- - . Jr :. J .S. A. THOMAS, Eiltar til Prsyrlttsr M'M M nnn Ki'pv ; u.'j -1 .1.1 BTJTia V0r,. XXXV. KUISECRG, If. miDAY, : FKBHUARY 2. KG -V i 1. CHURCH DIRECTORY - - MBTHODIBT. Baaday School at 9:30 A. It. Q bo. 8. Baku, Bnpfc. Preaehiaa at U A. H., end 7 80 P. M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 8. H&8SIT. Pastor. BAPTIST. Bandar School at 9:30 A. H. Tiim. B. WlLDAA. 8Pt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7 30 P.M., every Sunday. . . . . Prayer mating Thureday night H. U. iUflHBUBja. Paator. KKMOOPJUL. FOR IMPROVED ; ROADS. . .' , '. aBjeasSBaea- .T'K'i'ii'fc FARMERS DEMAND THAT HIGH WAYS BE MADE ' BETTER Bad Condition or Roads Entail Incalculable Los? iAnnually Bauday School at 9:30. W. H. Horns. Sopt Now that the farmers of Franklin county see thejmportance. of better roads it is more 1 than probable that real good will result from an agHa- on Uon of the question, . Ii is , evident Services, morning and night lit, rd and 4th SontT. eooa Voads are of firsl benefit to rnir mimitwm . - farmers ana of second benent to the Knuinir Frarer. Kav. J ohs London, Hector. PK18BTTKRIAH. . . . FWvtcwA 4th Sanaa? in eaen monin noruioir and night. rasior. LODoaa. Loaiabarg Lodge. So. 18, A. F. & A. at.. dmmUi 1st and 3rd Tuesday nitfhu in each month. i'rotbanoaal oarda D. T. Smith wica.D.D.8. C. H. Banka.l.D.S, lR3. SalTUWICK & BAfnJ3. DENTAL B0BQEON8, LO018BDBG, N. V. Offlo Id Htck Bnildlnn, Main Street. W. U. EUWAKDB. DESTIST. DlJKHAM, N. C, Will h. in bin office at Wake Foreat, N .k- inMnKinir tbe nnit ach month prepared to do dental work. P. U. COOKE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Loaiabiirg, N. C, Office on Nah etreet. Prompt attenu on frlTen all leal baaioees entrusted to me. B. M AXON. PaACTICtS PHTMCXAH AND STJRQBOM. LOUIMBUK8, If. C Offloe over Aroocke Drug Company. other class of citizens ia any comma nity. ' - - They enable him to market his crops at any time of the year -and to supply the towns with fel - when without good highways teams would be idle and fed-at a loss when tbe j .- demand for many things .he has to market is greatest. The wear 1 and tear 61 vehicles and stock is lessened and a considerable aving is made in time when time is valuable. The cost saved iri rnoving the crops is not all the benefit derived from god roads. Farmers; lose great amounts annually by not being able to get to market when the market is good, and by the waste of products which cannot be, marketed at all on account of bad roads, and by not be ing encouraged to cultivate things which require a speedy market, and in a great many other waj s The actual work for good roads in the United States has been done to a exeat extent bv farmers. We do not o concerned n Agoo4 roads movement isone to be reckoned "wkh by the highest intelligenoe of f the "ocmnty, and thecitkens from the rural dis tricts will be the leaders hi -workicj omt the solhtion of this.gtin prob- em as tiiey have been thp leaden in solving the other grave queBo of thehom-1-? SWf Every' class of citizenship k Inter ested in the cbqistractioii r of, good roads. Even those whdrliv in; out great cities, Northtor South-ot ' va, their streets paved witJi blocka or. as phalt, are interested in ; our roads, for throughout the entire country triba tary to 'these cities which leads from farnS td farm, from village to . vulage, from all. to the rail way stations are in reality the little rivulets . whwh feed the inightyTiyers ol commerce which the ra&waya are pwpetuallj. empty-. ing into the great centrea of trade, . Senator Daniel, of Virginia; m dis cussing tiie subject of good roads, radiator of ati who ' live pon itor C, SuDdaj in . , L Disblpu:iEi,To jr.F;:;UciTO rnoa TALK 0? A BEPDBUCAII V.ZZZ- C:tsI:Itrasts AItsji Yield to tha raxty Coiaa Intcr- CAE Eliu Ii ZZZ TlUrS EIG.IIT: PASS A LAW. ) I I;5iSSir V " . itcrrjt tS part few vaeka TW LtaUure fJi CVnaa Lave recor J 1 tainy dU4 aad ai-1 ht L k a YrDYoaitVt to &V ceatt da aliaoat atsurily to careTw trs 'been " , day's xk. TSll ocas or means wiiHa Lb povsr I rijM. Doct let tl isia 1-s tvsr, rirt! conoertMd to praTant. Two labor hare a wvrJ eajr iWu ' U. dci'Js, of yoang ladwa, occarrad by If lhre k a lf rh to p a fJb gettiag their dre caogbt from be- doe,&ttrt let aay taaa wock ; Tlere k to be an J UU qe Ua Umxt c ! onlhe Rc-xlLncta 'tilt oflhe UoJelr . rlace. Tong ra2r4 ' net) I tatyl Un2Ui. It tUr is Ut !t ... . . . - r. . ! .t. . . a of Repreatatsvet, I have seen them before and never knew of. one that succeeded. vTfc RtpobUcaa party k the best : dieclpEa thing I ever eaW. It' has no appetite far anything in the world bnt;,iinoonstitutionality and . t 'majority, p The first ; iMurrection I ever saw in the Republican rank was when the vote was taken on the last of the Elaiid silver bills that" gvt on "old Yelvet rye ft luaa the peal law- weeks Lave beers worLto be aoev mlre tw given their Uree or today are fling I Ukn to stretch , it over. Imi bevfa wounded and raiimed from acoleota 90 as to"laake a - leal djyS tk. doe to over-work, loaa of sleep or a And AonH stop bets eiCW.J Vtom e careless istejC, -The aocUent U our taw to frerm a cuaV errj sxl town on Tuesday tells of carslsaraees troea the tsae be wakaa fat t saera. on the part of nill hands and a train b; d be goes 'to atewp at twgV add craw. ' In Salisbury a few days ago, then It woe1 be t&cb keav tl tie a youn mah,' stupid Iron strocg pv!rarueje vQ be set la fell UmA drink, eat down upoo'. the track cl AU thk nockn of a teaai bait aay the calendar. Reed ,was : managing thaatreet caS way and bktfe" baafi- thlog like v free -efat to inake ti Republican aide and he did ItCke la the) Ulaaoe. ae tUraeulL " The trades, cm tract aad fTeci a Pmseian drill sergeant of old Fred- iunoceut pistol apon the mantel .and biraaolf and to act wkh as j frWlsoi ericka time. . lie male ; men vote the aftloedeVfy t30 instraw at a3 k the rexket tocaarrot and k aoiinst the bill. who reallf favored h. of daatlu-Tbere k a growinf eraetly what bee at the anrMaawn He cbae amemberof the Dame cil"18" these j beck this loeg. Tbe wishoet f mW pure -tho be? Bold call f velvety. hf jirioc ry where. it M louisbur i "'".r" lOUlibufC. 1 LMisory, n. c. A move upon x uey; iui- pjvw -n do-n dale but when daya for the value of human life. The delay pees a law to recula gent settiers. A.man like to locate Hon. Pickler; re- an who do- work day after day thjog and lei the 2ksaSna' rcO ta fill friend and cheerful companion. It is the best of investments and the best of advertisements, and one that cannot be defaced or torn down." Franklin people must . be aroused upon the importance of this subject and this can be done in no better way than through the efforts of the farm ers themselves. ' Words of Wisdom. of a kind grows! anconeciowe ef the (oaf tibae.---Waskarw Eatarp Wb-n thv Mrtedv Reed exclaimed: danger to which he k daily sebiect- uD a him. be k the wild ass' txJt ed, and hk life pay the penalty of The Beat rtyaia, .!!. ta Mralaasneaa and the awilant karoo I m tail atfiei ttt M nwuuowMUKw. 1- 7 - AftlpatkewtM Uitaal rWs la There was an insurrection on the forgo0 andgoeeeabeeded by those 1 M M chaejberUia'e faawh n.u; tK. PKn;nrn. to whom U . should be a wartdnx LleerTahkta. rw aak y Ji 4ra- twT-i -trw. irtv hot it nr Thk overwork of train crews, keep-' r"j - w 1 j 1 1. . .1 . .. . 1 amounted to mueh. Discipline pre-1 iag thm a doty for Uurty-eii hconl puot Uxhr bale for ciOdrea are j vailed and the recalcitrants were tool "Pi &k dwgard tor fa ra-Uka aalk4- al ia CUookl few in number to seriously disturb I the danger which threaUa life; (L I the leaders. There were always mut- awng toe nun wM avooc terings when Reed waa Speaker, but drink and fanperihng tbe hfe of the 4 Ii' 4 14 4 4 a r p er Rye 'On Etc ' Y Ton l-ay Cue. ar w urti r f mean the campaign of education and J dross. Science is like fireH burns away j with th. angle . eaoeptfen of Grove I indhrklaal himself and thoee whb ACraad ef btroe leiinse. itneiui fiaa aa4 Va ti jrjR. J.J. MANN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, LO0I8BURQ. N. Ct OCBce oor Ajcocke Drug Co.'e drag store jjB.8. P. BDBT, raAOTlCUIO PHYMCIAJI AMD 9TJRQ30H. Louisbarg, N. C. Office In the rear of R. A. Bobbitt A Co.' Urnic Store, on Naah atret. the agitation for good roads, but the actual preparation and the " carrying out of the measures havealmost al together originated witivthe farmers in the U nited States., g'v- Farmers have great reason to take up this question, and they have a rea son that many of them nave never thought of. It is due to them in ab- It is not always the man who sits up stiffest in church who walks straightest in the world. How quickly Time sails on, while in its wake we watch our little vain ambitions vanish, one by one ! It is wrong to be envious, but just the same we never see a barefoot boy Johnson, of California. I never saw wbom be cornea tn oootactjuus izsn 1t9 u,a take the .t ti nj I VaatUna nrLmAmAm riatrJa a&J I eaall arr to I ine riepuoucan wno m opg -r- r - 77 inklnMrne tatt et challenzed hk parUamentary Crarkm. gna ta reaoa ot everyooe; ana um l4mijr erJta cvarw-al They eternally threatened it in the I thing of bo ja and wn carrrmgooo. I T ..eAutjM t- cloak room and in the committee wvu .w.. if la there not; some way ox geumgi nmw - 1 folka-to think, and act rrgbt be tore The Dew Ttknroee are tmt I-1 the terrible thing happe&e? Andean eoaakg. One shape pertWarty took not some Inflaeooe be brought to aay tancy. bear upon such evfla as flow from the I l,.u 1 1 Seaarcr the rooms, cat." but they never "belled the B. r. TAJLBOBODQU. PHYSICIAN AND BTJKQBOH. LooifBOae, N. C. Offlee tad Boor Bea: bnlldlng. V? - ealla aneware' uvm x. . , phone 74. GORTXJTrarrlfJeflEFFEBr i Blat iD8- DKHT1ST. LOtriKBORO, . - N. C. Baeoeeeor to Dr. Arthur Hyne. FUming nuee In Ford balialjig. H. iiMlllMIttO. That was a eenoos lnaurrecUon u ..in,: WW that the wholebusiness with hk toe tied up m a rag that we I Ten " mtA Co- heH-hole. bf a town Uh. Bal. a-ow. j ,'""v J ' I , . a " , ' . " . I .VUh k... nnA mJu a mm ta Lh of road construction should be remod- ao nox envy mm, aore w, K Un reciprocity for the seeewn; but " ?" - T7 7"'- 1. eled and a portion of the burden that alt wben Roosevelt ordered Coogree. to filLt they have unjustly borne since the When it rests with a man, wholly pass the bfll the recalcitranta came 'TatrtSo tLt hae organization of our government tak- and alone, to be right with himself back with two or three eroeptiona n T7 Jl?J!jt twTrl- Entar en from their shoulders. The farm- and God, and none else will know hk njl did what was required of them. "xPr A10mV,"r: m . m m a. enavaajsai . T ' . . . , rt AAnnfrv rtova Kxan AhfirtTAti 1 fttrucrHft or &DDreU&t6 HIS TKtOlT. I AtuI nnv thir m Ul mllUTftCUOOl r" with the whole expense of building when he contends for ; wholenesaf andl gainat ;the Philippine tariff.; I do aadjmasgjfeead iust as necessary to the people which which custom, indulgence, poainon, i they hear .the crack of Jhe party laaa 1 4l naae, men, inaeea, -greater m i enough of them wiu xau a; w ao me i vaai mmw, - other occupations than farming as he that conqueretn nunseu nan ""j businees, ; Uia woe tannon at n Tabieta. le faet. Ue-attMt eatr they are to xne rarmer. -a uiwww, . 1 1. fcwutw i wwej theaw Tahlets ae reading the not act aay ana iugu 1 the lr srpeea ef e dbotdered eedrOoei e K ether's ramtt. TWeeeUtseieed fcaeHar t. ate aeatat k a taet ertth OaaeJ ha wetaJle trM hr aiaiiie a hOdfe. t eolK artf a4 hTf eoerh, ee A aiye aSede e,tWk rJW. aadaatt eeeraiee ae rptaae aaimal Aratf. It eaar tw rtawe ewaya a Wr e ia a a4. fee ATTOBJIUT. AT LAW Loviaevae. WU1 praeUee in aU ta OoarU of theStaU Offloe n Court Hooee. yjhl. W. BODD1E, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LonisBCBO, N. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.' drag tore. w M. HAYWOOD ECFFTN. rrankUn Supreme ATTOBJf KT-AT-LAW, loo uaoae, . o. WUI praeUee In aU the Courta of . k.i MinnMM IB the 'Soaryind to the Onlted Btatea DUtrlot and "oeiee'taOooper and CUfton BeJUdlna. rrnoe. b. wiuua. ATTOBJTBT-AT-LAW, aovnneme, a. e. oeue am Mala meat, erer Jonea Si 0oepera (tore. The great drawback today to this ere. movement for better high ways, is that the farmers themselves have been The Rising Sun afraid to let any change be made in Written for the Tucks. tbe road laws of the country. They Morning after morning, I have .are suspicious that the people of the Watched tjiejrising sun cities he ta to impo Z Froj. n,j on them heavier bnrdens instead of 1 taking off some they already cany. ?7? It is claimed by experts who have And early every morning, casts over made the most thorough investiga- Tne worid its beautiful light, tions that the actual loss to the far- fr mer from bad roads is one-fourth ef Qf e nQW leaffle88 trees, the tetal home value of all his pro- jt giowiy appears; after spending a ducts. Farmers stagger under and Night beyond the deep seas. bear all they can of this immense loss, The beautJful gun ever welcomed, and the rest is saddled upon tne con sumer and dealers in the towns and cities. This is wny ine peopie o uiu As the evaeco adTje, lha proeO- j erraa to'the teHtXwae rows k S3 BBore apperect " " RarUrac J Ttwe. rWtelherVl era hartlt-4 mm laaralac e( tha Verera 4 rnVkhmt theahaf to vhfeh aWr ell hetja4 ale koaA thaar three. T4 aaere thae t Usaaa Uk aaaihee e AAA died Creaa aetiSineU ta ChWace eta WAV. VYDeDUWTnraniaaueu Kre rou b betrayed hi liioealaee taa amaaa vear. wtlh erer a eeajffa Mr. Cleveland whh the loyalty the I atotaeaa. To thoae we aaTar HoOia-1 a.ee hee petiaaaed hr the ttaWy t nu;no nnmrt TnrMMvalt btv) I Ur'i Roek aouUia Taa. SSteeta, 1 ef Ceaktoeeialee GeMh tUeaitr. A xP,.- " . . .! . aui aaaat mm ha4 eerr Pa a tj supported McKmley, the rrefoaenx i 1 7l...lleii iT. vuM at mS hy w.nM K. . ru.mnmt bnth Wbenarnanktooboaytobehap- M e Uk ee4y. TWelatwa. -v .... .... , 4.- - -.- ta. aart: -Ta- py he toPepweo. aahT t. f aeeTe Chaaa. I haetaha'e Deeah fan dr. tad eaperfcaUy BieX HeavlaehA tt acada aad UlaaeM. I kea Ua4 fe i. laareM at oaearaaar. uaera. a Say Plainly to Your Grocer b4 aav'' trV, e Te 1-!' rr p ' t ax Wltif AWd f UtArf Jftipfttxl if hfZ7ca f-r orar a quirier Xa tW airy a a?C cf a century J C44LMrrt cf Cst rtre al - aawreaeaaC ) lion corrxz a kc. 4 a1 I Carert Ve) Wn M ta afrTTTeIry artaJ7y the 4 ta Bc ereTTVa ta ci a-rta. rtr. Ltcn y-em m rr aa n vei um 1 tkv ritaeM. 2We Cae Imi lc(te i.v aiiaXua jjMUlJuEae SOLD BY GROCERS lT3mYIini If the pinch comes the President will tpyeara. Boiduyatt annd for lome of them and then the wtnm will dmn nt of the rebellion.! Tare charity has, no strings at- Tli. TYamnArefa era nnt Knilt that taohed. i AMMVVB a w m w w w . . a. a i When they revolt it is a aeuo- beea betrayed prate thine. Had ther supported I ef qaacka, aaUoww yiitm WANTED ! Houses of Congress would be Demo cratic, the Supreme Court would have a majority of Democrats on the bench, For BUtouaaeaa and Take Ortao Laxative F raft gyre . mt Oaaftaar. uaere, a awn aad 1 balieee eaaad. her tSU aa ... i i m . a ivtu V. riAMmnra rv tTVA I . . . . . .. ...1 ..JlMU ""J""1;1" I eaaUee We ii.wMaiiwuw, i V.. ahh a . i i m a a aa at eaaaea a eieea aa - - towns and cities have interested them selves in good highways. The matter of good roads deeply concerns every commercial and finan cial interest of the land, and the problem must be solved by every , .. ... win attend the eourta of Franklin, Vance, I daBS 01 Citizens laKing COncen, Ol ao- tVivrV" XoZr'SZoSZ. tlon to prevent this loss of money and F. 8. SPR0ILL.. ATTORSaY-AT-LAW. louisbvbo, . 0. Bv everv bird and human being, TUra nnA it makes our lives seem bnsht I Democrats. The To see the sun, and hear birds sing- Democratic and prosperity would be v r a Democrat. But why talk of the water that Braids continue to be the leading the mill yeaterday ? trimming for suits, coats . ana we- - v er a y Northern States, and au the uovern- aeae a eawe !TV. w. D. WUeex. Uta, Sew Term. ors of the Southern States would be "TiTaTi aeem T tariff would belbiUoasaeea aad hahttaal esesttpaHwe uoaa aoa ae a'rr - i e aad pieaeawt to Ua. . Eaeaaaabae thai TTT aaaa Oxnre and rWaee to aaeajpt aay I Jrt 4 CMBee OTr Kcerton's Btore. T. w. Bioawrr, LAwraf. aoeiaavBe a. a t.. ttinnt of eetatea for Bxecutora, Ailmlalatratora and Qaardtana la made a spec ialty, and the bonds required by law can Da eeared n the otfiee, moe In Yarboroagb k Blckett bnlldlng Main street. w. a. FuasoH, ATTOBjraT AT-IAW, aeeiaavaa,a.o. m aU eoarta. OfBee on i w. TAJtBOBOUSH, Ja. AT10BNKY ATIAW, LomsKnao. a. a Offlee tn All legal baaineae labor in the marketing of the crops of the farms. Itw aprobIem which has been more serious of late years because of the scarcity of labor on the farm. The time has come when some action must be taken,not only-by the. farmers, but the town people as well, because it vitally affects their interest and their prosperity. It is proper that the cost of the im proved highways, therefore, should fall upon the town and country pecn pie alike. And if the people who live in the towns and around the mills can Ka maVU tn AAA the necessitv for this tumes. The wise old hen chuckles to her self when she sees a man trying to make a fortune with an incubator.. . If a woman says "This is so sud den" when a man proposes, he knows she is a pernicious fabricator, but naturally he k too polite to say so. Boston k a great bean consumer. It k said that the" 660,000 people, Washington, D. C Eromy k the road to wealth and K TWII iCCS it, a hard roaa to travel. MGJfJL K0.' tO ! Mai KfA.' -:.k a.. frra.tin' l"olevs HoaeT and Tar. . . a a 1 Good loots Ortng oappiaeea. cneaoa ru. (.t..kd Itaav. r. .v.. M aaaat thaaa 1 w"-ti ".T wlthtalaan; . f m. brht ey- 21 Fat is o great account! i .... to a baby ; tnat ia wny W P NEAL 5c CO. viuaeiean, ibuuhi TvV w' ad as aaaoaat OK the BfUl unt aaa -StiXSST. ElSL'. J2 bablea are. Ux. If -your 88 "DU". S-.nrJTS'-'-SrJ'S baby U scraway. .Scott -r. ti v. -.il MMiidtn n. . n.niiM loarea Ilaewr aad I t? . i . i. nnt Vt UDUKUk ve -ww v-,. hw,. . ,.w - - j r.uiuia.uu la aa,ta home to roost Wrian a riri flirts with a man she who compose the population oT Bos- iwAoi herself and tries to remember that spoiled children come I IbIt Wha-1 waflU healthy baby Q. L. Ayeoeke, - ton, eat every year worth of beans. over $6,500,000 Special Rates via Southern Railway. - ; New Orleans, La, Pensaoola, Fbu, Mobile, Alai Account Mardi Gras Carnivals Feb. 22-27th. Une tare make a fool of him. - At the age of sixty a man may not lookjjto - be more than ' f arty but what's the user - - . . A ton of coal now, , two tons cl Fuaita bereafter. -MAKE YOU stores as fat what it does Utter thaa I no t need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are; happy : they do j i thae half eaaahrad erW atitrlnot Ciy ; ! they, eVTC licll ; TJSJSiTJS& SSS UHeir, fat ,is laid up for are j'Xsa Paat Sim ia Daxjrtr. tore rears intrusted to him I i n.AmBa tn hn Tnnrift alons e . . . i iui inu uiv,vii ' ; a will raoaiTe prwni "' rwjtLL all oTXB.- 47o:?. Ume of need.. They ); v j v f-JJttiaiS .iiaae happy hecauie they fle lumedr That -ttet at 5!irJt.7V,iaXa Mr vf ' w. V 1 WAGONS i this line. will . be sold Feb. 21-28, ; inclusive, I .: the JolnU front the laaide. . : I r K.rau. Aoeh Perl, sta- ertua : te4ti final limit Marnh SrrL eXoect I ' " . .k t,t i i aff.rd Uh aaJartad seoatate gU4 ! a MmtMiam for cood roads USUallV 1 a a en I .. I . w m ia itv.ltak.lae two hotuas M iwfl a.waay r-B - . I on pavmenv oz a xee vi uw wui , s -r t tiv. u.f whimh ,siK1!a interest and silences r , i- h. ,t - i V laaootb. It la ataple proof -.taat yoar i -"TV. TT -V. -t fc xVU r -. I - iX)UlSViue. iVY - .ocouii 1 , . j. aa nitlna ptlla tad f ain tOIOUl t IB !- F. HOUCK, CO NT&aCVOB ass BTJILDEE, LOUISBTJBO, 5. C. ' . rrngAaant lor u htade of a uudMg i . "via . that people tificate Dtan: Tickets iwiU be sold eppuaa,aJro------ 7 e." ' " , ' ' i 1 1 r a. OTK final I l"i n " 1 ev e - - opHoua.banaing.ooext eoncerf of action it ou to;beeasy p y f rou mpTkkets 5eir sdeattte lTat -tfet at JiTaS lLMa . VaVVrtr. rounds their little cerTCs and cushions Uxea. When they arc I scrawny those nerves arc hurt at ercry ungentle touch, -They delight Ia Scott's Ea ul- alon. vltis as sweet, as wholesome to them,' tMtaral JOeaUna Sabmltted. HOTELS. - Tnkville.vKvir Acobunt Ameri-1 T.? opposition, and at the same timere- Bowiing Congress : Marca.nta-jBtjniBiaatauitT firm you teaporarj re-L veals one of the most curious umua-1 27th, one tare pins ou cents on oer- f tMarh 14th to 27th. with final limit Steam Dried Flooring and Ceilng, Many a mans greata k daete themselves are slow to Wno -ucii- lr. v. om.- tax themselvestobuM tiieroads they l know thev need: ThM-atate w dent Volunteer Hovement for For- MissiohaVFeb: 28th 'to -March nn a wtti wrris'hW flfiTV!! . I fairs ousrht not to exist riAAllJhXIXA WAV ay . . . . . - o V:wirAmiiTblf.aa. ' - ZZ ,Z t be tripr-cket. wnl be sold rr "iaTnT!WT Pra,f 11 wreby JT- Feb. Wt to 28th, wkh final limit w;-W.-wOIJfflSI, iTP--r buat m every section of;-our county - , Crood aowatloii for the travellag jt a i00g delay and with no ma- B T. E. Gamnr, C. T. A, .. blk. increase in tax'ationr.'Wen : - i - - RaleigVN. O. QoodLhwAttacheo . 7 s: . wnwava : will .be . r' L ll.r tnt thav arlll not ear. , i .V. 1 .r v UoabW eweepe all tbe rarmaad aoleoae the fact thai be baa a boas Wire, oat of. the bio d, eieane ap eterr. plAjrae enot" la the bodr and "seate yoa veil all over" Eheenaelde toaee ep (be etoca aeh, relUees lndUraaUoa aad eoaaUpaUoe regulates the lire aad hldaey aad re. Btoreeeaea orgaa to ita -navux tlona. ' ' ' -" . - By baildlflaT P the . eatlre ' eyetae. Bheaaaaaide f ortlfle yt u aalaat La arirme. Pnearaoala aaa wiatar tMoa. Through Its thoroech eleaatag of the blood it wards off MalarU aad proeeau -" A Card, Ttb ta to eertifr Uai al JrtxxWa are etSorlaad tor ad year aaee-ry It fa. 1 y e Uoaey a" iaa iuh m "' i SqHaar Ferer. :- . ' - . I7o other medktae has get bee a foued that eures XiheanuUeta toatayeurea. a remedy that is powerf aJ eaooaa eare aoeah or void. It etc a Ue ao ik. I. a re aaif utarvala (rota 4 eold. Carea U grlppa, eoit aad erereata paeeaaoaU aad eoaaa)cUj. CoeUtaa ao oclatee. - Tba gaeaiave a tallow tAaltrr. -Eaaa eebatJ 8otd by Q. I Aeoehav ? r i Jmmd fer frmm avawaX. HEAVY and FANCY GKOG13ltIES.- -' ta te aaBaaaaBasaaMaaakBaaaaaBBaaaaBaaaaaaaaa-i ... I T" ,: . w..- .-!-" .T"- .---.i-i. - : e-e : tm W J .r nnntTYiTTDl " lTATTT lined TOth pretty homes,- fertile Iiei4S,t H - - money: By I HhenmaUata alao retiwvee the feme If I CyiTWHllKli- Hill H.lu . I , i u'i-J ;ttqtoI , ,.T i;nW KonV I .ii tH.. Kiwt dlaaaaaa. rfl H kill l'jll U aavi I hinmneu Will kuuuuu t npTMIHl OUST 111 111 nKUUUiow . . hi Vw. - . -. .... .;: .,u-::? 11 "Pt"v - .7 , . . ,-. r" I "r- . . . T i w T Mn sr-r-m,iT T Xror EBSOITaO; Whan a man k hx love be thinks he k entitled to a Uxra licecaa,; neighborhood. " " 7 Jf ; , x arl rlv r material interests ,m- 1 vej ! 11 nir(i 1 ri e . - .:.At waj vaai - ixxaAtA,Aawr , - matter but important , - , 1 p..H(alu tt V. Uaaoroaeme :e a tjpnnaemi taw vu ur "irJ. I f 7.V,. Md. that doee aot side. - First National BankIuia-l"- m!Ij ao3 wcssrsii" ifethaatte -aaa all rU ra ha -For a rood fc'i aoal as ha. Tier etyte vc- iteii't:r yU Uil ti til; a L.xiy i:...U'a Ju. (..1 ,v- f j . a. awe a. ttJ. ,4 0a ana ef bM Mft. arM af e.sre Vave at I mtt yaa " Jcoff 4- Cau?ta CA-aXra : Fall aiqe of " Stio THE GREEN o: YVRBORO CO a-a eeeommodAUoas. . , 5ntp:fiBt. deeply l!. iadfttkatlrs strraatr. IIMV1. aww- - . - I