'. '- ..' . J , , . ' - - M- - ' X . ' . i ....... . - JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE JIOTOH. VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. t FRIDAY iXXAY, I1V: 1906. NUQBER 14 I MONUMENT TO S. DAVIS , - " 5 -i . ' r A I1E7 BR1DK PLA1IT. LOT OF TRUTH IN IT. A farmer is credited in change with the following: "I've been soaked a good an ex. -x, any A FUND 1"0 BE RAISED BY HJS OLD times since I stared in busing for of I inCKITO luysen ana 1 note tnai it nas always A CAPACITT OF SIXTY THOUS AND ; BRICK PER DAY. been in the article that wasn't adver tised. I started into the flrettincr soak- PBINCIPAL OF LOUISBURST MALE ACADEMY OYER 25 YEARS, ed business by buyiqg k lightning rod per foot and settling for it per iinch. -iv wumxaft WOO AJkJ VI Up UJ It iS Estimated that One Dollar From Eaeh of his Old Students Will Create a Sum SuQeiently Large to Purchase a Very Handsome uonxunent This is a Very Worthy Cause and Affords Eaeh One a Chance to Show his Appreciations. f Messrs. Gorge W. Ford and H FranltHoackr tlicr Owners ThemJeady for Bus iness is fasFew Days. Louiaburg li to hare another Urge the purchase of a patent gate that Brick Manttfactenng 1 Plant, to be nuBuioutwusou. it wu Bwu w me i i ' ... on jsuch close margin, the agent said, , TT , . that the fern couldn't afford to adver- and M. FHok. Mr. Hotck TCturn- tise it. 6,1 W we1? oin 8tatevllle, wherv "IVe bought everything from! heprchjedUie nejwary machinery hedge fences to encyclopedias that for m complete plant, and he informs wafln't advertised, and if there is a M that the vvinb rftfldvfnrbn.in IMAla at nnn UICWV1 liliCkV TDl WOCU llUUItUIO UU Li I IS 1 . V J 1 . len over it. I have eolton so that "v - Prcea when an agent calls on me with some- Bomber of of good day land, i . . . thing I don't understand I ask him! Vt beyond ForSwamp. Their ca. where it is advertised. If he cant pacity will bif o.OOO brick a day -1 v. 8uow me anymmg out a pocKeuui ot handbills I call the dogs." County onimlssloners. The linsnlYnflt an thM 7th .11 lirinrii nnn urmiinAnA ' iin uuit ritiunDUno. membera After ng and approvinf the minutes of the former meeUcg the following bnsi nes was transacted: Anthony Alston, of Gold itfiaa, Mr. Hayes, Who Worked In Hen- and Vicy Dunstoo, of Louiaburg, derson Cotton Hill, Inherits ere placed xn outside pauper list at LEFT FOUR MILLION COLL ARS. nd the other conducted by Mr. O. nilD THVll CATWCDO J. TuraeT. ThT w, mnWl" villi lniiiUllU m m by Mr. Cooper, lira. Tamer, Mrs. FAUcett, Mi Parker, Dr. E. B.l Tucker, I. Y. Cooper, Jr., and Robert Davis. The Yuitor raalied nere a anort time, and retarned to I Herd enoa maldji tbo trip from hen there, so -wo learn, in less thin hour. HELD THEIR REGULAR HZET IKO LAST FRIDAY K1G&T. Pilot SchooL v Much IapsrtorBuiInetj wra Xraasic Electrl c Lllit RatM Rodueed WaUr Het era Are to be U15&. Ths -Town Father" btid tli r rt. The editor hxi been v diainpciciffi I &r modhly xMiktg Ixwr TViliV at not reoeiriog a report ai lW-d. nigtit all oetnbttn prmtnt exort rag exorcises of the fUmrishing tobooi Oocnnxkime 6iricUaa4, drul&sti at Pilot, which took pUoe (w day At boetvo on aocoval ( ago. Mbs H outer, who was the lady Amooj ihm most haporttat bccaeesl principal of this school the past t Eroded to was tha foflowis: km, has done a great work, and the A special rat of- iO ptr uwgOi patrons speak in high prais of her w taadoto tlevS. A: XZ IU2rui4 for watar. TLe reinrmcra rU ftde eledric light was redwood IraA t2 , to II pwtarih. J. M. AQm wtA authoTtted to pprbss jpqjbftst fos aibls Unoi ooe . fetLadrsd waLtr frvy tera water rale t be cud later. D. u. titgti was trkstrocced to gr L a Great Fortune. It has been proposed by a numjr smafljutttof one dollar a eryha5id-i f the students of. the late M. J3 Davig,who, for over twentynve years was Principal of Louisburg Male Academy, that a subscription be raised among his "old students" for the pur pose of erecting a Monument to his tnemorv. The Times has been re quested to make a note of the propo sition, it is 8U2firested that if each of bin old students will contribute the formal meeting will be held at an early date, by some of the "boys who "if .. - were taught by. Mr. Davis .foE .the purpose of organization. One ot his "old students" in a letter to the ed -: 4 tor says: "I want to give his many students scattered tram Maine to Mexico a chance to show their appre ciation of a great and good man." $1 per month each. E. N. Wiiltama, Superintendent of County Home, was allowed; to take Norman Mo- Knight out ft jail, he to work out the bill of cost imposed at the April term of court. Ibmort bi Dr. R. F. Yar- efforts to make the school a ncoam. It is to be regretted that the will not return another seaion, but a flatter ing offer in another field, makes it to her interest to go elaewhere. The Tim ksj hopes that the tract of Pilot Academy will be aa fortunate in securing another aa faithful teach- S1 1 ol tht od I5mt lasipa. i ... .. er as Mis Hunter. aateruM ana mu Uxca to t5t bidder. Ths Auor&ty AndXm drk vsti sppoujted to larw DscMtary pstrt drawn (or lh tile of 112.000 boada lo pay for uxlebtilpi ml In the inttAlmnt of th KUrSo Light piauL The urol ..-'rwrtiaieii allowing aooiT&aU waa atttii to and Jloard sdjoLr&L EIIGOURAGDIG REPORTS. THE COTTON GROWERS MEET. A Henderson correspondent of the News-Observer sends that paper the following news items, under date oi the 7th: Mr. Hayes, who worked in the Hen derson Cotton-Mills, has just inherited $4,000,000 from an ancestor or rela tive who died a few days ago in Cali fornia The probate judge has written here for Mr JIaye. The atale.of the !u1&--m KSIr Ade)eased'iativawao.ver 18,000-f: . .uciuvuuuiumwu CiCu. . . x. . . I received, i ne recuar tax jxsteri in iiiii snrr mora wura nniv rni lum i ' Q A P i.,, Lomsburg, Franklinton and P3Dt v j u i i wt schoo districts,- wet, authorised to chased t. beautiful lot in West Hen- IT T. . IL-xS - ji , 3 tit .., , take the lisia fa tho districts for the derson and will build a very hand- v.. - -, ,. f " i specui taxes, uniajiaooti waa ap- some residence immediately. JLZa vl Vwi t.,J- The Association In a Flourish lnc: Condition Resolution Adopted To meet June 1. The Frankltn County Cotton Growers Association met in the PRACTICAL RESOLTS jDP GOQD Tht ccostrooto "ot a jasciift road In any stflcia,w2l 1. That tb raaiVat rali dL Court House on May 4th, every town- borough, SaSerintendent of Health, iip m the Cosnty represenUd expt -V;tt1 tt u. HavesTille. The County OnriaW. much stckntaimt County Home, but c WulUuadea verenooorag- ral (nMnd. : r!" iTi ti -Li bur renort hirinff otltihW averr msadam rxM il U ctair?ki' la 1 1 1 1 im i ii ri s. in ir bt v m I mv a r a 4 vlv ; l . v Beigni:.0, 2r: CcmbA-ti H0 lU potmty, Itwaa W. make the onrxniiatioa morn efJVcUre-1 crore tir Tgcad tsartmt stable o NEWS AT FR AtlKLIMTOtl . MANY. ITEMS OF INTEREST. sisterrMrs. Benj. W. Ballard. Mr. C. W. Conway has moved from the hotel to the house recently The Current a krw furore hin Tgcrxd the Ooanfy Orh-anireT prod at ooc hn they wr oocw-UJ whh l5e to orgtntx each S3ool Iitrict In righboring town or oily by ocac the County, which will add rtry of raamdim roI. materially to the working capacity of 2- That rural frt-j daUwr wi3 b th Associauotx. The following no- tcrvli gtxi mads art ooAftriKS Work will commence on Hender-T . , , T, T , .v IntinA vui tmanlmoaalv adoDteJ br 1 ed aii h vrclir djrmodcaV cta 3 . 1 oistnci, ana r. u, xesx 10 ao tne 1 .1 . r nana-1 . 4, , .,, . . . .1 K AnrviB.tinn whiish will Lm of much I cood rwfcda, lor with C oocractioci same ntsiuapievuie oietnct. ivegaa- . t , . , , ter of Deed. Boone waa authored to all the roetuhera: of good ruada thr wCl U A . to notify aU per-ons having aotouati 'lmv.Th iaihat a grwt popolatko and cf the ra. against the county to hand them in many farmtn who have their Cotton bS capanty of u adjiopct Urrs onr before each Saturday precet crop for the yaar 1 sncumbertd wruoh will mn . gr aijf ing each regular monthly mseting,' of and who are desirous ot ioining th. hrd. Th the Board, And J. H. Utxell vr- Cotton Aiociatronf aad who hesitaU tmrWi fa the of InrV- pointed a committee to aodit aakl ao- to do so, fearing they maj be akd by CorWyo. wbo u2: son's theatre, which will be very some and up-to-date in every respect, in a few days; and the contractor states that it will be completed the last of September. It will be opened with "The Clansman, Tom Dixon's fine play. - LiteratUr Club. The report of E. N. WDw the Association to hold tKeir Cotton, Tb. rutrect to occupied by Mr. Burnett, on Main The Current Literature Club was ham Superintendent of County b it recked that an execctnre coo- tawo wrcnioiarrrjifw o oucpvi ii o uviui-cw iuiuu puccv cuKuiiucu uu xuuinuaj wmuuuvu uji i fiome, snowexi uo cnange since i mtop . w people welcome Mr. .Conway and Mrs K. H. Davis in that lady a I report. lie reports 6 white and IS 1 3h dub, wbch committer thall be charming and hospitable manner. colored in ma ten. The claim of the called to eilMie into any members Sorry to report the illness of Rev. T. II. Justice. Interesting Services are Being; Held at the Baptist Church I fannly to our sectijiyf town ImDrovementS Goino; on. , Work, we learn, will soon beirin une suDject unaer awcussion Town of YmncsviUe, incurml in spplcaUon lor azoan on cua maxaei on the new hotel which, when fin- Jonn raui jone. was openea ny a the quarantiiQJW in the small crop to euaoie mm w noa ojs wwq ished. will nresent auite a different mi)8t admirable historical sketch . ;of pox, case, wa referred to the Coanj d to ibid bT h rvl t th m- " anrarance from the old buildW. tbis trious person, prepared and I Attorney, with instructions to take ciatioaand if said member application M. B. T. Green has gone to visit W yqima tw new brick read by hostess. This was fol- the matter up with. the. town authori-1 " tonnd worthy, then said comnutt her aunt, Mrs. Durham, in Hillsboro. Duilding woul ve taken the place lowed "The Battle of SPt ties and Mjust th matter latWacto- are to use their be.t efforts to ngo. Mr3. Monday, of New Jersey, is of the old, but the project fell ica niy ana aocoraing to law. rerry T Z here on a visit to Miss Myrtle Tim- through. Mre- John Preston Winstar read Wiggins was re-imbursed th amount oid iecntive Commict e thx fxl berlake ' , . . . several interesting articles on this Gf iine and cost ($20.00) paid by him to secure said loan, then tahall be Rev. G. M. Duke is assisting Rev. gubj cullea from variou3 . 0ilL e referred to the Exsoative 6mmlttt WUVw Harris, of Jlaleigh, son of T. B. Justice in a series of meetings U absence of Mrs. Malone, . i .. Ti.nl, 1 of th. Coaotv Aaociatioa fr action. - iav iADk waxav va .vaju aj niva ve i t w on a rtarvlAra rot of J rati aw; uat the rod b kpt ta gcy& cooditixv, unobatrurted by gattw and wu all alrama fordahU ai all awiasoos sJL lit W. N. Harris, is in town to see bis at the Baptist church at this parents and friends. I Mr. Duke is one of the most enter- place. Mrs. Davis read a short poem, "Homeward Bound," by E. C. Sted- allowed. a number of other claims were paased nppj iLpd the Board ad journed to next Regular meeting. Gill having refused to work out the oa and ra tae event ci me lauur- nA K-trinrr Kn tnrrt ftv I both Committees to secure a Loan taming preachers we have heard in 1 . . to then in that event xid member shall tyent the day, last Saturday, with a lon? f nUe-? T- Ja8tice better jt fa needlesg to say it was a most ubor on the roads;) The usual be allowed to sell ha cotton without Mrs. B. W. Ballard. and will be in the meetings. We delightfal occasion, since, the majiy otiarter1v ortfera to outside poor were TioUting any of the rules of said Aa- I trust the meeting will be a benedic-1 - -r.; rn , - .1 t learn ia some better. The Sunday schools of . this vplace many accomplishments. w are being well attended; but there The rooms were converted for air. ;. u. V ann. Mrs. vann ana I -4 . . ii . w.. I twi. n r. vr.M ' I are a great many or onr people wno j u uuuwuiw wwo tw.i ucaw via uvuu na iauiyhtr. Mian M a Kl srA in New 1 e y rfV F. r . . I .. A . j i jr: j! . .2- I UU UU JU - W ftil V vuuuiiJ dwiwii 4 : - I . -- This should not be. A cordial wel- to the satisfaction of all present, de-1 Hoeesvtfhicliiad eYeni took place at Mrs. J. S. Morris and children L,mo ?fl ATtAndnd tn all at either of I licious refreshments were served. : 1 his home' in CrDreea Creek township, pent several days in Raleigh this Ufce schools. The teachers have not I Those present were esdamea. J on Monday night of thia week, the. week, the cruests of Mrs. W. E. Fos- L 4n ZteKa thav danirA. "Letai S. and J. JBarrow, T. v: Bickett.wiintv haa lost one of ha best and o ' - i sua vtuuaww vw j -vw.-w 1 1 -' I . ' all make attrong pull for full schools J. P: Winston, Wilhamailey, ; Jen- noblest citizens. He was about 63 Miss Sadie Harris, of Oxford, is at aU the churones. Ui xu a years oX age, aaa was . coxueaera I .r . X. . V. CT . " I . . - . A M nm mii.iul I -.. 1 honor , - The club wiU meet next' with. Mrs. rxr. S, That tamer will I shit to take ad ran lag of market Carta tt.Vicn in boying and selling. 4. Thai the rarnTt fna grower and others will be ah& to Kntnycznm tirrv and faro tn trmavpcrtslioo be-, tween outtnttj and msrkst. 6. That ths wear sad tear aahprae aod vvhacZna wif b riafd. 6. Better ducatkioaJ fsiSKw lb the rtnai datricta, fr it wUJ not otoeMsry to bsra ss mxnr school dis tricts and to many divickos of lb school fuada. Ths dktricLa can orvaoJkiatd. thca rjtrrattlirty larcer . i i " Alter some aiscttswon ana general .rf, 1 talks the Association adjoomed to U4hiog thrrrrsn oa Cm , meet in Loaisburg oq the 1st dsy of pmof ugehsr. on, and others riaiting any scellib - ... a ''"' A MiMotrsj nsper. that seems to of the 8Utt wiU bwraoci acraUvos- . . . m t ter. ind Mrs. W. N. Street. i.TTeV Harris, on Main w- are eia to see ' uch a marked i ' I M f improvement me EsANKLrwTrMKS Mr. E. A. Long has made arrange- which has come o my nome regular ments to accommodate the transient I ly hi rnience. J was very gla( - - . -r - n k km. ww a tit a aus - uui guests of the town while repaiis are to eee it suggested by one of yg meht will consist, in part, 6f a be puHiahed in a sectioa ot country sbly iniprwswd wkh thm finsnrial fo. whers they ns the split' drag la Im- aubOities of say mvnslvtraies :5? proving the roads, give. th tio-Jy re, or ths tsomottoal Tsloe'ciay wholesome advioe with tofsrsaoe to fsrm or timberiaaJ by drrrlr-ta the tkae the drag should be used: tha oret good roads. If The beet to drag the roads bttet iixse pUcce htve to be -tiaoT v rain, gnd when HU yet too wet to r rodU, thsy wQ lose toore ito ut nrpU aud rOsstw. half thsir raise fa th. tht oC;t2 fieja survived by his wife and . aaxu.-a. SC2l. inressnr. as tia trhik "" i j j j. oi, xmutuw uui AuuiBtuij, jjxj wi, i numDer ol cnuoren, ail oi wnom cave i H t ..v -m UZ' I w M -iLJrIr titM m wrtS very glad LwvUAi, w.L--iii Jl-, . v - Unci form. & atat thit witt ehed. w. I httejwea to csUtiiiy tixea vp in-a inhatlle. He 'eanhtzee Baptist being made to the hotel. X correspondents to; lets "put , our Misses Bettie and Maria Parkcefcof rnrc rrt if :rvft " L W 1 . mm antp . ...y w y V . . . T i " reason, are among xne visiwi3frone, wtU make a strong puu mj ,a wwn; they are the guests pi their tnitdirecUoD. cal contest. musi- loaded w,empty Ixjxee. An tnmohlle Visitors. ' Two Antomobuet eeme over ixom I loea; 0t roiras and rliV-Z- follow tro the. fkrtthower-with lit- ter.'. !Tbe oftenec, the roads are thoss I the bed. road over which be hat fcee worked, the harder the ibed and the oamptusa to xtxto. Many a bfe ecjclesiastieal wagon it LHenderton latt Suray afternoon wp a w .A Many doort are locked collairi cannot lock the . doors' cf Us EjtC nil wiiwii'hiiiiii' w 'iTnT'TT" i -"aa'--- ... .m. r-, ...m.., . -- . - ' -J'" "" " " ' ' L 1 ' " " V. n! 4 I I ( i. i. i i 'I ... i ' t - i.:f-1 1 -1 1".