L k -T.::: :::: tr. t:', It J .. .1'. W - .-' H-.r '.II J A . ; V I I (iiritoH DIRECTORY MtTHowarr. 1 jua I School at 9:30 A. It. " - Oao. 8. Baku, Bnpt. ; prvhiorf at li A. It., and 7 80 r. M, I 7 . t Iff . . . pr7r nirtniing bob amy ignw i THE STATE vPRISOH. HOW '-THE INSTITUTION AP. ;i JfAK5 TO A yiSITOR.' fi lial fTkt i meanfthen, and nearly $200 more to ; - each cotton iarmer?; " v-No'cther section Wen joy ing great- W. Ma". Pastor. UThT?i1,tVnF ;wn;;eir pwsperityj So even in a material 'rT ? -ther no", better land "than TO BE CELEBRATED "BY THE -" : - school i children; : -n f - -- - ....- - v . , - " - -- ;.. :;....: .; -A: Programme - for tecembei Interestingly. ; . v ' 1 ' - - 22nd : AnnonncAd ' hv- Sunt; of aisit to the Prfsonr;r America "tian'Soutlrogres: "-of PuW!3 Instruction r ?ixue JHoore: vnntjr , - . North .Carolina - Bay. December JV." c- BARUT. (jna U School at 80 A. 1L , - ' ' Thoo. B. Wiueb, 8pt ' Pr-K tiintc at 11 A.ll.t aad 7-80 frJL tv 'iuiT' ' ' - ' ' - prv-r m tlng Thursday Bight, f5"' il H MAkHBTiRif. Pmatr.r ' Wa a. Kurna. Sopc" iniirf frayur, Kridar attoraooa kv. J ohs liriojt tutetor. srvicnn 4th dandar in eh .. . - ... nl .kl SPECIAL. KATES. Newsr Writes ,,iijr. iB,i.w ub wr JiKt-NUli STATISTICS. s ana, wiiT be celebrated bj the school State priaon at HileigVanl upon be 7 ',;".' ' r-'' 1 children of T the V State.; -The State return to the is'ewa aanotuui put hh ' impreaaiona on papery the -foOoir ceedinffa'of Jh lata North' VlKn t 'program of exerdae Tl e Patter.: - ' -IMAthrviiBrBf-sw;!! 8ubject for thia yearn "The rUnner to aniro day and night,. The VnArfBtn the sever- kiuuuub axe wtui kvdu neai ana i -- - ' . - . LOMia. i , I H. vixuiuuij eutuvii& ana nuBfliofla.oi Uuiihara- uxig o. ia A,- r. - f , r.... : . , tine centerenoe?.. v. ',--'-- ,i(huaMitBoiu. - (: -',-Jof the watchmen." von would not -...... . - - : t- t Rate cf .one ail. one-third Cnt daw farv plnattwjx.tr'.fivat Ci5) cenU (miainjoin rat fijM50) e.'nf taaUpointa east of tb Mi-.mipt an-1 South of tha Ohia and I'ottar nivcrs, indaJin .Washington D. Cn nJ St," Lonin, Mo at4 ntrnj-ljju poiata on tho Frci ISyitoau Loav. Following ia the program:'.1 vule an t Njihtili. lliiuola Centra Readmg An" Act to liubliah ' 10 1 '"e ,nua,d aM Uiatn North CaVolina.Day. -t , . f19 r- ' , " : 4 S ' tt 2 and 31.1 190i Reading The Ilighlanda at Home; an,i Jgnttary lat, 1 WtX ..." Jdingi-The Fiery.Croas. " -A Final limit; f J : . ' -ladmg-Thecommgof the IUgh- j'- -vontmndoa pawwge la eech dire- ! landers: .5 V:rr' The SEABOARD Announces Re duced Fates for tho Holidays. . .The Soaoar'l nnooaci that dor og tl. Cliritmf.s IIoTklija Uiy ij'Udpate ja tlie t ile of UckeU at reduced nta nnitt th folio vie g rule and reslaUoBii? '- ' .C022ISCIOKECS' STATUS E.N T. f Office op arj-.tTx: or tt t- . , I tlUUi uuiTT. :V t-jr. jr. rmtiik. j,,, JW-- III, C - i MB ; Ys-r 4 1) mih wick. D.D.S. C. H. BaakaJJ SVIITUW1CK ATBAlSK9t Dedamation UighlanderV ' Fare-1 1' ".. .'4- VV.i , tion -final limit Janaary 4th, lOOg. DfcNTAL SUli'JEOSa, w LOUlBOUEtJ, N, c. hlirk BaitdinirrMta0trciC Ana wen- Local preacher 95, nem hera 70.178.."- ' - ' i." - - -' that within is a little n .m W- T aJ afr;$e have been bantkea during th var? V loaianee ox maniunvyet 'oatraeaiKi Answer: 957. - -j veDV ." -i: lf?f 1 ' "or ; chen ' and.: atadaou; of ine -inmates, oi wnora uteres are ' - - ; r KAdintr -Th ' TTKMaivlor, in scneoia andclena. s;ini rat wni " -, v l ueauon zo: now many aauusi - . i . - ' . . . many, have, their wishes and -their haJa . , , . . J Their KeV Home. " VT J PW boB bovtf.to fotftU la .;L c' . a ?ve beea baPae "? . year? t:8 :x?.m. - c ; - - ; I the territory fv th.SMthatu - I iveaame j; iora jLicaonaia. . - . I . ..' oh att:DErr asp rtkcns.uK deairea, their loves 'and their hates, 3 ii m M H K O A HUB, DE2JTI3T. DuttJAM, N. C. i in offle at Waka Furrat, N. C, ioIIowidk tba Brut ttaudajr ia , hi rrpard to do dvatol work. " t- Answer. 2,798. Question 24: What is the Dumber ' of Epworth Leagues? Answer: 61. Question 25; What is the number i) ,i 0)01LE, ATrORKBI AT-LA.W Loalibnrg, ,N. C, i n Anh itreet. Prompt attention -K.i baainent en trusted to ma. circumscribed ' and limited tofc-the I space within those walls. Some there are whose future i earthly life will be spent here doing j penance for deeds committed, let us of Epworth League members? ' T"u Question 26: What is the number , oraias were nrea wnn aiconoo sum-! Schbofc uuuw uuiuiahj m utueuae ,ui Answer: 655. "WMW" y-.u"auF. OflAtirtiv27- What iatTiA nnmW ymers, may oe, are nere mcar- nf w, tanhar? cerated and serving time, paying the I a y viim mn ww v vvAuaA a-t tt y &vr. xa uuvo FOTsiciajs uid bdkobob. I and mtsdemeanors chargeable to oth i) rA..Tii.lMti LouiKBaaa, a. a mrm "-r Aoocka Orag uoapaay, J J. V1A.N.M, 1) Anawer: 5,253. ' Question 28: What is the number of Sunday School scholars enrolled dur- ing the; year? ! -" ' . Answer: 49,889. ; .. Question 29: .What amount is nee-: auwumg-r. torm jucaonaia. PAtteilw Aaaatirtni-. Ait .ReadingThe Battlw of v Moore tioor and: aurretvler:. of : ocrtii!eit Creek Bridge.. , . . ''; -aigned by : Supriatfident, lVio. r Declamation On th CarA Far; Pl or, Preaileot of . the' rkrhool c ' ReadihgThe ConvenUon of 1789 , : j-r I -' :x .Lf . -1'. For teaehert and Hodantt rate of .,.uiW eieDraypn.. . aQd e. for tJ -Bong--America r .. . - trip will aWaply torpoitila la. the Reading Lafayettea Visit to Fay- territory of th South wtrn KxmX; ettevflle.'- " c -1 Barea aad WcatrrJ,toaatiga Reading-Jamee -Cochrane Dob, Aaaocutioot all pt lata inTitii, bin. . Declamation 'A Plea Schools. ' r - Reading--The Battle of Benton ville. : . . for Public il Y.ilLlAN and 8URQE0X, i.oontBcaojf. o. ' v -r ym -He Drag Co. drag atora 1) X -I r BURT, era, but who, profiting by the intri cate macliinery of our legal; System with all its machinataotia and minu. tiae, have escaped, and for .these we w Mf uwgA ers, and the widows and Vorphana ot Uon from bondage, so that the aeh 1 u o---' ' - : - " - : inrv hnn aT-ci a-t lAifAl AvaAa- FjS.w-i-a i K - t . "6 "r - Answer: $6,500. ,mi:iNorHTHcijAHi soa. vw . uuvtth., Ie6ted oa oIegoing acoouatj and L-ouisbarg,.u: f w-iu.iiijf; icgttuj. pamuu jnow' it heen apphed? place among men to which.' he . be longs. But the rank and file of those who are here denied their liberties and in careerated are the rightly convicted criminals ? whose'; mcaree anteea peace and quietude to thei,cit- izenship of our State. Among this a.arv for th animrannuatad nrAach ea of TJpper Cape Ftfar. xveaamg nesources ox ine c jjper Arkanaaa, Indian Territory, Oilabo-ma,-Kanaka an 1 Colorado, east of aad including anvei; CoL, and Chy enne, WyoC, up 'to Chicago, 1'eona and St. loia, Mo; and to all polnu In the territory of the Central Pa- vIeclamation-The LaatXTmge at rfl Appomattof. : " V Rivera between a line drawn from Reading Some . Dktiogaiahed 1 St: -Louir to ChicaffO on the Wrat and trora liallilo tbroagn rvuasunea. r. 1 .Fittabnrg, I'tyV ceding and " T.R.rotur,r-a. - u4 tl imu. u It do r Tw4 ) att. t ft Mi ........ ftam, r st ' SOOfrr.r. , 8-t a Cluuraa U 4 fit P at is MM Xi awi- at a MOMIB'ltM Al I) d M old -velvet rye" pnrc--oM - velvety, the bt fur the price. "';rfcohi everywhere.' ' cill- for it at - - ' X5 louisburp: disponsar yH M -Kit. aa II Trt4 4t2 anaa.Vs' watia f &r m xU4m aa t ft a.ajra - " '" '- i' ..' ,...- mmi, -I . a i. " 1... 4a oa .- ' I . I " k.l"' " . . -" r w ur w " , I. ' ' swli t I l s.wtw i..ia -Uo-i-wt AtLM tt a 44 1 tm aM Car. - - tmnM 104 16 at S ta a- .a ' - Srta aa taWiwa st 1 t ItlJe Sia4 atw On Ercri Tonpje.,t a, .- ......... art eUHtsri, aSj4 day 14 at 1 fv trl tl sOMiaaa- r4)-t aiaaHiwi, at la day, IS day, Staa It l to S4.03 - - C: 1-JL,Xie3rTtJL; AlfpaiidT a-inn la aaywt ia tSJa rij iC. fa . Traa4 to Cape Fear.. Song Ho! For North Carolina. Parkerabarg, W. Va.; on the Kail.) j arrM M RUSSIA'S SITUATION. ittflrt. in i ha roar of K A. BobbiU 4 :. . i'nu ntor. oa Maah auwt. i) n. r Ta&BoituOaii. fUTaiCIAJI AJJD 8UBQBOS. Looiraoaa, N. 0. '-, iitir. in, i Soor Uaai banding. paoaw'aa ini cans uifM firon T. w. mokatt'a r-uiiuo-i. paitQ 74 Answerr Total, $6,726.10. . . Question 1: What has been con. toibuted "for .missions? ' '' On Deoember 1st reports that all mail iaout off from St. Petera- I burg.: ' Tb poatoffica b closed and a Rates to. these point will not apptj to teachers or stadante of Preparato ry,' i'Ubuo. or :Jitgh ix-ooia. , Datea of sale : December l?lh to to 24 th induaiTe. 'ContlnooM- ta aage in ; each directSodTlFiaa! Cmii ca Jenoary 8th, YX&, - v IUWgh,N.a a a mmwtttm aa SI R IS . ! , ' sr.T.lUct.. . " I mwmtlmm M,nf Sa - - --araejt tw ef-n at M tdr- - -TvawkW t . W aa ft x4 a 1 i) Answer; Foreign, $15,508.92: do- vail hag dropped tver . the Propir mestic, $11,32L08. , :1 tragedy is the order of the day. Question 32:5What has been con- No one can tell what ia going on be hind the curtain.- It. would be d-USoalt Answer $5,116.61. -: '-. to iormuute any specolaUon aa to the f ay.- ' tWtki.1. iwnifc tug tf's4.tr4a4 uatta a a He LA GRIPP2 AXO rJCBCMCTSlA. OKNTIST. I.OL'IMBOBQ. . S. uuic In artHor Hynca yi.aring rout buuoiog. - 4TTOBJIST AT X-A.W uxnaaoaa, wm Drsouoaiaautlaa Ooarta of tkaBtats; Offloa n Ooort Hoaaa. PasioaU riii IdlTowaU rtpiaat' arar f onostb d of , iU.'a Uoa tad Tar. It aarv ta Vnoa. eocs OnAHtion 33 What has Wn dona i probable results of thJa. laat . revival I -omatloa. Ak foa tmUi'm Uaar a j Class we note in passing by tua ceUU.x,. a-:- t:m- Q...t'- r.mnn th afriVor an.4 mnrinun I raraad rafaa ear aabaUtaU rfftad v. .mimtan.. . Lir-u "T V .77? T : 7 O. Vna t. af u? (Wood 8L. rtt, u ,uiuu w .v rr uiou .T19KO - . - .. I All b) oonnn AnmtAH htv. itrnAlr hu v.a ' . . , . - . I y-itina-wet. j to,uo.. , i . . b r - (futiNiininiMia asmapa Queatioh 34? What has been . con- nd the city "hut off from any M JJJf ' botS5 ' r"- r" "" - j ttlbated for the aupport of presiding mnnicalion, w.tn tbe interior goUrm Hoaaf aad Taa sal It tt tvrt he was driven from his Lord's ,pres- , nrrahfir(, in ch9Wer - '-It ia now feared that .a . ceneral 1"tdt M e.a aaa batite anon otiy mon o inilarny nn ia. 1 r '.t - . . " " . 1 . I : . n -r i . I OfeSl M9f e OC tlrWy, - -" - - i a .A.aA.M uAR'iiftM aMam r i w.-e w a Bin k a-- invn vintr aim rviinmn rniinn -ai a AUBWt;i x area iau ciucid, epx-x-xua- i rj? v! i iwsfiti wa aa ataat-na 1 1 far day -.-vj a!" SaatoaaJraU Cm ntrtl .ayjl rt WW The; Secret oi Good Coll Tm Oh l4 X-tfnici;ra ami a m rt f eofiW r.4 R&ariiX . IVtfy aCaffatei U. -a-ijy Urt&l vc rati m ttucrr-fcimia 5jra aX-4 tct U-ar e?tsUrt A: Ule E4 jta aa StaJUrsa l-ork4 - UON COFFEE, tV ost U 3 TTf txrr- vl:sd U wTTiaat U ham -a4 yw -3 xuO a ult X t L ft lis U ttJia way 1 ' . nOW TO MAKE GOOD COmi. - -r t . k vo lit. a-M a-a iMlom.ow m m , wtth a-a'i..rna kin.ni a 4 Hi -m Mtii i . I ' 1 1 r 1 .. n a M at law - ia "in w at v ti sn rM a 1 -,3teJL"'r,-: - v -i - '.- M mm-t aii, I t an l.n . ... . fc.. .. k T aaara y rTYva (wm. -ar aw i " attt a fwi Una) crma y-ara 4 r Her Cyyxz. Kpvt-a tl ww:Bx rjtlna ra-ata-a ym rca a-au aw "4 CSifTUC tm tat ra. ftwu . T a l r , i t j,,,, j ' 'v' - " f.r. rT J . . , , 50m nv ceocer!; rvximTrriu: 7 face of the earth. we can into his. face Looking, as best j may brealc out at any moment Sold by Q. U Ayaoaaa. . , v.. W. BODD1E, S7- nir a si aIi Ara in nharcm. St 13.385.78. we cannot tau . orw.:on 35. What has heen eon- It ia all ahockinz to tho ctriliaed to see reflected hereon sometning 01 i tributed for the aupport of - Bishops? world: The putragea and murders that it aatHaa da ra a4 a r aC-, . " " " . " M - ,.T9 v - w a aaft wa ia ra ' ifH f or the devilish spirit Satan has implant ed within. his bosom. Lurking in his countenance are the -unmistakable u,r Foddta, Bobbitt &, Co.'s drag I marks of the felon and you- cannot repress a shudder when he turns to ward you, and yon realize that with in his bosom is a heart - devoid . of love and filled with the spirit of 4 TTOBN ET-AT-LA W, L-ouiBBcao, If . C. u. UAYW0OD BCFFIN. aTTOafl ST-AT-LA Wi koouaoaa, a. o. w in imUM In ail Ut Ooarta of. yrankQa I .iiiniiiiiia-mnntUia alan la tfca awataaas A.ar mil la (aa (jiutad btalaa IMatrtaa ar.i.4uoar(a. : - umom ta uoopar sad Cliftoa gaiMiag. Answer: $2,124.61. - : j have been perpetuated on the . Jews Quefetaon 36t What is the number of that ill-omened country, - grate on of societies and of. houses of worship I the sensibiliUea ;frall enlightened owned Jby them? . ... J people. The question at once oomea Answer Number of societies, 725: f to us Whea will it all endry There number of houses of worship 680V7 ! w no answer.; Conditions are jo 00m- Quesfion 37. What is the value of plicated ana aitau a so yacuiating mat hrtnaAa nf wnraltin. and what in the i we are at a loss wnat to expect neat demon, wmietne restless eyes pro- Umrnininf iridbtedriesa thereon? W never ktuw whether the next w- clainffiiawant of peace with his God Answen. Valuer $1,517,859.50; in- xt willirinjr the eood newaTthat ana ms leitowman. CMta S-HL mi ' 4J .. A rood argy to aatr taor la to dVpoait a part tt yocr mrtlsa sta-rla art or racm'.a. atua tw tatt fVsi NaUosai BaJtk. LnaWVvix. - 'a. . . WAGONS : ""v - -' . IS b 1 common ocprtv sipn ve ntar; on'cvttyi side.. Unless, there Is 41 1 1 i nm.' ArtfanT4.-frAf.r1ti- tra rAn- riaMc4'aadSyaWa.UaaaLay ution can doubtless be rtmecJcd. a. wiuiu,- aTTOajm-AT-IuAW, MtnaavM.a.a. otnoo oa isa toit, aratJaajasa) ' Alt. I. 'it. tat.t a2.A V .... jnnif . r-'" " - -o - ; . ' -1 -vwi uuwwivu wvj uiuwi Passing along by.other cells we F5fi that a new mutiny or TmM.acre . bia 'oaPJ! , rtWK) art arm. y Wtda araaca a- saaias. Usual alt lal at( uu UUM. UV. Btl4 ttlfWi 3 if r, te-a, Kif :u Waiasta, r4 i aa W. Kta a, Steam Dried ; flooring- and Cote have -pointed out to us a wretch human form whose' spirit breathes of I . a .xl: .t,-.i nV.fm. - iu-Y-- A i:r - - . ': - ' I j i i the f nmea of hell itaelf. He itwaa I tnniraa inrnivf rir thAm. 142... I ,' m i.: irl '3 ' 1" : " . I lfcava.vaa w t . ' " -. . IL 111 WMUni WlffOfl IM1 D11IW Latin. I ' ' . " " . ..... .1 who mhis insane jealousy struck the Question 39. What is the;value of '1,, ohriatian and :viliaed 0U nCt 4 a)IeIrller ,Ut lo ir.Srr HEAVY - and ; FANCY ATTOBJUT-AT'LAW, aaeiaaaao,. 0. :,'i:V Win ourod tka eoarta of yraoxlln, yaaaa. tr.,.m. wma aatt waaa eoaanaa. aiao nauraoi ooart of tfoica uaranaa. i rrum vi Mtootloa gi-raa to aoUaetlona - omnm oww wrwHi'i nua v- - - iTToturrr AJTD OODVBBXXOS AT LAW. ' UKjwmuwm a. o tamowa xrom .JJSHgJSTi- world will .Und quietly by and gaw 10 enrich yoiff MOM na lor bosom and made orphans of his chil- Answer- Value; "$193,200; ihdeb- oii the harrowing spectacle of htunan upihi Sjttm. . ' , rSI'':'"-"7'-'deaeloxk'aiid'iMffablo trsffedy'Is A-'- JtCu. i : ' Scattered here andlhere in different departments paying the ..Questioh 40: , What is the number t bVseenhe people seem to ; CrfTf'f FmiiTinn ' the be tempbrarilr insane The appear bCOltS niUlSlOn of Gpd Liver Oil Dnaltie. the law exa we, find nnmW ftWAt Mnie. T; i J to want something and .-when that every walk oflife ,who;.in : Quegtion 41: What is the value of j something ir supplied,, they'r remain ana wnat ia tne I dissatiafled; - We can but hope that men from A moment ot weaKness xeu xrom xne district parsonaizes. : high ' pedestal on whinh they, were amount ot indebtedness thereon? rr.imnt and aatoatakiaa- atteanoa givam s i nreated and are now on tne common r7 uour uturoMaa vm aim uaut .-. . .... ,. - - - . . iu.r, tooaiaf-faaaM8i.opara,aoK oami level ox tne oramarv. cnxninai.-- a-miaim. Hob. Boot. W. WliiatoB.Moaw-l.1 . - - " , . uiiiii, fraa. Fust Aaaooat wu I hope. the end of it all ia not fardiatant' ;.'Emiaanea havenow." been sent to oi a- BL-ti uiuAam lrair tldsdl " aooro., caaa. M. tajrW. Pna. WaM Veao uoiMig HOB. JB. W. iHauaraaa, uinoaorar BtUIVO.1 BMwak THE SOUTH'S PROGRESS. Uiust such a food bt lis bl fonru It will build up the weiXencd - ; i' ."V - . f tnd ; wasted, body Dods fall "to adii A at M. ff wcirry yaa ra c4-4 at ja-n. w. a-iajt-a: - ..." - "V - L. r. i.kka'.- ' Uattac Osa) .ia4 aa adav!Wttar aa lW Uu ilcits. Da4oa. aU t rn -aa -- tag tU artata Saa tlrf ao.i Ii mi iaa aaast at paa . aa-i au s saa!at stVlaacala afj frvaaat tWat a or fc-fjr So ITU lL e UVa aOat t (Ua4 U W U Uif raa f mrf. lata rir, 17. J:b. . .. - . . sujut, A r. GHOCKRIIj. ."FfiH Liqe 'of Sliois. other foo when t3 rvourish," U W. w. rauoaT, Anosrar awaWi rrvittma la an aoarta. ' s OStoa Aamnoh aa the entire country haV grown in wealth these last ten years, the South has rnade x even - greater strides. Mortgages-have beens paid off more rapidly, bank deposits show larger gains, railway linea'are paying ..;.f- -"SkV '. - ail1".. . 'T" - : .'- ' "-- oo, osr. Hoaas oaOdlng, Coartatraat I w yj .6 - ' gal aaaiaaas intrastsd to him J steadily. , Cotton ia Kmg, and the cot. raoaira icapt aad oaraini swaaawa. . . xa -innananna f wu muu.v. .j.iti. -"T-T'i:.- : F. JIODCK. - -i v . I The writer was at wpra: ojia cotton i farm' in the lohir,"; hard e years- , from coitTBACTOaaaa BCILDI3, .r i ftQo fv i RQ7nd we know exactlv a i aJutoaouoH, Ja. , . ATIOBHXT AT LAW",' LomBTOO..a' Answer." Valaew $25,500: indebted Queation, 42: What number 'ol uwwwBwirwninQnw; churches have Been damaged oxT- de- join m the atrlke. It this" be acoomp stroyed during the year . by fire or liahed it will ; mean - that ? the cable afArm:- and what is :the- amount I of I communication which ' now remains damagef' - :-V- :v-' j open fot the "preaa: and -'government I yOU are. run dovnivOf emaciated. LSIJAl cive it :a trial,: It -cannot Kurt IIHMKN HUHLltUlliU. SffUl ulBUiluulB I VI. A. al M . af .1 . JUUULl mm I v paid, $253. THE GREEN &TARBORO CO f v.. J.v.P.; WlNSTONi! Special .Sale I i Frotatow nxlll Uaa aal I wtll , I v . .. ' . . . . 1 aall (at 1 fXa I at a - $l,97983i collections on lossesltbe goverment sbould uketo yeaiatl ou.- It li, CJjenUally the but l", I , , , V v. -. - f -r ' 1 it ia rtowerlCSS. - . ' I - -.- i 'nn . - i . I i W at tt J. ' . f I ' ' a. 1 thaaA AM V ft at ,4 a tf 1a1 ai a-m tdt the or. .'V 'ilUrtST children nd -pile. utmic StrU; , .iVi Cv.w7L U Wt wni .end you rWpU tree n-f-'' up clears a SiHotr, blotched i nplio ,hlny fotuw U w MeaaoU. . . : - , " . wMb I will aa A lata Uim a- aa it stimulates th lifer aad bowela-And AV Bobbitt A Co.. 1 . -x - - tale tost. I lata ; .3 e2!:q sue eyas Deeoma- orucai am srear. v. u. i . -t . . i ii Hg. y. .r; 1 -- iluu U I r r a Give neither counsel not salt until jU)UMBtjd n" 6. Trn.ll .LLlllt) (Mi iriti DaalaasSabatfttad what six cent cotton means tithe man od yS; who makes it V Ten-cent cotton then seemed an iridescent dreamy farmers talked of it as a thing in' some - lost l Golden Age gone" never - to retnrn. HOTELO. FKANKLDiTOH HOTEL Now ten-cent cotton is an everyday lTUlOIdllTOK.sT. O. .-J reality; eleven-cent cotton is Tnerely GT. W tTnnW-CrT. Prm'TJ Paying hide-ahd-seek before coming n' s . m-ir- aanarely ontinto the open, and fifteen- "oa gaaoBBUuatiMai tut mum . mtmwt.K, . . v-f' sbiia. - i I pent eottoa is quite a possibility Jlnd. iood Uaary Attaahad ' r- for profit ten-cent cotton,be itremem: bered: compares withf six-cent cotton MlSSlUfiOOTEl; not as ten to six,but as oneJiundred to J p itttmmeubnrtr ProprUbt, - Where bySliardJ squeezmg a ITRflOTI U. O. 1 man might get a aouar s prom urum too aaeoaimoastlftai. Oot4 fsm T eotton ia uera are essay Bea Ifo heart is more hungry than : the yon are asked for it one that follows for the loaves alone. aetlo' When yoa want pleasant lssstirs take i Chamberlain's Btomaen aad ljtrar td- lets. For asleby All Draggtsts. - riear thlnklnff-, dMlsire action, lra I aad vizor ot body ami mini, tka aparkta ot life, eomaa to all wbo ' asa HolI ara Roeky Monotala Taa. 83 easts. Ta or Temper your sharpness, .moderate. your- bnuiancy,- live in narmony. v ' Z s -" 1 ' .f , The Key that Unlocks' the Door to r long Livixg. , - The Inea ot-eighty-flfe aad ninety years ot age are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spsremsn who lire on a alendsr diet Be as careful aa ha wwi.: fcowaver. a man past eat too much not suited need a dose and Lirer Tablets rate his stomach and regnlate cU liver and bowels. When this is dons there 1 no reason why the avert? can thosli not live to oli a;s; Tor Eal fcy All ; Ba sparing of speedfand avoid the superlative. - ' Sa far CKat thit fitter la l4 I anaj 4 UImJ I a l4 arraf par t mry fc-ti.' a4 tc5.io yo-a Wy. SCOTT & E0WNE 4:, r4H Strt htw Tart ICc aruj St A3 D.-ett4t - A Certain Cora For Croup. s When a- child ?'ehows , STmptonss sreap there is no -time to axparlm with newTemedl?, no hiiClr taey ej ba hlihlv rcomaeodd. Ttxra lt.eca Crpana JOHN W. HAYS i CIVIL HII G I II 1 . 1 - aL.A ... - 4. . A -4 middle age. wliycaslonaUy " .T"'" r T."-T. or of some article of. food p-. " 7. .riT:. to his eonstitnton, and mill lr"v , 7 , ; v " 1- 1" - m' of. Chamberlam-s Stonach Cbaob-rlala'a Cough ptnady. Ur. a X an-4 InatTA I V - LrOUl DbOQ Vi BUSirft.Ca A a. t va STV wiVHwa , caaa it,.JhaT nAd Cbataberlaia'a C-oa?a Bnjir la serara cas of eroap U. Ejy clsliiren, and eaa troti.faUr ty it t!vir airei prompt relir. Tot sals t t;i:::;!::3, WATER FCV.IRfU:; r n lIlh w!gll U.-lt weai vaV-s st ! each. 2 cf 3 iasira-l r.rMU lt than coaf a lei cf draaa tu! ia Si St at lias rtl tsaas Its war I lit a l:l e; li- ; uiU'ui attoTJ ail at. I aj tfiwa 0 Jr e:u lutli :1s i'.-t t j l J. r. V, 1 1 1 : - a r . r t a 1 - Jc? ta pel It a ; :i-t 4 i, f ? fron ti : J 1 . ? n H'44 Wf- Vai t tr ta 4 1 i'-w U.$ W rl3a;a2 il ? a a a ew sarraiai a a 1 r 11 ,-.- 1 1 v:: . sr. 1 i I: "'. r.'.f" r...v,,, r r-- - - V ll.W V. '' ) Vl-l I ... a - i I'' 1 t Uiaalatt4 attaanva strnrtr ,; 1 CLs rtcS cov- i i:c..4

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