rJlJy.Vco-- uiwni:ft.nhjtuf.r W,.; XXXV. z w"j5-: L0U1SBURG, Nr. C.r FRIDAY, JASUAPJ ID. 10 Tin.: OHUllOU DlRECTOi&Y . EIHOlftST, , - '.'- Snada 8ehoo at 9:80 A. M. J, Qto. 8 UuiBa, flopt. PraAhlag at 11 A. 81.. and T30 I. li, ry tiandaj. v - - Prarr meeting "Wednesday night. u tJ. Mam88T. Faaur. UJTUT. : Saoday debool at tf:SU A. M t Tuob. b. Wildu, Mapt I'rritchinR at 11 A.M., and 7 30 f.M., wary daucUy Kmyer m eting Thursday nibt .. rf. H. MAiJHBUKBR. Pastor. buaday Sobool ai S:3l. v' Wa. ti. bums, oupt 8erviow, muraiaic aad aiKUt od m, 3rd aad 4tn 6aaor. ' v! tivniuK ITajer, Kriday afternooa iiav. J ohm Low Don, tintur. PK.&SBTTKR1AM cirieM 4in 6uodav la each month moraiatf aad nint. P&Htor. NO "OVERPRODUCTIOH'! agination- largely jpeop'ea Nlhe ' world f or lselfo'rae lire in 1 a j world peopled with ! prints vpf . the royal blood; some in a world of pauperism, crime and priYatioa; I Hoinrla A..R 4 , uy J,i8.. DEMAND .1 QUALS PRODUCTION COTTON iFDLtY PAYING OFF DEBTS. 11 A Dishonest Man the Kost.Cc- worthyPart..of : God's Cre&- n Cnn i k Will -' i : tjf. -J!rs Ar"Vi J,tra jsr vir- vjtt uiuuwn vk uuunt ucntmi " . ''. " ? JLtions of tho subjective -mind and ..brought to financial rnin hy . other J ''k'v'"' V '-'is trdublefiilingTw feryi lilceguoataee- hot paying th'era. Tnouaandi'ol 1 The presjmt rate of consumption of : . - .f,l v --. . - , ' t ,-- .American cotton world-is slightly in linn fiDiAfl if aur AAtfnn nAv mAnfK t i';f j u . , I Refuse to believe them and they ceae ' juat debta" aink themselvea to lo investigation, that if the sputners can . . - , , , , , -- . , m. -- secure the cotton and no Internation- . melanc 10ly thoughr tliat fixes the oonSdeno and reapect ot ; aLtroublesntetfere with the present lte-elf m.nd.oughf to, nave peopW. Such ,roak low - -1 an old aaTintr: -. -TTiat aa hooMt man Fate give to man who whine, just noUea. rort of God'a "enUoa. what he expects Disappointment if this be"tme,'thett dlhooert man sardonically meets him at every tarn. v mostanworthT part of God'b -WMMMMM M an mmmm . - - . , t insr. -;i ou see inirnnui zuouni in uie. ouDnik Da ver are DrouiTiii a mt rn uoii excess of one m2-1 K Mi.,-wwiiw. . w payipgvjapaeek (wajwuw a LODOB. Loa laborg liOd. No- 413 A. 9. h enormous ueroanu xor wnon goous,! physical disease. nmy iweive muuon nve nunarea thousand bales of American cotton would be consumed between Sept. xlge. o. us,. a: . i.t 1905 and Sent. 1st. 1906.Tiia m., , r ' . ... , A. M., tBMta 1 and 3ra iohkwj i ' 7 . 3 iuisiorTOne ever,iurKa in dis enaaow. cxeauon. nighu fa each month. cf wtat I owe He jcpd np pq the Wt Ijytfw ai! trriir aal iiil to bno: Hir tae ta the Lfgbt bKUer, aid I WL3 Week Bat3 I pay all I owe."- That toaa, tiw-i a poor man, and a Uaciaw J lired ao.1 died honored and re-pecied Vy all who knew hist.: 4 . 1 ' "A tuaa haa character wU2 eaaay bngbt ipota who can eay: 'r i marar drink of whtakey, or eawd t any fora. 1 oettx rUud a gimUtag roota, bIX 'xa, .theater, or -. boee el fub bit : hk character ie marred end blighted If h cajuk aaytv ! never wrocged, any pee ot of cae ent, J. 5tr21T fa r TIIS riH rA!I CIS tSUt P-aiS . EU3 irVI!! , TXOUCLX. iro tteMio nal cardii D. T. 8unthwh:k.U.U.8. t. H. Bauka.l.D-S. R8, fljUlfdWlCK. & BAnavO. 1)' DENTAL SDK EOXS, LOU1SBUKU, N. U Office ia Hick Bttildiuy, Main trtet. W. U. KUVAhlB. DESTIST. Dukuam, N. C. Will be ia hia offlea at Wake Foreet, N. the wek following the tlnt 8nuaaj ia each nioQth repaiwl lo Uu aentl work. lean cotton M due DrihclDallv to two . a . . '.V I' " 1 mea oiwu.nim oev-wyr- rrrrr. 1 . j.ja luuusanu. aau one wue uemoiu 01 1 - Ti.. --v. -t causes, namely : 4 dffl, anj dr. whfcn mk and ? m debtT . .T r?! tk jomanJ ..... 1 lor wage, wnion are nlrpaid once lash, hinder and dishearten. . ; -v - t i Urt, crooda bv the iobbinff and retail trade x ... , " . . W6ek or once a moeth, or at long - -.. i Xi.ie wiiuoui iriaia, email or Rreaw i ' t : f fi, I. . ' 6 ler period a. - Donne theae interrale r i tney moat nave aaiiy appiira.r,iDey must buy on time, and pay wheoJ neea not waste our raengtn m ,6 Fi,m; rowing irouoies or in going hall way m to meet them. of Um year, when their monied crope lk" "r MfwjrMf ,uir- f become ready for market " or frowns, Cjeall pa t(a a4 Ua j tHae TVy kliToeceteiaa, iamhea way wjry day. tla4itatra kua.r AUataia iW HI fxMtUtwij r ie. ' Je eo pay. aaeta, Te f Tatlaeay p H COOKE, ATTOBSEI T-LAW, Loaiebnrg, N. C, Office on N8h street. Prompt attention KiTu all leaai bomnees eutrut;d to n jjK. J. K. HAIiONK, f ilACTICLN PHYSICIAN AND BURQKOlf. LOUIMBDBe, a. o. dttlce orer Arcocae Hrotf Company. JjU. J. J, MAN.N, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, L4HJIMBCHG. N. C. Office orer Aycocke Umg Oo-'adrngatore . i i i ? , auu iue Jtoiiurmai increase oi new them ft ,et thfl nt w. in England, Japan and Araeric . Since July more than four millkn new spindles have been added to the milling industry of Manchester, En gland. The Fall River Mills which were shut down for sixteen weeks lost year- on account of Btrikes "are now running night and day. These A i mi m 3 a viiai lorces win necessarily aemana and catcbing 8hredfl of 8Weet B0Bg ax least one munon Daies ox couon tor eonsumtion in ivuo, wmcn were ju HORRORS .OF RUSSIA. not required in 1905. In the South V i r ? new mills ! are being built and the! Refugees Desctlbe the Barbarl- equipmenjt of old mills doubled m ca-1 ties practiced on Women and pacity wherever tabor can be secured. Children. Consumption is only limited now to die spindle capacity of the world operating on full time. Mr. Ellison, I , Reports of how the dead ate mu lt is for you to say whether yottwill'grouch in the ; glooms," the pahioh bf hateful goblins, or stride in the bright sunshine, seeing smiles New York Dispatch. No honest man ever contract' debt without intending, and striving 1 1 pay it. "And he will pay it if pee Bible. And a man con ttenerallr do what he wante to do, and trie t? do. An Btnatman would, if need be, rather work hard all day, and far in to the night, and lire on bread and water, than not pay an ban eat debt. They are unhappy as long aa tbef owe the smallest debt that i due. li ut the world abounds with rae- cola, whose aim ia (o beat their living out of other people. They will bay jB. 8. P. BDBT, V ft AJT1CIHG PHYSICIAN AND SD&aBOS. Louisburg, N. G. Office in the rear ol K. A. Bobbitt k Co.' Umn Btoro, oa MaeU atreet. B. IL. T. X uva, PHTS1C1AB AND SUKOtOB. Lounacaa. H. C. Otto Ind ftoor Nea. bonding, paone IB. ikini eaua auawere4 fiom x. w realaeoee, phone 7. 1 B. QOttDON LEE SCHEFFEB,- AN OProaTUNTTTe .A r-tlisa wt CUJ la tim FtdnJ tWt jyturXsj a ditre A- T. Kcrto a Wxrw-arVwra. TUAlraj, W Jb lrci 0O aI 'a-nru Wat ttCOOQt. " , K , ilr. S'erfc Ism Uw ktertra tit It jemMtSa ajatehevM treb bi LktaeteMv2e fee &er4 CfcrWt rBli tJZr ware fie tM eenk a-sd be was efuad te Tbe very aw. eeaat It tad evasy 4mmettnaemmt ff-L- w LatCe tue aad tUere aay granae iLst wwe kaaare V ooduia tTK:,-"''-", ' " f . " lie pij Lie cXarka every miien, oiil-3 tLU tUaMOay luiaafl f tbaaei te tad & rU a U H erer eU lie sOi e!y , ea aad raoaad .li eeaf4y eVrrariea, ooetpesjUe ffrrtoraen la ecme tW tierla.; Ai tUe U odef If fToeeriat la ., I pure - old - velvety. L the yl for t ti -ArC - 1 .. cvcrywiicro. f(ir it nt' call lOUisiiUi r louitburAt, n c. Uuae doaeei ZiZni brrc. TU H - a kl- h any aoa npottaot ere ie jcok I Oat kaaoeriesfe of kie laeaal tyuaLhe ienae no coolrontlflf t2 feofU of I cane lac oirtt Wr Le V-t " e ' are . I w AortaaarowuaJoaa U M wttitfM UtSrW evtrdiaee tLere no ee aaoa tU btabet e44leau-Wku IJL IWcn. . . . I . . .. . r - " I greater wan ine qeeeooa of oevettp I TuL- iog the great nataral rorrjae ol toe I T Stat- , I Tkm 7J -- ia.ii una -a MM"aaaMaaaJjBa maa , ai j: H a r pe v On Eve d Cm aama r ami . r . . i I i .f t m I I ' viiiuicai tw a QMgioai cuuar . par a4 u tiJarrx! UUaSUftar X-mJkt juvea4e raua e eew ce re eaaa ouw uhmbw, y a ua i T ! 2W441 fWy. eccee make the varioee portlooe ' of I eUd eel thai vUc& w Wpe lor-OaaHU. Ae a mull i ie ra 4taa ta ed meeae prerente the eetarT-h pec t TJ4rf- r , vi. 1 Dr. C. J taiWea at ol.a easaaracin pUat. I wwa. aiea-i - f mb the English statistician, estimates con-1 tilated to terrify the living in Russia n merchant aa long aa "they Can sumption for the next twelve months were brought here today by Russian get credit nd then go to another, under 12,000,000 bales of American refugees, 700 of whom arrived on the Q1 another; and then to another cotton. But Mr. Ellison represents steamer Pennsylvania. One woman wn or community, and when credit the foreign spinners solely, and it is a I told of having seen a young married I go to distant place where habit with him to under estimate at ?romaQ-k2I Ber. child rather than let e7 not kjiown; aodby fair the beginning of each year and later the Cotsacks murder the infant. promisee continue to live on. credit, on be forced to increase his figures in Another refugee related how in the They never pay a debt unleaa they the face of bare facts. The price of town of Nova Moscav five drunken think that by paying occaatonaDy cotton goods is very high and ad van- soldhrs marched through the" streets tbej get larger aod longer credit, cinsr in most lines monthly. In some carrying arms, a dead baby, with a They are the peeta of, the buaineee cases prices are higher than they I bayonet rna througbr its body, being I world; and are held in joet eoatempt have been in twenty-five years. : In j displayed at the end of aoa eun. J 7 P10 fv&Xhet out, And yet tba spring of -1904 wbeaviot ' vanced to 17 cents per pound and merchant- who'had aboaT tl0,D00, Wmatuna. 1 would rather a eaao every available bale of cotton for which he had saved in his flight, said would xme while I am asleep and sale at that time was eagerly taken that it was a common thing to see take my property, thao to come when by the mills, the manufacturers, job-1 men strung up feet first and lying I am awake, and by fair promieee de- bers and retailers were loaded with I dead along the route of the railroad, ceive me, and 1y lying gel my hard goods which could not be Bold that J He left his wife and their child in earnings. season. After consumption of the I Russia and came here to establish a j It is sad to say, but there are not a 14,000,000 bale crop of 1904, we find I home for them. few dtahoneet preachers. I do not! very aatare-Teoaaba eeeleae aadl the mills of the world today with ho I Hirsh Lusezmski, with hia wife and suppose that any of these wQl write rtoelree the ttazio tooea of orruvTa nn hand frtr ale hnt frnm aix I two children, was another refntree. I tn mn and aak: "Devon mean ma? I IodoaUlal . i . ,t i i s r .i . i I rT ? t i l . 1 Kt .i i i i 1 ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, I eigm monuts Denina wim meir j n is a iumwi mrcaani ai juenxow- i ii uey anouia, k am reaaj to ana er LouisBcae N, C. I orders, and the jobbing trade in 1 lsk, a town of 500 inhabitants, lie I them. I know them. It ia true, .... . - . I j ii v.j TTTiii. j.v - I : J. - .v.. . i - t Office oyer Boddie, Bobbitt vo. a orag I eu.uaujr a uau wnuiuon. t mi uie l eaiu. i uiat a urge majoritj gi preacura are i a. a a . I a a k k a trade now it is not a question of "Jiy house and lumber plant were 1 very poorly paid. ocum of men, price, but the serious problem is the I burned one night and everything else according to their ability, and the delivery of orders by the mills. The I that I owned except $5,000, which 1 1 amount and value of their work, ie eo shelves of the world are largely bare j had buried. ...... I'f lM ilmkW$T1 m Urea gift, await t hand of thrift W KVt entrpri. We boast of many of oar achieve ment, and bout vita, rood " reaac but too little aUeattoa le paid U the 9ratko of etUiehlng U aatall taha tarioa eoterpriaa throe gboat the re nl dartrkti and email lovrea, , A targe factory or mwl b a large toa addt moeh to the taamcae a prosperity- ol that eJrr. Uat a dosaa emaU faccoriee do far more good that one Large oae, and ' are eacreoear wrihia the reach of meo vhoae taadV .Conviction FolIo.vs Tr! UaeeTathaa, far aaie W U - - t Weasaej marry lo ejal enmproeaiae e erta. r7vC timf-i t ao7lkuf yocr rW Xpa jvT Sm- -! rttrai aiimt wtCaw Oiat la aui is eocal U - LU rt, w keiufia at crmn, e-4 te afcta m ww OoaH a7 mi.TOl U nmr Vak m amtieAeJ a r,m g eteala. , fiew a IvwM ira et Waf ec ea4 atru la ee eOe lea i waa ffi ttaw t e4 Ta h Veaei taja. - U t eaf a, Mi aa4 aeaeeo. far f ftftv a. DENTldf. LomsBoaa. . H. C. Buco uor to Dr. Arthur Bynta Pi mtog (tu.ee In Foru Loluai g. u. MASsaaBuaQ. Arroaaar at law louiaBune, WLU pracUet In ail the Courte of the State Offlea a Court Houae. M. W. BODDIE, I JThie ie too mech aa age of hag thing. The people hive gette1 the fever for blgtk tot thle has made them neglect eraaSer hl eqaally a. tractive opportanlttee. ' 'The raw matotial for ehawet erery 4..4 of mtwefartarirn plml ar y loend broodcjrt eter e Sut. J t4ovemay beeaaUr irotua la the amall town ana the fanning are cooperatively Irjlit. -Tbe'rxun who today make for hkaeeif aad prwprrvy for otst i themaa who makae thaa-who twrne into Btmaoq rrodaeej thai eriy eaeiaae raw material which Laa put within oar reaca bfti man, tj ut N Taltae 1 O. L. Aya-aa. VeAvr Lion CofJec tStC lt4cT of all prir9 rodIri fa 18 e twW edeemtrT.0 0-7 W4 iuJa axierMa ha ai Ou Iruu' u ltcrlty, Strravgtb. FLra-w cswl CallarcityT atore. w M. HAYWOOD BIFFIN. a. Taoaaaai DoUare Werta ef Voec A. ILiereea. a vtQltm eoal raio o'rleffUa, wrUaai l Ua b aBWead nk tUaer aa4 troeble fee yaer. eeadaf fraeei aad itnaaa ha aaav4it aeia. I gwl a r.IWT (roa aaedMae tiUl I HU Uk- ATTOaRBT-AT-LAW, Looiaaoaa. a. a u. 111 nnrtl in all the Coorta of Franklin tna adjourn eoonOea, aiao in the buprea i goje exhaustion has taken place, joan. and In tne United btatee Dlatnet aa 1 r of Cotton goods and m many lines at- The civUized world wUl poorlypaid. A vast majority of the l . A Udaflrfiae . (arealt ootuna. Ottoe in uooper and Clifton Building. i Hoa a wnuoaa. 3- ATToairar-at-la w , aoaisairaa. a. o. umee oa Mala street. eer Jones OoopaVa ttore. never knowthe extent of the shook ing outrages that are constantly in churches do not cive their Pastor tr-a deettUa i.w i . . . , . . J hva ao pala aaroa vuo oarj auoj c iure w -v. I fa jj, A M late e4 ar I y a Ha ye aaa I i eae c 6va ey tt. U 8. SPBUHjL. i ATTORHaY -AT-LAW, koeiaaoao, a. C Will attend the coorta of TTranklin, Vanee. eranTUie. Warren rod Wake eoantiea, also tne Snpreoaa (Jo art of Korth Carottaa. Prompt attention given to eolleetlona. Ottos ever agerton'a Store. This crop will not eiceed ten million fticted upon the women of our faith, that' the pastor ought to have. Evan- fieoo wort of teed commercial bales, hence there must ?! saw-a Russian town attacked on gelista may not always get a much Accl . be curtailment by the mills before 1 October 18, and 300 Jews were put I ss they ought to have, but a a rule I m, Mj for the tJege Le the next September, showing that con- to death. The women were thrown they are paid .better than pastor, to 3eepae the prfra. '-' sumption has gone beyond the ability out of- the windows and the meu were But let all this be so aull, preachei a .. . . " ! 1 ' e - i ; of productun. At the prices of cot- beaten on the head With rifle butts, have no right to make debt, promt Carcie CoaaUrauo wtrao. ton goods spinners could have easily and "bayonets were run through the to pay them, but leave them anpeidr o aae ealaee from aareats ioaaUa L.sj a.t.-L.n a. t.jit. . .v- Apj..a tt.'.., I-- .v i,f- MNHU d near of y aavia 3- paiu uie iarmer ueuus lor everj- i uuuiea ui mo biuu.iu. iiouee'-y icuuti wjviu w mo aitu h penla. flrntf La rati ve fraJS flrra earaa X. w.Bioaarr, LAWTB . LovisBcae a. a The settlement of estates for Executors, Administrator and O nardlans la nude a apec Urity, and the bonds required by law can be aeeurd n the office, tnee ia Tarooroogh ft Blekett bnlldlng Main street, pound of American cotton grown this year. If we should be . able to hold back two million bales for 15 cents the spinners would still get the crop j about 11 years old, lying dead in the at an average price under 12 cents road, and on his breast was a label per pound. But little cotton remains which read: "This is the way to kill in the hands of the producers and lo- them off young." . cal holders. If those who have cot- "In the streets I- saw two. and ton will hold it firmly" they will be threeyeaTold -children torn 'Ihub well rewarded" later on , when the from limb by the insane ruffians, who whole world realizes the shortness of were inspired o the deed by the pot the crop and the market responds to lice Ihemseivaawho: thus hoped i'tp the actual conditions brought about take-the minds -of the Russian popu- by'the legitimate laws ot 'aapply.: and tlace from the real revolution, that is demand.. . To the farmers, Southern I spreading throughout the" empire.n l I Press and the business interests! of fBaTy? pne young woman' slashed "open TAaBoaooaH, S5 ?, South generally, 1 extend here- from her throat to her abdomen and AXioivHEz atlaw, . kh f v a l ,the. fiends stuff - feathers Offlea ta Onera Hoaaa bolldlna. Coaitatnet 1 proBperousnew year. "'7 .,5 1 iruui pw, wnamiucj .""v"" . - Youra truly.-from the window mto her body; , j . HlBTix'JoBDAjf, ; j Several refugee came as first cab- President of the Southern Cotton I in passengers and. had vanaggregate Association:-"" tc'S of about 100,000 in cash and jewels in money '.belt. ; 7? w. m. raaeoa. ATToasar at-iaw, - ' aovuaaae, a. a. la an eoorta. Ofaea o pr a place in reepecuhie eociety. , 1 1 vtm0 ut uk boutaar Ciacut-e. KJ "; "-;.'.'' I laia'a Ta KaJta aal after fv acniW - 1 1. - . TT . ' . 4 . J.til. j.i..,. V . k. M . w Ail laaraL baalnaaa intnuted to hias eill raoalva yrompt andearefnl attentioa. X)X TBACfOB Aa BUlIfflE&Vv C-S '.rkv 1 WeaTOiia.. ' ?. '- f : ' Trading Agent for an kinds of Balidlag 1 taawtlaa, ArUatie Mantles and TUeav Arohk ' LIFE'S LOOKING GLASS. HOTELS. Kansas' .The "editor , of the World, in a recent editorial, says that PRANlaXlNTOHllOTEL the world is like a looking glass; if v J I'll brave tha atorms of Chilkoot Paaa I'll cross tba plains of frcxo glaaa, . -TM lae mr ife and a.oea the eea. v. City I Bather than, ba without Eocky Moaataio .- Sold by Boddie & Perry. . r J :. oed aoeomodAtion forth; traveUxj ood llverT AtUehed "'l - -" - IIASSENBURG HOTEL . I I3!aaaentTxrg Iropr IEIIirDIIIlCOII. ITO. 1 aeeommodatioas. Good faret To aadattaaUva tznzr you Bmile in it, it smiles back; if you frown, if frowns." J- - You may hear it said that- one of the conditions of life yon cannot make or alter is environment that it ia fir ed, inflexible and that - you are its slave. C- . - - That is a lie. : ' ' - He who thinks that the world is full of good people and kindly bless ings is much richer than he who tbizia the contrary. Each man's im- -V Religion will not keep at all so long if you keep it all tojowself ." ;5r.TBE ORIGIN AL.'-V C Foley SCo.; Chicago, originated Hob sy and Tar as a throat and laogr rrmedy end on aeoonnt of the Kreat merit sod popularity of Foley'e rloney and Taf many Imitations are oaered for tba (r"B nlne. : These worthless imitations hare similar sounding names. He ware of them. The s-enuina Foley's Hooey and Tar is la a yellow package! Ask for it and refase any enbstitote. It ia the t-e't remedy for coughs and colds. Eold by G. L. Aycocxe. Wolf Sobak. from Crinishoff. near a their income. It mar .reouir eretiaaroaeaeetttaUca a It aUa Odessa, said; . ' economy and sacrifice to do this, ht "i "I saw the body of a Russian boy,' if they can not live on their salary ae. ' O sassiaas takia- kday 4 they must supplement it by eome oth- J fraiTtia doe m fr work. Ther roust not make debtl srripe aed U aary eiaaaaaa f Ula - fi. v t .v a .v. faeaaabetuaU IW4ey Bnu UUt PWJ Mtoiu. at wJ I . mm i i ruin themselves and -bring reproachl Mrtaott that beate ahoat the on the cause of Chrat. Any man iv -,-. fioda It Urns. who goes rfclJeaslyiflto debt, not In-1 1 ' vv tm.u x jl tending to ptf if he canavoid Sl ami I tared fill Hotarr af ItaaaaaUam ..tMnmnHff Mt t tlit hntiMl ' Hr aUr W f we.acr iw ramioge of others, is. better fitted Jo I u, Award. W Btajaai. rs.Tak the -gang than for tpul Every TwoMinutes rhf ejoaxa trll ua that all ftthw lbtootl ia s bcaldrr he man body paaara thr-cjh " the heart once ttt rrrry tro ininntci. UtkU txtsoa b iccrjKi tiitultr rive arlkole , body atiCfcn. Poor bcaUh folkywi poor bkxd ; Scoct't Exnolsioa make the blood port." Oae rrttoa why SCOTT'S EMUI-SION ta ruch t great aal tt becr . tt raxaaet ao cujekir t& the bWd. It prtJydi gtttfd bfor it trrf th "itoraach; a cSoable &dru , tac - w thtt.. Leo vork for the stomach; qokaxr and oon ' direct besda. To ret the rreartt I moc at of rood with the lent jxp- ti4We tcoct ti.the ccX-re of errryoa la ; jxor hnlA. Scoct't Ejcmltsoo does jart :thV- "Athutge for ih 1 better taVet edace rrea be fore, y oa expect tt. "" 5 aS ?JTaTZ r c m I ar e m-w Vmaa T -J C f f-rC A,m.?, O fa werf 4 satnijcisri e II 0. Ml I XTTMS eVaa sas4 ria its is vTJ.ata jujr t fBkOLAJtx. a.rn:tMi vx SOLD HY CB0CEH3 " alYeellESLE - fa : - raU dabta . He nuv Contract a-daMldrfal aaia iWrwaVa ed arat UW f . . j- v- ,r I la fa.aAa Is rv wtiVoet U tra a4 mtenuum u FJ 1 u al all Ua aWa i walk. Aa WAGONS Steam Dried Flooring and Ceil HEAVY and . FANCY OROCI2RIES. Fall Liqe ol. Shoes. THE GREEN & YARBOnO CO, yeee S PRESCRl'PTIO 1 sickne, loss of property, or fa3 oxejstoaaJ spplkeaUaacf Far lee in b- m.r pak. him Wj, to "SJSrjB! rft4SSSi pay.'-' Under aayxif theaa condition aa honest man will eo to hlr crediu r 1 ', Tee cannot ctva 4ri of lav and say: I am sorry I cannot psyyoa ont e( a half pint bert mm wmi.Mi n n T ivniin t i.i i - . - - r"rr " , Caamberi-a crxu 14t la- pay yon u a pceiwy, cn. oucn r , juif Barmle. man deserve pity; Dot one wno wu tv,,, -,tj,. ,i not trv to rav deaervea novhm? butiaoaulsta tsiervpoa s i. - - ' '. . . Uaat"re dtsaatroaa uiainev .. - . . . fro'a whUh lHy are ::!tr E rry '. r T am tSeft. ir miAf h-r.ft I Saoif 1 k -w thai fi -' r ; ' people, lint tor - thera tae woru i jna ,,t ii t :u:-i t -f t tr-!- mr.-r,A Yuk mn. T m a U-' 1 to a r,f 1 f ai a a i I t Mt r a. a--l,.i - 1 . r. ta . . . , , , . I aaaarjeA. t -f t y a.1 i i ailaa a man wno was a mcwei ia tK-ueatj. i , He wa a blacksmith. , lly aora! Tl.a l; .t cf C- :.-.-. ii to pay, bat failed. HU c.ir.cicr.c J i 1 gave him nq rest under the L arUa t x J bwew ITOS. " ar i i r debL lie advertififHl tor sa.a ctl --iT.aa . - a:i itr f h I'ttTa T.vTo lia nrnisl. l"i f r If T I . . . . - V Itfcc. a. 1 ; .. 4 1 J.' itf to pay hia debts.-' . When u'.l le I.juI ! a ra J. i .-.a : ,( j we3 pom i.o ael tiie i-- ic .--r i , , . . , wbat tLe saa aciounto-1 t. llo a I ued v t" '-3 t ":(!! srs i t .1 i :.a thc'.sc-.i.'a f. TEE 2 OTH CtKTUat VEEKCE. "Have 5 trtal the t-ealy rifU U nil tke ebere aw4 wraoaa aklth te ese ef taa avat ewcaUeaUoaa ef the kld ever Isr tnUl ll la ec.sHttx Uat every farosr d ry,h- tTork it rrr eur4'Ty a t eu't 4tnv wvrad ta Use it rt itrr TR"t e f-rt e t e va k d Drt x a, CWtvu. V . a4 Wtf et jrWs.4 fl-aaa-ri4 em ar we Itial a t'' y r fVa Jri aj.ea. . , tM ahoold kav, 4 U alas "- fl 1 f"l f r '.r-n: Cigars, Torjuecos, Cog I Dries;, c:c W BC-t i r tt ... . I aad : t rf l r i . -. f srrfecy. 1 " t- C 3 C ? i a", fc F. D. rt, 2, Ut lU't aV c JCHM V. HAYS oivilh::gi::eer: V a'e it x; a s-t ("' C x - - ' ; I I a-f f I 1 t-trin tilt a i - ( 1 h t I - i ait t T . t ' t -t ; t f . . k , r . i a a. ' T i e j V v I A t