I . - -1 M -I J S. A. THOMAS, Editor ill Proprlitor. THiiJ.OO U -fci 'X'iT, 'X'K 1-, ByXoa U'XX-Hl vol. my. LOUISBURG, N. -C FRIDAY; ; JANUARY 25, JDCfi t .Vi.- OHCROH DIRECTORY KKTHODUTT. ' Bo aday School at 9:30 Ai M. Geo. 8. Bins, Hnpi. Praaehias t 11 A. M., and 7 30 P. M. ry Baadaj. Prayw mating Wednesday night. L. 8. at A881T. Pastor. BAVTI8T. Sandaj School at 9:80 A. M. Thos. B. Wildu, 8opt PrchioK at 11 A.M., and 7:80 P.M., vterr Sunday. Prafer mating Thnrsday night. H. U. Mashbobjii. Pastor. nnaoopAL. Saaday School at 90. Wm. a. Rorvui. Sapt BervioM, moraine and aiccht , on fit, 3rd and 4th Snn&ys. Ureaing Prayer, Friday afternoon Kit. J 0H5 Lokdoji, Rector. PRUBTTIJUAa. SorTieM 4th Sandar in each month moroiotf and night. Pastor. STRIVING FOR VEALTH. . . - ----- C iZi . RESULT OF MAKING MONEY GETTING LIFE'S AIM. The Career of Chas. T. Xerkes, Multi-Milllonaire, - an Object Lesson to Wealth Seekers. age, This is the "get rich quick" and as the Bonham (Texas) News says, most of hs are striving by day and scheming by night to acquire riches. We want to get rich, and we don't want to be long about it. Few of us have a very clear conception of what we would do with our riches in case we acquired them. We have a i?i . general luea, usuauy a vague one, to this.. It is too plain.' ; Ricne do not bring happiness - nor joy, nor peace, nor love,' niJeM the' heart h foil of riches, too, and the life is full ' of good deed& If the heart be pure, and the life be strong in hs strife . lor thetlgTit, and th$ mind be active in its effort to bless, then will one be blessed with riches 'throughout time and eternity, whether he dress in pur ple and fine linen and fare sumptu ously every day7 or whether he be clothed in rags and eat the crumbs of poverty. LODOftS. Loatebarir Lodge, No. 413, A. M., meets 1st ana Igbw ia oh month. 3rd A. 9. & Tuesday I'rotbuMional '-tl 1) T Smith wick. I) U.S. C. U. Bttuke.tKD.a. a a ' IT LI DENTAL 8UH'lEONS, LOUUSBL'KU. N. C. OfBc ia Hicka Buildiuir, Main Street. w. H. EDWAKDti, DENTIST. DvJRHAM, N. C. Will itn in bis office at Wake Fonet, N. C, tho wk lolliin the BrHt Sunday m arh month ri arrd to do dental ork. P. " COOKE, ATTOKSEY AT-LAW, l.oumborg, N. C, I on Nah Btreet. Prompt atteotion Hiveo all IfK' buineis t-ntrustt-d to me. i. B. HALOMB, If RAOTICINQ PHTHICIAJS AJSD 8URGBOM. LOUIMBURS, V. O. Offlea oTr Ajcocke Prog Company. jjR. J. J. MANN, PHYSICIAN and SUHGEON, LOUIHBURO. N. C. Otfice oTer Ajcocke Drug Co.'i drugstore B. . P. BURT, raAOTiciaa physician ajsd snaosoN Louisburg, N. C. Office in the rear of K. A. Bobbin i Co.' Drag" 8tore, on Naah street. and our families happy first, and then ic after that we think we will generous ly help those about us. Very few of HIS MASBIAGS'A FA1LTJIE. - lApYEETISlUG ;THEIB TRADE. - .-x tf -'-" - -. Calling: of - Profaiilonil ' Hen - One Told by Their Dresa, r THE BOY T0RGOT HIS RAISING. The old nan, the old woman and tiie children had traveled ten miles in an ox cart to see the young man that we will ntm it tn mt nnr! tsraduate, 8ays an exchange. It had cost the old man all the cash he had in sight to give' the boy a chance and now he. was going to see him distan- ua, comparatively, ever acquire great gokhhimselt He arrived and found wealth, 'and therr we usually don't use hall talking with three it at all as -we expected to. Too of- professors, lne youngs man glared ten it don't bring the happiness we at aim m KoW y-gla d yellow expected, and seldom does it bless shoes.. "I believe you are my fatherf' the possessor and those who need his he 8aiJ Vh condescension, -but real- help most. J v yu &re Q.TUte disguised in that old There is a reason for this. l"&ory-8triped shirt, put it off as t ... t .v. soon as you can. ill lend you one iur;u tv Uv ikUJUVs. up JUUtiUUCB IUOaQ UjUL 1 - one thin? the chbf nd nl im 0i my wrate ones. Am mouier, I . . rt Tf life. They are willing to sacrifice mnOT "? mmmer- 100 ,OOC everything elsa to gain this end. The frht in tbat bonnet- Kt" result is that bv the time the fortune tie Cotton-W P7 brother, I " k.i: 3 Trri- j u j v. is in their hands they have become I l"CYO ' " uuu um so engrossed in their selfish work that haa He's in bad taste yon know. thing else. Their moral sensibUities by yP" fM1 nr blunted, thftir tRtMt r rtArvArted. I their hearts are centred on .elf until P?0: Ju8t wmh. tffl I get home r the joy and pleasure they onca ex- , 'FTZT gomg on in npcted to flow in to them when rich lu uumuiouuuea oux man r - l i i j: . i m v: WiUS U1HUU( IlllllSUt Ui JUS home-made coat, and as slowly roll ing up the sleeves of hie hickory- came have no charms for them they have no power to enjoy or appreciate t.hfim With the finer feel in on atro- nhirlth warm tiB nf lov and P8 BbJrt' Thn feU 0,1 friendship severed, the milk of hu- graduate's neck, and the latter feU on man kindness dried up in the breast, floor b0B "" P1 th.r. i- nn inv. no nlpanr. no inter- feMOr8- "Slt OD WOm- ... . , ... an.n shouted the old man, and hand oar. in life save. that, whir.h crimen I ' ' fr.m tK ar fnr OTter riha and me WSJ Jniie, W.'y the gratification of animal appetites 1) B R. P. TARBOHUDOa, fHTBICIAM AND BDRQBOa. R. O. LOOICH, Hnnv Meal baHJlUil. phOB SB. BUiat ealla uuiw! fro am T. W. JUcAettl naldaoM. phooa 74. and lusts. The other day Chas. T. Yerkes died in New York City, almost alone, forsaken by those whom his great wealth had attracted, despised by his own children and spurned by his -. n nnunnu I V.V. Hl'HV.PITRR. dkntist. dollars, which he had made LO018BUBQ. - H. C Mum-, lujr to Dr. Artbnr Hym FVmlng nu.ee In Portl ballalig-. h. MAasnaBUKO. ATTOBJfST AT LAW bovianuM, WU1 prMtlea la aU the CoarU of the Stats Offloe a Court House. y M. W. BUDDIE, ATTORN EY-A'T-LA W , Locwbubo, N. C. Offlre ovnr Boddie, Bobbitt 4 Co.'s drag tore. e naa maae in tne building and operating of street rail ways in America and England. In early life he started out to make a fortune. He made it the one aim of life. And he accomplished his pur pose. lut how ? Honestly and as an upright man should? No. He acquired much of it at the direct ex pense of others. He betrayed even his associates in his business enter- the darn 'onery critter's ' done forgot his raisin'. That's it Maria,' hold hhn down while I frail the life oaten him.' And ten minutes later, the graduate, minus the gold eyeglaseea and yel low shoes, was being hauled home, m ifoz cart, and his mother wonder- if a flax : aeed poultice wouldn't a a ai- ; lie' regarded 'chUdst 't : II 4'J all ha eostftlag Ufor eoap. riagaJ i-'j-j---, :y'r'J He t TCT"talka4 bt h nffairi with hia wife. -:-;:vC:.--"ri Ha never had tka to fo anywhere with hit wife, . . s-J - " i . ' . .-." , ( THE HOSE. - i. MProiessioaaI man W tome Lblnci better than ther aaed toJ droned an attorney who doesn't practice if he can help it. '' "1 That ia," he I went on to explain. "professional men don't do same . He doled ot hie tnooej to' hie things theynce did, and J. , think i wife at a to a beggar. ; here was 1 ' leoked down - a Don hk wife aw aa infeBar being. ;i 4 ,.".. lie usvr took lixae tognt aoqualat- ed with hiefamBj;. IX aturied reople Veuli taJ the "FoUowtnjf ftAd TroZl v Thtrthr Thty Would Be Hn- v II bocae trkls wr ajvst tU v the fksjfhhora. U they kWI aj tf e en. afvr eTefy xrrsL . - ' II boswshcll e j'fwe rr prtaoes4 to ixwip t. - v If they trW to be ae tpwUt as U corUhp daye. If each would try a3 b VvsjfT3 and oocniort to the other. If each msmUfvl tt eC- w-w a baarun bssjM4 aa aopt. If Wonsao war as ajsl tiwir He tbooght- of his wife oolyior what ah oonld bring , to hla. lla never dreaaaed that thare two aidee to tnarriag. He never .dreaaaed that a wtfs 1 hasUadt as lbr war Xa tlr Lrn. neda praise or 'oontpUanenia. - If fssi and rxrrviaoe r Isa to Uanad one aat of snannera forld aruar tha bch taiaaicaaaAsrworl. If both svsrtMs rRsatbors4 that pve-ltney mirm4 tor worn as they're the better for it. ' There was a time when I was growing up When they, advertised then calling by means of their drees, .You could pick oat a clergyman aa far as you could see him, and it was much the same with lawyers. Nowadays preachers and pleaders wear raiment which make them took like prosperous business men or high toned porta, and they seem to be" more approachable and companionable, whether they are or', homo and "another for toctoty. not. i He paid no attention to h'v .a " "But the greatest change ia this J aonal arvjar afvsr naarrisya. j bur. respect has taken pUoa among that lie tnajried aa idea!, and wnadav! If sma wr as tiastttJ tor l2Wr physicians, not so much their olothea, appoiatod to End it had fa we, ' s jsrfrss) aa they vrr tor thai perhaps, as their manner. I can re- He thought hk wife should spend I hoarta. member when the old fashioned ds- 'airher time doing housework. If thsr wr fac o!k at4 vJi tor entered a sick-room you felt that lis treated his wife as he would ooetamsa for ib str J nor the jig was up, even if you were suf- not - bate daasd t treat another plain, tidy bos dn sl fering from nothing more serious than woman... . 1 If thsrs wrs fsr j da a scratched ear, and you were aorry 1 na atver dreamed that bis wrte I linpa," m nxs sxl wa fliU you hadn't led a better life. He'd I oewded ' a vacatioo, revttoa or a 1 nvaaaors In ca-rrat. tiptoe in .with a face that reached change.' ( If wire hasbis uU from hrs forehead to his knees, dear 1 He never made cooorwoos to bis I sosoe t4tor ss lhay ro aUxc aj 1 his throat, whisper to mother, take wife's judgment, tsn in anna per. oot dgorsi no ara tcit t&a out his watch, feel for your pulse and tant raattere. chiass. KsvrwsUoA w ex- arr io gaze gloomily iato space the spaoiest He thought the marriage vow had I kswp tba hart n ua tJ, ae4 n r farthiest away space ever. Tbeo made him his wife's maatar. inataa! atou whhoi It m a W maul . I . . . . . If cnn wxmia ramaciW Vat wm um Yeivet rye purr. - ; i . velvety. thel' r theprioa. ; ; A ro)tl . '-rvu here . 9i M CftU 1 n fit V louisburg :;sPun8ar 'll louiebur, n. C. d' 4 ! a r p e p nye On E t f Ton fju e vn, ivego. w learni wbilper to mother again, write of her partner. a prescription and steal out. He took all the Utile attacuuos I en can't alwaji hm to Kie wIs there no hope?9 I used to aak lavMhe4 aim by his wife as his by j to cook lL dmaar, aAsatf Ch t-'i i mother. "dhrina Hght," and not aa favors. half a toaa Uom. al r4 rid oi "However, as I said, that's all gone j He always carried bis bmrtmas ttghhos' who r-as 3rol &, tck4 , by. They're cheerful and breeaj when troblv$ome wfth hka. maUaal of I to a sick lbj, us p iba ci t era they appear, an odor of fresh air and locking them in bis store or office) of a taro-yaar r4 J, rtSr p iia rtt j maybe the smell of a curar are dins-1 when heiclooad. oaeotse. 1 thtor of a kazr-rawr ua tf cb WANTED ! ing to them, and tbey laugh at your fears and talk out loud! That's a sight better than medicine in most cases. The trouble is I don't often have the lack to be ill lately." Providence Journal. EUqatUe BlaU. In band of a six ywar old oa k.aw. rJ j gat aa sght jearoid rJ j x mch--, ! to aay oouuof of f -ua. ciaajvus t , mtt A Mnia witK mVt f& bxriA. ' aociety oarer forgat that yoe tpoA H .t-ma w, Farmers Are Thinking. are one of maftr Never stare about in a room aa rt you are taking atock. A letter of in trod action should be given .the bearer aoaesisd. Wheaata party yon aay Mak to thoaanext to yon. even if yon look and faavl t fhds Xax4 and a word of sywiMtby wd aoi i v - . . . -1 ' oa) now anca a UTyajsa rroan va aa a who, daring the boaaivaooat, vmj4 ao Ui bar carrr aa mch as a U- :' MM t CURRENT COOHENT. Ramon Caceres, who murdered the late President Hercaux, of the Do minican republic, has at last put on the dead . man's shoes. Charlotte News. The sincerity of the big insurance . a . a a companies in suppressing tne renate prises to increase his own. vv u. HAYWOOD RLFF1N. ATTORJUT-AT-LAW, lob muse, a. o. WUl praetlee la aU tae Courta ot rraaklln end adiolBtag eountlea, alao la the Supreme jo art, aad in Uia Called btatea IMatriet and Utreuli Ooarta. Odlea la Uooper and Clifton BaJMlas. fffHoa. a. wild am, ATTOBJfT-AT-LAW. koaiaavas, a. s. OStoa on Hala treat, aval J .tore. By curtailing the crop so as to get. a aanimnm of resalta the life of the fi wirald be.. Immeasmably bA- h,. beek; totrodaoad. Mtett. nafe Jnora-ttnjet. : Pe.j nhoal 1 b aed loretkajr-.tL jU ha" tajealtog recreatSoaa, more pleasure with his pnrnaliry m an faaatinot of good family and frienda, and would feel breeding; to fail b -beeping an ap- molinedto make more experiments poinwaent at the time arranged is a that would inure to hie own advance- diract affront to the person awaiting ment and to the advancement of the Itomsmber age commands raepoc are thrown out because the great of youth, and even ia the boatte of body of farmers are beginning to think the twentieth ceatary a lady always aa they have not thought before. There makes way for her awperior ia yeera. faoes are set in the direction of light, Lovers lbould not make a praot progress and improvement. The day cf abaanang themeelree, or of being is not far distant when the country ao entirely with each other at to people will be as intelligent, aa, pro- neglect those whose company they gressive, aa public spirited aad as may be in. strong financially as any other dasa. The burdens that they have borne so fkronle Caaatlpalaaa Cartel. TVs f raawat riiai " nattW. X- tBAlur, Mrakahas IM eAtaa?. Haataa4 Hssaaia. tt &0atar'e R-U oarata Taa ft.'w to ttrt r rat aa Wt'TiV mm raavr- C Chher a wotaaa doael trawt hasband or wiahaw abs oVI. Aa era sioat aa a aa g 1 i a fa la 4aaa4 f CnaiStata's lmh aa4 Li ear TVs USA. Wo aai a all 4r4 raiA. W P &. CO aj It's qarr bml n a alat arooaaa ia a oroardaU ej Che aaoat baaJU. a Ok fat Laa aOooaas and robbed them of their wealth 8hown engaging Gro- ver Cleveland to ait on tne in, I Philadelnhia Inouirer. accumuiatea nis minions, uia iney bring him happiness, or peace, or joy? Though the Republicans and Dem- No. Did they help him to make ocrats are going w vote togemer on othera happier or better? No. The the Philippine tariff bill, they try to e f i - i .1 -l msto it. nlain t.hflt tJIflV ar AOIDff BO wue oi ills young uiauiiwi was F" ; r a I .v . .v.. s r w m . r .WL. aside for a vouneer and handsomer for entirely different reasons.-Balti- - " .T Uonta V. i i nnuvi An tnam .an nnmaua wui na i . . . r m ti: I mnre Sun. I r- v j naiH. unao unine inn crrip wou.au, jears agu. 1 lih fm ).. .KnnM.r. t. Mxiaa aaalMUoa si a aUi lUaaka ...... . I I v.. .v...-, -. J I . . " --- r- grew up to fear ana nate mm. uut jsewspapers ana pouoans are wiI1 k riAu win nQ. aad aUoaUtas 1M near aaa i -i v . i j: . ut - ... p .. latortaa-ia aatarai arttasi as siue oi ii in one lugu tsujuyiuuii umm, suu uiBuooBtug mjw iuciu u w i mm uiem. urgamxauon among mem i rVimiraaa Laktas tt todav a a he took pleasure in nothing but the what we will do with Mr. Roosevelt, I will carry with rt a power and an in-1 r, erOl faal aaUsr U oaa. OrUe Lav- I I m t 1 I . . i a 1. t A A A am gratification of his animal appetites. I which reminds us that somebody has I noence tnat ww do trrgamuwe. tT! JT, kiuumri za a. su lxjca Baw ia Arat raeBaoeia MTa kara aar War4 U a a(aU ka le taiaaa WAGONS air es a Ck44 reaetttaal tsat treat It wa f1" Be a m4 Ta aa sawn uieak H a4 aaf state iAa aaejTa. a-a aaaai aa4 earwaiia. aeatWlsaara. Aa far faT's tUav ea4Tr sa4 rafsaa af aa-heOira ef fete. l. C. J Skate?, ca a, atwa. otaaw. kaaa a-fl FeAer's IZasw eae) Tar ta ikraa aacr aaaaaa m "i of n n -1i vfaa 4 r aie to ary aaoa. ftaaJ rf O.L Steam Dried Flooring and Geilng. 8. SPKULLL. ATTORMBT-AT-LAW, LOUUBQBO, . 0. For months before death came he had I already asked what is Mr. Roosevelt attempted to put his second wife j going to do with us. Raleigh Times. away, that he might lavish his affec- Pronhet Joseph F. South is still I j A tions unrestrained upon another. As j dreaming. He says that the Mor- THE OSieiKAL. tala. &s- Boe4vO UArsajsta, Foray St Co.. Chlearo. orWriaatad Hon ey aad Tar as a taroat and laag rovl, WUl attend Ua eourta of rranknn. Vance ne lay upon niS COUCn OI pain, ne ap- Ttinn ralicnnn Will rule the WOTia. I Mn.Urlrt f VoU'a rfnmmw aaA Ta Oraaaflla. Warren rati Wake eoauUea. alao 1 . . . . " . rr , .... ff.l rn; tK. M. Ute Supreme uouri oi norut uarouaa. 1 peiueu w mo who auu i-iiuuieu w I Mavbe lie nopes Uia ' VQ8 uniieu I r Prompt aUgirea u eoueeuana. .. . , r - . ? . . a I aiae. inaaa wortmaaa imiiawoaa aarr offlee orar narenon a Mure. i wiuo w uujx. """j" I states senate wui conuuue tn i ear ui I ajmiiar sonaaina nsnas. ttsvara of Tba raaolas rolaj's Hoaay and ; (sea anbeutste Dr. yarka, the sye apaKlaJWt, wtQ be at LouLtborf tor two waaka longer. T. w. Bicavarr, lawtb . vovtaarraa a. a his appeal. Forsaken by all whose love and affection should have sooth- ed and sustained him in the bitter friendless Mormonism's political Rochester Herald. influence. The aetUentADt of eatatea for Kxecutora, I vi , " lQ",e I from a world he left poorer for his muimi n the otllee. Bute In Yar borough k Blckett building afaln atncL w. a. FUIOOA. ATTOBjnrr ai-iaw, MVUBvaa, . a. In aU aonrta. OfBaa on Main IT H TAKBOaotJaH, Ja. " anORNET AT LAW. .LotnaBnaa.x.a ontoa ta Opera Hoeas bandtnc. Court atreat All legal bnalnsas intmstsd to him eUl reoeire prompt andcajrafni attention. fvf F. HODCK, COSITBACrOB A BU1LDE8, roOIaBOBVO. H O. ' .S J Trading Agent for all kin da of Ballsing BavpUea, ArUaUa ataatlea and Tiles. AreA iMUnt DeaWraaSaboakUed .- having lived. Dead, he was laid in a big clothes basket half filled with soiled linen; and carried out at a side door of the hotel where he died, to be prepared for bnriaLby an .under taker. When his body was taken to the cemetery for burial, no mourner followed the hearse, no relative was there to drop a tear, no friend to weep at hia grave. . - tbsrn. Tar Is la a Tallow pasksgn. Ask for U aad mass anv substitute. It is tba re road for soogb aad soMa. Bold 69 Q. L. Areoeie. Depends upon we Farmers There will be five eelipsee to The flnbiect of good roads bobs up 1 1906. three of the sua and two of , 4 o ... at all seasons of the year in this conn- J the moon. The first will be a total trv and demands discussion. It ia atone of the moon on the night of fact A giri thinks heaven la something like a matinee, and a woman that it's like a nuraery. Cartd Sit Kotker ef Haters Htm -Uf nvotbar aa4 baan a eaffsrat foe asr laars from riaasntteaa,- snya W. a. Boaar4.of UaaUad. rVaaajlraala, At ttatae sae was aaaols to avaaa at alt. ablls at alt Uatea araUUg ataa paJafal. I prawarad bar wUk a VatUe s Caa aUf Uia fat BaJa aad aflav a fsw ae4t. aatloaa aaa deaVUd H was Ua oa vaev darf ai pals raUsaarjna ka4 a ear triad. a M m -L a - - - la that the farmers, .wno are tae 1 1 eoruary tne s, ana wut d TWDie ui i ta t( unvss abts o walk. Aa chief beneficiaries of good oountryl North and South America. The W aloaU Fle4iaai a rHte r Uraa . I . , . . aaaytaa) oaia taag saa aaa toranrij roads, are not yet fully awake to the f ginning will be at 1.67 o clock in the troajbtoi uw Var aate by all dracgiata. importance of improvement, and until I morning of the Oth and ending at they are ready to act the problem will 1 8.36V The second at a partial edrpae not be solved. ) . ; Jot the i ann. February 23, . bvislble ia V New York has the best oountrv 1 the United btatea. Tne tnml ' ta a We are prone to measure men a . t. ;nv.4 r iK. nn Jala 91. nniiiH aaa aaiiw nuiun.au - a naaa enaaaM wuvvv va a w w w ee its farmers are demanding atill better I not viaiwe in the United States. ones. Such good roads as- the state I 'V Tba fourth a total eclipse of the aoWr nas nave - resuitea The Use sense a man baa the big ger bluff his wife pats ap that ale thinks he k a great "man, - - , ,. ; i m HEAVY ( ; i : h enci FANCY KlilES. Fall Line of Sljoes. THE GREEN & YARBORO CO. PRESCRIPTION sucoess in life by the size of jjpieir bank account, or- the amount of . their lands, or theirlcatUe upon a thousand f hillsc Chas. T. .Yerkes' checklwas i i man a6a5ss aasll isaeasn tenSSeepwe I i ( mark cSco;i Ucsalaioa, uuia. aa aw wj m w good for millions.5; "Do yon think: hb life was a success? Would yoo care to take his wealth and suffer his - fate when life is closed ? He reaped what he' had sown.'-' SV 'will. you and I. FRANKMNTON HOTEL 1 God 8 law It. immutable. we-cannot cnange it, we " cannot es- in ; addinz I moon on Aucnut 19. - not Vanble in I aoatalalaa lalartona sab at as a, ts many milliona to e-wealth .of the United Stetet, but Alaska. - ; . TZT Vrarr awttkar akaald ilea Ual rkaaatwrtala'a . - .. , .V -a. 1 " CoaatlpaUoa aad pllae a-a twaa. Toar I Coaak E-aaedr W parfeaUr ear a for c& Li no atop ping tne -puouo oiamor :,wri vm modi iaah bv tnab. SAO Ufa awar 4M. i Ii t.iM vi.- v.. HOTELS. Oood aesoaaodatloa for the traveUag abUe. u ' QoodLlvaa-y, Attashsd f ';- ' 11ASSENBURG. HOTEI - nisjDinisoxir n. o.'1'A Coed anmodattonevGoedfarsiPe Pe aad attaattveeenaair ':,' cape lt j x - ' This man had made hia munons, and yet no Btreet waif in all that great city was poorer than he. Friendless, without the heart's sympathy and love of wife or child, bankrupt ,sa , morals and withont spuntual life, hia was a hopeless and- fearful "death. . .If this life held Uttle for him, the future life holds less.' r Z-l-i Vv' Thereja no need to point a . moral still more improvement." Such; improvement is certain be cause the farmers are in favor of fL The faraers of any other , state can have just as much mfluence aa those of New Tork, and when they see fit to exercise their" infiaenos in this di rection the result will be a benefit to every citizen, and particularly to the farmers themselves.' - -s- r U brave the storms of Chllkoot raas, , I'll eross the plains of f rosea glass. - v I'd leave tnr wife snd eoas tbs aaa. Rather than be without Bosky UounUla Sold by Boddie & Psrry : It as better, to have a wife . than : a breach of promise suit. ? ' , "-" tJood. A Thousand Dollars rTorti of A. H. Tb a raas. a iraUkaowa aoal op- sratop-of Baffalo,- writaat I bata bean afilWstsd wita kUaay aad bladder trouble for rears, paastag grarel and stoaas with rxsrneiatiaf paia. I ftot no1 rauef rromn-iaalciaa natil I bar a Uk. la Foley's Kldaar Cure, taan Us reaalt aras larprUIn?. A f doaas atartad taa brick dnat ISka Soa stoaaa sad now 1 nave so pala aoroas ray klJoeja aad 1 faal l.ks a aear naa. It caa ooae tss tlKX) worth of rood." &Vd by O. L. 'Aooeka. Cbaaaerlaia't Cotura -Uatao Aaao-1 erWtb nod imrity It U eoJd I V. lately namlrea. : . I n aJmeart tdl the areiatd cosft- Tae faaU cf ri'lsA ibBdrra ana larfaa I tHrw cJ the rkJ, II the end ah brcaaM ritinrt It rn.cU ba n wftTki-vrkto odar It r, becattae Ihe oU that tcroai lrtm lla Iittt aarrntowre a;i ouxr fate la nocri!: and LVir propcrtie. TLlrtv yrAra svr, the rroprvtofe cf Scull'a a km fon&d rt wny 'cf rrrrarir cod lirer c'J so VLa t rrryoce caa Ule it and Tt the f-H vaiaa U the til vrithoyitV.4 ctrclloialie taat. Scott' lulsla U Iba beat thin in U& trorU for trtAb, badwarii rljilirra, tiln. tVJxavi rxfofV hd ' nil cvndJtio&e ; c Vaak rt a; Tlf aa we eS o y ra4 Va 4ae.. wanr rewW an VtLa a ta4 cla sWaak s4 tVsA. Ottllt't, sAt. e4 rt t sis ri4 rba8 ftai ttMarUit ie y a f Vs aaerrdsf. HoUlatrr's Soaa atoaatala I fa and far ever. a, toll aad ereap a I Taa will roaiUTaly rnra yoa. No awral MVrraaaad. to aaU by ail disxxWt Ola rwrrtV.. - "-r v, . A bub Mil rvarar arvlaratarv! Cigars JoMccos, Cooi:DrTote a 'woman. rhy: after they are eaArrisdJ wants to att so cloaa, ' and aba why he ,doaen,t-want - tow-New York rTeeeV titoouaca Trochlea aad UsajrUnallo ':CbA8ba?H''a 5'vaaaa aad liet Tablets are lla U t tilej for ato.a trocblas aal et't'rf.i.ia I kta araf aoU.says l.-f. Carasa. adrc;s-U U PcltartL, ll;.;. ara ay t Uke aad alaara glr. .! .'r.l.-a. 1 ay aatoaiere ta Ur lit -i til t( rA aa aa. try Uaclh a.i rt laair ta ;r. bat kaaa aartr a aoo: t Ulat." i'r sals fey aUdrj-L.u. CCOTT - lOTrxr, cnxjarrrrs ai' Si , emrry a si ae sw r-eaa-s- Ura4 CUwUg T4awe Us, eU. Os Ca-4 tVtatt aa aatrfaaia.i evl Vfc fe faaJ ihiu( aal Ur3 va s - an j ary a ria4W el rsVa!n ay' Pa u)j