. .'... - j - - . . - - - - - ' j s. homas,e - ' - . - - . ". ' 11 ' J ' - " ir;rt f a C '; WUISmiS; CLi' : FRIDAY. '; nFHKM REIT R !ftv . - - . '- -- ' r .. . .r MKTHODU3T. ' - aand School tt 9:30 A. H. ' OmcS. tuxvR, 8apt. PraMhlaff at U A. IL, and 7 80 21; . ry SancUtjt ?.'"" f- r Prrr meeting Wednesda night." ! L. 8 Musst. Pastor. ; B1TH8T. W HoDday School at 90 A. 1L Thos. B. WtLDia, 8npt PrMblnK at U A.1L, aod7 30 PJC, ,r7 8anday. - ' leting Thuradaj night. ' . U. H. Mashbtoha. Paatov.V trtaooPAiH rfnaday School at 9:30. Wn. H. Hums'. Sapt. , VrvioMi, morning and " niht - on u, 3rd and 4th 8anda?a. , r . aaing Prayer, Friday afteraooa Rev. J ohs LoBDOHf Hector, .; PREBBTTa&IAX. U 5 Xo.J 8rvioa 4th Saodar in each month moraiDg aad night. '--.'a .'Pastor. Looana. . Loaltibarg Lodge. No. 413 A. F. & A. M.. mu Ut and 3rd Tneadaj aibu in nacU month. iro ttewnonol oajrds ; I smithwick.D.D.8. CH. Bankm.U DA I)"' DENTAL 8DRJEONS, LOU18BUIW1, N. U. II. m Hicks Building, Main Street. ili. W U. EUWAUDtt. DENTIST. DuKHAIf , N. C. w r in his ifflc at Wake Forvet, N.C., li in on li pr-pared to du doutal work. 1 ) H. COOKE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Looiebnrg, N. C. . -n . on Nosh street. Prompt attention v.-i, nil lenal bauioetia entrueted to nw.- i vk. j. a. auuBa, i. aacTicwo physician and BUBOJSOK. Loonwjae. a. a offlco oor ATCocJte Proa Oomauy. 1) It. .J.J, MAiNA, I'll YS1CIAN and SURGEON, LOOMBDBO. M. O. i lire over Ay ooke Drag Co.'dngtort K. rf. P. BURT, faatmcuia PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBOH. Louisburg, H. C. om-niathe rar of K. A. Bobbitt A i:. k Urns Store, on Naab atreeU . y 1) n. a. W. TA&BOKuTJQli, PHTH1CIAS AND SORQROH, Looiraua. H. C. Amnt ealb aasr4 troo X WitteaettJ iwiim 9mA &ow Ma! balMunjt.' wmHi pBQO ley r 1) li. OOttDON LEE SCHEFFEB, DKNT1ST. LOUIBBCAO. . n. a -. ..Mor to Dr. Aftau Hynta FI mlng no.ee la Tord t.olluUig. a. HASS18BUXO, arroBjrar at law Loeiaaoae. ' wiu pnetlee la all the Oouts of (ke BtaU Office BOoartHosM. ? u. W. BUDDIE, aTTORNEY-AT-LAW, - LoUIBBUBOi N. C. til. h over Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'a drag vv HAYWOO0 BtFFIN. A.TTOBJS Y-AT-LAW, unumnm, w. , 4 wui umMtlaa loan taeOoaita at Ljf'anattn mi iioininir cnantlrm. mlmo la toe Buyreme ian,uu in uta yolted Matea Slstrtat umoe la uooper and Ollftoa BmOdiaav nun B. WILDia, ' ATTOUjnrrAT-LAW, Mvuatnte,n.e. uffloe on kUlnatieet, erer Jones fcOgopea O. 3f ttU TTOBSBT-AT-LAW, -v Looiaavao. a. C wiu utead tae eoaita of xaiikJla.- Tasee. nrnui. Warren rod Wake eonnOea, ml u Hapreiae Ooart et MorUk UaroHna. Prompt attention given to eoueetlena. ' ' j mo oer Bcerwn'a Store. .. .... w. Bioaurrr, I . aTToaBBT AJTO OOUJC8IiOm AT 1. w. UHnaeiraeii.o. . ;' v; Prompt and palnataklag attention gtvee 0 I wr nuoter iDtrnatea te nia naaia. . -- : I J?yl!i!X!lzKZZ frtiianV 01 Monroe, Cnaa. B. Taylorarrea. ww xot i ooiieta, Hon. B. W. Tljnbertake. ; , uf f laTorer Meal ft 0o.a Wore. ;. v yy av. raaaoji, TTOaVXT AI-I AW, 1 Meiasvae,a. ev ' Praotteea la all eoaita, .. Oiies on -a- - I b . i' - -s YAJUMBOtraptat an oshxt AT La w ,v . i - ixTnHBtracKM.c. ' oiBoe in Opera House iMuiaJng; bourtstreet All lecal basiaeas latroated to aim til raoelTe vromptaadearelalatteBUoa. F. HODCK, ' ' O JJTBACfOK axS BU1LDEE,' - LOUISBTJEO, O.v TrvHaf aaaatfo aU klada . tnM, artiatte aiaotiaa ana "ur.i Oaeifttu seoouttM ' KAN KL1NT0N I HOTEL FBaWtlaUfTON, N. 0. i ood aeeoiaodaitosi for the traveUng i ol Utaa-f Attaahad HASSENBURG HOTEL;-; J P MHiaimtxxirg Propr HEHDEllSOZI N O. 1 004 aaaoauaodatioas. Good fare; Uh afgaWative servsatr pe HOTeLS" mJm I abuse aoejt connaence. xxe .That thaV J: could'- take place wr: : . . r K - Lr : liar te fet tbe eeieee Uw. "-- -'- - - . - . hi m T GREATER. The Lch f Progress iesunr v.ed and WiU .Not Slftk' to the Revue" -de Com merce teriear, JapaS , if gtfMing wiwaru. an8 i8 fast taking her place among the creat mW;, industrial nations he has known how bet to bmld up her .trade and her home production in order to get capital to enter her eates she hk in broken one of ' her, eldest traditions. one is allowm? f oreionan hold land, and she is permitting: her own people'' to mortgage their W estate holdino. it the wst for capital .nV.r.'H fer the-first demand made by "capital is secnritv anr) tVia Koa o-:-.-;!- the-' iTT earthia th rH, 't pennittmgihe Japanese to mbrtoure theiMeal eatate rnf i Wx - . . -piwaiDuraes oi loans) amounting 'at least to 785,000,000 - With-such a sum mines may be opened, soil reclaimed, and factories built and equipped. Mortgages may be placed now on mills; mines, rail roads, etc., thus materially augment ing the empire's industrial and trad ing powers.' Everybody in the East is beginning to notice the fact that Japan is growing less and less de- pendent upon foreign factories. She nas ever Prven necessary to win sac is manafacturincr many., goods that ce8 as it was needed when , in the went mti her formerly from Europe and America. j Nor is this all, She has gone for- ward until she is able to export laree quantities of goods similar to those 1 .oxmeriy orougm irom otners lor jier uwii cuuuren. ooe is gainmg a swong noiaontneiar Jast. impressed m figures her progress there is indicated oy an advance irom ao,uuu, yet m iyuu to y,uuu,uuj yet in 1VW4. If r f f Aj-Yj-kAt.-Y a . I anybody is waiting for Japan to fail or fall in her efforts to augment her industrial power or to extend her trade, he will be disappointed. Com mercial. PSYCHOLOGY OF THE BANK CHECK. Thrw jh mnro dignity abottt a bank check for $10. than there is abont $10- currency note. The value of the former; may be i more frequently j brought into question than the gen- j uineness of the latter, but reference here is especially intended to the bank check as a vehicle of barter and trade between the individuals of a oommun- to make the merchant have less epir ity. Once in -a while you will find a it in his business, for the merchant business man who-will scrutinize an who has the true spirit of ' adventure individual check "with almost insult- makes his store goods come up to ing care, yet he wouldn't hesitate an everything that his ad may declare instant in accepting a .handful of in the newspaper,' for the mercantile counterfeit bills, isut, fortunately pro- I gress in modern business method is I rapidly eliminating this class of in- I dividuals and the man who forms the habit of paying all his bills by " check soon discovers tnat ne is reaping a i double Jbenefit from the practice. He invests himself frith an. air of proe- perjty and stability which a bulging pocketbbok will not bring to him. By common consent he is mentioned as a Bubstantal citizen in the , community in which he lives. The merchant seeks nis patronage and he is accord- I ed favors which are of pecuniary ad- vantko-e to him. His credit is better than that of the mere cash customer I and he seldom haa. to ;omptain 6f the l,i, AoKmroA nnnn TO ? ;r . -r nB orar. ,wu vw him absolute privacy as to nig nnan-l a IM M I nwi IIAITUBB. XAU T VWO V u& - Kv I son can see that an individual is at the end of lus purchasing capacity t - rf nf bia fast bank note I -- r r. " - a - . . 1 awe LtomaKe aj also elected by the customerwhen ne aoes tnis, put if his bant check calls for the fast penny he has op deposit no one but the banfc and himself know the . fact and he has the opportunity of replen- ishing his account without suffering - - as . - - - . 3 -r ja t.h Iflnat affront tO niS OriUe. AIM the bank account is a great developer - Z 7 A of pnde: not the senseless ana , ais- fgusting pnde ot tne spenauiriic, Dux the wholesome, manly pride of ? tne maii who respects himself and knows that he u entiyed to tne respects f oi hM fenoymeil; A man of this sott is j nevei obtrusive, lie nas a quiet, il as one of the assets; of hw manhood ahd he'wiU gd it rjealously.-Ned Thatcher.; INAUGURATION DAY, '.The National v Committee on j the Proposed Change of -Inauguration Day at a V meeting , in Washington Tuesday decided in favor of the? last I Thuisday m a.pm wt uiv prvpc a a which to baugurate Presidents. i UJ:. .fi1Mnno in Kid KfltllrAr n& I .ti t l at.. 1 I PnamKaaratna NtAmah Bf4 t Jwf TaKa i . alaaa t-t eai eae1l Vae. aa. I t&sB Wat V j aawuM . , - . 14 . c I : : ... . I lets, gar a tie or a u ureggis ta. ' lea before Hot. 17iA190a.c- Ua eoUaelanlU riae tl La Iaj mV sell e -a' einai.ai i " .r -. . 77 ... . ..I ww iitf wuuiu. uaf D awaaTA asas avaaviaa a- . a. a- .1 : i . . JMen, , ne expects a return J - W"JU: mf n :nfintrM mld : take, mace ,. - . I "1 vU -i" a . a.. J .vi. 7 7 . . " ... t , I uc" ; - - i witftin a year r y - i ' . 'I . An obligation of any sort m a morv i rt p . . a IU see j. r. viav Jaw a U 1 w jiom.uiiiwu iixing vuas aaj. It is proposed by the committer i thai thejnatterbe aubtnitted to thr p&v JPle fo? adoption In timeto 'male the date named available f orthe Inangu jataon m iftlSV f The change has long - -'iJWiug Largt ilndemencJ' the weather naa aavocatea wfcg largely to the indemencj of the weather in March. '.& itetistical exhihh from the Weath er Bareaa ahowug the oonditiona in the first week ot March and the last fleet,' the Old Bay LineThepeo week in April since-1 871 was much I PIe' PoPulr Rooted which baa juai in favor of the latter - perfod.v' The I Senate, it is stated has twice passed I Si i? Thursday, 6 Was a ent in the - com: iavormg April 50. but it - was to avoid havWiruuguratioM indayTro.recommendation was made as to the the date for the meeting ot Congress, that body Dre- on the abject. Mention was made of the deaths of ariona Sntnr .n th, public men as due directly, or indi- - reeUy, to exposure at the last Inau- gatioa Dav Th people, it is be- beved, have often suffered similarly from the severity of the weather in attending inaugurations. Baltimore Sun. IE SUCCESS OP AD-VENTORE. Ad Venture in the business world earlT "P" d venture should lead men to risk life and property in search of new lands. ' xne local mercnam oi a town wul WP" oecauae urn reuow croxens, " - "C1B w the big city merchant. But is this '"V locai me"511411 a advertiser? Does e " - CTk n V ab 4-VtAN.- wK n w-t . . . A. - - - a, S I l"a""cl """"ft" " uwumju)m m the local newspaper? Does the mer chant do his part to promote local enterprises, and therefore obtain the right to criticise those about him nrlA Call tliol. Jniia. a rtifi. nnnl! 9 I " . 1 lne mercnant woo complains is nit fllA AHA r Vi f artvaioa. fn (lift I aufioeas of advertising irives the mpr- . , I cuau no paua ux u uuamw w u- I ter complaints, fo there no .time 1 S - M . - .V e a t e jaamasmr w - Wmon WI ine smau merenant may tnink that his advertising must be done upon a scale proportionate to his store's size and his present trade. No greater mistake could be made. The scaled down advertisement, is certain spirit wmcn will only use big ads is going to have the goods to sell and will sell them, while no advertising attentive and polite clerks, nor up to date goods. lne ad-venture spirit m tne one which has made the great merchant, and which keeps the same merchant reat, because he knows that the true source of his mercantile suocess. has been due to bis advertising and the bigness of it The failures, in trades of all kinds can be generally traced and found to bedue to lack of mer Jean tile enterprise, which was often i seen in the absence of the spirit of ad-venture. New Berne Journal. Li..n xi.n..u.in j ino uemocmwo ruxty nut ueau. ThaWorid racantlv asked if the U: -v . " . t B fHIIM N'TXUIl IiaibV W All UUh U T I LA If party was it fe very far from dead. Roosevelt's plurality of 605,000 ? Tnaw1 tronia tma rwn nvartnrn Pid - hd the -Democratic candidate for 100,000. Roosevelt's plurality of 255,000 in Ohio is Uke wise overturned. The Covernor and the whole Democratic gte ticket is elected by a pluraUty jf approrimately of 40,000 The Dem- I 11- A,1 hXttt knnau t r f3Lmm9 niU WUMtva Jitreaa mwwvb ve aaaw , gjgjap . , The Renublican candidate for eov- ernor WM Massachusetts, bnt the candidate for Beutehant-firov- Arnnr hM . befffirarlv 2.000 onlhe face of . retarns. ; f Rooeevelt had 1 oqqo m Massachusetta last year. what . political revolution kwas I proveg jtat no party ig safe, hdi - boss is safe, no party tradition is safe,'- in the face of the growing spirit of . po - litical independeuce on the part : of ..t - r1- v - the - American voter. JSew x org Wrtrld " " : THE iFIBST REQUISITE OF. BEAUTY. ' The first reootsite of beaaty Is a elaar eooplexiou. Oriao-Laxatlye Fruit Str ap eleara a sallow, blotched eomplexloa a it atlmaUtea the liver aad bowels and the eyes become bright and elear. O. .L. AjreoekaVv-:- --- -iJ .. - .THE VIRGINIA Latest Addition to the Old Bay Line's FieatorPalaUal Steam- gersPIylnsr Between Baltlmort VAttd Norfolk,-,: The Baltimore ilanufacimw' Rec ord says this about the new 'steamed Virgmia, the lateat'addition toj f.thr been Pat m ommiaaion:- 7; 'nd Chesapeake bay "serricij be- iween uaiumore and or folk has re ceived a deckled acquisition by "' tSe F"8 " cofamnaioo oi ine new ana eitr.yirgi atial steamer.Vhrginu otthe)ldf Bav -rBaltimore Stoam t Prket Co. The Vircinia is 309 feetover all. has a hull of steel, with water. tiSh holkbeadj and engine and bcSl er 100111 S8' WD,la nPP oks are constructed of wood. She has 10766 decta raain "loon anl QPPr wth 109 sute rooms, with aoco' accommodations for about 400 first. and 35 second-class passeugera. The saloon is finished in cream and white, with gold deoaratiofls anJ Meiicin malioganj trtmmioga, and the ceiling has a neat design of prea-sed-metal and ornamental stucco work and two-variegated leaded glaaa domes, which, with the numerous electric lights place-1 in adranta goo positions, give a beautiful effect The dining-room and social hall are finished in quartered oak, with floors of rubber tiling, an I ceiling of canvas and stucco work. Everything is of the best. The state rooms are well ap- iated The kitchen, dining-rooms. pantry are dreams of neatness and or der. The long cabin, with its saloons .n.Ur.r fir,;-K.i ; - and furnished with mahogany, with the magnificent stakwava. t.reant ' a goaQe q ricnne89 an(J suggestive ojm- tort. The machinery of the craft is of the latest type, i ne engine room is a hAflllt.V and irw?irtatM" amnnlh wnrVinir plenty of speed and safaty from aoci- dentfJ The motive power of the Vir ... triple-expansion tour-crank engine, developing 2300 horse-power, with . aoh IS 1 tnt i. HL . " T " ..ail.. U2feet mlkUiTherihVi lengthThe lighting equip ment consists of two . independent 400-light dynamos. For fire protec tion she is provided with a Blake fire pump capable of throwing eight large streams of water. 4 WEDDING KALfcNDAR. Married in January's boar and prime. Widowed you'll be before your prime. Married in February's sleety weather, Life joull tread in time together, Married when March winds shrill . and roar, Your home will lie on a foreign shore. - Married 'neath April's . changeful skies, A checkered path before you lies. Married when bees o'er May blossoms flit, Strangers around yonr board will ait. Married in month of Hoses Jane,' Life will be one long honeymoon. Married in July, with flowers ablaxe. Bitter-sweet memories in otler days. Married in August's heat and drowse, Lover and friend in vour chosen r arhrknaA Married in golden September s glow. Smooth and serene vour life will uo . .lr 1 a 1 T . V 1 Married when leaves in October thin, Toil and hardships for yoa begin. . Married in ve la of November mwt, i tlame r ortu ne your wedding ring has kissed. Married in daya of December cheer, Love's star burns brighter from year to year. An Emergency Medicine., For sprafaa ralaee. bars, aea Ida sad fmiUr lnlarVa. there la aotaier aogood aa Cbamberlala's Pala Bala. . . It sootbes the woand and not onlf ei?a laaUat relief f rout cala. bat eaaaee tbe oarta to heal la aboat oae third tbe Uas 4 re- all draggiata. Everyone hates g. liar area a liar. - - '' When yoa wsat pleaaaat UxaUreile j The Key that Unlock the Door to 1 - - UC- Aaying. The f eUbtr-Bre aa ?)aatv I vaare of afe are ot tbe rot a ad well fed. l bot tn; ipr- , WBo jt. ft, alaadtr I dial. Beat earef alas he 111. bowarer. a mil Deafc onun are. win grcwuiwuj eat too nioeh or of soma article of food not aoited to bia eooetitoton. end will need a doa of Chamberlaia's Stoaiaeb aad Liter Tableta to eleaaao aad la(ro- rate bis stomach aod regauU b's lirer and bowels- When this la done thr U no reason wbv tbe ararage maa eboald sot live to Druggists, old ie mr u.e uv w age For sale by Au POINTS FR0U PARAGRAPH EES. - Do not eat too moch. Girt exoe tf H to the bongry-Dallaa News, f. rin coDleraninj Raaalaa croaitj Mr. Root etbibha the aide of bimaelf which brin rorih the PmMtflriil poaaihilitr elitarta!a.--Nw York WINK FBOa PASACRAPHEES,! I 'WHAT'S lit A WAE2L j 5 V Woril' -W'i i t;r of tow at m llri for IIm aal Tbe chanflear who ro In the rVe- t vS ! - . , . m . . .l'nlASAlwboMtaaMi air. iv OiUtej, ov wutowia, WHO committed a similar ofTenaeai sd3 va the eoaneoded - lieV WaaMn rtoe XTftth three tariSa'Canada wi ' U ?JtutJLiijr JuJUUl Ii an object lsoa to the creel 0)atrtriei that oak their tariff work twenty-fonr hours a day.Sf ootraal Star.1 V- ' ' J ' v Senator PearoM y ihe Repab Lican party in PeanejiTania Kas sm apology to offer.11 It might hare hard work to think ap ooe that would cover the at. Chicago News. Even Governor Penoypecker. of i Pennaylranla, has called a tpealal session of the Legislature to eorrrcti errors and aaucfy the people. Wbn a Penoypacker can U forced to Ea ten to the public voica we peel not deapair that each a voice wtU be heard by other. Dallas News. Preaideot Ilooaevelt ears that be won't make a 14 ail that be eajtt make good.- The atartlu (rqatcysp le ee UaM to of noksr tenne in the moetbe 4e1 nent atateetaeb most be -' rtr1"!! to the Hand ay school uperinteodeni. . . ' Four million galloM of whiakey I wnni lfMtrna1 he- rTra in PaaMrlta. . ' nia tbe otner day. Tnai uas beea a great year for the Prohibitiooista of thitxSute. Chicago News. Whea both Carnegie and i Locke feller begin to warn the poor againet the evil of riches It oprate to set ae to thinking. Kooivtlle Joeroal aa4 Tribune. Tbe Hon. John P. Poe, of Mary, land, has decided that be b ex a socoeweiul writer of oooatitetiocul fiction alter ail. Seattle . PoaIotU ejefp - ii m Paeoavoala oTlea folUe It trip? be aerarolkevaeaeof F-iey'e Heorr a ad preyeau pbeaveU aea eoeeeaip J -r. . t. l. u -.w- Tar aa3 rafaee aav eabeUtato tXerad -H, wife bad a eerert aaea of UcHaee tar years ago. a ad U Ml Vr wtia a Urnbleeoeaa 8 to tried e froiOe et nr. VI. I Morr, e nenoa eiiieai Foler'a Hover aad Tat see la gaee at laaedlate rtXlmt. A BO eeai alaa aoaUel atUoiee. 8od bf Q. I.Ayeotke, It is yours to serve; God's to serve. ,e 1 HolliaWa 'Boakf KeesUla Ta dcsplylrqiVIeuy.naUet oan at year ooor, enagiag aw eeoe. atnaat. aad vtcoe, - It aaakee, yee Lyncbbarg wul raise a food for tbe stricken Sewa b Russia. BeaaKnag avrtAoda a . e -e. I alia and toatlA are M tweatifel wltbeet dkasoeatm bf taalag H oil laser's Setr Moeaule Te Bee. aaisffaeM foUow ua sure. M aeaata. R A. BottluaCOL. 'i! In Near Gogleedavad Is cuoet coee- tHM of Kumrje. ay seviaee besK eo- count Ie rscarded A tost as lapor I taut a tiraUf exeeelty avs the bouse and gJtcoen larmtsre. oome t - . . .... . . I daT it Will DO Q 19 lot nOCtaOw. ,1 fT naT First Netiooal Beak. LouUborr. I N. C A rood way to save mooer is -to J deposit 4 peit otyourearelec eavcb I. . . & . week or mooth. with this beak Flint National Beak Lrtukbors, N. C,;; JHBIOLD BE1UBLS - Toroar'aN. C Alaaanata for 1904 a.a Jknl sail Mrt at Mia. Vi eallloar oo ta tt Ayeoeka . Dreg Store Price enly 10 eeut. B. P. Booott. GIHLS WANTED.. I Ta eoH o Km'i U jrtea 1 r Wsc paki wie I aa St 10 a4 f4 00 fw tufrnaw a eaaos 4M uvm rr. r7wrko7a7aV;t . leU.. K. C -.trr NOTICE. flaelee aaaliSed aa-adeitaWtratar tbe late EoM. DaaaSoe. aU mX oaaa. aaS all bolita etalaat JOHN . V. ' HAYS CIVIL EUGIUEER Bimbir la. ?oc C L WATER P0WIR tad BUHCJPXl WORX Including Wtnroai Pwar, Elettrie Urhtlrr. ftraU. II A i - - - - . ( - rtx 3 Soiti liars Zl, Pitinrf. vhats in a Kirr ' At Mootrall Cm a. Tartar Sr of tb CVia-I jl ftaal lljum, ax4 tU oy U:Kctat at ta cWpt d a jeTJi amJ 4 Ecj, aaya an cxc&asa, Tb tr ara lati (rWa, Ad if both t b oS Browa. JUeewtly lUm saS 1! wwre b Beeot ofic Tbe aa!ehcan ra- ead Drew starred. He rVt ae loqmiry for the CWlIae Vk& ef Who's that talkWr tel voice. This Is Brtrvm. Ia yoej wast Ha-1 .e '. . .. . No, 1 doot eraet J Oer wit. , I sraal oee of tbe Caaadiaa iVio ofieUie. - -Wall, a Hate saI Xf Ttoey are both W Idool waataof tb! CeotnJ, witch thai cUey heih bns uS llae wwr fieer lAtella. jVwUod;i4ati.U4nartW 4 tra, to a W aaa ttaiivw By slffeaeaae Tea, gf eaa Tm m knots oo Let apeek Urtof a Jl-l i .HMaaaaeawr ' Certala Cfere 7sr Orse e eAOi eM srsmax r r"Sta iw ansinilua iiti ria tl-nraam it e m mm lee-aaaev lreaM4 aAeeeeeeiaMe ae 0. )a It, Aae tri rktitirlile'a Wtw eeM ea eeMB aiye4iMfaae.uuU aaa alweys greee fttmpA fUmU Jew eaie f an eraggtaaa. For Thin Babies Fal it of great account to ahaby ; that U why I . I WatllS. 1 OC CCailDT DaoT I StOrCS OS fat If hat it dOCS I " DOt DCCQ immcaiaieJT XOri j DOUC &Oa IB U i CI C. 1" al . , . . , - . I babteS HTC XUtppT ; tCCT.OO I . . . ' , . DOt CXy 1 WCY aTD ZTCIZ thdf fat U laid UD fof umc oi need, iney art . e m m m.a uappjr Decauae tney Are comfortable. Tbefattur! j nM i - ' j ,,Vlrtn th those a-m ae we a ww J nerves are nan at crerj ungentle touch. Ther UUtUt ,IU tJWUUl a.UiUi aioiu It it as sweet at wholesome to them. lata raaataan yaa lay. Scott ef- Ueaa j .p; WINSTON. Sale!! 7rea vott telll tleee4 ett 1 eel flattiee- Jest t eeat 4r wboleule prUe 'wbUb U aVaapef tbae I ever e4d Vbees. I aaveea kAnd a g Ut aajs ; . boea ftlsr at VW ewt. coaa sboee no t to eeave el wbteb t will eeH lea that ealeeosi. 1 bare 30 asdJs walgkt lavflai wet este et t& eaak, S or 9 bouired oraU Ihaaeoa!: a Ul afdreee roods' t flaaaale baag tWaa eewA.. aa-se'i trt, raaU, aaeipae taia ea-g bi I bate a kf efilg r lailv mm alatklna. frk eaala froolMie2T3 all fat U eraieua. , J. P. yTESTC. I P. a Uoree, Veiky. aadbarasea. V a ra a r 1 ! - f ajToctl Wt kO lubbr. Toe ra r7 ytrgt IC cieLs bWb we mro tbetrticl iaauh BHrfstb esd wAkb ATw Uw I ta aiaVU May . bsm w a aa a rerejp lati-log e-rey iJc-lar Ay oat. Toa tt aJrrt I 1 r V. w i i Jl a tZf a . T V Va. J IX- t rT Ca Special old'- yelvet rye 'V. puro-old- velvety. f tlio best for tho price, - ? fiold J -overyTherD. , csdI''foi:',"it fit -r 'l.lsburB ' , J J lOUltbUrCa fie . A i r. MSk .aasW-naW ntW M I : ai?;p.e Etcrr kiaala Mak fIaT W,!l I J t. e - - . WANT W P NEAL St CO. lEIOIJT WAGONS Stoam Dried Flooring and Geilng. HEAVY and FANCY OKOCERIES. Full Liqe THE GREEN & XJO UT023 n nn Xtaa Vao i4l fnrta e4 wftw tXsA W win a)a4 st flYCOCI'S.BilUG STORE TVrf:e r T at aa ti ( x f5! ai l . i . 1 dispensary; e teai a.y. ED! aJl Pa, Cev ol Stjoes. YARBORO CO. 27. C Li ra rUrt et la - g 1 lUmiJ