. r " - - -.n-3-.. . . v. ...... rrrvrr ..ii' JAMES A VOL. XXXVI "t "' ' "in 1 1 ""h ,. ljL T I I Til 1 1. 1 , 1 fa. ii. , - f - . . - .1 r- - 1 - - - .1 - . .- - . . , N J" . c m; 1 -t t," -. J" ' 1 r . .. , -... - ' - - - - - - 1 i , v J V.- .... iM- : TP - - - iVi- .i; "EL. '.. -r T ' .ii 1 ii 1 if t - ' T - . . 1 ..m,.i , H HM mm sm . 11 .. . I IT I W - v I ' 'II -v . ANOTHERr.10UEFOtlUA.lD LOOISBURG IS TO HAVE A 0100,- 5 Citizens Very Ilach Intorosted Shares to tjo fciqojEach- Will be as Gf catl Help to - tho Town in uany ways. 7 , The raach talked ot subject of or aniline a stock company to baad?E (jottoa Faotory Louisburg seems to have take&sabstutiiarjmd: we learn that Mr. G.;W; Ford " and others are now soliciting; stock Quit a number have already 'ex nreHHe l a wUIingnesa to take stpck nrvl every ooe swho . wishes . to put money in somethlfthftCwill'i prove a paying investment should take stock at once. ? The "shares ' will be HDD each and' the payments will be oiaie easj. " SV Mich factories have proven of such rraat benefit to other towns that it Js unnecessary for the TiMES-to appeal io tne citizens 01 xioaisoarg anav sur: roundine coantrr 00 Vita Score. lie member that a large amdant of lttm her and bttildine material will be needed uuthe erection of the factory building ancUitotta&es namner can pay lor pneir sicck m j thin way. $. J 4t Athalea May Genevieve Thomais Ora Uee Jones Fourth Grad .tie "Aycock , Jinxr Harrison Pleattants, Charles Thomas, Hodgie rarro,w, ma; .JEluabetkXSassenbttrrJ rfc!''n' "h ht;V"r :nrrT. " f ! iiTH Vbv-)thvifrl"i;r ti . Robert William?: t -wMU VU.U .4.UI I iW,rci -iv.nr- e-EmmaHowelLPai.lr' V ; J irr!- tTA f VVf nil IL'AVi.ii!v .aVCrfi f-a-?;- James .Malon MarvK -'rrs r 11 nirrfv MEat'-'il -v t-i .tsflnnd fwrrt'-'1 LucyJeter;vHe Strkiland, Louise V C T- " fcZaT. Taicr y Jones. JcAn BeaslevJ. : Qrotinrl KfZli rzll .In cfcfis's-.f "4 rw iiS.' u- Fi3tOraderHiinteVHarrUMatt4;rt7rU r?Vtln w w view wva x uuiu iisvnu vuui Fred Battle, jinitor.'IIe b-Vcty csref about the have tfca cyi:nev-;"iom'''as'--x3a" EOzabethAlstott, Alattie Allen"; JMm iadeVdate olAwtfllbtayaiKhweet'a( cm, MaAycocklZeaterTaylorJ'MyrUeK exottfcwntWrail. ttr'ailco in Ktii Si next yeic: 'Oorwotlc JTalter.ilJna May.rHayesITVIadlonf Ar t; r ij. w- Ita.Veri ai f t:d ,w'ara cttUaaIoe- Hotrck, Terrell KempJameIa8sen-1 saWwlW: cavern, wWcbl School in Chiie : City .Both ; pf rooms tand tht vporchSiYla :w erhas i'ttrmm and a ta'todi? .nimRl.ARR: , Cliff ora-Spencer, . Wilraot , Brown i: lt ' t"v : IA - 'JuUus ClarkFulter Cooke, Haywood Hale , V. . . i vJVIrtwiBsimg ock: yesterday : . .. ' . 1 .. '" ' 11 " r : . .V - l- I and discovered the laVe ahicayern cedar mm. mmimm U; s I wewenaea awi wixn atnaji .OpatLrpwr YOUT FUL BaccaUorcata Conncn-byr ver pany, wno-watne pany.statea w- ir -r?- fa .rn ,-7-. rirr;- ZZT,'-ZT ; EioyedVt'WoHijmbefj f.imlaty ta.tHm. -ccmln'ff i he bK-bt faoed bpytlmd Hrls of -rriTTr; their nomea alter a reason oi;credi- i lvesioenia ox. r.unariMtawn srelJvriKi.caaomujii w ijne 1 UiiLiw. 4 1 i 4 llrcrl .U tL ULi;4 L'. rv Ity if Pcsi.-r rI?y aI Lj tr . tLjr pawtr la Trvlilit ,v 1: !-rl: ll-b rctD srl Vir7l!:trr forrard. to " -.with - ' Trunin 1 : .by U im to attend. wcA . ht!a cn a Mr mm- a . , .... ' . lust 1 rMiy, ana . la. Gccpf I tb duwst to rwttei th ,- courts . tendcat. the odttor ttnh Tmxavwmj ' rKo Saaur c4 ibi 'paaesa djy Lsi V pleased lo iVimoc, the tppWofa, iach accord to bt f, , A'., most v eUgantly arrac tii ptraoaal tad yJuzx Uxrtrth x j-amme, wnciag pu .vocAlaad in lift, Saavsf Iiiilty to 15 rZuis of trJcrt of ii;o lcirstsU Cw-ca Cccars jxkA, coo tt X -j x atru'ranul ; music, 'raciutlba i-fitD kT Doocru)rrtQr f" wadred;ia ad CoaithtioTi iarjef. V;. ;w .vj-: r ' 4 a . if .- , i a Killing Fish With Dynamite a Uisdemeanor rr i 1 .v-S-.. to advice roa FAB 4. University for VTceaea - Tba We: find them improved mentally l; J I TtiroaghVj ji of thobafJe-wind spiritualty by their daily 'associa- im Ir ter waaqniel . ... t - . . . . I HI I 111 II I I II I I I II II I I I II II I I I I in PI I i I II 1 II i I V ' M . taon' witntne cultured vonncr lacnftrfl- E r-rT--cyrr-7rr- acwuaivi w moTouiessTC -csriiin Best. v py v; The naccalaureate sermon was ably i rendered by Rev, G. M. Duke who -v " t about tenjeari, rt ooglkvnan, jdiy bdm lh4 i Zliai y b A pel. .qQiiposmoKs, publish the following section' of the :.xle regarding the killing, of hsh ...tlk It.rtAmUvi - - .. -V-- oaa t n1 inspires an ambition, kindles fa hope, uh anvdvuamite or anv other ex- andtes a purpose in tfredullest or P Below aretw6mrWokw.-- plosive agent whatever . fors laUmfif I47;fe T , tt; rish, or shall explode any dynamite .GrtflntxIWCn . Cotton Crarrcri.1 Arioclitlau 5 c okrA ficaprurad lis tery aio I To nnr Fanitai ku.. cmtpft.cv tSr aeIiHc5 from v t2 turt,1 JUs I " rrrraarrrD pctaa "i wcUTtar y at t wi s.i near a iooM rata I Otarlaittoaaly &jtbc.1caV Trl- ntsr youag man ami'; (nUn fj rota rfrihar . tnVph cf Vtilay Uts tba. Cm. Ifcolay -la anajtnreeotKecolOTtd boVa' mntitd I n adiiurablswa4diwsndwva cod-1 IUt. I wsat to am cry, . bfUs- wriu the ton They are'Porter RufSn. ' ?Qt fTf lxmci to pfaat aoot of the beat. vi m uu w w me , wur i tOU U QCTO Jn kJO. mm vajgT- tnoa rm ' tfrdtiit-wft nara . neiT4 1 Lt ai tea a&l twrni: . On W ediiesday ul .uo,, was one of tbe eniovable f eaturea WtWTW' or otner explosive agenii mme Puouo 4mme - , rospp fnnnd Yfnt for mnbflTiihal or mun. : r i.r a.iil. I C1SS 0 uiaciunng purposes, ue suaii ue gyuty 1 icJq! via. a iiiiociiiGaiiut otxa iiuou uuv iixuio k . ' ' - .TTtl ,.41 i than fifty dollar, or TCS mnra than fhirt.v lava I n nnMAO. - ' -. ; . -l I mm mmmJk mm TV fS.4 r A Iw t i5aI1ct Jonn UiaowfT age about TU. .Ctroo4i I Att of them wrJ ameted l Saturday oyeni theexeJi JtotFlorenceVAlay Egertoni teacher. mgbV andT-piacea fa. . the lock-up, pened promptly eh Miss MayVanbject being m r HSrad- w,Mrnpf Nellie: Sledge played i s .U mortuns wnea uy were given i mai i uur scnooi - ia aituatea on on pedbhtj- waharp ? btuA ta a great .while.' -. ' . v tat the airia toaotaal I fT Istt2er 5 Af tcrtba .addaadxlait:, was i aaf-' that ia Iba - CaJf - wiy to cxrt ruT, andeveijtwd wboloaosa dSofi, lrt from adtlm , cordially invited f by XVoi. Collooa to tion. fin&at iLat calm Liev ao. atay and .taxa ;orancr, v enough tad I vul not make mora ocUoa tti sion of the fish killed The posses- by exi one ot I nA To-imlif TtfKhnrr7ntiBvA and tola all abdatHtrbut 'iheMbthef two pic - Jcd'fit-uiJtyr ttbwarrfcr auMiua Toycjo corr-in PoTterRaf5migaTo; boaj?bt "CFt18 Ul e-l-wr worn CMOuxa uor fsrua; , danoe.wM .quit large the. da t, ' --' Yorssatraly, . : but ij-tba grand ootyWctwiV; U MiooPrti "V f lata at 2b v-cflpwia Uure vc v. ."Cctlrtawijr.Aracxtaiwai. 1: . llrrejiuiabct; ffrr.r.-wJXha'-.criat1 oouza z2o& reran a mucu -u:Ci-1 t bert at nighty batfrotn soma who vera Live Stock Insurance This seems to 1 e an "InsuranC j Organizations other towns are line, a number pulled themselves gsnized ?The Carolina FmZt SA2TBT COTX; " present Ire learn hrjilh paased on very anUy,.-Uo ; ladles and gentlemen acqaiuing 1 eirea iyumaHf, ana tne oi vae i irrix cro in arte; )ur cititzens nave Ci Ti .ii1- iAa to Oe"a laTce xoomy Duiiomg ao-1 "i" f V Z-J M : f cerweoon.? together and or- TO9 trf attend :jneir Ccecf anO,tftO ,W0Sf . -;tTbe, patrlon of. tba AcadttqyJ, '.arf ol iU.Tor eetC' fcf olina ive btock fg Hscfiool Arpreint, e; area little e the 0Cce.rs Are to th People tinder therippralahip . cf PnT J. Trebborboud rrk Yary' Baab thu janizationV and while TST i1" Xnebdiftgi which isnow be- f vy e moving aW on this HMS lsoofp'copleted. This kS(ZP ofourSsens have AXtVKXTIStMXHT.) LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE. Ones to Select Er? tVafianaatw4felc it lLa bio. i!'. ua w w iti,i: ru. o i keepmg fires. ? . vw - n m ju v v . . - . i. . . v. - . mm mam. mmm a -! n m.m a m mm a asm iai asm W. V,ton. font. Bailey j7 A. J lge enoe present ,nj(ar - orfeHv.'if Bhe eett out of his Dtaoe. Turner. TO M.liWWE oeen eieciea: i-resiaeni a. '.o..- - . v r, i. n. ; . i ana sit m air.Tecessv vi Thomas Vice President-Dii S: m?,tA?Sr JJurt; aeoretary T. W. ;Wateom 1 rV.!!I easureiWm,. Bauey; General C. X. Daniels' to nr. Paul Jones. . ; - - - v course we Mr: C. XX Daniels,: who it a candi date for reaocoinatibn to tb' 6Sca of Solicitor sf this district' at thebanda of the Democratic party, m; reply to a letter irpm-Mivlrattl Jones, of Tir- Manager-J. A. Turner; Attoraey- PfJ the universal respect and es- w do naterfor-himlo;raa(i; H1 didate. wrote .."' ... . . . teffli of both nu nils and natrons I a- . . ' & , i Mr JrwA frvltna- . r. n. ftpruiu. Tne , ooiecty of -tnis , r ri, . A . getsturious it any one writes moiasa, . . . nuir iiriivuii i.iibiiihhivmi ill iih i . . . .yuv.uiv v rw 1 1 I. i. company h t m m mm m c. Articles ot incorporation been or will be tiled with the. liahment o tlua exoeUent.ixbool. and tain 'Vowladjrwaaibs'wdo"'ibr. I . much regret Ma xpmaalc by tbo U like looav than a kxt h k . ' trotteea and patrotu oa account of the ceJsto gnarsr. ortrrj-Ittl rrk. on. IU rtgreta himself having, to Wlnib5 leave but havinr eooplstod hia " 1"7.!.u , course at -Wake .1?t; ba wiI -;go' I t5?m. Elr VIT ji. ' Mrsara. - Saxa' Parrfaii- k San. "Wal uiDd Jaaoa tary of State, and the company will " ilovit ivi avaoaaaoo aaa ouvi yaaaaac i . . ' y fully performed .. Easter Picnic. As the Resurrection of the Lord . Th editor had r the pleasure; of i celebrated, and we think it should hearing thespeech of Supeifndenf oe, a goodly i old and young (itffin Tftorn " nth i .. TiAirrliKrk' kj. : t iua.l -jiT the C wrWk and ardevbted to ten it consoipuaeessjox uuiy WrtKir; . places, resorted to Boidida Bridge on Sandy; Creek on Monday April 16, 1906, forlehjoyment$ and rest. ; Kvery one is supposed to have had a jolly good time. While many were along the banks fishing others were boat riding; and; . talking.: Nearly ' i: me waters, and almost even eemed to be hushed at the ou very , lappropriatef presentation speeches of .that good man, Rev ;G,: M. Duke. -. " KEARNEY ITE IIS r 1 OVR JS1E6ULAR COREESPC NDElf f .J There: was a light frost Monday night. ; Foliage was nipped, but -thel rt... lou sav tnerBin'tnai r& seet Miss Whitley, who teaches thelfirst qtheralone so far ;.aa our commun i rwaif&llow htm wbcraver Tbompraa. W - J . . ;- f i t , - port a ,tatr rioaccja saat.'ir.V llr IX x " - - K , - Mr PfT . far ibcir - lia2ae-a i - "i reoervea s ieuer xrom is. a- i. morEpc MaMErfertor wholteicbes ffl!.1A:a eidtManaifth-gi Wft.Pf w.ViwvKUr;i,i-.fr?rfh rropctio.njc-wiUiwlattetf-.to Vfaah tl:fliin untyl Vhile it. . nicer Va . ;r f4 r.i week have to worlrhard but that, i We all try -to get roll, which " ia my - highest , Iouttborg i eraon, ! tsOv made -. a we;dn:tmind ":T"1I on' the honorrT :S?.rf Jfl If1" wm.1 JF"a ! don't like to exlledar try am. aa ytmkaow, tidiui for eacheweek to' gain the honor. -J All ot rroiai w wt us who haven to schbbl know that P???? 5 1?? ?r t. tKiVc; wlvAV ArWl licitorI..thia Usttlctvv.lt aa not t rar toted. J he toy c'' vw - ' " . - Comt iraiUTa statement. ' The'jSklur; asked to pubUah a ootaparatire statamvnt' of tha exrenMa at the fKJoumy Iicmtw f ythe r it :00j; 18U4 and 1005 tti re . 'I hoV that la 1 903 the i, "end '.a. i rere X,732.iJ7,- anJ in XV U,a.H.vOa Februarj; 3, lD5yan IaTeotory, . wa ; j?n and there waaKihd In proTwiona and oeraonal ittWctya ; (iododbg a pair of mules whkh werepaU for m l&OS) ripl.0O. In: 1W the expt&aea wereM19'Jl.Tl.A - Atf inventory on Jan IfclWOiahowedoa, band IU 695.76," hi. provbVona and rraonil property; and there was temed : into the treasury, Jj or -aalaa : from - cotton of melodious strains of music ,by antivorksjustTiow. Miss Mamift WarA and AtfiprnJ About I r -niJJi i . w ' w -w - -- - , IVI IHUUM I illlllM. HII 1-30 p. m. a most delicious -dftner ij een visiting fne was gpread of .which all partook' and m a;n vtAV, t relished greatly.'. The last amuse- yUieamceJb!:8ter v- Miss -Mollie : O'N'eal, of in the evening; warT ajandy t ? few ddyg wlth; Miss Idafeat.' and- pulliag9' which, of oourse. t " ii -vl enioved ' uwHwww.i, i i j tv iTTr ndRTV ran inmi'ni irrxLiiuurfMiM ment stew was highly like to oiabesCandthe eirla hid mreitber, ot nsoould ii" raDlamPimrthe ropenarblei AWM 9 W ? W -:i'11:-:TT-If'T:k4,'.i I ment wa might make ana a am aura r u la" - - inr - iiiiijii aa BiiiaMM .iLiLiiaiiA r m.. v . - . p7rryfV ;:-?: r t province' of th people ot.th6 dutna though htoWToutheTrwheaM VM!1 tjtA w:W;i fitness of each candidata for ihia.i ng it so pleasant I Tusn'tiM. 'tfMi'anf1 VYirwvM tftai VnA rf of a hagof candy Wmch X ooa?of : the "r-r-; TlIZrrt:3 . v. - . - j- k -v-. . - l-whKn.thii m1 rrmTit nrrrVr I rift. pij left he said no He Had ,no seen 7 - Jr; -Tr " r nut if he had he didn't think, they of combinaUoOs and , agreement would mAM PZ " irT- i -f -Ai vV I speak for the people fa a thimjef the looking torwara tof aaatwa. ;jv5 1 vl v Miss Jeter writes'oir tie sartesulH i mariv .anru air iimn xiifi'i wiiiun , in A PIetpaxt:' tUympaihy during Amrfeband l - f aeatn 91 tn&iat;nusoana anujaiuer, ' IflT -T" Tl r Mil Honop Roll Graded School. . 1 nam and famllyldesire vthrdughthe V i- i k i " -"I nXlnmnof "VA Tnf Pfl ' t t A'K'nrPFfl Seventh OwrfS-JnWV Macon - their sincere 'thanks to allwho , thus ject as loUows: , &.--: Tom Rnrfduv tioTn. t?; Afoi-rr 1 rememberod them -Thenr: earnest H 'bThe"5ampus:verv.laree and has lfi in i . "tr ;.fn-4- xr?sK ifl :tl-mf. .Koaa mwl 'TtfinTiln -WI5lV rimlrl vAnv!atiiT.tMaa .''iraVlicvar'A'a fTenaisundVv,fKS' rittb Aycock, aod.Mra, Parrkh . for tbcsr- Vi&lav in. gjriag theci asar4eaast Old Dot. LsUar UHtxta 4 PsHas.' " totbsric. KC , rr &ra H7UIt)C-4aiac. ' U BCaU TT 4feUk. EUtraj. A Etkamar taasva Wsc u r.r le ivotta ja ya $Jt trtdaCL TLT U4sm4' kta te fJtl trjr T booc V tsc fooC 4ft4-oU U 14 fca-Alt-n V04 Io. ll i r s : r:'tiy w w; Dsrsa a tv. brA!WIWCa.4rJtI4. - Vl -a tsart Prcprty Owicw past: the people re hTthe - taddle ind theyr mil sinrvwbo thsy wanVrJ 1 . i Mi ':- .ul:- lilt Wieir.UUiOVBv, WBjwm iiva. wdk own aervanta (for that Is what a pub. lie officer; ia . without aakiag the consent of ' any i xm'e who essays to speak:' fbrj themi.S ;-t -V' - v;If Jthe people of this district fit tOsPominate me, 1 shall feci aeepiv Grade- Bessie JIale 1 Home j ana f'lllmg'friendsiasthey - havfvtn 1 The new bmlding i3Kbemglbuilt. of J gratciul;.tnd if C:3 conmiruon to Til i CleUie Jones: JfeUe!'Hayes. 1 'their' bereavement "f 'Mvlbnctt abeauolTcbrner xacUicr tsrrib': !ac :d I : iv)r,i --,, fltifi lAnUuU.to(- f f l,i'-' more was spent tnaa in i iV- aMrk4. V yet at the -beginning of, 1803. tbrre -. Tew traly. I ws Jbrrband lndtidniae Cat T,fclL laiotba twasury from sale of cotxon) j t8Ut3-8Q mcire than waa . oa.l?axvi at the.beg?n5mgvof'1 lWS-eVgsinof GSH)di.; This apcaka. well' for ; the m'iaatrxicnt cf - this igstltatloa- vi C id my hands, It ia rry fitxrpoao to igite to-tha'diacharge o! ti-i 'dudc-fcf iha oCoe'the best scrrioe cf wbkh I aa 'crtrableOlf thercr'.3t3 HtViitr,. iaite another, d shall retire from the oCioe with sincere apprtctaUori of the kindncea that haa been aliown ni ia I cT it the past and with an c-xmi-U. d!ro to 1 for- rtf,tti ti fr f be of seaico to my fcllownicrw ' r, rrd at C3 wu aad sail viu - With t fee 1 in pi cf . iundiicsa and best wishes, I am, - ; ' . V otJr truly, frr-aaiUraUwerk; natia . ll'a ta MDt lb pv!l Cfrtttzx. - . T ko 4 raxlo l a U. e.U Ifh 9 at l ta- -9cv a psJat lar a sodrrU rUJ kocJ brt palat c-y eaa r N"cs LL I, Ik ILm lti & U. U4 a4 Mitt tl L- a. U, rist -r " tie Jro-u-. ' - iiay U a- ti. sta ioa t pr a ru JUtc-J eott t It. -?st Jl-iO par - . 6nit tr r. nwu u-i zrs.ir.itm: - -4 'mi V 1. 0' "i .... .v. ft i. V 4

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