v: ' v v if JAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THfe'TOIOy; SUBSCRIPTION $1,00 PER YEAR. VOL. XXXVI. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1906. HUflBEB 1& - "tx mm m m THE COMMENCEMENT LOUISBURG COLLEGE CLOSES A VERY SUCCESSFUL YEAR. jjev. Frank Silep Delivers Bac calaureate Sermon Exercis es Much Enjoyed by Large Crowds Medals Awarded. The Matinee Recital by Mrs. Bal lar 1 s music class, on Monday after n, :i at five o'clock marked the first j.udih exercises of the Commence ment of Louisburg College for 1906. Thin class is composed entirely ot Unners in music and all showed ,-areful training ai was amply testi fied by the rounds of applause that greeted each number on the full programme of twenty-three pieces. The class is composed entirely of girla with the - single exception of Master William Winston, who dhowed decided talent by rendering the old melody "Old Black Joe" with variations in such a splendid manner having begun the study of music since last September only. Of course nothing else was expected of the nr!, but that this young specimen i f "mere man" should show such tal ent is deemed so remarkable as to be worthy of special mention. A.darge auditMic.t) crowded the chapel and done attention until the finish f the programme. ( )n Tuesday morning at the Meth odist church, Rev. Frank Siler, a prominent member of the Western Conference, who is now stationed at Statesville, delivered the Baccalau r.'atp sermon. Rer. J. E. Under wood, of Rockingham, and Rev. A. .1. I'arker, of Wilmington, assisted in the preliminary worship. The choir sang a heautitul antnein alter which Mrs. P. H. Cooke sweetly sang a solo of great beauty, making the musical feature of the day es- ptM-ially enjoyable. Rev. Mr. Tin derwood introduced the speaker ap nro nnaieiv. Air. Mler sp.fto.tf.fi n portion of the 1st Chapter of Phil lippians as his text and his general subject was the three important epochs of the christian life. We are tint babies, then children and finally tlie full grown sons. He affirmed ! ;n entire belief in the Bible as the word of (iol and transformed his hearers into one big class with him self as the messenger through whom the teaching came. He stated that he had no elaborate commencement sermon todelirer, but would talk the Gospel as he believed such seasons should be made great gospel occas- i"us. J lie Bermon was an able one intensely practical and yet intensely heretofore, that to speak of their merit now would be simply threshing over old straw and we .will simply say that they fully confirmed the previous high estimates of their abil ity. Miss May is espec ially happy in humorous roles and wAunt Rhody's Dream" was heartily enjoyed by the audience. W. H. Yarborough, Jr. His presen- lege-in particular, has sustained an ir- tation speech was admirable and of, reparable lo8 in the death of the late surpassing excellence. honored President, Prof. Matthew S. Rev. Frank Siler made a short talk Davis; Therefore be ir, Resolved by as to the work of the college and in the Board of Directors of Loubburg eulogy of the late President whom Coljege that tlie Board take this me it was not his fortune to know but thod of expressing an onqujfined ap whose acquaintance he had made in preciation of the long and noble ser ine persons of his former pupils upon vices rendered by this one of the fore- Mr. W. J. Barrow, with violin, ac- whom his personality had been firm- most educator, that North Carolina quitted himself, as he always does, ly imprinted. The names of the has ever produced, whose life as! la well, his instrumental solos serving members of the faculty for the ensu- bora have been'so long a Wessiag to to break the monotony of the .pro- ing term were announced and the his State and Church, gramme and adding much to theg en- exercises of the day closed with the Resolved further that the Board eral effect of the vocal numbers with benediction by Rev. A. J. Parker, of commend the parity of his life and his obhgatos. At the conclusion of Wilmington. A fall list of the fac- splendor of ble character, an exanpl theprogrammethe announcement that ulty when complete will be published worthy of the emulation of the yomx tne usual reception would be omitted w ednesday evening at o clock men and women of the State. Tlv was received in silence profound, the grand conoert was given and a suocees of whose life is evidenced. The news to the youthful and other- large number of the audience unite the lasting Imprint made by tbtsgTiat wise swains who had carefully pre- in saying that it was, if possible bet- educator oi'Bome ot the foremost uea pared themselves for this happy hour ter than their predecessors. Certain- of the State. And while we moura was indescribably awful. In fact ly the selections were rendered his. death we are comforted with the this unlooked for. pronouncement splendidly, especially the numbers belief that nis life is incarnated in the fell with the dullness of the proverb- requiring from 8 to 12 yonng ladies lives of many men and women who ial thud, and the reason assigned that for their -performance. The time have gone "opt from the schools over the girls needed a full nights rest to kept in producing these pieces was which he presided, appear bright and rosy on the mor- of the best. The nimble fingers Reeolved further that these renolu- row was far from satisfactory as glided over the keys in masterful tkn be spread npoa the minutes and everybody knows, except married style, showing the innate talent of that copies of the same be furnished folks, that girls are always bright, the performers as-well as theability the Raleigh Christian Advocate and fresh, rosy and pretty. But the us- of their instructor. The recitations to other papers, and that one copy be ual hour of bliss had to be foregone of the evening were unusually pleas- handed to the family of Irof. Mat and all hands carefully wrapped ing, and tremendous applause greet- thew S. Davis, in tissue paper and laid themselves ed the efforts of the young ladies to ' away until the morrow. entertain, which they did handsome- The Current Literature Club Wednesday was commencement ly. Rev. Frank Siler presented the day, the most important of all. Miss Williams' Music medal to Miss There were only five full graduates Ava Aycocke in handsome style. this year. Misses Maude Mavnard The annual concert is the chief WW" Fleming and Kathrine -Eunice Sto- social event of the year in college rey, both reading essays that were of J circles and the social pleasures Wed- ment in themselves and enjoyed by nesday evening were heartily enjoy- IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. FRANKLIN COUNTY FINANCES IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. Due to Good n striate men t For Seren Year County Scrip haa Been at Par All Demand Upon the Treasurer Het. The editor of th Tmxs fela that it b his duty as a pblic joornalisi, On Thursday afternoon, May 17th the club met at the home of its Pres ident, Mrs. J. 8. BarroW. A most Convincing proof waa giv en of Use truth of the adage "Varie ty is the sptoe of life," the spice oo this occasion being furnished in the and county official. So gi to th people of Franklm cooaty so fid, which he has gathered relative to the financial condition of the county, and at the Mme time pUoe ibe crsdit for the excellent oooditkxs of aUairs which they dtslost. Aw most of us will remember, for a long period prior to 1 89 r the condi tion of the county finances had bn growing steadily worse, a large outstanding indebtednew had accu mulated. County Scrip wm qaotad as low as 65 cents in th dollar, and as a consequence the county had to pay from 25 to SO per oat more for all work done for it than it would bad to have paid if its orders on the treasury had leen equivalent to caaL. And thoe who received scrip in psy sent of feee fixed by law, mch in whnew! feo, lc., had to dispose of it at a great sacrifice. An effort was made that year to get on a cksh baais by the issue of 20,000 ra bonds. But the amount proved to be inaaffi- j eient to redeem the outstanding or- ! ders and conditions were bt httls j am proved. Bat thortlv thereafter i Mr. A. J. P. Harris becms the Chairman of the board of eoontv commissioners and it was ds- , W. termmed to mend matters at ooce snt excellent Board has cxrrii tho good work for ard. IS it is rtrtaiaed in office with the opportunity to ooo tiw this wie and bvmtwm xk poli cj, the Tteu predicts lLiv whLia tLe next two or thrc rr U tut.o! the pontys oid dsbts will be wd out and the tax rite rsduced k a very Jow Israre. J us tiers' Court. A trial before J as tic Gf. rW ker rtmtmSMy attracted qh a xcb. ber of wTTises from Uixrmr wrm--ship. Il was n tndiotmsnt vgaint an Asrrsti by the nam of Albert Tocty, who was rbargsd with mxi- ing talse repienutvms to a bore trade with LcKiis its W. F. S. Srireiir sppeared for fh prceuton sod G. Ryan, d KsUlgh, and W. M. ri soo for the defendant He wn r qnirsd to pirn bond in the mm .f ; for his sppesrancs at courL the large audience present The ed by the large number who availed form o! ich . b I oaci ncio uptsuvu. wivu praytjr uiouieoives ui we iuyiuiuuu 10 re- I a StaowtO' ' by Miss 'Williams by Rev. H. H. Mashburn. A chorus main, after the formal exercises were . !wJn?fciUA-r i. a .-, 11. -. .... , ....... " M-..fUMM.Mft V. . oy tne scnooi iouowea, atter wnicn over, to exenange teuatauons, say clinintfi toVrW s A difficult txsk confronted the admin Rev. J. E. Underwood anaounced goodbyes and last but not least to TOntmbing t btration inaaamtxeh as ir thtrtowingthe death, of the lite alfow the youthrol, middle aged ahS waVtoloTbT Mai Jonea nwit" thaTon eornt of Wd Cairo U - B as s e n b u rgr . Ths Ttxxs lass rKyrtj iL lowing inviutio: Mr. and Mrs. iisoamia Ballard Mj soWr reqaeat the honor of voar prsno al the raimip! bi then daofrhter Martatst Norwood to Mr. ("hirie YulLz CxtkU on Wednesday warning, Juns tb sixth, ennstcwis handrtd and six at half alW Un o'dect, Methodist Efscoftai Chamh. Ioaitbargr iiorth Carolina. At Home after Jane twentieth Warsaw, North Carolina, No cards in iiiuuii re an uiauc uovjcsoai j ouu a mou i 1 uuiw in aiuo w uisuuofl ma i Mr Jordan BsTTOW With Mi rioara ot irustees was organized state ot tne crops, ana aebate tne yimam8 with Rev. J. E. Underwood, Pres., great problems that do now confront and Mr. yf. H. Rnfiin, Sec'y, Rev. us. Amid all the pleasures, how L. S. Mas8ey, Chaplain, and the fol- ever, there was naturally a tinge of lowing members: Rev. G. F. Smith, Rev. E. H. Davis, Mr. L. P. Hicks, Rev. A. J. Parker, Mr. B. W. Bal lard, Mr. B. N. Duke, Rev. K. D. Holmes. Rev. Mr. Underwood appropriate ly introduced the speaker of the day Dr. W. E. Dodd, of Randolph Ma con College, who is a native North Carolinian and informed our Virginia friends that he was merely loaned to them and would be some day re claimed. Dr. Dodd is quite a young man in appearance but full grown as to his mental equipment. He took as his subject the constitution of the' United States and began by saying that it was a document almost total- the sad, as all were constantly re minded of the late honored Presi dent, whose spirit had taken its flight heavenward sinee the last annual gathering but which is lightened by the knowledge that all passed off as he would have wished, and that the work which he laid down will be carried on by others, and the college which has done so much for the bright christian womanhood of east Carolina will continue, under the new management, and with the aid and counsel of the Board of Direc tors, to advance on its era ot great prosperity and usefulness. fi.-h simplicity that the teaching remain in memory. 'imnlf. beinc th nura cosnel mes- . -i o 3 that it was a document almost total- It was announced that the next .iurH wunoui me nowers ana tne aa- . , . lv nnknnwn to the creat masses and RAssion of this school will onen hen !'-t.ives that have usually character- , , j i- , , hnt. nartiallv understood bv those timber 5th. 1906. and a verv cordial aiio.h addresses. Ir, showed r j 77 ., . . j 3i j who were supposed to understand it invitation was extended all present thought and studv. vet delivered in .... . . . . ' 11 TT .1 ! J 4-1 -1 -A-s. J 1 .ll., K.. Words and I U.iBUUSHtJU. u-ie iiocuuui auu i atttjuci we ouuuauuuiu i aiiv iui rpe liberty guaranteed by that instru- will take place on the .Friday night a-Mress and personality of the speak- mul dUU mo " Vi , "b- r ar unusuallv pleasing and the that had en Wlthm th& ?Mt. ?W The following young ladies re- im, .ression he made here was a moflt years under our law and plead tpr iived lden eacQ having fav.rable one. eater freedora of bought and dis- made aQ grade o( over 95 '(.lv .vonin, . vprv 1artr an- cu881on ot current ProDiem8- 0n all recitations and examinations: j e e- , , - . li. ne t, assembled in the chapel to 1 nen iouowea tne presenxauon 01 MlS8e8 storey, Maude t lemmg. attend the recital of the graduates mlluuwtlCD 4" x- Margaerite narris, mary u. vooper, the Schools of Exnression and Voice ratios to Misses Mary Louise Allen, Beg8ie Norwood, Annie Norwood. which were Misses PeUetier and Mary Alfred Cooper Mary Davis .nirt wn..v iss Perry Cooper Annie Perry, Summie Sta I . inVoica Thv wpt assisted bv mey, Uia long, margar oxvao,( , . . , , , . . Mrs. p. If. Cooke, and Miss Sallie W Webb, Mamie Jones and . q men n, hadthia William., accompanists, and Mr. W . Maude Scarborough; .ana. ot " beeQ oraitted owing t0 e J Harrow, on violin. The opening to the graduates Mr. vv . xi. rumn, q r as accompanist, gave KafTs "Cavatina," Schttmann's "Traimerei," and the charming "Intermezzo'1 from Cavaleria Rusticana, so delightfully that it was hard to tell whieh one was most enjoyed. Then followed the amusinc feature of the afternoon the musical contest. A romance was read by Mrs. Ma lone with occasional Wanks, tlveee blanks being filled in by strains from familiar airs, which were to be gueed by the contestants. Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Parhara were the lucky ones who filled out all the blanks save one; they drew the prize, a vase, falling to Mrs. Parham's lot. Mrs. Ballard and Mrs. Davis were equally lucky in leaving unfilled we'll nt Ha v how manv blanks', thev drew. and our gracious hates presented Mrs. Davis with a fan decorated with crimson ribbon and five finger exer cises, delicately hinting that the winner thereof learn the same lefore another meeting. The inner woman was then mot pleasingly refreshed, after which, many bridges in the courtly and the a ocum aisled floating indebted ne, it wss necessarv to issue llftXK more of bonds. Not at all discouraged, however, the Board went to work, and by its splendid management and that of the Boards which have suc ceeded it with Cant. T. S. Collie as Chairman, the seemingly impossible task was accomplished and for the past seven vears county orders hive H. Funnrrson'i Retldinen- Partially Burned. I Hr ws dkaoovcrsd Toeedar dvon found nlng la tbt roof of Hr. W. TL Ftrr dealrttCiioa of t tniron, bsvctrm rwddrern rm Km. rooor Armue. Tktrw s-ss sot llt- lU timt lo4rt in kstvdis? In the alarm, but the fir department rm ponded very soon nJtr alarm, iLod but Hr the bursting mi a boa wbn th watsT was flrmt ruroeJ on the frr would have bes rxtinjrntsbed briar much dftciHc wrui don. The boS) wm iood rt placei, however, and u n few minut two aLf m. wr plvylng on -the !nm. The be?rl?x work of thf Srem-n U to ronv been as good as gold certifies te and ; trended. The (km to the boos sre so to-dar. All work done for the ; L ooDslderable-, km practically nil of oountv is contracted for on the lowet th top wm bswned, and much dam- cash baids snd jurors, witne and all others receive sot csh for their scrip. The bridge lmls referred to were floattxl at four per cent inUret and all of the t'J0K0 iwno eirpt 4,00 have been pai2 otY, as well jl $3.420 of the old is.sue of On Jnlv Ul of Uiis year tiOOO more of bonds will 1m paid otT, leaving a total Undel lndebt elnew of only l-mu (and not a dollar of floating debt as againut over $30,0( K.) (and orders at a dis count) when the new polio wis in augurated. And to me4t tnes re- 1 . ' ! niainmg iona tire is now m me rc9 woji done the int-erior bv water. The furniture wrji very much darn njrl by removal, Ac. Aa mnn as th insaranoe w adjust! Mr. Kar Kurson will nt nnr Ha t lb hooMn r-crjTrrvi n i 1 dthT darnnrw re- Jot OD T(tr nrn Mfy '22 i tbs storr of Stofcra A r'arguncN:jn wa cj. stnivf-d tv are. amid much merriment, the guests de- linking Fund an-1 in bank belong- ; parted, feeling more assured than ing to the oountv over $'3,Cn0, of! ie iH-mn h per cent ; 'tne which $:,ou the number was a vocal duet which was as becretary 01 tne ioaru Wl xiuolccb, . . admirably sung by Mrs. Cooke and read rerolutions adopted by them I Ued to a aMat a. I T a; A rf-k-T" . rv I I I 1 Vlfl I - - iMiss -errv n hv recitation reiauve w iuo ucniu w I .uT r..Vna Tr Pnn" ha "The Marble Dream" by Miss Peile- which will follow this article. Bibles q d'eBefv. gm. ever that their President is right woman in the right place." intreM or 2 pr cent more than the The next meeting will be heid at I county is paying, .o it win te asn i .... . t . the residence of Mr. J. J. Barrow, that if this amount were appuei 10 on May 31st, with Mrs. Laura Bal- the payment of the outstanding bonds loq ,rtatfl. not vet due. the total indebtedness SCLAVS, UVOWJMi m . of Franklin oountv w uld not exoeed High Harks. sura of $6,000 very much 1 tir. i .1 u it. warn m Asented to the crraduates in aim no on turougu tue emixoaioiv r Eleven numbers, consisting of solos supip j - 65.00 and with other subscriptions hv Mi onA fin hv S.Massey. The Mathematics jnedal a . . , Tn 3 - I urofl rTAHflntPid in a naDDV manner w "irvH3 i eneiier ana iuav. iu-mrs " t the next term. dents. This fund now amounts to tly expected was pr J to reach100.00 by the opening of iVrrv has a voi nf oTat natural Miss Annie Perry, Dy Jar. vv . Q .QT.m "weetnea- tha frfl?ninr which Boddie. The Music medal was pre- he has receive mkft her a mostlnted to Miss lizzie v,uiWu, uy v .). .. ... .. I w tt -Rnffin in o wv and manner kjcsolu ttoh i mju&okx or ruur. leasing vocalist. Misses reliefer i" " a . o TTn and Mv r won tnnwn . in whieh Mr. liuflin only can ac-, J J JS WW V- AMY TV U Mf I I n the fiM amr-aarvn hir i-Ai- while the Latin medal was presented Whreeai the cause of education m v sy vwtvui w whons having been so much enjoyed to jam mary iioww -neu, j UNortn uaroiina, ana ixuisDurg uoi Prof. Mills, Superintendent of the I than at any other time within the last Graded Schools, requests the Tim rs J thirty years. And let it be reran to publish the names of the following bered that there has been built dur- pupils, who are entitled to Mhish j mg the past eight years four iroo marks,' for which they labored dur-1 bridges across Tar River, two across ing the session just closed: J Sandy Creek and one acros Cedar Pupils who were not tardy or ab- j Creek. sent daring the session: Una May I For the good management of the Hayes, Clayton High, Pearl Masten-1 county's affairs and the splendid re- burg. 1 suits obtained, the tax-payers of the Absent but not tardy: Pattie Ay-1 county are indebted to those ofEaals oocke, Lfllie Hale, Bessie Hale, Mary j wbo have been in charge, and it is Burt Harrison, Lucy Jeter, Jlodgie 1 but just and due that the people ahoold Williams, Cade Hayes, Nannie Hale, I remember and honor them for their Willie Harrison, Joseph Davis, Fan- t.uhtrvtm Tfc nlan tms laid rnMId;Emmett fffw I policy inaugurated while Mr. A. Strickliid, . GeneViore Thomaa, U- P. nnt was Oiamnan of the Louise Thomas. I board of commissioners and the prea- The Louishurg' Graded Schools. Th Grii! School of LnubnTX cbvLlrwt Satardav. and owing to the rrow.)) condition of loth the white and cJurrJ thrhools no cioesng exercWw now b4d. Prof. Mills and bia corp ol tvcber bare do rs mrvkabiy w4l , and the pat mmioq of tbe school. und th rirraro- UiUCS. jpve t.ut nn index c4 wLa4 thTT will b wbeo the nw ktldtn are rompWJ . Tbe TrotM mat lasVMooday and eictd t ethers ior the year tv$rioplnft Septcaher 1st. Pro. MilU was rsWted Bupertn- tendVut. kfiiwhew Mary Tarboroah and fWttis Perry were 'also re-elsct- ed. and Ulwss Marina WaiUey anc) FTbrvnr May Kfrrtoa Vavln deci ded to en jnfr la school work e4ae where, their placns weew fiHevj by tb election of Mis Georgia JornT, ot La Grange, and Mis UrtU ILarrisoa laU of the YounjrsvlIW Qraded Bchool. Mr. E. L. Best. La Is prLncV poJ of Cwdar Rock Acadcssy, waa unanimously sjlscttd aa aa addition al Uocher and helper to ths Scper Lnteodent. Thasears all rery wis eisctioaa and the Tturs bexirres tha trustee hart don welL He, six Teeks after ths hoosy mooti. I suppos you think rva wera a fool when yoa stood ap and rairrie mi She Well, I was thfcnextihbg ta a fool. Y ankers Stitesaxa VI:: t : t 1 ?i t I f i I I I. . . - '..v T ' . -v , v , , ' . . -j . 1 ...... . ' " " 1 . a 3. 1, -i i I'M ... . , . ..Tf . .r. 4 . f..