J AS. A. THOMAS, Editor is Proprietor. VOL XXXYI. - .5 ' OHUBOH DIRECTORY MTHODiar. Sunday School at :30 A. M. Geo. S. Basse, 8upt. Prwwbing at 11 A. M., and 7 80 P. M. ivery Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night L. 6. Marsst. Pastor. BAPTIST. Baud Ay School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. WiLDsa, Sopt PKaching at 11 A.M., and 7 30 P.M., verv Sunday. , Prayer meeting Thursday night. H. H. Mashsurbb. Pastor. bkuoofal, Sunday School at 9:30. Wat. U. Rornn. Sopt Hrvio. morning ana aunt , on : t, 3rd and 4th San&ayB. Kvning Prayer. Friday afternoon Hay. J ohn Loudon, Rector. prssbvtbeiab. rterKa 4th Bandar in ach month m iratott aad night. 0RD1NAIICES. OF ERANKLINT0N, N. C. each and every offense. " To Promote .Good ObdwM Szcnoir 1. -x;It ahall be the duty of the Mavor - whenever nMWMxrr tni At a Meeting Of the CommiS-i preserve theeaca' of 4h town taitw. sioners of the Town of Frank- point and organise a sufficient number linton Held May 8th, 1905, of police to remain on duty subject to the . Following: Ordinances bis order, were Adopted and Enacted Sec2. Any person throwing for the Government of Said miseuesrrollinff noons. rtavW wi .-J o r-i rr J O . : i'-tdLlU OOTI, THE STATS 'I'M ui TJ 2A XOIsT- WUEtof 1906 and if 'TOch person be unable orrVlmoWfrora the time any dead ani-lfor each di v sih rriry fa teed hh- rye" $ Town: ARTICLE I. .To Prbvestt Fires.. Sectiox 1. That no fire be al lowed in any stove in any house, un less the floos (if wood) be properly ! guarded from the heat by a sarid box LoDUBS. ".iv ujv LooUbarir Lode. No. 413. A. P. & pip a passing tnrougn wood must A. M., mwu 1st aod 3rd laesday be nronarlv Heftnrnd from to saon by being separate and apart from such wood by some incombusti ble material. Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of violating the above section of this article shall be fined one dollar. Each and every day after notification and - failure to remedy said stove as above required shall constitute a new offense within the meaning of this ordinance. Sec. 2. The owner of any town lot on which there is a building shall Pastor. Qihto 10 each mouth. I'roteiwional ardt I) T. Smith wick. D.D.8. C. H. Banka.D.D.8. iRd. S11ITHW1CK & BANKS. D1 DENTAL HDRilEONa, LOUlriBURli, N. V. office in Hicks Bnilditip, Mam Street. jjR. W. U. KUWAKDd. DENTIST. Durham, N. C. Will be in his office at Wake Forest N. C, the wek following the tirBt Sunday iu mu:b woctb prepared to do dental work. J) d. LOOKE. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Loaisbarg, N. C. Office on Nash street. Prompt attention Kiveu all lenal busiuefts entrusted to me. jjK. J. K. MALOJNK, I'aACTICIHQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LociMBOke, a. a tlice oTr Ajxxk ritixg Company. ill. J. J. MANN, wrestling or boxing, or eneaeinff in any other game on the streets of the town shall be fined one dollar. : Sec 3. Any" person, playing cards or other games of chance on the streets or public squares of the town shall be fined ten dollars. ' Sec. 4. - Any person Tiding a bicy; cle on the sidewalks of the town shall be fined one dollar. Sec. 5; Any person who shall in the corporate limits of the town pub licly use any obscene or profane lan guage, or be guilty of disorderly con duct tending to violate the peace, quiet and good order of the town shall be fined twenty dollars.' Sec. 6. Any owner or lessee of a business house in town who shall per mit any disorderly conduct in his house or upon his premises without reporting the same on affidavit to the Mayor shall be fined ten dollars. Sec. 7. No person shall ride r SUHEER u : t t. I uu yux u.t Bai tauaer drive at a fa8ter h 12 of sufficient length to reach to the an honp np arvn nnv hnna np mna , j or ox in such a manner as shall ren- eavea of the tallest house on the lot. tt. c j. HuU .axxuxc auj, wuBl ui a Wwu der h unmanageable, or ride or drive w P lL "iW3BU unbroken- animals on the streets of day s notice, upon conviction he shall the town under of one doUar pay a ane oi two aoiiars, ana every day that elapses thereafter until such ladder be provided shall constitute a new offense. If there be more than one owner of such lot, notice to one shall be sufficient and if the owner be PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, LOUtBBORO, N. C. office over Ajcocke Drug Co-'s drug store l) k S. I'. BDRT, t HACTICINO FHYSICLAK AHD SURQKOH. Louisburg, N. C. the rear of R. A. Bobbitt & rear Drun otore, on Nash street. rL. ti.lf. YA&BORoTjQll, PHYBlClAJ AJJD SUKOKOII. umtm Snd door flea; tall MUcat oMls aoswer4 bom 1' raiieioe. phone . .boKe-S9. D B. GORDON LEE SCHEFFER, DENTIST. LOtJlSBDRQ. . - N. C Successor to Dr. Arthur Hjnti PI mlng nu.ee In Ford bollolng. B. H. MASBSSBURa, ATTORHET AT LAW LOCISBUKS, Will prsuc in all the Court of the State Offlea n Court House. Sec. 8. Any person who shall jump on or off the railroad cars while in motion within the town without a latisfactory excuse for the sam to the Mayor, shall be fined, two dollar. Sec. 9. Anv nerson vfhn shall a uuu-raiuut uuuoe ue given w bW a Bboote- w other his agent or the occupant firearma. or Can to inli nv fir bEc 6. V henever the roof of any I works or combination of gunpowder house within the limits of the town of in nv atrAAt of th tnwn franklin ton shall become dangerous any fire arm charged with any mis on account ot hre, the lioard of Uom- gUe in the coroorate limits, of the missioners may so declare and the J town, except by and with the per- owner of such house will be required mission of the Mayor shall be fined to put a new root on the same within two dollars. ' bucq tame as the "Jommissioners shall 1 Sec 10. Tt ahall h nnlawfnl tr think, reasonable, under a penalty of I any persons to assemble together on five d5fa fornleMoe an additional penalty of one dollar fori the town no a to nhatrnnt th mA each week such house shall remain nd those an offending ahall finea unrepaired. one dollar. a ec. 4 l nat portion oi tne town l oec. ii. At any pubuo games bounded on the north by Vine street, I within the corporate limits of the on the east by R. & G. R. on the town, the Chief of Police or special south by the Old Hillsboro road and police shall have full authority to on the west by a line extending from prevent any interference with such Hillsboro road to Vine street 110 game by outsiders and to keep any feet from the centre of Main street person not engaged in such game out west of and parallel to Main street side limits that shall be agreed upon fuseto give a satisfactory account of himself and his business, ha shall be ordered to leave town, and on refus al to obey, such order shall be 'fined two:dellarBvj.:. ':' ' Sec 24. ; Eyery person who shall keep a disorderly house of SI' fame withirL the town, and any person who shall knowingly ' rent .any house to be ased as a house of Si-fame, shall.' be fined ten dollars for every day: th louse is so kept; and aU adult persons ihring in such house shal be conaid dred the keepers thereof and subject to the penalties of thk ordinance. II the oocupant'of any disorderly house sbaUrefusetoopenhuovherdoortBnd give entrance to any- offioer of th town demanding admission v3 for vth purpose N of . suppressing 'disorderly oonduct therein, b w she shall be fined ten dollars. " - Sec. 25. Any person who shall tie any horse, mule or other, sCock en Main street between Vine street and the old Hillsboro road, or on Mason street between Hillsboro street and R. & G. R. R, shall be fined one dollar. ARTICLE IV. To. Preserve Health akd Com fort. Sectiox I. Any person failing or refusing to remedy anything on his premises declared by the Health Offi cer to be detrimental to the health of the community shall be-fined one dol lar for each day it remains. Sec 2. It shall be unlawful for Lany person to bury the dead body of any human being within the corpor ate limits of the town, and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to prevent the same: Provided this shall not apply to burials in family burial grounds by families ' already having such in town or to burials in cemetery. Sec 3." Any person who shall re move any sand or dirt from the streets of the town or throw or cause to be thrown any garbage, broken glass, tin cans or trash of any kind into the streets of the town, or cause - a m mh towl, cars other, nusanos, .to a I out suSctsnt dralaar ita he loA?! place at least two hundred yards out- by the Sanitary Cocamlttte) t"T) pay aide the limits of 'tim town and ; for a fine of fire (15.00) dollars.: failure Id do so. shall d 4 two Any psrsoo who pctahss, drireeor dollars and the cost oi removing such shoves a wUelbarrew, ha&doart or dead animal1 or the nuisance. track on any sidewalk hx.tha tos, - Seo 1C; Any person " -ftTmattng, shall pay a fine of 004 (ILOO) dollar throwbg rocks, sticks or other mil- for each ofrnse. -v . . - ter oa'the jrooi of wy. btjikU ' Any parson who sells See oo Saa town shall ba fined two doILjrs. day exoept between the hours of six Seo 15. The owner & any bitch and aevea and ooe-haif o'clock, AIL ho shall allow such hUch to run at sad twelve and one cos-half o'clock 'trgs la town while In beat ahall be P. M, and sis aad sewo aad oe firxed fi?e dollara. ' Sttch bitch shall half o'clock, P. IL, shaD be fined oo 9 impounded by the ,phf of Police ($l.W)'doHir for each off, and if no owner shall' be found b Anj parson who has a gate ootJg-twenty-foof houri shall be - k21td by sous to any street shall haog or Ae Chief of Police.' 4: 4 swing It so that tt shall epea frca - So 16. The Cemmhsloners cA the street to the toaUe of the preev the town shall have authority to or. ises. Any pars yn violiti&g thk r, der the removal of any pig gen, privy, dlnanos shall be fined oo dUar anJ or other nuisance when in their judg- one dollar for each day, altar notice ment it shall be necsesafy for the of this ordtnanoe. health and comfort of any of the hv . It shall be unlawful for any persoo habitants of thstownndif theowner to sell or offer to sell, set fire to or z of the premie shall fail to remove plod a, any fireworka, or any erploaiTe suoh pig pen, privy or other nuisance mat rial of any kind, larger thio one. within three days after notice of such fooxth inch in diameter aod two actios by the commisaioners he shall inches in length. Any persoo viola be fined two dollars and ons dollar I ting this ordinance shall be fined Dot for every day thereafter. Should the less than ooe (ILOO) nor more than oornJueaioners have said Buisaace re- ten (1 10.00) dollars for each offense, moved the owner of the premises No persoo shall ran a railroad eo shall be required to pay the cost of gine or ears tnatde of the corporate suoh removal in addition to the -fine limits of the towa of Franklin ton, N. "old j louisl velYet and costs imposed : ARTICLE V.1 coixacnox or taxes. Section 1. Every resident of the town of Franklin ton or person own ing real estate therein shall make out and deliver to the list-taker a state ment under oath of all property, real and personal, money, credit, invest ments in bonds, stock and joint stock companies, annuities, or otherwise ia his possession or under his eontrol on the first day of June, either ss owner, or holder thereof, or as parent, hoe band, guardian; trustee, executor, ad ministrator, receiver jaoooun ting officer partner, Tigeht, factor r otherwise. C, at a fatter or a greater rate of peed than ten miles an boar. Any person violating this ordinanoe shall be fined not lees than ooe (11.00) dol lar nor more than fire (IS. 00) dollara for each offense. No persoo shall be aHowsd to build any boose or add to or rvpair any kind of building ia the lows without a permit from the RaWiog Committee of the town of Franklin ton, N. C-, ender a penalty not ex ceeding Five (1500) hundred dollars and not less than oos (1100) hundred dollars. LICENSE Sacnojr I. In TAXES. addition to the Any person failing to list his taxes I property and poll tax levied b sc durimc the month ol Jan. as adver- ?f! ArVr, er burn anytrash;bf the jstreeta ,of th towa shalr-tw fined ti-UXTar' IS, ec 4. Any owner or oocupanfTof a town lot whether vacant or other, wise who ahall allow any drain from such lot to cross any sidewalk of the town without such drian being cov ered and under ground, or any per son having a private crossing over any ditch or drain in the streets of the town who shall fail to keep such ditch or drain free for the passage of water at such crossing shall be fined during the taxeavM - by sinkhole or otherwise any dirty . .fTv v . . -v,i- F0 I" the followiAjr priTjl or wter to Wconrevedbto the atreeMW M ally, axon where otherwise s-petsSed, - r iaadriicecclifi tn Sen, .t, j 1 tax, shall be doe and payable 6a the Article Y of theee ordtoaaoec first day of October of each year. All persoee selling goods, wares . An, M J-irin tn or merchandise of aay kind far r- himself or as agent I 6 CO pracBce aay proieswwu, Coal and wood dealers 5.00 trade, taxed by any ordinanoe of this Shootiag Galleries sad Bella 6.00 town, shall before commencing suoh I Wheels of Fortune , L OO nrnfsdnn.hMftpaioVtriJAnlV the I BoUM Alir 10.00 .n i t,-a mnA nKt.!n k Restaurants I: : - . J nallsesed for pmide exhibitioos 8.00 gnea oy me mayor ana Hotels sM other hoesee sooua oense i W. BODD1E, of Polio oi the town to practice such professkn,-buainess or trade. Any person practicing say profi business or trade without having ob Offlce over tore. w fel. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LoClBBUtjQ, N. C. Boddie, Bobbitt k Co.'a drug ot which shall be composed of any thing except brick, stone, stone and HAYWOOD RCFFIN. mortar. All buildings erected or re paired within said district shall be covered with tin, slate, or other non combustible material. Any person ATTORirSY-AT-LAW, LOOISSVBS, S. 0. WU1 Drsetlce in til the Co arts oi shall be known as the fire district as necessary for the uninterrupted one dollar, and and each day this or- and it shall be unlawful for any per-1 progress of the game; and any person dinanoe shall be disregarded shall be .. v '.w0Te be fined son or corporation" to Dtuia any ouua-1 reiusiag to ooey ine jiuei oi x ouoe oonataereu s new buu cpo-i lo ui in 2 within said district, the outer wall I or other police as above shall be fined f ense. two d a11 a rn. Sun 5. Anv Derson who shall AJJTIULJS VI. Sec. 12. Any person runnino: or make any excrementitions deposits or exeorceiiext or oanntAjrcEs. . - - i i i . ... playing on the cotton yard shall be slaughter any live stock on the streets, Sectioh 1. In alj cases where "P aaaoug, tamuing, fined one dollar. cotton yard, or public grounds of the an7 -Derson shall be fined for any vio-1 , . . . . town shall be fined five dollars. lation of anv ordinance of the town I rni;. kTT. -t77 ..v.i .... . . I modarixijr transient nests 6.00 Peddlers of patsot medicine, goods, wares, or any other kinds of BMrchaadise Agents for fertiUxers livery stables Horse di overs Photographers Harbers Ciross- Prankltn sad sdjoLnlng coon ties, also tn th Buprwms jo art, snd la the doited titstea District snd Otreoii Courts. Uttloa in Cooper snd Clifton Building. rjjHOS. B. WILD SJl, ATTORNS Y-AT-LAW, . hovrouas, a. o. Klo on BLsln street, svar Jones a Cooper" s ktOV. 8. 3FltUll.L. Prompt attention given to collections. umos over Kcervou s bwi and down or in a drunken condition Ssc 6. No slaughter house shall the Mayor shall have power to remit I Dealers in futures erecting or beginning to erect any in any public place ia the town shall be allowed in the corporate limits of such a pert of said fine as he may Ear rooms and dealers ra liq building contrary to this ordinance be fined five dollars. the town except by permission of the deem just ot0' shall be fined fifty dollars, and each Sec. 14. Any person indecently Commissioners, under a penalty of Sec 2. Any person failing or n- J " jt7 day fucn building shall be earned on exposing ms person in me corporate ten aouars ior eacn ana every aay i fajing to pay any tine -or oos; or pan i nenagerie, theatrical eornpany shall constitute a separate oftense and limits of tne town snail be nned toree suoh nouse De Kepi. 0f fine or costs imposed unaer any it shall be the duty of the Chief of dollars. Sec 7. The owner or occupant of) ordinance of the town may be Impris- Police to remove such building at the Sec. 15. No lewd woman or wo- any business house in the town shall Qned snd put to work on the streets owner's expense after three days no- meri 0t suspicious character shall be be required to have continually on 0f the town at fifty cents per day an- tice tO Said OWlier, ll mrtmm at Ts.orhfc oftsvr oicrltt tha wotarnAsl ft KnT OT ftAmA TOsntJir.fl eH m lA fins mvA rvsm strait KslTsl IssMin Sec. 5. Any person who shall 1 o'clock, under a penalty of five dol-1 in which shall be deposited aU trash I pai & he may' be committed to the place any combustible material in a Lars. or garbage from such business house county jail with the permission of the Sec. 16. Any person interfering and the said box or receptacle ahall County Commissioners to work him 6.00 &.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 60.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1000.00 1000.00 10.00 pun- old tlio U-st f foM Will f, ,r )1 1 1 i r - velvety r the price. verywhere. it at ( 1 isnensinrnr - i Ouisburr n. c f Harper 1 i Rye I i On Every Toncuc' t M tslrlrtiarl'u: - ' laat V .!.. v ' " Wrt. vU i.Wf y If Let Common Sense Decide j Do yva bossUT U , r w.m KJi). trpomml I . : -'1. ir-rr-A ai.4 Uitssrla. tiassfjrr I V lasas -f- cj. Laia (aacbe e3 I UVf : 1 attorhbt-at-Law, LOOISBUBO, . C. will a.ttend the aooits of TnMifcHn. Vknoe ZtrZrcoM connt position where it could endanger the T. W. BIOXSTT, LAWTBR. LoeisBVss m. a The settlement of estates for Executors, Admialstrstors snd Qasrdhuts Is msdes spec ialty, snd the bonds required by law can b secured n the office, mce In Yarboroagn fc Blckett building Main street. ' safety of the town from liability to 1 m any way. without authority with be emptied at least once a week. on the public roadar- ore shall be hnedT twenty-nve dol- the street lamps or lamp posts in the Any person failing to comply with lars. I town shall be fined ten dollara. this ordinance Bhall be fined one . ,.-.-,--, . i- duties or caiE or roucx. ARTICLE II I JXUJ HOJlmju wuu siuui uwa j aouar tor eauu uububo. anv violent, abusive, or lnsultms lan- mr, h An guage, or threatening -gestures to- pile or pfled any timber, wood ? Polioe 01 V"', i ssaa snan v rsnnrr sr insi ri viu - - " - - coooerLor minrtrel troope,ex orpt those wholly for benevo lent purposes to be jadged by the Mayor and those perform ing In a hall licensed by the town 10.00 very exhibit of natural or arti- Doai curioatoes ior rswara o.w G. L. WarrrtaxD, Mayor. J. W. Dasiel, Seo. Sabbath Breaeino. Section. 1. All barber ARTICLB VII. . HOUuSTXSrS Bocky:t!oant2iaTca Kieta ,tassOssasgsaaaaaliiM il TVci- tat oi iirisiif. itarwMa. Lfs shops ward chiet o Police while w is. rsKsow, ATTORITST AT-1AW, &OU1SBVB. B. 0. fractloes m all ooarta. Offles on Main street. 1CT H YARBORUCQH, 1. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, LO0I8BCRO. B. a otnea in Onm House balldlnff. Oourt street All legsl business intrusted to him porate limilB Oi ine 111 reiv prompt and careful attention. fined ten dollorg a. Ath nhafrnnhnn vntaf nrvtn shaU be closed from Saturday night ajgctarg c hi- duty ahall be fined the streets, public crossings, or side- nolatioa of the -town ordinances; at W o ciooK to ounaay nigm at fivA iolW -,1V. nf tha town rexoent temoora. TOUeci H Me bs m u o'clock and any barber carrying on Sec. 18. Any person refusing to rily for building purposes and then town sad to enforce payment of the his business during said time shaU be g the Chief of PoUce or any town 20 teet shaU be allowed for unob- sune by warrant, to notify the coca, fined five dollars. w rrtv .n rrt wh.n paIIa structed passaee shall be fined five miaaionera of any and every meeting; Sec. 2. Any person selling any j npon 8hall be fined ten dollars. dollars. , " to abate- all nuisances, and to do aU article whatever on Sunday, except L SHn, 10 Anv nerson who ahaU I . - Sn fl. Anv person hancrinff anv things encumbent Upon a pouos cm. milk, ice, drugs, or articles necessary leave any horse, mule or ox untied j sign, clothing, or articles of merchan- 081 iXUl m t onu for funeral purposes within the cor- and unattended on the streets for five dise over the streets or sidewalks of I nn06 of a pow la force or town . shall be minutes shall be fined one dollar. tha town exceot at an elevation of " "rJ. aereaisex. oe aaopw, sou Brsxa. Rawnrft fissein. 11 Eosfe-v Bmi Tm as fek n form. tT box. ifmam mii trf iotXMrrsm Daos Onr- . Wis. iOLOFJf accsr- r- mow rtmi F. KODCK, Sec 20. Any person allowing at least seven feet from the ground ImnK w penorm say. - sue fZFV 1 . . . .. . . . T - m . nava n ut ttt n n. .nail n. nnm niai n . , . . , . 1 i& btah w Tf nn .t I a Pfp. in Tno Tnvm aft. h& ti n I in ... - 1 sec. o. au Places ior ine saie on" ,1 uuu w uw& uvu.o. - spiritubds, vinous, - or malt , liquoie or ridiag or driving the' same on the , Any person leaving any shall be closed from 12 o'clock Satur- wdewaias, or nitcning to; tne trees,! wen,holeV)' excavation open and on. ieetitral OasUns SaboUUs HOTELS. CONTRACTOR akd BUILDER, LOUlBBU&a, H O. I a. 49.f3Mr Hnrtniv-ntaht: I OCfeilOeB or PalinffS On the SlreetS Or MVTa tntA tAwrtaall r tlnod Irmrii so tMaa. artksue Maotiea and xusa. Aiciu-1 and no person shall, during the said I sidewalks or allowing the same to be (dollars, and one dollar f or eacbT. jday ; time,' sell or rive away any spirituous, I fed on the sidewalks or sraxe on t the 1 luoh hole, etc., t shall remain open vinous or malt liquors - except upon 1 sweets snau re nnea pne aoiiarx 1 alter nooncauon. the prescription of a practicing phys- j Sec, 21.- r; Any ' person -exhibiting j -bc.IU - Any person having fire IHAaClilNTOiS flOTBli j ? anv n& r z more persons I any Btud horse or jackass -or putting I wood cut on the streets of the town J AiTOsCB2rTaTO tbb uvrovTEt Been going m oi uuv u nxioi ruom ue-1 my uuu uunw vrgaouw wu sujr luar isnau De required to nave wis ooips re-1 ToWlf or .FaAJrxLlSTOX N CL. tween saia nours saau ; ue raeemea 1 wiuiin, tue limiis 01 we town sasu oe 1 movea unmeauteiy unaer penalty 01 1 - A. D. 1905 - - , -T ; Sec 22. Any., person who' shall I ' Sec 12. . Any officerr agent; or I -.v .Vi - person violatingthis odinanoe - shalll ieaVe any cart, wagdnw or vehicle of employee" of : anr; oorporation who I r TL-j i j f ; r- - - - I V w siUBwsi. suau. ousuruu any stree or iuguway tumxa excrement shall provide suf 1 " ' : - " " m tuw" L. 'iltv"u"uw- ficient sewer pipiajr under croaod to t Vi !"? r"fcBl drain such crivy and carry the excre- sec ZbV-Any tramp, suspicieus to f1 nT meat beyond the oorporate limit, of All games of whatever character, or jeraon "without vialble I v?' I the towauH Any peraon failiair to "V VBAlTKLTirrON, N. O. lood aeeomodatloa forths traveling- j the proprietor of said bar room; Any dollars, or be removed from office. -;Sec2. The Chief of Polios shall be required to give annaally a bond with sufficient sureties to the Town Commissioners for such , amount - as j they may. deem neoeeeary to - cover the liabilities of said officer. ' " t)lle.--3 lood Iivsrr Attached 1ASSENBUR6 HOTEL y Mwssenbnrg Propr offense,and for the third - have' bis license revoked. Dy "Way Qf Comparison aitW beeaoc tt a rtatars cs? Sfftm eavaieasswrsruuaan vs0l I. VoOr Lb VWT jot rt fjlf l aopsthars at a pirtrmrrp tit Cm Saw of a pir tto bUsa tn as IBwcai aawsiecOr. ;. . -"Vlrnla-CaroUiia -' Fertilizers V - fM pxw. a assBdrSsaS Svu. c4 (uat ut Mr ctaMr fcaaar i n Lae thi is wfc. Ad rood ftaMa Uxi-V rwur aiaas for tt. or anj aa a, ta aaaaaja so ar ta tort o mva aaa aaotatj. Xia.ru as ff ykaia pat aes- Py ew- VlrgJnla .Cirollia" '-v.'C-'.Co.-.. YtlrawiAtlTs. ' :. f ufc. a. t 'b.rteMoev K. O. " offense minutes "1 - - I . - : . - Sec. 4L aooomkodatioai.' Good larst Fs 1 naon ounaay, Buau oe prouioiteai means i support may. vDe-Drougnt oec i. ; it snau do tne duty ox comply with this ordinance ahall bav ssadsitsattvr ssrvaaar;: - I under a i naltyof 'five dollars for 'before the .Mayor for examination 1 every occupant of a ..town lot to re-' nft cf fjty doHars (150.00) audi C v A nan la. O. - - '' ' h.T.s a. tim, - Si1TT?aa,11 arsiyct,iA v ' A2:-v War car ky wiaoa 7 -u wt Qf eoo" rua UON COFFEE la rrte, aWrla-l aScs at lat aklUlmXly roa44 at ' arte a. Mkm viomie bx4 aava cTars srtrt da vcc. s trray-ta l-'i- O W) Liitf if Sw3 um rorrrx tuiaa sv ala ran ms csvtsbs. lAg poplar. tv. -ij.T ecrr-.Tc I! cjnctjaa.. i fT t:u l rvA.ab6a ? - Hkhiii. 7nJtwav ) SOLD BY GROCERS EXRlVTIERE w . jjt ij-ci era, 7s, ou. FURNITURE !! W kavs ot c f .i aod too I up to F yourtelf. ri - til wsjiiU liui tf l OBt lid a Uvt It fer -1 nin'N CASKETS. Oor endsruk i: is presided ever t t Her Tlrvd Fosera. shoes, glovta, tt. I artcaftit rre or elaJ alteatioa. It sr. i;tr.tcd su, aad tc-(-e'.ier vils otr ILslv 'it rat fort-.tt Ike li . ti rrW. BartaJ WHITK-HAI.L FrKNIU'RE (X). illlUEIMIOmMlllf WAGONS Steam Dried Flooring and Cellng,1 HEAVY and FANCY GHOCifiEIES. FalL ; Liije : of r -Sfjoes. THE GREEN & YARBORO CO. X.O . 27 ,C