-. 1 rl r-? -rr "S ... .,- -. . .... . . ' -: . . .- w.. .-H - - .- W . si . J S. A. THQkUS, Eiltor ini Prtyrltts VO',. XXXYI. , 7 LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 0; m .. ... . . . . CHURCH DJRKCTORT XTHODUC. J - - , Sunday School at 9:30 A. M . Qso. 8. Baku, Bapk Pruehing at 11 A. M., and 7 80 . H. vary Saadaj. ' Prayer meeting Wednesday night L. S. Mabqst. Paetur. B1PTI8T. -8anday flohool t 9:80 A. M. -Tuoe. B. WoDia, 8opt Pnaohinff t 11 A.M and 7 80 P.M., wery Sanday. Prayer tasting Thnraday night. a. a. Muhbukbi. Pastor. 'anaoopAU Baaday School at 9:30. Wm. U. Koffib. Supt 8arloes, moraiag and. nucht , on .it, 3rd and 4th 8an&ys. Knimr Prayer, Friday afternoon iUv. i oaa Lohdos, Beetor. FBIBBYTSBIAB. 8riee 4th Baaday in each month moruinit and niht. Pastor. GOLD OFFERED III VAIII. SAILORS PAY NO fHEED, TO 0F - FEB OF $15,000 IN GOLD. 7 fectly Balasfied fo breakfast whh bowl of bean soupv and; a few other dishes. Bat hla dinner usually ap pears in splendid style, in some twen ty courses, : although uhe, always "de nounoes it as s useless" extravaaptnoe. When any official feast is - held the cherry blossom viewing party at .the Kioakikawa botannioal garden or the few days ago the steamer a fnr - :nZ'x,a , Mk an I Alaskan Hiner on Sinking1. Ship vainly orrera a Fortune to Be Put Safely On Shore." . LOSOBS. Loabbanr Lodge, No. A. 14.. meets 1st mghw in eaeb month. lencia was lost at and her passen gers, sare fourteen,: wfere drowned. Oa board was Graham, Alaskan miner, whos had srecently sold- his mine for $60,900 and -was going home. He had with him 115,000 in gold. When he saw thafr the yessel was doomed, he approached the sail ors and offered them, the 15,0004f j they would put him safely on shore. - a v I A ubj TOUia 05 ao , mat,- nor-wotua 413, A. S Li-. : . . :" . ' and 3rd Tuesday wiey pay any neea to mm. , iney l-ro t'uMHioual narda D. T. Smithwick D.D.8. C. H. Banks.l.D.8. D1 DENTAL. B0KUE0N8, LO01SBUBU, N. V. ()fflc in Hicks BoildfiiK, Main 8treet. W. U. EUWAKUa, DENTIST. pushed aside his gold," and turned their strength to weighiaer "matters! Each thought of his own safety 'and not of the gold. Graham threw that down on the deck, and none stopped to lookat it as they-, hurried: thither and thither, or clans; to the ropes and wed ... ';; :; - " A few weeks before that 'Graham thought that gold was the most prec ious thing in the world... He. had left bis home, he had braVed. the cold and dangers of a wild country, he had suffered the hardships and en dured the toil and privation of a life in bleak .Alaska that he might dig the LouiBburf, N. C. i SQiQing goia irom tne trozen eartn. Office on Naah Btreet. Prompt attention 1 11 was in nis UlOUgntS Oy aay, ana De pondered over it in his dreams by jjk. j. a. HALoam, nignt. jsa last ne naa touna it, and raACTiciflPHT8iciAK aud uUBGKOB. bad it in his hands--$60,000- enough Oflloe ott Aroock Irag Oompuiy. DUBBAM, N. C. will k in Kia nfflr at Walie Fomt, N. C, th. .u-ir fniin.inir tk fintt 8undaj ia. ach uoDtb prepaid to do deateJ work. P. COOKE. AT TO RN EI AT-LA W , spare' any; expense m-reparhig' elegant European banquet, r -": WHAT: THEY F.1EAII. LEGAL .TERES NOW IN "r;'Vv DAY USE. EYESY Once Had a Significance Which " Does Not Obtain at the Pres- entTime.,: r; a He ileal Adrice by One Who Know. -."' - ; ; OErroiBY. . TW daU sstl ta itla MlfTuI, CJt iitrx wsyff fc tle Home of lira. A- W. I'stry, aa4 Uk. iag frtwa ti-ir tarTT - W lortj a.?a aad LroOr, Cor, Vk 4 tMJt towrrrt JaAaarr Sal. BIBLICAL: ALPHABET. Written by Phenton G. Totter -i inl872: JjR. J. J, MANN, PHYSICIAN and BURGEON, LOOISBCBO, X. C. Olflce orer Ajcocke Drug Co.'s drugstore JB.8. P. BOBT, PaadTICIHO PHYSICIAN AND SDBQBOfl. Louisburg, N. G. 0o in the rear ol R. A. Bobbitt A Go-'i Drug Store, on Naab street. a. a. P. TAB.BOK.OUUH. PHTS1CIAJS AND SXTBQKOH Louweoae, N. O. Offloe and floor N Mni saila answarea reaiaonoa, phoM 74. : baUdlnx. vhone 80. from X. W. Blcltettl GORDON LEE SOHEFFER, DENTIST. LooisBoaa. . Baccfieor to Dr. Arthur Hynt Pl.mlng oaee In Pord baUulDg. B. U. UASnSBTJBa, ATTOBMST AT LAW LouiSBcme, WUl praoUae in all the Co art of the State Offloe n Court House. W. BODD1E, to make him independent- for life. He was going home to enjoy it. Bat in an instant a new light broke in upon him, and he saw clear ly how little relative value' gold has. He had thought it was worth giving j up the best of life for, but when the moment came that he must put his gold against life itself, he understood how little it was worth, and how precious life is. Then he offered to give all his gold for life. He would have given millions instead of thous ands if he had had it. Just as una vailing would millions, or hundreds of millions, have been to save him. No human power could help him, and gold buys nothing greater than hu man help: He cast his. gold down and it was trodden under foot, for no man stopped to look upon it or care for it. Life, life was at stake ! Life must be saved if all else were lost. Life that which we often prize least when it is not in danger, but that which is without price when we see it slipping away from us. There are thousands like.J. B Graham. They seek gold above everything else for a time. They leave the tenderest ties on earth, the A TT O RS EY-AT LA W , Locwbubq, N. C. Office oyer Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'s drag I warmest hearts and purest loves, to store. w m. HAYWOOD RUFFTH. ATTOBJf BT-AT-LAW, Lounavae, . a WUl pnattae in all the Coarta of PraukHn tod adjoining ooontlea, also La the Haptens Joart, and in the United fcttatea District and QtroBlt Ooorta. Utnee la ooopei sod Clifton Ball din. rjJHOe. B. WXLDBJL, ATTOajrBT-AT-LAW, aeaamae. a. e. , are Jon uot srt go in search of gold. True, they may not go the bleak north, nor to the golden sands of sunny climes, but they go to search for gold. Oftimes they dwell under the same roof with loving hearts hearts that yearn for them with gentle hands that long for a touch of loving fingers, with hungry souls that are famishing for a tender touch or a eentle ' word r-but thev are still far awav in the bleak Q 18 ,or Qartu- A is for Abraham, whom the Jews as ' '-1Ta$h&oId; ' -(A Also ior Ananias who lied for pal B shall be for, B jnjamin, J aoob's 'r youngest soni . - and for Belshazsar the proud King of Babylon; . ; C. is for gailty Cain, who his brother Abel slew; : - and for Calvary where Christ died t for you. . D is for Daniel, in the' lions den thrown; ... r v :. . and for sweet-mouthed -David on the Jewish throne, . "' B isforEsther, who saved -many a ;'- Jew; t -' i ;(... Enoch and Elijah whom death nev er knew. i F is for Felix "go thy way" he said to Paul, wwnen i nave a oonvement . season for thee 111 calk? Now G is for Gamaliel, whom Paul as teacher knew; and for Goliath of Gath who little David slew, .'u . ; H is for Hannah, she gave'her son to old Eli; . and for Tetrarch Herod from whom Joseph, had to fly. I is for Isaac and his brother. lab mael, Iscariot, Isaiah and good old Israel. Take J for the river Jordan and Josh' ua the son of Nun; John, the beloved disciple, and the city Jerusalem. , K is f or Keturah, old Abraham's -third wife?-.- . 7 and for theXevite Korah, the fool who lost his life. L is for Leviticus, one of the Peota- T tuch; Lot, the son of Haran, and good old preacher Luke. . M is for Mark and Matthew, Evan ' gelists most true; Miriam and Moses, beloved by ev ery Jew. N is for Naomi, the mother-in-law of Ruth; and for . thick-headed Nioodemus who couldn't believe the truth. 0 is for Obed, who was Jesse's father we're told; and the land of Ophir where Solo mon got his gold. P is for old Pharaoh, who was drown ed with all his host; and for the feast Passover where blood was on the post. To most persons the phnse "This indenture witnesseth1 ia aa tnoch Greek aa the ither oooaraon phrtae j " V ltness any naqd and seal." : Yet both areiejics . of the tlcne- when theee legal forma carried with them a significance not obtaining'" at the IprewnC;; ,-Vc???nV ih r " Legal -documents "were 'once eo- groaeed . . upon parchment - becaaae paper cost so much more than drasa ed akin. The parchment was seldem trimmed exactly; and . the . top .was callopedvwith V.tarife, ; hence the . The best thing for an ar-peUu aotnethbg to eau ' -z " Vj practicing sleeping aa araraga ct i:ght hours a night for a week or two insomnia can U quickly corad. aoo ta, ssfftrc:? c Ul was I'eople who are given to worrying p inU tbe day Ufore L deatX. wHI fod if they doat worrf, iLt orf wt Pj-UWr tU 1A tbet wont worry.. : :,v, - IVAZ T" t - - v ldijt c4J- lie raa.i ra- To reduce superfluous fiaah rah Hgvn an-i wUpxl ee UL WCii l0 0 fours fceiore retiring I low sJjb f. Marie Frifft , tXtrth witl very hard aand mhl -. I by ta wnu 00 V 4 A t ulr ia Vn gain weight eat frrely ef sink- if la Up alliirtc IS. n: LL v" V - - siaa Ua teil fca rrrlast re- - ' " -V " - I uaettJiranceV Ueorfe U era aior .Jiny people wbo cannot aew wa l bet la t!iat UUt U Las ud wul be able to sm doehU bydrmk- haaalf a CAtse tiat w& U t&ort inS a quart of wbiak.y. i"?" TJ1 T? ll? d4 by hvkg la a refrigaratoc, r tewu obmai to U, tsmti t!ror Kep oa the left aide and you'a j his tf , aad U rvmscrad iai Cre- I r-- '-- . , . . ' 1 1 old Ye 1 yet rye 99 pure - M . velrcty the K"t frr fhn re-f everywhere, it At sold call louJsbvii ZZiC-JT'Zv - not !wpoatU right aUe. - - tiahiijoh. How Ut-JJ a tem-thenture- Ej en; where Yo ViU Mv from lad, oc vwal a lawyer, ve departed from the if , - f tTa t? 1 ear all cl lu rvis fca custom stfll obtaining In England; of , , Ti T T. . 1 SMd 7 their lral " T"? - 10 W Imn' obtaining in Engl using ; parchment ; for forms the phrase has " been retained. In theame way the aijmatura of "hand and aeaT is ' a relio of those olden times when only clerks -and the clertry could" wield the oen. It was the custom for the eontract&g parties to lay their. . hand upon -the document ia token ' of then good faith, and there remained, a smudge. A these original tham marks were not easily identified, the gentry added their seals for the purpose of further establishing the validity of the docu ment. It may not be generally known that a seal is still required by t 1 l a . e . Zul T 8 , , 01 n if? r- 7 m bg has ban rich fruit, ar4 CWy tww I with the spread of education, and the I tiaBoety MoeauU Tea. nteatav hwrt tfis air.n an t Ifraji 1 tjt llit bit of red paper affixed by the law. j I their loaa k tber aoe a aterui raia. (vtutuuavwui;. I for l&e Planer 2lm caed bka Toe. " : 1 " I TkA fanmrml mat ill n m vwtik4. ttewUe a4 vm aiarsTa fly - when your - stomach Is already jpre-pnt If posasLU loadd to ha fuQ eapachy. ' . I -His Ideali wru tu XoJirt To lira fa an rJJ lira M mm I asnai , wosu4 atuKf bjt Krfjy . : . - - - - j- 1 - - . . "w rnixaorawwcara. So fir w nas oeen anown to die young., 1 tha wtite kaowa U wa Ire. fra To keep in good heahh be careful I the vices d yosrth. IIooLtrtlfaL not to get skk; also doaH cy yor oocxle-acs aad kiad, he was lor 4 Vr ! - aawhokaaw hka- I Usrd If yok are troubled by' ga. fat the 1.. itoma, ?2o WgbUd match 07 J and a Mr ae he and burs it ap. leouU waited n Hai atr. To take life easy chloroform wiH) Bat aie yoeag life at caderf, tie jj be found efficient. ;v baa gooe ow at taallay. 5ae- t -.. lUBsweaarvcert we vuvMimiM. . f- 1 rt-- i . .1 . of quacks. eaUowsd c411e aad botUed Perry, triad to raje their tiJUraa aa ned tela vlUoet reale sxaepa a 4 aev I tt X ear of t Lcrl. and thesr UacsV 7J S-eWJai AeatAe, A a m 4 4 MOn Z sa-etW loulaburr;, n. c. ' ' arp ef Kye s"Jj Evert Tohjjue." t-SAd ei L. . ., w v v v WANTED ! yer as as necessary as the signature to certain documents. : A court of law is a reminiscence of the time when justice sat in the open court yard, and "dock is from a Ger man word meaning a receptaole, while the "bar" is a Welsh word, meaning a branch of a tree used to separate the lords of justice from their vassals. The entire phraseology of the bench ia rerniniscent of the earlier days, but, having been proven prop er, has been retained. lle.fiTe be can read character atlsd by the wtHst at Haple 5rtere a glance- "Well, he must have had a cinch reading mine. He touched for $10 before X had known him for an hour. Cleveland Fiaia Dealer. - For BUJoucaess and Skkfleadacha church, and he was heried Lm presence cf a large crowd la vwe eeuBetsrr. Bleuaed are the de4 who die km the Lord. Kay the Ld Umm aa4 aomiert the bertevad eeesv . This obituary ahcmld have arfeer ed eoooer, but ovtoar to sVtaj sad death fa my own hosae it has hew I Mai.- : rtc 1 ' . 8UX Headache. . TWs dietissalwr aJluwtTueults freer u dieordered eoallUo o tbe stoeaAea. All that is asadsd to effect a aura Is a doee or tun of Chasaberlala's Stoeiaea aad Lifer TaWeta. Ia fast, the attaek aaay be warded off. or trreeUv leaasaed la eareri- ty. bjr taaiair a doee of tteee Tablets as v rt.. . t. aetsaea natie) atlaalaat-e tee Irml U. H. Dca aadboweU wltaoet trrtutlaer Uee e.l HsplevOe, Feb. e vwwwniiiiiBiiiy Mlloesaisa aad aafcttAal eceetip Doee act 1 1 aees H oernp aad aa aaUdL Ta4 Bwi TT&t ITLfnlwJ T I J3i Zr. .7. WVae rra waat ettMsUal at aaUi e4 Ueat TAMeV fa aJ y al dx4 W P NEAL 5 CO. ! Special xUi i tU Soilham" - Ballwtj. ; New Orleans, La- Paoaaooli- FlaJ aooa aa the first ayajptoaof aa attest MobOe, AIau Account Hard! Gras ooiu oy an arufftista. Carnivala Feb. 23-57 th. One fare Life Is t OM el ffocais aJ take. appears. aaartltac Bat Trwa, Not the Same Old Place. b. F.b::bJiu. !!.?irt-?ir r. , , , , " f I l ll L with final limit March Srd. except s4a lot Ueir Weea, ye eaers Uau fe il II s 1 A 1 l 1 ll Mrs, Spuddsou rm so glad toaeeltkjkets UeiXaed toMArl7ih, r.i U U U v II I a I M I M Lm you. stm uving in tne same puce, rj"" w4 ua T nnnnu T)Ar m hnv An rnn I lOOajVlIle, A.VJ AOOOUat AaaeWV ta OleATe SW rear." wtLh seexsaMP Beerr -mm mi Vmwmm ea mi la rwi'aJied frees BROS I k tw ar aT V t.V laaaaemi i ran mi war iiiilt a .x itrrweH Aa arrjii i i i aaka a ar v w - BIAUU ltf A U1T6Q i OeOu DUCK HUM M-Z. , " - I SMU Ut eM MMW It tSS Kajwr 0t". PTr f : ae W Cab.Wla-a Oistt f-rea-dr. A we moved. How is the old neigh borhood? Mra. Widgu tificate plan. Tickets wQl be soUl March 14th to 27lhwhh final Ikalt Oh, iu greatly im- March 80th. proved since you left. Chicago Rec ord Herald. rruatauar we aaj eetp aiseta aew Jed at pi aa ct Uls reeaedy. taetlaaa laef seae vt U s ea aejsot be asJ4 t Iirm bee Vela's Ceeeb &eaed, sad in Tea I 1- tf by ae) I u 7VeteOee.( J edt Tua ef CUav! 30RSES and MULES .Son. 8. SPBUILL. ATTOBUBT-AT-LAW, Louiaauao, a. a WUl attend the eourta of Franklin, Vaneet TaaTUie. Warren rnd Wake eoanOea, also the HuDreme Co art, of North CaroUaa. Prompt attention given to ooUectione. omee OTr Berton's Store. rp W. BI0KXTT, LAWTS". vovnavae a. o. The MtUement of estatea for Executors, Administrators and Guardians Is made a apee laity, and the Donda , required py law can be aeourtKl n the offloe, fflee In Tarboroagh k Blckett building Main atreeU w. at. reason, ATTOaJTBT AX-IAW, MViaauae, a. u. la an eourta. ones on street. fxr h . TAUBOBxrnoH. Ja. ATIOBNET ATLAW, tOTn8BnBa.K.a OCWe la opera House building, Court street All legal business Intrusted to him will reeelre prompt aadoarefol atteutloa. jfAjr- F. HOUCK, COiTTBACVOB a BUILDEB, " Trading Agent t or aU . kinds of BuBdlng appUea, Artiatie afaatlee and .TUee. Aretu. teetaral Peautas Buboaltteer . lands in search of yellow gold. They near, nor teei, nor see, tne precious things about them things that some day they shall come to realize are more precious than all the wealth of Golcondas mines. But, alas! like this dead miner, they, come to realize it when it is too late to gain- that which they have lost. Gold Is precious, and its possession brings blessings to those who are wise enough to know how to use it. , It blesses its possessor,- and it blesses those about him when the faithful steward puts it to its proper use; But it brings its curses to him who puts a value upon it that is not its oWn. He who makes it the aim and end of life comes some day to where it is as R is for Rachel and Rebecca, who were good wires in truth, . Rabboni, Rabbi, Rhodes and Rath. S stands for Sarah, Samuel, Salome and Saul. Sadduces, Sanhedrin, and Sinai, dear to all. ' T ia for old Terah, Abraham's good sire. ; Theophilus and Taman and the. city Tyre. ft stands for Uriah, now you have ' read, of him, - and for that mysterious something that Moses names Urinv ; V is for Vashti, that famous queen of old, ::r C- :v .. . Afraid of Strong; Medicines. . Many beople suffer for years f rocs rheamatle palna, and prefer to do so rather thai take the atrpog aOelas osually gifea for rheumatism, uoi kaow- toaT tbat qelek rellet from pal a mar be had simply by applytaa Cbesaberlela'e Paia Balm aad without taklac aay saed. kiae laternaUy. For sale by. all drug. aiata Nashville, Tenn Aeoouat Sta-I dent Vol onteer Morersent for For. I becVaia'a Coek Beaadr, sad eee-rtej! y I mmm m a 4 a A """u f aN A .""N eiga Missions eb, 23th to llarchlsU, taJaemaa. ltwUata. I HH IKI J I .UK I I JUI ) Mr BUT uutw. arfsra w m aw --mw m m H B B U mmmmW M S U waawss BBW' M . Bv mmmW aew Cfe wWel i 4th. One fAreplua 25 cents for. the SidVatd tt!1aVeTUee4 ruuiKi uip. a Maebe vat urn pjm i Feb. 26th to 23th, with final KaH March 10th. T.E.Gaaxw,aT.A, Ilaleign, N. C W, P. WUeof. Uaras, 9ew by sil eacxws. PsratiBjc Tolff Bessy sad Tar. Foley &ieaxo orVtaaled Qe.! ey aad Tar aa a Urea aad luaa? reeaady. For Than. Jut'. rft- -i ;t Vl. im2 are : tx uva'.e4 Whae the pessimist sees only the j VZL9?? thorns on the roee the optimist see I VViatiAUAna are i.m1 ia tva- ra alae Taeee wwrtajeee laUlaUowA aae Bsabies only the rose on the thorns. Chamberlain's Con tit Bemtdt the v Mother's Favorite. e The aoothlng- aad heallaa; properUeeof thia remedy. Its pleeeeat taste aad Jironpt aad permaoent enrea have made t a favorite with people every where. It is especially prized by motlsra of smell ebudrea, lor solas, eonsb. aa tt always aad aa it eoa aina ao opiau or otaar harmful drac. tt may be given aa eoaS dendy to a baby aa to aa adult. For sal by all drears lets. - .1 -: ; - Similar soediaxV them. Tbe jreaslaw Foiey'e Uoer Beware of I Fflt It of gTtat AXCOtint Tar mis a yellow paekajra. Aak iotOa babj I . that Is Vthj aad ref see aay substitute. It is tha beet I , . reaeedy for wowcas aaa eoua. rxa py 1 oaoiCS arc lau it juui baby is scrarayt Scott'i Everycaadidafor back town- Emulaloxi U7whAt hi :W.titnr'J1 want.: ; Tae heallfiy Uhy ea ra aM m hi aw aU ll aie I 0 aa. I - a e m " stores as xat waav 11 qocs riot netd irimcdlalely for bone and muscle; Fat LARGE MULE TEAMS XT LaVw tlMnn i- 'tftf.t T fS fca FKt lJf aaavbea tf MmtottmUmcni F;! U t4 ae4alsf a-natt, wvnai welakeUU tt)ew-tsvitv u.ttSu fr tU4r ewry liWraJ aroarw wa are cew la a r- u -jy yv-j it re wi a r9 Aiswwe r Male. ''We aJae ka a fe Btrftee a. Htrtwe tar a. V trr rw;ef tVt. MCKINNIE BROS. 1 This woold.be a pleasant old world it men would pay - their -debts as whose feast made Hainan , famous J cheerfully as they pay their grudges. I should be ukta at the Bret six t daa I not. Cry ; vu ' T AtA 1 tt W was the wish which all the patri-1 MAK YOU WELIV ALi OTKE. the rums of a . splendid palace.- He I " . . - - . - : - I - r . .. - i reaches the point where all., that the archsmade the world was saved; X ia for Xanthicus, search for it and youll see HOTELS. earth holds is not as priceless as one moment of time. : He comesto ask in. his own heart f what la's man prof ited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soulf? ;1 And at this moment he il ready to .ofler all his possessions to ; the power that can lead him to safety, and failing in that, he casts his eold down to be trodden l :.- ,with all His beloved ones. . . ... ' . : -. .. 1 under foot.' ' His offerinz is in .vain.!' see the iaon of J udah" by, whom Rew seQtifle Kemedy That tfet at the Joint! rrora the ..lnrlde. "Wbea you get up la the morales with Mftrt'ast Sixty n Dftatrer. V . .. - ... , Hofethaa' hatf aaaakrad evwr atttrl vears of are suffer f roe aide? and MarUaw.dlanwaewa- bnall V asls n aaaalil I ofjroatateaisB-Thisu bok palpal babies are bsppr ; tbey do ltd dinnfoai. aad Falat'l Ilittt Caie . . daa 1 not ctv f thev are rica : J ' n . " cared caaay otd aaot-idl Xrlthcir fat IS laid UD 10r Kodaey Daneti, itosk roet. ato. eroea: 1 . - . , . . I teffared wlLh aalarvad BrtMtaLa a land I lirrtM At n -c I H flff ! - w m-- MIUV wa w mmmi mw , mA trachl. la vaara aavt afLwl . . Uklat two boulea mt Foleya Ctdaey hanfrv! bccatlAC tlier CTC raMlfMllaltMltilir klMfuXMttf .' . v I year aftho,h lam saw II years ptd. COmtOrtablC. 1 He I Ski BUT- SIllROEIlIHiSllia! WAGONS Wbea you fet up ia tne morales a beaaaene, palae ta tne joints aad mos alee, and " a dark brown ' taste 4a the month. -It la ample proof, tbat yonr blood is la bed contioa.-r Pills ssd ire prepsred Waeixa it and drag it aUmalaatamar riva you temporary re-I. . , , lief, bat ther will not earn. . linaue oeaina aoors iocra wtu a - Rhenmaakle sro ricrht to the seat or the and : Zion, where : our : God reigns I troabla, sweeps all Uie germaaed poiaoas out oc tne oiooo, eieana ap everr piajroe la tne body and "stake you well Ma Y is. for Yarmuk, a river ypull aee, Z is for Zebulon, one of JaooVa sons, ' - ' I - I. ' j: afL' I- tissl r Some people are not only at houoe "uaus lactr inuc. uu; wheoopportunitj; knocks but they J and CUSIlIonS tQCCl. - U hCSL they axe scratray those Steam Dried" Flooring and Csite known only to them- FB AHKLlNTOIi H0XKL IllAjnDLIWTOir, N. 0 , Oood aoeomodatloa fox the travallag Good Livery Attaehed .s r m 1 Good looks brinr happineaa, Frtends Mm mnM t m n . . ma li.n mmm 'MMt f Vi . Japanese Emperor s Expenses, with a clean, amnio. faee; brWbt eyaa - - -. t-. J aparxiinr witn health, wblea eomes by Uken The spot" la tne body and "stake you ail over Baenmaeide tones up the atom aeh, relieves lodloeeUoa aad eoastipaUoa rezulates tne live aad kidney tad re. etoree eah. organ to its natural foue- ; Uone. , Br bolidlna no tne entire mUn. Eheonueide (ortlfles yta affalast La ! Grippe. Pneumonia aad winter Coidi 1 Through ita thomojrh eleaaier of the coxobinatioa ael?ea."".. ' i ; t ' fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm' "f ' a Card.' 3 This Is to certify tbat ail dragcWs are aotaortiad to rvfasd your ooo.y.11 iys uouey aan ar laus 14 ears year eoafh or sold. It steps lie eoaxh, keala the IbCa aad prer.aU aenoua reibs iroai a eoid. Luree la grlpp. eja tad preveata paeoeocuia aad Cvxaitaru a. are hurt at nerves ungentle touch. every , They delight in Scott's Em til- sloa. It is as sweet wholesome to them. as VSSENBURa H0XElr: : - - ) r - f 'UDEHSOIT. n. o. Holliater'e Boeky kloantaia Tea Japanese 'Emperors ; yearly I . "- ' f S i: !m.Jt I?.- .W: I .-(.1v. Wwwuguinuuwu. m. xua TtiaAaavtft Wn Uafincr Knt it. I blood it ward, off Malaria ...t VrnL. I i.taU. .VU-- TI J.T.t i. i nnmwlu 1rmi tS flftft (Mlft frnm i . . ' , " . V.M. " I. n I ; . . . . . .. 4T.. mm.ammT n rm wv. Ilia nnMn nnl I VUf9 uauuua. ucuuijir'i':uw jreiDuuat wealth is not to be spent on his own uusadattoas. : Good faret IsttaaUva serraatr ' 1 Pe No other medlolue has get beea found Sold by O. L. Ayeoeka, taat enrea uneomatism to atay sured. A wuui is uui w m Diw vu-uu n" vri . . n i nnegr iDii 11 povinu taoota U sure .Uvin&.othatlS.OOO.OOOU Balary as manager 01 tne country. uonndent tnat this baa k meeta the puDiic neeas.we cenaer its services to all who believe in beina on the safe side. - First National Bank. Louis- Ju fr fr tempi. IU Mn Uau aartaweea ! (Va Ur-n ef uv ta ee eha w,Tf w lwt wwtiw) ef j He is required to pay out of it jome thousand employees. The Emperor's daily fare is Japanese. He is' per- burgtN. C, Powerful as It U, r.heoaaelde ts a i purelr vegetable remedy that doee act even barm the stomach cf a baby aad acts eatirelv'a ehannele xourcreT-Ut sells and reeoccfaJi Ice ta a non-conductor cf electric hy.. , f Wfthota'.e waa all rlxtt. yoa for a oil enal wis tv. TlT y te wo :l U I ! ? r t, Hal tiuirj 1;. k f 1: . - Ul 1 Jcc.'f 4 Co ten CAfmljES ree rwewS jrw r r-trVI HEAVY -and ' . FANCY , Giioc&mi'ZS. Fflll Liqe of. Stioes; THE GREEN 6c YAREORO CO e a .ra.

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