' X - r ' . . , v v - X'.i i-X' r. v .?-:' :. X- ..- -v x v 11 ; tilSS? v-'ir? j4-?ft3( JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOlC . VOL. XXXVL '."Jl I .-VV i. " M V. Tit. -V ? . fi .. i.-l K.-f' ........ - : ' "- ' - . - x . , . " iir iii I . . . , . . - 7 " ' ... a. CONFEDERATE RE-UNION. rti BAPTIST UNION MEETS. country. The people of New Orleans are as hospitable as any on earth, and at 8:15 p. Friday we reluctantly bade them adieu for home. One thing IUre forgotten to mention and this was the grand ball on Thursday nisrht, where were gathered the Grand Street Parade -Will beautiful Wat. nf r wn A Meet at Richmond Next Year. J southfand, and .they : were the most Mr. A, VV. Alston, who returned I beautiful women that ever graced INTERESTING MEETING HELD AT NEW ORLEANS LA. Lare and Enthusiastic At tendance Gdod Speeches EXCELLENT ADDRESSES. BIG PINNER, ENJOYABLE TIME. ; It oox. opinion that H k aa much the dtttyol this own Va pahUh th peo-l Pe wuo vjohib ixs utwt ana the laws of too state as it is to perform tnr other clvip duty. We tra amble to Huee the good that comes to the state Deep Interest Manifested and Much Good Work Done Next Meeting to be Held Wlth Pop- lar Springs Baptist Church; FRANMTON BUDGET. -a. . , - x. . THE GRADED SCHOOL FLOUR ISHING UNDER PROP. SABS. Honor Roll Graded Schooll Fcr wk ttkUaj April V 8vtnth Gral Ikuia We are indebted tar Rev. H ' H: home Sunday from a trip to ball room floor. Every southern Mashburn for the following acOouot Orleans, where he attended the statewas weu represented ana every of the Baptist Union held with ifa- Coofwlerate Veteran's Re-Union, lyP orpeauty couia oe seen, rrpm pje Springs Baptist church on tast fornixes us the following write-up wi oeauties rrom tne uia iNortn state Saturday and bunday: j hw trip and the occasion: . f Wa s were more oeautiiui) to I am glad to comply withi your re-1 erhaj you have space to aarK wanette ot toe peaumui questfor g0mething of the Union iL . 1 J J I AronlAa nf Naur I fiTa'orta 1 ar vrhA I etaiw woald like to hear a word wouia not ngm xor Buon women i Franklin county, held at Maple . w t 1 rnMv V-V r . n ' by: mg criminals change their The Literary Club Has an In tor- , V TTr - a" , rV w ligntruiEaterUlnmontTaltei bK. AtKil. H.r. DciJ Poo rto1nni rtkv (..k - . I - " Place-Fire Near Town. Smith, IloUn WiUur Orx thfriccrffpel to thosa in our own boar- T T ... ' iiK .kt. . -. Our Graded School wafer tl So- Jm Joam M v r t ,rrwrfc; J , . ' . . c I Faarth fJrd JtmM the dark brunette of die old confederate vet-1 Creoles ot JNew urieans. Men wno Meetinff of the Bautiat church of woaid like to hear a word wouia not hght for suoff women I Franklin county, held ibout the reunion at New Orleans, ould not be worthy to bear ie Springs, April 27-29. Accompanied by my father and sister names oi me men wno wore ine gray. - The whole programme was in the Hodffie I left here Monday 5:20 p. m., Next year the Reunion .wilLbe held interest of Sunday School woi k, and and I want to say right here that the Richmond and T want everypld carried out very satisfactorily, S. A. L-, has the cleverest and most soldier to go and if there is one in although twe of the speakers whom xcommodatingsetof emplyeesl ever Franklin county who is not able to we had hoped to ha vet failed to qoine. mer, from oar own clever Capt. Joy- pay his way I will head the list with The attendance was unuauilly ner, all along the line to the Passen- any amount necessary to take them. gooa on Saturday and the aiscussions ger Agent ia New Orleans. We took My eld soldier friends rt will do your excellent. Prof. R. B, White's ad a sleeper in Frankhnton,got supper on neans gooa xo go. dress on "The Sunday School ; for the train and woke up in Savannah ol& veterans I loved you before Grown People" was timely, able and Tuewluy a. m., and were joined there but this trip to the reunion has made convincing. Th discussion on "The rr Mr. Foreman and his neice one of nry heart yours God. bless the men Importance of the Sunday School Savann ih's lovely danghters. We wno wore tne gray rrom oi to oo, Teachers' Work," can hot lut be traveled all day Tuesday' through n may they "be spared to see many helpful in a good degree. I dkl not Georgia and Alabama and reached years of happiness. hear Mr. Julian E. Pleasants' address Montgomery about 8 p m. I noticed j 5--5 I Saturday night on ttThe Scnday on this road the farm of a : Ir. "Of II Ffll W nflMfiFRT I School and Citizenship," though Johnson who makes about 1,500 heard many words in praise of ii by balea of cotton. It is a beautiful farm those who did. have the good fortune facing the Railroad for about 2 miles. LOUISBURG COLLEGE CHAPEL. to hear it. ' ' 'vim aprtions of Geowria and Ala-1 1 On Sunday morning at 10 o'ebek bima the land ia fine, but lots of it is J a Vinolv APMncraH PpAVMrnmo I the writer taught the Sunday . i HjT I 7 1HMA.M tk. -.1 poor, we iook a sieeper a iriaai- Wft jj t IntArAstind-lv Ren. 1CBBU" U1 mK m wm " - e I T All- v 1 ' A t' i criminalafrom one section to an.tbrfQew OQin cvmpiti our r " "Z7 . ' mlk jr. .x. will feel prouder of tMt lattiuuion. x ivtmm, jukw bus uvw ikv'io u9 vvbio orcosiuy I , I bcrta. the . expeoae of paaahtng them. B. L HoMen, oxv of our bt firm. til feel prouder of this lattiuuion. vUUia Biiuk ukt ua oi wiv m i pn. iima iiim rajcnrraria u innM nts i . ... - be,tho moatJielpfal to all oar p- good hore, cnb tod lot of com by Hal too iv' 5 A'm FaaJW 1X give the ofEoers credit for b- know, th ortgin of the fir,, Mr. pi WTTTta IUHr Toca ' tl.- j;. tA 1 1 .v- : i .v. r 7 v t.:AwM K. w. t .V2tJ-lT. - f.. i .. - " rwow- ior uiinuag. uu; uiey in rwa injure ntm. .Mr. y yaii Ln- c, Anor fl,V 11. right in theif tncthodj; but when wiU yera, who waa culdtatiog part of th . cvT CdtsQ long aathey Ur pas- We learn 3!r. Hold.n sUo !o.t qoit ihW, STmob, TV ?nw oeuere uiauiey wui, u caugnt a noraDer oi larnung impiamenia. AUton, Manic AIla, IZE Umt At- Le al iowed to more away to some other I m vw' n.r T rjv, cock, Zttr IWl Titltf, Mrrd part ox tne state. Jt all men know ra nil!MAntlr .nrln luiW f " 1 "7"? "7 thU the Uwi of the country moat h U w c . v -MTT. v " i uit or rui. r-. r-. nimi ax dm do ooeyea or me guury must nuuer tne penalties laid down ra oar books by our legislators. -Mk Airy News. ff Titaxt AHati tarKn Karl Kmn trv dered by the Yonng Ladies. tblt bot the lautiea began. The lovely L; w"&? Mvy "1 couia not De present at tnat npuL We took a sleeper at Mont gomery aad woke up Wednesday a. m. in the State of Mississippi, then began. Towers. Hhade trees and Palms nakT "P11 wuv puunc.ua iixouuay evu- Tfie n o'clock hour was given ingoue teHkfrlivm- the MloyfTB Ji tim-musie J)T. ukUn)dcQiorioXk'A whj, U; tariff iheuld r7nf 77 wT beautiful scenes were rapidly passea thered tobe most delightfully en- Dr: IWo af Ur ' are 7 rVlr! fi-' facturerprotocted from oomoetitloa oQ afttrnoon April 2Slh, ; bvthe tarifL that th deAir for a The parivr. and hall . were txiU- change which 'exist, in the common faUJ dcooniUsi ,lh (m- P05 mind wiU drive the Republican party,! Planu ti' and we found ourselves in the L. & tertainea oy musicaiseiections or tne thirty-two years, had come back to N. .Statiou in New Orleans. lonago ine program was a creai-i hpld homeland his old .church Through the kindness of Mr I Pne, anu tae renarapn oi eacn ne received a most. cordial -greeting ScruorffH the (reneral Paaaenerer Aert of the S. A. L. we soon bad rooms WW-,3U,' 4Ui luo .UUS iavA1CD oia Qiays agone. tie; spoe n. REVISION OF THE TARIFF. TUbr s The study of ScoU u a ponarra-1 Qydt Ooilkr, KUtobe Jrtrr, Prry tire rxet and no Tel it t waa a litararr I H crock, Trmdl Krcan, Haw I MflKflM. "I immt PMt. The proffrara wa aa followm Pap:IJfe and Work, of SooU, HAPPH US OF STATE. SPEAKEH CANNON'S VIEWS. The ''Common Hind' People Is Giving Bach TroabU Mr. G. P. Norman. Paper: 5oU Aa a NimUte Pott, Miaa Noa Uallard. Bead in g: MTbe Prophecy f" from Of the I Ldy Ijike. Mum Vana. Paperr ScoU the NovelUt. 31 r. T. W. Wbdbe. tn the Bennbllcana. t . , , .1 8peakex Cannon has been smoked rao,5i njoyaxne .Tern oi w oat of his tariff hole and forced to wek in ?r to,rn M5W entertain meat girea dt uh rjweca rd Mr. inatoa, at V iruum LLcJSnta, SO HE ITECS OP IKTEBEST. most 1 were refreshed and ready to do who, without assistance from the fac- tenderly of the scenes and rhcidenti an New Orleans. It would be impossible for me to name each point ef interest but there are many things to be The residence section is the pretti est I ev er saw in any city; with nearly ery residence is a large lawn filled with lovely flowers and plants, mak ing one think he was looking at flow er gardens in Italy. Thursday we went to the Audito rium built especially for the reunion an l supposed to hold forty thousand people, ana tnere lis enea to speaKir after speaker praise the bravest men that ever lived, the men who wore the (iray from 61 to 65. I wish every oi l veteran could have heard those speeches. It would have done their hearts good to know the spirit of the old South lives in the heart of the New South, and soldiers in Gray are loved whenever the grand old Dixig w played. Tears came into my eyes in spite of all I could do as I listened to the cheers of those old Veterans, )me with one arm, some with one leg, as they cheered the names of Lee," Jackson, Stuart, Longstreet, Early, Hill and many other leaders. The biggest day of all, Friday, saw the streets packed with people eager to witness the parade. Todescribe the scene would Tequire a writer far above me. Never have I before witnessed such a scene. - Gen. Steph I). Lee the commander of the" united Confederate Veterans re ceived an ovation along the entire line of march. As the men from each tate would pass '"the cheera that greeted them must have made their hearts glad. The old battle flags that were shot and torn bore in their .- - tatered folds the testimony ff the bravery of the men who had followed them, some to victory and some . to death. . "Over powered but.not .con-, ulty, got up the entartamment. Gf his youth, of his becoming a mem A 'small admission fee was cha-ged her of the Maple Springs church, and and the proceeds used to supplement of the noble men who used to bless the funds in Y. M. C. A. treasury, that community with their splendid This organization in the collegevia in services. He then announced the its eighth year; through it entertain-1 subject he had chosen for the oocas- ment tor oaturaay evenings, tne rel ion, Mi no srower -oi- naDU." tie creation time, nas oeen proviaeaana Knew njs supieci ana maaean ex daily vesper services held from ft? ceediny helpful address to Uie de or&ranizatin. . light pf the vast throrig "who heard aim. TT tlf P UlltkA aula CGOU 1 1 inen came ainner wnicn was that number being so well rendered any special mention would b out of spread op the ground in pic nic fash place, though it is perhaps admissible ioQ- wa9 a)bountiful feast.- ""The 0o v,o tKi-.Ronin ani TWoWonni CTowa was large, verv ...large, but Prayer, selections by Miss Sallie tnere was Plenty w 8Par a Jones, who was pupil of L. F. C. in if continued in power, to a tariff revk- H-'A. WiMton bcu4 in the rp ion." He said he did not want it, but bl,-Ir- Mrm- W he seventies, received hearty ap plause: Chorus, - Medley Recitation, - - " Selected Miss Primrose. Song, - - - Selelected Miss Ruth Hall. Duett,- - A.B.C.M- - Parry Misses Maude and Leone Edgerton. Recitation, - Selected r Piannmg w T " 4Wfc wuu Miss Margaret Hicks. fter, all had eaten. It would have been enough, however, to say that dinner was on the grounds, and at Maple Springs church. Altogether.it was the best Union we have had since. I have been in Louiaburg. , The naxt session will be held with the church at Poplar Springs, begin ning Friday night before the th Sondav in July. Already we are Duett, Quaker Courtship, Misses Lyda Washburn and Ava .' ' J -Aycock. ' Piano Solo,. Neptune Rondo, - U .i .jUag Sallie Jones. Recitation, ,En0ourgemenjv- ! " "Miss Maude Edgerton." Tjxe Olp BIaii CHARACTERS. HOW SHALL WE TrlEAT CRUIINALSf dun r CAST OB r- -sy i Miss Tabitha Flint, ' X. querea'jou coma lQOK mro iue jace of those battle Scarred veterahs andj aee glaamingfrom tneir eyes the tlfe Miss Katie Credlev miss iiennie uee, . Miss Maude Edgerton Miss Anna Steele, . Miss Leone Edgerton Dr. Thorntongrove, : " Miss Lyda Washburn Deacon White, : I ?s0Miss lie Jenkins Bettie, the maid,-, . . ; - u j,x . & a, Miss Mattie riester v"e are charitable enough itj bur view to allow the other man to hold his opinions and continue; ro vrespe.9t himV We have seen enough of life to leaTiithat no man hasjthe keytta,all knowledge. This is a prelude to what 'we believed to4 be '-tskijinqti. bv th part of officials in this state as to now to deal; with cnmiriIs. Judgetian4 magistrates ail over the state get: ria of the criminals in many - cases by so fixing the bond.that tne; guilty, , party cai tro to some otheT aection. y:' rhis is tUi)ur4dea ot tl'way to Leet rid of crime-.What do these. peo- pie care ot changing ineuu.resiaence. They hang ouvtheir card . and - carry oh their nefarious business-until ' the Tnblic revolts:. at vthek disorder s they create 4ind tliea thejr mre allowecL to give a ntnlahd:-'kwa7- to some other 'town or community and I begin anewf teir'jvork of destruction. it would have to come in th6 not distant future." This letter having been published compelled Mr. Cannon to make a -farther statement of his position, ne starts off by saving that the amendment of a single) ached weeper a few schedules, b entirely impracticable. In v his Judgment n6thing caivbedoneeioept by a com plete revision of the tariff." "That," he says "would halt produmti.irt, oon sumptionji'ndiootameroe for at. least t'elve monthajand the result would tfnrnhaM tft not lhi n imnrovemfit on listing law.' For the general inter est of the whole country,11 he thinks the revision toward which "the oora- mon mind" in its desire for change it driving tbe Republican party "ahoald be postponed as long aa poeaible." This disagreement of the unoora- mon mind of Speaker Cannon with that of the common people ii nothing new with Republican politioiana, Their afhliation with the ootporatSona, . ft a trusts and combinee obliterates any j sympathy for the .plandrJ peapla. But tariff revision and other reforms will coma, not through the aid ol the unwilling Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives; or his party associates, but through . the ar dSii reform efforts tf a newrDoore born of the desires of the Democraoy and aid by inUpgadeat Votara who are sick and tired of the plundering . ..... . ' v.ti ot tna.trusrs ana am corxupuoa ua grafting of the republican party. '1 ne atatuue oi vne ivepuoiican pet- ' . . ' mm 9 ltician towara proteoave tarui,M like the heathen before bis idol it :la a feUck toVorship and too tacr4 to rerouche4;: But wbWthe -tfme tif stress and political trouble oomee and the tariff idol has shown, itself Xo be a braxen image and . its .high priests have exhalted itto plunder the people thwrtKe vtisra'-iTt bats crscf ;Tt and will czril It" do .JV t. 1 break tL' 'v tThe Reptblian'cAtit ;n thit to in the parlor to the right wber Aim. Winston wm presented to the iargt number of friends, of whveh there was notlem than fifty couplee. Mim Kena Ballard and Mr. I). C. McGbre preaHed at the punch bowl wbtrc d el iokxia fruit punch wm rred. Af ter the (rvirvli nad met Dr. arvl Mn. Wintton refresh rnnu rh from North C-arolinia a noted caterer Gathered from our Exehansr&a Darius' the Past Wwk-CoT, Glenn Hakes Speech Dr. J. C. Kilo facbe4 haa m erraoa, exoaa hk rroml tHotm, Laci Sanity. , VTalicf I effraVC well kaanrsi aad-' highly gycael (arc at Wake ejixaty, diI Ut Sctif, aye4 61 CrrVraor G!an tad s prctLTb. tiea Ipech ra t Mtupiua TL& at tlalrih Ixct Saadaj, U a croirdet) hou. W. II. Strain, a farm 4 Wake county, cocncxiud itucde Lajrt Sat urday, by hxnjrn hniif whh a plow line, Raletgh hm tmpnmi idiuo(iaJ pririlee Uim, ia crdrr to raj exc riTiAttt. Trading tUtap cncn.tixire are Used t'iX. A ivto Sot aJ piaf til j w-osti- (Dughi, of Raleigh,) were erred in rwt car ylc by the ruiae c3urwriTt'e lrge concioare of of Wtgtas in .aliabary Urt ?awlay. friend wtm ibtted here and ther Tb ogro hd ukn a mkSdle W the beautiful plaiaa which encircli reftuing to oo eeu rrrriid fc theandWDeiiden. The event the colored, ad the erjdortor ordrr- was an elegant one, al! prorvmincbig d him to get cfl car, wha U Mi Winston a mowt charming P1"1 hn f lyro Q one taking ilet in the o?odcar a toraach, the ochtr in the area f a& ratw on hide, or coal, wouJd destroy iaaaagtr. The pto exade domettio indue try ts tod ahKrVd- for kieeecap. axgumeni: Would' it ruiajpha crops FraiL Darham, the 19 ye-ar c4 or canaa the rain to comti the sua whits aoaa who has been bsre eor to Hs darkened? The IUt Trort than a wsk waiting to be eoonuttd would lose a trifle of Ita eaprmooe to the penrienuary to bgia th nrofita, bat no one believca the farm- of hia foarun rear juooe for er or cattle grower would lews a I killicr IXetmir Sherifl Hrabw of Polk cent Kren the abnormally bjgh baa at Urt tacoeJed la rtV cxuU are now aeil'mg chsausr I lT cuurv ewitw .ta, urwie than fur many years before, thoogh I moelabcred that be caee to RaWgii the tarifl protected Beef Trurt k gt- with tm oother and bwW withoct i l ut -t. - r . . the eocaty to that tbste wi no a- and abooah thtarifl rstee oo the . -v . . proaaqtsotjMf oset trwana uuii'zrB giant oorpoTation would rdll control j haa required all tiim h to arraagm tho milket for iu prodtw-ta, for ths wflh the Wake aalhonUM tor th tctTof tramportttioQ over ieaa would Ul ainoe the sheriff of Polk be protection enough and onlyjaor-1 . - . dx'ulteproEbi- would be rednoad: "7 w" ';vaM. Jhere is haraiy a ecoed we ox tnertar-1 ifr that uoes not Bhtltiir some trot u or spent raam ume aixcrnoona rn Lbe cjmbinethat in" all fairness to a long- capitoi squire Bibte In hand appartJity suflermgjrple does not require re- deeply lotereeted In readiar. lie was eitien. The RepuUicaiia niase to Amlw- , uZZZZi- meddle with -o this duty orst be ir77'?U intrusted to the DcTnocriia, who are "V "VB pledged to retJODiblerefona thatwiD . - prsTeot the ' traits selling cheaper McCcenTa rued for another. xaiU i4 than bitre, and while nrodoo b the beadliae la a Xew York lei ooukTi revenue to ran the cot I jLl -. y. . . Ji ernmonttDduoe the the ooai ot lir. r -r .77 - to something more la reason than lJ "s u us .nrixi UUM lO "V i: if' v I i II' ii 0 x s f j 4 I, J f d. 1 . v f, i : t V77 f k - : :