otut be tlymoct. flJrVe ViU itad yo a aaxnple free. . . 3 .V mm m taf--f ' - ef erf yeer Scott cBowc v-I 409 PeeHSeretl NrwYcsk J nu--m v m On nTcrr Tof;uc, AW AS K tutoW at Wt; 1A eyni .y at LeeSMprtt. tXeaexanr-. ' rsa r.saiua'i r,ixarugru--rft- ! i ! m la Ek fjadenstea aJU-ttrU a.- rt;rW, e.t4 trw Af te AfVKMtatv-rtt of iejff- 6 at4u0. U la tW ievi irM 4 uUy td " "7 Tkfwak Ha mwti yia of ra'erV-Mw ua CITIZENS' B ANK OF HENDERSON ias iWw a rrtMiTa la aS k-.V-i ti unrnk w ctrr oar t-ef n to tU- of Ux aa4 AJ55XTS t Mre .... a a v w rrsswrn. Li A n's-T.-CaakW, "tl Sisvi r -rnt Mtran n mlm e- f ! n 5 To Tfiose Wljo 0o)e Me: ' II Is MUUef Unve aai 1 woeli srj-recieU ft If yew will rail at m aad AtL'Ja. tt Is at4A eat la Md ct recwirt 4ats V saaU a4 est site te. t tf a est Vets flsse ie Wi af wr rrtry ems IVil vt i sal stlns joa aJl at4 HOW TO DO. Call oa OrUSa Jk Ites-dry lor wood n4 $3 a cord. Pbo ?o. 4i. . Tbere'a no better to(e ta TVoe aa'ChiU.rV-&Oca box At drff door Let ladies pass through ' a first, standing aside for them.. Xet a lady pass first slway unless 8. a Pit u n, i,. ATTORJiaT-AT-LAW, AosiasOBO,. G. wui attend tAe eonrtaof Fr 11 n, Tanee, mivuiM. Warren m wane eonnvu-, and caution and' self-restraint The Inter-State Commerce Commission or other government official who failed to protect a railroad that was in the right against any clamor, o matter how violent, on the "part of the public, ui. nupree xjonrt ,01 a or - vu . nuuiu .v&k-x 6lVDO -.' i srrestesc Deanoner anown -oa eenia, ea and the burden will be Kffhter. New Look people straight in the face Hampshire, in reality, has only taken I when speaking or being spoken to. a place in the march of progress. Girls, if yod wsot red Hps. lanffhtaar eyes, aweet breath - and . ffood looks nee UoUister's Koeay -noantAtn iea. ; ine frompt attention wen to eoUeeUona. umoe over Hwai bmh . - T. W.BIC BTX, as if he corruptly rendered ' and im proper service to the raikoad at the. i expense of the public. When I say a j square deal I mean a square deal; ex- i actiy as much a square "deal for the TToasar ajw oouhsk l ob. at law. pnm and .M- attention stven to i iiStBom. John rich man as for, the poor man: but no : . . xmr tr.ra -Vasi Jf a. I " "" -r .-i 1 '?.: r.TTrria TyWA-BA-ToT wii- more. ;;Jet eacn stand on nis merHs, .tonTow-n a Mnir. Winston, ?eoBan receive what is due hint and" be iudeed according to nis aesserts. - 10 more ne I is not entitled, and less he shall not have." . - - , - Ooiiece. BUM. B. W. Tlmbarlaka, of flee orvf Heal ft Oo.'a Store. rBaoa, ArroBjnsY ai4w, . , tt all omrts. Oflee oa Main SPEAKS WELL FOB HUMANITY. v . KOTIC-. " By virtue of tie pwt caatala' ad la the last wilt aad teUmAt noble bearted men I ever knew jind I af A- A. Sled t ft dse-M-, I a21 .M tfU t Kaha-.-TV.JJJ I On MoadAy, the Cth dsy-ef ft ft- . ,- a oi ..fir saber 1903, at the Cocrt Hoe tk. tywu ef UaUburx. K. ra-ua WU"V." -w C- sell at pnbllft aucuoa U IVs In the parlor, stand still till every than four years ago. . She was ft coo-J lhit bidder for tub. rtttaU ho m ia mm.atA aT-rv rvl I I'nlinl Ph-tatSlTV (?eVAOtv TlVTJ and I trAet OS tiafTsI tit Ia 1 VttfUI A.SLAJ iu j . w.m w .i I rwm vrntw . , - j g i W J ' mm mm mm people. . - -;. remarkable for the sweetaeea, !? n!LI I V M 'I Rise if a lady comes in after you d .length of her Chnsuan chAxao-l s.1 are seated, and stand tiU she Ukes a f- ? tMrGts serDer aod rues with kill UU seat TTat. nfP tV( mnm.Tif von - anlop . 11 f . I arui iiiafatiMrJ tn ntiiuit-ilaer. ibsnce siree. aoor, una wneayou swp mw " T- ..7 . flTO eolae ld se-nif stskft In Cr. A small boy, not more than seven a private ball or offioe. I devowMuMer au carmnttaAoea I rjfe t tbsooa tip salt ateaA or eight years of age, was "once Bent Never play with .a knife,,fork or 9 loTea 00 OT dsra U the bef la!ar. cawtalftJof to the Office of a Brooklyn school poom ' : , I iSf 7y.TkrXT; ,U-BID l t principal for some offense. The pnn-J TJse your. handkerchief "nnobl-Ti-1 fdl-walfc. 'oiirfitVot to 1 " m i jtmL ' ,t il . -i.i - V - J I . . . - - - - I . - - ... . .. . .. - . .1 " . wm mm wjm .w . mmmm, cipaisaw.inaiTeuiue ieuow,auAu s:veiy always. T , . . v I grieve. ; Ml8& not oxxr reuBTea u A A Bledra. 4esd. . . . - . a- j i i . . . . . .11 ..vi v : . . i . . . unuaauy sxraigQuorwartt aa .uoan i , -m tne aming room isxe your, eeavi wio wmwrii-wmK wuu u- t-i ya f ersoa. Alt y. appearance, so he isoncluded ;to lead after ladies and elders. , : ; ' : .v f J uctc.7-. r' up to tne proper pumsnmen.;:ior. ue i gpecJai rules - for the mouth yaj sp proof Uf It ltl fc-waie cs etWy tag a eXWrtsw, ike eoet tf wilik l aaf air la e aft I bAs cVarf 4 aaab riee- Te Ue wke wsll for ay carU-tUe-tr tM tm tbea 99 pec asat will U U44 U ibslr wmtU. G. D AYGOGKE. ; or Tablets. . Placing: the Responsibility. If YO 1 A task or taarc&eadis rebete af Irs fart cwftl aa all 1 ab f afxlaaea ajnaodUsg ia riraIXnart aad ertrv Oaf sUck pnu . tftft aamted KOT1CE.- . but be la harpy, with those - for the mouth are irt- k rwWTJ Mm t t5it I J . .- : young offender by asking him, a few & noise'in eating jmd sacking land of eternal -Vest and' bapplne-t ?J.,Vt; Most Selectnd Reliable Line ty TAa-tOBovaH,aav ATI OlOTET AT LA W , ' l6uxsb0so. Ofllee to Opera Bona bnl XSthg All ral bnelnesa -ill reeelre vrompt andearelol attention: 1f SPfyar 1T70H O lout questions. .--'.cT ' i " 1 of the lips should' be ftvoided, "ii you werrs uacuw wuai, wutuu wiu. auu. MiBui- you ao wiui s uuy wuw nuvi--. i .r ,.., t-,,,M rs.--A ' " , . - -- y T-A- - V AUEHHUIAUB miftU A-Ui&VBUVii VIII VWh- n Ar4 y--i r lix. Aie cannot remra w ns, oui jusrwioa en tll vr.v if M.r 1KT ': 2. - - I JAACAftV aftO lWWMV. l VMM F-' -V LA HAA-W WVin'i'fc . I -... ,.- I -f-. l nif . i ' . ' . - : - , Ist yssr I .Oonrt street weeks ago tnat speaxs weu-ior nu-1 ne asaea. - iadiceatton. I .... u mm i t. ikA' ' MAri. r uph v Mnvi . him m tno innnmi ." i nuna nnu- Huirei it will only be i ft tery-few short yaarj JoM m ru;f yluu before we catt go. to j Lna. Yea, I SalUTi hU mlt9i q. 6uoa F. HOUGX, : tana man who - dieel leaving a - large j promptly replied the boy, -r, "a t,rT"anl4 iiWhot J Vnn tTiinV thA Ttrinrinal I months when I used Chamberlain's 8to I especially Wita His KBIAVe W UIB nus iu(u,, , ."."- J . ' f 1 V .mA T l... T.K1.U 'mm!. J.. I.. .... .Anunf. - ' i . f- i - I ausa-aaa anaer-a a -- xaT7a uo w-uva mmj m sww have lost a very ear hfe-long friend . dnlr reeorded la Book 108. had sry sere e etUen Lsna one l wm ever .mMS, love ana .-q, b tb .3.. Af u nains for thr-a hoars after eaeb meal. -17" ' . " .tT t 3 .m7 .7i dsiaall baviag aesn maae ta j waa troubled this way for about three ttemvo, wsr,u . u pJBJiBl ,f Mj,j 0rt-s6ft truia s 010 1 cBjJtsciiiijr uawncu. v J debt, I in co Friday. Its' 27 lb CONTRACTOR as XHJILDEB,, LOUlsBtTBO, K- 0." Tradin Asentior an kinds of Sndtdlna kiiUm, Aruatu -Unties aad liee. Area- f.iar.i Designs Baewea - HOTELO. !,, . er vn . iwi . .! Aa s heirs, and although be lett tnem au ongM totio wna socn. anoyi wn- iaBaiute-wlW," . it -Joha Dlwi, (ors fc. hi. 1A11 a weU . 7 J.r .;7 . , ' nr--rfw ;--,;- ni;--4 ,,inatiAnr -- ; TnllamorStVMtario. CansdA. For sale rv: " -."ixr . ' j..v paoiia auction, a r-uu w. 1 - . ox i wotjf r- r; r - , - - ;t . - 7 by all drowbte..:..:.... .. .-. 7B. - " .IN. tba following tract ef laad 'em mill gmuy iirfcuo T V"-m & - r '.N . - ' - I-:' - ' I T T . .I t,' r UTIAr Ua in "irniuM . anlTttS wea ATnrRHKHi. i - i n nnv iwraiim i uaumuiucuk i and air iwt wnnmpiTnninirnntixuBi uruuiiaiei wwtiv. . w- i af Dresa Oaoda, Eiaa Wash Gaada. 5tias, ILmiTj..lZxi Crr. , m - . mrm m . a . W i . wear. UMaavsiA,' vreota.. u-t. se - i-tpwue, ElAAxblirv Crews eeUtft. Castas FiasaiX Tlfkltra. OsUsrv, FlaaaslsUsa, Cettaa Sullltys. Catlce-a,3ietetfe, Ac. A rshatSe li&s cf LadUf. XiarM sa4 ClWrnfirat. TU1 atr . Millinery' Department. AsUrt riraj giving i doubtless count far more with thebe ! reaved ones thaxTthe wealth'- itself, for into the usually dry and -prdBaic term of will this man contrived to wftkve "the expression of a ;; boundless f tt ANKLlNTOIi HOTEL Qood AeeomodAtloa for the: traveling J iove andxonfidence in those lie left ubus. . j . ; t behind ' To his '"lawful - and? ever 9oodu-4,TAttashs4 -wr,- I r T:i-:: aw n School Journal- r - J i - i wat iitotimA. nroviuinir i J f ikr.--.-r. run -ro-: Pronr i f-" . - i Only IOr UIO jmnmw ww) r Jr ?; Some SeaaoaabltrAdrleu ' . It may be a pkeeof supernaons ad5oe to urge people at thia season of the vear to lay Jn a supply of: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. : It ie almost sure to bo needed before winter is over, and moeh more prompt a&d .satUf setory res alls are obtained when taken as-soon as a sold is contracted and before tt has bo ttoms settled ta the system, which eas heffn; passing through - crowd or j pubuo ; jolaoe. J:A Jadiciou8 Inquiry,- 'A well known trsteliag man who vis its the drug trade ears . baa often heard drarsuta laqaira' 'ot enitomers who asked for a eeoch medleine, whether It was wanted for a chili or for aa adore. Bat not today, tbsu b ;.'coatenV aetlbed a&3 dsSasd U fellowf, t. God'apUClikeinieporead white li: VT, V T t tV -TV u-loW?' - " -' - " IsTftttln tkt lands of J. -LTatler. We imurt riot tear the -loee shot kwres decsassd, tie earns eoataiulst 10O 1 aPArt. Z -' - -. . . . .-, 1 ... tnil en l.nt in r TlmeViU reveal the eAlyres ot rU " TZT'. iyI And if through rU.i toil ws WAcft 1a " - - - ' , . - lArtO, . . I ties. iiu "'I'""-1 " Where Ured lest with sa-U looae HolattiB' ths land ef Vi'. L. lis 1 V iad-Ufx&4 ls4Ajrtasat Wsiwear ta crrs-tl asd saasI p-e;air irrs imss cor iiiUy sad cisraxwr ef ar oje tbe tciL . Taar ir1, juaf ret: LSS-N1hJR6:H0TEL Is efltate-for he orfe I ana-ao Aiw-jfotuor . A.- i should hesitate about boy tea; it tp pr "-e erenee to any other. ' It te for sals by rMonrmend Chamberlain's Cough Um- oaly be dune by keeping the . remedy at .The reasoa for this is that they It was wan lea tor n can- or lor mm -uoil. i r- ,r- f and if for a ehUd they almost invariably tThea -'lJ know od. edr- - ,. - iuwu I think thAtwewia y, KJod knew! Hl2n)-ni01T. XT- o. hand. This remedy is so widely known and : no altosrether . good that . no one pret- all know there Is no danger from it and that it alwsrs esres. There IsAottbe feast daager ia glriag iW sad for eooh eolda and erooo it is acsorpassed. . Mot the best.". A feblA tribute of love' from Lis eld aiulctod frienX . ' ',' , Ghse, A. O. Foller aad etlmT Tkts ths 27lh day ef SptlJ-03 L O. Etacxtos, tlottaf as, - - by I. U. Kssnssf, A-n!r,ns COOKE 2v DAVIS. Artistic ; Job . Printini ti:.:2S. PRINTING HOU - iMawuMiVHi vi . . . - - Ja i I H pn- lata Qoodfaret sale by all drefzists. , ; 1LG.C, - Ute ftMattcattva srysa- - - . -: t i ffh nf the wire tne esuuo m o-

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