-' -.-ft-.--.'--- -'Jr-r--r W.-- "-'IV. ' -.- 'ClsCO-Zi .". v. 'ii ... ' v.-3' ' .-:..-,-, ,v.-.;i. .'Aj'--" -.-.-u-7',- .-V - - . - .;- . ....... ' .. .1 11 " " ' " " ' " -i'. fc -in Mi .1.-1, . ""'"''''"'TSBanassaaai e ' w rye" 1 a1 OHU1&UH DIRECTORY; BXTHOblST ' ,n-1.v School at 9:30 A. H. GTko. 8. BaXSH, flapt. I'rching at U A. tt., and 7 30 II - v-ry sJundai " v l'n?r mtwting Wednewlay night., ; U 9. Mi.88l. Pastor BAFTIBY. " -- ' Sunday School at 9:30 A. JJU Thos. B. Wildul Sap Pr-v:hiaR at 11 A.Mnd 730 P.M., ny-r u ting Thursday nlgbt. v H. li- Mashbcahb. Patitor. afisooPAL, - " ni y School at 8:30: ' A ,i irl and 4lh BuDWit. , n..-uiQK fraywr, Friday afternooa Rkt. J oua LosooBk Hector. - P&S8BTTXBrtll. rvica 4th Sottda? in aoh month morula and night. "T-- Paator. LOOOIB. Loaisborg Lodgs, No. 413, A. P.- & A. awwta 1st aad 3rd, Taeady mbw in each moothi CONTINUOUS rllOADS.- ALUE OF UNITING SHORT STRETCHES x, , , yt UUOO HIGHWAYS, J L'r teiuaonai oarxuA F rfmitbwick.D.D.8. C. H. Banka,l.D.8 Kd. SH1TUW1CK & BASKS. DENTAL bORUEOSS, LUUlHBUttU, N. C. in Hicka Building, Main Street. I Ifflc. D'1- W. H. BUWAKU8, DENTIST. Ddhham, N. C. Will be in bis offlc at Wka Foit, S'C, the wrek (ollowiBg tb Unit Boatta? V t ca h moatb urv)nd to do deattit wotk. r. H. COOKE. ATTOKHEY AT-LAW, ' Looiabnrg, N. C. o (Bee on Nonh street. Prompt attention nvra all legal busiueaa entrneted to me rtiACTICINQ PHY8ICIAJI AJJP B0KCHOM. LODUiSOMt. a. 0 mm In narcf Aj,ck Trng Store. J. J, MAxNN, PHYSICIAN and SUBGEON, LocwBCite, a. o. (jffice in rear of Aycockedrngatora J R. 8. P, B0RT, PRAOTICWa PHYSICIAN AJSD SDRaBOH Louiflburg, N. C ufflce orer P. 8. A K- K. AHea'a. I) R. tt. F. XAJili uun, PUTlUClAJi AJJD SUltaBOH. H. C. mnca In Lonwjn, Y.rburoask k BJckvtt bo Iving. v lni cull uunrsriM iruu x. rmiuane, yhona 74. i) E. QOBDON LEE SCHEFFEB, DENTIST LOniKBORU. . - R. C Arthur Hynta PI ming yord nolloliig. Tlew the. Ppetat CoadiU "emopatimtloa. of tb ' JleceaW': aity For jHproTWMat a Stated krv' Colonel W, U. Diekiaaoa. X" I i . - v. ; i At .the recenf'annaartaeetinjr of -tht ' Bpnngfleld . (Masa.1 Automobile ctafc Colodel W. Dlcklason. chairman ot It Executive ' committee " of.: the Ket Yk ami Chicago Boad 'association, spoke as follows oh the movement fo pontlnnouB good roads, says the Munic ipal Journal and Engineer: - . -:,.The moTement for better roads - la .gradually, spreading over the entire country. Their - value is sonnlversally understood that undoubtedly within a tew; years nearly ."every state la Vh Union, will - have taken some- action toward improving Its highways. Ihe good - 'example set- by .those eastern states which have given state aid b.as been fllQwed until seventeen states of the Union" have taken steps In Imi tation of these pioneers. I do not mean to say that all of the seventeen have made large appropriations of money, but they nave all proyidedsome state authority to- have jurisdiction in!- the matter of rad improvement. . -. ' "During the past few -years, we have been building short stretches of good roads to demonstrate the value of such roads. Their value nas been fully established,-: and , their . cost cannot be compared with , the great benefits de '"rlved. The: time has now arrived when we should connect these short stretches of- roads to make cop tinuous good roads or. trunk lines leading across the country In various directions, giving first class roads to the various centers of trade, which win particularly bene fit the rural districts. "Hon. James. H. MacDonald of Con necticut Is the first state highway com missioner to recommend a state appro priation for -connecting these links to make continuous good roads. An ap propriation for this purpose has been made by the Connecticut legislature. "With a continuous good road farm ers can haul their products to market with a great saving of horses, vehicles and time as compared with a poor road or one which has short sections in good repair with most of it in poor condi- on. A perfectly good road enables them to deliver their products at any time and take advantage of a favora ble market. "The benefits derived from continu ous good roads are of great commer cial value to the country, affecting all branches of trade. -Reducing the cost of transportation of our products to market results In a reduction of the cost of these products to the consumer. A large percentage of the freight car ried, by the railroads and od our water-i ways is first hauled over our cdmmon roads. : All transportation companies should be greatly interested In the con struction of well built roads, capable ofThigsedat"airi5ason8 andTlxf all weathers;' as such roads would assist I?! 1- I ft aa v -:' When Lung Sing : Whistled . By CLAUDC PAMARM Copyright, VX&ijjL .a'Paroella The foreman at the Star ranch bad come up tahe house In Xt middle of jthe afternoon on BonWerrand and as he passed the. cook housesrhere Lung Shig wal scouring his. pots - and pan be neard a sound that cuuaed lilm to stop in ills tracks and' exclaim: T "Well, I'll be haugodT " Lung iSing j was whistling. - ne had been cook -atiStar fauch foV over i a year and bad never been. heard to whis tle before.! Indeed, be never hummed, never smiled, never talked unless di rectly spoken to. ' He was put down as -surly and crossgralned, but as he was a good -cook and as none ofithe-meja cared a copper whether be talked or not he still held Ms; ?ace. . " V - r - -Whaf the matterr asked. Colonel SpeaVa wife, who was mistress of the ranch, as the foreman finally reached tiiedoor. V-"' " ' - "That heathen back there Is whis tling. ;.- . ;; " "Weil, can't heathen'whlstler : "There Is no law againsf it. but tm Sing bas been here over a year, and ttls Is his flr&t toot . Wonder what haa happened to chirk him no?" "I cant say-. L had lAm In here an hour ago and told bun that he'd have to take the ljuckboard tomorrow morning and drive over to Ptoe Hill to meet Fannie Wimams. She's comtagr on to etay with na a month or two. yon know. Tbey thlnksTnethmc:,bi the matter with her luncs. and thsdoetor has' rec ommended tHta.3tMmAtet- The colonel has got to go over to Wo Creek, of course, the rest of you are busr.T "But but I dont like theklea," sain the foreman as be scratched bis head. "Why don't your . - "Because Lung Sing Is whistUngr When a heathen whistles look out foi him." The wotnanTaughed and turned away, and a minute later the foreman wai walking off. He passed the cook house again, and the Chlnman was stm wnls- "tllng 9oftly to himself. "He's at It again, and 1T1 bet he's up to some deviltry. Ill tell the-boys to keep an eye on him.' ty rods.heyohd-where she had left the backboard there was a rocky bluff hid den under the cedars and in the bluff a : oaverof considerable dimensions. Upon , entering; Ihe cave be tied the girl's hands and feet and then retraced his steps. r-The vehicle was backed oJE the brinsTof a gorge,, the narneas flung over It, and theu the aaan led the horse Into a thicket and cut Its throat." 51 - When he reappeared' at the cave hi unbound his victim and lay down on a -flat stone at the mouth and told her his plans: r He had heard of brigands and toldupa and . abductions. - He had b I acted her and would hold her captive until Colonel Spear was Willing; to come downwith (5,000 In .cash and promise net-to set the law en his trait lie bad, been.-wbnderlng for." several years bow he could make a grand coop, but fate had nerer aided him before. He knew the Chines cook at-Crescent ranch and through' him could get pro visions and c-pn communication with the coloneU'-i She would be well treat ed, but abe would be held captive la the cave until results could be brought about rf ",:.'' . -"-vj-iJjc : Long Stag rested on bis right aide and elbow- as be told his story VALUE OEG 00D 110 AD3 WHY THEY ARC :THt BEST V ;-"';OF A, STATE, ;. ; OBJECT LESSON ROAO, Assrrt ii gaeeaaor to Dr, nu.ee In B. B. MtHHMRIIM. aTTOBjrrr at law LOCUBCB. win muum m a tbe Ooorto of the State Offlee n Coart House. M. W. BODDIE, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, Loi7U)BUbQ, N. C. Office OTer Beadie, Bobbitt A Co.'a drag tore. HAYWOOD ECFFIN. ATTOBBTbT-AT-LAW, uhmWi a. o. win nr&nUmi in ma the Coarta of Frankun uU adioinlng eoaatSM, also In the Bnpiemi joeaoatnthe Dnltea BUtea XMatdat and Otttoe In Uoopev and CUfton Bnllorng. rriHOfl. B. wiLDna, AXTOKSTST-AT-LAW, wtmmii.0. - sOoopera a. 3PK0ILU ATTORHBT-AT-LAW, uaiavrao,s. o. . wmatteadthe eoartaof FrankUa, Tanea. SraoTiUe. Wanen nd Wake eoonttea, also tne tmpreme Court of Morth Carolina. Prompt aueatton given to eoilecttons. ufflae over Bcenon'a Store. T. W.BICXBTT, LAWYBF. wwnaaeae a. a. The eettlement of estates for Executors, AdmleUtrstors and Qnudlans la mmdea spee lity, and the bonds reqoiregL "T 1W can v secured ntheofflee, . mce in Yarborongh ft Blekett nnUdlng tain street. VA a. FBBBOJI, ATTOBJTBY AX-SAW, . aeeiasvBe,T.e. m mm la aU aoarta. Offloe on streeu . " ""' " ty H YARBOBOTJaB is f AnOBOTt ATLA W, - LOUISBTJBO, BJ. a, .... oaee la Opera Hoasc tmlldlng, Court attest All legal business intrusted t bint win raealve vrompt and earefal attention. jyj F. HOUCK, COMTRACTOB asb BU1LDEB, in preventbigacongestlon and In equal izing their freight traflic "In large cities where roads are good the motor truck la rapidly superseding the dray horse. It Is cheaper, more convenient! more efficient, more hu mane and more cleanly. Large motor trucks are used for freighting purposes and the delivery automobile is used by merchants to deliver their goods. Ex press companies use them to collect and deliver express matter. Under fair conditions they everywhere seem to perform their work with convenience and efficiency. In the west the farmer uses the traction engine to plow, har row and seed bis landand cut his grain. With the great improvements that are constantly being made in the manufacture of motor vehicles It is fair to assume that the day is not far distant when they will be used by the farmer to "carry bis products to, mar ket. The motor vehicle is certainly al ready a success, and how long a list of other important uses the future will show no one can predict. The automo bilist and the farmer should get to getherand work for good roads. " "There is a growing, sentiment throughout the country that the federal government should appropriate money to assist in building trunk-lines of roads. Large sums of money have been expended by the national government to Improve our 'waterways, to encour age the building of trunk lines of rail roads and to build roads In the Philip pines. It would seem as if public con venience and necessity demanded that the: same government should equally assist In the' Internal development of our country by . improving the high ways. It seems strange that a country which leads the world In progressive ness should allow Its roads to get Into such a deplorable condition, ours be ing the only - civilized country that has neglected its highways. -European countries have national systems of roads, the best features of which could well be copied by this country to its great advantage! I V' V " : "Tne different elements favorable to improving our highways should unite and urge favorable, action by congress; The people of this country are awaken-: Ing to the economic importance of this great reform, which in the near future will become our next national work for Internal development. It calls for con centrated action, and .all those Interest ed In this great problem should do every thing in their power to. aid the move ment for. better roads and td insure the construction- of "a system of highways which win meet-the real needs of the country." s: " - -'Vv 'r sun had gofar in the .west, and as It thane over the bill forming the root of the cave It cast shadows down ha front As the story -was finished, and It had been listened to without a word in re ply. Long Sing bvgan to whistle. He bad brought bis plot safety thus far, and felt that he had A right to whistle. As p whistled a new shadow appeared among the shadows. - It fell txpon the fiat atone at the Cblnaman's beela and was na clean eat that the a-trl draw In her breatn at sight of tt She knew it for the head of a great cat ' The head moved t and frb, and the ears worked backward and forward, and all the time the man tying there was whistling to blmaelfu: He may have wondered why the captive did not shed tears and ap peal to his mercy, or be may bare men-. tally praised her tor the bold front she "put on. She was ready enough to weep. and she "would bare appealed but for that shadow. It fascinated her and for the time being made her oblivious of Iter situation. Sometimes it disappear ed for a moment but always to reap. pear and to seem to grow larger and be come more menacing. By and by Lung Sing ceased te-whlatle and said: T tile you up again and go away.1 . He bad lifted blmseif off his elbow when there was a scream so fierce that the hills rang, and a tawny body alight ed on the recumbent Chinaman,' strug gled with him fur a moment and then As soon as be had .cooked the merfs-M35 Bon from B'cbt monC tte The Kw lock and Chkxg? ocUtto la cottpoaed f fteocW wSs are la favor f (be tapreaat c hhwsya f de MCot, CM oclre tloa aod'malattsAfioe of Crat cUmH taodara coo Un noes Cam It tslvrttsta bixhways and mpcUVtj' m qs stmction of an eMect las aqa road te tarees Kew Tock and Cbicar eaya tne New York America. ThJa read. It is the iateenoa. anan be of mtxA cbractr thtt tt win be s be2t to every eea-'o-rpality. ttrwrt kvn U taa and tt 'very tadtvldoal aiocg Irs rarTat. It Is to be prtmartly B baefe! kxtian y, cot tairBd fer tn aprUI brt t U tJ. ere sisAttn r tor the exrtcssfve e tJ thoen tat cat est beaOaem. bet eoe which AH CUaee U cttttetts wU gad a c- Tetdenc beoeflt.and a peyug ta vstsjent- 4 .' TbejiaeociaUosi ks alsrtfy s Wndlag together ef tap workttjr for encn. xaoa eaasa, who far! Cut trsltn srtion ad lhroast the afa t in e ma mI la Xaaie Mrmt tfcaai radti-L4et Th ( finds the riding so comfortable that be 1 and Car. tsromJk crxaalaaOon rwemlss Wee Blakwsri rri . veeteseet e Amy CeaeeieteJrr af 1 -m Fveeataeat ; BU BaaAlenn. "Did yon ever consider what a handi cap It is to a state to hare poor roads T : That question was asked by a prosnW nent motorist the other day, says Cm Kew York." American and JooraaL Hs had been tourtag all snmcoer .through New England and had had a chance to get an idea of where the best roads for motoring .were located. -His remarks on the subject are worth serious coo eratloa not alooe by aatomobOIste, but by legislator as welt - - -, , -in Masacbuaetts there la a system of roads that fa not surpassed ta Amer-lea,-" he said, "and that state gets the benefit from the fine highways ta more ways than one. - It is a paymg invest ment. Any person who has ever txmvtV- old YelYet the solii call -t for the price. cyctv where louiisbui pensary, TnAinw Ami for sJl kinds ef Botldbur SapUes, ArUstlo stanUes and TUee-AeB- J Uwtavsi jveaurna aannuRea v ' .. -: v HOTELS. , A Parinat In-veatnsen. -J. - Boadway Improvement Is by all oddf the best paying" investment a-commu nity can make; t . - " breakfast text morning Lung Sing set out oh his ten mile drive to the rail road. He was -given .many words' of caution by the colonels wife, and be promised over again to drive slowly and bring the girl and her trunk safely to the ranch. His face was as- Impas sive as a washboard untIK he bad left the bouse half a mile-behlnd him; then he puckered bis. mouth and began whistle. Between .whistles he grimed and smiled. . , An hour and a half later he drove up to the little station on the- plains; and when, cani lhhls gsenget stepped from one of 1 the parlor a Lung Singweleomed her with a grunt He grunted - again as he put her bag gage aboard, the -vehicle, and he put on a blank look as the station agent said to tbe glrlr "I suppose he's tho cook -over a t the Star and they sent him because all the others were busy. : -! "Oh, I'll excuse him." laughed the girl- as she settled herself. And next moment Lung Sing was driving away. - It was in June, and the weather was cool and pleasant, and the girl almost forgot the man beside her as mfle after mile was passed. Once or twice she was conscious that he was whistling, but as she didn't know' whether. China' men . usually whistled or not she did not give the matter a second thought She had been Informed by! letter that the, drive from tne staTion to tne ranch house would not occupy over two hours at the farthest That meant her ar rival by noon. Her watch showed ner when that hour had come round, 'but she could seo no sign of cfvfflsatlon. In fact she -saw that the vehicle bad left the road, such as it was, and was pro ceeding over the uomaxked plains. "Arc wa almost there f she asked as she turned to Lung Sing and spoke for the first time since leaving the station. . LDle while line while, be replied as be stared straight ahead. -"But how is tt that you-are off the road?" - "Load alle light" : A. jmlnutejater?the Chinaman was whistling. It wasnt the honest whis tle of anc Ajnericahv" but there- was somethinghyocritical'nnd deceiving about It r Th8"Blri had nothing further to say. ?,"The-taan would not hare been sent if be hadn't been all right and If hebad left the track It was-probably to take a short cut and preach -Jtbe bouse all the sooner. - It was 'not' until her watch- marked 1 o'clock ' and: the vehicle; Was being driven among the scrub pines and cedars., along a stretch of foothills, 'that the gtrl .turned and selxed Xung Stagey the . arm and ex-;clataedK-v---H:':- v;-- : "I: know youi "are not". taking nne to the Tancb house V. What do you mean : "Alle llpit--alle "llght""-tepUed the Celestial as he hurried the-horse forr ward. - --)---. ? "But it is not all rtghtr Let me out at oncer,-' . " He seized her with one hand to hold her In the seat while- be guided tdie horse with tbe other, but m tbe strug gle the animal was reined Into tree, and the -vehicle stuck fat! Then Lung Sing developed -the "plot.that had been working tn'hls brain' ever-slnce the mdmeit he was told that he must drive over for the visitor. J 'VWlth a -fierce scowl oil .hk face,- In his pigeon English be ordred tne-gtn to proceed tn a certain it Traction. For- wlabes to repeat tbe trip. . "Not only that, but he prekwgt hla stay in the state to take adTaaUgs U tbe fine, driving: Orfltaartty; accoo panied by two of -three others, this means an expenditure tor llvtnr ex penses that bring money' into place m tbe state where before there was no such revenue.", . . . VA MiiMU.I for many of the smaller towns have bad strangers within their portals whs never would have been seea there but for the roads that led thaca whtxher thy did not caj.Whrn they have lost the way tn going from one city to an other Instead ef dUrpleascr at making a mJatake therdeilghtral DUcve that presented themselves hire and there, coupled with the well kept roads, add ed a seat to the trip. "We bear a lot about the beauties ef ibis region or. that one and plan to The girl rose up and stared, but Lung Sing was gone as welL Tbe big moun tain lion bad carried him off as easily aa a cat carries a mouse. ' ' .- "DIdnt I tell your said the foreman of the Star ranch at midnight - that night when the girl had been found wandering on the plains and brought to by a searching party. ."It isn't In tbo nature of a Chinaman to wnistle. " Hs Just sulks and grunts. When you find bira whistling, look out tor him, , lot tbereTT be mischief to pay - In soraa shape." . . . . ;- , ':;v-,f; .-. ' - r T. - t - yzjustrag ov AVTnoaaxna on A noon s Steelraur4a. Itnt reler.0. rVTf beats tne,isald a.clertla ahirdV ware store, mow tne on -. rasuonea steelyards hold their; own. I can; re member how-popular they were with certain farmers' wives when I was a hoy in the country and what a 'delight ft-was to me to.be allowed to try my hand at weighing a roll of butter or a bag of wool.. But even then the women and children were the only persons who seemed to. lake much stock in steel yardsw The tradesmen who bought bur produce Very flatly said that the- figures represented by steelyards not" only could but did tell lies, and tbey pro ceeded to weigh all our tuff over again on scales that were supposed to have the quality of truth fumeaa. "Up to the present day jteelyards have had the reputation of being unre liable.. but tn spite of their in repute people stin .buy them. Just .why so many householders and tradesmen re tain their fondness tor in antiquated style of weighing machine, when there are so many new and approved pat terns on the market la a puxsle, but even though mystified w keep a sop ply on hand tor the benefit ot those who stick to the old way of doing things.--New York Press. keJIBe4 te rreetise. - When John Hay was crossing the Atlantic in 18CS on bis way to Paris to serve as secretary of . legation he told die follow tog anecdote to on et his fellcw travelers;. On applying jf sr admission to the bar of Illinois be was gammoned to appear before-a commit tee of prominent Chicago lawyers to he examined as to his quatlficntloaa. J . He went to the place appointed and found the committee assembled, but for a long time tbey took no notice t the young candidate, but continual talking vigorously together on varloss subjects. At last one of the lawyers, turning to him, said: -."Mr. Hay, what would you'do ttsi client should come toyou with such case: as this t and proceeded to ds scribe very elaborately a compllcatd legal case, ., - -- " - - -. "I should ask for a retaining tee or 50,"T promptly replied Mr. Hay, "aid tell him to call tomorrow."; - Mr.'Hay.T you are admltted,, acid the 5. gentleman. - and ' wtth; Jt heady laugh from all present the proceedlrgs closed, y-'. ,;. :'.--;-;--' - make a trip to see what the places are like. We see tbena. to be sure, bt the discomforts experienced ta msktag the Journey often take away mocfi et the pleasure that otherwise might hare been enjoyed. - "It Kewtiampefclrv tor Instance, bad a system of roads anywhere near tike that of Massachusetts what a paradise it would be for the anotortsts! Some day the altuatloavmay bo realised by the people ot that sutn and socsethlng .done toelp tbe mattrbct It "looks as ITttica a tang Way-oir..--. "For example, there are ronda ta the northern , part of-tbe state where tbe scenery . la "aim ply magnlnceet , that could be put ta fair shapu for a dollars. X know 'of place, where -the expenditure of a count ot doXUra a day by a town to fill op holes aad arret roads would In a week or two saax the highways SO per cent bettac "At present tbey are abomtnaln tn some places. When yoa find yea ksv to run a ear' at alx or aeveo miles aad at times slow-down to the point that Just divides between actunDy stopping and barely moving been one ot a-nlOea and holes, when tbe road Is perfectly level, too. for some mQea, thea soxa Idea .of the .dJsKomforbj of motoring thereabouts mty.b gleaned.". The writer within aftw weeks trav eled over a number of loch road and found the condition were not at aa ex aggerated It did seea Eke practiced negliges c to aDow the high ways to re main tn that ship. -ported that every town should . t about making tb toads. wtthla Its boundaries a hard and smooth as a racing track, yet ho rand reason ex eats for letting them grow wore each week, for In the end, when repairs' are imperative, tbe cost is all tb greaUr, And what Is true of on stats hi appu ; cable to others, Massachusetts exrrpV ed. --x l may b brocg&t nboot waich wvcVl be beyond, th power of any on to n compiUh slAgt handed, That th cost of cooatrocCsg a high way such as planned by the aaaoclattaa would b too great for any stagi or gaahutloa to tneet Is self evident This aaeodatioa dor not prooone ta eaJ!:r consist et sroaatnar n-sbBe inrerest and I entkoaUam ta tbe project, ao Ctat each I Its tndrrtdnat Bnk ta Its wa fecA&ty, veataally f ormtsg a coopirt chata of taodera road.. Xa this manner, as can readily ' b seen, the cost of the ceav stroctloo of tnia road will not be a bur- Can on. any on. Leasee TKat Are fifty Feet Let. In our temperate dimita son of the trees basJeavca of a ftr that will even, compare favorably vUh those of tb. ularxi and tropical rAftnfriM in nnmt Tli tiio oak and the elm leaves sr bet laiiaileainul bit of rrcvn hm cemrarrO with the rinlic abrrli of TcJvctY vcTtJur XouTiJ oa soma of tb trees, shrubs sod nUnta of South and Central, Axncrica. Tbe South American tree bb has tbe Urgwt leaf U the Insja twbn, hkh prows oa tb banks of tb Awmo. Tbeftcavt of this riant are often tlfty feet in 1 earth, bet tbey r ery narrow, seldom etcewdin cibl w tea iret. With tba Crvloar eoooannt palm it u diffrmiL la that' ipeoes tb I caves arc frwn I tvenir to twenty-fivt feH in leartb and from sixteen to eighteen ia wid'Jic Tht natives of Grvtoa sr aid to nae tbc leavta In tenUnAt. ing,-three or four Wing saSocst to xnaks a abelter for a bol f ata- c i 7 ; ' . Harper! . saw 1 On Evcr d CseteaA. . . aeiea Ui l M r . V v v V V VVH t O try. ., Iaatrtrt ef rnranaosia A sold at this lie tf sgVe4ed U 1UU to eaaee teeeoia kVck te so eTsv fa tal, and eve eWesnhe patwat ha raov. erad its tasgo are awakened, saakia taess peaaliariy eaaaetaibla to the i. opateat of aoaaasiptioa. roUy' Boaee ana Tar wui atev tn oeaga. he, atreagvhen the laagv and twevaal awaU. LaUrirre aoocke tbi4 Qaially i l the wondarfsi eeraUv aaaitUes I rofoysuoaAdTa. There as aotk lag aiea -Jaet na geod." reeasiekr O. U Ayeaak. . The Secret of Good Colfee blaoded fee -: cooaUrs a - via vurrLf tV VUrr ta Wlsse.i - Z.j. - i for a :r. v f -1 rt.fcie fwe4 era cf .isOira-Wl eod ewierty W 1 CK1 -fc- n-r-.7 -.,;.- dwcn nbo1 oar tbaif 3 wdLnt nSuta a 'ai trv Lnl4aia daTy m w 2 &1s a &ilk Li TO MAKK t r t I rw i. now tW US'- 9m Ax iMA. !. arm eTi r. itii iw iT.i Mt 1 Ml 111 t I. GOOD COFFEE. na. terra ft 9 ( fTi-- No . -,- . .. p "."- - Osrfe iLo-. t w n o w a Was teev i' u. ooraaa m.i vaa jm m w.. .' sssaSasl iwwi up tqi . Mk as eaa ut m miih tl mm 1uiuw mmmmt mw Iwmwm mmmt Aa imtt e ii i i I aaSiwa m mJ. one 44 , a sw rmm UO LMM CMTTZ. at -mt mcUm e n iftw llM te ChAe tmm - - - - mmmTl COTW. ta rafar. rmi car H1IL. CkOMDO '.M..m. M n 'ry wift) SOLD BY grocers mmviiju: FURNITURE ! ! It's faanj that as soon aa a man beoocoe to look apoa bmanetf as a hero other peofi quit. Do Sot B JjDPoard Cpoa. FoWy aVOv Ckaaagts, erWtaAkMi Hon- t aadTarMaUroeAandicsg teaaedy. I oa inaiat cs! tn gnat anarH aad popalartty ot FoVy Ueaer sad Tar ay lesftaOon araoccred far La a ef ftA TtaaeMtklM, - Saa ItUaottob3-Wmi4t aoaadls aaaaaa. fVreara of thess The rvastne roan Steaay and Tar Is ta a tUow paakaga, Ask fer n and rafaas any sebatUsu, Ills the baat ramady foa eoaab sad eotda, 6eU br O.UAyaotka, Knew tie Wss Wstsklpea. '-n Paris Mr. Whistler and an Er- llsb nalnter . cot. Into a. very-turbultnt argument about Yelasqncs at a s1 tea.? said an artist"Mr. Whisueriat One Point In the argument prataed seir extravagantly" The Engllah; listening, sneered, and said at tb bd: "Tfs a rood thlnx we enut see fnr- selvea aa others see ua.' . - - : " Isn't If thooghr said Mr. Whlsler. nr Jcnow. In mv case. I should groW In tolerably conceited.' ' - - . T hRVfi Hven Thomas Chill Pills VTl 4 Iff iri.TNTft HOTEL thorough trial' and find them' to be aaae,-- -1 0 bescLremedy," . - w. w. mJWttfi&f'K good aesoiaodatloa for the travsliag ablis.' ,"0, ; , v.'-.v -:- t Oood Livery Attaehed - MASSENBUES HOTEL ? J 1? Maasanbtirtr Propr iBfiraEiisoiT. n- c. r Ooed soeoaunodatioBiV . Oood farst Pe ( Signed) S. S. Strickland. The hopeful man is forever solvent as to one resource." J --".I -. -Clearg the Complexion."- Orlno Laxative Fruit Svrap stlmalates the liver and thoroughly elesnses tne system and thoroogniy ' v ""n ' "; rlexlon of pimples and blotehes -:It- is Iv twuit 1Tt.iva for women ana ; cnu- UIO - a - . it ia in n ana Diessan ' - . . l ...1, in, not firripe or siesen. ; vriuv ii. B. Burbans testifies after 4 Tra 1 - - ." a B. Borbsns, of Carlisle CeaUii N Y. writM: About foo r vtsre br I wrote von stating that I had been 4lr- ly eared of a eerere kiday troohl1 by : taking leaa than tao bottles of F.KVs iKldaevCora. It aetlrely atop rd the Ltyi i::.i. .win i.n in. briekdast a-dlnwnt, and r&la and tsjp- S iuoa-aigua n 1 .iu.wJ;- f kidMT di. diMrnearvl. I In the spring time yoa rnoat yoor imnu . Wht not vour bodtr uoiiuters Boeky Mountain Tea anves oat impuri- mm 4a S A S -S mm I ties, eieanses ana ennenes tne oiooa nq 1 nnrtflM the entire BTwem.- aa Boddies ferry.- - t. Oeaatet teSev oa The state of Wartdngtoa hvpUanlag to. us convict labor in highway s traction during tb nsnlsg and the proposition hv to-tb forts of aa agreemant by which tho atata Is to supply tb coo nets, together with tb necessary guards, and pay foe' that transportation to and from tb pJ- teottary.- Tb county austara tb cost ot tbelr board, hoaalag andoaadlcal car and the expense ot trsasTortatSoa from point to point wtthia the county and to supply snpertntaodent tools and material, say the Good Roads Max- Una. ".Tb county 1 also to keep aa a count ot sll matevUI produced oe ban tied by tb convicts, and that cost ss to b tb basis of tetUatnect with the . .. . mmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . : ataataa- the T ead Atrraerttva. Lv the .eoostroctloo ot a road the i work ot beautifying the ttdea et tb highway should not b neglected, say th rittsbUTg Irs. wara, sbrub- bery and tree .should each have a ; place along th roadside. Tbey rvfreah the. eye and cultivate a fcrve foe. the beautiful la nature, making a trip ever I the road a pleasure to b membrad. The appaantac et tb readaid Is gca- rally a pretty good todtx t tb cnr acter of tb Owner of the praml. A clefln. wrll krpt roadalde la aa adver ! tUement for th owner and add vain i to the land. . . W 1T aad sacel sr ' yourself. 1 : 4 - tt 4T 1 Wl Ut-es vt - :t ruu ttt ana lis Wt 11 fer XOTXCE. I a aJaalaAatsaf of 4e- I mi IT INS CASKETS. lUfWwlM 1 - - - ar m tMSMsl aaraaaa mmlmtr Am atata ha I t)0 f O I J f '. 1 1 : rr-T--fl ra!r u prrti 4 h t . 1 1 , (laMMsttaort mviru,iwi, et httTiftd . .ti-i ittaaaui ea l I a ea as taatr re--wy. Thaareo'y Irnatso. . J J.tuVriBv-, a t 'in.ti rtre'ee t-sr rpla3 atlaatiotu . It ;? tittd SBga. as4 Ir-rvibrr OX aar Hv- (it fsraVtk tie lt cf trrUm Harial Vot. 1 C f tl, IU it04JUaTCar) r HocScy Kcrantiid .Tea Nenets w HITK-HALL Fl'IaMTFRE CX). teritknaIly-ttougb.t about. Keep 'the little - one healthy and i happy. ;Their tender, sensitive bodies rp.onire ; ffenue. . neauns remeoies. u i. mild and nleassnt; andoesl TTollistfir'B Rockv" Mountain Tea wiU " w- . a - j r : - ? - - . a r keep . them. strong and " well. - sa T ' nr - -tahletsT Boddio oS' sat glad to aay that I bae ner hw a retara of aay of tho symptoms defi" the foor years tbst hae flipwi ad I em etldently enred to sUy rnrl.UBi heartily reeonirand Fov'a KM ny Car to any one iolerloir fron kiJaef' cr Ki..lar trouble." Sold kv O. L. Aycke. Ra P. & K. lw A: n Uk Bailers asi bar. 'l. r Mb o! 8tat or Onto, Crrr or Tots. I .. no, Lvcaa Oot-a-rr. J a. Frank J. Chrnry make oath that ba la senior partner of the firm c4T T. J. Ci rey A Co.rdoinjr bttiinru ta the city ot Toledo, eo nuty and Ute aJoremld and that said firm will ray the aom cl oca hundred dollar tor efh and rrrry nit ot eaUrrh that cannot be cured by th ui of ILalla Catarrh Cure. TlLXXT J. Cukvst. Sa-ora ta betare m and aabacrib! in my preaonca, tht Ctb day of Def, A. I).. IS.. - - ' (Ssat-) A. W. Cuiaaov. ' - XoUry rubUf. n:r CaUrrh Car U takpa lnUrr.i Iy and a. u t!!rc:!y m th .blood a:-. rvyruoui lurluyi of C. ' ayttftO. Sao I I r tJtinonLi;i f ra. . A Bear BaDsta n far ra Briars OaUe ftaCii aal tawij Tip. A fl '"till e-a O if; ins i.lVaaaa. t -., - 1 1 1 " 4 Kla-y Ti a, Kafaw. rna.tl mr Aaal. Ba4 hraaia. fWa a iu Ka mm rm m4 Sgtos. llatTSti siu a taa MILBl R. PEIIIliu M IIliEuii i Dy ASay Of Coaparlsop At 6m YxtteaaatattBeatsT arana On eVw eas fTitaars aaea act an s. ItotVa Oh aaryymv rweO tkl Se a-a, Um kt a iAhj ft a e4 aha cauaaat sa O ec4eay -- .. ; - Vlynla'rbUiia " Fcrtlllxcrs. - WAGONS Steam Dried flooring anil ... Ceifng. iw rw r- rrfm )Biutet iaal lm4Mi nmm in na unm C4 f , tJM e a a.jra ta m; ee msxi a---l jmc 'i ara ks;4. I TKIMlif uuasi Jkmmt rw4an t m it. o e-4 e. fc mu?m-smm fc fm f .-m cnnA af 3E m 1emi AAmTSm. Uaart ytcwaa rata ty w aoOCsa, ... Yi.'nla CaroCra - Ciol .... . OX . -- . and . FANCY a GROCERIES. P V- -a.. Ta. . i - -mmx. n. G, t 1. rmm,h. - W j- . 'r. Aim. mmx ; i . ' . Fail - Line ol StCiS. 4 vTHE GREEN:&JARBORO CO. - -a. ' Zmm - V oramary cmi - -rr - the stomach and bowelfc : ;V . .vJShy aaJl

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