. j I 4-F'JT- jAMES A. THOMAS, EDITOR. THE COTOTY, THE STATE, THE TJHI01T; r : suEccaimoit ci.co ma teai; 1 - - j VOL- XXXVI. ! Vr .LOUISBDBG, N.x C.i JRH) AY, JUHE ;i 5, 1906 - ;i M i! THE PRESIDENT, BODY. A BUSY- u Meddles in Everything A G reatly Overrated Man. V lieti Theodore Roosevelt gets j him more than anybody else in town." Convention: oUfl ai too free use of his tongne be wiU be a decided shrinkage- inth immediately calls some one a liar valae of town property during Jnne. .nd eol the incident. w.,He has-been Two xt three 1iave "listed5 since he g;ii,i2 men liars ever; since he be opened;; toebooliJthprnng; AddlUonal Hotes From Becent . YTHY tJirBEC02I!TG. : I County t ConVCZlUon. -, . TT - txri , " cm 4 tmx fvzz zztZk. Tby teH a fxxl oe on or frUrJ taxlicg jcri cf rtlvxi la (reel c2T Tin Hill.' .When Ce Clulrmia ta- cvr c tS oCwr trr. Ills n.ccau notLOOcd thit oomliulie fot Coca- Ucbe sn U-xa l ttvzX u ty CommliwoMrs' art iwtt Jn crier Ja?S iryex 'lis ' Ulk I'm w:ul our" fncT Tfp arc m&I la hit Uolti wi do u vbl trtir;ji recovery, one was m cutr znn year i tuaxi aigntnea minxwr ia: -a bwti i as pk csofcK. t,rv war tos 5 Dnnns M. Fowler, J. H.l . , ;. e vlt t w rw- - , WKoi T T m W TT W PAW. 1 lW o"0 wsaii from Buninouj,: dj. wuauwa. . v mnp.w, to rent a house; hire fa cook; a nurse, DELEGATES 'TO DISTRICT COM- Death'of Mrs Xonls&''Stegail. pay thepreacher and the doctor. -He , 1' .J'VEHTIOHS". " 'J ' 'MrfLonisa Stegall, 'mother of Mrs. also has to pay town taxes. f-When The foiiowing'afetbV'delegaWto G. WI Ford died on Tuesaiy. mom the groceryman, Tom Boyle, wyit fa , Congressional; and Senatorial ing-at oclock; r' Her death was not into, bankruptcy last October it was Conventions from this county-ap- unexpected w . the had;beett in tad iouna mat poor oim ..wycae oweui Kv Dftmocratift bealta .for long ume ; noner ex. tremeoKiage provea i mt.iomi CONGRESSIONAL C03TVKSTI02C.. ; ' L. .Fowler. J. H.l Harris-XJ .came president lie has branded ia They, are among the large , property n t- t - v vi- DanviUe, yavMore than: fifty, years I f rmrtty J 1? Wilder .W- TT i flatttL .'ft0 DeraK uuo u r "Oiuc Jjow - i BTWMiwg uimv v-w 1 w "-'U ihalf ore of B citizens of thenUl hoUe their tAtea as nara w iiuiu iwo vexra. nroperiy ior sare umev wuai ii. a hen Judge Parker ! id that cor listed at he would certainly be in rations were bled by . c Chairman luck. . We would give the names of ortelyou on the strength of facts as- these distinguished gentlemen) . but erUined by the Department of Com- they are prommenymembers bf ' the and Labor, Mr. tiooseveiv re-1 cnurcn ana we ao not wisa . icq ETimberlaVJack -WlnstohVF, Vy T 4'7W 7. , H - T v T x uuer. - '--' .1 - .'.-..... tl . ' r . .t I It . tv. l - - i xt -att .rr I vertaiir aacurea ana wvea ; or au i snip ot jitiw wm 1 js :h ie doors ct pit SAm CtT em- CMitchiner. pwl MM1. . . " . T , . Sandv Creek P. A. Davis; W, r. Attorney eratni,Wp Leonard, 7. R. Pace. acnase - ,v.r6, a, T?"''-" il'SGold Mine N. C. Gupton, , H. S. !ia was branded aaa liar: I domsr busmess in the rear room of 1 1. - j . . v ; of half dozen other I men tof-Jprom- pending operations for the summer. A J Anv AW OAll.tMi Tkon annvta oTT VlOiTrT ' FlftVA t ykrk fin I ii w iiiuim. iuLnuuiji!f i limn i iiuitkr .inn uo D T . vuwt 5 i nulled. w w - o -r. -.--ify W Chandler, who is known of pH men no V in 1 . , t t r t t jiwl tj whose good fortaaV'lt wa to know 1 came very toh taihwd at rlta Ms nraagib aal Wt cf A. Cooke, W. J. Strickland, Qeo. I T i7ilI,C&-. 7 1 - Idenoe orMrrOM W.'Forxw.Wed- p through Suiadty , aod Sanday rtgrttwhal U aaU a&i Wt to ll neaFnotning at 11 o'clock, Riv. night When, ke awoU Meoday f eta wilt fx sd trsoUb WUa L. SflUMUj.1" oEciaticgv The - foX- J mortxiag hia Im Uxoott was nii aa-1 oor tior lie 73 xw cr towbff were the pallbearers. Mesara. I dilate; rjd'irUug W KUtd tbatl eteruKy: ttW'sd'. P. B. OaQn, M. IV-1 narrfaS.X WUder, a g. il Cedar Rock-T. P. Dean, T. m - ?? Bobbitt, It ILfhe tut pataiW"hirtUtTabfa are tad. M.. CUfton, I dtpafuog iu the oovsUoti. Xbe I maa to I5e cimrci Vet evt deean a. shirt wa btochl to bto; bet la tis IUckabt? la tt Code ain U- T r?15: J Dickens, J. -B. Sturdivant, M. D. T tiintiriHi nf f)rrm rMtAd nthtoiaaUemood be ovariookad the I Uackcr If tf y wre octaUa. !To aUsru tn h no BBl OUU vatoiiu. iu , w uw ,nm tuwn imv " l?Sn T r 1 . - I UUH UL'UWUU ivJl MJV IW1MWJ 1 1 - . rf. . jw n M fnr. 'ArMUfl.riML mi xmxs I armr of ixinf li&a oca aa4 Louisburg B. B. Maasenburg, C statemeuus. i " - o . .4WH CulneDDer feet 10 DIB ngui lur nwi euwwuu t waovu w ouj-g j :aU n i1Aiii..AinnJa Vi.va tit lnw Itnainou nl rrnngea wu v.uu - L"J -- . . " to Mtin. I". S. SorailL J. TL OMit. ediary to A. TB. B.Pej.H. aell. family. dolenoe 1: in review biU. And rlguUJ sett and eek. Ed ent him ahoww his i tongue call- day last &nd made 1 Married: , " " i v' Q2 for'Burope. sa Mili Cftnaiaw" ' te! In a harry to gtt to town, he lattOy I boire cukisg lar bClr-ag &e put on the albiIed', ahht over the I tanixiaa id Ciss aad v!St other two. About ot o'clock, when auWt thu-xh or Boi bet taw Wfv veiW- the atoosare b the Opera Ilocae j irod i5re t Irre la a ns,iJee.JOue, n.u. . jr, ,r.. ttrn r... ;-4 Vnrvi1T--J fij Winston, DWW": W: Spivey, J.D.Tharrjngton, B. gM ; JKeW;yorVvU Gihraltar.',to Naples matter was just on the verge of dement he faced directly about i i: a fa rhJa hmt itit thft i Mt Alv Wvseiand Mr. Marion Uoii v ei "-"q i - j j . keeDing of the Aldrich crowd. I Monk at the Baptist parsonage, Sun When Senator Chandler made some day eiternoon. The bride is a very of the facts public through Senrtor ordihtry rl who loafs around the Tillman, the President responded drugstore and pprjojpea kort .;o that he was a liar, using uipiuawuu wjv wu. - w-v yTrr language in saymg it; Intense par- cojasithanpld and tiHuU mav aDnrovAiitsack J6urse -sj wjilljfe?, 5? bat here in SUshmgt6n .universal thSe wnjf lrdd not mMtottretfem tne rresi- ana awiuw?iv? wwm ", w v , --r. w..Ja.U! heralded man of oourage proved Itne Qia man y!-vrtWn. . couple wiuvnave , anj; v ing a man for telling tne trutn. The fact of the whole bmsmess is Hara-N. B. Young, J. N. Htr- x "T , , . w -. --,..., 1 'm ST " W ' IkA I II I JW BW M " - - - rm 1 " A gandling, J. H. WHdera.Moore, .8i Trf, .w;..-fii-r;o. rJinvandG:-at Bnti.r. r ,i: t for i l irl t.:?--t! homo. oA" S? tw--r t w , around Una. Upon a thorocgh e amlnation he diacovertd that he t had on three, ahwta. t It was sach & good one that her had to tall IteepeoUily In view of the fact that aotao of there iV ! n't kr.ow lun WtH wia awDtt t- McAd8xr Lacy . . , MM -4 ao!t fcrthcr wact O L - FEOU STAUnrGX . t gwlit of 0. Cbpe3 jm, arl ; e&cck;'. The editor of the'Tnrtn acknow- mlif aliWthe edi uaPwai eier twge receipt o vaeiuuowg .h.w. , -.M T - rAii:- T3nmn T? T. Thtr. hWr- f : L i ngraiuiaiiuuB w .-w... co: I . -r i . r a l Gni?aTr i nncrton. that the President k the greatest Junius i.igaupo prxx . L T nA w ne big famffiesU teUina him isneaoseniY f r nf u advice: s lie is xne Buugiwfc W. T. with I W. Boone, H. L. Murphy, Dean, W. A. Parrish. 1 Cypress Ct eek H. Hines. Louiabur W. tV. Boddie, F. S. o . when the Bob Whites make music Sprufll, C. Wf,;;H to be the third party of the legisia- sv-r 7 KonK t mmont Wftnd hui dav lyng people dnve out . i a. .tn Via mnflt edce of the town to see a piece ot h,vo fir,: vflini- and aa coat tail srspenaea uuiu a I iwnu w..- - ... j r , I -r. - ,1 . I rr - 1-11 !!. - has been said, cannot look at a trap wire tence. it is au wiav v ine louowmg 4b without monkeying with thegprinfe. has of the editor who dared to tellthe Democrattc Township Cmmittee- If the people did not throw solmucathtfor Jmce. Thepap suspended men, the first named in i; each town-' of -aling-can dowroi- halo pnbUcation. ' ship Deingtcan: ,u .nil wnnid 'r him bv ' ' . Dunns-.K. W, Perry, W. A. Mul- ' : , ; ' f : r A Exotlrslon to Oxford :aa u nunMr. inL On account of SvJphn's Day, Sat-1 Weatherav - ent wonld be one of immense. hurtKiay ' r King, v. ii.aiee. hiiHy-body i advocati ongress of mothers r a gathering nf hiahnrm tn Via flpuAnt. in the more I tOWn." erioos matter of txanscendinff the Kowi in the good old summer time authontyof his omce and assuming wu , -u -n Jfi Sherrod.' W7 T. -Wilder. W.E. oil uiQ i . ' ; , , , . a-;a An fA tha xucaer. . UA A . V W . Mr. and Mr. iBenitmin Biee Lacy request the honor of your presence at the marriage of therr daughter ' -a r V inary to Mr. Kafcu Yaooey McAden Best; on Wed needay morning, June twenty of seventa mneieen auoureu mu iu at half after ten oplock Presbyterian Church - Raleigh, Jforth, paroJint,, -, OaToeeday.Jauo lMd. the . ... Seaboard Air line lUUway va w " aaezcuraioo from ITsnderaoa a4 Ttr14A UivTmi Franklin Bfid A M iMMV WW . w -mm - "J" from Henderson b 1X25 and the TIaf Pwrr, of XocSJbrrx, aai. train win leave thia pomt at &J50 a, m. Children under 12 years ;of age halt fare, undtfo free, ara wd be e. , Church Johmoxu i The Tnraa hae received the follow ing invhatlott: " : Mr. and.Mrs. D.F. Cooke . . -r, t tt 1 reoaesv the nonor ot len,4,. kttiAmiiHiotth'.Un!i UlltttSMrl Alio.- 4 -W8h. of Htts Anr.ia !oaa. Capu ScanHp Is at borne flk wftfe as Dltck tkirf caa't fc3 wiaa ibt msdaVre ea4iy, Wt we hc wH sooa be ao his bora woal rnyVi Tv(ii ia the best chance of the eee-Shm goee ad rht la dry rsr oouitvillUnaoa(ut.iewlal The tecsct rxr have pd ( enaUing one to spend the day at the farmers m hrry. EvwyihSg most naied summar reeorta and re- nda workatocw sal tby are ot turn home at night . Donl ta3 to go. I orar half throegh ehefjis ooasa and tanl gvl taais far lets -mooty, so roU mp yocr aieerea, Wrp and do the bcrtywa aa, With bert wiahai for the ai FtxstxLDf Tnrxa. Tnxi3 t i 1 ,n IH ' ( J - I a t t.1atr will vramtA TP.nr- I T ,f TJ to him. By andbyto wiU.be jq w J w". " " out Wa.hington knows him already, eton. from :e.gnyi,. foong. j-. - !iy and by the country will know ham and Welddn to Oxford.. Tte , Tot.ng.rtleB, erry, Jno. C. him, and then hewill be rate4 a, 10K6chedrfeaidrate.'wai p-, Winston, J. .Trarrmgton,,, J.,B, havina been the worst over estima- piy.rpm uuui r "Tr . ted man of his feneration. pomis wiu u yyy, liaieign, CECOHUS On May the i3rdt the Dlh your x presence 1 Angel came and trnmfd fromottr mama se. ox - Mise Lela Herbert Johnson, aged twenty-focr years, it ts nara r- toO C" If for ua to underttand why this dear ' Mr. Charfee' Bandotph Church. 1 young ufeeemingly so fell ofrombe on-Wedneaday morning, 4 anen the! and naefulneea, ahoald be taken. Ikxt twenty seven to, nine teen onnarea 8:15am $1.00 Fate of an Editor Who Told the Truth for Once. A North Carolina editor ; once ' an nounced that for justfor one issue he would tell the truth. Here are tffew Wake Forest 8:50 1.00 YoungsviUe 0:00; 1.00 Ldoisburg 8:40 1.00 Franklintoh 9:15 75 ittrell 9:33 75 Henderson 50 Franklinton U. B.-Whit,I. 'If Kearney,' B. W, Ballard, A H. San dling, A. S. Joyner. - Hayesville-f-R. S. Foster, W.' .M: Hayes, R. G.' Winn, G. H. Medlin, Dr;K.M. Clarke!.- nd sir, at half after nine o'clock, Methobist Episcopal Church, lioxiisburg . Korth Carol! aa. Kb cards In town. , , r -. i Sandy Creek -E. M. Gupton, W. Children under 12 years half farej j Q. Faulkner E. K. Williams, W- P. under 5 tree. , dieturnmg itaieign ijeoxiajfci. . Gold Mine Dr. J. C. choice items from the local page: MJohn Bonin, the somest man in laieaves Oxford 5K)0 m. town, took advantage of the summer There will be much amusement iapeter Collins, H. S;-Gupton, N. rates Sunday and went to the .city to gtore f0r everyone and a good : Uine (Supton, A.1). Williami. . ; "; Arrowed the money from his wife. - Wuson, J. R;Fulghum, J. P. Davis, w '7' ? had said, that te aiid made an -attempt fh cross Roberts, J. J. Barrowf .K Tocker, etectmg delegates to the Sute and is lazy." "Mrs. Wolfbiv creek wMch ww very mu District Conventions of s the party, re another 1 new .'L 11 v.'' - "rAint rkins.iiThev and the transaction of such other bus- . V i She works in the cotton mill at night. He sleeps all night and loafs all day. Mrs. Bonin is devoted to her husband, She recently threatened to pull all the hair out of anoUierwoman'shead Wause that woman haasaid,. that her husband was bophia Wyche wore another , new j gwoiieri by; the recent rains dress and Sunday an eyes making wyche has notified . the: editor to flM,am.n!l(,j tn cut one of the ..... .ii" ' . . , 1 owm -O . . ay tnat BQmmer seaside income The 'foUorer rtesdooa mm am, . m v w ' w i w we oontent ottreelrea witn t&a a4opti ny ds wkkcuj Uthoot," that the marter maaee. nolSocaety c4 tie txwsrr mktakee ' m , ' ; chorch: - TThete'ore we bow in humJ tab- "Whertas God U Us blshe wia miaaion to Id will. , t dom h removed from ccr Biln,ca How comforting If rthe thothi, April 11, 1 ; Ukrred aVr Corner Stoheikylrifir Postponed, that though she -was called away I and co-worker, Hra. Haue Wicr , The Twis is requested by Mr. A. from Earth, it must nave been unax- u, utrjare ps n rmTN H.lYann; Cialrman 0! the Commit- pectedly, yet ahe went prepared. We , 1st. Ttst la Us daaih er ool- teeofrtngementa,sUte are thus reminded to-Be ye alo ready." ty ao4 ocr have totl cos cf mocount "of niiavtahleZreaaona, the ; Mka AUoe accepted Chrkt aa bet their beat and mort ralaed meohcra, ''.. ' mm. t - k J AAJ Jf S lAM WPBW '' V I lavins of the 'obrnex stone of ' the I Savior wnen out tweire years, ca, , m e wlV j-- B. Whelesa, W?a Li PW-.haml ehurc2L loes wUch k raieJy cala. and uranannioa urweu dcuwi - www 1 , . ' .. - . l - . -5nT,fittakT;iacda Joni SKhluiuUber. J waalorf m cwuJt itt lb...ftnrbs tsaiual bi beed innonnoed. - Th. dit. t member tmtn aWa jw .pi H- c!Alr.3 1 Im- rr-T mcr been unirea in maxruiCT 4 m i&air sore wiwicsiii. 1 w sr W.B.Fo2gbTitatthe nwTedi mao-lyo Him Ira rttmnnTTH AU rmTVmmQTl. IwtoteUaw.iwtwoa., . - whom alone Uln aid comfort cask rfTn(rryiiut iut uaocz . . Unle Drownea. 1 c. e. uupton.. j : tor. GI W. Ford lost a valuable uypress ureeK-ria. a. xuatw, v .n'nnltoCoam, ol A.n.i,f n-W mnch W u dvnwnimr on SaturdaveVenTj P. Harris; XBo6ne,;E. S. Wilder, tvU nntv KAiibV rolled to td, Ja neichbor. and as a Sunday I trlr' That wt htrehy Poo red- ing last. 'A . negrb was driving" a j. Sf Ross V- --'P : I heia L6nisburgr on Saturday, I School texxher and rgxniit m cntf crd err arFtilkm of h rrartiol nloadedwithlWbAtwo'mu .tlimsburff. A..Thoma8, .C. , W. I e a i omt i-nr. at chtrrch. t r , ; : j - - r I Godlinftaa. her ctsarotJ fowaiip t 'State inai ; . , .1 iicnnaavwWiwwouat pcUitheJmthe Vaxvxxr Turxx, . ...... n r Cu FrtsLLn iTorttsi, ana dl lUcerlcr, ai a ccpy be cit to the family cf the 1cxk1. F, W, Wr ti-ras : 1L II. iiiAzxrur, -m. - m 1 . - m . -w ' e mm. - 1 a msv wrm r wi v fvirn si .1 . . ,i. i- 1. a. a , i.Mxk.s : baa s-?'. v,-.. i, ...i .... -. . . -j ii. v A y i aka i a ""'i nnmee eniminiMi iiis-im ks me? sckw . a a t w new nat w cuurci ita rvin bevond tneir aepwijf ou:ukcw v ror-T z: . ? m it4 I mourn mear iocs, irai . Shewa.the.eyno.ur. of te'neato iia'tantM ''K?1,???nT I ifS!iSSt tt. TaitoM I "WeBesa! ma hat ixiann inn WBtruuBuuuiaug uu vr'v-- j.". ' ...w- - - - m w 1 s? l- iv. 1 .nf. 1 jiw wn. of her dress cost ' tlO. Mrs. vwmw - TTi t,:. t w ?tti. t tvtw- ionUtion in the Convenuoa shall be : n-t tiuwt . . m m . t z : . m . w.ma wi rum n Tna m v ititi i ri 11 -3 1 c 1 ik 11 . .- sunder, tne plan 01 prganizauon 01 u yrau . r 1 : . -a . . i. t . -rx m. .ivA a ArrnttAtlon OI XtOrUl llTOiini. -. 1 . .. she W1U spend, pan 01 . me .nimiTg loose but could not extncaw x uxe .wemooauo , F v, v""kuh. v'TZiT- V u; - f -s " - awst athrspringshd the other. The wagon floated eome-; Cinnnttee acta instead 01 tne counxy ;y - resort! Hetnusband, whose thirig Uke two hundred, yards W tay ' om Xrta ' ' Grocox Hrrcuxtx, a IL GarTta; T. IL Suuxir, ! r i n 1. 1 1 I1! i ii1 is about 140 per month, hs . " - -4 -;- . :

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