: 'vr, i i k .TTTTHy- A '" " T " x - THOMAS, E.ltor . Pnyfofsr. - -T- - -w 'rrr -r -g riaL- -v.; LOUISBUEGr NC.j' FRIDAY, LKCEMBER 150$; c avium DIRECTORY? iQdr School at 9:30 A.1 M. Gd. S. ttAKBB, Bopt. It. iTchin at It A. IL, and 7 80 -ry Mondaj. . " i'r7r meeting Wednesday nlgliW ' L. 8. Mabhit. Paator.) B1PTIBT. , Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. THoa. B. WiLDu, 8npt : raohlnR at 11 A.M and 7 JBO FJU., l'ryr m-tiag Thrad&V night. U. u. MasHBUEHK Pastor. Snaday Sehool at 9-0. .. Wm. H Bumx. 8apt . srvicM, morniatr - ana . aurnt ., on v. ird and 4tn Baneaya. . h. TMaiotr Prayer, Friday afternoon srTiM 4tb ttondaf in a eh-month nioruiug uil albt. Pastor. r r.:ns.b iiettie , creeii THE BICHEST 70MAN 4K ' THE WORLD. - Lives a Cheerless and Cisera- ble Life Despite Her Millions of Jttoney;r-,yw- v- LODoaa. Loalabarf U)dg, aitfhbf i aoh.-Biooth, Our esteemed v (xmtemporary, the i New York World, on last Sunday de voted & page to air account of Mrs. Hettie Green, whom it -styles -fUie ' richest woman in lie r worldj -' Ac cording to this account, no one . ever lived a more cheerless life than4; this woman. Whether henas a hundred millions or a hundred and twenty-five 'millions, as the estimates run, she has at her...- command everything -' that - J- and vone and s: apparently oppressed lro ftoaamtonal ;. arL I) r Smttbwkk.U.D.a C. B. Baok8.1.D.8. DENIAL SOB JEO.N8, LOD1SBUUO, N. V. T II. in Hicks BnlldjDK, Main Street. II W. U. EUWAKDti. tighter their hold upon their victim until they clasp Mm -or - her in the grip of ; both r bodily - and spiritual death. Greensboro Industrial News. -wNVe copy the above, . not - cilyVtQ. give ; it !.our endorsement,. bvt to bring the subject, directly .to the at ientaon of our. own peopIight here in Louisburg. Frpm observation and also fro.n what w'e;heir we fear" that the' "insidious foetaferred to abqvi qGPaCED -VALUES.; WHY 7-TH E SMALL ; 11 ER CH ANT r- SHOULD ADVERTISE. : Hany Very; ; Important VArti - ments on Advertising is in ' - Investment Cleared Up. ; is aoing-some of Wbody-wcSig f ng f J-, businesb our mHst.- Can it be that g, J!ti iiuuijr Bxiyaa wajn, mti ot .- woicn oe ing good argumenta, as it Ss irapoasi ble to find an argument when treat ed with justice, reason' and coraraoo sense that jrfll present Iv aa 4n valua ble, and ha ving had a good deal of experience in' soliciting the samelt is really strange to Bee bow; many peo ple who pose as- among the I leading hssi&ess rnea'-thairr ootvtsairjrs:!- derstand the principles and dauns ol our. druggists or physicians, or both, are not as careful along: this line as Aey should be,f or the sake of human -ity andtiie rising generation resovle Jo Call a-halC " " ; " -0RTH: CAROLINA. .? Gathered; From -Every of 1 2X5 pr day over an4 abot t? cot if your ad. ; Can yoo, as a btw Dew man, aay . that tach aQ,lnTtt noent ta not aoaod' buaatjcas, whthr yoa be'alargeora smaU marchaetl It Las lo proraa to others aa.1 all that la needeLto coevinc yx of ka merita U to Ml aside prajailkw aa.1 Aside from all thie tb local papa' is the greatest town and cocoraocity bolldcr known to tha world and for thta reaaoa eloa yoa ahoIl iat T0CAtLF T by haJplnj t" ba M I p your coramumty. Ttera - ar too many who think thr an " Maaatt Gtvno the amoont to thi djtof aad not raoaitbg aoyvaloa In .rttarn, do awar wttw Twra triKa, rr ta ur 1 t v oieps are oeing taaen to erect a Y. Mi C A. building in. Raleigh dur ing the coming year. '" " The Secretary of State finds the ; total . number- of corporations char tered this year to be 697. It is the purpose of thia article, however, to present a more clear Idea as to the real value of advertising:. DENTIST. Durham, N. C. i, m in his oGSea at Wnke Forest, N. C, wk following tli ttrst Sunday i , ii month prepared to do dental. work. ) H. COOKE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, - Lonisbarg, N. C, ii. - on Nitsb street. Prompt attention n nil iKnal business entrasurd tome. M. J It. MA IX) UK, "MA'TluiSa PHY8ICIAJI A-ND 8CBQBOII. bouunoBe. a .mm oTnr Aroocke Dray Compauj. j jl'w. .I.J. MAN.N, MI YS1CIAN aod BURGEON, LUDIBBCBQ. M. o. !l. oT.tr Ayt-Ocke Drag Co. 's drug store S. V. B0RT, rA '.-TIUINO. PtfTSICIAJT AflD SUBQSOB. Louisburg, N. C. ifl in the rear of K. A. Bobbitt & h DniK store, on Nash street. P. a. r. ra&BOHoCOu. FUTSICIAN AND 8DRQBOH. LouwBuae, N. C. 'Hi:a iiid Boor Heal bnlldlng. phone SB. ...m uuis uiin4 trom 1. w. Bteaett's rHt ihiic. phoae74. withthei soniid cares :whicb"8ome- times embitter ihtf lives of those wh5 have scareely the means to provide food. Man, says the Psalmist, walk eth himself in vain shadow and dis quieteth himself irr vain: he heapeth up riches-and cannot tell who shall 1 ne town of Roanoke, Rapids held and especially why the small mer gather them. Mrs. Green thinks she an 'lection xxx dispensary or. saloons, chant should use more of it. How knows who will gather the: riches she dispensary won by 29 majority. ever, we will try and find the real Li heaping up. . But in this even she The State Labor Commissioner value first It is an every day oo mafbe mistaken. It is said, that she finds there are 299 more miscellane- currenoe to be met with the expres- is saving and denying herself of all ous factories in North Carolina this sion that "advertising does not pay the necessaries of life in order" that year than there was last year. ' me. It don't sell anything for me." when she dies her onlv son mav be Tha Stita AnWon tw th. Tbe latter, however, is trae. Adwer- the richest man in the world. The Confederate pensioners the" 'total son has now reached middle life. He number who are entirely blind, or may live to inherit his mother's mil- have lost both legs or both arms is lions and he may not squander them eighty. when they are his. But who can There are now 256 orohans. of tell? In the meantime he lives in in the Oxford Orphan Texas, while his mother in her old Asylum. Remember them during age is living alone, with nothing to the Christmas holidays, and if you (comfortheror ye her pleasure ex- cant send them money, send cloth ing, &o. The Corporation Commission this year for the first time received re turns of the incomes listed for taxa tion and reports the. total amoun ' Jt laVt si ways aJvkaUe for a raaa with a amndtf tatnnlf Lvi ta uwtfi advertising. And even more "l Vthe sotrir Ualnrea, - are uie reasons "wny tney enouia not advertise" presented by the small business man. : . - The SSAIOAD Arzc deced talcs fcr lieH ' Tta 5AbaaTl a-JV5aea CjI vr. ri(Trapv la lL nla ti tirtU at raol . r ir ta fCa-vte rlrm al rrvUuxja:. aoa na nrwjc. t. , .Itat ti tmm aad c-!rl trA dtm far, jim , tvsf ra ( Ji) paata (tahusawa nte Kir (14) Wa'j la a.1 pc;au Mt 4 ta M'wr;; ai4 Sot2 ol th Ot& al 1cm4 HjTara, taatadinf WuMtrt U. t anJ St. Loaia, s4 kMwiWw fxnnta oa Ycma friuca, vvla ari KaTta, Illajia Ce!rl, Mo-vw4 aaJ ObJO aor! tS 5a-Juea a -?ifS ?'.tV tK tT. itv. i Jasaarr 1st. lvn - . i - Final Utsii t - ' " Coiidatcti tawri k aax cf'ax lioa oil UttU Jaaaary ISC". old velvet rye 99 $ .'pure - old 1 velvet v. ' . ' .- the best for the price. Y lt- feoIdV" , everytrhcro. call, for it at j. - ' . i . . '"' i louisburg ; dlHpdnirv, loulaburca c oept the ceaseless gathering of dol lars. According to the World's ac count, this rich woman has an office in New York in which she toils more ! hours daily than the poorest clerk. At night she crosses the Hudson and takes refuge in a mean apartment house, where she lives incognito, having no friends and no social life, Using is not even claimed to sell your goods. If so, you, might as well not have any clerks, but if" 'a claimed, and more than this it dot a without the least doubt, bring new customers to your store. Then it U up to you to sell them. If you don't do your "part kindly explain to the public how you can expect the ad vertisement to do both yours and its. So you see advertising is claimed only to bring the customers and you are to do the selling. On the other hand you may say you can sell all the roa Trtmjrr jra taacwaa. For .teacWv al . aca4 w If you erer gal eoqaaialad with yourself the chaacM are yoo wont find your company o vary if miUiUj, a ecR nv- Q Dfi it ever occur to jeru that a woman doeaa-'t cooaider a reghboa baby half as important aa she pra tenda to? Wba yoa waat pUaat Uittlea taa CbaaoerUU'a 8taaa im Liver T lata. For aala All Daj rW. i . J - Every dog has his day and watch dog also has hie night. BeaaUfy(a astboda Uat lalat aala M kttltl ut beaatlfol wtat dleeo Botlir's Boekr ataaauta b1ay ioee follow tta fur, a. A. BobbJU Co.. apply as ah,wa atxrrav t' t?b0 b raaaatrr Aaaodatkin, ptvaacta- uoo aiKi tarraMfC 4 ewru&ea&a agol bt th SspariatatfhSaat. fra ctfl or ImUaM 9 12 rVi4 car t or irchrt utd ataOaeta rat e4 oca far azvd oo third tar tba tMUwl thai trio wfil alaoartv to cnlatB aa tW tarritorr f lh rthraaftstn tLicmr- kta IS area aad 'Wrtvra Pa ' taa I Aeociauoa ft. aJ penata faa Tata. aaaawea I ATkanaaa, JftJiaa Tamfcwy, CJaW fTrt $L Katwaaa and ColoraiKaat U aal il : li el 1 T v "OnCieri Tongtic.' usiUavMHiMMi SM at la aflat ( 8vay, r . E l I iadsdine Davrk CoL, a4 - CUv 1 tt . tl vbcrm, urn, ma w .vnr9 l soru and 9V Lota, iia, a aa au taxaSa It ia trua that th averse man I in ibm territory of tha CWtraX raav would be aatiafiad with enoajrh Ul Aaaociitis. ft 3 KfaS k. MrMt.it I .lona oa vaa v&w szh tanna Su Lckus to CUctn m tix Vast and from Kagaltf throagfr Salvmanm. RAILWAY . TI ME TAB LE riar taiatlar. dUira ttlU. vl aad Uror of body and atlad. tVa apart W ot life, eocaea V all ma a a BoUioUrV Rocky afoaataia Tea,. ceeta. Te m TabUto. CFFEOTTVt ArfllL 10TH. t03. N. Y, IUtaU, Ta VWIiof ata I ... rarkarabarg.iV. a, tt WW lrt.) I Z f.nRtnmArR thut iwmA tn vnnr stirtrn fnJ-98'895' L'rt 11 WM without the assistance of the ad, but ' ' yoa would be able to sell iota of oiaie iiorncuiturm name is pre-1 rrW?a tho mnni. Ka .nt int Sympathy is all right in its hut it ia a poor aabaUtata for wrangling with the grocer over the lpaxs a new buUetili pn tbe P'opa- someone else's store, I am sure. A Certain Car For Ctotp. Wfcea aiaaUd aftoas tra ptoeaa of sreap there la ao Uaa to iprLawai wHa ae reiedlse, ao ataia laey aay Rata to thai a pwnta vi t4 aJ y to taachara c stadama ol lYrparai. ry, i-autoer rcAooia. . IHtaaafaaia: Paatabajr IT Ui aa to th ipdaarvr, Ooaitiaajoaaa t I aatr la 'each diraetioo. Fbal toaJf 1 Jaanxry lh, 1904. C IL QirnsT, r. A M40 S4t 1 W f SO S2 aaa La. Ar. FtaeiUal-a At. 1. )3 ate 1IU Ii ao L3 ttt ta I price of the few purchases of food 6 upxio,! However, if you get tbe customers ta &iur ro xaera a oa she makes. She actually, it is said, S gS. ling. yoa can sell the goods-Uuse printers' tdltx ESlTLTft!?, mi' au iiUibtiivn. miiv. aria-! itii in v n mu cut z i .a a. .i . . a rrn l - w - a. n . i a - i. . o j- iii it- &riii iris- uih cusujmeTV. 1 M i rtarmuti ata mv uowi w i4.f zjl, qriftb a?cd i7nr05ti' 1) R. GORDON LEE SCHEFFER, 1X7 Qoh no ricxT nvn AlAthmrv tin1 flavaa .. I Deachea. Deara. Tlams. eta. . - I v.. t ChteaWUla'a OeKaark aieJy. H. cents more earnesuy tnan -an organ I ' K ' r ' ' - :J urauuma uuw jrUu w 1 rititoa a ataiaa.' Tit. aa ye at crrindfir. It is stated that the Raleigh & I tehnine whether vour ad, is bnneinz 1 tl. I have eaad Caaaaaarlaia's Coaxal . p.miiAA Rr. i?o;i t. v I i. t ... ... t I BaaMdrta aevara aaae of ereejp aua ina wnat is tne purpose oi tnisp"""" iW7 . v (wuiw. xwa msv. u jrou weio k" I my ehildrea, aad aaa traiafaUt aa? to life of toiL of loneliness, of nenurv? I thrown :bpen for traffic to Wendall, a ing to buy any special thing would aJaaya girm prompt relief. For sale by tTi " " m t i , I . . . ... -I all drw -a lata. DENTIST. Dr. Arthur Hyns Fi mtng Simply, it would seem, that her son j point eighteen miles trom xtaleigb you aftei reading the ads., and select- may be as unhappy as she is Com- not later tnan April 1st. This road ing your place of purchase which parecT with such a life, the life of the 58 now owned by New York and Lf course you would, especially if h man witii.the hoe is -beautiful , and UMO men wno 818 8aiU e j was m aay other than your own attractive; Mrs. Green is living the in8 the work quite rapidly, they hav- town, go in and say, "I read your ad. life of King Midas. Everything he " secured the local stock. and saw I could ijet so and so here," touched turnet to gold, but there It is said that half ot the fourth No, nor no one else will. The aria was nothing in iv for him. Of Jeho- story of the new building fo women tocraoy left by our fathers will not ram, King of Judah. the terrible sen- at the hospital for the insane at Ral- permit it, but look behind the cur- tence was written after his death that I eigh remains to be completed, and J tain and gat the oonndenoe ot your to Dr. Arthur ou.ee In Vord tuilaiiig. atAJjSaNBUBa. ATTOBJfBT AT LAW bouuBUBe, wai urutioe ta ail the Courts of the State ufflea n Court Bouse. V.. W. BODD1E, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, I.OOISBCBO, N. C. i.vr itoddie, Bobbitt A Co.'a drag HAYWOOD RLFFIN. MaUga arrapeaat Jao, w Klac'a. Fraah lot of ataded raUaa. toadoa Lay re raiaiaa, aarraata, Florida araaaraa aad applea, SaUof all ktada akaapet Uaa aoybody. Cltroa. atalaca trapea. 3w rer toea. KaalUa WalaaU, Peeaae at 1. W. Klac'a. . Joat reeeUed 100 bble Ta. Floar to ta aold at aacrtfloa J.H.KIaf. A. new lot of rloa crockery J ra- j f aniWfaa taita la rtiwf m aarea roUee ta ajaa a. aTrre Urn aad Tar." ta aaraa la aisaa eeai lioat Aak Car Fiera ITaaay aid Tta aad rer aaa aar Mr. O. TaaW. m 1J?1 rjawead Uj vtfa a4 a tare raara Urrttta aa 7c4ere laiaasdtaaa aared W aaair atUataa. 0oe4 kf(LL Ayaoaka, Zta S40 awta U tW Fly far laaaj alaUa4 aa.4 HaAaaW rtA. 2 aaa a aala IU Hsa. 34 at,d al (w Lm1 .juii ...a n pc4ati Ttarlk aad fWalV. ?lo, SS3 aoaaarta i'.k fla." U Si CaJUUa aa.1 awiatml w.u 8aalV,aW8frae Tl fcr Wal iUiUm vaiies. Li Wilde. k. L. Jataaa, Areal talaWrf , X C. C. IL Oama, T. T. tlaMaV, 5 C. ' :MRS;fIDimi!lCilI Wr aer aaaiay , SLUmm aa Laaspa, oil atoraa aad o4I braiare at I I P. lllcka ATTOBJJ ST-AT-LA W, toaiaaoM. a. a. a iii practice in sil tas Coarta of Franklin ui.i kijoiuiug coontlee, sisota the Supreme "irt, ami m Uke United btatea DMtrlot and ;trni.li court. onto in Uooper and CUfton BalMlna;. nun b. wiuaa, ATTOBJfaT-AT-LAW. MNrunvae, a. o. nin on Mala street, ever Jousa a OooparB Freshestand A... A TTORM KY-AT-LA W, i , louububo, . 0. a hi aiund tae eoorta of Franklin, Vaaee. iriuvmn. Warren na Wake eoaullee, alao u luiirflum Court of North Carolina, rr nuuUon given to eoUeetlona. nu. o,r aerun's tttore. he departedwithout being desired." I the work will now be pushed so rap- customer, then ask him direct, and he tnd. at Jno. W. Klr, . His life was useless, he helped none, idly that it will be completed by the will say, "Yea, I saw your ad. This and when he died there -was " not a first of April. : The greatest expedi- is true in almost every case," though friend to mourn his loss, not one tear tion will be used, and Governor it may not be spoken once in" a hun- hed nrmn bin oravft. He denftrted Glenn is behind the movement with dred times. Old customers are without being desired. v . all his strength. worse than new ones, their idea is to Mrs. Green's money, according to President Winston announces that keeP np-with your stock and the new this account in the. World, - and it is the baccalaureate sermon at the Ag- things you have to offer. To the to be hoped it is not accurate, gives ricultural and" Mechanical College small merchant it is a great invest no one emnlovment, makes no home will be preached next year, Sunday, ment as it can be made to take the happy, lightens ri man's burdens, May 27tby.by Right Rev.. Robert P106 of capital For instance, if you Park, Trip. Tin BaOMga t ta Tnns a Wall ta ammnU. &h..na nf wimnnn Kuin ,v can. dv usinz an aa seu one oarreiioi an nuui, mu iTtrr aia,ei jlv ap ivauvu av ti tu ouvt, w jr i sjviauKva . wa v a auutugMut- uuuvi v i r I n t fa a a a . i-r.! r.-.. n I f tnrJM bttv i4v. than vab nan i " reeB wsat suiu va siiiT sw me iupisoopai oi aaaa r " 7 ri ' T7 Wa tall at rsaadtiabUp'le nd Una. The annual aadress will be de- UttDO ju f u" f make prompt dlerias riaea Uvered May 29th by Dr. H..VV. Wi amotmt, wnicn or course gives you a f0tr ord-t lD, nfght before and Iftviehief of the fruit division of the more. exact iaea or wnai you naveior we will hara y oor - traaklaal o . i . -.. . . ... . I . . TTn; R. AAtiifrinii TtAnof. other purposes. Aaverusme nere vim meat, who conducted during the past may be considered capital because it S E E D T I ME Best - Beef; tors at a .Mgh rate of timore Sun. interest. Bal- AN INSIDIOUS FOE. Wa bay bides of all kledg aad j 1 . v . li .tut The famhus Matthews case which few- yearfl remarkable experimental get "d of your goods and saves the Jtbls mti Qood Baavaa w.Bioaarr, ttounbt AlfD COrjIfSaLLOB AT LAW. Looiuuae a. o. - . , T ,,i,t and pelnstsklwg attention glren to '-"l mattar intrweted tanla kanda. itrr to chief JoatleeSbepnerd, Hon. Jokn aaiinniK, Hon. Bobt. W. Winston, Hon. C. ii. frea. pint rational Bank of Wla iii iiHim a kUnly.Wlnaton, Feoptoa Bank ' vt inro. chaa. B. Taylor, Frea. Waka For- uti, hoo. sk Wi imsnan, I 7 -vw u auracung so mucii puDuaaenuon reghiunan-foods. in Greensboro and throughout the I & - per cent, usually and necessarily al- StateV but serves to s1iow t Varner resul4that of ten , f oUow from the says there are na children under Bides, if sees that Jon camea misuse of rwerful .and;psidious twelv yeara old in the cotton nulls anice bne of apples when be wishes drugs. . . .. ; : oa them he does not have to walk all never paas D. H. TaylorV. wart buy": " I tl. in;:this -State unless their ' parents NOTICE. Eat la a qaalllfrd aa adailabtratar of a For there seems to be httle if any ' r a over town to -rind who keeps them, the nabit toitakimr mveucuMjuou. i5 r; . ... . - . . . - . small merchant aaya ; be I MaUsv tidatatsvertu praaaat tVeta aa tka lsU iic Doaeloa, au rraoes aa. ina klaaatain aaa harebr natl&ed to eaar.aad an aafdiaa tno oTr Meal Co.1 Mora.' w, . paaaoa. ATTOBjraT AT-IA.W. uvxaaaaa,B.a. franuma ta all eoana. Offlea on 'r-.. S J.O.BaaataxtAa.a'r.' vv. TARBOROUOH, im. ATI ORNET AT LA W, " LOUISBDBO. V. a H m (vera House building, Conrt street lal business Intrusted to aim douDt tnatlt was the naoit. to-tasangl -r-T. r-rr-r; -.3 Ibnt Wa direct toIonea after' tham: I T wrecked anouier wmcn nas put - a l der-twelve. ?Ile says that this child - . - , . . v I or brforVTrov. t?tk 190a, or tkVa wife In thegravf and ent the hitUh rAusav very- great cnanora., pay ,Pce .lorau- -m b. u ur taalf raaorary. band to a ceU to wait trmtornerfis,, m . i rerusing-apaoe.., r en, suppose yo , murder. v ..-: .; ' -i-. m j v i sales were 25.00 per day and your The evile of drunkenness are surely Mft were -pTr cent yoa have bad enough, putney paaM Lde $6J2o. Now;.ppose yon take to insifimificance, if drunkenness can of the mills. ; He aas that' it has : . . r. . AVAi- h inioTiifianc. whim enmnared 1 j r i -1-4 .1" i a l" xr . 1 one-half coiumn in your local paper wtilley.w of the at 60.00 per J?r, which ,w than science deslaroying morphine or co r , : . 5 : . , il.l&per week, and yon find that it .W - . 5: niffls haye been received xnya good - ll-. .: - . ,v. , rm -i . a. " ...i.'L-... rnh!1i''fVniniiioiiuu Vonur nti - . " , . . . WIlv BT0 1U S pUBlUUB MLIlyW I H'ffv vwuiufuoHiu. V- J public Would stand J .: ;; P. . W j N S T O N , HSaie'li! Special x K. H0UCK, 1 ..,-..- . - - , ., ..V; . I .- -. - : " V: r r-. agnast 11 t :, anew J "n-;; wwiesspreaa 1 JnBaTi-aEQUlSJTB. OFf BRAnTT habit, andthe toost Jegrettoble aspect I eompiexi0a. - Orino LaxaUye Prolt 8y r of the case is that the habit is saia to I nti . aeiinw. hintehad aomnlaxion be on the mcrease':?g -Stj aa It stimulataa tin liver aad oowala aad Tho Tonr in rannr Ka ' sola rf I the eva8 0000108 DrUEBt aOd Claar. U. 1 'ONTRACi'OB ASO BTJ1LDEB, LOUISBUBO, H. 0. V end of the year, even to40.u peri ;Tn now obU1 tlo4e4 oat i will day yoa have an mcxease in proStsjMu clothiar jaat 23 par eant o der ? wboltsale : prleaa which la cheaper than I tvtr lold than Listen to What H.T,; Beasley bar on hand a, bg ' lot aaa pi a Ovim Agent for all kinds of Building yUh., Artistie Mantlea and TUea. Arekv 'lur.i iMsin SuDmltted .. : Vt HOTELS. deadly drags has of lateTbeen ; made J Ayeoeke. was. but thersubiect should never be """..r &Co. Friends ' wVvW tn Saw tn Ufa ho1 tboIai coat.; In S.' - --; wbUb I will call lata than whtje -:'SlTr W; r- V.,'. :.....-' ..t. T - kiM . SAlS .Jinn FRAirndNTOK, n. a . W. (J0I)WiiT, Pa i'M)d aeoomodatloa fortha travallag ablie. . 'lood U?t Attaahad , -1, - sals cost. ' 1. 'bate -'800 median Now we conH think we have everl walcbt ladles wbairvasta 1 at &0a feivenyou any bad advice and are aal eacb. 3 or S honJrad . coraU !ea far from it as any men, but .we" be-than coai; a lot of drsas goods t la WaXlAno.ar.nrnan ntnia wV Hanntla " J? lean 0SU ; XBtO ar&-Ari oa hand .hirV, V.ota, saopl. hats aad' b, maddened , minds seek for a- means I dismissed from the attention of either of two evUa as' a sample. HUNKL1NT0N EOTEL I lEffilSfSSIS!' ili-' A juig all are bound to admit: that tha war I have a lot cf bit? The .'mea Of. afghty-llta and ataety j nradea cf tobacco are sailing i0 its Rot 44 to Id will sail MASSENRURa HOTElvl ' P IrltiJMwnbiuri? Prop heddebson: ij. o. r :f C oo4 aaaomnadatioas. ' Good farat I Fa Uta aadaiteatlve aarraata' - t' ,vti,; Wm i. iae n 'ei. aiguy-ai. aTr:--fir a act tbe totana weu laa. wn ,! Ivmubanr ia the market to dowrt ond.rar-t. ' Near la that! no tHw, wurasprBvemBu, jsupii oy i bat ttio, ipawmra alio uwoi t uenair "7 . . 7. . v v 7 i rV i ,"v u degiwmto thia and Jords to see J P. Wlnilon for bt Ii j evil m rlxa S3 waysi jgislation, public Benti-l man pass iniaaia age. wiu ocoaaonaux i iibuuum is uio jhsw w s mbw pa mo pncci uuno, iiw entJacaTefulswatch.andJsCTutin es acepmmoaauon. uily on eio bintf. - irocc toa yphysiciaMand druggists m when you get there. frcmfl WV 75 au no t.sj tdtninimite tlie. eviLISI and Urar Tablats to eleaora aad iat Uro. 1 uiuo inconvemen w Bea uiw worsteaa. . . oo-operate The wages of. am is death, and one of the growing and threatening sins of the age is the excessive use of pain alle viating drags which little by little ta his atomaah aad raalata bis Hrer 1 yoa will always be taken care ot after : and bowels. When this la dona tbera fa I no reason why tha ararasta maa ahould not live to old ase.; For .sale tor : All Druggists, i v ' ; ' yoa do get inside. -"-it Your friends.'- ; IL T. Bsaslzt & Co. F8 and tare;" J. p. wi::sTo:r. Honsa," to Laa karpxd that aocne graiaa requlra fax di2er cnt'aoQ thaa otier;r aornecroT taccd H3cr cntharr.ingttclcra. -He know that at crest f deal dependa apca rijtit plariima t tbe ntu -ttirne. that the acal . moat be. kept enrtched. . Ho uaa ct ccanplaitrx "-In aomrnrr atoot a caaw tata mada la tba aprtst Deckle bdorx tbo accd . it punted. . ' '.r:T5f .bett timet to rctoe- -:. . dy watirrxod-tkinata the ho man body la be - -rior thai er3 la too deep rooted. : At tha) fsrtt a-tt- -dcoce hi koas of CeaSi -Scott's Emulsionl aboukl bt tak Ixtasoaw Ciatr!y - Tbera la rx2k .Inc' that arC repair "urartcd tl toe mora : nakkly c rnAace lost . i flcah more acodacttx thaa ScotTi Ccsnlakaa. , It Douiiahca and bauaia " hp the body when crdi. txary fooda abactattly, ; fall,'" V. a.rT;-v " WAGONS Steam Dried Flooring and Ceilng, HEAVY and FANCY GKOOJSRIES. Ffili Liqe of Stjoes. THE GREEN & YARB0RO CO," -1 k- "- a V fit J y-i , " t f - aa en ntat rate C fa. yen w Yn ia Unm . t atf a laBl h e ake si ' -aaesBBBaa"ala SCOTTfla' BOWNE cm aw lira - aaa Paett tieraat XIW YOtI Ilaa Wa lud Cms aad atltat llal U i III atlaed at JOi-lN:; W HAYS CIVIL Ell G1IIEER , t "Btaitf la. lit. C, L y - - -- - , IfcrJsilltf tfiunrult, !- ar4 ilrk IcjfTtWEU. iiYcocp's mm sim TVarefoaa atVaa t aUJt t ta J-tt I aaaa'ta!at tio ili

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