;f& ' .- s';J-. -. Jl J I -J -.. ? - R - 1 1 V "-nY- I - - !' : i v CTHBCQUT, v)L xxxr.- ' -. aa jFi ; A LOmSBURG, FRIDAY, 'NOVEMBER 17. 1C 05 - TT T " : "" ' ! . l- -. -ta... ' . - - . i... , , m. - . 'in , , . i . ii """ 1 o a URoa diuccxort : THODlT. -t,iud School at 9:30 A. M. . Geo. 8. bAzaa, tape '- I raebiog atH A BLnd7 80 V. 21, v- ry Sand. - .s- -.- -- ". I'nfM mating Wedaeaday sight. U 3, M 48 ex. Pastor. baptist. V s ,i ada j School at 9-30 A. 4L. - - . Trtoa. B. Wildae, Supt " r rvMhioK at U A.M., tad 7 80 P.M . , ry auaday ' . -.-,.. t'rrr in sting Thuraday bight H. ti. MaaHBCRfca. Paatori moofaw .T'K , " -a ..day Sehmit at fed -"" " w a . Korror. Sopt. -w-rvicMH, moraiatf aat; adcht " ob ,i. srl od 41U UnaL.?. --.- . .kuiux frayer, Frkdaf .afteradoa Kav. J oh Lobdos, Beur. raBBBTTKSiix. , J ' srvioM 4th,8aodar U aaeb moath - - - J I -,: " .yr-'r V-, RANDOLPH SH0TWELC A.Her, a Martyr, Who Suffered and Endured All For Love : - - . said, filled with a gafleoua-ub?tanoe and floating lite a balloon' in -apaca If tl8 gas were allowed to escape dis aster: would follow. Another, claiming to- be a seientifio - man, :- assured- the ownera of a-wnll t.Ytt A recent issue of thft WTnatAT h .t - . - . , . : :t-7 4 ""'fefw- i m wuuw wiw uue scaping gag wouiu pbhcan, referring to the Movement J be oommunickterto th MB lth A CUSTOa -TIIAt' SHOULD - AEOLISIIED. ' ED jf'A'. ji-i.v .......... .. O in contact with thescaping gas would luumnnens to tne memory and cause terriffio. expIoaipnsTMen of Randolph AShotwelI, made this" are' too inquiaitive;, he , aaid;-Thej surprising utterance i ' ' 1 1 - ; ' oeer too , f ar Ti - lT"Jl-8 8d 5? fool friends The gas companies havfc keptonbor-j beatiiim for -Pfesident and Inat an h f-j v r, A the fool ;friendi of the South have HfTi ' beentheVeatest.obitaclea 4e have togBt-r- . had to overcome. Whatwouldbff - ' , said were an effort made to- 'erectta THE - PRESIDENTS' EXPENSES, monnraent-to Benedict Arnold? Or .,7,1- -- I "J - - by 'the Christian curoh should , a - r J "l proposition be made to place a - bust Pople, of the south; enjoyed of JudaTon everv- tultit? "Nithr 'appreciated rthe.rrecent .visit of f Mgf 'bich,vwold before astounding l President. They -wonld " very tntint v' tiio tu wan wis proposition to erect a "V gutwunwui ueiraj uie la Wborr Lod. ffo.413, A:PV ft 1 monuinent tcShotwelLJ, . oUthfttrip. .There re a w., mw i aoa ro . iuiuj . ,The venerable alitor f th a rrr-4-. fe"''"'""""' puunurea or tTfY. . . 4 .7 rTT-M wWcn people, if they Iwere "left beth -City Economist consideredr jhia to the peop,. Would not approve, but lYoftiaainnnl-earda . j ."""'' Mwuuumguue anpro- a ooarge lor tne -expenses ot Mr. Paator I) 1 . , Beeds to a brave defense of this gal-i Roosevelt's tour they would not be- r Smithwick RS. aaiTHWICK & BANKd. DENTAL BDBJEONS, LOU13B0RU, N. C ' . ttioe id Hieks Baildtog, Mala Stiwt Uays.Wsihero.of humanityr' He ' StatpV-generbus I) K. W. H. RDWAKDB - . DENTIST. ' DuaaAM, N. C. II h in his offlea at Wak ForatN. C, week following iba Arm Sando la ii month prvparod to do dental work. . I'. H. COOKE. t ATTOBSET A.T.LAW. ;. V ! . Loaiaborg, C, . . .; .Mire on Naah street. Prompt attention on all legal bueineM entrusted to me. j. a. MAl.ofia, "-s I l w r .t Acricma phtciajsi abi sraqKOH. WCUBIM, . O. ui ott Ajeocke fraa; Cotapanr. j jH. J. J, MANN, , i PHY81C1AH aed' SURGEON. Mtoiaaaaa. a. o. ' :H-e over Ajoocke Drag Co.'g drugstore j tt. 8. P. BORT, . a . . r k AOTIC1NO PHYSICIAN AS1 SO ROBOT. Louisbarg, N. C. offioeiatha rear ol . A. Bobbltt A i . Drag (More, pa Naab atreet. - - - a. a. . TAJLBOKUVOIt. PHT8IC1AJI AHD BDKQKOa. oatoa tad ia( 1) wa made of the sterrf staff that' pre- they not niggardly in the doling " out f era martyrdom to inf amy jand chains of compensation . for the service he and torture could not ; conquer his' renders? . Do they not weights dollar proud and - Datxiotic Bpirit, and he, caref uUy before expending it for whn taw nnA sone personal necessity, ofgay luxa- r uo - I ry, of the President? f For the travel- UA muuument memory, ine eXDenaea of others connoted with is I either a.monster oflniquity, or tan tile government ample': allowance is igndrant, blind man who "thinks tha1 made.r. Senators and representatives no one of that dread period now sur reeive travel pay. Sometime? some Viving w patriotic but" a Republican ot"em o.not get, all tiiey would & , v S J- hke to as was the case In the last eon- who asas no question as to tne ngnt gress. vet ther cet auite a considera or wrong, and takes everything done I ble amount.- Even -when they go on by the Republicans as rierhtenna and I their last travels the . . eosi of 'the holy. . J hearse and other, general expenses is ! met. Congressional iunkets are paid the Economist, further, says : "The President visits distant sections of editor of the Republican, we cannot the country lie xaust pay hia way. He call him ' brother,J compares Ran- j goes at. the invitation ol the people, dolph Shotwell to Judas Jwariotly.-!!.. tt AtwA - navmg u pay personauy wnen ne -7- "j accepts their invitattons.t trayea tne ttoly Vne, ins divine Lord . Splendi4 trains are often put at the and Master.- Shotwell. 1 served , his disposal of the chief executive ly the country, when desolate and oppress- great railrod companies but this conn ed, and waa handed over'to-thevrule try is great, wealthy and. powerful innocent women anoygooa men were ment. Nor should the government shot down like dogs when trying to I be under whatever obligation he ao extinguislt the fires lit bv " incendia- ceptancerof such courtesies, entails. ries, the owners of property who had n& X urates - anoma neitner , , . I have then: President aecept tenders of never lifted a hand againstjthe onion, . Hn9 mnn,A although in sympathy -with ;their thev mave him nav his own exnenaeaTl VfV m 'V"1 t Booker .Waah neighbors and friends. He organized as it was reported .President Roose-1 ington'a Institute at. Tuakegee, Ala- and led the Ku Klux Klan,-wheli the ij Te& mtended drnng upobi aonthem I bamaOn4haBubjact:ol. luring Union League was training the igno- trip. Savannah (Ga.) Press. eontoac President Roosevelt said to rant negroes to plunder, murder and j 1iere good reasoning in the the colored peopleiYoa tach incendiarisrB,hen our best and most abore coniments of the Press, -and people of jour.Tace . that they Artanr Hjtxhb n laiag I .& . ., .... . rtrtiffiii M,i- Bt.. - inl,i.lrr . . v a.; , . ... lenied the me .uyr;. "r? tract into wnion tney in gooa una , Thfsre is a coetom handed 1' down from out forefathers in the routine of holding the oourta that should be rel egated to the musty past. AVe refer to the abominable, "uncleanly act , of kiss ing the Bible, required of i our jar 0x1 witnesses, sxC: What filth must ther be on. those books - that . have bf i handled by people from all conditiorir of life and from - contagious -dieaM fresh from the contact.- of C the siel toom?;.iHand that are vile ' looking evil emellmgr dirty,; syphilitic, or covered, and mouths": that axe "to much "better lrj appearanee and . reali ty, ' la thls one'of the-- evidenoea ' of 20th.t't5entury civilization requiring peopiejto kias these vile tbinga sotrr ; cer ofleofltamTa ft tionv a ad ilee! "-" Do those who have goneT through I wua process nave .more .regarat tor their oaths than if this part waa elim inated? - . - - ' r . Are we to subject our beloved ones at home, to the dangers of contami nation froWthe' millions of , microbes of all kinds of diseases and filth that lurk on the 00 vers and trL the pages of a book nsed for that purpose? hy use tne iiible lor any such purpoeea? The kissing the book does not affect a' person Vbatb; it is the verbal part that is required to affirm. Kissing the book is a moss covered custom that has no place among enlightened peo. pie. It adds no strength to the oath. It is a dangeroua source of diaeaaea. Its nse for that purpose long ago nay have had some4 effect when! people Deuevea tnat tne a eu" would never enter a house that oontained the Holy Bible, bat how, times Jire changed and people' are not to be tied to - old customs. "Kiss the I book, horroral Tryon Bee. . " olioa in a letter to a Raleigh nwpa per man, in which h aaya la aL stance: .;:" - .- , ' " - I hate githred inoagh atklenc to complete! yj-oTa tha parioture4 of the paper wl;: Ji Dr. S. ilUIir jtoo Miller c3aimj to LlTev found, namely the Cape Fear Mercury of 1775 . con taining: tbrMecLlenbarg- rK)lati3DJ or Declaration of Indepr!eno ol May 20th of that year, aod that ha la about to publish a fsmphlet with tha title 'Tha'True MeUnbcrg Dtcli ration of Independence." lfa aajt he baa gathered oort of the evileace in the matter and Will ahow bow cer tain conf aaxn baa beratofora ariaen. He baa what Martin 'a letura ahoar and all the thingi on the Britiah. end of tn line, and ha i very anxiooa to have.a copy "of the Moravian diarr frpmr Salem, which throws eontsmpo- rary light oa the Mecklenborg reao- auoe. lt ta hoped that 4 oory of this diary'wia be sent Mr, SaHey ' la order that It Ttuytw iirtmporated to ni-pamptiiat. -. SOUND SENSE TO PEOPLE. COLORED ireatdent Koosevelt . said many smart and viae things daring his toor through the South, bat we doabt anything he said - was more timely than his admonition to the 'colored . c. Boo MU iMdKUiig.'P'tKia anawi4 from T. . Bioltett- 7. - ..r B. GORDON LEE SCHEPPER, - DEBTItT. . A J j. LOCiaBXJRQ, r . 7 ,-t i unr to Dr. One In Pord baliult-g. ted in dungeons and denied; the ne- It ia aa Vnlrrea'Jr. tviacivitaoa C-it while a eoaTAiioQ W bg bU ts ! the Soth to immfratioa aad labor, a eoL! del- gtUto the tne'wC J m kaffe c4 ! the trsicia Caslrw4! Ivftipwa aVvall have aakl uk lLa taaUg tlai the1 csxeity ol tzro labor ba lh FolS j ia do ist f-art to Cb Uct that Urpa nurabrr of orpxw are Vayirj; amaH j Luma for thatzmlras, arid.hAo.ee an j not arallabU aa Ixrax Ubcrtra.' iVhaf-l ever tba eaaae tbe a-e jnxa are Uar- Ing the farms and the Soalhara ' far mm cannot dpcoI poa.iL Aagro rm tculsmrtHj Cor labor. thing aaeat be doa to pet Khr-ta- borera, a&d it tnur; ba doe tooa, or Sooierw ariesaltare wi3 tUt. I A .a . . "vs ix.via cr-jjraaa y r- mat the kUa thai thy ara. .ilKd toJeave the farm In ordar to battrr taetr wxviiUan. - II any axe aUa u pexchaee aal c.dTato farma ea Cwir "old velvet, rye ; ' puro- old - velvety v tlio bc3t for the price. . ' y rfiold .-everywhere. v v call V for it nt : ; 99 loulsbur: : dispensary, louliburc, n. autkv.( !- 'v. i n i 4 A GlaagowTholilay BukarT waetowQ aooo-aot; tf any are aLW to j m vi nE net vat wsi aa- vj-yJ uiuia. eaaawep- . aaar-A av-k - - w ew i elf j. aaid the lagiatrato. . ;-Vo Tkere wO : W ol :wm, ; rWb look respectable and oogha to belmea aod.pc maa; ibr will Vm uhimed to stand there. ' . . (taaaterr al earvaata maiar tb fair ; "I'm verra iorrylair.bat I cantaap I at rjcaaabUeoiitkciicV'tha). coo- la bad oomnj from:(etca,"Jb be CAjrJaarriea: tbf Uy replied the priaonar.. r k, I eonaeqaaooM to take cere cf.thei MW.hat scrVof eotnpanyr1 -i taalrta,. If tha aar varus to laava . A- lot ; of : tMtotaleraV waa the I the faraa ead aaek ehv7ocea4a4Sjcin, startling reaponae." . .... IU Ishia own affair, aal paee go wkJ ..-What atrT cried the bailie ( tae Uoa..lrtU faman of the rWh totalkr). in a rag dA yo aoaan. to awi learn to vt aloe withot Lfcaw ; luefcraooj ltaaaa tirpatoB. , 7. Li r IV 'O ri Eve ry iTo n rru c.w m4 tiutW(0 Mi4 aM aJ .... - t44 art UaiiVar B4rpaaae. W avw7 r P P y r r say that the abatainers are -bad pany? I think thay are the best of mpany f or such aa yoe, ear. Ueggin your paruoo," , anawerad the priaoi, yeVe WTang, for I had a bale of mutchktn of whiaka, en I had to drink a" ttWirr- Birtalnir. bam (Eag.) VeeUj, Poet.' A: '1 The Blrer Jordaa V Concerning thatwniqae etreaa, the river Jord an, Dr. Iihbey7ia' the "Jar. dan Valley and Petra, vrtteat "Per- ftrexiar TaVTa Uvt aa4 Tax. ttUy A Da.CXUur aaVaaW Uee, V aa4iar aa a Urata4 laac NMt aa4 aaetaaaf 4 ta tml awnft a4 I eopattrhf of foW Bey aaA. Tm auay toiunaat aieeCr4 fr ia- ta. - Tw vanab teUtu lea 1 taaltaa awaa4M Bervaa Tar la la rOa pi A f t a4 rfaeaf NWMa, UllUMle eaar (wrMttatalletK Ver' aaie ka u. U Ayaoeke ' -The' art , f arty-eight Utthodsft charchae ta the Phihtaa Taxala lamotamerie wMtrKoitoe an- njuuja, - eieota ever gueaaad that ka eeem - : . - waetocetly below the Uval.cf the t ulal sea; my journeyed p end dewn ay'glTaa'U raV kt rfT? mj ma.Taiiav-aiaea paloara Utuva ct i iaa ww." r - 1 MM urauaaii -Uivy siimu-au wwr w i t 4 at roada from JarBaaUm to Jarioha andf T ewnriaiirtuna - r vi . -i. v i.Iaaaaaj l4rr Ur4 aee( puw awrtBUMfiugwi 7 Tae M a rt-aaed UaA la roada east and west of , the Jordan! aai aafa te take. " " FI rm. w 1 r k. . t they built roada . and bridgce , and I aa ta SZrZZrtmvZ Fccis' Are Siablidm Jiiin 1 7 Tlm aa2aalatril4y for ortf cirttr ef a Century Ue aleeJTy lacrae-aaiA aae 4 LiOS CXJITZS : . tttc Itadcr cl package co-Qcc. lion CoIIce- jia40'we4adUrt.3:r it4bgr3a ftaaA popIar rernrrwtunamxuetu ,Crmndcztrc at Cvc people - TU txlLpro ealrv-ea? UO!f - O07TXZ werr)ve aa on04391- U3.7 COITEE ki. TUa Ua rtraaarOk. Fla trUiiMmltt. OaerrtwU . te yiajstarieat, n ta a-ra tally 4 t tea-iartee aua4 te S raweeeOM Skf-aAeeteni lisst corrce te V'J;::- w a4 CaZ ifcir" ' eaa aj ur , . ' i , ramlaitrk trwae.CU ( free. TV tnlaia rPy ' furaaleH a f3e e in iei . tv T tna. W era -e twi.aC. 1 y3 TaAe awe-ttee-te sold cv' roocrss iaxiii-Tiiin: a. M a BWOBBOira. ATTOBjm AT LAW wiu praeuea ta aU tha Soarta f aBtt otBe aOoait ji-i-e a l - - a --a aa a . - - . I m - m4 e- a j v . akA.; mmamw a 1 1 a a . . . w a - A cessities, ol Lif e, when the midmght "5 ;ii?uiujr; u. enter, no matter wnetner rt ts nara to citaee far below the level ol the Had. tp3f aJ ar a : aeeae. .-i 'toroh-Ut. upSoutB'-sktanl djffereat' jparte jrf UptrsiAfxtk herrmata'ta4 jret jettex reeee4: to , j., the products of the soil were"" de- toealMuringJiis term of office, of the eolored race is their tendency to haTe aaepectedthat this, etreata dif- i 1 j. . . . i c ? t s&oved to add to the sufferings of a 11 18 S115 118 anomo, as oen disregard their, contracts. Tbia ta a fared from moat of the rivers ol the aa M. W. BODDD3, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW,' LonisBuxa, N. C." 1 1 Hl-i OTr aved t4 Btme4iopulation. - - cr-.r-r i 518 pessmie, compiy wnn liirew -1 great failing rith -many people, but tt globe in thai raepeet: - Greeks, Ro- The Economist well -concludes tqests, ui ne Bnouiq noa upon: nis i M peculiaty ao.vrith, riegrofl Too mans and Alohammedoos, Jewa, ! that Shotwell "was a patriot, i tyr, and a hero, and , would not i tray his, friends, though eabjec To Tliose Ilio OiDe I(1e : a mar-1 r , y FJ t otten. ne legraoa an ; wora na.;iue Chnetiana and crnaedea. knew erary I " . --.t-'al e rrm ! nm I expenses on luese mps. asm nom- ptomiae of -no. importance.- -vren I nook and - eraaoy of he wiadlniil r - T - , , r I , I . st tol1" uu!lsui"ulllTluFM i one promises to De on-nana at auca i oourae. bat XAilad to realoe vtula I"- ww , . s-. ... I - -t . --ii a i. - - a. I .. . i I -. . . . . , i tt" it - m i Boddto, Bobbitt A Ca.'a drag torture and punishment, and v Carried PrT.?:8 W?.08 .? . w .f InAi: an rlioor, to Ascertain J hg head and eoerce rested I emu isioa --a.iaou US ' -'.' 'V- through the Northern cities .chained bw,actual expenses, the same to eome piece of work,beeught tozkeep, hia ixoblellermone aide u moeth la Abe B0. - A Tk HUe WC doa t HAYWOOD KLVmSjrt andlcaged and "made aapectacle to out of die treasury of the State ?7 orf just aimttch as if hehadprom Dead" rka waa fax'b, the furfAce utC br icier to tcillclOliUle -r Ji ' gritify the bate of nolrtherBfanatloa. - ;a5. . - : ' ?-t ..P7VXffc.h K 'tSo'lubWile: worU ajrf ail tl aw. aaddfeine' the prTbllCL' tX!!!t? He tteretraald never": a word, PARSON KISSED PRETTY GIBL. Sometimes a failure to keep. aaoh a roohding oceADC.-? Ws r 4 but the AlttTe remark Atld aeaaajaw.s.e.,. -.-I' r - - nmmUa ia frraateT rtonnTflBMn ce than ' - a 4:; PBI.UIC AUgYCICCWA "' "- . " : " " - , ,. , I TB.n.uiou,ior 1 . -.- . - , . .v. Vii7ai 'iiii made u olltn In nrantc a id praetiea ftdjolnlnc c Aicirt, aad la tb ..'Irr.iilL (JnnitA. uiiim in Uooper tad Cllttoa BaQdUaav 'hos. a. WTLDBJU .' - . - r ATTOBJraT-AT-LA.W, : . .. . aoiaairaa,a;e JTqoea Ooupea-l Oi (01 tyrs 01 nistory. x ne xtepuoucan a ehurch at Chillhowie, Va, and assault upon his memory ought to Q , VDre8idi Dir elder of the Knox - 1 quiefcett the pulse of those, who have viUe djstxictt naB been adjudged gofl- tne movement m nana xor .me ereo- of oondact by the, Holston tions. -of a monument.- Charlotte nr.far. Mr HiVa ia onftf tha .. . v and thinks wealth. - little of it. Common- drive Ueaa aar. lata. B. A. BobMu A Co. .Chronicle. 8. spkuilu; 4 1 A READER'S NOTES. ATTOBjrXY-AT-LAW, loviasvao, a. 0. win ettead the, eoartaof Praaklla Vane! 3ranuta. wma end Wak aoauHea, alao u wdnim Ooort f Ncata. CaKHlna. Prompt ettenttoB givaa to aoUeoUooa. ufflo. orr acartoa'a Btora. TOBACCO TAG PACKAGES oldest members of the conference. The charges specificall y allege- that Hicks "allowed himself to kiss a young women member of his flock as A atoniiixjg-tookirjg girl bat eeaarily ahocking.'; , . '; One of Jamea G." Bbainea fiart cjrv- tributiona to the Kennebec (Me) Journal, the editorship of which pa- uSStTmrl tioa withScotCtv EauUloa thaC they, are worthy of ! iocc&slohal -note; From iolaiicy to old age Scott't Emuhlon ouert a reliihle means ot reined Tine Im- ro e eleeaaat elrale ry Caaabarta4aa etoajaaa a ad ir Ta tela. Tbar ar aa to taaa aad a4ae has p w. Bioajrrr, 'Trooper A oainsrHaxLoA. At ijiw trnnaBvaa.e - -v- i 4t rromst aad peiaateklag attestloa gtraa to mrj matter lmtrvate t tils ae4av -? . -nf ars to Chief Jostiee Shepherd, Hob. Joan BaitonTPrea. Pint national Ban ot WlB- .ton aieoa MaalT )f Hooroa, uaae. UoUea-a. How of flee over Meal 4 AU wuaoco tag Fxiui-xiix "ao the girl herselL maae 1010 01 ixuumv iut win pustiouivc people, says -the. WUmington Star, which adds: .Everybody .knows : that packages of nerchandise are mailable at a much cheaper rate than first class or letter mail matter": and '4hat r nrst class mail matter enclosed in a 'pack- iVUUti lvuivu axa.aaeavua, v saw a -, - e 1 ' a resSt of a dare off ered to him by P?r be held tla totmr, w a Dooa; review, a cnuowa-ou k : was aorHpiaxcr otW aaeiaaaaat. tffaaV ltirODer aild WCIJC cleTClOr Fo 4 y all dientaas, - -V r--.V e Wl 71: v taaaaaaea4sa4a,aaaaaaaaaaB4ai 1 -e 4 a - . . t - ' .-e - . - a. , e . , winatoo, reopie sna i aKe 0j tne lower dass,maKes me wnoie a. w. Tiiaiiaai t i-i 4 j(a 1 mailablaat the higher rate." Bat many vwauww : .s-, ...... .1... - i w. at. raiteoji. ATTOKjrar AtJ aw, - - . j aonaavBa.a.e Prague ta aB eoarta.': OSlaa oa'Hala crest, ' x -t- T !( yy e XAJUrOKorjofl, a. ' v ATI OABXY AT XiA W people4o not apply their knowledge injlhis respect to . tTjeir actionFcwhen they go to mail & package aad eitiier for the sake t of 'convenience or to save postage they bundle up a' written let ter 'and the' merchandiseall togetiierl and put it ifl;the postoffice J ustnow tne postoffioe department has inaugu; oinoe ta Oyer Bow banding, Court street rajjd systematio effort to' put i an .iUrJS!tt SiTaadtfat nd to the eyil.and haa.its own means ' ' ' 1,1 . " e .3. ': r of finding oat when the law is violated. 11 . " .V 4 - c . ' 'v 1 ; - vatArd a v one natron of the i VV U- I mingtonbfficeVas fined $10 byPost- louisbuao, jr. . ' . 1 master .vv auace .ana oxners bjuu w Tra.uag Ageatfot aft-iindi of Banding t p'a Hhe? anxious seat.'', i This - notice snouia Deawainmg w - mono tw b ova 'rvacknees io. mail .liV : the.- f u- --v :- tore -ear-al 0s4jdaDtte HOTELS. FaAKxxnrroiT. it. o - Sood aooomodatioa for the traveling , r--4rV-ir CaTamities" That, Didn't; Occur. ablle. ' ..... .:"'j'j. oodLlWAtUehad MASSENBURG HOm P lriaaisjeiitovijr merit rtstorinc: lost Ceai Ererv man think hie vife hae thai and vHaiitV. and rctuni3 Z -rv. m;f fnnru? Mr TTmVa TOwam--w iwvu --"ibeathaabend to tne worn. 'f iwaAte: 'lhft ictlonfl - fc. .1; .r,-. W Scott's i EmuUioav U ' no more ot a acoxi wiaa uc tt ta eaUUr lit aei I aU afrerlato It tf tee will e2 a t eeee ae-4 eel'e, - 1 1 la wa ii-v MlUitelarrwalrf cate ty gt-aJ aet) tiae te teew, 1 4a tM iate I leva I le aTtrf rrery ftriaaUtt raeislUra yen ail aA. fey,'? totlj l etU aectaeUM see eej4r-y. Jlaf AC-ler Ua eret tf Uia ta etfalr U e r e X Lara tktri-4 ra)y raa ftiree. 7e Urf Ve wait fay iWUe t t3 en tWe -S3 fer ceet elll Ve aAr-d te Heir eecrtau. -'., - j ... ;. . ' -.' finnoTO farm rf i-r montha" to be fnl. ew by A temporary Bospension from I "TT 4 . v 0. 4 , Z --r -sri- .:iaerieaof The American SutfjamenJ me conierenee -t eg f. : . kA,:; v. ttJl ' ""y it ' y in szr'i -a" ai i Tkuouaneu uy wesui. . nwiiuwu, i r ivo--ls si aa inra wii miaiu i nrinfHni t iv aa. 14 44 444 . . - . ritog-gMv mw, tozrvKf" sr,vrTJrS:.S': It docs" tlirouch -aoarWi the Dr. that there Upettoa.' f A'aerepanratlte aad aaoeiaak fCOmOO&lU OH Of the Ktnul to aaUaataaAUlag ra I ttvu IVACIL. t BA IV ( 4 i. HO. U AYGOGKE. of his years kissing a young woman a member of bis flock, -v? ' ; ioident ilr.v Blaine vvaa not ' tan,t: Mr. v Stanwood- jeraeaad vkaoeit taaa UrrttW rrTpia a A mm IU.h.1 . w W IVWB w w vw.a... mb . I J-v4 . ,' I H Wtee A . CAoea. Oatal. Cama. known aa a proteasing ennsaan,' out 1 de; far aala be ail draaxiats. he was a convinced believer in the -ea through nourUa- np Tr V 1 theHndofnourUh- V . ' V 1 , that cannot be oV ; L J lla ; u J ment- ment tal ned In, ord in ary food. J H ... b 11 u k y Herb W. lwrdX;ligttrd.V.i f tt- Veii . - H Weaaier to talk aboet imlinf No ayitexit'U tOO Weak" Of . r'-- Herb wEdwarda;" of laa kolaaaV I War of it. :, MriAwrenoe's doubta l" wrth tore thaa It a, to Jo Ll fjelicate to retain ScoU'tj "- Iwa;otafallpu aa fay walk laat arja ., .4 . . - . . ' i T.f :T ' " 1 rm;.t.!(U.";-J I - - 4-- jr.apralBinK-iaerUrtanaDruiaing-aisi I c If yo are IroaUsd ue ia4ia-Uo.i --.-u". avuu atuw isvva neee,: rTha axt day,- ba aayy tbey f reviewer weak - and -.illogical. Two I eoaatlt 4 ssurailoa l 1,11 r . . arara ao aors . aau auu . a wa Nnw i - i :. . n : . a i mh. nwii- would hava to atay-4n bed; hot I robbad pasaagea, aomewnat aimuar; to eaca iU nAk -a weU aaa taaa yae wa anal atoaiaaa. er aat t1 oUlaUr'a "Rml UcetUla Ta them with Chamberlain's Pala Balm aad I other, ahow hia method of dealing 1 83 eeetf. Tea or Tabteta. after few epplleattooa all aoreaaas bad -"S;" " disappeared."- Jfor saw oy an axugiruia i -"r L . Let as o!o our duty in pur shop :o our kitchen,' the" market, the "street, the office, the school, the home, just as laiulTUliy no u wo, buaw. m .. auo front rank of somej;greatT battle ;; and we knete that ' victoryt for mankind depended on :our bravefjr, strength and skaiTrVhen - we '.do r that -.the hambleef of "us will be.servSog inthafj great ermy. whicb " achieves the;; wel fare" of the worlds Theodore Parker, Coo - - When the first use was made, of the natural gas wells people of a certain class were much dktufbed.H All sorts of-evila were-predicted, and arning letters' wVrereceived by the companies "-.. .nMA f T- M'nnvlT1 nT- TTn ' : lin charge, vne man aeut aaya'atl; ' V J T world tv bollow rphere, be rTTnrn Maay i ehildree ; Inherit " eonstitntioaa k and feeble, others doa to ebildhood trouble.. : - Holiiater'a Boeky MoonUia Tea will v poaitirely care ehudraa - and make them stronfr. S5-eeata, Taa or Tablets. . B. A. BobbiU & Co. A. Ik- sv t:,.i..4t?-:..u A man kn I an oU . baxhalor e&u aaivauon is nvru taaau. Apiu..aui - . . . . . . PMiana timrht nr it It UnL HI Bt lCBM W OOl WWW ,W W V-V --- J a-a--vaie. w ew w . a s- . . it tf,1 admit n hcneatly.": II itia not, J marry hun. deny it ; boldly.' V . la tne ts- Eiorlihlver 'e'Toe to Achttioal ; Yoa ea ao aaotapHk rsrr a U voar lleef la tateUra, aa f; da'J. yoor eyas ara btTr ttd s.tl ei.txtoa axVaaataroa. Oriai Lata'Ue Fratt Sfr op sUtaaUu tbe Urr? at! twU aa j taaka. oa feel briatt aa4 aetlra.- Oriaa ated Dy tne puoijiinea axatement tnai i er gnra itj u si.i sal rr taa Uri I ocre .Jt isaa ble the word of God, or not? ' If hla, aay so, if it is not, say so like man, and take the r4caponaibUity.n z' r- r jlx wiiJu be remembered Ahat Lvrt summer considerable interest waa cre- tromit r w-T ml y I A Ae gsrxiaala ta af t y-sf avst r 3 t aj L fnLaaea . - eunawaLU U JHa rs'Urt av4 rr. Oar ate-t - . . .... r ' ) ii a. e-rT -Lf.iost; Select and Reliable Line V tor.aa.tU alA-'sc, la tar, tlaJ t tr;at Cj-t . Tfs-O'ta.' n--sry 3CaH ffctasr. ti'ate. 7a't l.t t J- '.a. an old copy of theCape Par,irerw k0 ry pi 1 77a had Deen louna con-un ing the "Jlecklenbarg Dedantioa of InUv- tHdence," ot ilay JL'ta, ot tnat Hear, thereby eatablishing ' the, diixa so long made. The matter has boea discussed in the-press at lenttth' for several months past. . Now" comes or iary t-.artlc. at. U. LwAjeoeka, VM lib line shoes. .Before buying examine Jno. W. King a Ur. A- S- Sallv, Jr- Secretary of the ' 4H-Jtorical Commiisjon, of South C-r- la'New TJnlanJaaJl lncot triej cT Kurcr4. A mtIti t.ir.k ax co cot is r' i r ii '"1 ,a j t tit t-.por-t a a t a :.nn't!r"' t tvv t t r. 1 1 housanl tiUhea fur;.r. i." rr.e day it :J1 ta ao ia th'a eJcm. Try ea. First Nitionsl liajjk, LosUl.3rj, T a a t'fcAje-i r, , S m ei a -c tv kvk.atet aaea rtlt 1 1 1 CJ - vi, e-rno-e to r 1. 1 ms4 kkae aVe 1 4 : - n to . mA-4mI ta - r. W. Ilsvss. kr . aWaa, X. cC r.tltr, Traee f-ieu'rr a, Cat!w r um j, r.iUnt. C4t L.i , lltas?s,'M. Ci'i rx'ttix. Cre. OfVan-a,, AU A rt!ik tl .-.., ;u44 aa-4 t ir Si.'. Tv rat -' : ' L'iHinsry Department. MJT1C Jlai m 14 a- a.' : i iitu A. W a. o J . f 1 ; '--"u ti i ':. ka W i l y t'. r--a t 3 1 f- a k .. J mm ! rr4 at lr . aaaxe i . t 4- -4f r a. . wi .. nU . t t -il 1 I ."i l!u.U 4 t- a-r ' ' 3 k 1 - C" T.iruti.i.''f I. I'.t Ltwiit . Ji trT. a s ts J a t4 s ;laul in'eiit t. k 1 1 4 ; ; tar t ; i V.t a Ott T f '. t