j s. a. THOMAS; Editori.il Pnfrfeisr. "" - ,'?1WV'L.'iVJJ-.-1.rf' J- ..j.-:--'? . r I T, . : - . - .-' i ' ' - - - - i ' i VOL XXXY1. 1 WUISBURG N. C.,4 FRIDAY, MAEtll SO 1306 ' i - . - - , - . . ' - - ' .A H P I . . M mm ...... '-v- . m- - - mrnm m mmm m-m m- -mrju i "old velvet rye" S ,l:r" - "M - velvety ; & ' K'-t for the price. " & - i '-v.-rywhero. $ r:ili '-t it at a4 $ louisl , : : I i j ensary, & a-- 'ouiiburir. n. c. I Harper 1 ! Rye ; On Ecr Tonfruc." T 4 Lu r .. .r M iW e1 1.1 if y 5 , . a OHDROH DIRECTORY MKTHODIBT - x Sunday School at 9:3(TA...M. Gso. S. bars. Rapt. Preaching at 11 A. H., ud 7 80 f . M, m-rjr 8undaj. Pr7r metjtlng Wednesday night. L. S. Mabskt. Pastor. BAPTIST Hriaday School at 9:80 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, 8apt ProhinK at 11 A.M and 8 00 P.M., .vry Sanday. Prayer mating Thursday night. H. II. Mashburbb. P&ator. uosoopal, .unuay School at 8:30. Wm. H. Roffih. 8opt Sr-rvior-H, morniQK aud afternoon, on v, :ni aad 4th Saauviys. i'. voin Grayer, Friday afternoon Kbv. Jhk LosdoHi Uector. PK&SBYTKaiAX -rvi.-M 4th Saodav in each month :.! i .. aad uiKLt. PaBtor. 'A BEAUTIFUL VORLD." SUBJECT . OF AN ADDBESS BY TffiV. G. M. DUKE. LOIX1B8. LoaUborg Lodge. No. 413, A. F. & A. M., moots 1st and 3rd Taesd-ij uihu in ach month. I'roteiwuonai nartlM 1) stmthwick U.D.8. C. U. Uanks.D.D.S. .-SMITH WICK & BANKS. DENTAL 8CRQEONS, LOUISBL'Ka, N. J. m HickK building. Main Street. . W. H. KUWAKDB. DENTIST. Durham, N. C. m Iik office at Wake Forest, N.C., .k iolliiBg the Brut Suuday in n.i.nt.li ur-paid to do dental work. ) H. LiJOUK, ATTOUMET-AT-LAW. l.ouihbur, N. C. .,, Nuh street. Prompt attention . i, .ill l.'itil buhiut-ws entruBttd to me. 1) ft. J. K. MALOSK, t tiACTICINQ PHYBICIAU AND SORQBON. LODUUIUHtt, a. o. ,tlic. lii rer c f Ajcocke rrug Store. 1)' .J.J, MANN, I'll Y61C1AN andSUBGEOX, LOUI8BCRG, N. C. 'i in rear ol Boddie i. Perry's drug j ft. rt. P. BUKT, t'KACTicijrti PHyaiciAU akd Jukqob Louisburg, N. C. ora.-e over P. 8. A K-K. Allen's. 1) ft. ft. If . ? AttBOHcDQtl, PHYSICIAN AJiD SDAQBOH, Looisvone, S. C. uthci in Yrboroagk & Blck.tt baking. Muni caiis uun-i Iroiu i.. Mi. iMeCeUa 1) tt. UOKDON LEE S(?U,BFFER, Before Sandy Creek Lodge No. 185, A. F. & A. HL, on "Or phanage Night." Th ig the aad note in:tbe-w'orld song. . r , ' , - ' J!- , Let these look in their desolate orphanage to" ;na. Ypor- loyalty to troth, v your : manhood, eyonr broad Masonic and .-Christian charity, yonr noble lives, all lead . me to hope . and believe that'yoa will ever hear ; the widow's wafl and the orphan's crv 'And that you will respond cheerf ally and largely to the call to-riehVand Worshipfcd Master and Brethren of 106 blessing of the widow and father less shalibe yours. ONIONS FOB PNEUMONIA. moneta: Aa Ia4Iaa Slory. At the oooflaeno of Ljnch.'s creek and Tar riyer, oil the- west tide .of the' creek, is a beautiful, grassy Jevel plain, on which jg-a. growth pf- the tallest and most majeatie oaka, npr lax, gum and other trees, and there being no undergrowth, on approach The following rpmcvW rmJnc, tru, 1 mK s on imagines ne is entering a rounds of many papere-and said to be 1 most beRUtiU well-kept. parkin a good remedy for pneumonia: I f aot Jt U the loveliest and most m- "Take six or ten onions, aooordinir mnXio Pot ra7 eyes ever ; beheld. i m. t i wu wno loves naiure coma sif una Sandy Creek Lodge No. 185: Some one has said that after din ner or supper was not a good time to opva&, lor xuu siomacn jnaicea a dull brain. However, at vour rennesr. - I will try, this being our "Orphanage Night." - - My subject will be, A Beautifwi Wornl.. , to size. choD fine, nnt in a larcTA aniiAr T . ' - i ' r: ' i o- "i It is evening, the winds have rook-1 on a hot fire, then add the same quan- ed the earth to sleep as a mother tity of rye meal and vinegar enough gently rocks her child to rest in the toform a thick paste. Stir thoroughly, cradle. Darkness has covered the letting simmer five or ten -minutes, earth with its mantle as the mother Then put in a cotton bag Urge folds the blanket over her child. 'The enough to cover the lungs and apply evening star as if loth to leave the J tothe chest as hot as the patient can earin in. aarsness is s timing m ats bear, in about ten mmutes apply beauty in the west as it throws the another, and thus continue by reheat carth a good night. ing the poultices. In a few hours All is quit, nothing is heard save I he patient will be out of danger. the chirp of the cricket in the corner nas been said that this remedy has and the hoot of the owl in the swamp, never failed to effect a cure. From one by one the stars are coming out three to four applications usually are until the heavens are filled with them, aI1 tnat 916 needed to start the per shining like lamps against the sky. j epilation freely from the chest The The pale moon, like the empress of remedy is said to have been ongina- night, is grandly climbing the steps ted b7 a New England physician, who of the east flooding the earth-with its achieved great -.success through the application of simple remedies. Pneumonia is a disease which calls for the constant care of a competent pnysician ana one Bnouid be m- i ii DENTIST. LOD1SBORQ. . H. C B . Hwr to Dr. Arthur Hynes Fl mlng Ou ce In PorJ Lalluii &, H. IAAsSBSBBTJRG, ATTOBJSKY AT LAW LOUI8BUM, silver splendor, making the most com mon things to gleam with splendor and glory. Who can describe the beautiF8 of the night? Let David, Israel's sweet singer, as he steps out I attendancebut occasionally a simple from his home and gazes inf4his remedy will help wonderfully in the magnificent scene, speak for us. nrst stages or in the absence of the Yonder is the north star glimmering family doctor, - in its beautv with the ereat dipper arVioolinor ornnnd it. aa if tn omard it. TEACH Y0UB DAUGHTER. from the approach of danger, the milky way stretching across the Bky I Teach her that 100 cents make one like a great wave of silver, the other dollar. stars in groups and alone each with I Teach her how to wear a simple its own peculiar light and beauty, muslin dress and to wear it like with the moon making the earth with queen. its mountains and valleys radiant J Teach her how to sew on buttons, with beauty. As -his soul is stirred I darn stockings and mend gloves. within him and his faith gliding up Teach her to dress for health and the star beam into the presence of I comfort, as well as for appearance. the eternal, and ieeling the inspira-1 Teach her to arrange the parlor tion of the divine presence, with the J and the library, divine finger touching the harp Teach her to love and cultivate strings of his soul making music j flowers. there, he cries, "The Heavens de-1 Teach her to have a plaoe for clare the glory of God, and the, firm- everything and to put everything in had only one child, a boy, and had that the old Chief bad bf ormd oi Ik attack; tod was read j to meet him. Tusoor; forming hia "Ha where the power boead noir stand, gave orders f or the charge, , He was roetTy tl oJd Chlsf aodhia bcavaa, and driven back to the ' river," tbn he endeavored by a Bank taoremaot to gain bis point The figbtlrg was fierce, and on the bill where Mf. Gib. S. Baker's house now rUndt,ToorB was engaged ia a hand-to-hand tight with more than a doses- bravta, and with his strong arm and beary toma hawk be wm holdisg thera all at bay. Moneta, who" had fled from . her guard, sppeared upon tha 'scene, and wh3e waybg her band for peace, her lover was stricken down. . Falling oo his proatrata body, the orrowf ul and weepiog girl, teeing that hkltfe muse there all-cky, and woldleave fast ebUng away.'drtw an arrow (rocs at night regretting that the day was her quiver, and thrust it through bet not longer. - heart The fall of the -White Queen" brongbt oonstemaUon to both tribes. and those who a few moments be- In the midst of this lovely plain there rises abruptly a mosC symrnet rical conical shaped mound, probeily thirty feet long and twelve feet tin height. As is well known, it was built many, many years- ago by Ibe Indians. There is a tradition that a corse was plaoed on any one who opened this mound or interfered in any way with its surroundings. There fore, after repeated attempts to open it, fhey were given up, and the valu able timber that surrounds it, is still uncut I, myself, have made three attempts to open this mound, but from some unknown cause, would give it up, and I sincerely hope that the white man s hand will never des ecrate this lonely tomb, or disturb it pretty and romantic surroundings Tradition tells a aad story connect ed with this-mound, which I will try and relate just as it was given to me. Long before the discovery of Ameri ca was ever dreamed of, where the town ot Louisburg now stands, there lived a powerful tribe of Indiana, and their Chiefs wigwam was near the Ellis spring, and around its cooling waters the Indian Bucks and Maid ens loved to gather and hold their revelries. They were not a warlike tribe, bat like other tribes in this section, theV made frequent raids down' the rivet, and always retumedjaden with ,po- and other booty. - On tme occa sion, among other things they brought back, was a most beautiful little In dian girl not quite two years of age, which was given to the Chief, as he WHY HB FAILXD. Baa Flgurti That Bt Wasted 75,000 Honn la Flftr, : YearsT"- fore were drawn op in battle array. threw down their arms, and gathered around the dead lovers, and their moaning and wailing could be beard forroHea around. Tbe lose of the f White Queen" btd loft them aa a fship without an anchor. She was their guide, their counsellor, not on ly of these two tribe, but for all lh tribes for many miles around. - It wss dec idol that the lovers should be buried in tbe aame grave ! at the beautiful sxt which I have tried to describe above. With great pomp and ceremony they were car ried there and laid away. Article Tor their v in tbe Happy Hunting Ground were brought from all tbe turroaoding tribes and placed in their grave, conaisting of pots of gold and silver nuggets, artiauo tomahawks and arrow beads made from tbe moat brilliant quarts, aod various other ar ticles, they might need. Tradition says they were months, even years, completing the symmetrical moend, and that the white, silvery sand, ol which it is oocn posed, was broaglt from the sea coast I think this most b true; a there is no sand in seetioalike it I am 60 yean old. I have been at work nor im$ regaiiriy, uu I era ant pen ol ti time bstwswn 10 an I SO year el -.: I am a faZer, a mdwcrrTy rlhr, which rtoUUy is a bad. If than an etttr fallar. Some time, year ago, I d to kick and Um cxrert bcee I va nobrflIianr-ipciisa. to fact, wiib ow bostinsj I ihotU bav Ua a saeews. I am qut vr, I know my UaaiMsaCi tan sU anaO, atJ can bwasi a hard a soy o, I t a fairly fahhfol w crier uvl katr ih expeneoe and bar had th balkier. Yet I have faiud. Tbe day 1 was GO yea4 old I mad soto cslcalaiba ba4 oo tM, oWr facta, simply to show lha ta my boy. who is growing op, I bop, at UaV, to " b a bit diflsrsot from bis fathrr. I bad foand out aervral yar bfw wby I had failed, and I mad (!mm t calclaUon to mak U plainer to htm. I rrhp tb ngara may bsip other young fdlow. Plainly, aa I foond ot aitr Uamio everything U, I w nnl x (airly sac cresful man bcauMw I wsnud to ' much time. In fact, I wtui over itt ?ir 1 of tisn oat of 60 svatLaU tot work va ' which I shoold bsv ba doc -m. thing to advinos or Kapror mriL I was and am modarauly w!l St) If I bad availed rarxJf cf thai iuts whch I wasted rarelrtwjy, aal 4de the ru!l to the s-uall Curves that 1 have achieved, my fm2j woid bad a InUe more tbaa my !:( icrir snoe to depend oa. Thee are tb CrTjrrs thai I j r pared for my "iv not Overslept 10 muiate s dsv for 60 years Wasted buoiiog lci thirgs 5 minaU a dsy for y r tftJ Talking oelfWy SO rammue a day tor 60 years Tnittis that Strike Home ' la &9 rn nei a3 -.t Lbe bulk ecSe 1 c -x .1 clT.rTjjy BUM " u4.i-Of With WtUt u.il U ram Inrvreor 17 tAj KJcaa, Low mrnm I do hope that th curs that is P uUn? lo cars Wo mwaua laced upon any on who bterfar d4T 60 J" iid&thk.moand saay lorwvrdsert 1 emrs any vandal hand from dktarbing aay lor sa year th5r nni.t rt i ipnontnr lowni sw auv It is said that Tusoor and M octet, on their visiu tn each other, always landed at tbe old Cypres tree just below the power ho, and that on I IT i ii n M yws U i i i ! N l m SS 1. A v r Im fi H UON COrTH, o- ua w yru'1 KLi r C3LAtt ccsrriza, i 4 IvIilrClrwv H ,lr"ksrtk ov. r iro a tf iyzty 1 LTI:, w trrrtrt. irons cxrrtx VLa I kv&a W Hm esSeira Ol S M K3 II bbw - I II yff - ' J J,oJ it, Will prmcUc In all tne Courts of theState Offlca n Court House. holcL The old Chief was proud ef the gift, and at once adopted the always wished for a girl in his house- full raoon in May, If oo (not two, aa the "phantom will not appear to Barroom, 40 mmtee a day more than one) will quietly sit there W. BUDDIE, ament showeth his handiwork." its place. It is midnight, the mists are begin- Teach her to say no and mean nine- to armftar in the valleva. there is ana TO yes ana SUCK TO 16. o rr f I , , , , . , jl.ni.-v- o V. - : Ji ' universal silence, broken only now eacQ ner w nounng to ao onna as own. ou Krw , at n.gM mQon htititM and then by the sweet notes of the Wltn mtemperate .young men. mocking bird, as tremulous with its own joy in the midst of this match less beauty it pours forth its song in slew a da for IS years Card, W lard a, pool, etc. 40 tainot a day for 40 years T.20 Horse, dogs, bb, cc, 40 minute a dsy for 60 years 11,10 and was very happy with her ntn boet de- m . . . .1 v 1 l I .! Tl . V.I 1 macnuw wny regard wiub iu u- i pKrvuia auu wmusi. "coo " for 40 years Plain loA&ng, 46 tataeLM a day for 60 years 16.42i ATTOELNEY-AT LAW, LocisBuno, N. C. B. 0. Hicks' store .on Nash j tne night. Again, it is beginning to dawn, the yyi. HAYWOOD BUFr LN. birds to twitter in the forest, there are a few bars ot lignt beginning to shoot up in acter of those she would associate I dren were devoted to each other, and .with and not to how much money I their favorite play ground was on the they have. Ex. silvery little stream that runs over the rocks from the Ellis spring down to the-liver, . .4 Another playmate, who paid them frequent visits, was the only son of g ending tbe river rowed by a tall and handsome young warrior, end guided by a beaatifal Indian girl, all Clears the Complexion. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup-stimulates the liver and (horooghly cleanses the s. ATTOBJrST-AT-LAW, , . system iw inorougoiy wears uw com- i ohnnt. nr. in T.n flST. ma moon is l niftiion oi mmDiH ana Diownee it is voaiasm. a. c I -r - - l r, . . , .r . I ,i r- -v.. i " . . .. J 1 A 4.. Unnin I "8 DMl laXSHTB I OT WQUWU IHU BUU" me OW ,Wei W VU U1UO, WUU Will Draetloa In aU te Courts Ol mumi I mukuiE, wjo aw.o mo S"'"& " I A.n it la mi Id nd nlAHunt. and does " inldini DSS I pale, the shafts of light are higher not gripe or, sicken. Qrino is much su- and broader, like heralds of the ap- iMKh doeTnotirrftaT. proaching king. When the gates of j tb stomas and bowels. For sale by Q, t'hr. mMninrr airir,rr oio. onrl t.l. a arm I AJCOCS. ym til) I U ' o floods IMrrnlL l!nnrL unloa over First HUoT al I sua. HOS. B. WUVDIS, ATTOBJfST-AT-LAW, aoviavoa, a. a. Oiot on HaIb street In Cooper bll Inf. S. 3FKUILL. ATTOHBBY-AT-LAW, LOCKiBUBO, X. O. win attaed the courts of rranklln, Vaneei arauTlllH. Warren rnd Waka eoauttes, alao la snnraiaa Court of Worth Carolina. from ii attention given to collection, ufflce 1 Ppruth LuUdlDg. as a strong man to run a raoe, uouun , fi. .. "., 1 - I f j tne eann witn ms gionous oeauty . d . h to ine miSTS xnat nave gatuereti, over ; the valleys starred bYw the wmds are In the spring time you reaovate your inor like chariots of silver with sides C3 X. w. Bioxrrr, Rockv Mountain Tea drives out imparl ties, cleanses and enriches tbe blood snd t rt ' - A.Z - -. A eaay . burnished with gold into clouds and SVpn ? ' .linainrr nooK Athor in tVia eTriViomnnn I " . , . . - ' , . , . tribes, but by all the tribes in the sur of their joy. 11 a man were his own enemy, what J pied the country beyond Lynch'i creek. Moneta used to spend weeks with this tribe, and she and Tusoora, the old Chiefavson, were boon com panions, and soon loved each other, as only savages can love. Growing rapidly into womanhood, andbaving promised Tusoora to be his bride, she was extremely- happy, and looked forward to a Life of exceeding pleas ore. She was a lovely creature,, and was idolized, not only by these two Tola! eras to In 60 years TS,'-" ocrm yt- frs en fim In a.-i SOLD BY GROCERS EVXRiV v otJC. VtfCt OO, ?ev ana FURNITURE !! KkM I mm ! Iff ! A rrmm KmmUm .iwl bedecked in Indian paraphernalia,! happy. Then tender, ectitiv- bodf ... , . i .- .. .. wnn long, cuny iocs graowuiiy i reqair genu. Dealing malM. falling over her boulder. So quiet- j HoiliterB Rocky Moostaui Te wl ly," so smoothly doe the boat sp- P m Vl0Drt sad wil i proach, that thera is not even a rijv pie on the water. When they reach i the Cypres, they halt for a moment,! Don't jdg a man by bis Lrvt and after plaintively and sorrow folly friendship tn a town; jdg Kim by chanting one of the songs oi their bis Last childhood they turn w.y.andar slalw soon lost to view, aa they noaselessly proceed up the river to their beauti- . ..FT.. tt????' 4n aVrvrnV ewrKaeK fl KW ham al ft taatl V ai4- I aj4 " tk. sr n aa ew4 a a tviuv w anvLi euv y u v y i ae w vw e m w ss ) e aw wea sssawasi pe ev We ed so oa l a- ' yours-elf. f tr ; sl 11af ef Cif st tb t-ett U ft cupied for many hundreds of years. arTcier a?.' LAWTIP. LOVISBDBS . a Th6etUem4nt of estates for Executors, A.i DnlatMratora and Q oardians la nude s spec ialty, and tbe bonds required by law ess be cured n tbe office, mce In Yar Do rough fc Bickett building Main street. . w. Practleas (treat. a. PBBSOA, ATTOBjrBTT AT-IAW, aotnsse-, V. e. all eoarta. OfSes on Main Three little' rules we should keep, To mate life happy and bright. Smile in the morning, smile st soon. Take Rockv Mosntaln Tea at sight Sold by Boddie & Perry. Do so well today that you need not long for. tomorrow. i w. H TA&BOHOUOH. JB. ATIOBHEY AT LAW, LOTJIBBUSO. V. a Offlee In Opera House building, Coart street All legal business intrusted to him ill rsoeive vrompt andcaxelul attention. F. HOUCK, CONTBACrOB asd BU1LDEB, LOTJISBUBO, N. 0. The trrass is covered with, dew stories he could tell on bimselfl ddps and as the sun's rays fall upon them are made- to sparkle like dia monds and gems. The flowers, painted in their beau ty by the fingers of the infinite, are lifting their beautiful " faces every where, filling the air with their sweet perfume, and, joining the grass, the trees and mountains, riversand lakes with the woods, vocal with the song of bhrdswith a sweet lullaby from the sea, m .one universal song of praise to Him who fashioned this beautiful world. It is evening, the sun is . sinking with maiestic- grandeur down the .. - rounding -country. Msy they never be disturbed. Mar I else. TWe wortaies tsaUaitos asr the soft and gentle winds, as the, Talse-. leal waft through th lofty tr, ever Tar Is t a yellow t- t tAr, . s4 reas say sebeUtsfc. It ts la- bK - ressade fo eutka end eddo ftati tv then silent, suent tomo. i q. j. Ajaoete. I have proraned to conduct and v " Dangers of Pneumonia A cold at thlstimelf aegleeted is liable fairr fn miiu ninmiwli vhiflh ia an nftan fa. I Ul, and eve when the patient ha reeov. I Bat as lovely as she different from other Indian girls, chsperone a party of young peopU to BQCfr MQimtalft Tea MtrfTtrfti BUS UHU lOLi muiij ivvas iua icw i iuia jmcuo muv j ui uij w umu wmi-t gracefully over her pretty shoulders, weather is warm, on a pie nio xcnr and when' mounted on her spotlessly won. As the spot is more acoepta- white pony, she excited admiration ble by water from Louiaborg, we will wherever she went Her influence have to go In. boats, and I'proaus was so powerful that a simple wave all who go, a most delightful day. of her hand would cneck disturbing elements when all other efforts would A. Stay Xa4 tm Stay fWW Brtr 0aat Easfik sad Iran it Tw. A rrMtfia f-w QraiHt Hia. MkiHa, t 4 tltav TracW. K t t. S Htmti. aW SjriMiS. MnrrWl tm ..ml. H4 met ttmeimm. ITs a-y Atm T " fovea, a. a u i i V ay WXAjam Dean Om at Wm. W. was as be- to the . wonderful Foley's Honey - e I Lj. Ayeocke around him as it to form an escort ot ered the lange ro weakened, making j d popolar u 8h was, poor them peculiarly susceptible to the devet- ,T opment of consamptlon.' Foley's Boaey creature, she had her troubles. Her aBd Tarwilltopthe eougb, heal and fo8ter father was determined shs awengtoe tne iunga sna.preye.s pueu- . . - , . , -. ' i v- T-.- eKAis. ' La Grippe eouK&s yleia quteaiy I snouia marry uer igswr uiuwicirxij i fiuwuw kuwiv jicuju, ee a m ..a ll.l - . I - B . 7 - S. - . . , I. . Tl T -1 m. I IMPROVED PASSENGER SERVICE The Seaboard announce ffctiT with the New Yrk Sleervlnsr Carl Line between New York . and Mam- phis and vice-versa via tb Seaboard I and Frisco system iroprorsa through :1 euratiy qualities of that she must give up Tuscors, who wrthout change,- making connions and Ta. There s noth- tP,it rw h.A ' this point for all point la : Txs, ,good.- Forslby Q. on the death of the Chief, had . w - N-l become Obiet oi ws tnoe. 1 re nean- j at--.- io- Utwn Waah- k,V.n mrl har fitKor that I . -1.1 V!-V--J f Tr.f-t fight as he bids the day adieu, and as When we think of the ease with ,. ;. , ., r,?. .S itirminsm. smW all m sal. a S W A AAA.TC3 BUD n AD) UU waaaj, BV -" WVMa w - a - . w ... - - B - - " ' - suVrfSuVnand tTSK Lhe 18 gone, these art, changed to gold wbich we deceive others we-should ,QVtA vj onl . brother and could Ferrate or ached ale to any point . di.hnm I I 1 i. J3 . .T ... n An n n 1 ... .... 1 - ' , auu t iuicu auuv ovi, iviuimg ... ifriiMr. oi cne'ease wim wmcct. outer i oi BuipaoBiug AVKoimcoo, "" imay. deceive .ns: ; , , ; I eora. and jiy I a.es. i-.-if-t-: i weu w vue kau$ va wnjr. : itui ujb b and xf she cottld not maity him, t , - ; HaUbb-N.C : -T 1 f.-V. I .V, urnM l5v a.no-lA fnrevArmore.l ha " tt TTvan. fl. T A - " Itf. B. Bartana traUfle After 4 Tr.j ... . . . ' - i, I--: V DO. iiUIUUI VUUSTI. ' FH ANKLUS TO-4 UUTJEli twingnt into a aome au - w . makes th ed with the' old Chief to relent .- But -'.wTwmvu a ' rt -u the;siience ot aeatn, atPaie is-eMO-partn er of the fLrmol F. J.Che- heaaidha would never consent-for : , lwomaii4son'the bed, ner eyes - are i ney taoii ou, ,u 01)WftX , " W. . dosed, her lips are cold, her heart, b on ad to 'prevent what we call lXjJ ... : e . . . i s-H aW rfniiAtM avv avo rk eann awnrr reaj - -. . - ; - : .nil mim f.m J aaaCyt ri 4 wets U 'i - i. 1 1 ia, 4j-iA. una II f r l very tww Attains rlwl M. WMAM fl I Set-. l- r Good aeeomodatlon for the traveTing J BtUl,:her Jiands are- nerveless." The watchers, are standing by. aao is dressed for the grave, robed:fora the tnmlu bntharki what is that - Lhearl : ' " -..-' .... . fc. : -t.-''. -'-.- The cry of a child crying for its'moth- J Ma-syonbTiirg' --Propr eV and she is not r. JDid you hear it? Who -will now' hush J its -cry? Who 0d miedatieW Good faret Pa wiU press it 1X1 UBU 11 W Oieop a-; . w . o ablia. Good LlvTAttahd 7; -' MASSENBURG HOTEL t nnv - ranaviv "match: r So the I It sored of a Severe fctdsv tmabte kt I - w- i'.-. ef " u t I I.LI t .at- .. ss1- - !- braTe young chief called his braves j Kkl,,r c--. u ,fturiy eunr-d ia HEIIDEHSOII. IT. C i eoinmodtieaaC' Good fai Ui aad tUattve Mrvaato "hnnrlrd -dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Coxe;'t.vlNifi: together, and :thy 'determined by CV k yT rr" 1 mypmseiMthiaethrI force of arms to gam his bride.;.-' twtTTai sIa! I l8?6 -- "a w : ril, ' ' j I v'. wv retara of say ol those sy-ptMs dsHsr (SbA!.)x - --A.W.iaAawr, -Early one night on the full .moon tor th si hate e Upend aad 1 -I "7."""., '' 1 1- rew.-li iratnerad hi forceal and am eIJ.otly eord to suy eered. eed I ?.TS ry:: t 't.. J heartily ra,.d roUV. KWse, Cor. lyaJiaaCTauuyuu- ""crrTl by surpriue ai.uica. uo .-v . t0 -By OB. eoffaHo froei kldaev or mn-nnris snrfaoes of the vatem. ' Sena I l.' ki.44.. 1.1,1. n a .i i l. h v. mucuous surfaces of the-jsystem. for testimonials rree. accomplish his end. . But he found bladdsr trouble.' Sold byLLl Aysocaa, e-ta. tet afcrafe IM Hi llaia a fin fcc-. rua J a few vuli 1 1 (are SaVM wkwl) - V ta.iai GmT' as a i 1 s. aw r;.ril r7ura. 1lwa (wv.mii tn hi 1x4 l m, w k-.a t "a Mi te fwru. :wrt ai f k4 tJ iaw im i.ru.4 ia.-v a. 1 11 1 a-iM r.. imcQ. p irjM I tm yv4?e rat. o. A 1 1 se aa VL-r 'al-Croris Cbralnal C r . v. ' - A r.A. o. "'.. VS, - f 1 . . nr. Viaat itilllN 'ASKETS." Oar t: is ptlslda-d Sbes, ( C 1 . r t rtr tr-e-rlaJ atleaUfttw ll -( d n at . atd U-rt'.brf with wf HV 'f ii its leet f eettU. ErUl s w Hin.-IIALL Fl HMTrHK (X). WAGONS Steam Dried Flooring and - Ceilng. HEAVY and- FANCY GliOOKRtES. - - Full ' Line of Sfoc. THE GREEN, 5: YARBORO CO, 'A

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