- r JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION. SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YZKIU v. r VOL. XXXVI. LOUKBURG, N : t C. , - FRIDAY, MAY 13,1908. I best for it " : i 0 I ..-.: T 11 - - - .. . - - . I ' ,1 CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY CELEBRATED WITH APPROPRIATE SERVICES LAST WEEK. EXCELLENT AND TOUCHING ADDRESS BY REV. GEO. H. DUKE. The Speaker Was Introduced by Sheriff H. W- Kearney The Court Room was Beautifully Decorated for the Occasion -Forty-five Years Ago the Franklin Rifles Was Organized in this Same Room Fine Musical Programme Rendered. Memorial Day was celebrated in lninl'urg by a meeting held at night in the court-house underthe auspices the Daughters of the Confederacy. The oM court-room had been beauti fully and tastefully decorated with rtags and flowers for the occasion. The ftoh of the evening was pro ceeded ly a musical programme as follow : lAuM Lang Syne. - Chorus. Flw lionnie Hlue Flag. - Chorus. Annie Laurie, - - Duet. Mrs A. M. Hall and Mrs. D. G. Pearce. Holt, - - - Solo. Mibh Ava Aycocke. afvOld Kentucky Home. Quartet Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pearce, Mr. Bod die, Mr McKinne. mg Me a Song of the Sunny South, Duet. Mwsfrt Ava Ay cock and Ola Perry. ?i.tie, - - Chorus. Mrs. .1. S. Harrow presided at the 1 ar -w - 1" 1 rgan, anl Mr. n,. vj. l5arrow aaaea uch to the music by accompanying r with hi bass violin. There are no songs like the old ngs, ana trie opuit ot tne Via ut,h, now sweet and tender, now .trtial and majestic, held the audi- i t; for its own. Sheriff Henry C. Kearney intro !cki uie orator ot the evenincr. K r the venerable Sheriff had said word, lie was distinctly eloquent. k a gnarled oak of the forest he nted the audience; in the deep Hn or his honest ta one could ie the Confederacy making its last inl, and in his hoary head a last, p sentinel of the Lost Cause. With uepnpflt emotion. th nld- -wn-mnr 'ike i f the time fnrtv.fivn vnara arm , j j , inn tlie Franklin Rifles was organ "i in that very room; and then in fig, honest words, glowing with SSSttSSSS AmOUI?BURC' COLLEGE only one in a thousand suoceed in. life's 1 " battle. There are farmers whotairlv ANNUAL COfclENCBlIBNTTO nve then- boys away. There is no excuse for this. The farmer bov is entitled to his vacations, to several relaxations, his visits to the city, good books, magazines, and his home paper. To the observing one it is plain to be seen that the old firm is the best place in the world for the V average young man and never fails to BE HELD .HAY' 22D.23D. love and admiration for his old com rade in arms, he presented to the au dieence the Reverend. G.M. Duke. . Mr. Duke is always interesting. In peace and in war he has shown himself a man, and the ' pepple love him. On this occasion he surnassed I - himselL The music, the flowers, the battle-flag that he lovecl, the magnrnV cent audience which had packed the court-house to hear him, were to the old warrior at once an inspiration and a challenge. He began slowly, de liberately; but after a little while the light of the great conflict began to blae in his eyes, and $he veteran of a hundred battles was again in action, speaking as he had tought, nobly and well, for the cause and the men he loved. With resistless power he led us through that Titanic struggle, with" tongue of flame he flashed forth its mighty memories, tflfrrom the battle- scarred warrior to the girl ' in , bet! teens the audience was ablutfy hJ own, now melted to tears, now raised to a very ecstacy of patriotic enthusi asm. It was magnificent superb, such an out-burst of natural oratory as is given one but a few times in a life to hear. After the speech of Mr. Dake, the Daughters of the Confederacy had' it announced that plans had been made for the erection of a monument to keep ever before us the valor and vir tues of our mighty dead. The people of the county will soon be affordecl an opportunity to show in a substantial way their appreciation of those he roes in gray that madeall the world wonder. " When the monument is built, as it will be, let it be said that noone soul in Franklin county who was asked to contribute failed to do so.T hat statement itself would be a monument. Annual Sermon by Rey. Frank SilerA libit .'Excellent, and Nieely Arranged Programme there we Flyo Graduates. Invitation have been issued to the corn men cm tint exfcrmA of tV. T bring a happier andtnore useful life burg College,' May twenty second and than the city. Young; men, you who twenty-third, Louiaburg. X. C till the soil and earn your bread by the The pro&imtt is as follows: sweat of your brow we are proud of Annilai -e. ToGav momfn you; our latchstring is always out to May 22, at ll oolock, He v. Frank you ana you will always ha?e a friend siler. rv - in the Timks. Come and see us and give ug the news from your neigbor-hood. ENCOURAGING REPORTS. GREAT YEAR' FDR BAPTISTS! Address of Dr. Stephens, Pres- Graduating "recital, Tuesday even ing, May 22 atyeSOycIock.' f Graduating exercises, Wednesday morning, May at U o'clock" Literary a4lresA, Wednetda? raorn ing, at 12 o'clock, Dr. William Ed ward Dodd. Conoert Wedneeday ertfhTng, at 80 o'clock. The graduates are: In A. H. course, Vote ForGoTernor, A number of ervjairv hi nog been reoeired regarding ih vote in this county for Governor at the Urt election, we gire it below. Under the pjtn of orginttatioa of the Dem pcxatlo party each precinct m entitle to cirt la the county convention cam vote for every 25 rotw, and ooe roU f or irixjtioha of 18 democratic rxAt Cast by" the precinct for governor at the last gubernatorial electfoa: Townahip. Pnnna, Uarria, Vonnpiville, Frank Unto a, llayesvUle, Sandy Creek, Gold Mine, Cedar Hook,. Cypres Creek, ixmiabarg, (Jo rem or. Delegate. 223 0 ITT T 214 0 342 14 66 S m a 1T6 7 316 U 81 3 351 14 Ident of the Southern Bap- Misses Maudllaynard Fleming and Katherine Eunice Storey; Voice Cul ture, Miss Viola Perry; School of Ex pression, MaeeV Lura Pelletier and Ohner May. The marshalla are: Chief, Miss Nel lie Wilson, assistants, Misses Susie Lee Macon and Pattie Bet Davis. tist Convention. Chattanooga May 11. The South, ern Baptist convention met here to day for its 54th annual session. About 5,000 delegates and visitors are present The convention was called to order by the president, Dr. E. W. Stephens, of . Columbia, Mo. i .V. President Stephens in his annual The Graded School in Louiaburg address, declared that the past year for the colored race is presided over had of the Paptists, Colored Graded School. JY0 VERY GOOD GAMES YOUNOSVILLB VS. LOUISB0BQ. r.l. E. CEIl. CONFERENCE BEC0H1TEHDED 0 YEARS TD1B . unrr fob pastors. - been the greatest in the historv by a Principal and. ionr teacliera. ib Paptists, and that the prospects The enrollment cf Hia Ichool is . 77 f the denomination were never so pnp.Thi oi Imght Thecc5yentwn,A hV-sair -Jaanot bee"n whtl3oniw comprised baptist s'" from ionrteen connt oi-rhe crowded - condition .of Uouthern states, covering an area of toe scnool. Une reason of the di- a million square miles, with a popula- order-was, that three teachers had to tion of over 30,000,000 of whom teach in the space that ought to have 2,000,000' are Baptists. Rev. Drr Wfl- tQ required by allotment to one liamham read the report of the board teacher and grade. .Our aim has on foreign missions. been to bnng .he children under The report stated that the churches proper correction, and at the tame have contributed more than ever be- timG to bow to Uhive fore, the aggregate of the gifts being themselves to everybody. Some- $315,249, against $283,416, last year, 8 muAt dQno to lciB4n crirae and $247,629, the year-before. "We among my people. are receiving from a number of young wloreu OUUJ m uus wwn " men and women applications for &I- not what ne usel to be; ne more pointment to the foreign fieldr We obstreperous and he does not respect greatly need workers. We are im- a8e nor wpwiori Ue hardens Dressed with the advance which has hiraself to V' Kducauon been made alonff aU lines. The board 8hoald helP ever ODe d '7 h Wm mnr thnronaMv onn. 1 oe8 "beO It IS given rightly; .k McCarter-Dean. of the prettiest marriages n m Wakefield in a long time ' act at the Baptist church n t placw on Wednesday morninc 1,J o'clock, May 9th, when Rev. 'Hf M( ( ';irter and Miss Maggie L. n were united in wedlock. Dr. cllom, of Wake Forest, per m' l the ceremony. The church H Iwniltif llllrr A..m.lm.A Mr4.k Arr "ujr ucwiai(OU TV uuw and many friends were present the "knot tied.w looon i u : it., i . wi tuc marriage tue nappy left for Raleigh to take the m f'r Chattanooga, Tenn. ,,T7 sHKim ia a popular young nitr now located at Severn, N. 'V i ... 1 n bride is the oldest d sin editor anl Airs. T a Tkan rf Wlents. sweet, dtanruiifion arA a and f.j;v,i i iLl" ; '"ilium uurisuan. 'Old ProfeMloxnia" ra. Graded School Boys Both Interest ing and Amusing:. The base ball fever seems to bavt broken out afresh and the bora, as well as some of the older ones, ars taking the diexen freely. There was a game here last Saturday be tween the team of the Youngrrflle Graded School and the boyi of the Louiaburg Graded School. Tbca who witneflaed it report some fin 1 T . piaymg. iexore m game w com pleted however, some diarrcte over a decision of the umpire took place. andthe rauio caj. abruptly, to an nope uxat tne two team mill pur A over, as they seem to be so well matched. The boys from YoiDga- vill were aooompaniol by VroL Ccm- ley and Mr. It. C. Underwood. There waa another game played here on Monday evening which fur nished much fun and amusement be tween some of the older "prof esakm ala" and the Graded School boys. After a very heated wntait the po fesionaUn went down (some of them many time) under a soorl of 14 To 13. The boyi aay that they will gve them a beating sore 'rtoogh nxt Uxa. They will probably play agaio this afternoon. M it is put that makes it " what it ip. Theoretically, the greatest muck rake in this country is Charles E. Hughes, whose work in cleaning out the life insurance muckbeds is almost as fa mous as that of Hercules in cleaning the Augean Stables. All honor to to him for his work! He did not trv to besmirch the characters of ;dead, men, as Roosevelt djd in his bool Kezt to llttghes, the most useful muck rakes in the country are those men, like Tillman wh6 expose and 1 condemn 'moral nastiness and rotten dess in pubhc life, even in the Vvhite House. The journals Which expose corruption and fraud are doing the best possible work. It is the man with the whitewash brush, and not the man with the rake, who is the dangerous factor in public aff airs,and vinced of the importance of schools in connection with our mission work." E. W. Stephens, of Columbia, Mo. unanimously re-elected president. H. R. Pollard, of Richmond, Va., and Charles A. Smith of South Carolina were made vice presidents. Dr. Lansing Burrows and O. T. Gregory were re-elected secietaries. George W. Norton was made editor and W. Pv Harvey treasurer. We TneHeason Why. were asked this week by but a little education is dangerous and should be given with the greatest care to any people. It only gloat them and unfits them for useful doas in life. I truly believe in education but I have some scruples, as to many of us who are said to be teach ers of the children of this day. It is said the teacher is transform ir g and transmitting himself or' herself into the child. Xow if this be true, we ought to blush with hame fa cool ness in many cases as teachers. If children are put in school at the proper age, and kept there, the Yoangsvllle Graded School. The closing eiercsftc of the Voungnvilfe (traded School wfl take place on next Toeday. An addrww by Mr. F. S. Spruill will take place at eleven o'clock, a. m, and the grand concert will take place at night. FaTorabla Be part on Pro pari tion to Zrtct a Eiprttnti Ura Church In Wavihlntoa Peictaion'Taj BeTtrtod. Iiirtainghani, AU May 1L Th venerable IXkhcp John C GraaWry, of RiehjDood, Yl, cc3fl a ia th rtwtrma UUj whrn tU wgbth day's Mfttion of th gotnJ co&froc of the MsthodiM Kp4icpal chardb oath, began. Dr. John S. HCcj. on, of the Iiailinra cooian ac',eoa dctd the opening (Uvotoocial cr vice. Afur the spiral of the taia. utoa, Iliabop (yrmrjdberry u tatro. duo&d and rpoke briefly. He xa grva a. onrdiaJ reoepoovx. A tacJcH ww nanimottaly adopud to rd a. teleraxa of gTUcg to the SoexQ Uaptiat oooreotioo, wtich oet at QiAtUnooga today. TU u2ersa reada: "The geoeral xmlr&cm ui thf Method kt Kpaoopal chnrrh, arth, coda grewtiaga to the Sathm Hap um worauoo. 1 oe CTX of otT Lord Jeaoa Chhrt b with jm." A comraitte of phyiicia.c.a 9X.Iko.xU ted to the conference a rufcisrtioQ adopted by the Medical AjmocuUoq of Alabama opposing the icrrtora cmrtain tnedtcaJ advtrtiiacnli hi re Ugiooa papers. The ttiacrary oacntait t soade a onroooemrr43t rrjiorl ca MTtral reootaradisg that air jers be the thae limit aod reported air amandraeu t to thai . ,jAcw"srcit xvpen aria tear!, oa a taeoortil frota'VlriIa rq stcct iag baahops to appoiai no prrachanrr is prraudbg Mer taore lhajv ijj:t yaxra 3necuveiyt &1mm there are itraorlinanr ocodruooji reqthiag ach appointment. The chorrh exUAciaa oocvrnitle reporvJ favorably co the ropoitioa to erect a reprv4nutir church txikl ing in Waehintoa, I). C tri rw porul a recuuo cailiofj cm the church at Urge lo raW l2C0rCh it Mount Vcrnoo cherrh, WuHajtm, would cotae rnipocaCUe for 176,090 addrUonal for that pcrjcj. A plan 6t eampagri for the rxia mg of 120-0 ,000 wxa aJao rabsaitudL , The oommhtee era afpais rwenard the deokkn cf the North (afgix oas-ftrenoe rrrndrag IUv. W. W. WadUw&rth on the chtrya cf tr&acr alily, the rpo5c charge ing a wocnaa. bficg kiea- teacher is to be held in part responsi- delinquent subscriber why we kept on Uq or chUd,8 VlU Now wblt pvmiS Wi0 nart and now much resDonsimlitv is f9i ri- writer wishes both 'of , them a ajid happy life. . j vr. u p Muck Fate And The Whiter wash Brush. wljo deserves a placed the pillory. We are not given to boasting but we, are proud of the farmer pf this vicinity. , They are, with rare ex ceptions, a healthy, intelligent and happy class of yoting men. We feel lke taking Qur. hat, clear off wherfwe meet mem upon our sizeeis, anuj no class ismpreweicnxo omr. pmce. in7 sort of a rake mav become a x rake when muck has accumu- satty of the communitv reauire tion date had expired. Every weekly newspaper in towns of this size are forced to do this,- Should we stop iubscriptions when times expire nine times out of ten the subscriber would give us a "calling down" for insinuat ing that his credit was not . good. Rather than to cast a reflection against the honesty of a. subscriber to pay. a small debt, it W next td a necessity for a home paper to continue sending the paper after the tame has ex pired. It is not necessary for the city as their subscribers' rive at k distance and are not .pergonal frienolfll , as - ia the . case t. with a- majority of our Bubecribersl Our , suKssriberi should deem it an honor to know that we do not doubt theirlntegrity' nand continue to send them the paper after then time hasrexpired. v - Should any desire their paper ..diaobntinued they. Should notify is Wd Tetoit'iojttatdrlf they have not already done so. to be placed upon the teacher I have never been able lovdeelde for myself. Stall I ' have felt that the teacher wjth good home training could C tend put p the world a class of bote and girls the world would be glad to rtc- Ognixe ior mgu -cuxracTex sxcu. uciui nesav 'The head line of thia article is marked Colored Graded 8chool.w This tells ua somebody1 is especially interested in the ' negro's education, because it takes money to run graded schools for the negro as well as for the white."' The money arid. 'provis ions are raised by the tax-payers - in districts when they will agree to the levy. of a, special, taxation for ;the purpose of carrying on the schools for nine months instead of three or In this uttle 'article we ..want J to tfnV f the good citizens and . es- pectally those m . tutnonty lor -tne interest thev are manifesting In hav ing a good graded school established fer ihe'acationai benefit of! the Prisoners Escape. Four prisoner made their eecipo from the jail on Wed nee-lay. They were all negroes, and one of theta. Willie. William a was serripg a sen tence of 5 vearn on the, read, fr atealmg. The other three were Jo and Porter UuSn, and Henry Hrown, ho were awaiting trial or variouj offence. Thev made their ewoape by ripping up the floor. Chief High informs na that the two Itaffin boys returned yesterday morning and gave themselves up. A Good Sttgffaitlon. We all admit that telepoooee are a great convenience, yet they occa- sionly make a man feel like brtakidg the third commandment, home tones on a busy day when work is mihlng and your 'phooe rings twenty -eight times and tnly two rings are cf any ta- porUnce, the other twitniyraii; being calls from some "onia' wanting to apeak to your help, the inquiry being Is Miss-rlnr'' This takes two from their work twenty-six time, and tome ooe has to pay for all that lost time la ad dition to the' annoyance. It 'doesn't lookjortright. rwdoesitr Poring wor)dnav ho ura, phones :ln Ihctxaesa houses, at ' least should be' used for busiaess only, cfetUng Down to Bttlanaai . A farraer froo near Pri tt ia forcna &a that a fw dar aro he vm 4 r planting cat toin, ari before he could eet oat a row a ore km Lu .e4d and rrtam to tbe oiSr ri d the row the rat wormt were at wtk rst ling it down, V call thai "xvUisg down to hcMhUXwa rrTT oolcklv the pert of lb ctai, oc ult liramz friend w vrr alow retrrua. The. same man infeemt ca that coe dt has neighbors rrajoved a hand for a oiooth, and after working aboet ooe week, the axki hand west dT and tit oa the ditch bank tnul he took rDoC" Next. The Gueiilnj: Contest. The winnera in the remaeTaj test, (at the netnber of bearar ta a bouts) at Boddie" Jt rttrf drcs ttora were liemn. C G. HILL, B. O. KodwrU, IXrodie Hodaoia and W. FV Beaaley. "The bexna were" eossted. by Mr. William Ex2y, the sctrtl n ember beieg 72. Tbe fcrrt rtved gtntlemta g&tm?& Hi, tt twov,lai UxlX zSo lvw3 be aoen . that oct. of over one thottrrM gcMses ho torn gueted the exact ccmbczv Tsrs ItepobUoan boescst, who hrrav been soos what 'rJ'crtry ths JctJ Cje people ,tr lately prea'them are appearing la the gxrb est rtlirm- ' er i3 is 'to v gtt their' , l&i 1 la troogh aala., ' It it ti i V 1 0 i 4 f ' ! u f V 1; r t f ( -T. ne2ro,s ; . xw xi. jltxxt; i V! i 1 1 ' ; W " I pMiBggpjpjgjjppiiBaaaaHBaBjByB ' j r