" y , ' - . ' ....... . " ft .... , jAMES A. THOUAS, EDITOR. VOL. XXXVI. A ; STRONG V TlCKETi keOld County Odcera nenomlnateabyAcclamatida Every and Glenn Endorsed Strong Delegations Named. In accordance with the call of the . . -'' A' . Koanty lemocrauo Executive :Uom Htee the County Convention to me delegates to the State and DU- iet Conventions, to nominate a can- Mtto for the Legulatare and candi Ute for the County Offices,; assam Jed in the Opera House in ooia. ,org on last Monday. - AtiaJIrrpsst 2 o'clock the convention waj ' called 0 order by .J. A.; Thorny aChainnaa 1 the County Exeye '(immittee, rho requested F. S. Spruillof Louis iarg, to act as temporary rChairmaiii nd B. T. Green, of Franklinton' to ct as temporary Secretary.. ."Mr. pruiU on taking the chair made a tirring, old-fashioned Democratic eech. Upon a call of the roll, all f the townships reported as ' folly ipresented with no " contests. On lotion of B. W. Ballard thV tempcH iry organization was made penna ent, and members of the Democratic res swere, requested to act as assistant ecretaries. The first business taken ) was the call for the township ?ex :utive committees. ,They were, mded in by the various delgationSj id the roll was again caUe'fcnSjthe it of delegates fc lhayarioaacon- tntwns. After the snnmntmyifci e deiegafes the 5hairmah announced " m -v. ..H-' lat nominations for county, officers ere in order, and as fast ail i they I m be named the following &wefe jreasnrer J. A. Thomas; 'Res&ter Deeds W. M. Boone; Cierk - Su- trior Court J. J. Barrow; Surveyor J. T; Inscoe; Cor6"ner--E Jnylor. rv For County Commissioners, a prober of namM - roia in -v IwT V nomination, but the . oid'' para was nommated.on the first plot, as follows: - T. S. Collie. J- Cooke, J. H. TTzzeil.B. Ydungi M. Gupton. The' next and. last mination to be made was that of a ndidate for the House' of' Repre- the Chair, and amid inuchj enthu ?ni F. S. Snrnill in n .Kl oqaent speech, placed in " nomina- K Thomas Walter RiVt-ott . At w W Jkw e mention of his name : there was eat cheering among the delegates veil as the 1 spectators.' f 'Other1 pes were put in nomination as 'tows: Dr. R, P.C Floyd B. .T. Wing, and B. W. Ballard. AU of re uestedWthat their names be 'thdrawn, Mr. :BaUard and Mr. lowing, taking advantage of the op i .v w pay a ugn XXlDUte to J ability and integrity of ifrBicki - Dr. Floy4Vtonsnip Thad' i for hmi, i but ' thi doctor and asked the deiegates;ttf fP him and vote for "RiMratr and told mlr rkonnTA I Tki ates felt, .however- that- thev we bound hv ihi inatnAA. nen the roll was called voted the reQgth of the tnwnaWn TtS Vu- Dunns tAnrnaKiK" ! UJ . -vr f I U0U1U fi V09l' IllO vote for him also! as. a" complU to her neiffhbor townfthinl rw3 was o fnn, - i.x i w ... . , ' : - nuamenng ; votes 0ni other townshipsii Jj A; Turner 'econized immediately after Mr. 1111 Wished hi ASii i v oubu w secona tne rnat,n of Mr. Bickett r,d mVpt! . i. 1 www wowed to make 'motion - to ht. him by acdataktioni baV ii as l-; , ... V " " - ' ' ' " i ' ' ' " ' - . ' ... ! , - - " ' if' - ' 1 . i r- AAI in ii-t N., -T- - V- r-- r'- t Iv - -, . s... . . , ;r... - demuuww deliberate; and . name i. . - - - THOMAS WALTER r BICKETT IIOUIHATE FOR THE tEGISLATTOE ; t, thing: Haraonious-rvia Board Commissioners Rotained Which Endorses Their Every TrpncaotionySto PoU conyennthe ;C3muaa decided that it as neiBessary io take n ballot- On the first ballot'.the Toteatood. ickbtc , otj; uioya Spruill :a. Upon motion the nomination 6t ; Mi; Bickett was made, unanimous. " He f was invited to come before the tisom yenUoniand he did ao., r His speech of. acceptance ' wa full ;of"ibund; nara-norse senseTand waa weilTre ceiyed by theconvention. Ati times he grew eloquent and he was .cheered to the echo. Thus ended one of the moat harmonious soberest and ;bet behaved conventions 'that ,evr'ia sembled in the county ' . ' ' , Xhe zfoIlowin': resolution Iwaa unanimously. adopted: v:; ; Resolved, By the,: Democrats i of VanWirt:ihT 81a! endorse Vtheyible and progressive administration of our Governor, B. Glenn, and the wise and patriotic course pursued in Con gress by tha Honorable Edward " W, a uu, u . uusfcuspner ; ana -i oy our PnitedtitesjSenat6rg,X:Honorableis F3irnrandvee ?S. O'vS- -Theiollowreut wis hand- and adopted by4hW conventions i-lSC ja-L - ' , tne Jemocrats of Hayes ville tQwnshir in primary cnnTAnfinn ao. mmated unanimously by accW jBembted, on Jun 2nd, 1906,1 resolve )n: sheriff H. n ' - TTo'o 1.1 -v-'?' t.- -1 j - County Chairman, bur.0 thanks,' and appreciation forhis BOiliaSm' tiring labors in behalf or bemocratio success, and We hereby imqualifiedly VJ&y? imd'iendprse '.his manage ment of party affairs and pledge, him our united aid and support in the coming campaign.? ?aMr. Spruill makes a splendid prW siding officer,? said a delegate to the editor. '. , Y ttThe most harmoniQus, orderly and good natured convention I ever attended, remarkedseveral : dele- gW - ' - - "A sea in the' legislature isV a trifle, but the esteem and 'confidence of a people is , .a.? vtreasufe.V-Extxact from T. Bickett's speech' 'oi l ao ceptance. : Ir-'z .& v .": . - .- - r The 'short speech of BI T. Holding withdrawing hia name as a candidate for the legislature in favor of Mr. Bickett, was ! most V cracef ully done, ana created much, interest" among the delegates' in this, youne ; risine Democrats- " : -.-V"'5., ; I do not expect times to be. ;mar teriall better by reason, of , my go mg W the legisla(ure. r : Ko , people were ever legislated either, into riches or righteousness."- T. VV". Bickett in his speech ofa'cceptance. -'ir' 'A At a meeting of tiie :new Demoi itio ecutive Committee held vfii- cratic mediately after the adjournment of the Convention,1 J. Ar; Thomas ; was unanimously re-elected Chairman " of said; committee.' .Tit 1 ;;The delegates to 5the - State;. Con vention are as follows: M. LFowl- er; H. feathers, ;Dri R. P.:Floyd, vis, Dr.'JrR; Wh'eless, W.M. Boone, W;;B.Coppedge, Rev.;C. C. WU? liains, F. , S. Spruill; J ? A. , Thomas, v. iieiow are ,;tne delegates to ' the Judicial Convention by townships: R. U.f Underwood, B;y. Ballard, R. B; White,ry; M; HkyVs, v. A: Dal 68 were PiWwe.Jhe I Durins-W. A. Mullen, A. C. er- xiti uouiity, tie :w:att, Tioimnoir. .pjjJLOUISBURG, 11. :craDAY; JOIIE S, . 1D0O. ry,T.DrFalIer) k. W. Perry.:: ' ;HarrisD. EJIarris, J. N. JIar ris, J.E, gilder, J. B. Eing.v " oungsvuieJack Winston, J. a. vynson,M5.-, IV Holding, C. C. vYjnstottr. s-' " :-:.; fi. Vi'. irrankhnton-J. E:. Nicholson, B. yVi,Baltard, E: f-AV;Mo.TiV J: It. Cooke, B. Green, R. k White, It HI Kearney?;'' v ? - ! -V iHayesvUIeW, P. Wifsori., Sandy-CreekE: N. Williams, Guptori, Dr. J, RWfciess, Rnf2n oMiuiv v. upton, j. jarle," T. VJT. Stokea, It'Stiffingt: : ' - : Cypress Creek C: p. . Harris, . J, C. jVheleaa.;('- . : .;-'r 1 1 Uuwrg-n ; Bicket R. Collie, J. J. BaWw. CtV; Itobeita. yy. ji. vaddell,JrO. JieweUtPB, fc-r tn8wev WJe;itner "-conven-. tfona and the nw ? township tive uyiiuufcMHr .wiu appear next Ur Clfarles F.;CiUtM nisi C nariam H. Hasscnhurir r ' it , .'(". ' wea wt i3A most beautiful rnirriacre "cere mony took "place ;thVMet3aidist church here on Wednesday : morning ailO:i30 TVdptliEe "dontniting parties . being Mr. Chariest Fisher Carron, 6f,mrsairk-md Miss Mariam vKprwood Massenburff'of Louisbur.iiThe deeorations. around th3.pulpit.and chancsljof the" church were apprppr 3 juadiy eryj tastily aK nuigea, consij 02 ; palms, majnio-H-SfanLieTns..v Sometime before the claaiffbUed fin; the church to wi&es3 the nuptiali V. 'ihe followmg gentlenwn at ushers: PrMassebitirg :W. rAMasjen. hrg I3almer a;Sjri;Ford.' Utpon the arrival of the bridal party at Aecurch na7jnst0Mi:enteri ing, $6nstancy was;sun by 'Mrlfu D.;G, PearceMiss: Sallie vWumrns presiding at -.the organ; wi an- ac- f uvuipKuuuens oa uiq , Tioien py . .Yv J , Banrow, Following eusners vAiuouio BHWkutuauuwer giiis,aii8S es Elizabeth and .Fannie Masse oborg, sisters of the bme.VThen came. th dame of honor, Alr& J.LL Palmer ' . " . . - .. i . - down one aisle while the groom' came down the opposite aisle accompanied by his oIeighTher-VereineVi at the altar by the bridev twho entered: 'the church on the ; arm . ' brher" fatherT Masey,Jn a . vry,i apprppriateand. solemn manner, performed the .!c8re moy,"dunngwhich sweet noteVfrbm the violjn were rendered - by Mr. iuiur.'"iiiH'r.. receiving congratula tions tL- ybrldeVand groom7.1 acoom- pnieu vj a nuiuoer 01 . iremas, went to .the. depbt where they took- the 11.30 train for a bridal trip to Wa6n- ington fHty; Theyiwil; 'be at,home at'WMMw-JnlyH vThe bride is;a iwomanV oi most charming- disposition and.;sh'e;has js host of friends here 4 and eisene're, snatne groom . belongs to one of the prominent families of. the State, and 1 now noiaiurg a very responsiote pusiuon m ine ranwayposiai service of the United States; The bride" and her attendants were elegantly attir ed. " An- informal reception 'was given a f ewVfriends at the ; home : of the bride Tuesdayfiveiiing. -v. ; - As usual the tone of the matrimo-' l nket.was, rather dull jduring the month of. May.. Licenses, were hi sued to the following couples: , ' ' : WniTE-i-A .'1 RL :TimberIake and Beulah Burnett,; 'C H.' Whele3 and IaUie B. Spivey. 5 : . : ' . r : CoLonED Wallace .Bryant and Annie Snis,' James Green and Fannio Bi Branch. .1 weefc-iSDrf onj xl -JU.t-- c i i Gc..ir.iiGQio:iEns fnE;TAk HATE ;tEVIED WAS ; THE SAIIE A3 LASTJEAli. A : Very tzzr fee3sbnUnch .rBusincri or, ft-iGoneral Ha- , turo At t c r. d c d tch-n csoltitlon to W. il.llltchell Adopted. ; ; The' Bond, fall 'members bds -present, bclihilr . regular Vmo 2 thly meeting la'it londty, andf tr read ing and approVb;thti: minutes of last meetir-attended to the follow- vtTh ev Wilson . bridge '. near" Alcr. Ilendersoo; road, was accepted x i a county bridge, :VWvlL Wliamj r rJ IV, Fiver Ux.Utera for Donni andJIsyeariile "twnjiups resr ..!v;!y, t.;'; the oath ; that they woc .harp thedatha ;of; tlioir ofccl in accordance wit!i law.i port of Dr. XL F , YarborocglC ' So perin Undent of Health, waajrs oeired and Iod.J. IIe rt ports the Home in excellent condioa and" "no sickness. He alio tecomaended that :Mis Re- w a iciuuu 1x3 paxi a. lor ser vices duriss the recent tieknets at the Home. " Tiroe; Jcjcoo, : orphan, Oar lefXrejfi-nVm: v Ethiidgt jrers pat pa.ootce pauper list at 1 pef month 'tch; llXlTf Cook ; was appointed to hxTO. tcccry-rt pairs made to bndm'OTef Cedar CreekV at Alford's muXf A specui school tax elec'.wM.fcdlsd, ia "nrponse. to : a rtitionffohoidcra of the d. trict, the badaris ct which Is s as as folldws: Be-!aning ln the line be tween Franklin and- Wal?- cbthuea at the point where tittle river croas- ea saw une, inence tip g ikL river to the Una of the XovrrV.:$ Graded Sthooldiirict,t2iaxlcrr-.U grtci tchool district Lbe'totLd W-m. Jhence' slirf'ihsLftiid .V!aa li - - - the Waning j : Satanlay Jcjy 1 !i! - "was named as the election" darV acl J ' .i ! : ' : - V . uie roung piace at June Jones' rts iience;: Cornelins Hobsood wassn pomted registrar and Xune Jones andXCjhariis Alford,vpoll lders. ForneyTexryVliuiwBarnVtta T. J Pernell were relieved of . poll xx. fed. Parrh was appointed Constable fbr Cedar Rock township to fill ,qut wtm'; OvM. Coliu resigned.. He tendered Wlond, and took the oeth of office. ? Report of Superintendent of county home was received and nTedHports 5 f white Weathers wis stricken from. - rtanrr list-rdesi. rF. S. Spruill, . who twas appointed to confer with . the ' town authorities, of Young1Tle, relative to dxhsesineurred jb'smaU 'pocxftes recommended that "the Board-' nar one-half of ssinW The - order here-' tofore liaed directing the iist-ttkers to assess and list standing ; timber In the coa4t fprtotiontrtwo-thirils the purchase price4 paid fori It, ;was rescinded axid the 5 attorney, to- the 4Joara. was reques ted - to t prepare ; a circular letter to be senVito the Ux listerj m the county directing them to require ox eacn tax payer nsvlng stancli fcrnW, whether or not said timber has been sold, if so, when,1 to whom and at what price-' The lit Ukcrs'aru also directed v to4 , make a separate supplement to. their .regular list giving to tiia Board of ' Coinmis. sioners tho information. elidtodby inch enquirj, to &a cr. 1 that the Board m?r arrive tt a jest v;.!r.-t;:n 01 eai -x e:ar. 1 :r. -r t: :r. t-.r ior Uxr.:; ; n. J. II. "Cr - .11 r.;-jcr.t; 1 to M-cure necc:.iry tiiiilr to. repair -bridge at Louisburg, and also "to- hare JacVson mill hill graded;Tho Board' IcTio-i the taxes for. 190G m follows, (taiae jastyear):yV'.V ' ; 'For State purpose 3 21 cents .en $100 property valuation. ; ; uenerai - .vxanty purpescj cents on property and S2 cents "on each poll. - t . 'i Pensions 4 cents 'on prGpcrty and 12 ceaU on C2cli poll. . General School Tax IS cents on property anl $1.50 on r oll. ' Special Debt and Poor 20 ' ccr.u on property -and C J cer.U rn poll. .-Roads for LoauW ToraM Co r. In on poll. ' , rropcrty and 76 ctnu on Onrded ScW, Lociabarg lb ccnu on propny arvt 30 ocnu ca poll. . ' '.; r GriJcsl Sc!ool, FrxrAlIt.n- on prorty and tXX Va tIL . Special -v Scho4 Iciit ?0 cenu on property and CO ctau ca pen. ; , : . Special School, PlIoi-20 au ca property as-J 60 beou on rU. , t " t?pciU . Schoor, . IS&i-l e 1 2 '.20 ennts on property and CC ccnis 'on poU. -- - - v ; ,;;i - - ...'.'.'. A few acooanu wen 'allowed asd the Board, titer paiog rtcistit, prvpared by the Attortwy ta tU Board, sdjoumed oat of rcrret to tha memory of W. If. Mi-.chdl, wha was loc several yeirs a hetzber cf the Bord-of Cocunbdrvarrs cf till couatr. Xhs rctol aliens ppc W !owtf-': '': . , -. . ly. '. - N : Oa the airnooicf .Scxyiav, Just 3. 1DO0,. W. H, Mhchen, was ibrowa from his hvgzj by a ruaawsy horts and fatally injured.- His death rv salted that evening. Ills' wL', who was riding with hiai w w al follya'hd seriocaly hzn.' Tha is ecased was thit nolle work cf Hkvl, an honest man. He had, dcrfc hit loog an,! nscfal life, occzyl muni posiUoas of trtut b the county, aad had dar .tixertTdttilcs "cowci. ntbcily, hoaesdy aid f wdL Al most, eoatinocsly since the war apto afiwyears ago, he was a Jtrire- f the Peaoe of the couatjj aal at such, had many and varied iapcrtant f?W Uons to pcrforra.4 Hemt aid per foctnod thWfcarirly and in.sata wiae is .mads men know that Ins lis COUrt th SCS cf "J C-'-,"' rrrri crcrJy iirl try ' - , . rr ' : f he was a coaragocji, s Li r ruptihle : dlabcrscr cf pcia monic. Where occasion roairc his rote was given fothecmurr ex- penoiwre witaot sjoJogy and wiu the "safe criterion of a tUsr tjoosctence and' WfH lland jdj- ment, wbere extraraganos made bj proper drafts upon the peUSe ; trras- ary, he id wits ote3 b frank crpoei- ion, spariag no aaort an.1 ftaricg rx triticiiii. His life was an opa book, a living epistle,' known" t and rtsd m of all men ,Hxs bflocnoe and exxorJe, both In his offlcial camr and , ' la hli private litfbg, ware' alwayJJa alT of dvb righteousness and of the pUie wcsJ lit came to his ta.1, harbg for during three quarters of a ntary worn the pure -white fiowtr ."cf a bismelese life. .- ; ' - 1 Now, therefore, we, the Bard cf Comminsinnert 'of Franklia County la regular session ammUd d rt- solve, .: t Fint, That we d epbrs . the tad iuddea end cf our vf ariLlc high'y esicemr! ocilM'puvtnd ws dr abs b prpttui s tnkea of on r. pect, regard and te&lcr mcxty ta haTS this treatable and rtjolctba en roll td snd recvrdci b ths raboics of the taeetbgof this Ikxird I - Second, That we rrofooa-IIy pathiaa with the aIlctd wiihov, whose mental sufTerb U so iateaii Ced by her ph'ibal b jerk. " t ThTrd, Tbil a apr cf thli r retv Ue sal rc?!uUon cc-lcr the haad of., tha Oerk a;. I Iq :a cf th? Board be cst U the UriTc! ar,l aClic'.l w!nr cf thf dy:y.rip!, aa.l thatanotht'. corr f'rr.Ilarlr cvrJitI 1 c l- r 1 f thf F, Tiu, withrrjafart L'it ho ril.'lzh the rrao la t-.o next luco . cf 2. . Fourth; that thU Sil joem , as a far.!. IUrl aos- fjH-ct tD the n.cmcry tf tho t! c c ( ; Ix thd ,1 , . . V, f r .r:!.rr cf li.c!.- P.pcrmaa. cf :!r5:.- f ar.l tlo ,1 I 1 c suLccr.imoKci.CDrzn in.' WATER TEGTS f - p mm cpvitt 74, mrxcr tzzz i laaTotrnAixythin-Llla ths Sixo crihls cr.s.t Zijt Cr. J. i-Pjrlolcxs, Jr.; nxinlnc?.. JMrJ.UPri;Ua, JN cf CUr lf;i ho lr-7i.:r of wiisrvcxla ystas fee - the-'. TcI "AjoiI hij Us a Uts L Wo diri ilj w waur tjiuea. : JU Xtrxz himself as Wb5 ttry jl," yb- thai Li ld a ao rlUr ico cf aarihbs UU lh 134 " cf ' T r 1 ll ' ' '. . facicfy oxUIl The rTi:y wtra he 'tread la U uirmi if T4 sai whendlnci trtwre wis t: c1 wUn hnschd HOli ocISd ilr , Ikck that U was ah tsdy Uyoad CUir rtqtireia-a.U aad he ' tmi net itt mc-cTt. r-" " . :'-.''. , - t " " , lir,PricUsa shr Lktkif i to a vrry t:.:,fj-t ' I t ' Wiih soch a cd yn3 and , a wiU crpyJxed r iwerptar ' thcra "' is no rcuoa wly we nd U' much law rt brzranos rates. i : V- " l1. x - , . ; Elcctlea cf onttn. ; ' ; ,; At the rvltr cceamxaMtUxx cf;' " LocI Lod-e Kg. 412, X T. A. , . A 1L, htU oa Tctjday ti-t tl fedawb cCLcrrs wtr lcti: V tL J. J. narrow; P. p. lea sad T.-C r.- - r , .t ! Tr-. rU '-The Beard slaa &Wtb lali Moaiay, all trrrsUrs rrrtu A jC'Joa far a r;id scheni tax r Vlee&a b Yofrvr irmh!p; Wake ' coaijy; lias al ' llae' ' i YocajTns Graded fkh4 dviri aa. hj xars than rJi cf the frw Uira, waj spj-rcmjd aid ssat to the Caaty Oc WIxIcti "whh,! rrjai 10 "cai .ihtx'svKii (The tiecdsa wet rcUsd I: .fxiar. day, Jdy 1 4, s&d CWbeZhs ' Hch Ixi ru Sfnbied rpx aai Jaae Jeis sci Charts Ah'jrl Vci aryiibail jK4-!fcra) : ' ' a Dw schci haw b ditviel for ths watte Yccartt Us ur The Board srxd is , pty co.hjCf coix cf sit, tht.whMlt cx4t aei a , ixofred 1 4-5, aaI a2l jixas Ur kxr the a; ;miJ cf 1 Ccaty 5 r;rb Uad s t. IL II. lUUtta, V. J .U. feed sad "J. I L Thirri 3 ? t tp- polalni a ia j? fwT Aftw wrr ai- X Lave Cxc-hx f.-r tcis ilavt hrw 4ia?rt ix la to lntl ji.c-r-il! cf th 1 z'j nJri!, hl'-h j ri-v L:c4llx tirj-l ths c--xa!y rev!, a-l cat ; j lly t a C rtlr r.i ! la en ca irJ a U:ir.i sf ti-t Irtd tVao tsa x)w cJ.'r a-rl b -:c ti-' r bca i.'Tr fc: frr-ra th? -j.r 1. 1 ,. y bl M-aiCf b Cor ratal that th chill: c a c ! Iin-I w;ili a.3 i.ie-t j i rr aal at'.: ala 1 ' iha trJj a tcry cac & I, ,1 . . 3 - i 1 . 0 '.1 1 ia I I ! i I 'I 4 1 - : !; ; 1 1 J 1 - i I, : I 1 ' 17." 1 -4

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