v I f - I VTa v.- o t s. a. THOMAS, Eill.r iiJ Pr::.:r. THE QQUJM'X'Y, ,'XMrl 1,1 CXTVTID TJXTXOiT r.:i: :u: ?i:ittr . : :i i OL. XXXV; "LOUISBURGrN. 0, FRIDAY, 'DKCEUBEU I. m CHURCH DIRECTORY ' r BTITH0DI8T. '. v gonday School t io A. MV - 1 Gao. B. Baxxb, flupt. PraMhins at U A. st, ana 7 80 r.af. ,Try8ondy. - 11 -V Prayar meeting Wedaesday night, . , U JB. Kabsbt. rfnaday School At 8:30 A. IL ' Tuoe. B. Wujbs Supf pwachinK at 11 AJt and 7 30 11L ,f(,rT Sunday. - ' ' Prayer ntin Thursday- eight. ; tf. tt. Mashbdbbb. tiutor;; arisooFAL. - - 6auday School atv:&. - ' ' ' Wk H. Karris. 8upt. services, morning - aad Bight, oa , 3rd and 4th Suacays, ' . u. Tenia Frayer, Friday afternoon tiav. JohbIjobb , ttoctor : FBBSBmRUS JC AAV tWioee 4th dandar in "each maath C0TI0N i SICKER;; A SUCCESS. Latest Invention rfbr, Harrest- f ingr of Cotton Prcaouced" a: f . 1 j Suecess by Farmers, " ' " the spinners an average of twelve and a half cents s pound and that 'near! y all mill products are now being mar keted at a pride that leaves V profit on a basis of thirteen Voents for the raw.-material. If 4 The 'i-New and BEPUEUClKSTHHOyinQ CUD. f The esteemed Charlotte Obeerrer of yesterday contained this parsgra jb: ' Waahutgton special la yesterday's paper stated that "North Carolina log and night. v ..Faster.' v. r. -The Lowry cotton picker, invented byrMr" Cf.'Ar Lqwry,"' cf Boston, Mass., was given a practical test on the farm of Jdr. : Frank H Johnson, on the Derita . road some days ;ago and was pronounced a success by the two or three score persons that saw it in operation, The machine is almost a marveL Some of the men who de clared -it . a. saccess yesterdav had thought a practical cotton picking ma chine impossible, and all the witnesses of the7 test had been more or less do- bious All were agreed-however, that e tffacEine-wanot porfectedfseTer- it. oimu 1st od 8rdr Tuteday I l defects are sach, however thut they txuUeaoa monwu - , . 1 nnn-a .amoi . Th'rt o nhmW of them hayeweady been eliminated in a new "machine which has been built bv Mr. Lowry and will arrive in 'the city shortly. The test of the machine yesterday proved that the Lowry machine is practical. It picked the cotton cleaner from the boll than the average hand would. The picked cotton had more trash in it than that picked by hand, but that .would be eliminated to great extent by practice on the pal of the bovs guiding the arms. The ooserver is ngtt ja;figires,tan 0 gaid to" be treraxbe themfll owners have no great cause tame .their favorite pursuiVJtut tor complaint against the farmers for throw injr mud areacH other. This MMuuig enougu ox laeir oonoa on we 1 wm doubtlew be the first intimation market ia order to run lie price Bp to ubere his been any W to fifteen: cento a pound..'-' But we I t tv;.f f Jrf.r: - mu'7 ha we cannot see the fair- vftH. of coae. nobody can. rr- ness in such proceediug:- One of our -nt .x'rolini IleouUkani state excangesday or w bar mwwuu iua jiiaw w vn i pientj to throw and it might be b t- was pretty severe,. in rta entuasm of . Korth i CaroTma that they tte, ijapers.whMA did tnot: advocate .ko-id wde oet into the loblolly sad this movement on the part of the far- j drt-douber to their beaxta' 1 .miiiboM Ijodin. BelS; Air : . . t4 5T T. Smithwlelt.D.D.8. C. H. BaBk-l-D.8. R3. SJAITUWLV DENTAL 8Ctt.iEO.S8, LOUldUURU, N. O. . .tflcn in Hick BBiWing. Min Street. W. U- EUWAUDS, DEJTEIST. DOKiUM, N. C. -V. - ,n tie in hiii office at - Wk Furi .K toileting the ttwt SaiMlay. ii , h month irprd to do dta work. i.::::o:i im eepueuca!i The IlcpttbUcaa party Is now ex. per cnoos more or - iM isctxiini vision. The sUad-palters hats tb reins and are mooing tiuex, bat E0 TOU SATE? UUwr was poat wb-s M WM s boy thu be w bWl wt to rr ba f'js t2y. A- i becaae a euq be access 2IaJ MUt. rcUi veI ) B.llrM Ix ao4y yv are a ricb II "old velvet rye J! ana woxua Like t-p so some pngrts mad's towanJs brifytsj it latopUy as toderllr. Blaio' aJmifvitrtko t4 I tu qui vrjiuiHtai. tin v ' Vu of IUpoblicans ,ar no gvttlcf along well 00 tbe subject of the rrj- eontenL v They, know: more about J laUoa of Voters tateoommeros ariUr. eacli 4ther than ' Deroocnta know The UoJ-paUrs aen lobe la Ixrxr aboafthem; sod tlijit is 'eooaefatlell oTXaUhur the r2nl-kme Ssrt as $nd oertklnly their exposuriis are en- the ar,tvw The eUmest want to tertainbg and iUuinuiaiug..',r'..v support the mstlenl la bis policy tl As a matter of fact, however, .ka j erJargln the powers of the totsr. it eettins to be the fashion for poliu. I State commerce eoeouueoo. it taay ciana, Hepublicana and Democrats, to j come to paes on this lalter ambeci doVmnd-slmgiflg: Itanta? Virginia I that the lpaUican party w21 divide nnuuwts HMwntiY trsve us an- exhi-1 and that the maioriry of there k a large n amber of lit pUicm who sre very rce'Jre endr the co-v- trol of thk tactkm. The sUa4-paX wo&U rrJjn -TLw Is csorw la nf. lers are eq oireiy opposeo. to any r tog maa faxtixs &rftm jwc ta- vision 01 thetanut whue a large Bnboc briojaywea tUwan-M Cc-j--i s I A ) ber of Ilrbitcaua favor red proa IT 1 year. aA torn SMiet sua ur. drukttig, drvasyif! car ijtytltej kt( il tare svoCoeg to ajw 14 a it t the e4 of theywer, beW awacl bais yortlW? .Llaz, ,"' 1 rapyOS JW SST . W kivr ha4re4 aJ tf:y d- ilxrs sJi half of fa, yo bare gtia4 ooe bJ-1 drwi st4 thy dUrs, js4 trari tl4 1 4 The art t earkjtwsioa fca. U t S - nsatierea aevooj lae-soss ana, yuyf smaa doe tteC.tiiftk slaCLsS is worth b lie isas th Wbi of speodiof aA kk ecrecs aa4 thlaks It too staaH a llas te by v'av esaaJa awsowat Sy. tie wl a - - puro-old velvety, tlio best for tlie price gold . ovcTjwhcrc. t call fur it at louisliurg dIsponsarrt v ' ' - ... ' louItburCs n. c. 1) machine used yesterday has artecord, j portunity to run the prioe down on with unpracticed operators, of 2,700 them. This we consider a legitimate pounds in 10 hours. The expense oi and fair transaction. We did all we operating the picker would be not could in their behalf and will do the more than, $6 a day. To get the same whenever similar occasion arises, amount of cotton picked by hand that but we repeat what we said a few A.cTicwa pHTSicxajJ am eoaamon, I yrovldL be gathered by the machine in days ago that we cannot endorse the H. COOKE. ATTORNEY AT-LAWV Lonisburg. N. C, , 00 Nu.h street. Prompt atteatioD v..u all leul business entrosted to sse.. men. ; it said there were all kinds ot trusts, but that when the farmers aW tempted to" f orm " a. oowbinatioB fox their own protection they"werevcried out Against by tgese papers. ;: 1 Twowrongsiiever make right If. it is wrong' for the beef meny the oil men,' the iron men, the coal 'men, and the like to make a combination why U it not wropg for . the ootton producers to do the same in order to I l. d aYr In Geonria . buri mar formnltte and Mas abQ arry- bsmrelk bU aad Is .foreed erre eetabliah a fictitious price? This paper I breren hardly leaving euoighllng out the Vmileat'e kiss, the oo tecchy to kwj U f&T f did all iWpower to aid farmers of the I mQ brick-making suachloee Deoeeaary vote power being aadeior aQ h fooe, aad be b &rpmUt m south to maintain their hold on the J to a business with. . Nevertheless, it up of Iewblioaoa and IVtnoTata that tky wbesa U dk 14 swffwt market and to . keep- the. price at I .m iAt in thelieht and if anybody is to 1 who may kT together 00 the sabiect. I bst htm3j. leeitimate fieures. We ureed : them I vtittaA K it w.rtinl it k th I In th smsouo of CocirressL ia ll IIow einch bttr if a saaa wU r . b - . , i Mr lj wmjw "j --y j 1 v - I - , time and again to market their cotton I ..ui. whksh can hear the' evidence I disoussion of the Tewnaeod bCl, itr.l forsa the fcabi of eatbx al lowlv so as not to oriva the bears on-1 .1 1 r : tMvnimrlr I IrAin Ahsrtv WHlissns. tb tadA tJ I serin Lin ssrsiir Llawarlf wbSe few Is - . . I UN UIU1X M . w. D J - 1 - - - . I . M i n a" On Cwert4 Tonirue-1 I Krws y-w is-s ss sS 1 . tMWsMtwt. 1 Wt4 intiry t tw:strwf i--sst-7. s a. J . B. klALOim, lovubobsi a. a )tuc oTor Ajooeke rurs Company. PHY 81C1 AN and URQEOS, LootsBoae. h. o. -Dffloe over Aycoike LrogOo. drugstore jjK S. V. UUKT, r HAmOINa PHTSICIAJf AKD SOBOBOB. Louieburg, N- C offlce In the rear of K. A. Bobbltt A ( o- i Drag Btors. oa MmI street. Krmo ; But theN)rthCerolioaIlepubU. the DenKKxtUc c Alow Uvtog, a4 siao s-y t Tv..r. n4.tokMorawith UaT aouoa that the lmocrats I H blor be -Ue aad fe wht is Vsti vaiasBs v w w j o r e v. vn( u moch 1 were ready to co-operate uieiu 1. . : ; . .1 w.... i U tm K.r kMn no w th uoaoiuw ikpooca ew - i- , - - .v. 1?.- :..r m tht I throncb a biU exJarriiig In a reaaoaa-1 ld to ,t TTrT.m!.. involTinsr the I bie degree the power, of the railway wroog end Tty a tK Got, r ui n nw Th t oomm3Ioa. in aceordance with thli WSsosi u th.t n H. A. Anderson vs. woommeftdatiotts of the IWdea la H. S. Harkms, Themas Rollins, bis meesaj W Coogres. and this ar- a tt. n.itA. i f MHliks.a I rantreroent - should be earned oet tn, .:?ff A-Mwrn In U ooun-1 Charlotte Observer. A mv . ' - r ter man, and the defendants appear' talwi i!a disDensers. The plaintiff thougnt ana was ica o oes - Lei Common Sense, Decide D j9Si WaasC Ulrra, llai eeSW adU laoae fji Vwairjrei to LxuK rrasi sJad tiswwtsv. I O r 1 a v v!5j Jse fU Isms SU 4wW 4sw- 1 fi b ry swsil ew fswe , . ii e POINtED PAHACRAPflS. u r. tAJtBouuaH. phtbiciaJh abb bubokob. ufflM Sn4 Soor Me: bttUdln. Pk- tnt r:r jm. noas x. w. bmbmsx a day would cost from to $20. i holding off the market three million And even the saving in the price .of 1 bales of a crop which is not large picking would liardly- amount to more j enough to supply-the world's demand than the saving in getting the staple I in order . that , an abnormally high out at the proper time. J price may. be secured. 1. The picker itself is a rather unus-1 In addition we believe such a course ual lookioe piece of machinery. The will hurt the farmers in . the end by mechanism is built on four V wheels, givmg the bears the whip-handle ot j Offloe cinched , according to I reopla like tobe called eothswoatic, and both the vehicle and the pictang t them. w liaungton messenger. 1 Ymoaa -ifmdry promisee and but bow they haU to U called -gsah. apparatus is operated by a gasoline :.; a? ' J agreemenU and bargains with the de- j ing. engine, which is air-eooled. 1 he pick- Price inere&SdO on JSyeryiningr fendants, but the plaintiff alleges that otJj difference between, the ing proper is done by eight arms, a newspaper umce uses. defendants: flickered, gave him .em family row aod that t the whieharo guided by four negro boys. 1 " the slip, and crowded him awsy trom I Mf!T dlT tiit moJtm ooe isat The machine run by an -engineer Ane xouowing- uni wi sx- . . jU faUed,by their M bie a family. straddles a row and tne two ooys seat-1 viu ,u - obhquity and perversenees, to get a fallow' yo slap 00 the ed at the front ena ot tne car, guiae lew wou. promMed office, wherefore bo sues . . , . n table to but . . . .... I v- s ZaA. rwntsl SJui t srss. -ss& f CL?wcx sUsxy Vsoa&s Iskom 4 (Lens ar4 esuiwna). mtmSttm rwe tjew iicv r m 1 taryoMs)l CVnorweyvm 2rt U0N- COFFEE luf AOlw tOW essssifc Ml as4 !-- Uir e e4Ml tsAis. ITinwsr'e fcay essaU 1 Tw wtu yBtae w eOir a t4 sssAetAevnsirw. A sls, T es Taa-ia. t. A. BobUa A Osw Ileetsd boUros sre wockWfally U coming to elender farras. ' Soeao sawbsw SB braed eof U corer the beck of the skirt. - UPBLJ- . i. 1 Jf We Yew Cave 4 rU. Tse vest e us-if Oat 0 t sedt USsmiCs iSM 1) H. GUttDON LEE SCBEFFEK i I tlie four armrtnat pt-.uo. jj --rfT'f r-lsmfoK,fW,OUy: oamages wnaoa 1 )-lfl-do tured. , i irom me "guv v v 1 r -r-r r - r" I mouat ana more pcnap u -v-w- 1 to- . ton under the machine and a half of pletely at the hierey of trusts. WOQid iTe paid in salary, perqsi- ' , " WUOt Tmu4 but bo oosnpUIoa-- a Ms3r usiena' Ts wsaa a nsndy twa as the row:on the left StLNTlST. .7 O Ou.ee in Fortf boUoUg. The two I Home Says: I ..-ST . . v. 1.- A.A on I -rrmung eraousnmenw tun I :f ty,a .mhitin IS. . eiA8BBBTOO, arrOBBBTAXLAW VOVISBtmSa wui prsetlee sll the Oowrtn al tie Otnee nOonrtBonae. vv ji. w. uuiiDiE, ATTOKN ET-AT-LAW, H Lomsavae, H. C? . ( ) fflie or ISoddie, Bobbitt A Cc's drag HAYWOOD KLFFIN, ATTOBBBXAXAtr, . J wwnsaae, v. e. " the right Bide. ' lumappeaDyurotrustsypeir The cotton is drawn from tne .dou 1 maonmiy urow, iww wu by a rapidly moving card x clothing be puUedw for aU ; they are worth. -1 belt, the stiff little wires snatching Ast wees: we oraerea a new une 01 it from-the plant and carrying it to type to meex me aemanu. o o "the upper end of the arm, where a work and when the biU came it section tube draws it into a bag The was put down at .seventy-four cents fKa arm a nrA vers I B round. The v trust could make sensitive and seem literally to draw money I And H'doesnH take but:a the staple from the boU before it half hundred toweigh.pouhd. The ..w it trust could make money at twenty- Mr. M. P. Lipe, who has charge of J "ZX. V !.ViLi,:1f6ur cents better,and the publish, xne macin 1 - mnA tw,,. 5 a wmt or two ago we V bought -from an indpendent - type- concern two hundred pounds of new " type that" is 'as ' good as "anybody'l dkaMMrrtlos' I nd seX to tsksv sites, emoluments ana wuroe , . . - .1 . MZ I wsr im - ww w m , - - a skAB sm sVeBsssaBs svb mmm SBSBI I 01 an ouiw v. 1:: , . - . T"r7Vt r - - . I. stOsst a aw, few that yo already anow h-ahswb Well the suit is on at Ilenderson ville and this wis sent out about the pcoceedihgs on Tuesday of hut weekx-i -v.. :;. Globe. 1 etta 4 e; Arw. . . taes wta esni-ee "vVw'SB' assesses ak W S rs&Ktt iiok ccrrn &a?y. proof es? BbsvU tLaa soa ltti. to4 -QaUy smsri'.'se la tYJioeJUou' Bwii .trta llkl ml ' S es. lies V m I y "iwfO Swe yww Xes WiQs kur weaasias suing -coil) by cuocehs ExirxVnr2a: Wbea yo dissyom wfll die as dead asanybod . eV reporter that Mt.: Iwryjhlis just rinitat ft now machine mat is iai i one being tnea now iwere superior wmprselnslltlssdoaris uid Mljoiniiur eoanUee. slso U tne QlreeltOoejrta. rT"'' - '-1 ;-. i . .. .1. . x Mianlf OlneelaOooiWSiiawii------- iBBreeB . f. . nn imne,'wiucu . - - aV.a " -. . --i " niVmt ffld bv Mr. Anderson. ItA the same ohl tale . -the mdepeaov I rrz. . , n . capacity oiauou ,ww One man ana five noys WVee roe wast a pleaatat n&mtwrtmtnn BsmsasB sad In Superior Cottrt here uue morn-1 BO gtipUgev etW asplsa si Wtl matter of-the suit- of -H. A. I Bo4 sy ttf-. Anderson ts. H. Sllartdna, Tboroaa .lloffins: A. E. Holton' and J. M. XfniiVsn, f oi r $20,600 damages for breach of promise to deliver a Feder- al omoe, came up on mown u sel for the defeadanU, who are repre sented by CoL V. S. Lusk and Frank Carter, of 'Aahevilhv' "Alleging that h was oompoeed of a matter, frivilotts and irrelevent to the cause of this ae- I ir MWOEII WAGONS hne Kxaet Tbds BQrsa.tor Fat lt .oi rrcAt tvecount ... - a -A.eeUlasnrUve sad etoasb bafiica W XAX. II JOTir SStts-'TTt-s-SBain Dried Flooring and Geilog. 2!lTtUeS?r-r. to.a.- Emttlilon U what he . " liutt. B. WILDBB, ATTOBJTair-AX-AAW, omoe oa Mate stress, ever JaOoSf,B ore. ,- r ATTOBBBT-AT-JUtW,' .ftvc bois0.B. O. . ' WUI attend tne soansoi ""S. iit-wTT'ki' nam-mar .rri in Tthe citv Jrom jsoston wiunni - . f. about a wee will be larger, having a cotton a day wm be required to operate it, It win lve ten,jurms insteadf ; eight ana twndefeiidants'oounael moved to strike out section 6 of the bill of com- Ttus and quit business. rm in. - BIB Msf I Prompt attention gwsn eoussuw otttoe over Bfcerton's Store. Pintttar FoIejra Honey and Tar. Foley ft Co ..Chicaff. originated Sou. aaa iang romeuj- Beat merit aaa Uoney ana: iar about Still, ftiaat a good Me to - f n m m m . 1. . That the saw aeienaana venvon n it i ; recommending and causing to be ap pointed, evading and' violating the civil senrioe laws, rules sua regula tions of the United States, in many : instanoes, their kindred and immedi- dteaaad wll ta jnrrsI ? TVif rillriW hxhr SO bOSaSkOOi S vrguw. mmw I j j d. Foe sale v ail flrarrtets. w w mm mjlI (mm iA i w f rvr We-allbaveeooegh so be eroasl ... V - Done .aaa muictc r If yoe ere ItwebUS wUA tedUsstlsr, eoanOpaUoa. sot stasatsa, ot eef eiWv pnl B4llsr-e Easfcy Moeaial T wMsByewMas4lewp joe wstt tteeatf,TseeTaW4a. E.-A. Us biUACe., r r .' - 1TTOBBBT AB 0OUB8BLLOB At LAW. toeiBBsae bv o. ,l : V.; Prompt and painstaking attention gta .rr2 lnfaritetels handa. - aeinOnlef iasOesBneptot. Hon. okn MUnntt!Ha. BOW. Wi WUioiHO.C. BaxSi7rrea. First Banzai TO .tonTaisnB a t2z?&5F& of MLowoe, Oban. B. S:ZSS m Oouege, Hon. B. ttnrtaks. . : utnoeVrer JNeal k Co. Wore. , will pick three rows of cotton at ; one j ey sBd Tar as a throat i timeIastead of having suction' tube J!J for each arm. it will have one : large f imitatwas are offered for the irea 1 tte friends, and acting in harmony tub6, thus eliminatmgxneaag -- 5,4 ews Beware of with Umteaautes senator irowou, In Ntw Undaod lottoet eoaa. tiW smaller-tubes getting clogged he- The .noia, Foley's Hooey sad I the father-in-law of Thomas 3. Rol-1 trM or Europe, st aavlmrs bat The axrns of t defendant, above eoautjraro Whtn bibles are bappr ; they do obt cry ; they - axe rich ; their ' fat U la id op far Ume oi need They are &ppybecatxsc they are comfortable. The fat tor roands their Hltle nerrcs HEAVY and FANCY GKOCI3RIES. F&ll Liqe of Sljoes. THE GREEN Sc. YARBORO CO, more sensitive than those of the pres- WBI,foreoohsaiideoJdB. For Mta w fornitere. Borne L, ..m,. 'nt. Stot-mBBit by Q L. Ayeooke , marriage,as the plaintiff has since j J?-u wUl be to la this stK. Try Ihcy aTO SCTatniy X AQte w. r mat. m. faaaoai,.-.: ATTOBBBT AT-tAW, ; otsee on ta an TABBOBOUOB ATfOBSnCT AT Iiw Si: tonmBtTBO. B. 0. omoe la Opsta Hons bonding, Oourtstrsst the staple faster and to gather it with . VUV va - . . .. . test of thelmachine yesterday r was Mr. WitUara Whittana, editor of The American,Cln Manufacturer who iiiwT&mec lift .K" rw- ,r F- -: - - r. Jk ii' Tha machine is : ItOj per cent better than any I erer saw before, he stated to a reporverr nloit racticalThelonly fault I could see was tne laci wa. a. Embroidered sashes of satin liberty been informed are rounded off At the ends. d and believes, of which us. First NaOonal IVaak. LooUberg hurtat CTery H H T F fT ft Tf 1 if H f J! Xt ; "c' - unBUe touch; The, V M ' - ' ' U 1 J ' I - L U V towit,"ta Uere, follow I N , i namee of - Federal ' offiee- legal bos in ess tntruatetf""to1hW f gaUiered too" much trasn xnw was " ' mmm. 'B W - . . 1 afraid: 1 1 holders, ailegea to do reutea to axxaej i robbed til reoeive prompt and earexni wwww F. K00CK iMohahf ia one'of the; amartest t wa . 'r . V.J -- ...-j . .. . - ' '' ".'''-. because the tfegro boys were inexpe-1 "-- - CONTBACrOB aau BUlLDEbV if LoriisBtma. o. , - Trdln Agent for in Wn(i OfsUdtog AapUeArUsOs ManUes andXllea. Aiok u.taral OealgnsSabnlttsd .i - HOTELS. ' ! . rienced and would handle ; the .arms clumsily, sometime, reaching tnem across the rowv ' I believe tnat prac tice on tho part of theboyswiU elimi- nate 75 per cent. ot tne uasn. the cotton will be air rightwr7Char: lotto Observer.; ; Herb W7 Edwards lajured. 5 -; Cm-'y.mJ aVlL 1 fendanta Hero W. jsowaroa, oi .""""i I . . t m. fall oa aa 1st walk last wla-1 plaintiff tor, spraialoa; hie wrist aod b.ul ia M kaeesv rTheBeit day," he say h"t , mm ma man and nils I -''wan would have them with after a tew disappeared: V : I order that the motion be heard at the fa-1 . . i . it " "V o Marco, I WW, terra oc. 03wrs.t oum Itinltl mrmm flAt SATY fid UtkOn Mr. IIol- BBBBSBBaBBBBBBPBBBISSBe fc . m- - - - T hr-anw t lhaaame of rbeuraaV toiu -on of the defendants, it ppears. ttsra esoralgia, lambago, pleurUy. nHo j jn make' the icomplalat ani matter what jsam. ta tM n fif g . the following, ana oeueves, are umj a -i a booo way to smtw ""7 , . . t?W1 - -- . -t .v. . .ta j I . Mrifiirsau-bi delight in ScoCta Emtll any one ot wmca piaoe. ius r- - C";.T - "T:j-.ITT- k-' w - " . - - 7 mV r month, with ldjak, luiewjrg.l THE OLD RELUBLp ftloxi. It U a3; awcet ; ai wholesome to.theau aW wo t6stoy.iarjea.pet 1 rnoowai.t fQedeffta, wrucnmtst sJwwuiTgrntr'e ft c Almanacs lor tn Chsmtoerlaiurs riluiw 1 , ; - m-.A wna ran eel COS bvl ' ' ' applleatloiissllsoreaaes aaa to iame uw , . Tr- ' " . a -' v.-. n. i.fv ajesfstBsMetol . . ftfmtvlti wfiM rWlart A4 W." CHf Sase sy anus at I . -; .. - .i .4 ,w . rwb tnWaei B. P. BCDDfA. eiiAxJLLl5TO.N;flOTEL ilood aeapmodatloB for the travellsB abbs. ..? f" aood Livwry Atisehed - , - - - THOSE v THREE : BALES. HILLI011 MASSENBURGr HOTEt J I Mojasjenbtarfir PrPr - ' . ' lUSXi AJiiAiUi . ,x wv 't that, price PoeA aeeHMaaMdattoas. Good fare Fel HaflB QSAlt&ed AS drive them awaySS eeatev Tsaot Tab lets, B. A. BobWtl uo 1& laU BofcV Dto. tar kka seiata see bef tke name at aa4 all ; hotice. - ; ; ' iallfiedAS s4si1alatrator es" t If V raaVe, At A fprt aWbr oia4 la ixy rV L',Pv , ab4 all koliisjr elaisM ""-r - -w lyea- Jcoxf 4- ZLoaui Ckm-trt - 4 AOa. e4 II e . i mar m i bu m a rvs, mws- w mona was served in empie time upon I Mot9 mb lao. ct tab aockw of the other defendant, but it wUl b pUad Is bar e -tWr twye. A: W Warna ' lackett ha been lees than ten days since Mr. J.O. BaasuT. Ada'r. ii. - . . ' -i - - BW-T.ia.K ain v rv nni mi uir . ai isw i ami uiwmuu w CIELS TTAXIXD. --.--".-..- ? - r 1 Vxa.rin of tbarrouon to sxriKe out, at i i . . i Kyr Sunimereven fans are anrfaxry . Ja UaHN" ' WV 1 . weapon to match the dreBSw 1 fjea I: . : t.w ssb' r f The4" News and - ObserVer tjuotes awtw JoseDh A. Brown of Colanv fcna a savins that the farmers, of his county will hold one .thousana oaws of cotton for ninety days for fifteen cents. : That papjynwys if the farm.: for three, miiuoa TKj aW will be sufficient to cive UWRtoV'wideii something of the o . JT -tt.i. i l . " . :ti mmm max. impibo ui tou uiucu u Sittxrlsh Liver 4. Foe - CIVIL EHGHIEER Ctmbef Aat. -Sac Ci. feerduU. I case which; is worrying North Caroll. 1 : Wma PCER iH CUSICIPJU.V.C2X vour eyes are-heavy tod alight exetttoa I IUpublicin party buudefa and is that Ilepublicta mm rfimntitas makes you isei orient vm i over tue ouuooa. ioi uuuijj f :rlSllmamT -SZS -oalled - -respectable to ukaTOrlBo U more' sSeeUe thaa j party" in North Carolina.r-WilmiDg oltls or oraiaary eathartlea. Eaf aas sob-J " ci Z. ut!i make the entire croft cost; stlUtea.-O.U Ayeoeks. :. , - , -, .v ... . and lark Iaipweaaia. Ea. S Swta iUisj PtUntsrj. Ta i &j b iJ , . r. W. kM4. re,X4,-' W UU. IK. M U- - t Wr vt l.nf m , mrf . IV ivtc 1 - w , .'Most Select and Reliable Line . . ' A ' S1 ' f Draws Qeodt, Fills Vs CW. AUlt. n-rf. SH i tc. sr. IlAsikariktk, Ostr4A. U TsVU Litrta. r. ;""-, a r . .11. . f 1 ' a- Ana nMi,tr. Jtw iVs44ra V a? a. .., naseaiauae. CiiaSl,.'rCa:irf-.0.-tatsa, 4t- A r:i l;ae ef LAdle, Xlaawe s tiwrrsrw w Llillinery . Department. Vca win es4aUfai4 tirl-! r?iret if Wnr M mWI tie Ueul- .QtA-Sly aai tlt'M'.sf al s0 f r- V a .f t.'t.y. r d;: (attsatlve strvaxtx - UiUCO ... v.';-!.::;-;-.-.-'--.'

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