o r, .... t t X JAMES A. TH01IAS, EDITORS THE COUlItY, THE STATE, THE . TlinOli. SUECCniFTIOK 01. CO PER YEAH. VOL. XXXVK LOUlSBURGr, NH C.r FRIDAY JDHE ir 1 9 0 5; A MISREPRESENTATION. CARD PARTIES. :' Dr. "11. A. KcrcrcIL' ' o . - - r . i . . . . . , - . . . : : , - - . thfrablest papers in :theState'devoteal nflV'TflVI flR flU Pfl! ITIRQ I CBarles M. and Mrs.Bettie P. Cooke 'I Clfll he a column and a Half in commendation V"" WkY1 U ' - M.M.1 VH nfroXCllV- tVIL UK HOLLINGSWOftTH MISQUOTES THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES Refusal to Publish- an Article Against Mr. Bickett, a Can didate, Where Personal Feel- VHEREGAIIBLEnS foUows: "Glorj to Mr. Biclcett and KAWlfiSSlONS-BOTH IliTEREST- T Tlie Mnmg glory of the Iwikera THE PLACE ! It-some man like INGr AND FnlJi OP.,thTITh;: f nlv wm bat the r UnM- tmm:M 4 .'"ibp vrnm n.M ...-. .!(. 'v.-.' -r.T'-. .J i. t - " - , w wwai)imLl I mil i - rmti . i ,11' I . in every 2, . - Z?iii want to - TtTT-; It weU.thaVif death W tb - ,-MOUia , sixty days s rr"? V. V : x r come to one so- faif and fvoonor and fc oaa ana ;uonaiaer WjBU .ZC1S programme LMr. Bickett will get 'out county in the State - with programme, the fellows who-' go to Kaleign and spend drawing four dolla'rs a day and drink- oecealal eiirrr.toa bc!cn t.St i:!a Board of jMe&icil. HrjtxIrKTii vV'i rfcJ&J- He coo of Cii ccccx.'! W oat of 1-2 who , tjr It cccto47 htTin failed. Dr. ngs were Evident, the Cause, ing dispensary liquor wA never know J ! Politician's Valendrctory;' 1 1 ih not often that the editor of the - ...... i iviKs deems it necessary to reply to nal flings" made at him from what struck them.'? 3 w . Aayi,or- w rueS A tettderi it should have come whei the I day wjls inst: .Isecinnin?. SwhiliT: th' V". OLD CHERRY HILL. The - . Carmack defeat of Senator Edarf V fypPT.. wilnDg thair n&ra- v ;r sty wb said ia be one of -toe g- manndtbe dew was glisteo. m! Aj-jpaxaoiitrIla Presents Good perno anv quarter, oui wi Tear uiat our si ence may be misunderstood, we take this occasion to correct- an . assertwwr 1 1 T TTT TT1 Jit-. ' maae uy i. t . xxouuigsworxu. m an article in the Progress of tnis I scholars of old week. He states that the "editor of TO?01 ,whidl ' W. " Z1- r v JW agOjf JUKI ibu um fcpacflfidfrallow also says that tne editor stated to 0f the names Cherry Hill Sunday School ? or Years Ago. , jD,em5r?ti55 rroA ' i? ;wniee has attracted I. came across mass meeting In the , Scoal I Vesbytcmai Qnaxh ol - -thim vdty prtaco' cf Kttnn;nndWf IvnvrdenAt sbe riad liveii B1?"? w ooipet - I - .... ... . . 1 .3. ll . A t -Cherry BMUM-f CWemocra ran. M . .f . r ,. - . Wai 'located lit Dann Mother, a RepnbUoan, and Jua father, pomessKow, amu. the wol;-oI " " r T li-i" JV uuurai .r l.-... ..i"! kijrtiivi.j.''-.i..--n. .-.I naner thai ktror a moi la tirUar . n V .- . ... infra-oho nnh in anoaoTiaa fn h OUD W UQI HUVeCAnfl 'Vin . fl. 1 - .w O 7 oi.sau,0x tne pupiis, x l'rirmv .rt rrrr r"r "r??" i . iv ' : T n m him "inat me aeiesraies no xoe counw i woma o rtaa it trim win mt nr tnAi'-j w v iM.wwicfaawuuuwu. w i -r-' ri convention wottkl come for Bickett, or would vote (or bis nominatioa unanim jostentmng ply to him, after readings thearticle Fowler, superintendent. Teachers ll 1 the most. hisct I WQt teachers, num rT-l'- h i i. ThA.-AH 1 QTfr k.. i name mxiionn snu ' Ruinmn? -11 iha r . t'w t r i- . v for him f " u" on"m m xo ., -r--- ; -- --- ,-7rr-o WcJ55abol and ehMhbod iweetT thatW I - 4 An . - ' - - - - v-- .-- aomA rtAfi . I -wa mm ahatu mtaka a! m I k . "... - . , k . I .. . i were ivj memoers. m iooKiner over ip"" "r?r M?wtff At-.vv:- i , : ... i otisiy." In v v , , ftwl i ; Ai1a. "..Mi JC." rU4UI 78- Bt '""7 " "77; 7: 7""'6 11 .n-rnw of thS pyexr.o. ra. iiiibooaj, wuii-u, w aaj h "oo ijr jicnooi are aeaq. xne louowimj is jii? ".w7"" time hiBsUlr patbetic: bat in Hi-. . . against Mr. Bickett, was this:iiyir B.-? Ilollmgaworth, that article. hiiUps- Header in choir). Pr. H, the last foytAri. aikd claim to kaow something aboat whxt Taxi ;now go ing to till joou ' ! ' do not bcTttTo gambling den - h near ' so dangerous Bor doee tt ; do anythrog stuM amount of harzo. as thai somo.1 social card party In ; th bota, .t X ti j gtre this as jay nuou In the gsm- pnie :roojigV lttol lng room the windows are closed I tlt?ht- tha cnrtalzia ira tmlld dowm twice elected I l .rAL :; , 1 :L : . ell rroatly gradualea froa tWZIed- Ical ieptraent cf the Ccllr tit Iyeiczari ' and Sor-ron. ' r ' 7 -. The Twu heirs wiih Wr; if the stattn death Ui. J IL IIoU liDgiworJ, aa IiU&atriocs fartttr - zX Cyprtas Creek towraht.. A phcM... meaeage Wtraght th aol xvtrB Hca- day, that the deceased fca. froca- tl hew aral died ' jmrWStuly. it . IU was Bear his hoot at iho Cst. He ' Ieafe4 a wife, aai , mml chidrw The bcxxial took tlioe ! Pcschtr J ehtcrth, sad was - cood aeted by ; th ' , " f Masons tha deocased belx a : w of ih ardef. v '.BlJ Sili of ToTO lct Tb ;actxiQ tale ; of teUJbi which wsb aJrmiat foVTctAlay ol Ihla week: waa jmIM cO" la a shape, 'The lots werv soU by CJot VT. T. noghetVad were local! on Vrha south side of the .riTtr, fasc&sj First, because I ' . ran?an. ?. omoKianu . think it will be unfair to Mr. Bickett, a it is right here on the eve Convention, and he will have no Jones, DsV Lou Chamble (now Mrs; Dr. R. P. FlovdMiss Elizabeth Jd Strickland, Miss Susan ear (nowi i valedictory: tne,ingrantuae oi omciai me," nai.K.jkA-:. 9f ivs.! aecided". to retire from politics. Here ZZrZZ. I IT VIi TJ Ws pirene ia jfc.. Kau; iuna.ii i .U Wnirs. - OD-1 Mrs. fJalvin Pinning Mr MsTH,t trVtl leased and M,;f rrit stwU, l7wtAr TKQ SAlar. ara 11 to -ftlinme on tug mmat cou ol poUtict I ;. i. . - i : , . . .a i iv.:- .: iD7- . y4- aaa . Wtotlr aU:oveirther"UiiitiA i-J7.T-'Ji r"- vt "-"y 1 . p4. r . , a fava rnoontains where?! can think and i - ... m ,- v.v ' aireaay, so W team, been cZtr . - Lotion, of the coooty. re talking, it l dre inBatethe aicC ?t? i ? t' ' " " look, as if that Mr. JBickett wiU iMuLaniut, .JS? Ti 'ISS'T ' toXt&l&tZk, : V b. nominal almost nniMonaly." wf.,- IrLi&IW, foBttiat 5 ii&SaVS lo Wjcriry - - w . ... xrW".-Q9 iv vv -v toaay anddo;anayet jher uwtmct, cxmooey or suver : mduded , m ..the U,!' v J . Hi. reply waB, "Well, I thinks my, JWSSw! i&rVwrtri tu WJl 'atal iU.'Tt. i? - 8elt "Then" .aid the editorV 1 Jf ifPfe-A fcfrthghtlhu, f-'--; V"-?" "-T j r t t- ; - . ' r ..-.m -via--?PC.-.'A 7 i ' '-v. j. a m .m. , - - - "-r ? s i a i . . . . . . -a ... " - ; . . "n, n. hjm w ..rS& ?iTgSl. id to spl v?? iheriwaa not room for-:&aralloTi otWdtW utter. b.ma Sa tKa I - On. lIOBdaT.Hn,; WE. f '' . . .. . 71..-.;- - - . .1.it. i t "Hwwwwp .-'T .!..f.,:,r,-.-1?-; ..- , .r. I .; Straightforward, ensi miwnL I YUtw M Uifl Dra. l DoxieTtt-U a mhwowjbwiw ox xta Lam s content-", Three times A ' S 'W1? .IkAlW. r eapec you wouia puousn ix, -jaf?2f thoHght I would give yoa an oportuo,, ringing wfth melody, nity." Our reply to that was If itAAimarrfMnet ei And tar d with my lot in life. was publishing a Republican patfet, ij yq.ut)0hm '' new a- P .thUtirel rtotiK,oi honi would jump at your article, whhffibth fg? Tk Z fee, but in this instance I can't allow HitfWr State, an& that is glory enough f.or. . best and most successful school ever me . you or any other man to use my col- jj 8ection, and, ; M if ' -To me there is- nothing in this unina to satisfy your personal feelings Lth one voice all. would exdaira, Korid 80 pathetic as a-candidate. He tllnaiearing no wrong, be- gamblixj'g.,; v; 'V. . J0?1-.J lievini 'ntefiL'of "any one, she -went -Pexp yixveWtT thpogt I at: nrj.3IaAM. Jdatll all ever lived in this sinstained world. come from? KThey are not taught in I rpneaee3 w ana a, very T fan ant n-if " a . ' I .t..2.1vlll J . t Jl ; Ifiy mn AffarM vaneje was aoout ner iiie a ira-1 tooiuiiinz ueoi. v -ctwhw, uai wi -m.. a. Mr TrllJn An VAAaAn for refusing to publish his article was that we thought he was only fighting Mr. Bickett on grounds J. T. Carter. granoe that made one couple - her. in leas he b. a fool never enters . gam- enr7 abot ths) gnoses hud. thoughV with beautif&l' thiB9a,irtth bliog hell because he knws be 'wS! ei to the ior; wts 'Vee aad flowers, and tinted cloudy rand -soft be fieecojl out of everytlrtng he pos wmhilaoeaci 'wOT.rtisd-by '"oU ; kwMt mnA nVfKA fMhf aMin lMa.'than fifteen minutEa. time crpc by IGas Lo&4 Stroller f agamst anyone. In a BuJsequent r -TOmPI tivinVani associatSon. .ah ennotti He has learned soniewhere else conversation on the street we told one Ve use6 ; to have at old Cherry drifting on the tempesttossed wei . -jjr v.. - f f -cts his foot Inaids ot sah f diaShtful .f Jawiahfd.' 01 uncertainty . Detween ine smiimg .n- a place. 5&v' Uaooa many nor fL.HwtB :-; cliffe of hope and the frowning crags ; , Iam&rked . thmt n he hat plad ia" the parf, ircaiqf ; Mr. t ItraT Kaf -of despair. He is a walking pennon at 0QCeJ much in the social gameofe home, ad Macon, Mr., and-lS llaoc . and a hvmg prayer, he is the pack- yt :, b-com. crofioant enouch to win Mrs. CharGa Miooa ad dirrhtef. horse of P?.8ennment,.thme. fVfrfehdshi privet among hit Wenda, thin, the Mrf BaSIrm Akx Wal dary qfpohucs. And even if he rea- 00 paid '-her next'iteB with him la'to.aeelc ouith Mias Loai; St'.Mk jAe? ef .tio wffl moTyia9ri0 gambling room, tor h has learned and Xaur. Macoo, Wi 1L Maccn soon feel the beak of the vulture in '.r-S-, i ;iv- - t:- ,tri . and wif a. Mkw (WlI iad If J- us heart, the fang of the ,Witthaiatt - hofahisowa. .Theaaloon meaad owe. , - The devoted lore and admiration 1 gamblers chuckle and smile when ; parlor V h . Fti n Ami nf Miss Conke. Bicjcett onjw.persojLal'H f'. : k a, 5s- t: in n nnp.r nono.e tiaRTL.weeK we an- He afterwards kdniittedo nounc the 8ad deaS of Miss Eliza- tiis soul. can take the case. another gentleman m town that he beth Cooke, the only daugh'ter, and would not have written the article but youngest child, of Judge and Mrs. for thft f ant. that, ha hA narannl faol. C. M. Cooke. Af ter a short illness 'ngs against Mr. Bickett The rple 8 B4W was visiwng ner auni, ixixs. . x.isuaxe. Her remains were brought herei last Fridayevening, accompanied by her THE PRESS ON MR; BIOTETTC tt, PROGRAXillE. at the depot by a large number of The programme of Mrl Bickett, sorrwinging friends. The funeral ser published in our last issue is attract- vices were held from the rea&ence 0n ing wide attention the State. Among nonces, we see tnat tne Kaleign t tuo.rouuuxw wwo w;;w; - . 7a.-: - tl j1 - 7-7- r- : , o Ma. vata6ai . Read airainsthe third naracrranh of 1 5 at-i 1 n t Evening Times, the StatesvmeLarid-luenietery oy a. nnmDer 01 relatives 01 . - Vv ---Vi - nwa uP.wiw ..- nark L jLJlVn. J the family and a very largenumbeAf -he aWelecteTayior alct: ness, when, the Aoorchlngr fever ,was tali --. . a i a . i . . . I . ; am no longer canuxaa.i.ev.. of h& p&rena 0r fheh onlroghtef, they read la the papers of the eragamill' 1 .nted , intj of ;Tor-elr 6nly game, given by the ladies, lo pubhc omce.: Theoimy. pubbc - jov hoint a know that atter V while those careeriow resteer the ;,Arrarat?of Sliio tnen'will become patron., -of private life, and I stand on its ; peace J- - - - A a inA t , , tha thevlJ. A 1 Jotroit imtat c , . . I y' I was delighted Wseo the card of 7" 1 Mr. TCW. Bkkttt kt your paper laa cedinc .'flood 6fiolitica The doTeoH- I.- r V .V.-.IfiJ'.iT-ai ..a Zi.X..7iu -.u M"(0IW lb,,tofaK; rlaatiasoe U attract- yiceawe heWfronvthe renee on -Vd&Daabro0.rhmean oUre" ."r :...; u Ua.cTrortaalry of -rpi. ion in every section of Saturday cbridncted by2.Rev?H.. Hi StfSple? M'aTd I m nlrm otieteraon and.her mafnar. mm. otn-.n . bi t7STZ- iaUr V .ngotherewap.p.r Maahburn of the -Baptist chnrch, and j;.; a.ln'KS .S? ofr. at hir. eat hanHa baiV'.'So .tne cluldbood 1 and waaUjroar lianda." K . 1 a .a tar " .' a .a 1 4tA 4namflv .nil. o irarrr lorrr nnmVattr rrK,na lnB monroe Jo0rnalnfe T -v 'j- cnance fecome. a Senator of the i ma nrtir-la tha an hiant nt la1in aril- I uloUUB vi ujvul dcagsi jLxttt? nrnw torials The Raleigh Evening "In outlinincr his nlatfoi does in a roniarkablv interes'tine ocM -The following were;the pallbearers Ument nf thrAA JiAwanftnAi nnlnmna. 1 i-( - ii ii W Xl War" a lot inhfe -a. I xxt - Dt.uM . Tw t? TJ vatka tvo tne 4 IT . TXWOVW,..'i'i.!i;.:.. v7 oocailan to know the rrtit internal. -The other day I ovtJrhed two fett(a brhmb th. 6isru ct ladiea talking ;J6n; the ; street Oae ftrmtff to , aaid: -lam going tto give ,acard or ct Ha rrrci id xrk PrtJ anflamgoin to the toa noV oory'ln Uborh- fr te aod to buy a pcV of carda. VThich lare and kk t-!- Lei thei-1 the best kind to relT.Tba other re-1 l.vr: . tt a-' . II riU C VUU rfe.":x He;whe.ha4 fliVay; tet'of ttiV pried; KJeV the Ar Card; It has J ierm rrtteful shade of the giant eks -that iC the back v V, cart la cutura in teres Vto thf peTU ; gtaeraUy. . - - ". a . . ... . , ' o ooe can oeur anow sxan . nr nows why he should -be electedto uw.wt w ;j once more, as of old walking peu- in toe panor, tuax was iou oi xeo- pare.ans'01 lieaTeamio? vut ,ki- aaoaa iaa xrr azw. ( v. , the General Assembly; and tie voters Spnrill.'a ifV ' T; : tibn and a living prayeris pray. derem wea of .hferahe;ted : but 1 tmshxeseJvtrt.. i (w'eoHtDa-ra below 7 cecta) lav ;f,., will doubtless agree with him! and editor ' Tthlwll. Xfter'hS had-ta li'i threfforuin rtkoVfc'ibe tUa , ;-". ;end him on T Raleigh, . : Hickett is electedndffie -eeemelte bereaved inWenn most sincere ij,eait,-the finff' of the her father can sleep, -one on either menV meeting la the Second Preehyi servKxa frcdy day and rJt, nil . , , ' have good cliancen'ewiU benear eyinthy; xr;i;-:: serpent m'hia aouL? j gnch 5 xxmcl aide of her, and bear hercompany. te'ch'nrcSltne foUowbg Sakbath. aa fsiineat tra cf Fraik. t- from in the Legislature; andj when h f r p 11 H f r i - 'tMZ -The red e of .the fumade M.hmT lia cttyVia "tU grtU xltxxx hi . ,i A , - iTnirv.iK. JlUlJi-.1' -A.r- a v -,r. ..v-. - iVo. crave-was hidden cat of sight by the .t,-,s s -av - ; - . , 8oeaK.ne ,wia-eay -Bomexnmei -rii.- ..i- v Trta J wi;.Wi, ri-K-rr rAnVn' l- iv,.T,;MlwDru wcuca vie crou-cr ocicro no i i . . r. . worthy of our attention.? The Bickett nouncement that has that his platform is entirely "sensible free from demagogaery. Ae oiatesvui " flrtw-M that bereaved love had scat has. iaatUcroa. ..: J-wtia ,caxaWrr.l Y.rrrJ u a m .L 1. ' . . . - " a I . ....... H AC r, . as tokens x)trememDranoo,,ieneaui 1 1 learnea to play com, not aiUMa-i - i " - v -billow, of flowers she sleeps, and the fog not la my own hoabut In the " "i l ; ."Ul ' ! -Mes. F; S.SrniriLL Pbes.' lon the centie spirit :T of V Elizabeth I teem la which she was held. .' -y. .- ',V-I '-.-r.-:r i " " i 1. 'l.'1J3 iV- I a v .1.- -r ;-a .V - Mnnrftfl Jnnyni aiv. thf Mr. J. juavcaapter wiu.oo uBiu; ..m JJunmgton; rc .rv4 a tne 's is the most original n- new:Masonicf Hall "(Bickptt &r-Yzr- Qf Her aunVMrarTisdale c just ls the - of candidacy for .office boroucrTr building,. on Jane 6th. lHhtof a newldav:was, enmsoniarr aopeared in some time. andlrn:oA L: -r- ; .'.wtwaiir.w UVVU, Ak W.Wy.'aU.' - ' r ' UIO UBSk ,UU, Ulll iUUlUUlg iuaj v. 1 i.-V'- -ilV.V hoae"b( Dy to play -wi;h then tod U-U ca 1 10: cf tLabcr netr ; ' t , i- ' s ttvii ..V... f t la, .-."; : w . , ... , ., . - Awes :WgT6x-Srsuit. lir!1 lI;,,i7: Jrod;.rriiay.

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