7 f r "-- 1 - 4 :;;?;THH CO church .mfcEcronTf THE- PRESIDENT ANGRY. "MANNERS, AND CHARACTER A Muslofft of a Gi&Ue'Cynlo THE - EYE v TJ-qVw JHB STATE TUtl TJZTIOHr - - -, - - ' , ;, , A. fc I t V 1 Pitbhis al 1; A. BU 4J 30?. M. flaneur Boaoot v w .jm ; -v prr acting Tbvdf ptekt : sr..woori. -;r:- Brtlot Boralag nd tticbt oa 1 it. 3rd d th SoncsAT. . J ? 1 " -KTDiair Prayer, Friday aftoraooa Rat. J ohb Lohdob, Reetot. PEaaBrraaiABl . Borvkwa 4th 8ondaf ia,Mch,nioatt--mornlof a4 nitchf, t J SOUTHEBN REPUBLICANS AN- ivKNOY Hfi. H00SEYELT. - IPresident Cleveland .wa first elected to the'preaidenolie wag anmarried and hu sifit chaperoned the white house for hini-until, he" was Folsom t rii No. .413 A. r. aighw ia each month orTy There Are Federal Offleas Be Filled ib'lth'eSoxitherrl 'aatrle4ktabMdgomjFrM 4'StkteSi, PL . i i i v v J? : ; some months later.ECvi 'Mrs.' develand' was nnderstood td ; The Washington oorrespondeat of I he a person ot mature age. had been the Richmond Times-Dispatch under a teacher and .was possessed of mature date' of I Decem ber 28th writes "thaT judgment- $-ipZ$iT v paper as follows: ' Everything she aid;;dr : did was I wish there- was not a -Federal faillifuUy,'reporirand.rwhatev she office in the Southern States to be. "aid or did was prudent and '( iagBC filled by -a Republican.. It would ousJ : ; .- vifxXis!? help the Republican party." And ! Some reporter whe frequented the the roan who .; made; thej-; remark white honsetasked her f opinion'; on brought his fist down on hk big desk dress and maimers and she was cred- wvth a bang-and shawed his teeth in I ted with saying: "Manners yare not SUDDEN RICHES CAUSE DEATH. Hard Luck f9r,Hany.Years, and - When Wealth At Last Catne, - ' . - --' He Died. : t ; This is a story, of a man vrW sad. denly died from joy. He was a miner and had gone all througVyeart of the hardest kind of luck. There h3 been times when he thought he wa in the ery verge of fortanet but lack was J op a sound argvoeat. a: IV doeanH pay to saab e tain bo owes yoa mooy. -. . : . The booeety ot lotsol e nerer been Uetsd. ' It's a vin mia who atya ; ooOuc at the right time. - ; V . Evea tb fincet of toorn foty hstre its good poiau. A load mouth doesn't altrsya IS THE WIKDO OF TOUR SOUL pi a manner that would have delighted caaracterVbuCthey are. the ; dress of WtheartrtnS':; character -: ; VT.;' The President' was talking -to a As a rute mWert arVa good index!6 Pr Pondentw Protewuoual, mj1 delegation of "Noifth Carolina Repub- I character, Vut BOt always. I haw D. I . ttaiitowk.D.U.S. C. H. Bauk.D.D.8. J)' DENTAL BUaiEOSS, i'LOmaBUBd, N. C. O0h In Hick Buildioc. M4n Strt. always against him and he faded to find the Eldorado he, .was in ri arch of. i He worked like a sltvejdil gent ly, fakhf ally, and 'unceasingly. He staked out clairn after cliin aad put in days and days, weeks and ' weeks of the hardest kiad of labor ith sometimes a bright gleam abitd. of him only to see it fade awaiiod Ba wart How Yoa TJie It, aad Biwar.Bov Tea Abtztttu more, r rom working mines of'hta own and employing help-ha fCjnf .laborer fo others, but eren litre misfortune seemed to follow hialFjoT steps. " , V After years of toil and when JIA a. 1- 1 m f . JjK. W. H. KDWAKDB. DEHTIST. DVEiUM, N. C. Will bt in bia office at Wk Fowet, N. C., the we followiog the rt Smwlay M each niootli prppiirwl to do duaVtU work. P. u COOKE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Loaiabarg, N. C, Offlca oo N aoh streot. V rom pt attaatioB KiTo all letcal bsunm entrusted to m. fAACTICISO PHYSICIAN ABB SCHOXOH. LonuBuma, H. a Ofltoe orer Ajraoek Prog Company. J)R. J. J. MANN, PHIS1C1AN and 8UBQEOK, LOUUtBUBO. N. c. Office OTer Aycocke Drag Oo.'idragatore jja-8. P. BOBT, PKAOTiaUia FHTBIC1AN AMD SUBQBOll. Louisburg, N. C. Office lathe rear of R. A. Bobbitt ti Co. Dru Store, oaNaahatwirti. y JJB. B. . tAKBOBA.BOa., PHTSIC1AB Ab 8DBOKON, I iieans, who went to see him on the heard of young ladies who were sweet eve of his departure for Virginia yes- and attractive to the boys, :especially terday.. The delegation was headed to the beau, who made a businesa of by Representative Spencer Black- "fanning out" homef oiks on the short burn, of North (Rarolin; wallvnnn ni est notice Their oert answers and the most respectable Republicans in, (general indifference to the pleasure of ? "r hopelessness of bis life o- the State. They had unfolded along mamma and the reat of the family be- tale of charges against certain other frayed the real - manners- of these Tar Heel Republicans, including one .jowig ladies. . .. .." against United States Judge Jeter . Manners are therefore sometimes Pritchard. It was alleged tfiat Judge like Sunday clothesj put on for.oat- Pritehard had used his powerful .in- side use, ahdlaid aside In the' hAae fluence to have a kinsman appointed circl? with such indifferent" "persoas. to tle postmastersbip of a village in The person who is uniformly a gen- North Carolina, and bad then sue-1 tlematt or lady has the real" character ceeded in having the salary oi the I which goes with good manners and office advanced far beyond that jug- the boorat home is certainly barren tified by the receipts. " j of goodlnanners, otherwise good . be- No wonder the President was mad. i havior. ; The quality of the character He appointed Judge Prhehard to the iealways better observed in the home criminal bench of the District of Co- circle. A husband who is 'attentive to lumbm on his retirement from the hk wife something like he tried to be Senate and then elevated him to the iQ oourting , days has developed circuit judgeship. He consulted him substantial good character in wedded on nearly all matters of Federal pat- Ufe, but fortunately the majority seem ronage in North Carolina and other to think it unnecessary to conceal Southern States. In fact, wjth the any of their feelings or refrain from solitary exception of Booker Wash- any aharp words after they come into ington, there Was no Southern man possession of this . person who is more welcome at the Executive office, pledged to honor, love and obey for To be told stories reflecting in any better and for worse (most generally way upon his favorite, hurt the Exec- J worse) to the end of their uvea. , utive sorely: - The President is; ex-. Sharp eyed little ones in the house- tremely tired of the everlasting ser am-1 hold see how mamma is treated ble of Southern Republicans-; for J Sometimes they become very partisan Lovwavaa. S. O. Mtatit eaila aoawajrea zrou a. "-J I places at me pie-COUnrer, ana nasj ui uitir muuiwi ueusiw Again uwjr ! rsaia as mucnon several occasions. i aut uius wu aatuuuiuuiK cuvuma , GORDON LEB St-HLFFElv On one day this week the number I and when thejto&'eia.:Ta&aa fronted him, when he bad begoa t to feel that be had almost as sootf d&as live; ha rani across an old deserted mine. ' He made ihquiriea and fonnd that no one owned it. lie ventured to go down the shaft and whtn' be stopped at the depth of about bio hundred feet and began to use 14 pick, he struck something h..nl, " hfch he quickly brought to the lipttAif J?a miner's lamp, (leaning oR apori?3a ot the surface, be , knew that it was gold. It was very heavy, but by the exercise of every bit of strength he had he carried his load to the ar- face. There he had it examined. It certainly was a gigantic nugget g pare gold, weighing many pounds and worth thousands and -ihoumnJ of dollars. a . Is this niioef he naked, almost afraid that some one would claim h; ujou are sure no one owns this mine, who can claim it from me?" To all his questions he received the most satisfactory answer ami then cried out in a loud voice, u31y God, I am noii at laatr and instantly fell to th floor a dead man. DR, -'aWTiarri'-: BaoocMor to Drv Arthur HyiMi mlng nn.ee In Ford Laiiuiug. B. H. MABSaHBUKP. A,TTOBjm AT LAW MVUBVBa, WU1 praetloe la aU the Oourto ot the OSee a Court Ho1 W. BODD1E, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Louisburo, M. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt t Co.'i drag tore. WSi stfllepidicans from th6otfc-a1ke i6af-tvej d5. likewfee- yvnive xiouse was -so great tue zacb umuuwo us win uicbb vx uuouw waa commented on. They all came when real manners are involved. The looking fory office. The President ap- manners which are donned for com pears to have come to the conclusion pany, like Sunday clothes, and ve reached by Southern people general- pulled off for other behavior of every ly yearsigo, that there is no real Re- day wear will not atar- hard usage pub'ican party in the South, and that and are therefore notn good sample the hope of office is all that keeps up of character. Mrs. W. H. Felton in a semblance of organization. I Atlanta Journal, - 7 Special Reduced Rates via SEA- -:; . BOARD. v'J"' , ,if ' Pensacolat Wa New Orleans. T' 11 , ilobiTe; Ala J'coount Marir TraaTP"a COUNTRY BOYS AND GIRLS. 'THE KILLIN' TIME IS COME." w u. HAYWOOD BCFFIN. ATTOmSST-AT-LAW, vooiajoae, a. a. It is a remarkable fact that a large The farmer gets his butcher knife part of the brain and brawn has al- An' whets it on his boot, ways come from the rural districts ot An' looks with satisfaction WUI practiee In all the Courts of FraakflB nd adjoining oo unties, also la the Hupreaae art, and la the United bUtee JDlatrkA ana Ulromlt Court. Onlee la Oooper and Clifton BalldtBg. fHOa, B. WILD MA, ATTOBMT-AT-LA W , voeiastrae, a. a. Oflee oa Hala strcet, erer J ttor. 8. SPBUILL. all countries. We might go down the business street of any town in North Carolina today and take an in ventory, so to speak, of the men who are doing the business, and we would find that a larse part of them were reared in the country. We do not The youngster gets his shotgun down write to make odious comparisons be- An' startetn out to slay tween the conntry children and the The deer, the bear, the fox, whate'er town children, but we wish to call . At the "rooters" as they root . He thinks of home made sassidges An' buckwheat cakes by gum, A floatin' 'round in gravy 'Cause the killin'. time is come. ATTORMBT-AT-LAW, Louinuno.x. 0. WUI attend the courts of Franklin, Vaaee, armn.llln. Warren rnd Wake eoanttee. tha Supreme Court of .North Carolina, j Prompt attention given to collecUena. OSlee orer Bcerton'e Store. Should run across his way; Sh'l there's the bushes movin', Pulls the trigger, lets her hum. An' shoots another youngster 'Cause the killin' time is come. T. W.BICBJTT, ATTOBSXT AOD OOUBSXLXOR AT LAW. vxniaBuxe a. a Prompt and painstaking. attention gtr to very matter Intrusted te hla handa, Bafera to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John tannlag, Hon. Boot. W. Winston, Mob. t. C. Buxtoa, Free. First Hattosal Bank of Win ston, oiean As kfanlr, Winston, Peoylea Bank of Monroe, Chaa. B. Taylor, Pres. Waka Pw eaOoUeaHon.B. W.TlntDerlaka. ;.; ? Offlae over Heal h Co.' Store. the attention of parents in the conn try to the new order of things com ing to pass. - We wish to ask fathers and moth ers if it is-reasonable to suppose that their boys and girls in the country who only have an opportunity to cul tivate and develop their - minds from 3 1-2 to 4 months in the year will be able to stand up and compete with He's taught to maim an mangle, and enter into life's struzsrles with An" to pull 'em on the bum, the boys and girls in the towns who Or kill 'em, 'cause their college says have nine . months to improve ' the The football players' muscles Is a gettin' big an' thick, His calves is educated So's to make an awful kick. The shadow of rekQ gat3y has tomevhiog behind it. . Many rain regrets are coocaied la the stubs of check book. Wealth is a poo nrdatxk with which to roeaaere happix. I ad oa try in the watch dog that karw the wolf from the door. f i , . The wages of aia don't (ft ooe fj)low. They do it for ftc!-".. U that glitter bat barwd by the eolden rule. ' : A matrimonbl atcrtn wSl veo the milk of haroau.kiod The cct of living doeeaH ttoUe thoee who can bg. borrow or stewl. There more than the di2rece of one Utter btwaa creeds and deed a. A great deal of oat vaaatad ede- cation ia more ornamental than te W. A great deal of artery lghtr Is Loitered through a moathfal ot fntd teeth. The girl who a fall of atra may be as tiresome as an overwork nam box. The man who can anJ won't ka"t half as annoying a the one who can't bat will. An office bolder a a acrrant of the people, and be saljuoi fails to aim see a servant' pmilaga. A girl never marriae the beat auaa, which may be the reaaoa so many yt them marry the wroajr man. Many a girl fca broken off her ev gagement to a fallow txcaBae- of fcaj past, and many another beaa ot his preeeots to noroe other gtrL A van amoeat of UbbAtmm Ocra throegb egW4 ct ffioaJ eUaWt el the ey a4 baerva: attefta4 f aa tisn. liajiy rth bare 9mm sUt tty(teix. TVe pereoti tae piUttr iea aVrt-MjVrl or tot cbw4 aa gm bocb eyt, bet tu a Urn ettel Jc U-y Is Ibeir week eyv. The wSrt hrg little car txo 4itB Bftl s&uk&J i of ILe week eye be eMi m pM it rar&y TLe eya u prvataa ancsafii M vfCiaU iUti ges oet (4. eae aaw.iiar n a usa tl it ;- " " Old - r .1 call for - U ;.; louisburg dlx: " taUlaSft gU ,w ' 4 4 i i i 4 i i r; TOn Ctef UanW i -0. Da. A. Maaae. y. lb arbf than tl tvajy JUncnUa tt loan aa mtm Uo o4 Uxbt. eaaae uaU milrat barW orrra4 ibe tAt r1 (aan eertaetUai3iaa. TUtt are ethart wTtb a larpe a-ot da. fecca m Uxh It Mt b it aa;t wail A tttlts! ahart aofil. TNry mn r4 fee Ma isa tj bc!4uC tb book ti ny tA liec - owtajt to f nana c4 tb cwfaiar awwa. dru mffuxrtmK aikort as)t a4 tbe the fsUatttU tbkak maitaa urns- tttta4 ee4 U kiLu ana. prwve a they jrow UU, r ff f ra qnaAUr axia aa raJya- & tha ana eiee of the eye, reasKa alaac4 Uai. txaai or jwU raSScaaf a-Macaa b fwf aboet. Had rfetaWa ba trotet. Coast! patio and aJWa are tlaa. TWt I It ad(7rHal la um U rvwrw ie a klTTMoeJetaeB bv leak, mi Ufe ea-aj I nre eJ iKa srai an nil r --' - ' 1 I trt 'l t.i 1 Wa - ChSdrwA aw afiM' mra to aM Tnillis flial Strilic IZiv:. z I tW k-a karrs ansrr )4ja Am4 t-'l is tta Itrw eMa kst taw Um 4t tri 4.; : (4 arte f w . '. i , ' : inrsaa l-t Uta nn.i.4. i- y4j 4 w ; j--?. ye. Cba t x. t - - c r ajjl ranract ttmiA, v ' uos cornx a. ebruary '22-27. one fare, t4ua '2b cents, round trip. Tickets sold Feb ruary 21-26 inclusive. Final limit March 3. Tickets can be extended until March 17. Louisville, Ky Account Depart ment of Superintendence National Educational Association, February 27th-March 1st. One fare, plus 25c, round trip. Tickets sold February 24, 25, 26. Final limit March 4. Niagra Falls, N. Y.: Account Na tional Association of Retail Grocers January 23-25. One and one-third fares, plus 25 cents, on Certificate Flan Basis. New Orleans, I .a.: Account of Convention Southern Cotton Associ ation, January 11-13, 1906. Rate, one fare, plus 25 cents, round trip. Tickets sold January IKh and 10th, and.for trams scheduled to arrive in New Orleans before noon of January lltb. Final limit January 15th, 1906. Raleigh, N. O: Grand Lodge t f Masons, Raleigh,. X. C, January 9th- 12th, inclusive. Kates authorized on Certificate Plan Basis. Certificates will he honored by Ticket Agent, Raleigh, on or before January 19th. C. II. Uattis, T. 1. A-, Raleigh, N. C. atoeaaau r wtll eiUeatp aera yoa Be ear e-o pay. XS arata. Tea ac TaAUCa. Bai. dfca A rrrr. IMC.'A ii i I ss s '' " i st the ace ef T ywanL ti X fa' aWal ! fin r Grape culture in France giree em. I Xba are U rvlir Um tba ) U (Ucabalwr7tAfl " . rMwm. tLe tAoas.a lea- aaaaaAs H".itw ! ploytnent to over two pie re ill km pee Bow to AroU PBeeraoels. W kare aaaar bearJ o( a etagta fcav. I aUaaa U a o!4 raalita Is yeaeauels or otker le iroeUe a Ma foesa'a Ue 4h wa whre tat of d-ire i rae wa wtkaaa Uay im take f their book. Tfcey emeaa( saeuiaMM lo rrJ wow Uuui a law aaiaaue at s tboe. 8afb rbddraa wl later besrto to ilat. iM ti eate wooler bow h m yzmM that 'xim the aoelk. bet k-eale aa4 aUwagU eaa Ue Iaaa. Ask foe Font's Beee and Tar ed rafae aa tbettte ef. f.rad. Dr. a i. Bwaoy, 4 Agw, Mlk . rttee: "1 kaa aaad Vaaat'e Hooey a4 Tar la tarra vary aaaaMeaaae of psoaaU eltk food raaalu la aaary at 8oid by Q. L. Ajeoek. eraod TarbaabeaeUkee Ile4 eeJpIa, Ueebfl Umst who had perfectly tra,at4 ayra aaiy a few dare arx rev texeansa ahom.- Ted. Pr. Marks jaCean oi lea '4 tmmii M perfect fit, wcpAatmc r e.ir, dt&cteocy while reavtf the adjeaft. tog of acprnrooJaUoaa of the (KamaJ eye the larre r4ekwaMta Lea bw j eeexty j, eatirely oTnrioc.ke4 Vy nxet csUrt of the oar. Dr. Marks eiparmoo ti li yeere eeaUee hm rr de aeoM ksctrcrrarj Aa agrwabta aaoteaaeal of laa eowvte I mtbods and Wrth the laJawt BnaJiUfee' wliboat nay aaateaaest eaaat aa pro-1 - f.M da- by caataberUla's oaaaa ae4 1 ZT 7' Jl . . Lirer TabUta. For aaU br all fl rag (tea. I iru ataoaw ta aye. jrwaww to glre raiatl U A&4 gOyepZarQ tie eyee for the rari4 raQirer45ta H the profraaJ of twhtte Lie. GeV sulutice) aa4 etaraiealkea (ret si the parlors of the Ix"bejff lloiei. mm T Wagons Typewriters are to be teas give the machines not the t r. ei pen-opera- Steam Dried -Flooring: cr.j C:l The realeat ayatem renorator. Re atorea rltaJlry. rvgalatre tbe kidney, liter aod etomech If Uollt.Ur'e Reek atoantaia Tea tails to aura gat yoar moa er back. Tbai sialr. 30 wnu, lea or Tablets. BoddU 8i Perry. mmw oil HEAVY and - GllOCIiRlI FAiC (inporcriahexl eoil, like iopocan4 Hia - SoOar ef If you would succeed learn to know what yon can't do. at. pamaoa, ATTOBJTBT AT-t A.W, aowiaavaa.B. . tn an cowta. ' OfSa on aula TTT TAaBOBOTJOH, JB. AT10BNKT ATLAW, LotnaBuaa.Bi.a Offloe ni (koera House building, Ooart street All legaT businesa Intrusted v te him eill raealTe yrompt andaareialattantlan. F. H0TJCK, CXNT&ACTOB aim BUILDEB, LOUISBUKO.vH ,C. ' x ' mind and be trained for life's work; to say nothing oi the magazines, good literature and lectures to which they have access. . v, It is not reasonable to suppose that children .who have . practically .the same natural ability and have . more than twice the opportunities the oth ers do, will be equals when thes con-1 test eomes. ? ,1 ;r- Parents of the rural districts," your . The killin' time is come. . G.JDailey, of Dailey Quartet I'll brave the storms of Chllkoot Pass, -I'll cross the plains of frta-B glass, I'd leave mr wife and eoes. the sea. . Bather thaabe without Boeky Mountata --w f Tear' ;.v"' -C " Sold by Boddie Prry.- The way of the .trangessor- often is hard on the othef person. - . THJ5 ORIGINAL, ii Tola Si Co.. Chieaaro orlf inated Hon ey aod Tar aa a throat and Fang remedy , - .Chronic Constipation cured. - ' Ooe .who aoffera from ehroale eoaatlpe ttoniain danger of-oaay aerlooa ail meats, Orfoo La xt tire Fiott Srapeoraa eoronia constipation at it a!d digaatloa . :L j. .l a..-!-irz i- . r ' aod eUoauUtee tta Uer aaa ooweia, ra- Tradltxgt for anaunaa w ang i wicu: iutro ' ".VT" - .. I atorin he aataral aetioa of tbeee or- ttf.Hi dmuu submitted , 1 1 am sure no true parent aoes. am i a "i, t 'gaaa. Cooimenoe tat A Thousand Dollars Wort a of tfooM A. H. Tbaraee. a well kaomo eoal o erator or Hi ffalo, writ: I ha been afHeted -with kidaer aad tiadlar trouble- for years. paaaJsg gravel aai atones with eseroeiatiag ia 1 got no relief from medieiaa natu I bvgae tak ing Foley's Kidoey Care, then lb malt was surprising. A few donee aUrtad the brtek doat Ilk . floe atone aad avow I htv ao pa la aeroe my ktdaeys tad I feel Ilk a saw maa It bae doe at 11000 worth of good." 8od by Q. L. Ajexke. , - Don't growl at the newrptper if it don't contain all the news, u yoa nev er give- any. Vr -h-' "' ;i. HOTEUBlfi! FHAHELIHTOS HOTEL ' IBalTZLINTON , If . 0. . chUdreu are as dear -to yQa aa any SlSST nnrenta.' Do von want them to - De I nonnlaritT of Voler'a tfoaev and Tar helpless icrrinferior in cpaci -tofe IgjU g SS I similar Bouading aam. Beware of ' KntriiMm, xna Kenuiae gwi a nomj po.c. ' I T.r 4. in . rvfkse Ask for it mark the preictibri, miless the par-j and refuse any abtitnte. It U the beet enta bf the rural districts bestir them-1 f .. . selves and secure more of, the advan tagea for theif children in the way of j ; A.distinguished scientist estunatee klag it tcday aad education, the time will surely come the age of the world at 600,000,000 Good aeeomodatlon for tie traT-zj I win rule and those - who have ii thus. ';-:-;:i'$& v " OoodXdvetr Attaehed i- IIAS3MBM(i;H0TiSL . not must serve.' - x ' - .-'-' TL:3 is not a plesrant thought, but it !i 3 true as the GcI itself. T7e do nut want to e:a parents of C 3 rvrrl districts e Stomach Troubles and Constipation ChamberlalB', Entaeh aad Iir TableU are the beet thing for atomacb trontleaand eonBtipatioB I bat eyer sol J," eya J. n. C "an. adrnUt of PotterTi'.le. i. 1 ' -'T ar"r to yoa will frvl better at ooea. Oriao Let- aura arait rrrao aov sot aaaarava or sripa and ia very tlfxot to U lie f aa aobtitota Sold br Q L. Aeoeke, Death and taxes are no more cer tain than the collector for the install raent house. !lutl Mood, need a proper rii'.ixcr. A chemist by aaalya the soil con tell yoa xrhat : .YiTvr to Ufl for diSemit nnlncta. If your blood ia importnaboi vour doctor will tell yoa "what you nevd fo fertilize it and girt it the rich, rtl coipojclew that ire lacking in it. It maji joo ncwl a tonic, but more likely you iced a foocentrated tat' food, apd fat ia tbo element Uckiog iu vour ajBtcm -' - ' There ia no fat food that la so. efinily dieatd and asAimi- latcd aa -, - - .-'--v atr aaaibey Vae We a far amaaf rer fra rtetaUMa."' t It. He-rar, C fiaabaa4, tVeaattaaata. AI ttaaae eea saaUa te aiiii at aA. wkUwalait Uea auia4 wae ttaaJ. I fcrseed W ti a Wtiie el Ct.s . lale faU lU-'aa a4 sttar a fe-w aya-1 nlkXHOt mU4 H u Us SMet a 4rf el la retiwaae ah a4rw bTML la fa, aae k arf wUWtt U aa4 b at ail UM aU te walk- Aa aa atoeai ntfUmtUwi fait iBAkea lats iHfUe aNi ta sXa ae f araasae 1 treebatd miKJTt J bf ail 4eile. A M V a aa rtwlrrf JaM H.I c4e4 at Ja. w, Kia-a. Full Liqe.' of SV-. q THE GREEN S VARBORO CC ... o t pv f ill I Freshest and Best: Beef, r rt i t Scntt, FmuIsJon Pt.THp,rin t?Actaf of Cod1 Liver Oil SrTV".,.! - ... -.. ' . - - . . . i It will nouriah and trtr.gtbca Uve body "wbca milk and cream foil to do it.' Scott'a XracWoa ia rdwnya the aomcj alwaya piilatable and alwaya bcrcfkTal whero tho bcxly U vraAiir.z from eTr raa V. II. TijW't. I 1 t if s : '-V a 0 -!A taaks traotl dellferlee, , rjaw your ordr Ue alg kt k-fere atsd ere i!l lave yoar traakiait ea tin. We bay hides f all kles ass! pay the hlgteal ri er-fa -a. a.. sr-. B oa ttrtat twa a-eaea Cigars, Tc'r.:::: Ve il I I any cause, or adults. cither- la chCrm art tay Chamberlain's Couza liemedr Abso- , ' lately Harmless. . , Th faoltof gttfuir ehltdrrn tned!c!ne aoata-iaind iejarlooa abUBe, is some- .i . ; .. ... . k tak'from afcih tbfy are clerir,j: Kr-rr JOHN 7. HAYS CIVIL EI!GIi!EER rire tiiat tare ta im Ult U ra cf rrry botue (J L -V tea yoa lz. r.2TT c r::::: r;:: : : ' r i r - " r -' ;kuz r. X i L 2 '. Z '. r 1 V, CI f 1 7 i t a t w I '.r tt XT f r i t ! 1 1 P : wita J. or zy rzzzt not t-3 .13 -.Loci; t. Bta alas js -itj j a. ill ray . i xmii uim." on i xt. c. - .i -:.'i;:th:3 if tley.expect to W;'.h t' 3 tDTTI 3 CV 1 Ti' jactsners to try ti ;i s: 1 it not e-.t:. Tio tory t3 c::;:3 t - 'n: i r .4 ti - '.r r :-y, L . . ' . . . . . ., if t4 j -rf-c:!r mr fr cl.il- It .- !!! Bo'.hlc tarts , : ' .t - i c r . c ? i C;: 1 r: f:U. 1 f 1 r : :. .- ,S f ' ' a i t ,.ra i.