fv if-1 J,S. A. THOMAS. Edltar ... Praprtittr.; YO'i. XXXVI. '. . r . ...... -. -' . - . . -.- ' - e ' ? . . v- , ' " ' .i 4 i ; .i w., DIRBCrOBY OHVROH MATH0PI8T. 7 Bonday School at 9:30 A. M. Qko. 8. Baim, Sopt. Proaohing at 11 A. li and 7 80 k li. ry Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday ight. ' . I. 9. MakMII. ttof 1 ." i ' BAFTXBT. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. Wild wi, 8opt Preaching at 11 A.MM and 7 30 P.M., iTery Saaday. , Prayr meeting Tbnraday night. H. H. Mabhbcesk. Pastor. BIOBOOPAIm Saaday School at 9:30. Wm. U. KorFifJ. Sopt Services, morning and nunt , on ! it, 3rd and 4th Snn&iys. K Tning Prayer, Friday afternoon Hav. J ohm Los don, Baetor. PBBSBTTBBI4H. . I iU 3rlcM 4U annaay in acn moniB moraiog and night. ' ': MUTILATED MONEY. Conditions .Under Which It Will Bo Ro doomed by Uncle Sam. -; The "United States govenunent will pay for a mutilated bill provid- ed'that three-fifths ,o: it are recov- FRUITS AS FOOD. Medicinal Effects Which Thoy CxaHt Upon the 8ytem. - ' 1 That fruit is a wholesome articla' of diet is, of course, k Eenerally Ac cepted fact,' but the important place ered. The method of detenniniug wfich it takes throuefiTtrie medio- jusx wnat pan. oi tne note remams inili effect it exerts nuon the entire is rather interesting. Each mutilat ed bill is carefully pasted on a back ing of paper the size of the corn- system, has only recently become well known. The. medicinal effect .wAnc ur inc Mi(h - tcmo Thingo - That' Are Essential to . - . j.O HealUw.-: r:C To most persona- tne sHn Tepre- tents simply the organ of touch, and because it r is - customary to ' keep nearly all oi iU surface concealed its relation to the welfare, of the body is overlooked. It has, how- i erer, -most important .luncuons. r - A MUD blUK -UUTUK. nnWnl' oiootWo mm OUl Catr v-i?8 "16 SJiex.ot com ia not direct, but the fruit encour- Uucb as the casting out of waste roadC plete biU. The eert has a piece of the natural functions by which I matter and tfie maintenance of an - tqQtra the several remedial processes which they aid are brought about. - The fruits which come under the head of laxatiVes are the orange, figs, tamarinds, prunes, mulberries, dates, nectarines and plums; the astringents, pomegranates, cranber ries, blackberries, sumac berries, LODGES. Loaisbarg Lodge. Ho. 413, A. F A. U., meeut im aighu ia each month. Pro glass the exact size of the bill. This glass is divided into forty squares. When placed over the bill if the "ex pert can find that the remnants of the bill fill twenty-four of the squares, or three-fifths of them, the bUl will'be redeemed. Not long asro a Missouri f arnfer 1 . . m - . . llCDf Viavauuii( Bulling wrw, was leaning over to feed his pigs dewberries, raspberjies, barberries, when he dropped his purse into the quinCS) cherries and pw. mu. c uiOWCu iWDa medlars. The diuretics are goose- . i"-"1 berries, red ana wnite curranxs, Tuesday f"u 1UUUU 1 V, ? pumpkins and melens. lemons, us conienxs. xue pigs were Btugii- limea an(i appigg are 8tomach seda- tered that day and.the remains ot tives the money taken to Washington. Taken the morning early an Three hundred dollars were return- orange acts Tery decidedly as a lax- ed to the farmer. ative) BOmetimes amounting "to a Burned money is the hardest for pgatjve, and may be generally re- the government experts to work on, oli pomegraliate8 are very as- with the possible exception of mon- tringent an relieve sore throat and ey which has been gnawed by mice. uyula The of The department at .Washington .iinn is imod an- once received a cigar box fuU of thehnintic. Figs, spht open, form money which had been sent from excellent poultice for boila and Philadelphia with the necessary af- fimall absce88es. strawberries and fidavit showing that it had been m- vm be in hi office at wake Forest N.c gide a rl constructed safe and gervice' in the remOTai of tartar l-"raJ.,rlpanh0ohXBtbarwo?k.,U had been burned to the condition in frQm teeft. wmcn n was xurwmucu. "j Apples are correctives useful in p u. COOKE. with the idea that the original pack- naugea and even sea6ickness. They x ace ought not to be broken, the J I -. 1 J -!- - nhnWAH TloOC I . . senuer muwcu tuc y' to smoking. - Bitter almonds con- with some silver coins which had . i,.;,, xa AnA are use- Ia alocTow cosatr.'XX, wo are rorj poorly provided wljh ptke roods. ay Dr. D. B. Mrtno of Iberia. O, la Vt Auto Advocate and Oooatry Eoad. OoCtido of. the tncorporaUd UUcoa thote are perhaps torn or twojv nXtat of. pise a ad . ooms lodlfffrrot fraref road, alootly the roods are oarO whka ta tnajsy toootho tr Motrnlont to mortar bwla. nowrrec. even body temperature, disregard the - nnmUt of poopio who aJTrocaU of which may lead to senoua du-. cood roods U auadUy lacroastax a turbances of health. oioy wrui a cw taaboad. IU aw mHjlaekj for lb uv. imU-y -2 ab didat take th cSuUrea wilJ I). T. amithwicrf.D.S. V. H. Banks.D.D.8. lR3. 831 IT11 WICK & BANKS. D DEKTA.L 80 KG EONS, LOUlSBUKa, N. U Offlcw ia Hicks Build iuk, Main Street. But aside from its purely physio-J logical purposes me ssin ia an im portant influence for or against per sonal appearance, and its proper care is therefore worthy of consid eration from this point of Tie alone. , j,' "' Cleanliness is the greatest es sential in the care of the skin: For w t ea R. W. U. EUWAKU8. DENTIST. Dushau, N. C. ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Loaiabnrg, N. C, Office oo Nash street. Prompt attention Q een the badly burned 6afe. iriveu all legal uuwuew " In its passage D H. J. B. HAJLONK. l-HACTICINQ PHYaiClAH AND 8DBQBOH. LOUIHBVae, B. o. OtUoe over Axeocka Prog Company. jjR. J. J. MANN, HUY81C1AN and SURGEON, LO018BCB0. N. C. Ufflce over Ajcocke Drag Co-'s drag store 8. P. B0KT, fRAOTlCINQ PHYSICIAN AND SUaQSOB. Louisburg, N. C. Office ia the rear ol K. A. Bobbitt A Co.' Urua htore, on Nasn street. he badly burnea saie. fuj in a ,e h but they fre. through the mails the I nroduce a BOrt o nettle heavy silver was shaken througn tne ragh rjg pimmon palatable charred bills till there was hardly a when - t the n t is piece left the size of the neaa oi a astringent, containing much P. , . , tannin. The oil of cocoanut has The experts wno nanoiea me mu,- Uen recoimnended as a substitute tilated money by the aid of magnify- or cod Uyer oil and ia much ing glasses soon brought out four Gennany for phthisis. Barberries fifty dollar bills and witnm an nour agTeeable to fever patients recommended that they be redeemed m the form of a drink. Grapes and by the treasury. raisins are nutritive and demulcent Only innnite care ana patience flnd ape mw,h used m gick 6htm. can bring any result witn tne mice berNew York Herald. chewed bills. Jiiacn oi tne pieces i laid out on a hard, smooth surface, and with the assistance- of magnify H B. t. YAKBOK.UUUO, PHTSICIAH AND SURQB0H. a. c. LOU1HBUM. OOo. tnd floor ; rvaitlenea, phne B. GORDON LEE SCHEFFEE, DBNT9T. LOU1SBOBO. . - S. C w-v HI. nfn to Dr. Aruiur njw x.a-f bancrsaor ciu.ee In Ford Lalloiug. Ho Hod Preferences. fisiiii-ra T jtA nf lval tarn a in 15f. ing glasses they can be placed in N- H' the last century their proper position in relation to aM,Tril,it.rl v 11 aorta of one another. The experts have a methodS) a fortune for the times codv of every bill which has been j nua tttkt y vmntrt issued by the government. These gtore practically the "bank6 are used as models as soon as J . enough of the bill has been laid out nd expenditures, had nourished to establish its issue. The experts ytion to live in a place larger say that .the best bins were prmteu and wJtl more goeiai opportunities-! by the government during tne civu i than the uttle, Yiijage afforded. So war period. The grade ;df japer was , ed Up one autumn, took a : A Mw.n iioiwi an1 rno I . superior iu my " v house in rortland. wmcn was tne engraving has never been excelled. town o the WOrld to country peopl the cleansing bath water aa hot as can be borne is best, and a good soap Bhould.be freely applied with a moderately stiff bath brush. If the water is at all hard it is well to soften it by the addition of a lit tle ammonia or borax. "A quick sponging of the entire body with cold water should follow in order to cause the pores relaxed by the heat to contract, and the drying Bhould be accomplished by bnk rubbing with a coarse towel. Although the habitual use of hot i water on the face is sometimes con-1 demned on the ground that it tends to favor the relaxation of the skin and produce wrinkles, there ia no danger of this if the washing be concluded with cold water The sponge is a thing to be avoid ed, as at is difficult to keep clean and forms a beautiful lurking plaee for germs. One washcloth should be kept for the face alone, and this should, be boiled frequently. At night it is a good plan to rah a little pure cold cream into the skin of the face and then wipe it off with a piece of soft linen. It w surprising how black the latter will appear wben tne operation is nnisn ed. Cold cream and talcum powder and some of the cosmetics are safe and useful, but other cosmetics do more harm than good. The development of wrinkles can be retarded, and if prestt they may be lessened by gentle massage with the finger tips anointed with cold cream. A good general rule is to let the direction of the rubbing be upward and outward. Above all, it should be remember ed that cleanliness, exercise, fresh that lb emie of coed roads net say, "SooMthlaf of the hind wUI be dooo aoooer.er tate.? They hop thai It win bo later on. account of aa ta- crta.ee In taxation which woo VI a aarUy follow. Uj Uea of what should bo Cone hero (Morrow coenty) at tfclaf as folfowsr - Ia thla towraabip ta fact. a0 eras thls'eouptyrrthert U aa abondaae o4 eaajstone or lo Kind com tone iy ken of aa Borea grtu also a good aspptj of fair qtaRty travel. Now, if the roads wrro wetl . traded and dttcbooj with good Urge culverts where rni- verts art aoedrd and aa earth tract constructed at on aide and a stoao and travel troch at the other, we woold bare food roods cooperatively cheap. Of coarse this aaodst gravel road aboakl be wed roUed aa tt la- laid doom sod wben finished ahjfctlr higher tbso the eo.rth track. Lam wftiacBstatd with the Uave- stoaopikt roads hoi It ta rceot yeon In too sdjoinlog covotleo Usrtoc aod Crawford sod koow that ooet then ore troilt too high sod too Cbta and are &ot relied. Belog tooe. they rat trxmodUtely. Betag btgh. H ts mot easy to drive from ooe track to as ether, a ad tbcy.spceod eoeXy. Aod t tag thla I frar tbey wttl oot ataao eervlco well. AS to cost. I beUTe good saodatooe and. gravel roods can be built ta this region for $tX per bIW. I thlak this sboald b borne by the sdolotog prop erty owners, the township, the coaaty ami the state, each paying 22 pr ceot of cost, sod then maintained by the township. As to tb United 8 tales tnr erumeot peyinx a port, let tho ferera- meot pay one-ba 1 f the cost of coo- ot BUIamaaea a4 10c adac&e Take OrTao Larstfeo rrilrTrt, tt ss aa geaUe etiaisloat tho It aadhoWe oKaooo lrrrsUaor thee rasa. Ortoo L4 taxi re fra 8 rrea roees hflltaeeies Sad hsh9ost eositotVw. Does act aoesseta o arrtve aa4 as s1i aoaioovzso a4 refoe to s m set eohotnsoa. fteeg he O. U Aywoeka. dry dock n Mi fasoed. ayci tie batutAhip Keatocky. AiM Cuo nieU. ' ' ' - leVI i 1 1 M lOuisl i : f JSJ . velvet rye i - v o.l vet V v r where. it at If puiisary, . n. c. vV Kratrax rWTs ttof al Tar. Vote? a Co. CkWra. oettooosl Ho- ey aodTaao a throat sod lo fen If. oo asooooa eg to iiwi e-ru o4 o9lrlty of feiry'a Ueory os4 Tor. too Thee worthies Ut&oneo t ! atavOar eoosdtag staw. Baee 4 j 1 n i.ir i - - . , 1 1 . - V a - X - u I I sod refese say oebatttete tl la lh M I A rooMdr tot soothe a4 eUl. It! ' O.L. Ayoosho. To diZtmem Wfwoeo a !avo-, . -. -taV bu ana a nriioma. ara tame- is tiaplr as to btLr r dm U gU bia Jkb. .Ttoavlijtcli. Mrs fast rUxtv ra Daaor- store ihsa half eveshted orre '!! roses of see eetfr Tnm kUar so4 hs4dr 4fcaedeea, ooIle olaero'Ol , of ta(fU4 ThWk hmh totefeli a4 asagafooo. sod FJ-rS KMeey Cera ; hoUaUkSttaeretaco rt. ss U eoerMCs trrvtfoWrliWo sad k-as esrad avosy old sa oCltw qws. ve Bodsr BororU. lUok fori. Ko.. rtw I eSaeed orHh ooiarred aroatsa c ue4 sod kWle-e tewoUe far raere sod a rue taktss two haul cf FcJ-r' Kk4f Care I feal better thss 1 kse f twtaly rears sltkoogh I ooi ow 1 yeoee til " Thnos gentlemo wKo wtre Crak stroct:nc gno roaos ot ooooes wiaui r r j (boat twenty feet) between points of Simmons sooca hae ko tLeer 1 military Importance. TWe,. m ll.r.IJ I in coDciosMn. ss s maa sck covntry ilrv-f rw t ahoaVl reloice to oeo the roods (nnrnvad he -one old olsa." ChaJBhoTUla'S the Aotoe oo Alta to Oeet M. A recent Engtlah peHodlcaJ finds that tho aatomoblte Is doing mach to ta prove the character of tho rarai roads and that poop ha Ting desirable coea-j try places for sale or lease hare loss difficulty bow thsa formerly ta dirpoa Oooga fteoaedr other's raroriis- The oeothtag sod haollat yroM ef this re-aadr. rta oaeooasl Ujs sod proeip4sad foreoeeoeo kse wtAm t a fseoeHo otth 9opit mr;tWn. It to apUllr pria-4 br axtVrra T avail hlidrto. for ewkla, eroep t heT4eg ooogh. asttslosyssCoeos qWk rWW. tod aa U ooo'aloo oo f-s or . r karml sldroo:. avsr he sia aa east dooxly So t baby at to as a4sH. Poe aaa 4 no r 5 h a r n p p i Rye Is i' . .-.. Ik g - - - " w t" rm . ar I Yl a a a rv-M I Unfile r Trt V til ht Mr. rrrt I hlrtm II N . II vti'nm "cr over a outfit cl a I! inc iraurr oi an pacjLafjc courrj. I." II T f itt- U !I peymw mcinm t-;u -. : a- f fa yy Jl II aa-att araai lleN fnil , .. 1T f III Ccmlldcacc o! thr prot Ir. -JL, " ', t I i lag of them. Tbe auto has made Cng nah higbwaya fnlty CO per rant bettet than forroerty. and tho topToTotaeatlpy droggteu. aen m i n tveaai i rvat anwi .n i am aie aimnlfl food and attention to the I m moi nn it tho mmt lmooriani I Se whit1 Anlnr tctr niuia tnlsl rrsjooo oars wm conaiderationa in tho- raxo-oLuHtal -dftwtwh- hf-oioo rotg tor ,sy 3f6-tx ortA Carteo. Vi. Youth's -CcrmTjamonT - I WewTTork corrcopoadcat of tho ITtla- H. MAJJBaUBORQ. a.TTOBJrr at law Looisavaa, WUl praatiee lit all U Oourta of the State ! Olflea n Court Hooaa. Peace Overtures. There was blood in the eyes of the two suburban housewives as they glared daggers at one another over the whitewashed ience. Ornaments In India. . in inaia ior ue ma ui no i . . ,j then, and, with his family, started in pie the purchase of ornaments is aa- u jyardraUrty troe of tho aajtsra to cut a dash. most the one lonn oi inauigraco ud northern centroJ rta tee. From the To his chaerain he found he wag I to which a man who has made a Alleghaaiea to the VTUaiastppi tho coea- nne of manv in that place, and not little money treats himself. Urdi- try roads to many cocaOes are ta ex has kstt pa Cai'jtl, bowarar. Wew iott corrcopoaacat ot ua na rjroWblr ba sbis to prwo tbal burg Dispatch. It has boot, noticed. VX7 Tm 7" for Instance, that sabelaatUIly an the Da naaar, aoo nw a-y p-w roads leading oat of tho Urge dtloa ot J loogiag ta Fraooo or any 000. Hi I10N COFFEE tta 8rraerth, rta iw iW Oaal trr SO eoomfc4 tl. Oa arrival alaatartt . ft to r a r tall y caas af ecr tactarUt a4 Mcantji ta 1 ts.. eol4 pa'kstea. O .e actia taiu Mtitt fjs tVe time . Tait prt!tlM tty o4 a dmltrT-a tVoB ce r 1 a1vr1 ortta W Otaag. f wossls ear &av 1 a a aaata. The LXOn CDfTTZ ka IWnkr ffoavraEteo So fate ht Un- L..UI. J6i '. . vttfci, iu'un. IT,' GROCERS rVHRWHERX rcm oc , T-t4. out 1 ran, earl. SOLD J yM. W. BUDDIE, ATTORN ET-AT LAW, LomsBUlxi, N. C. Offlca oyer Boddia, Bobbitt Co.'s drug tore. . the htartlihr Bat Tree Pocrole the worM erer wet boerlS-d Ordi- trr roads to many cocat)eo sro ta ex- oa Uaj-alsx of the horatsg U t Chirac UUC Ul IMP" T AAA UlAk aaa sw mvo ua,M amwuj . ' . a . v io. A m a scrape or bow was coming his way. narily the man who has saved a few cepOonally flno condition. TV. fhm- .iT4 v. vT-v- rJL nnt .Kanff. th nature era are paring more sttenllon to pe teet thalr ntoo, ye aeiii i subject than ever before, not only 1 .tTL ZT.' TTJT. der the rpnr of the owner, of "KhT tth ararW, . tw not chanee the nature i - j xi. i vymioixuoo w"o - 1 -r. . : . . , ... 1 .1 as ior you, nisseu tne o 1- baeeage Effingham, and that of his food or the style 01 nis ciom red knit lacket, 1 dont Know . n t.n innTiirv what I could say that would be suffi- Qf Qne8of 'loaierfl "Whd msnflv sovktp T Viatfi VOUI I . ,.1.-11. 'A 1 FRANK B M K ciently severe. 1 hate you I Ye come back, squire, fore you'd cal "And you," retorted tne one in p,, he Ued . the blue shawl, "are reauy not wortn Tve of that place. wastin? Dream over, ou iuwbi but 00 their own aecoont- TBty nsrs 1 Qlt Keeey 000 of iki i 1 ei been educated to understand that ooodl patea stools too!tsd frees s ooi4 e4 roada will help theta to get to market aovi haeo kro tiitrnoaod he tho Chswly A farmer living ten mlleo from hlsl of Chaotheeiats'e Oeogh fieowdr. A county seat ta the middle west and I reaoi ortsr 5) had eea- I w fr Uhoee waro3 r 03 ey VV u. HAYWOOD EUFFI1S. ATTORH BT-AT-LA w, Looiaaraa. s. o. wmoraettea in all te Oourta pi rranalln 4nU aajblnln ooonUoa. also IB tos.jo "oJvtDdl7uia United 6tatee Pistek and Offiot In cooper and Clifton BalMlng. 1 aoa. b. wudu, ATTOBjm-AT-XAW, Moinirae, a. o. OCaa oa Haln street, arax Jonas a Ooopert the inquiry ing, nor does he invest in articles ox furniture. What he does, 11 ne ia of a cautious and saving nature, is to put his rupees in a hiding place, but if he is inclined for show be ., . , , i i 11 v.: V nfmn tmA 1 rwknnlnr fha (ttartanc trr ttkB ttmo Ml OSIOStt v i 't-t wo-rhAv rwi a rmff imnnr inniiipps 1 1 in 1 axil. , ui uuwwxuk . - - - - i . .... . . . .i j j-cx cro, j. u iowxx i - o rro ' r.o -. t a- i i .vi w t -loeostpt aso ot law wswr. 1 a 4 There was a painxui pause, uxm , ,h h amohsr kines." or silver ornaments on vne persons - - - - - "T i. u .a tataa. iai. eon T-o then thehcme in tbe knit jacket con- Heral(L of his wife and children. These PT1D f,1??". ,!J haooh ooaoot be eaVS I. fteoe of Choav. tinned: . . ornamenU are the very last things "'"",UJ.." icr M Jol mAM . ... . i :il - I " 1 fa aoixOS Itfl IsasoOtSO. 1 Iteimi a wuoiu boj a SxCQk u tr- ouay xo eeo. to De panuu wiiu v.u a -x , chlDC be U not kct In heeAng. aoead eto dsashiee. Usee, tf s were it xxui. iui jvu. " - - J.Iie way to coiXLuxaiiu a guuu uim lortuuc, axiu ocu xxx .xx. " baby." .is to never cheapen one's stock in cial depths they are not put on the "Do do you really think he is trade. At least that is the princi- market until the last piece of coined sweet?" t nle adopted by an Ohio justice of money has vanished and no house- I do, and I am not backward! tte peace. This gentleman, saya a hold utensils of brass or copper are . . . t -W- - . 1 , ' a 1 1 " I A l A. .a leit witn wnicn to ooiam a cum. about saying it, although I despise ter in the Philadelphia Ledger, his mother. He is the prettiest lit- na8 miS8ed his callinir. Given his a i t SB I m toea. 8. SFitUILl,. ATTORHKY-AT-LAW, Loomuao. . o. mil ih. ennru of VranUln. Yanes aranTlila. Warren nd Waka connUea, alao lvI..V?U- court o North Carolina. Prompt attention gw to collections. UtUoa over aertoa's Btore. tie bov in twenty blocks." "Then then lefs make up. Neighbors shouldn't be enemies. IH hand vou a dish of stewed prunes over the fence." Chicago News. Paired. Said Mr. C: "In those days I was a .Republican, and my friend K., opportunity, he woulcVsoon make a name among the numonsia. An attorney in a neighboring city wrote him to inquire about a judg ment that had been entered against a client. He inclosed a stamp for reply. Several days later he re ceived a postal card bearing this messaee : "Your inquiry received. 1 beg From Hungary. A well known publisher has re ceived the following entertaining enistle from a Hungarian reader.! It is quoted verbatim : "Subscribed I am so free to You apply and be?. You would be sf rood on my address a list of price of Your precious shop upon my1 costa to send. 1 would ixDguan T. W. BlOxOTC, LAWTB r". LotnsBUBs . o. Th. settlement of estates foe Bxeeators, . ..i.i...inn ani Oiurdlana is mades tpec- laity, and tna bonds required by law can do WOUmrr ,n Tarooro'ert k Blcaett gliding Main ttreeC the most penurious man in New England, was a Democrat. -One to inform you that my time is works bujrand I know not any Eng- .pring. day he said to me, 'C, have your mighty -valuable just now, . Corn Ush book trade. I pray You, to me committee been after you r Teat e Oil lac m tMlmr. The balf mile of oiled rood oa the arenas faclog the State AgrVroHmrali by aildrogg-. colU-ps at Manhattan, Kao- has wtth- stood tbe cold weather satisfactorily So far, says the Kansas Oty Star. few places tho reoldoum oil dkl penetrate the required six Inches, and these places wilt need farther working. Tbe work was done hut Beptsiaber and required 4.400 gallons of oO. at IV) cenu a gallon at tbe wells. Tho freight was aboot the same, making tho total cost aboot fled. Too experiment sums to Justify the claims made for it by Its tnpporterm. It U now said that U ta bs tta a horsemeo win ol) tho half mOe drive la tho city park tho coming oold. aod I helteee eaead her life she was Ureal oWh eax W. D. WUoaa. Loaa. 5ew Tatrfc. kts - For Thin Babies BflCKINNE BROS HORSES and MULES THIRD CAR LOAD t r o : t . ia' Bt'ed LARGE MULE TEAMS W. rraaOaes street. at. rBBaOa, ATToaarar at-iaw, fcOSiasDsa, a. o. eoorts. oaes on sum tn all ; Not vet,' I replied. " 'Well, mine have been after me, and they wanted me to subscribe $500, and I told tbem I would said he. "1 looked at bin in amazement. Then he added: "Yes, I told them the Republicans would expect $500 from you, and I was going to pajr off- oo, mind you, buck io m ar xxxx6xxkJ , . IT , ji M at.v UmmAm re a TtiM DMrtet curang is most mgu uf, I-"-- xor u --5 n"JS V'a Macadam streets and clkoa are now is sizzling and the bass nsning don x am a uuva being built to lUaoo. Tex. which hne. II you would inciose a auuax i sxudy me oeautiiui wut v . bill it might stimulate me some, l ganans very neavy r.nguu iau built tho notch wax mO die Fat is of great account to a baby ; that is why babies arc fat It your baby is scrawny. Scott's Emulsion is what be wants. The healthy baby !-' - 4 t Vt Use 0 toko this e; ; Ct are cow la a ; Male. We !.' if SttlO- : t I ,'itr,;f ?n U c-m sg tsttl-e i 1 -itl it 14 s;ltf wt'bH, aWai e' nrt::i f-r Heir ff literal -atewsr 1 . f. .' T ff.B OSS'. S fiw y it et s 5 Hat-eee Ul OS Heee trtct. saya a PUoo rpectsJ dispatch to! ft t.n U rrr thm Rt Looia Prt.rjtsnotch. Tba er. 1 SlOfCS OS lal WUftl. li QOC3 paid $2 onct to a lawyer for an- guage only by the way from one I the 8L Loala rt-Dtapatch. The ex-IS swering a question, and all he said and a half years. Hoping you wm 4mpta was aet by tho ComipercUl eiah Qt neteA irnmediatel y lor n.T, l J.e iitlnn aivrxmnl It Vl . I r- I -,M, Kn wA mlU. rlkx Vn 111 UUl lAt.V X4Xa- VViM. w j v 1 I V X t..- . I WM.... V... atita1Ka rwnva f na. I V MCKINNIE BROS. A New Pish, It was Tuesday morning, the clothes had been washed, dried Mid iir Tt TA&BOKOTJQH, J a. ATIOBHKY AT LAW, OSIaa to Opera Hoaae bulldlna;, Court ttroat rangement. It will be all the same I folded the day previously, and com to both parties, and it won't cost mon seixse pointed to the fact that either of us a cent "-r-Iippincott s 1 it vas ironing day, but cautions ocanainavuui xune, vue uw xuoxu, p. S.-r-I peg to ma your list of prices with payment on delivery to send." Harpers weexiy. A Railway Whloh Went Nowhere, Lunatics often assume a superi ority of intellect to others which is Well Timed. I x r.5rr tA maVo tiA miataka I nnitfl amusinir. A irentleman while (tt an uvv bv"6 v a v 4 (mine aliMrl before beimr surVl walkim? alone a road, not far from au legal haataast totn-ta to ami this-mornin.,, said the xW6avA rfrf,. the side of which there ran a rail- nlrl churchwarden, "and it was well . -oatnro -Ammittinff herself to the war. encountered a number of in I . ' aVVAVAV VV P I I W . dUient have subscribed money for j Knnf nrt muscle. Fat the town. When that la accomptlahod I babiCS aXC happy ; tliey QO VM putes will DO laxen up agsin, ana tt,v r rirri It U erpectod that between tea (Ad QOt CTT ; tney aXC HCil , twelvo tulle, will bo built wtthta a fal ft jald up fof I P. H0DCK, COSTEACfOa aan BUILD EB, LOTJIBBPaa, H . . O. Tradlaa Scant for all kinds of Boildlng SawpUaa, ArUstto ttantles and Tiles. Axon. taetarat DtaUtom BaOnuttea -j. HOTELS. timed too "Yes' rejoined the parson, with a deer sish - T noticed that." "Noticed what?" asked the puz- zledrarden. f fThat several of the congregation I looked at their watches frequently," "answered the; good man, - with f an- nMm eatV ia Tkoked her head nana people out for exercise. With mfM v Af aaar a aa i . tra a ax w- - a into the dinine room to say appeal-J a nod toward the rail-y lmea he other deep sigh,-Indon Answer, j panioa. ;1tt. Heesis, I skuld like to epeai soinething' " " ' What ia it, TiUier" r - " fSkal I cook some flatlron c asxr ed Tillie-eanie8tly.--:Ypnth'a ,Oon -- - Is aaWI tn one of the lunatics: ?Wher does this railway go tor" ' The lunatio looked at him scorn f uHv lor a : moment and , then re- . '. Tt dont go anywhere.. .We keep it Here to run xrama on. FBANKL11ST0H HOTEL : ' Onal aoooraodadoa f ot Om tmathg l V Good UoovT Attasaod Good looks; bring happiness. Friends eare more foraa ?wboa-r wo - lnoet; them with a eleaa. amutng taee, nngni eyes aparkling with health, whioh eomoa by taken- tioiiiater a nocay nuui x- 5 eony; w--"ry.. The $12 hat oovers a multitude of llASSENBtJllGltOm T P MfUWaWttbTATir Propr lIE2IDlls6if . 1 aoooauaodatioBa. Good fare. Pa Methuaalo was all right, yoa-bet - For a stood old sonl nmi--':j:-TT They say he wontd ho lliog yeV':-."; Bad he taken Koekr noonuia Tea. ; A borrowed opmion to a poor"-ag. 1- Hara o bora betrayed by promisee oaeKka. awallaoed nlllo Sad . botUed aMdietao withopk reeoluozeerH a aio meed stomseh. To those we offer HoUle- ters Bosky MonaUin Tea. .33 t sat.. Faintheart may win fair widow." yarntaes,fe;-5igi : Thla ia to eertity that all dggUhi are Uimbal tn axf onli tM, tnnfUiV If Vt TT. Tunr.lA fta.v their money , Bt I laya Honey and Tar falls to oaro yonr 1 disordered eoadltloa of tho stoossh. . AU , How people WPffl& j eoogh or eold. It stops tho eoogh, hoaU that Is needed to effetst a ears ta a does or frtSt 1 tSlsuTud preventonoa; roaulu two of (aamberlala'a Stomach sod Lie or VOuDavau vOali liltw waio.- uraw ixxo public needs, we tender ite Bervicea to all who believe in -being on the safe gide. First National; BankaiLonia- bnrg,N. C.w - r- from a eold. ; Cares la STrippo. ooagh and preyents paeamonla and eoaanmptloa. Cod tains no oplatoa. The geaalae is ia a yeUow paskago. Refoao aubatltateo. , iii: 8iek Headache. Tola distressing ailment resolta from a Tablets. -In fteV. tho attack nay warded off. or greatly ieeeened ta seren- ty. by takinor a dooo of those Tablets at aooa aa the first symptom of aa attack limr nf need. TheV art An lntersUU highway Is ptaaaod to Vinnnw. heCAUSe thcT aXC Ttend from iko border of British Co I. i iumhU throogh Washington, Orrgoo 1 COiniOrtablC, 1 He iai Sar f OS - I a. ta arfka. W r ..g aa. IljMii oai- I - UK1 liOllUol M WW oMVUVolaB IrWatv- . .s a ary. says the flood Roads Magojtoa, rounoa. incir; 1UUC uci ir la estimated that this road cea hef , .uie,m natrtictd at an avtrago cost of I'fcA4S , u o v h.. alraa.fr come forward witli thrvacJ . tt J amount oexwaaary to bund Its porUoo, I ncrVCS 0TC hurt ' at eveTT which Ms roado avajlabla dartng- the I , vtt' next .fie years, and If other counties' I tingCntlC lOU Cu. - - A IXCJ act aa promptly the road wm ho Coca-! .Qtt- . PA1 pletad by 191L T ' - . ' "- ' I uciii"i. ww.k . -f- aTrvn Tfv a . fTa atrret rL Whea roa waat a phyete that la aiUdl wliftlMOmfi to thera. ana geeuo. easy so use its smais to - .1mm aa. r.xa,?salala-a Til mm and User TahUta.. Foe oaki by all draa. I Stmd for fr mpU. WAGONS : .2of. Steam Dried Flooring and CBilng.' Soioido is cwrtAiiily a last raaorL . vi. Afrajd of BttnfMedtaaeg UacT Tjosolo aoSer foe roars f rhsematio polas, aod prsfsr to do so rather thsa lake the etroeg Hedlelaea osoaUy gltea for rbeoavaUsta, aotkaow tsg that qtick relief f rota peia avsr ho ktd simply by arplylsg CBaavbeTlAla's Pali, Wain, a A aalt Kyu.t I.VU a a a I a 5 iciaa IntsrDAily. Fcrrasia bj ail &xt ' ; "OA -! ii-A Ox Sana of a W-S Is oe i o-arear et eey t tain ii t yea hay. HEAVY arlti FANCY GllOCKRIES. OasaBBaaBaaaa-aaawaaBaaa BH . Liqe ...of Sljoes. Jcotl 4 Boar CAooaUts U. THE GREEN & YARB0RO COr oe ss t rv r S9a.aJltM' Sold by G. Ayeoeka. appsAxa. $o!d Ij all dxogglava. naaadatUatlve aarraatr . .if r -if. -." -